Sepha White Paper Non Destructive VisionScan

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White Paper
Stability testing blister packs
inspected with Sepha’s
VisionScan test method
Stability testing blister packs inspected with
Sepha’s VisionScan test method.

Dr. D. Dixon, University of Ulster, Sepha VisionScan does or does the vacuum, indicates leakage of
Shore Rd, Newtownabbey, not compromise the integrity of a air from the blister pocket. This is
N. Ireland, BT37 7QB blister pack. The scope of this study based on the principle in the ASTM is to look for any difference between standard F3169.
the moisture status of tablets from
1. Introduction blister packs that have undergone A stability study was set up to
the VisionScan leak detection test investigate if the Sepha VisionScan
Technology based integrity testing
versus those which have not. test method impacts the integrity of
offers pharmaceutical packaging
blister pockets.
operations increased efficiencies
This white paper will test the
by utilising non-destructive
hypothesis that the VisionScan is The study reports on the tablet
techniques as part of the
considered non-destructive. To test moisture determination (which will
process. Calibrated and validated
this hypothesis the moisture status be an indicator of changes in the
technology-based solutions offer
of tablets within inspected blister integrity of the blister) by stability
a deterministic and repeatable test
packs will be used to prove that there testing blister packs which have
compared to traditional methods
is no change in the status of the been leak tested in the Sepha
which are often subjective,
tablet during a typical period within VisionScan system versus blister
probabilistic and not as sensitive in
a stability chamber thus proving the packs which have not been leak
their ability to detect a defect.
non-destructive nature of the Vision tested in the VisionScan. The
with Vacuum test method. stability study testing is conducted
Many companies are still employing
on blisters which are constructed
traditional methods for leak
Prior to the results and analysis of from the following materials:
detection in blister packs and
the study, different integrity testing
consequently missing out on
techniques will be reviewed. • PVC/PVdC
opportunities to recover the cost
associated with destructive testing
2. Abstract • ALU/ALU
and improve on the sensitivity of
their testing whilst using a validated The Sepha VisionScan leak
The study shows there is no
deterministic solution. detection system tests the integrity
significant difference in the integrity
of blister packs using vacuum and
of blisters when inspected with the
The challenge for companies vision technologies. The method
Sepha VisionScan leak detection
considering alternative non- works by creating a vacuum around
system compared to blisters not
destructive leak test solutions is a blister pack while a high-resolution
inspected by the system and proves
the lack of scientific data which imaging system monitors changes
the VisionScan technique is a
proves these techniques are truly in the individual blister pockets.
non-destructive solution to assure
non-destructive. This white paper Any difference in pocket shape
package integrity.
intends to describe the results of a which deviates from the expected
stability study used to investigate behaviour when establishing the
if the technique employed by the vacuum, or during the dwell time of

02 White Paper
3. Background There are traditional destructive which has both environmental
and probabilistic methods impact and unnecessary costs
When considering current GMP
using blue methylene dye and in terms of lost products, lost
guidelines within USP (United
non-destructive deterministic packaging materials and disposal/
States Pharmacopeia) Chapter incineration costs.
technology-based solutions using,
1207 (Container Closure Integrity
vacuum, vision, pressure, laser and
Testing) and ASTM F2338, there 4.2 Gas Analysis Method
gas analysis. These methods are
is a growing awareness of the reviewed below. In gas analysis methods a tracer
importance of packaging integrity
gas (e.g. CO2 or helium) is used
testing within the pharmaceutical 4. Leak Testing Methods to find sub-micron sized holes in
and medical device sectors.
Several leak detection techniques various rigid and flexible pharma
The increase in awareness is
are available for both rigid and and medical device packages.
being driven, not only by these These packages are either
flexible packaging. These include
guidelines but in part by FDA pre- packed in helium or are
the widely employed blue dye
product recalls, and in 2018 lack subsequently injected or bombed
method, vacuum decay, gas
of sterility assurance was the with the tracer gas as part of the
analysis and vacuum with sensor
second biggest cause of FDA test. The packages are then placed
techniques. Of these approaches
pharmaceutical recalls. Such in a vacuum chamber and mass
several are suitable for rigid
recalls incur significant costs, spectrometry is used to detect
or semi-rigid packs such as
and damage brand reputation. any trace gases that leaks from the
pharmaceutical blisters.
Therefore, several major industrial package. The technique is sensitive
players have left particular markets but poorly suited to routine testing
4.1 Blue Methylene Dye
as a result of product recalls. A due to the cost and time required.
robust leak detection system can In the commonly used blue
assure packaging integrity, greatly dye ingress method, packages 4.3 Vacuum Decay Method
reducing the likelihood of recalls. are submerged in dyed water
The vacuum decay method applies
It is also a requirement under both (methylene blue dye is often
a vacuum to a blister pack and
FDA Current Good Manufacturing used) inside a vacuum chamber. measures changes in pressure,
A vacuum is applied which draws as a result of air leaking from a
Practice (cGMP) and EU regulations
air from any packages containing faulty pack (ASTM F2338-9(2013)).
(e.g. ISO 11607-1:2019 covering
a defect. The chamber is vented This method can detect micron
sterile medical devices) for
to the atmosphere and the low sized holes but is often unable to
manufacturers of medical
pressure inside defective packages detect larger holes (>~150 µm)
devices and pharmaceuticals to
draws in the blue liquid. The as the air leaves the pack before
demonstrate packaging integrity.
packs are reviewed and manually the measurement can take place.
Packaging defects including pin
inspected by the operator for This method is non-destructive
holes, faulty seals, tears and pack evidence of liquid ingress. The and deterministic but requires
misalignment can adversely affect technique requires minimal capital specialist tooling for each package
product efficacy, shelf life and may investment but is probabilistic, type, which can be costly. It also
result in a loss of sterility. Leak subjective, time consuming does not give a pass/fail result
testing packaging is therefore an and has been shown to be less for the individual cavities within
essential part of the packaging sensitive than technology based the blister. This makes it difficult
process with companies having non-destructive vacuum methods. to use as a diagnostic tool when
different options when considering Also, blue methylene dye testing investigating the root cause of any
how they do this. generates large amounts of waste integrity issues.

Smart Innovation 03
"The VisionScan test method has no impact
on the integrity of inspected blister packs."

4.4 Force Plate, Laser and Vision packaging materials. This method if the Vision with Vacuum Test
with Vacuum Methods requires a tooling change part for method had compromised the
each blister design. integrity of the blisters in any way.
Leaks can also be detected non-
destructively by measuring the
response of a package to an applied Vision with Vacuum 5.1 M
 oisture Profiling™ and
vacuum. The sealed air inside a Vision-based systems compare an Seal Integrity
good pack will cause it to expand image of the pack surface before
To investigate the barrier
when a vacuum is applied. However, and after applying a vacuum and
performance of the blister packs
if a defect is present the air will leak have the advantage of not requiring
a moisture profiling™ technique
from the pack when the vacuum is specific tools for each pack design.
from independent testing company
applied causing it to expand less.
Relequa (Waterford, Ireland), was
The response of the pack to the All three approaches to measuring
used to measure the moisture levels
applied vacuum can be measured pack deformation enable packs to
of tablets which would indicate a
by using a load cell strain gauge a be accurately and rapidly tested
change in seal integrity. A breach
laser, or with vision systems. in a deterministic, non-subjective
of seal integrity will result in tablets
manner without the requirement to
with a higher moisture content
Load Cell Strain Gauge destroy the packs. However, this
caused by exposure of the blister
with Vacuum claim of being a non-destructive
pack to external high humidity.
The method is best suited for test is commonly challenged with
testing larger flexible non-porous no independent studies available
In the Relequa technique the tablets
packages including pouches, to verify the impact of such test
are held in a chamber at a level of
sachets and polymer film based methods on packaging.
humidity higher than the humidity
medical device packaging. equilibrium point. The tablets then
5. Stability Study of Blisters
absorb moisture and the chamber
To be used with multicavity packs Packs Before & After
gradually reaches the water vapour
such as blister packs, a force VisionScan Test Method
equilibrium point (WVEP).
plate measurement system would The stability study focusses on the
require a separate tool with a force Vision with Vacuum test method, A tablet with a low moisture content
plate under each cavity for every using the Sepha VisionScan, and will absorb a large amount of
pack design. aims to confirm this method is moisture leading to a reduced WVEP.
truly non-destructive. In the study,
Laser with Vacuum packs of different material types Different types of blister material
The laser deflection method were produced and inspected with were used in the study to cover
which is described in ASTM the Vision with Vacuum method. a range of moisture barrier
F3169 measures the profile of The inspected samples were then protection types, these are given
the pack surface in response to compared to a control group of in the methodology.
a vacuum and can reliably detect blister packs which had not been
~10µm defects across a range of tested by the method to determine

04 White Paper
5.2 Methodology of Testing Further details of the Sepha rate (MVTR) of ~3g/m2 per day
VisionScan test methods and has been recorded for 200µm PVC
The barrier performance of the
the material data is given in compared to 0.83 for PVDC coated
packs before and after multiple
the appendix. PVC, 0.14 for Aclar® coated PVC and
tests was determined using
0.007 for cold formed aluminium*.
moisture profiling™. Xylitol tablets
were sealed inside blister packs 5.3 Results
with three different material types There was no significant increase
Results up to 12 weeks at in moisture uptake over the 12
25°C/60% RH and 40°C/75%RH weeks for the PVC/PVDC samples
show no difference between stored at the lower temperature and
1. PVDC coated PVC blister
inspected or control blister packs of humidity condition (25⁰C/60%RH).
sealed with Aluminium 20µm
any of the three types. The tablets
Hard lidding material.
from all the blister pack types did For the Aclar® and Alu/Alu packs
2. An Aclar® (PVC/PE/PCTFE) pack show changes in moisture status there was no significant increase in
sealed with Aluminium 20µm over time, but these changes were moisture over the 12 weeks for either
Hard lidding material. consistent for both inspected and the inspected or control packs.
3. Aluminium cold formed packed control blister packs and were within
sealed with an aluminium foil (Alu/ the expected moisture transmission The WVEP results from the
Alu) comprising of a polyamide/ rate of the materials. 40°C/75%RH samples taken in
aluminium/PVC laminate conjunction with the variance from
Statistical analysis based on the statistical analysis, showed that
WVEP results of inspected the Alu/Alu blister was the most
The blister packs were split into two and control blister packs, as
protective. The PVC/PVdC blister
groups; one group of blister packs
independent variables, showed was the least protective of the
were inspected with the Vision with
that there was no significant three types and a distinct trend in
Vacuum technique and a control
difference at the 99% level. For moisture uptake was seen at 12
group with blisters which were not
the positive control, it can be weeks. This upwards trend was the
inspected with Vision with Vacuum.
seen the WVEP was typically same for inspected and control
unreadable indicating the tablets blister packs and occurred to a
The inspected, together with
had absorbed very high levels of similar extent in both cases.
corresponding control samples,
were then aged for 12 weeks at
two elevated humidity conditions
For the Xylitol tablets sealed in the
(25⁰C/60%RH and 40⁰C/75%RH).
PVC/PVDC packs it can be seen the
WVEP rises during the 12 weeks of
For each of the three pack types,
storage at 40⁰C/75%RH, gradually
Xylitol tablets were removed from
increasing from 60.1% to 65.8 and
the inspected and control blister
packs, at different time points, and 65.3% for the inspected and control
tested for moisture uptake. samples. It is widely known that
Positive control packs with 15µm even when coated with PVDC, that
sized defects were also tested. The PVC has inferior barrier properties
presence of any leaks in the packs than higher coats alternatives.
would cause the Xylitol to absorb
moisture during storage. A moisture vapour transmission

*Ref. Product Quality Research Institute (2015) Determination of Water Vapor Transmission Rate for Various High Barrier Blister Packs.
Available at:

Smart Innovation 05
5.3.1 PVC/PVdC Blister Packs
Table 1: Test Results PVC/PVdC
Time point Inspected Blister Control Blister Blister Pack
(Weeks) Packs Packs
N/A: Not applicable as the positive
0 Initial N/A 60.1 controls were only placed on accelerated
stability testing
25°C/60%RH 60.3 61.1
ND*: Not done, tablets too soft to remove
1 40°C/75%RH 61.1 61.6 from the blister pocket
Positive Control N/A 68.6
25°C/60%RH 60.4 60.4
2 40°C/75%RH 63.2 62.7
Positive Control N/A ND*

25°C/60%RH 57.3 58.0

4 40°C/75%RH 61.7 60.9
Positive Control N/A ND*

25°C/60%RH 59.1 59.6

40°C/75%RH 62.9 63.8
25°C/60%RH 60.3 61.4
40°C/75%RH 65.8 65.3

Graph 1: Test Results PVC/PVdC Blister Packs Graph 2: Test Results PVC/PVdC

69 69
PVC/PVdC 25°C/60%RH PVC/PVdC 40°C/75%RH
67 67

65 65

63 63


61 61

59 59

57 57

55 55
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12



06 White Paper
5.3.2 Aclar® Blister Packs
Table 2: Test Results Aclar®
Time point Inspected Blister Control Blister Blister Packs
(Weeks) Packs Packs
N/A: Not applicable as the positive
0 Initial N/A 60.6 controls were only placed on accelerated
stability testing
25°C/60%RH 60.3 59.9
ND*: Not done, tablets too soft to remove
1 40°C/75%RH 60.7 60.1 from the blister pocket
Positive Control N/A 67.9
25°C/60%RH 59.9 59.9
2 40°C/75%RH 60.6 60.1
Positive Control N/A ND*

25°C/60%RH 57.5 57.5

4 40°C/75%RH 58.5 58.5
Positive Control N/A ND*

25°C/60%RH 58.6 59.0

40°C/75%RH 60.7 61.4
25°C/60%RH 60.3 60.6
40°C/75%RH 61.2 62.4

Graph 3: Test Results Aclar® Blister Packs Graph 4: Test Results Aclar® Blister Packs

69 69
Aclar® 25°C/60%RH Aclar® 40°C/75%RH
67 67

65 65

63 63


61 61

59 59

57 57

55 55
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12



Smart Innovation 07
5.3.3 Alu/Alu Blister Packs
Table 3: Results Alu/Alu
Time point Inspected Blister Control Blister Blister Packs
(Weeks) Packs Packs
N/A: Not applicable as the positive
0 Initial N/A 60.4 controls were only placed on accelerated
stability testing
25°C/60%RH 60.1 60.1
ND*: Not done, tablets too soft to remove
1 40°C/75%RH 59.6 59.6 from the blister pocket
Positive Control N/A 69.7
25°C/60%RH 59.6 59.8
2 40°C/75%RH 60.4 60.6
Positive Control N/A ND*

25°C/60%RH 57.3 56.7

4 40°C/75%RH 58.3 56.8
Positive Control N/A ND*

25°C/60%RH 57.8 58.3

40°C/75%RH 58.0 57.8
25°C/60%RH 59.4 59.6
40°C/75%RH 59.9 60.1

Graph 5: Test Results Alu/Alu Blister Packs Graph 6: Test Results: Alu/Alu Blister Packs

69 69
Alu/Alu 25°C/60%RH Alu/Alu 40°C/75%RH
67 67

65 65

63 63


61 61

59 59

57 57

55 55
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12



08 White Paper
6. Conclusion
There was no significant difference in moisture uptake
between control samples and those inspected with
the VisionScan test method for any of the three
pack types investigated. Thus, demonstrating the
VisionScan test has no impact on the integrity of the
blister pack and is non-destructive. Vacuum based
integrity test methods provide manufacturers with
a non-destructive cost-effective solution, assuring
package integrity and sterility.

Smart Innovation 09
7. Statistics
T-Test for 2 Independent Means
PVC/PVdC Blister T-Value Result Showing Calculation

Inspected Blister Packs

N1: 10
df1 = N - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9
M1: 61.21
SS1: 50.19
s21 = SS1/(N - 1) = 50.19/(10-1) = 5.58

Control Blister Packs

N2: 10
df2 = N - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9
M2: 61.48
SS2: 38.78
s22 = SS2/(N - 1) = 38.78/(10-1) = 4.31

T-Value Calculation
s2p = ((df1/(df1 + df2)) * s21) + ((df2/(df2 + df2)) * s22) = ((9/18) * 5.58) + ((9/18) * 4.31) = 4.94
s2M1 = s2p/N1 = 4.94/10 = 0.49
s2M2 = s2p/N2 = 4.94/10 = 0.49
t = (M1 - M2)/√(s2M1 + s2M2) = -0.27/√0.99 = -0.27

The data apart from the t and p values in red below, has been rounded to 2 significant figures for presentation.
However, when calculating the values of t and p these are not rounded for better accuracy.

The t-value is -0.27157. The p-value is .394523.

The result is not significant at p < .01.

Aclar® Blister T-Value Result

The t-value is -0.18826. The p-value is .426388.
The result is not significant at p < .01.

Alu/Alu Blister T-Value Result

The t-value is 0.17608. The p-value is .431098.
The result is not significant at p < .01.

10 White Paper
8. Appendix
8.1 Base Materials
Aclar® Laminate: 190µm PVC/50µm PE/50µm Aclar® Ultrx 2000
PVC/PVdC: 329µm PVC/PVdC
Cold form: 130µm Alu/Alu

8.2 Lidding Material

Aluminium 20µm Hard

8.3 EZ Blister Form/Seal/Cut settings

Thermoform (Aclar®-PVC/PVdC)
Form: Temperature 160°C Pre-heat time 3 Sec at 0.2MPa, Form time 2 Sec at 0.4MPa
Seal: Temperature 160°C time 3 Sec
Cut: 3 Sec at 0.6MPa

Coldform (Alu/Alu)
Form: 0.6MPa for 3 secs
Seal: Temperature 160°C time 3 Sec
Cut: 2 Sec at 0.6MPa

Smart Innovation 11
Unit 25 Carrowreagh Business Park
Carrowreagh Road, Dundonald
Belfast, BT16 1QQ
United Kingdom

+44 2890 48 48 48

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