Research-Chap-1-3 (Example)
Research-Chap-1-3 (Example)
Research-Chap-1-3 (Example)
Reambillo, Russel S.
Chapter 1
and competitive state universities here in the Philippines. It is composed of over 70,000
students in 22 branches and campuses, and one of the biggest producers of highly
competent and responsible professionals not only in the Philippines but in other countries as
which is the K to 12 Basic Curriculum Program, to facilitate the transition from the existing
10-year basic education to 12 years or Senior high school before going to college,
Department of Education and Basic Education Curriculum provide a list of core and applied
subjects to be offered in Grades 11 and 12, and to make sure that students are taking the
General Mathematics, Earth and Life Science, Oral Communication, and Reading
and Writing are the examples of core subjects, while Practical Research is one of the
example for applied subject, for the past 3 years, by the RA 10533 or Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013 PUP implemented this curriculum and successfully finished the first
dreamed of entering this institution, there are different students with different status in life,
from people that in need, to average people, and financially stable ones. There are some of
the students who are not lucky enough to study in this university.
One of the hardest related courses is Practical Research, the students of GAS
strand have to undertake 5 courses with aligned to research, Practical Research 1, Practical
Investigation and Immersion and Research. According to Dr. Patrick McGrath (2014) in his
10 reasons why he hate research 4 years ago, research destroys some of the students with
great potential and crushes some of the best and brightest minds, research fails a lot of the
time, and sometimes research takes longer than you think it should to do a study.
On the other hand, research plays a huge role in improving not only our knowledge
but the country as well. “ Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think
what nobody else has thought ” so research is helping us see and understand how and what
society thinks, and finally research can also extrapolate how a city would likely to expand.
For some instances, without research we are not ready to face the brutal forces of
nature, we are weak and defenceless. For example, without zoology, we would be unable to
know about studies of animal kingdom including their structures, branches and animals that
are existing and animals that already extinct, and conducting research as well, we would not
be able to know various problems and how to solve it, and to learn new knowledge on how
This research aims to determine the effects of Practical Research subject in financial
difficulties and mental health of the Grade 12 Senior High School student in Polytechnic
3. Does the teachers knew the situation of every students conducting research in mental
4. What are the effects of research to the GAS students in terms of mental health?
5. What are the effects of research to the GAS students in terms of financial challenges?
Theoretical framework:
This study requires every doctorate to have a theoretical framework that was
discussed in the literature review section. The theoretical framework is important because it
According to Tanni and Sormunen (2008) they used the term "learning task" and
"learning assignment" as the same meaning as the teacher-designed but learn-centered and
learning activity that only focuses on the specific area of knowledge. The aim of this learning
task is to help the learner achieve specified learning outcomes. But, Limberg (2007) stated
that each students experience the task given by the teachers differently.
Laws of learning (2005) defines the law of involvement where the students learn best
when they are actively part of the discussion. There are many ways on how a student easily
learn the discussion, it does not only involves the students but the teachers as well. The
communication skills of a teacher have a significant role in the academic performance of the
students, so the teachers need to adopt a good communication skills while teaching the
The theoretical ideas that includes above are the support to the importance of
studying communicative interaction in the classroom, students' call for help to the teacher
that indicate zone of intervention. Also, the teacher can read sign of students getting stuck
and offer self-initiated support. Analyzing students' gestures or expressions for help provides
deep knowledge about the types of issues that the student struggling with. This issue might
help the teacher on how they will interact to the students and what strategies they will use to
Conceptual framework:
Intervening Variable
Three (3) factors that can help teachers to be more effective mentors to the learner
The research aims to determine the effects of research related course in mental
health and financial challenges of the Senior High school students. This aims to inform
specifically Grade 12 students of Polytechnic University of the Philippines Sta. Mesa Manila,
Therefore, the insight or data will only be limited for the ten chosen students of GAS strand
to present their perceptions on how the Practical Research subject can affect their financial
Dep Ed: This study can be their guide to know what are the things that they could change in
their curriculum.
Teacher: This study can be their guide to teach their students the possibilities of what can
happen on their students, when they give a research that may affect their student’s
Parents: This study can be used to inform the parents for the possibilities that could
happen to their children in terms of mental health. And also to know deeper for the positive
may encounter in the school, this study can be used for some references and educational
Researchers: This study can help them in the future for their research, they can get their
sources in this study that will help them to make their research easier.
Students: This study can help them in the future. This will help them in conducting more
research, it will be easy for them to cite their related literature about their research.
Chapter 2
This chapter includes some related literature and studies of foreign and local which are
Integration in Public Health Annual Review of Public Health (2009) the purpose of
research is to notify action. We accept the fact that a research is empirical rather than
making a hypothesis about what might be effective or what could work. We utilizes
technique that can be copy and produces result that are observed by the peers, and
the researcher make a preparation for their research, there is a big chance that this
research structure will get the individual’s emotional response. This is very important to
the researcher for they can go deeper for an emotional response that will lead them to a
state of well-being in which individuals realize their own potential, can cope with the
normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and able to make a
contribution to community." in this statement it is clearly states that mental health is good
learning and provide students a potential method for learning and make them explore on
research which are: boosting prosperity by providing solution for something and support
working life and lastly, support individuals in mental ability to grow more . it also
In United Kingdom (UK), Universities usually often to talk about how to conduct a
research especially if they are the top ranking university on the area . Some of the research
of a university are not even published to their University's website. Researchers think that
the educational institutions. Researching has its direct impact especially to students who
take units on it. Finally, and perhaps the most important thing on taking up a research
related course, its huge effect on the students for they can be a globally aware citizens and
having such an up-to-date knowledge in the society. it also benefits students to provide
Brunson’s (2017) study found that in his interview with emotional intelligence
expert and author Justin Bariso (2017), "Oprah spends a disproportionate amount of her
time gathering information from communities of people outside of her core (different age
groups, social classes, ethnicities, education levels, careers, etc.) and then she shares
that information within her community." This kind of effort shows the necessary role of
Santos’s (2018) study found that stress is inescapable in any condition and
situation. Every one of us whether you are rich, attractive, powerful, or happy experience
stress. However, stress may take differently depending on the situation and how one
recognize stress.
cognitive behavioural and physiological process that occurs as a person tries to adjust to
or deal with stressors". In this statement the stress is understood in many walk of life with
As stated by Cuerpo (2017) the academic stress that the students are
however, that if a student is having a hard time coping with academic stress then there
needs to know what it is and it causes, in order to cope with it well. He claims that
students experience stress since some are trying to cope up with the demands of
adapting to a new living environment, new peers, academic pressure, and sexual
concerns. Being in college can also put financial stress on the students and their families.
A 20-year old graduating student commits suicide and found dead in their
dormitory, Philip John Altubar is a candidate of cum laude at the College of Science and
(MSU-ITT). He was one of the honor students in their institution and a scholar as well.
Around 3 pm Altubar found by his dorm mate dead inside the toilet while hanging using a
leather belt attached to a steel towel hanger. Altubar said to his suicidal letter that he was
afraid not to graduate in magna cum laude and committed suicide due to pressure
According to Bocar (2009) of the De La Salle University. She concludes that “the
learning which the student-researchers got from their class discussion and applied in the
conduct of their research work is not the very reason that results in serious academic
difficulties and failures. The cooperation of the chosen respondents beyond the academic
institution is a very crucial problem. To some extent students also felt that those personal
problem like time and stress management may disturb their concentration.” It only states
here that there are different kinds of challenges in conducting a research that may cause
Leal (2012) stated that T-test was used to evaluate the differences between male
and female on how they handle stress. The results revealed that the graduating students
of Isabela State University San Mateo campus experienced the different causes and
sources, the effects and coping mechanisms of stress, the graduating students
experienced academic pressures and the causes and sources of stressor. Results also
showed that effects of stressor is different between male and female. Therefore,
knowledge of the causes and sources, the effects and coping mechanisms of stress help
college students confront stress constructively. So, the faculty and also the administration
shall strengthen the Guidance Program considering the physical, psychological and
Financial stress may also affect the academic performance of the students. In
Scott-Clayton’s study (2012), he mentioned that over the pass few decades, more
students are working more hours. Therefore, an increase number of students must
As a whole, the literature and studies that were used are the supportive of the
variables used in this study, which especially talks about; The effects of conducting research
in mental and financial aspects of the senior high school GAS students in Polytechnic
University of the Philippines. This reviewed literature and study will be your guide to know
This chapter includes the Review of the Related Literature that we have found as the
researchers conducted this study. One of the effects that the researchers included for the
literature and study is the positive effects and the benefits of conducting research. The
researchers also included the country of Finland, wherein it is also known as the one of
successful country in terms of educational system. The education system of Finland only
focuses on the academic study which aims to enhance the capability of the students in
learning. Thus, for United Kingdom (UK) University the research has a huge effect on the
students for they can be a globally aware citizens and having such an up-to-date knowledge
in the society. It also benefits students to provide more efficient solution for a problem.
The researchers included the negative effects for the literature and studies. It states
there that stress can affect the academic performance of every student, in different aspects
like mental stress and financial difficulties, some of this articles reported suicide because of
pressure and the causes and sources of stressor, and experienced challenges while
conducting a research.
Chapter 3
This chapter presents the research methodologies used in the study. This includes the
Research Design
Case study is the type of qualitative research that the researchers used in
conducting this study. This kind of research is portrayed on account of its all
issues. In this type of research, the researchers thinks about the circumstance through
the experience and point of view of the respondents. This type of qualitative research
gives a full depiction of the topic individual's encounters, emotions, perspectives and
convictions. The focus of this study is to determine the effects of research in mental and
financial aspect of the senior high school gas student whenever they conducting a
research whether it is positive or negative effect. As for this study, we will be having a
one-on-one interview from the students that are randomly selected from different section
of General Academic Strand (GAS). The purpose of the interview is to express the
The subjects of this study were the Grade 12 students of Senior High School at
Polytechnic University of the Philippines in Sta. Mesa Manila. Their ages ranged from 17
to 19 years old. The researcher selected two graduating students from General Academic
Strand (GAS) only. The respondents were 10 selected students which came from
Data-gathering Procedure
Once the researcher finalized the preparation for the interview, the researcher will
conduct and prepare the questions that are relative to the study for the interviewees. The
aim of the questions that will be made is to know the insight of students regarding to the
researchers topic which is the effect of conducting Research in mental health and
participants of the study will be randomly selected from Grade 12 General Academic
Strand (GAS), two students per section. In doing this kind of interview, the researchers
will be applying the basic needed skills for being a qualitative researcher. The kind of
interview that the researcher chose is a one-on-one conversation from the chosen