Suggested Plan: Reliance Nippon Life Increasing Income Insurance Plan (UIN: 121N108V03)
1. The product suitability assessment report is based on the information provided by customer.
2. Product parameters mentioned above are indicative. The parameters may change basis the underwriting decision.
3. For more details on risk factor, terms and conditions, please read Sales brochure of the plan carefully before concluding a sale.
4. It is customers responsibility to carefully read the suitability assessment report and ascertain if the product recommendation meets his insurance requirements before
concluding the sale.
I hereby confirm that the product (s) recommended above is based on the I hereby acknowledge and confirm that I have read and understood the
information submitted by the prospect as part of the suitability assessment. recommendations made above based on the information provided by me at the
time of suitability assessment exercise before concluding the sale. I further
confirm that I have made the decision to purchase the above recommended
product (s) after having understood the product (s) features which are consistent
with my Insurance needs and financial objectives.
Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company Limited is a licensed life insurance company registered with the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
(Registration No: 121) in accordance with the provisions of the Insurance Act 1938.
The illustration takes into account the guidelines for illustrations set by the Life Insurance Council and the IRDAI. Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are
variable with returns based on the future performance of your life insurance company. If your policy offers guaranteed returns then these will be clearly marked ³guaranteed´
in the illustration table on this page. If your policy offers variable returns then the illustrations on this page will show two different rates of assumed investment returns. These
assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and they are not upper or lower limits of what you might get back as the value of your policy is dependent on a number of factors
including future investment performance.
The Benefit Illustration is intended to show year-wise premiums payable and benefits under the Policy.
Policy Details
Amount of
Policy Premium Annualized Sum Assured on Death (at
Instalment Premium Base Sum Assured
Plan Option and Rider Term Payment Term Premium inception of the policy)
(with year 1 GST rate Rs.
(in Years) (in Years) Rs. Rs.
and cess, if any) Rs.
Policy Option: Income With Maturity Benefit
24 12 95,694.00 100,000.23 416,259 1,052,634
Location Details
Premium Summary
Total Instalment
Premium Base Plan Riders NSAP Extra
Instalment Premium with GST 2nd Year Onwards Rs. 97,847.12 97,847.12
(Amount in Rupees.)
Guaranteed Non Guaranteed
Policy Age Annualized Survival Other Benefits (if Maturity Death Min Guaranteed Special Surrender Value
Year (in Premium Benefits any) Benefit Benefit Surrender Value Surrender Value Rs.
Years) Rs. (Income Benefit Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
paid during the
policy year) Rs.
1 33 95,694 0 0 0 1,052,634 0 0 0
Notes: Annualized Premium excludes underwriting extra premium, frequency loadings on premiums, the premiums paid towards the riders, if any and Goods and Services
Tax and cess, if any.
1. Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company Limited is a licensed life insurance company registered with the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
(Registration No: 121) in accordance with the provisions of the Insurance Act 1938
2. This document is for illustrative purposes only.
3. This illustration is based on the terms and conditions of the life insurance policy as on the date of the illustration
4. The premium amount shown above is calculated assuming that the Life Assured is a normal healthy person & all premiums are paid when due.
5. In the event the Life Assured / Proposer is suffering from any sickness/ medical problems or in the event of any past medical history, the premium may be adjusted
accordingly, as per the Board Approved Underwriting Policy
6. This premium quotation is indicative. The premium rate charged to the customer may be different depending upon the factors such as health, tobacco consumption,
occupation of the customer and other intrinsic factors such as non submission of documentary evidences like age proof.
7. For details of the rates and the terms and conditions applicable to your policy, kindly refer to the specifications in the policy document after issuance.
8. Applicable Goods and Services Tax (GST) along with Cess, if any, is levied on first year and renewal premiums on base policy premium and on rider premiums. The GST
rate and Cess, if any, will be revised as and when notified by the Government. Taxes, duties or surcharges of whatever description levied by any statutory authority will be
applicable. Current GST rate (including cess, if any) for base product are provided in above illustration. Current GST rate (excluding cess, if applicable) for rider
premiums is << 18% p.a. >>
9. Tax benefits under the policy are subject to conditions under the Income Tax Act, 1961. Tax laws are subject to amendments from time to time. Please consult your tax
10. The policy acquires Surrender Value after full premiums have been paid for two consecutive years
11. The Surrender Value payable shall be the higher of Guaranteed Surrender Value (GSV) and Special Surrender Value (SSV), wherein, GSV is the minimum guaranteed
Surrender Value payable and Special Surrender Value (SSV) is non guaranteed. The Company reserves the rights to change the SSV Factor from time to time depending
on the economic environment, experience and other factors, subject to IRDAI approval. You are requested to check with the Company for the applicable Special
Surrender Value from time to time.
12. The illustration assumes that all premiums are paid when due. Further, the above death and surrender values (if applicable) are illustrated assuming that all the
modal/installment premium payable in a policy year are paid and the death/surrender occurs at the end of the policy year. The death or surrender values at a time other
than at the end of the policy year may be different than those illustrated above. If death or surrender occur and only some of the modal/ installment premium are paid, then
the death or surrender values may be different than those illustrated above.
13. For more details on risk factor, terms and conditions, please read Sales brochure of the plan carefully before concluding a sale.
14. In the event of conflict, if any, between the terms and conditions contained in this Benefit Illustration and those contained in the policy document, the terms and
conditions contained in the policy document shall prevail.
15. Rider benefits, if any have not been illustrated in the above Benefit Illustration table. Kindly refer the terms and conditions of the rider for detailed benefits under the
riders opted, if any.
I SUMAN KUNDU , have explained the premiums, and benefits under the I SUBHAS KARMAKAR, having received the information with respect to the
product fully to the prospect / policyholder. above, have understood the above statement before entering into the contract.
Reliance Nippon Life Insurance Company Limited is a licensed life insurance company registered with the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
(Registration No: 121) in accordance with the provisions of the Insurance Act 1938.