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Oregano Capstone

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The Feasibility of Oregano (Origanum vulgari) Extracted oil as

Main Component for Medicinal Herbal Candies


It can be quite challenging to convince children to take medication, even though they
know that it could make them feel better. Pills can be difficult for them to swallow and
medicines with liquid taste bad. Swallowing pills can be hard and painful. We often see
children who can just swallow food and liquid but have trouble with medicines. That’s why
herbal gummies can be a solution to this problem.

This Herbal candies are small shaped Gelatin-based candy which contains Oregano,
Honey, Gelatin Powder, and Lemon juice and Lemon zest. It may give the people their daily
dose of health-giving herbs without a stumble. These candies will surely be appealing and
enjoyable for the children and also the people. Adding herbs on candies to treat couth can be
a fun way. Honey is good example of antimicrobial due to its enzymatic production of
hydrogen peroxide (MD Mandal, 2011). Oregano is herbal supplement that’s known for its
antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. It is also traditionally used it for
respiratory health, and it’s also become a popular alternative remedy for cough and common
colds (Wilson, 2018).

Oregano is one of the species of a perennial herb called marjarum (origanum vulgare).
It is also called pot marjarum and oregany. It grows in abundance and highly available in the
locality. It is very common to many households because of its medicinal value. The juice
derived or squeezed from the oregano leaves contain ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
Authoritatively, ascorbic acid contains low acidic effect just commensurate to prevent,
weaken or reduce the severity of a disease, common cold. The principal cause of common
cold is a group of virus called rhinoviruses. It is highly contagious the fact that it is an
airborne disease. Once a person is infected with this virus, the disease will spread easily from
person to person through close contact or association. It is probable that coughing and
sneezing facilitate the spread. It is the virus that is transmitted to another person and in such
precautionary measures people will get common cold (Rabe, 2011).

Medicinal uses for oregano date back to the ancient Greek and Roman empires, where
leaves were used to treat different conditions, such as skin sores, aching muscles, and as an
antiseptic. Oregano (Origanum vulgare) was employed as a stimulant, carminative,
diaphoretic, and nerve tonic (Thippareddi & Friedman, 2006).

It is also used in the treatment of respiratory ailments (asthma, coughs), headaches,

toothaches, rheumatism, as an antibiotic, expectorant in bronchitis, antispasmodic, appetite
stimulant, diuretic, diaphoretic, and as a mild sedative. Reported effects include: vasodilation,
reduction of blood clotting, as well as sugar-lowering properties (Firouzi & Shekarforoush,

Oregano also has been used in traditional medicines for such ailments as asthma,
cramping, diarrhea, and indigestion (Shan & Cai, 2005). In Greece, an oregano infusion is
still used as a folk remedy against colds and an upset stomach and to maintain general health
(Shutes, 1997).


In the Philippines, origanum vulgare (Philippine Oregano) contains rosmarinic acid,

ursolic acid, thymol, and carvacrol that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant,
antifungal and antiviral properties. Oregano also consists of flavonoids, triterpenoids,
vitamins, and minerals (Herbanext, 2019). The pharmacist from the South Star Drug, Ligao
City, Miss Leslie Joy Ariate was the consultant that supervised the oregano leaves extract can
be made into menthol candy. She has a full knowledge of the measurement, ratio and
proportion of medicine and can test its affectivity and can prescribe it as a cure for common
cold. The candy should be mentholated, with flavor so that the patient should experience and
feel the freshness and delicious taste. The oregano taste of this mentholated and flavored
candy should stand prominently so that the patience shall be cured by the presence of
ascorbic acid (Rabe, 2011).

Long before tablets and capsules were invented, people made use of leaves and herbs
to cure diseases. One of the most popular herbal relief is Oregano which is either boiled or
crushed as a remedy to upper respiratory infections. Coleus Amboinicus Lour contains the
synergistic benefits of Carvacrol, the most powerful plant-derived antiseptic and a proven
effective expectorant to help relieve the symptoms of bronchi- tis and Thymol that’s also
known for its anti-microbial property that effectively curbs bronchitis, whooping cough and
common colds. Up to now, Oregano still remains to be nature’s most trusted cough remedy
and it is being strengthened in countless scientific studies showing its unquestionable
reputation in providing relief for infections including cough without any records of side
effects (Sun Star Davao, 2013).

Objectives of the study

1. How much water, ascorbic acid and quantity of honey and other ingredients are
needed to process oregano as oregano candy?

2. What are the ingredients and processes needed in the formulation of oregano honey
gummy candy?

3. To determine the sensory quality of oregano honey gummy candy in terms of:
1.1 Color;
1.2 Aroma;
1.3 Flavor
1.4 Texture;
1.5 Aftertaste
1.6 Overall Acceptability


The researchers assumed that ascorbic acid from oregano as menthol candy is not
effective against rhinoviruses causing cold and cough.
Scope and Delimitation

Oregano contains ascorbic acid that can fight rhinoviruses causing cold and cough. It
will be processed as oregano menthol candy to improve the primitive way of using oregano
as medicinal herb. It will be made to cure people with the said disease and not advisable to
take it if the person is not sick yet with cold and cough.

The researcher aims to make a menthol candy out of oregano and prove that this
product is effective against rhinoviruses. The study is to be conducted this year 2019-2020.
The process of making oregano menthol candy will be tested using only one population: 5
random patients with cold and cough. They are to be observed daily by the researcher.

Significance of the Study

The People. The purpose of this study is to create an oregano menthol candy for everyone. It
is tested whether people with cold and cough can be cured. Due to its delicious taste, it can
help anyone to kill a virus that is cold and hazardous at the same time.

The Food Manufacturers. There are some food manufacturers that plan to produce a
product in the future. This study might help them to have some ideas about herbs that can be
turned into candy.

Future Researcher. This study would help future researchers as the basis of their study and
additional literature for their future investigations.



This chapter provides a review of related literature and studies after the detailed and
extensive search done by the researchers. It focuses on the problems in regards the Oregano
the main component for medicinal herbal candies. It also includes the theoretical and
conceptual framework to fully understand the research done.

Review of Related Literature

According to Tamid Ahmad (n.d), oregano is a natural herb found in Mediterranean

hills and basically its leaves are utilized to take out the oil. The oil of oregano can be
preserved for longer and hence it is preferred as oil. It is widely used for complex diseases to
cure, and it has many simple and common uses for regular occurring diseases. It works
marvelously in cold and cough. It is an antibiotic and hence is preferred for cold and cough.

According to Paul L. Garrett (2010), there are some vitamins and minerals that can be
used as natural cold remedies. These nutrients include vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc oxide.
Vitamin C is good for a lot of things, but more than 1200 milligrams can sometimes result in
diarrhea. Large amount of vitamin C at the beginning stages of an outbreak can provide relief
and reduce the attack of the virus. Vitamins and minerals certainly strengthen the immune
system, but be careful not to take more than the recommended daily dose.

According to Allah Camacho (2010), one of the benefits of the extract of oregano is
that it helps boost our bodies’ immune system. A sound and healthy immune system is our
best defense against harmful microorganisms that carry diseases and illnesses. A good
immune system can be achieved with a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, and stress free and
clean environment, proper rest and including two drops of wild oregano oil in your drink

According to Barbara Hillary (n.d), cold and cough medications should not be used
for children under 6 years of age. This is because there is not enough evidence to prove the
effectiveness of these medications in young children. Moreover, single-ingredient or
combination cold and cough medications do not relieve cold and cough symptoms in children
under 6 years.

According to Susan Melgren (n,d), she was doubtful that oregano would have any
effect when she first heard of its healing properties, but she took it anyway and was very
pleased with the results. She used oregano to treat colds rather than as preventive measure.

Review of Related Studies

According to a study of Mendoza (2017), the medicinal candy, which came from the
extract of Origanum vulgare, is a very common plant in the Philippines. Oregano is a rich
natural vitamin K source, a fat-soluble vitamin that helps protect our cardiovascular system.
Oregano can also be used as a cough medicine replacement. Oregano contains ascorbic acid
capable of fighting cold and cough against rhinoviruses. As an oregano candy, it will be
designed to promote the primitive use of oregano as a medicinal herb. People believed that
common cold is caused by climate change. The sudden change of the weather and exposure
to warm and cool conditions cause common cold and also the unsanitary physical pollution as
well as poor personal hygiene activity. A community of viruses called rhinoviruses is the
main cause of common cold. It is the virus that is transmitted to another person that will get
common cold by such precautionary measures. As per the help of oregano medicinal candy,
people who don't like the original taste of oregano can enjoy their candy. It is beneficial to
both adult and children.

Theoretical Framework

The density functional theory (DFT)

According to Argaman (2000), density functional theory (DFT) is one of the most
widely used methods for ab initio calculations of the structure of atoms, molecules, crystals,
surfaces, and their interactions. Oregano has antioxidant, antioxidant therapies have been
recognized as potential strategies for preventing acute CNS injury, cardiovascular diseases
and asthma (Caputi, & Salvemini, 2001). In addition, applications of antioxidants as
preservative in the food industry and skin-protective ingredients in cosmetics are also
receiving increasing attention and interests (Lupo, 2001). Deoxybenzoins (DOBs) are
intermediates in the synthesis of isoflavone and are found in several plants, such as
Glycyrrhiza sp., Trifolium subterraneum and Ononis spinosa, and some marine sources
(Kiuchi, Chen, & Tsuda, 1990). As important derivatives of isoflavones, deoxybenzoins
exhibit a broad variety of biological activities, including antibacterial urease inhibitory and
estrogenic activity (Fokialakis & Duke, et al., 2004).

Conceptual Framework


 Oregano oil 1. Quantity of honey, water, ascorbic acid

(Extracted) and other ingredients are needed to
Oregano and Honey
 Honey process oregano candy?
 Water
 Gelatin 2. Production of Oregano and Honey
Powder Candy
 Lemon zest 2.1 Preparation of Raw materials
 Lemon juice 2.2 Preparation of Oregano and Honey
candy mixture
2.3 Resting of Candy

3. Sensory Evaluation
1.1 Color;
1.2 Aroma;
1.3 Flavor
1.4 Texture;
1.5 Aftertaste
1.6 Overall Acceptability

Statement of the Problem

1. How much water, ascorbic acid and quantity of honey and other ingredients are
needed to process oregano as oregano candy?

2. What are the ingredients and processes needed in the formulation of oregano honey
gummy candy?

3. To determine the sensory quality of oregano honey gummy candy in terms of:
1.1 Color;
1.2 Aroma;
1.3 Flavor
1.4 Texture;
1.5 Aftertaste
1.6 Overall Acceptability
Null Hypothesis

The researchers assumed that there is no significant relationship between the

commercial based herbal candy and the product we create which is the Oregano extract
Honey Candy as shown through the lab test results.

Chapter 3


Research Design

The research study entitled as “The Feasibility of Oregano (Origanum vulgari)

Extracted oil as Main Component for Medicinal Herbal Candies.”, This is a form of
experimental research, because the researcher would analyze and attempt to understand the
correlation between Extracted oil of oregano which contains ascorbic acid along with other
ingredients which are Honey, Gelatin Powder, Lemon zest and Lemon Juice components as
being produced to herbal candy. According to William, Y (2015) The research design used is
the True Experimental Design because it is the only experimental design that can establish
cause and effect relationship. This experimental design is appropriate to our study because it
tests how effective oregano's ascorbic acid on treating common illness. The work will also
concentrate on how effective the oregano is to be a Medicinal Herbal Candy.

Respondents/Sampling Design

Convenience sampling (also known as oppotunity sampling) is a type of non-

probability sampling involving sampling from that close-to-hand part of the population.
During pilot testing, this method of sampling is most useful (Lisa, M., 20019). It is an
experiment in which the effect is unknown. The medicinal herbal candies that the researchers
will make would undergo a lab test to get the results, also through the result we're be able to
compare the commercial candy and the organic medicinal candy that the researchers made.
Research Instrument

In this study, researcher uses test as instrument, therefore, the researcher applied a set
of tests: Pre-test and Post-test test. Pre-test was given before doing an experimental research
study and Post-test was given after doing the treatment (Ilma, M., 2015). Before doing the
experiment, the researchers will gather all the ingredients as per the need of the experiment
and using the tools to make the herbal candy that the researchers will provide, the outcome
will be delivered into the laboratory to be tested its effectiveness. For the post-test after
proving its effectiveness, the researchers will discuss the difference between the
commercialize and the product that the researchers made.

Data Gathering Procedure

A.) The researchers will send a letter of request to the senior highschool principal along with
questions provided to ensure the confidentiality of the information to conduct this study.

B.) After getting the permission granted from the senior highschool principal, the researchers
will now conduct their pre- test survey/interview to the respondents.

C.) After the interview, the researchers will now do the procedure and the product will now
be tested to the laboratory to check its efficacy.

D.) Lastly, the researchers will analyzed, described, classified and evaluated data in the
process of systematically applying statistical and logical techniques.

Data Analysis

To interpret the data effectively, the researchers will use the following statistical
treatment to process the data. The Percentage, Weighted Mean and Spearman’s rank-order

1.) Percentage. Percentage is used to determine the percentage usually for data on profile.
Formula: Percentage = F/N x 100%
% - Percentage
F - Frequency
N - Total Population
2.) Weighted Mean. Weighted Mean is used to get average or central value.
Formula: WM = Σfx / N
WM - Weighted Mean
Σfx - Sum of the products of the frequency with weights.
N - Sample size

3.) Spearman's rank-order correlation. The researchers used Spearman's rank-order

correlation (In short, Spearman's correlation) to analyse the data. Spearman's rank-order
correlation is a non-parametric test of the strength and path of connection between two
factors evaluated at least on an ordinal scale. The experiment is used either for ordinal factors
or for continuous data that missed the expectations needed to carry out the product-moment
correlation of Pearson. Determines the strength and direction of the two variables‘ monotonic

Process Flow Chart

Oregano Extract Gelatin Honey Lemon Zest Lemon Juice

Sanitizing the materials/Utensils

Mis-en place



Mixing all the ingredients





Outcome: Medicinal Oregano Herbal Candy

Sensory Analysis

The 60 grams of oregano were washed, cleaned, chopped and added to 250 ml of
water, then heated 90 degrees celcius for 10 minutes to produce oregano extract. The extract
is chilled and added 60 ml of honey and 1/8 tps of lemon zest, then gradually mix until the
desire texture attain then, rest for 5 mins. The mixture is heated 90 degrees until the gelatin is
completely dissolved and add 1tbsp of lemon juice, stir and pour into a silicon molder and
harden into the refrigerator.

Research Project Timeline


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