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An Overview of the Re/ning Process

Crude oil refineries employ some of the United States’ top scientists, engineers, and
safety professionals to ensure that products are produced efficiently and safely. US
refineries process about 17 million barrels of crude oil a day. Refinery configurations vary,
but US refineries are undeniably some of the world’s most sophisticated.

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Much like a simple still, in a distilling column, liquid is heated to a vapor and lifted
upward to be distilled again into separate substances. This is the beginning of the
refining process. Distilling exploits the characteristic of the chemicals in crude oil to boil
at different temperatures, a phenomenon that engineers chart along distillation curves.
Unlike a still, a distilling column contains a set of trays that allow heated vapors to rise
and collect at different levels, separating out the various liquids derived from crude oil.
The top of the column is cooler than the bottom, so as liquids vaporize and rise, they
condense again, collecting onto their respective trays. Butane and other light products
rise to the top of the column, while straight-run gasoline, naphtha, kerosene, diesel, and
heavy gas oil gather on the trays, leaving straight run residue at the base of the column.
Liquids are considered “heavy” or “light” based on their specific gravity, which is
determined based on its weight and density compared to that of water.


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Because there is more demand for some distilled products like gasoline, refiners have
an incentive to convert heavy liquids into lighter liquids. The term cracking comes from
the process of breaking up long hydrocarbon molecules into smaller, more useful
molecules. The cracking process converts heavy straight run liquids into gasoline.
There are multiple versions of the cracking process, and refiners use the process
extensively. Cracking is a highly controlled process, so cracking units exist separate from
distillation columns. The most common type of cracking is “cat cracking,” named for the
use of catalysts, substances added to a chemical reaction to speed up the process.


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The process of reforming was developed to raise both the quality and volume of
gasoline produced by refiners. Using a catalyst again, after a series of reforming
processes, substances are converted into aromatics and isomers, which have much
higher octane numbers than the paraffins and napthenes produced by other refinery
processes. Most simply, reforming rearranges the naphtha hydrocarbons to create
gasoline molecules. The reforming process produces reformate, which is needed to
increase the octane for today’s cleaner burning fuels. Interestingly, hydrogen is also
produced by the catalytic reforming process - this hydrogen is then used in other
refining processes such as hydrotreating.

Crude oil naturally contains contaminants such as sulfur, nitrogen, and heavy metals,
which are undesirable in motor fuels. The treating process, primarily hydrotreating,
removes these chemicals by binding them with hydrogen, absorbing them in separate
columns, or adding acids to remove them. The recovered molecules are then sold to
other industries. Refineries that process sour crudes produce more sulfur than refineries
that process sweet crudes. Following the treatment, blending, and cooling processes,
the liquids finally look like the fuels and products you’re familiar with: gasoline,
lubricants, kerosene, jet fuel, diesel fuel, heating oil, and petrochemical feedstocks that
are needed to create the plastics and other products you use every day.

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The last major step of the refining process is blending various streams into finished
petroleum products. The various grades of motor fuels are blends of different streams
or “fractions” such as reformate, alkylate, catalytically cracked gasoline, etc.
Refineries blend compounds obtained either from their internal refining process
operations as noted above, or externally, to make gasoline that meets specifications for
acceptable motor vehicle performance. A typical refinery may produce as many as 8 to
15 different streams of hydrocarbons that they then must mix into motor fuels. Refiners
might also mix in additives like octane enhancers, metal deactivators, anti-oxidants,
anti-knock agents, rust inhibitors, or detergents into their hydrocarbon streams.
Blending can take place at the refinery along the pipelines and tanks that house
processed fuel or even at off-site locations or on ships or terminals once the fuel has
left the refinery gate.


Adventures in Energy
American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers: The Refinery Process
Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Petroleum Refining Process
U.S. Energy Information Administration: Today in Energy
Encyclopedia Britannica: Petroleum Refining
How Stuff Works: How Oil Refining Works

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Leffler, William L. (2008). Petroleum Refining: In Nontechnical Language (4th Ed.)

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