EHI-07 BHIE-107 2018-19 English

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Bachelor's Degree Programme



For July 2018 and January 2019 Session

Course Code: EHI-07/BHIE-107

Title of Course: Modern Europe Mid-18th to Mid-20th Centuries

Faculty of History
Assignment 2018-2019

Programme Code: BDP

Course Code: EHI-07/
Dear Student,

As explained in the Programme Guide for BDP, you will have to do 1 Tutor Marked
(TMA) assignment for this elective course. Before attempting the assignment, please read
the instructions provided in the Programme Guide.

Assignment Nos. Date of Submission Where to send

Assignment-1 (TMA) 31 March 2019 The Coordinator of your
For July 2018 Session Study Centre
Assignment-1 (TMA) 30th September 2019 The Coordinator of your
For January 2019 Session Study Centre

Now read the following guidelines carefully before answering the questions:


In writing the assignment keeps the following things in mind: Social Science/History
writing of any kind involves (a) Planning (b) Selection (c) Presentation and
(d) Interpretation.

a) Planning : Think out what you are asked carefully. Go through the units
and in case you want any additional material, try to
locate it in the Library.

See whether the question is of (i) 500 words, (ii) 250 words
or (iii) 100 words. For the first and second it may be
necessary to write a description with a comment. For the
third YOU have to pick out the necessary facts and arrange
them precisely.

b) Selection : This means picking out from your material the matter
important for answering your question:

For this:

i) Take notes of the relevant material.

ii) Look them over carefully. Delete information not
directly relevant to the question.

iii) Prepare a first draft. This will help you in getting a

clear idea of what information you want to put down
and what you want to leave out. This will also help in
giving your plan a practical shape.

c) Presentation : Prepare now a second draft. This is important for putting

down your ideas in a sharp and clear manner. With this you
will get an idea as to how you will be able to state what you
want to say within the word limits.

Prepare a third or a final draft to check out whether you have

put down all you wanted to say. Read to check whether your
answer is within the word limits.

d) Interpretation: Interpretation is a constant process in history writing. It is

already reflected in your planning and selection. Explanatory
comments with phrases like may be, because, could be, etc.,
immediately introduce an element of interpretation in
writing itself. Here you have to be careful that these
comments can be supported by the material you have in the

Note : In case you run short of time you should

i) prepare a rough draft, check that you haven’t left anything out, and

ii) go on to write the final draft.

Now, we believe you are ready to answer the questions.

EHI-07/BHIE-107 : Modern Europe Mid-18th to Mid-20th Centuries

Course Code: EHI-07/BHIE-107
Assignment Code : EHI-07/BHIE-107 /AST/TMA/2018-19
Total Marks: 100

Note: All questions are compulsory. Marks are indicated against each question.

Section 1: Answer each question in about 500 words.

1. Explain the measures taken by the British state towards modernization. 20

Write a brief note on Liberalism.

2. Define the idea of nationalism and nation-state. ‘Nationalism can support both 20
movements of unification and separation.’ Explain this with reference to the
nationalist mobilizations in Europe.
Analyse the factors that contributed to the first socialist revolution in Russia. How
did the Russian government try to build socialism in Russia?

Section 2: Answer each question in about 250 words.

3. ‘Modern democratic politics is not democratic in many essential respects.’ Explain. 12

Discuss the role of masses in overthrowing the Ancien Regime in France.

4. ‘The mid 19th century Europe was marked by transformation from monarchical 12
government towards democratization.’ Explain.
Why did industrialization start late in Russia?

5. How did the change come in economic position of women in modern Europe? 12
Discuss the cultural issues that helped the rise of national sentiments in Eastern Europe.

6. What was the effect of industrial growth on the rise of cities? 12

Discuss in brief the process of economic recovery and development in
post-World War Europe.

Section 3: Answer in about 100 words each.

7. Write short notes on any two of the following: 6+6

a) Peasants in modern Europe

b) Missionaries and imperialism
c) The Weimar Republic
d) Ideology of the Nazi Party.

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