Optimization of Capillary Tube in Air Conditioning System
Optimization of Capillary Tube in Air Conditioning System
Optimization of Capillary Tube in Air Conditioning System
Research Article
This paper was originally presented at the International Conference on the Role of Universities in Hands-On
Education, Chiang Mai, Thailand, August 2009.
The objectives of this research were to evaluate the optimization of a capillary tube in a split-
type air conditioning system and to determine the coefficient of performance (COP) of the
system. The optimization was determined by mathematical calculation to evaluate COP of a
split-type air conditioning system within 5 different sizes of capillary tube. Following this,
the experimental equipment was designed and constructed to verify the COP data obtained
from the calculation. The results found that from the theoretical analysis and experiment, the
COP was changing in a direction contrary to the diameter of the capillary tube. When the
capillary tube diameter is smaller, COP values tend to be higher.
Air conditioning and refrigeration systems play an important role in industry, infrastructure
and households. The industrial sector includes the food industry, textiles, chemicals, printing,
transport and others. Infrastructure includes banks, restaurants, schools, hotels and
recreational facilities. Therefore, installation, repair and maintenance of equipment to function
properly are important for the operations associated with those activities. At present reducing
pressure valves used in air conditioning and refrigeration systems can be classified into two
types: expansion valves and capillary tubes. The capillary tube is made from copper pipe,
with a diameter around 0.5 mm to 5 mm and length around 0.5 m to 5 m. Its use depends on
power and load capacity of the system. The capillary tube is often used with small cooling
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load or small changing load systems, such as refrigerators, water coolers and small air
conditioners [1].
Problems from the blockage in the capillary tube results in lower injection of refrigerant into
the evaporator, so there will be less cooling. Typically this problem can be solved by
changing a new capillary tube. However, this also results in refrigerant being released from
the system, which makes for higher cost and time wastage. Furthermore, the size of the
replacement capillary tube must be the same and some sizes are difficult to source, which
makes the maintenance cost even higher.
Taking into consideration these problems, the objective of this research is to determine the
appropriate size of a new capillary tube that can replace the old blocked one and to construct
an experimental equipment system with different capillary tubes to measure the real values.
The resulting values will show which size of capillary tube can be used instead of the old one.
This will be more convenient for maintenance and will save costs when fixing air
conditioning and refrigeration systems.
To evaluate the optimization of the capillary tube in a split-type air conditioning system.
To determine the coefficient of performance (COP) of split-type air conditioning systems.
Theoretically, the appropriate size of capillary tube can be calculated from the refrigerant
effect, coefficient of performance (COP) and others. The system is assumed to work as an
isentropic process and there are five different sizes of capillary tubes in this calculation.
To undertake simulation with any value it is necessary to use the results from the previous test
in the real work environment. The compressor information, PCS 859217, is from the
compressor manufacturer and has been adjusted into the theoretical calculation to determine
the value of the variables depending on the different size of capillary tubes by evaluating COP
at the various states of capillary tubes in the isentropic process.
Mathematical model
Mathematical model of capacity, input and flow rate can be expressed as [2] and [3]
Input=b1+b2.Tevap+b3.Tevap2+ b4.Tcond+b5.Tcond2+b6.Tevap.Tcond+b7.Tevap2.Tcond+
b8.Tevap . Tcond2+ b9.Tevap2. Tcond2 (2)
Information regarding the specifications of the compressor, PCS 859217, is shown in Tables 1
to 3.
Condenser Evaporator
Temperature(oC) Temperature ( oc)
0 5 10
40 3.6 4.35 5.25
50 3.25 3.8 4.7
60 2.8 3.4 4.15
Condenser Evaporator
Temperature(oC) Temperature ( oc)
0 5 10
40 1.25 1.26 1.27
50 1.50 1.52 1.55
60 1.75 1.80 1.86
Table 3. Mass flow rate (kg/h) at different temperature of evaporator and condenser.
Condenser Evaporator
Temperature(oC) Temperature ( oc)
0 5 10
40 87.50 103.05 122.21
50 84.72 100 118.05
60 81.94 95.83 113.88
To find the constant values: Substitution a1, a2, a3, …a9 and values from Table 1 into equation
(1) the 9 equations and 9 unknowns are given by:
a1+40 a4+1,600 a5=3.6 (4)
a1+50 a4+2,500 a5=3.6 (5)
a1+60 a4+3,600 a5=2.8 (6)
a1+ 5a2+ 25a3+40a4+1,600a5+ 200a6+1,000a7+8,000a8+40,000a9=4.35 (7)
a1+ 5a2+ 25a3+50a4+2,500a5+ 250a6+1,250a7+12,500a8+62,500a9=3.8 (8)
a1+ 5a2+ 25a3+60a4+3,600a5+ 300a6+1,500a7+18,000a8+90,000a9=3.4 (9)
a1+ 10a2+100a3+40a4+1,600a5+ 400a6+4,000a7+16,000a8+160,000a9=5.25 (10)
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The accuracy of equation (13) can be checked by the temperature values from Table 1. The
results are the same as in Table 1, so the equation is correct. In a similar way, substitution of
values from Table 2 into equation (2) and values from Table 3 into equation (3):
b9 =0
Input=0.25+0.0176Tevap+0.025Tcond -8.9x104 Tevap.Tcond +1.3x10-5Tevap . Tcond2 (14)
c9 =2.2206x10-4
Flow rate=98.608-1.8031.Tevap+0.58292.Tevap2-0.2777.Tcond+0.202671.Tevap.Tcond-
0.0216506. Tevap2.Tcond-2.2211x10-3Tevap.Tcond2+ 2.2206x10-4Tevap2.Tcond2 (15)
The next step was to find the size of capillary tubes, including diameter and length, that are
available in the market and can be used in the experiment to evaluate the various parameters.
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The important factor is to know the size of diameter and length of the old capillary tube
before starting to calculate the size of a new capillary tube. The size of a new capillary tube
can be calculated from:
New length = Factor × the old length (16)
Table 5. Dimensions of 5 different capillary tubes used for calculation and experiment.
From equation (15), mass flow rate of refrigerant R-22 can be evaluated as shown in Tables 6
and 7.
Table 6. Mass Flow rate (kg/h) of R-22 at different temperature of evaporator and
Table 7. Mass Flow rate (g/s) of R-22 at different temperature of evaporator and
The next step is to find the Coefficient of Performance (COP) of the system. Assuming the
system works as an isentropic process [5, 6].
Refrigerant properties in various conditions when passing through a capillary tube can be
evaluated from [7]:
=CD 2
L 3T 4
10 5
Substituting the values from Tables 4 and 6 into equation (18), the sub-cooled temperature
can be shown as in Table 8.
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The inlet temperature of refrigerant entering the capillary tube can be calculated from:
Inlet temperature of refrigerant entering capillary tube (oC) = Condenser temp. – sub-cooled temp. (19)
Table 10. COP of each capillary tube at different temperature of evaporator and
From Table 10 it is found that the capillary Tube No.5 has the maximum COP. The smaller
diameter and shorter length of Tube No.5 causes the mass flow rate of refrigerant to be high,
so the cooling capacity of the evaporator is high. In other words, the refrigerant effect of small
tube size will be higher than the large tube size.
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Capillary tube
Symbol Unit Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube
1 2 3 4 5
Compressor P1 bar 4.14 4.21 4.07 4.13 4.14
pressure P2 bar 16.90 16.55 16.14 16.36 16.21
Cap tube P3 bar 16.55 15.86 16.07 16.22 16.21
pressure P4 bar 5.48 6.26 6.17 5.94 5.56
Compressor T1 °C 1.00 1.00 0.40 1.00 1.00
temperature T2 °C 44.50 43.80 43.00 43.40 43.00
Cap tube T3 °C 44.00 42.40 42.00 43.50 43.80
temperature T4 °C 8.30 12.20 11.80 11.00 9.00
31.10 32.40 30.60 31.40 30.80
temperature T5 °C
8.20 8.20 9.80 9.40 8.80
temperature T6 °C
Ambient T7 °C 17.00 16.60 17.00 17.00 16.60
temperature T8 °C 30.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 29.00
Mass flow rate g/s 13.70 16.60 15.80 15.80 14.70
COP. COP. - 4.37 4.35 4.37 4.33 4.42
NB. In the experiment, COP is calculated from saturated pressure by using the saturated
properties of the refrigerant.
From Table 11 it is found that the capillary Tube No.5 has the maximum COP (4.42). COP of
the smaller sized capillary tube will be higher than the larger one because the mass flow rate
of the smaller size is too high when compared with each other. These experimental results
correspond with the results from the calculation in Table 9, or at least they indicate the same
0 1 2 3 4 5
Capillary tube (No.)
Figure 1. COP of experimental results in average view compared with capillary tube
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4.4 y = -0.1117x + 4.5648
R2 = 0.6684
1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2
Tube diameter (mm)
Figure 2. COP of experimental results in average view compared with capillary tube
From Figures 1 and 2 it is apparent that when the capillary tube diameter is smaller, the value
of COP is higher. Furthermore, the capillary Tube No.5, with a diameter of 0.055 inches or
0.1397 mm, has the maximum COP. The size of this capillary tube is small in diameter and
short in length, so mass flow rate of refrigerant will be high. Therefore, COP of the air
conditioning system is high.
The diameter and the length of capillary tube have a direct relationship. If the diameter is
smaller, the length is shorter. If the diameter is larger, the length is longer. All of these factors
enable the exit pressure from the capillary tube to be reduced corresponding with the cooling
requirements. COP of system will be constant or changed in the required interval.
Refrigerant effect (Qin) changes in the opposite direction with diameter of capillary tube.
When the diameter of capillary tube decreases, refrigerant effect increases.
Compressor work (Win) will be constant or unchanged when compared with the capillary
tube diameter. When the diameter of capillary tube decreases, compressor work is constant or
nearly constant.
The authors would like to express gratitude to the Faculty of Technical Education,
Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi for supporting this research by the
research funds in year 2008. Acknowledgement is also due to the Division of Mechanical
Education, Faculty of Technical Education, Rajamangala University of Technology
Thanyaburi, for allocating the experimental equipment and space for conducting the
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2. Stocker, W.F. and Jones J.W. (1982), Refrigeration & Air Conditioning. McGraw-Hill
Book Company, Singapore.
3. Jakobson, A., Rasmussen, B.D., Skovrup, M.J. and S.E.Andersen, S.E. (2001). CoolPack:
a collection of simulation tools for refrigeration Tutorial Version 1.46. Department of
Energy Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
4. Kulthorn Kirby Foundry Co.,Ltd. (n.d.). Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Manual.
Bangkok, Thailand.
7. Jung, D., Park, C. and Park B. (1999). Capillary tube selection for HCFC22
alternatives, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Inha University, Inchon, Korea.