and Soe 5 Govt. of India i
ira, BocioPofto, Directorate, cPWwO Sa
0 Rp ve g sine €SQ, C&M Unit
TIE Ses: 335-A, Nirman Bhawan
335-9, Prater was, af fRech—110011 Newbee
woe ec Telefax - 23061838
ae ae Email -
Ho: a /14— (GER) /aeeifSre / 02 / 2018 feria
No. C/14-I(Super)/ Composite/ 02/2018 Dated: £2-oF RAF
orders aes 08 (Hrifere—1(ErR)}
Office Order 08 {Composite —I(Super)
yerteern, ocioofte Mafetaa of at ga fr oS seh) wate of AF ge
area & oil OF at ante S 5 (aia) af wt oat & fey wag wed 8) gE ot SEPT aR Te
4B wud soo aus am ot faftar et ae sociofofto F waar wt oS arat @ fea a year
Ram 2019 8 waa ow fey ay detest 4 Pails a 7g Mn ae, & oa eM firg gad
ai 4 Aa a a Pela eee Se a oRada & fot S after w ag wfeae we
a3 |
With reference to their application, Director General, CPWD, New Delhi is pleased to
enlist the following firm in Class-I(Super) (Composite) category of this department for a period
of 5 (Five) years from the date of issue of this order. The firm shall be eligible to tender for
CPWD Works in the above category in whole of the Indian Union upto the tendering limit of
Rs, 500 Crores or as modified by further amendments thereof made from time to time in the
Enlistment Rules 2019 without prejudice to the rights of the Department to prescribe/modify
the limit of tendering
Name & Address
M/s Kamladityya Construction Pvt. Ltd.
| Regd. Office- Suraj Complex, Bartand, Sardar Patel
| 1. C/14-(Super)/Composite/ 02/2018 | Nagar, Dhanbad
Head Office - Plot No- 201, Co-operative colony,
_Bokaro, Steel City, Bokaro , Jharkhand
a KAMALA DEVI fisersem ran
Sh. Rajendra Prasad | Smt. Kamala Devi Sh. Abhishek Kumar | Sh. Suraj Kumar
+Singh (Director) (Director) | (Director)
faprrva roa |
Sh. Mukund Singh "Sh. Aditya Kumar
(Director) (Director) (Director)
2. @) SF After omtae year Harel sie Ades & ogee fer F wer agen ae oT art
(@) siya Ras Baye Gad Pat @ waa era we any Rai dS ogee A oTeh
a) They shall be required to deposit earnest money with the tender as per terms and
conditions of the Notice Inviting Tenders.
b) Security Deposit will be recovered from their bills in accordance with the rules in force
from time to time.
3.8 wale eftar/aae & Paet wo sneha ogee oar aarta sew ar Peter six /ar
They shall employ the required technical staff and/or tools & plants as per terms and
conditions of each contract/agreement.
4. ea ah A has teen waa tga cede we aa aT saat qe rede) we are
een} ae ade err afey
Contractors enlisted in the class should either possess or should be associated with an
Agency having valid Electrical Licence.
6. ae Pater oars er wifter / are Part wa ara ar OTe ell amr ce oterar ee aA
ae Rey my oftacis orga wer ET |
They shall have to abide by the terms and conditions of the NIT/Contract/Agreement as
they stand or as may be altered from time to time.
aro mend & ayaa} Pat Rem anhert Fag oats oer ory aig ad
a8 avi) oft ge ae a ats ye et at ane aha / wea ent 3 |
aphert fda dae jr va wer sae zeMat alka, af ae oR RET BA
F | af ate sant ohyear B far ee aalee a eat sera ol S ros H aE
attach ete 8 ah wer oe BH eels & ww me S ee eae silane at aaa weH
af ah aren a one ara $ saree / sot S vie sere oa Shae/ TH
ar Séard By onpifea aah aa Prove Par TET
They shall not modify the existing partnership or enter into any fresh partnership without
prior intimation to the enlistment authority. Such intimation, if any shall be submitted in
BE Ulf ls
“,advance giving full details of the intended partnership/sole proprietorship along with the
draft partnership deed/affidavit and documents as required. The change in the status of
the contractor as an “individual” or in constitution of the firm or change in the name of
firm will have to be intimated to the enlistment authority within one month of the
approval of the competent authority ie. Ministry of Corporate Affairs/Registrar of
Companies as the case may be, failing which, the contractor/firm shall become liable to be
removed from the approved list of contractors.
7, we we daha ote Pabr fir oftisa A ot ed 84 sik wad Asner & fey verve &
foeri caer vordat ftetar feet i arte & wa 4 dart ef, oral @ fare Ader 24 a
arent él ert | a oa arfeaal & aT at EPA A Premera wr St ot feet A ead A caw
me ort ax wef cer vi dociofofto 4 ar aman a wet Farere ¥ ara fee wore
aftrant & sordat fete ef | of char ga ef at ir awe a see a ga fart aw
soeni H appifea eh S ger fear ore!
They shall not be permitted to tender for works in the CPWD Circle responsible for award
and execution of contract in which their near relative in any capacity is posted. They shall
also intimate to this Directorate the names of persons who are working with them and who
are near relatives of any Gazetted Officer in CPWD or in the Ministry of Housing and Urban
Affairs. Any breach of the condition by the contractor shall render them liable to be
removed from the approved list of contractors of the Department.
8 Se sree ene sgt eager, orem ont et at fA So ara at aw ae eth Swart at
ar owt & amet Grado & fay wae aA Tr 2019 F ora ge WAG TAI
fea 7a gurl afta Rearger seRiT gen & ere Pala wey F wh sta ceadel afk
RA VOR sided wea eT a Stat sraes EMage B wart ey ae ata a TH S wr
6 Her of aftr o EAS oe aE Ger aio & OA a GTC
The enlistment notified in this order is valid for a period of 5 (Five) years from the date of
issue of order. The contractors will be required to apply for next revalidation of their
enlistment as per Enlistment Rules 2019 including amendments from time to time in the
prescribed form, along with all required documents so as to reach the enlistment authority
at least 6 months but no more than 9 months before the date of expiry of their enlistment
alongwith processing fee as per Rules
9. se faary A water ara a ard wre ae /PaRar # afters ort & 1 ae aero ora
ahaa Ae a a ard ora ae ae ote oT AATF anfient TA aed Boat Shere aH
apiaeen a gation ae fran are
They are required to secure work(s)/participate in tenders of appropriate magnitude in the
Department. In case they fail to secure any work or participate in tenders of specified
magnitude during the period of enlistment, the enlistment of the contractor will not be
v0 at after A oa dchgo/sery erekon @ of # ang otis Ay fot 8 oh reed
aft 3a aRtants At one Rea ar ‘ane a
fem aThey shell intimate the change in their address (Registered Office /Head Office) if any, in
future. In case they fail to intimate such change to the Department, their names shall be
liable to be removed from the approved list of contractors.
41,3 fart @ ator Pet, waa er we aT Genie, } aft omag wT)
They shall abide by the enlistment rules of the Department as amended from time to time.
fea} : gored oraerdl & fe ya oroh warereer F fsa et a Refer 4 otroh are & rawr
ary ey
Note:- In case of any discrepancy in Hindi and English version, English version shall prevail.
Lor 0"
(#0 Wa 40)
ig Engineer(C&M)
weft 3
q pees inten
softer (a eren:- ice.
No. C/14-I(Super)/ Composite/ 02/2018 Dated: /Q.ofF20/7
1. All Spl. DG/ADGs/CEs in CPWD & PWD (Delhi Govt.)/CCU, Min., of E&F. CEs are
requested to kindly endorse copy of this to SEs/EEs working under them.
2. The Spl. Director General (ER), CPWD, 234/4, AJC Bose Road, Nizam Palace, Kolkata-
700020 . The office order of Enlistment of M/s Kamladityya Construction Pvt. Ltd.,
Regd. Office- Suraj Complex, Bartand, Sardar Patel Nagar, Dhanbad. Head Office -
Plot No- 201, Co-operative colony, Bokaro, Steel City, Bokaro, Jharkhand for Class-|
Composite Category stands cancelled
3. Engineer-in-Chief, Army HQ Kashmir House, New Delhi.
4. Chief Engineer, NDMC, New Delhi.
5. Municipal Engineer, MCD, Town Hall, New Delhi
6. Engineer Member, DDA, Vikas Sadan, New Delhi.
7. FO to DDG(W), Deptt. Of Telecom, Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi.
8. CE{Civil) Civil Construction Wing, AIR, Samachar Bhawan, New Delhi.
9. Income Tax Officers, Contractor's circle, New Delhi.
10. Director S&D, CPWD, Nirman Bhawan, for internet data
11. All Executive Engineer, CPWD for information through website.
12. M/s Kamladityya Construction Pvt. Ltd., Regd. Office- Suraj Complex, Bartand,
Sardar Patel Nagar, Dhanbad. Head Office - Plot No- 201, Co-operative colony,
Bokaro, Steel City, Bokaro, Jharkhand (by Speed Post).
|. Executive Engineer (C)
{enlisument Order No 08 (Composite-1( Super) in favour of M/s. Kamladityya Construction Pvt. Lud “7 4