Foundational Skills Decodable Protocol
Foundational Skills Decodable Protocol
Foundational Skills Decodable Protocol
Decodable Readers offer a wealth of learning opportunities for students. The protocol below
demonstrates the varied ways in which these texts can be used in the classroom. A sample has been
provided. Note: More than one read can happen in a given lesson.
1st Choral Lead choral reading Students can hear a fluent read. Teacher can
Read Note- which students are struggling? note specific needs for decoding (student or
Which words present hesitations? whole group)
2nd Students read Allow time for independent read- Allows students to all work independently.
Read independently monitor for word challenges. Teacher can monitor individual needs.
Follow with more time for Gives time to assess any and all
comprehension questions. comprehension needs- it is important that all
students are fully comprehending before
Cold call for questions, varying who is moving on. (sample comprehension
called on. questions, below.)
3rd Echo or Choral Teacher models fluent reading of the Echo read if more support is needed. This
read text. time allows the students to hear fluent
models, and the teacher to monitor accurate
Echo reading (teacher, then student) or decoding and automaticity. Note- do not
choral reading to follow. expect student reading to sound as fluent as
the teacher model. Fluency should be
prioritized in late first grade as decoding with
automaticity is solid.
4th Buddy/ Paired 1 student reads, 1 follows along, and Reading work is on the students. Teacher can
read Reading then switch. listen to each pair and note any challenges
(what and where). Patterns (sight words,
Whole group reviewing challenges that sound/spelling patterns, etc) can be noted
come up from sight words or sound and shared whole group.
spelling patterns during the student
reading time. Buddy reading can also be a center activity.
Later Foundational Text based games and tasks that See sample below
reads Skills Games and reinforce phonics patterns and support
Activities student fun with language.
Sample Decodable Protocol with content
2 Which word is the same spelled word play, initial and ending sound
forwards and backwards?
If you take away the first letter of the phoneme substitution
first word and replace it with the first
letter of the second word you get
something sweet, what is it? Pronounce
comparing sounds (CVC vs CVCe)
Does the letter “a” make the same
sound in Sam as it does in James?
3 There are two ways the /e/ sound is vowel sound spelling
spelled on this page, what are they?
What word ends with a /z/ sound? final consonant sounds
What letters are making the /a/ sound in
vowel sound spelling
the first word on this page?