Third Grading Lesson Plan
Third Grading Lesson Plan
Third Grading Lesson Plan
Day 1
I. Objectives:
1. Investigate the properties of sounds; (S4FE-IIIh-5)
2. Identify objects that produce soft or loud sound (S4FE-IIIh-5);
3. Infer that sound could be loud or soft (S4FE-IIIh-5);
4. Describe the sound that an object produce (S4FE-IIIf-g-4);
5. Describe that the volume of sounds decreases as the distance of the observer moves further
from the source of sound; (S4FE-IIIf-g-4)
6. Show the importance of sounds in our daily life through oral participation. (S4FE-IIIi-j-6)
Topic: Loud and Soft Sounds
References: k-12 Curriculum Guide in Science 4
Science (Health and Environment Towards an Active and Responsible Living,
Lilia R. Villanueva, pp. 263-66.
Flight to Discovery 3, Victoria A. Palomar, pp. 204-209.
Science Spectrum 3, Fallaria et. al., pp. 196-197.
Science and Health 3, (Textbook), Coronel, pp. 148-149.
A. Review
Recall what the pupils have learned about the previous lesson by asking some volunteers
from the class.
B. Motivation
Tell the pupils that you are going to play a game entitled “Bird Box”. In this game,
the pupils will close their eyes and will going to listen and identify the sounds
around them.
Then the teacher will ask the following questions:
What are the sounds you hear?
How where you able to identify the sounds?
The teacher will write on the board the sounds that the pupils heard and
arrange it into soft and loud sounds. Then ask, what have you observed
on the groupings of the sounds you heard?
The teacher will then introduce the lesson and tell the pupils that they will
investigate the properties of sound.
C. Pre-assessment of Target Skills(Diagnostic Assessment)
The teacher will ask the pupils the meaning of soft sound and loud sound to assess if the
pupils have prior knowledge of the lesson.
D. Introduction
The teacher will tell the pupils that they are going to conduct the following
Activity 1
Soft or Loud?
What to know: How can we make loud or soft sounds? What causes
loud or soft sounds?
What to do: 1. Clap your hands slowly and lightly three times. Listen to
the sound.
2. Clap your hands faster and stronger three times. Listen
to the sound.
3. Compare the first clapping and the second one.
Activity 2
Higher, Lower
Activity 3
Group the class into 3 according to their learning needs.
Activity 1 (Using Role Playing/Drama Strategy) - Fast Learners
The group will sound out the pictures of objects inside the box given to them.
Let the pupils show their creativity in this activity.
(Group presentation of output and immediate feedback from teacher and pupils)
The teacher will play a short video for the deepening of the lesson
F. Independent Practice
Read each situation. Let the pupils answer each question briefly.
You are watching your favourite television show while your baby brother is sleeping.
What will you do so as not to waken up your sleeping baby brother?
When you speak loudly, do you easily tire? Why?
Why is it good to lower the volume of the radio and/or television set?
What are other ways of conserving sound energy?
Show pictures of objects with no sounds such as an ambulance with no sirens, a fire truck
with no sirens, an alarm clock that doesn’t alarm…..etc…..
What can you say about the pictures?
What will happen if there is no sound on that object?
What will be the impact of this situation to the community/people?
What will happen if there will be no sounds around us?
How about for those people who are deaf and mute? How did we value those people?
When are we going to use soft sounds? Loud sounds?
The teacher will further discuss the topic to instill good values to the pupils.
Prepared by:
Principal I