AMH - Q1201 - Fashion Designer

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Qualification Pack

Fashion Designer
QP Code: AMH/Q1201

NSQF Level: 5

Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council || Apparel, Made-Ups and Home Furnishing
Sector Skill Council,1st Floor, Indian Buildings Congress,Kamakoti Marg,Sector-6,RK Puram

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 1
Qualification Pack

AMH/Q1201: Fashion Designer ............................................................................................................. 3
Brief Job Description ...................................................................................................................... 3
Applicable National Occupational Standards (NOS) ............................................................................. 3
Compulsory NOS ........................................................................................................................... 3
Qualification Pack (QP) Parameters .............................................................................................. 3
AMH/N0103: Maintain health,safety and security at work place .......................................................... 5
AMH/N1201: Prepare to make a design collection ............................................................................. 10
AMH/N1202: Prepare prototype garments for the collection .............................................................. 14
AMH/N1203: Evaluate Design Development Processes ...................................................................... 18
AMH/N1204: Maintain the workarea, tools, machines and computers ............................................... 22
Assessment Guidelines and Weightage ............................................................................................. 26
Assessment Guidelines ............................................................................................................... 26
Assessment Weightage ............................................................................................................... 26

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 2
Qualification Pack

AMH/Q1201: Fashion Designer

Brief Job Description

Fashion Designer should have the skills and knowledge to develop fashion design briefs and manage the
development of design concepts for commercial production. TheInitial process includes conducting market
research and trend analysis for the particular season and identifying a theme for the collection; then
creating a mood board and color board based on the theme, develop an entire range according to the
business plan and as per the theme board. After finalization on the range with the team, create the
techpack for each style. Work with different teams to create a prototype design based on the techpack.
Evaluation of the sample and documentation of the same is also done by the designer.

Personal Attributes

This job requires the individual to visualize and create the design by hand or using illustration software
(Corel Draw, Illustrator, Photoshop etc.). A designer should be up to date with emerging fashion trends, as
well as general trends relating to fabrics, coloursand shapes. He/she should also have good communication
skills, good sense of aesthetics, sound knowledge of sewing and pattern making.

Applicable National Occupational Standards (NOS)

Compulsory NOS:

1. AMH/N0103: Maintain health,safety and security at work place

2. AMH/N1201: Prepare to make a design collection

3. AMH/N1202: Prepare prototype garments for the collection

4. AMH/N1203: Evaluate Design Development Processes

5. AMH/N1204: Maintain the workarea, tools, machines and computers

Qualification Pack (QP) Parameters

Sector Apparels

Sub-Sector Apparel

Occupation Designing

Country India

NSQF Level 5

Aligned to NCO/ISCO/ISIC Code NCO-2015/7532.0100

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 3
Qualification Pack

12th Class (Preferably) with 1-2 Years of

Minimum Educational Qualification &
experience in apparel field (either in boutique or
an apparel manufacturing company)

Minimum Level of Education for Training in


Certification Course in Fashion Design,

Pre-Requisite License or Training

Minimum Job Entry Age 18 Years

Last Reviewed On 11/02/2019

Next Review Date 20/06/2021

NSQC Approval Date 20/07/2015

Version 1.0

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 4
Qualification Pack

AMH/N0103: Maintain health,safety and security at work place


This unit provides Performance Criteria, Knowledge & Understanding and Skills & Abilities required to
comply with health, safety and security requirements at the workplace and covers procedures to prevent,
control and minimize risk to self and others.

Elements and Performance Criteria

Comply with health,safety and security requirements a twork

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. comply with health and safety related instructions applicable to the workplace
PC2. use and maintain personal protective equipment as per protocol
PC3. carryout own activities in line with approved guide lines and procedures
PC4. maintain a healthy lifestyle and guard against dependency on intoxicants
PC5. follow environment management system related procedures
PC6. identify and correct(if possible) malfunctions in machinery and equipment
PC7. report any service malfunctions that cannot be rectified
PC8. store materials and equipment in line with manufacturers and organisational requirements
PC9. safely handle and move waste and debris
PC10. minimize health and safety risks to self and others due to own actions.
PC11. seek clarifications, from supervisors or other authorized personnel in case of perceived risks
PC12. monitor the workplace and work processes for potential risks and threats
PC13. carry out periodic walk-through to keep work area free from hazards and obstructions, if
PC14. report hazards and potential risks/ threats to supervisors or other authorized personnel
PC15. participate in mock drills/ evacuation procedures organized at the workplace
PC16. undertake firstaid, fire-fighting and emergency responsetraining if asked to do so
PC17. take action based on instructions in the event of fire, emergencies or accidents
PC18. follow organisation procedures for shutdown and evacuation when required

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. health and safety related practices applicable at the workplace

KU2. potential hazards, risks and threats based on nature of operations
KU3. organizational procedures for safe handling of equipment and machine operations
KU4. potential risks due to own actions and methods to minimize these
KU5. environmental management system related procedures at the workplace

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 5
Qualification Pack

KU6. layout of the plant and details of emergency exits, escape routes, emergency equipment and
assembly points
KU7. potential accidents and emergencies and response to these scenarios
KU8. reporting protocol and documentation required
KU9. details of personnel trained in first aid, fire-fighting and emergency response
KU10. actions to take in the event of a mock drills/ evacuation procedures or actual accident,
emergency or fire
KU11. occupational health and safety risks and methods
KU12. personal protective equipment and method of use
KU13. identification, handling and storage of hazardous substances
KU14. proper disposal system for waste and by-products
KU15. signage related to health and safety and their meaning
KU16. importance of sound health, hygiene and good habits
KU17. ill-effects of alcohol, tobacco and drugs

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. document and report any health and safety related incidents/ accidents
GS2. read and comprehend manuals of operations
GS3. read all organizational and equipment related health and safety manuals and documents
GS4. read instructions, guidelines/procedures/rules related to the worksite and machine
GS5. give clear instructions to co-workers, subordinates and other personnel
GS6. use correct technical terms while interacting with supervisor
GS7. make an appropriate timely decision in responding to emergencies/accidents in line with
GS8. evaluate and use correct ppe and other safety gear while at the workplace
GS9. work with supervisors/ team mates to carry out work related tasks
GS10. plan work according to the required schedule
GS11. keep work area free from potential hazards
GS12. ensure and follow organizational procedures pertaining to health and safety are followed
GS13. take appropriate actions during emergencies, accidents or fire at the workplace
GS14. resolve issues pertaining to malfunctions in machineries and report if required
GS15. identify emergency situations
GS16. identify cause effect relationship for the emergencies
GS17. analyze, evaluate and apply the information gathered from observation, experience,
reasoning, or communication to act efficiently

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 6
Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Comply with health,safety and security

8 28 - 4
requirements a twork

PC1. comply with health and safety related

1 1 - -
instructions applicable to the workplace

PC2. use and maintain personal protective

1 3 - 0.5
equipment as per protocol

PC3. carryout own activities in line with

0.5 3 - -
approved guide lines and procedures

PC4. maintain a healthy lifestyle and guard

0.5 1 - 0.5
against dependency on intoxicants

PC5. follow environment management system

0.5 1 - 0.5
related procedures

PC6. identify and correct(if possible)

0.5 4 - 0.5
malfunctions in machinery and equipment

PC7. report any service malfunctions that cannot

- 1 - -
be rectified

PC8. store materials and equipment in line with

0.5 2 - 0.5
manufacturers and organisational requirements

PC9. safely handle and move waste and debris 0.5 3 - -

PC10. minimize health and safety risks to self

0.5 1 - 0.5
and others due to own actions.

PC11. seek clarifications, from supervisors or

other authorized personnel in case of perceived - 0.5 - -

PC12. monitor the workplace and work

- 1 - -
processes for potential risks and threats

PC13. carry out periodic walk-through to keep

work area free from hazards and obstructions, if 0.5 1 - -

PC14. report hazards and potential risks/ threats

- 0.5 - -
to supervisors or other authorized personnel

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 7
Qualification Pack

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

PC15. participate in mock drills/ evacuation

0.5 1 - -
procedures organized at the workplace

PC16. undertake firstaid, fire-fighting and

0.5 2 - -
emergency responsetraining if asked to do so

PC17. take action based on instructions in the

0.5 1 - 0.5
event of fire, emergencies or accidents

PC18. follow organisation procedures for

0.5 1 - 0.5
shutdown and evacuation when required

NOS Total 8 28 - 4

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 8
Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code AMH/N0103

NOS Name Maintain health,safety and security at work place

Sector Apparels

Sub-Sector Apparel, Made-Ups & Home Furnishing

Occupation Generic

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 1.0

Last Reviewed Date 02/05/2019

Next Review Date 02/05/2023

NSQC Clearance Date 19/02/2016

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 9
Qualification Pack

AMH/N1201: Prepare to make a design collection


This unit is about how a designer designs a clothing range and gets it finalized to make the prototype


This unit/task covers the following: Conduct fashion design research Design Brief Range presentation

Elements and Performance Criteria

Conduct fashion design research& Determine key criteria for design brief
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1.. research on fashion trends and identify the emerging theme
PC2. product range and previous designs developed by the business are reviewed to assess
relevance to current design.
PC3. business processes and client goals are identified.
PC4. . research is conducted on target market, materials, designs, processes and marketing
materials according to the needs of the design
PC5. . quality standards for designs are identified.
Determine key criteria for design brief
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC6.. design themes and style requirements of design are determined
PC7.. budget, cost points and timing constraints are identified.
PC8. requirements for use of fabrics, materials, suppliers and production processes are
PC9. . client requirements are confirmed with the client

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. your organizations policies, procedures, guidelines and standards for dealing with
KU2. recognizing and adapting to cultural differences in the workplace , including modes of
behaviour and interactions
KU3. production capacity and processes of business are identified.
KU4. identifying improvements.
KU5. completing work systematically with attention to detail without damage to goods and
KU6. garment construction techniques and processes.
KU7. to do the design by hand sketches or by computer aided design (CAD)

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Qualification Pack

KU8. detailed knowledge of a range of fabrics and trims

KU9. an understanding on the cost process involved in making an apparel
KU10. costing of created designs / product ensembles with knowledge of sale ability of a product
KU11. knowledge of intellectual property rights with respect to designs

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. complete accurate well written work with attention to detail

GS2. able to communicate with others in the company and to clients in writing
GS3. follow guidelines/procedures/rules and service level agreements
GS4. read and understand the buyer/clients requirements
GS5. listen effectively and orally communicate information accurately
GS6. ask for clarification and advice from others
GS7. follow rule-based decision-making processes
GS8. make decisions on a suitable course of action or response
GS9. plan and organize your work to achieve targets and deadlines
GS10. plan processes and encourage interchange of ideas/designs
GS11. clarification on the design to be developed with the team members
GS12. assess /evaluate design processes
GS13. communicate effectively within the workplace
GS14. analyze the market trends and targets for the season
GS15. pass on relevant information to others
GS16. provide opinions on work in a detailed and constructive way
GS17. clarify and check task related information

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 11
Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Conduct fashion design research& Determine

11 39 - 6
key criteria for design brief

PC1.. research on fashion trends and identify

3 8 - 2
the emerging theme

PC2. product range and previous designs

developed by the business are reviewed to 2 7 - 1
assess relevance to current design.

PC3. business processes and client goals are

2 4 - 1

PC4. . research is conducted on target market,

materials, designs, processes and marketing 2 8 - 1
materials according to the needs of the design

PC5. . quality standards for designs are

2 12 - 1

Determine key criteria for design brief 9 31 - 4

PC6.. design themes and style requirements of

2 10 - 1
design are determined

PC7.. budget, cost points and timing

3 8 - 1
constraints are identified.

PC8. requirements for use of fabrics, materials,

suppliers and production processes are 3 12 - 1

PC9. . client requirements are confirmed with

1 1 - 1
the client

NOS Total 20 70 - 10

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 12
Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code AMH/N1201

NOS Name Prepare to make a design collection

Sector Apparels

Sub-Sector Apparel

Occupation DESIGNING

NSQF Level 5

Credits TBD

Version 1.0

Last Reviewed Date 11/02/2019

Next Review Date 11/02/2023

NSQC Clearance Date 19/02/2016

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 13
Qualification Pack

AMH/N1202: Prepare prototype garments for the collection


This unit is about how technical package is made after garment range confirmation and process of how
prototype garment is made for each range


This unit/task covers the following: Confirming design brief Specify design processes Implement design

Elements and Performance Criteria

Confirm design brief

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1.. create techpack which clearly conveys all guidelines for development of the sample
PC2. appropriate personnel are consulted with to confirm feasibility and appropriateness of
PC3. sketches, drawings and samples are used to illustrate design requirements, as appropriate
PC4. . given techpacks on the range to be finalised
Specify design processes
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC5. . required involvement of sampling merchandiser, patternmaker, tailor are identified,
finalised and briefed about the collection
PC6.. monitoring procedures and checking points are determined.
PC7.. design development personnel selected are briefed and time constraints met
PC8. construct the prototype and given to concerned dept for better understanding on the
product, if required
Implement design processes
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC9. . development of sample is monitored to ensure budget and time constraints are met
PC10.. problems or inconsistencies in sample are identified and addressed.
PC11. . evaluate the prototype sample received.

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. the organizations policies and procedures

KU2. protocol to obtain more information on work related tasks.
KU3. the limits of your role and responsibilities in relation to it service requests/incidents
KU4. who to refer problems to when they are outside the limit of your authority

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 14
Qualification Pack

KU5. your organizations equipments, templates and processes for preparing the techpackand how
to use these
KU6. details of the job role and responsibilities
KU7. your organizations knowledge base and how to use and update this
KU8. method ofobtaining/ givingfeedbackrelatedtoperformance
KU9. knowledge offabrics/apparels and garments and types of fabrics/apparels that require
stitching by hand or machine stitching
KU10. knowledge on sewing and pattern making techniques to make techpack 1. techpacks are
made for the range collection 2. use of cad or hand sketche 3. feasibility and
appropriateness of techpack consulted and confirmed 4.techpack finalised internally
KU11. elements of and principles of design and how they are used to create good design in the
fashion industry knlowedge of emboriedry by hand or machine
KU12. expertise of personnel
KU13. knowledge on quality and workplace practices
KU14. required involvement of sampling merchandiser ,patternmaker and sampling tailor identified
, drapingk
KU15. identified personnel for prototype sample development briefed

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. complete accurate well written work with attention to detail

GS2. communicate with others in writing
GS3. follow guidelines/procedures/rules and service level agreements
GS4. listen effectively and orally communicate information accurately
GS5. ask for clarification and advice from others in the team and heads
GS6. follow rule-based decision-making processes
GS7. make decisions on a suitable course of action or response
GS8. plan and organize your work to achieve targets and deadlines
GS9. apply problem-solving approaches in different situations
GS10. refer anomalies to the design head
GS11. seek clarification on problems from others
GS12. analyze the design and techpack making process
GS13. analyze needs, requirements and dependencies in order to meet your workrequirements
GS14. provide opinions on work in a detailed and constructive way to the merchandiser and if
necessary to the sampling tailor and pattern master
GS15. apply balance judgments to different situations

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 15
Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Confirm design brief 8 30 - 4

PC1.. create techpack which clearly conveys all

4 15 - 1
guidelines for development of the sample

PC2. appropriate personnel are consulted with

to confirm feasibility and appropriateness of 1 1 - 1

PC3. sketches, drawings and samples are used

to illustrate design requirements, as 2 8 - 1

PC4. . given techpacks on the range to be

1 6 - 1

Specify design processes 6 29 - 4

PC5. . required involvement of sampling

merchandiser, patternmaker, tailor are
1 1 - 1
identified, finalised and briefed about the

PC6.. monitoring procedures and checking

1 2 - 1
points are determined.

PC7.. design development personnel selected

1 1 - 1
are briefed and time constraints met

PC8. construct the prototype and given to

concerned dept for better understanding on the 3 25 - 1
product, if required

Implement design processes 9 22 - 3

PC9. . development of sample is monitored to

1 2 - 1
ensure budget and time constraints are met

PC10.. problems or inconsistencies in sample

4 8 - 1
are identified and addressed.

PC11. . evaluate the prototype sample

4 12 - 1

NOS Total 23 81 - 11

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 16
Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code AMH/N1202

NOS Name Prepare prototype garments for the collection

Sector Apparels

Sub-Sector Apparel

Occupation DESIGNING

NSQF Level 5

Credits TBD

Version 1.0

Last Reviewed Date 11/02/2019

Next Review Date 11/02/2023

NSQC Clearance Date 19/02/2016

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 17
Qualification Pack

AMH/N1203: Evaluate Design Development Processes


This unit is about how to review the prototype garment developed for the collection


This unit/task covers the following: Evaluate design development Complete documentation

Elements and Performance Criteria

Evaluate design development process

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1.. analyze the prototype sample alongwith the design team
PC2. coordinate along with design team to check sample against the techpack given to the
sampling merchandiser, the look and feel and fit of the sample
PC3. identify the prototype for the feasibility of the garment in terms of sourcing of the fabric and
the trims available for the span of production
PC4. . identify various product testing to proceed with prototype
PC5. . incorporate modification of the sample until approved for final production
PC6.. get approval on the prototype/final techpack,agreement finalized with the client
Complete documentation
To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC7.. document design brief, development processes and outcomes
PC8. complete documentation processes, including filing and storing

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. your organizations policies, procedures and priorities for your area of work and your role and
responsibilities in carrying out your work
KU2. limits of your responsibilities when coordinating with other department
KU3. your specific work requirements and who these must be agreed with
KU4. the importance of having a tidy work area and how to do this
KU5. how to prioritize your workload according to urgency and importance and the benefits of this
KU6. your organizations policies and procedures for dealing with confidential information and the
importance of complying with these
KU7. the purpose of keeping others updated with the progress of your work
KU8. who to obtain guidance from and the typical circumstances when this may be required
KU9. the purpose and value of being flexible and adapting work plans to reflect change
KU10. the importance of understanding of the development process

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 18
Qualification Pack

KU11. appropriate timescales for completing your work and the implications of not meeting these
for you and the organization
KU12. ability to strengthen teams awareness
KU13. awareness to reduce development and company cost
KU14. resources needed for your work and how to obtain and use these

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. complete accurate work with attention to detail

GS2. read instructions, guidelines, procedures, rules and service level agreements
GS3. ask for clarification and advice from line managers
GS4. communicate orally with colleagues
GS5. ask for clarification and advice from others in the team and heads
GS6. make decisions on suitable courses
GS7. plan and organize your work to achieve targets and deadlines
GS8. agree objectives and work requirements
GS9. refer anomalies to the line manager
GS10. seek clarification on problems from others
GS11. provide relevant information to others
GS12. analyze needs, requirements and dependencies in order to meet your work requirements
GS13. apply judgments to different situations

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 19
Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Evaluate design development process 13 42 - 7

PC1.. analyze the prototype sample alongwith

3 6 - 1
the design team

PC2. coordinate along with design team to check

sample against the techpack given to the
1 5 - 1
sampling merchandiser, the look and feel and fit
of the sample

PC3. identify the prototype for the feasibility of

the garment in terms of sourcing of the fabric
2 5 - 1
and the trims available for the span of

PC4. . identify various product testing to

4 10 - 2
proceed with prototype

PC5. . incorporate modification of the sample

2 14 - 1
until approved for final production

PC6.. get approval on the prototype/final

1 2 - 1
techpack,agreement finalized with the client

Complete documentation 7 28 - 3

PC7.. document design brief, development

3 14 - 2
processes and outcomes

PC8. complete documentation processes,

4 14 - 1
including filing and storing

NOS Total 20 70 - 10

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 20
Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code AMH/N1203

NOS Name Evaluate Design Development Processes

Sector Apparels

Sub-Sector Apparel

Occupation DESIGNING

NSQF Level 5

Credits TBD

Version 1.0

Last Reviewed Date 11/02/2019

Next Review Date 11/02/2023

NSQC Clearance Date 19/02/2016

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 21
Qualification Pack

AMH/N1204: Maintain the workarea, tools, machines and computers


This unit provides Performance Criteria, Knowledge & Understanding and skills & abilities required to
organize/maintain work areas and activities to ensure tools and machines are maintained as per norms.


This unit/task covers the following: Maintainthe work area, tools and machines

Elements and Performance Criteria

Maintainthe work area, tools and machines and computers

To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1.. handle materials, drawing and pattern draftingtools,equipmentandthe system for computer
designing with care
PC2. use correct handling procedures.
PC3. use materials to minimize waste
PC4. . use of measuring devices effectively
PC5. . maintain tools and equipment
PC6.. carry out running maintenance withina greed schedules
PC7.. carry out maintenance and/or cleaning with in ones responsibility
PC8. report unsafe equipment and other dangerous occurrences
PC9. . workin a comfortable position with the correct posture
PC10.. use cleaning equipment and methods appropriate for the work to be carried out
PC11. . dispose of waste safely in the designat end location
PC12. . carry out cleaning according to schedules and limits of responsibility
PC13.. request for up gradation of system or softwares when required for effective working
PC14.. always a backup file to be maintained when working on various design softwares
PC15. . all soft copies of design work to be maintained in files as well for future

Knowledge and Understanding (KU)

The individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KU1. personal hygiene and duty of care

KU2. safe working practices and organizational procedures
KU3. limits of your own responsibility
KU4. ways of resolving with problems within the work area
KU5. the production process and the specific work activities that relate to the whole process
KU6. the importance of effective communication with colleagues
KU7. the lines of communication, authority and reporting procedures

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 22
Qualification Pack

KU8. work instructions and specifications and interpret the maccurately

KU9. method to make use of the information detailed in specifications
KU10. relation between work role and the overall manufacturing process
KU11. the importance of taking action when problems are identified
KU12. different ways of minimizing waste
KU13. the importance of running maintenance and regular cleaning
KU14. effects of contamination on products i.e. machine oil, dirt
KU15. common faults with equipment and the method to rectify
KU16. maintenance procedures
KU17. hazards likely to be encountered when conducting routine maintenance
KU18. different types of cleaning equipment and substances and their use
KU19. safe working practices for cleaning and the method of carrying them out

Generic Skills (GS)

User/individual on the job needs to know how to:

GS1. write the instructions in local language

GS2. read all the regarding the machineries, working posture and tools in the local language also
GS3. communicate the with co-workers in local language
GS4. take appropriate decisions regarding to responsibilities
GS5. plan and manage work routine based on company procedure
GS6. solve operational role related issues

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 23
Qualification Pack

Assessment Criteria

Theory Practical Project Viva

Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks

Maintainthe work area, tools and machines and

9 31 - 5

PC1.. handle materials, drawing and pattern

draftingtools,equipmentandthe system for 0.5 2 - 0.5
computer designing with care

PC2. use correct handling procedures. 1 2 - -

PC3. use materials to minimize waste 0.5 1 - -

PC4. . use of measuring devices effectively 0.5 1 - 0.5

PC5. . maintain tools and equipment 1 3 - 0.5

PC6.. carry out running maintenance withina

0.5 4 - -
greed schedules

PC7.. carry out maintenance and/or cleaning with

0.5 4 - -
in ones responsibility

PC8. report unsafe equipment and other

0.5 - - 0.5
dangerous occurrences

PC9. . workin a comfortable position with the

1 3 - 0.5
correct posture

PC10.. use cleaning equipment and methods

0.5 3 - 0.5
appropriate for the work to be carried out

PC11. . dispose of waste safely in the designat end

0.5 1 - 0.5

PC12. . carry out cleaning according to schedules

0.5 4 - 0.5
and limits of responsibility

PC13.. request for up gradation of system or

0.5 - - 0.5
softwares when required for effective working

PC14.. always a backup file to be maintained when

0.5 2 - 0.5
working on various design softwares

PC15. . all soft copies of design work to be

0.5 1 - -
maintained in files as well for future

NOS Total 9 31 - 5

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 24
Qualification Pack

National Occupational Standards (NOS) Parameters

NOS Code AMH/N1204

NOS Name Maintain the workarea, tools, machines and computers

Sector Apparels

Sub-Sector Apparel

Occupation DESIGNING

NSQF Level 4

Credits TBD

Version 1.0

Last Reviewed Date 11/02/2019

Next Review Date 11/02/2023

NSQC Clearance Date 19/02/2016

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 25
Qualification Pack

Assessment Guidelines and Assessment Weightage

Assessment Guidelines

1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each
Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also
lay down proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC

2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the

3. Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the selected
elective/option NOS/set of NOS. examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below)

4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each
candidate at each.

5. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student
at each examination/training center based on this criteria.

6. To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should score a minimum of 70% aggregate in QP.

7. In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack.

Recommended Pass % aggregate for QP : 70

Assessment Weightage

Compulsory NOS

National Occupational Theory Practical Project Viva Total

Standards Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks

health,safety and security 8 28 - 4 40 10
at work place

AMH/N1201.Prepare to
20 70 - 10 100 25
make a design collection

prototype garments for the 23 81 - 11 115 29

Design Development 20 70 - 10 100 25

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 26
Qualification Pack

National Occupational Theory Practical Project Viva Total

Standards Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks

AMH/N1204.Maintain the
workarea, tools, machines 9 31 - 5 45 11
and computers

Total 80 280 - 40 400 100

NSQC Approved || Apparel, Madeups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council 27

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