Pressure Ulcer Prevention
Pressure Ulcer Prevention
Pressure Ulcer Prevention
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Background: Pressure ulcer represent a significant burden to the patient, family and healthcare organization.
It has a great impact on quality of life physically, psychologically and socially leading to pain, increase a length
of hospitalization and rehabilitation.
Aim: To determine the effect of implementing pressure ulcer prevention educational protocol on nurses’
knowledge, attitude and practice.
Methods: A quantitative quasi-experimental study. A convenience sample of 100 nurses were voluntarily
participate in the study.
Setting: The study carried out at AL Noor Specialist Hospital.
Tools: Nurses knowledge was measure by knowledge test; attitude was measured by nurses’ attitude
questionnaire and nurses practice was measure by observation checklist. Data were collected immediately
before the educational session, immediately after the session, two weeks and one month after intervention.
Result: The result revealed a positive association between pressure ulcer educational protocol prevention and
nurses’ knowledge, attitude and practice to ward pressure ulcer prevention. The pretest result indicated that
nurses' knowledge was a moderate level (74.05% SD 13.499), nurses attitude was positive (42% SD 4.767)
and nurses practice was (67% SD 2.983). However, the mean percentage of all posttest showed a significant
increase in nurses’ knowledge, attitude and practice.
Conclusion: The pressure ulcer prevention educational protocol is an effective tool to improve and update
nurses’ knowledge, attitude and practice toward PU prevention. The result of current study indicates the
important of ongoing nurses’ education regarding PU prevention.
Recommendation: developing a continuous educational program to improve nurses’ knowledge, attitude and
practice toward pressure ulcer prevention
Keyword: Nurses’ knowledge, attitude, practice and PU prevention.
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Date of Submission: 16-12-2018 Date of acceptance: 31-12-2018
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I. Introduction
Pressure ulcer (PU) represent a significant burden to the patient, family and healthcare organization. It
has a great impact on quality of life physically, psychologically and socially leading to pain, increase a length of
hospitalization and rehabilitation (Stevenson et al., 2013).According to (Briggs et al., 2013), PU had been
recognized as one of most physically and financial debilitating complication in the 20th century , that affect all
age group in both hospital and community setting (Barker et al., 2013). However, the risk increase in elder
individual, immobilized and patient with neurological deficit(Qaddumi & Khawaldeh, 2014).Despite,
availability of all resources needed to prevent PUs, it reminds one of the health issues affecting many health care
organizations (Barker et al., 2013).
PU poses an increasingly serious challenge for global health systems that must be confronted.
Internationally in Canada and Australia the prevalence of PUs ranges from 8.3% to 25.1%(A Tubaishat, Dean,
Aljezawi, & Qadire, 2013). In addition, a prevalence rate of 0.4% up to 38% was record in acute care setting in
United State(Qaseem, Mir, Starkey, & Denberg, 2015) while in Middle East a prevalence rate of 12% was
recorded in Jordan (A Tubaishat et al., 2013). In Saudi Arabia, 39.3% incidence of PUs were reported in two
intensive care units which concluded that it's also prevalent in the Kingdom(Tayyib, Coyer, & Lewis, 2015).
Study Setting:The study was conducted at Al-Noor Specialist Hospital in Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia at medical, general surgical, neurosurgical, orthopedic, coronary care unit (CCU) and intensive care unit
(ICU). It is government hospital under the supervision of Ministry of Health that located at the center of the
Holy City with total bed capacity of 500 beds.
Sample size:The estimated population size of participants in selected area are 200 nurses. By
considering the response distribution among them as 50 % (to obtain the largest sample size, the margin of error
as 5% and confidence level as 95%; the calculated sample size was 132 using Epi-info software (version 7), for
sample size calculation. However, the total who participated in current study were 100 nurses due to shortage of
staffs and schedule.
Study sample:A convenience sample of 100 nurses were participated from both gender who provide
direct care for Immobilized / bedridden adult patientswith at least six months’ experience in selected units.
Study tools:
Tool I:P-Z Pressure ulcer knowledge test (PUKT). The tool was divided to two parts. Part I assessed
Socio-demographic and clinical data while part II assessed nurses’ knowledge to PU prevention, staging and
wound description. A cutoff greater than 80% were set as passing rate for knowledge.
Tool II: Nurses’ attitude structure questionnaire. The scores ranged from 11 to 55. The closer scores to
55 consider positive attitude while closer scores to 11 consider negative attitude toward PU prevention.Tool III:
Nurses practice toward pressure ulcer prevention observational checklist developed by author. A score above
80% indicate adequate practice of pressure ulcer prevention
Ethical consideration: Official approval was obtained from ethical committee in Faculty of Nursing,
King Abdulaziz University. In addition, toapproval from both Makkah region ministry of health Institutional
Review Board department and Al-Noor Specialist Hospital (Review Board Committee). Ethical approval was
obtained from study participants.
III. Result
1. Characteristics of study sample
Table 1 Sociodemographic Characteristic of The Study Participants (n=100)
Table 1&2 present the distribution of socio-demographic and clinical data of study participants. A large
proportion of study participants age was less than 30 years accounted for 59% and the lowest was between 41-
51 years accounted for 3%.%. It is noteworthy that majority of staff nurses were primarily women (n=93) and
were single. Regarding educational level sixty-two percent of study sample achieved bachelor’s degree in
nursing, 5% were diploma and only 33% were associated degree, respectively while most clinical experience of
nurses ranged from 1 year to 5 years. Twenty-three percent of nurses attended a workshop on PU prevention
within 1 year or less while 53% had never attended. Responses to question about last time nurse read a book or
an article about PU showed that 54% of nurses read within one year or less while 16% had never read. Almost
46% of nurses reported that they had not search Web for obtaining information about PU while 42% had south
web within one year or less. However, 87% of nurses claimed that they had not read NPUAP/ EPUAP guideline
of PU prevention and treatment.
As presented in table 4, no statistical significant found between nurses’ knowledge and nurses age,
gender, educational level, clinical experience, last time attend workshop regarding PU, last time read a book or
an article about PU, last time south information on web about PU and last read NPUAP/EPUAP guideline about
PU prevention and treatment. In contrast, the nurses’ marital status had a significant relationship with their
knowledge with P value (.000) < .05
As shown in table 5, the initial evaluation of nurses’ attitude toward PU was reflecting a positive
attitude toward PU prevention with a mean score of 41.86 4.767. However, the mean scores had increases
after the educational session immediately 47.25 2.955. There were slightly declined in the mean score of
posttest2 46.96 2.663 comparing to posttest1. Eventually, the mean score had been improved in posttest3
47.05 2.935 a month after the educational.
Table 6 showed theeffect of PU educational prevention protocol on nurses practice, the mean score
percentage at initial evaluation was 66.79%. however, it raised up 93.75%immediately after educational session.
Two weeks after intervention the mean average declined to 85% lower than posttest1 and higher than the
baseline. In posttest 3 a month after the intervention the mean nurses practice reached 81.9%.
IV. Discussion
Sociodemographic characteristics of study sample
Nurses from different clinical areas engage in the education session, with highest attending of nurses’
staff working in medical unit Similar result found by (Bayoumi & Bassuni, 2016). More than half of study
sample were less than thirty years old. This result are line with finding of (Taha, 2014);(Ahmad Tubaishat &
Aljezawi, 2014) and (El Enein & Zaghloul, 2011). In addition, the number of female participants are much
higher than male participants. This was harmony with (Kaddourah et al., 2016); (Alves Rodrigues et al., 2016);
(Bayoumi & Bassuni, 2016);(Andrade et al., 2014) and contrast to study by (Saleh, Qaddumi, & Anthony,
2012), as they found that 58.6% of participants were male. Regarding the marital status, the dominated response
were single nurses This result was a parallel with (Dilie & Mengistu, 2015), who found that 68.4% of study
sample were single and differ from (Taha, 2014), who stated that 80% of the participants were married
Likewise, more than half of study sample have clinical experience that ranged from one year to five
years. Similar result was found by (Taha, 2014); (Beeckman, Defloor, Schoonhoven, & Vanderwee, 2011);(El
Enein & Zaghloul, 2011) and contradicted to(Gunningberg et al., 2013) were majority of nurses had experience
>10 years. In addition, a diversity of nurses with different background engage in educational session with more
than half of the sample belong to nurses with bachelor degree(n=62). The fining was agreed with (Kaddourah et
al., 2016); (Dilie &Mengistu, 2015):(Ahmad Tubaishat & Aljezawi, 2014); (Gunningberg et al., 2013);(Cox et
al., 2011) and contradicted with(Taha, 2014) and(El Enein & Zaghloul, 2011).
Regarding last time nurses attend training on PU, an overwhelming number of 53% nurses mention that
they had never attend workshop regarding PU. Similar result was found (El Enein & Zaghloul, 2011), indicated
that 74.6% of their study sample had not attend training about PU. 46 % of nurses said that they had never
search website about PU while 42% had searched internet within one year or less. This was contradicted to
(Pieper & Zulkowski, 2014), indicated that 78% of study sample used web for gathering information about PU
in first data collection in 2012 and 73.3% in 2013.
Regarding last time nurses read about PU in a book or journal article more than half of participants read
within one year or less. while 16% had never read about PU. This finding was a line with (Dilie & Mengistu,
2015), who mentioned that 51% of study sample had never read about PU. The result show that almost more
than eighty percent of nurses were not aware of NPUAP/EPUAP about prevention and treatment of PU. This
was a line with (Cox et al., 2011), as only 18% of their participants had read PU guideline in their study.
all the three areas. The nurses’ response on PU prevention, staging and wound description showed that PU
prevention measurement are not well known by nurses’. After implementing the PU educational session nurses
showed a very high level of knowledge to all items in prevention 99%, staging 98%and 100% in wound
description. The posttest 2 (two weeks after educational intervention) showed slightly decrease in scores of
correct answers. PU prevention and staging had similar result of 98% while wound description had 96.4%. The
posttest3(4 weeks after educational session) revealed a mean score of 95.03 than pretest but lower than posttest
2 and posttest 3. However, the ranged of correct answers were higher than pretest and posttest1 but similar to
posttest 2.
As it was observed, nurses level of knowledge had improved and sustained through study period
comparing to pretest. Therefore, the outcome of analysis confirms the effectiveness of the PU educational
protocol as pretest result was lower than all posttest. The moderate study participants level of knowledge might
be explained by following: First, in this study above the half of the study participants had bachelor degree in
nursing. However, an educational degree itself is not enough to ensure adequate knowledge. The content of
undergraduate is not containing a lot of information about pressure ulcer and most of this information are not
up-to-date. According to (Pieper & Zulkowski, 2014), there are a vast different between obtaining knowledge in
classroom and between knowledge acquired and applied to clinical practice. Second, lack of education
opportunity through attending workshop as almost half of study sample had never attend workshop relate to PU
prevention. Training through attending in service education assist nurses to update their knowledge with the
recent evidence and enhance their competence and confidence. This new learn knowledge encourage nurses to
implement them in their daily care and disseminate it with other member in nursing team. However, lack of time
and staff could be a barrier preventing nurses to attend workshop about PU.
The results of current study are consistent with an experimental study used similar survey for
knowledge assessment before and after an educational workshop that involved both registered nurses’ and
nurses’ technician (n=71) working in three hospital in Brazil. Nurses were divided into (n=50) belong to
intervention group and (n=21) belong to control group. The education intervention was based on
recommendation of international guideline once a week for 10 meeting. The pre-intervention result indicated a
mean score of 74.1% 26.9 for intervention group and a mean of 76.1% 22.9 for control group. The
immediately posttest showed a mean of 87.8 % 18.8 for intervention group and 79.1% 22.2. The result
proves the effectiveness of education intervention on nurses’ knowledge which evidence by the mean score of
intervention group on posttest comparing to control group (Baron, Brandenburg, Beatriz, & Krug, 2016).
One of interesting finding that parallel with the current finding was a true-experimental study
conducted in Jordan by (Saleh et al., 2012), to assess the effect of education program on nurse knowledge. The
study involves a random selection of registered nurses (n=112) assigned to experimental group and (n=108)
assigned to control group. The pretest result showed a mean of 10.8/261.05 for experimental group and a mean
of control group had a mean of 10.42.05. however, the posttest indicated a mean score of 15.2 1.5 for
experimental group and a mean of 13.61.80. this finding indicated the effectiveness of educational program on
nurses’ knowledge toward PU prevention as the nurses’ post-test show higher result comparing to pre-test and
control group.
In contrast (Pieper & Zulkowski, 2014), tested the new version of PUKT which is known by PZ-PUKT
nowadays in 2012. The survey was administered to nurses who attended a conference at New Jersey hospital in
2012 and 2013 to validate the tool. A total of 108 Nurses were divided in to two group (n=54) where asked to
answer questions related to PU prevention and staging while second group were asked to complete questions
related to wound description. The total correct score was 80% which higher than our finding. The sub-scores of
PU prevention was 77%, PU staging was 86% and PU wound description was 77%. In current study, the highest
percentage in PU subs-cores were related to staging similar to this finding.
The finding of current study state that nurses level of knowledge about PU prevention were not
different in regard to age, gender, educational level, length of clinical experience. A similar result was found by
(AlKharabsheh, Alrimawi, Assaf, & Saleh, 2014), as no relationship were found between nurses’ knowledge
and level of education, level of experience and ages. In addition, (Kaddourah et al., 2016), found no association
between nurses’ knowledge and level of educational as well as the length of clinical experience which is parallel
with our finding. Further added, participant age was correlated to level of knowledge with (p value <.001). The
result of current study was a line with (Iranmanesh et al., 2011), based on their result no association between
level of knowledge and length of experience. In contrast (Taha, 2014), found a significant correlation between
level of knowledge and participants’ age of (p value <.001) as well as a correlation between nurses knowledge
and level of education with (p value <.001 .
Neither last time attend workshop nor reading a book or article about PU had effect the level of
knowledge. Regarding last time south information about PU on website and last time read NPUAP/EPUAP
guideline about PU prevention both had no influence on the study participants level of knowledge. However,
(Taha, 2014), reported a correlation of .0001 between level of knowledge and training about PU. In
addition,(Zulkowski, Ayello, & Wexler, 2007), stated that a significant correlation of p value <.5 was found
between nurses’ knowledge level and attending lectures about PU, reading article or book, searching website
and reading about PU guideline. Also, (Källman, 2009), indicated that nurses who read article about PU or
attend lectures had high result. However, a significant correlation of P value (.000) was found between marital
status and level of knowledge. Single nurses showed the highest mean, follow by married and divorced. In
contrast to (Taha, 2014), who found a correlation of >0.05 between nurses’ knowledge and ma In order to reject
or accept study hypothesis, a test of significant repeated measure (ANOVA) was carried out. The test revealed a
statistical significant of p-value .000 less than 0.5 which indicate the effectiveness of PU educational
intervention on nurses’ knowledge.
V. Conclusion
The overriding aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of PU prevention educational
session on nurses’ knowledge, attitude and practice. To answer this question, quasi-experimental pre-and-post
design was used to compare between finding. The initial evaluation prior to intervention indicated an
inappropriate level of nurses’ knowledge and practice toward PU prevention while attitude level was
satisfactory. However, the immediately posttest 1, two weeks’ posttest 2 and one month posttest 3 evaluation
following the intervention showed a statistical significant increase in the total mean scores of knowledge,
attitude and practice. These finding indicated that continuous nurses educational regarding PU prevention is
VI. Recommendation
Developing a continuous educational program to improve nurses’ knowledge, attitude and practice toward
pressure ulcer prevention.
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Dear Dr.
I am pleased to submit an original research article entitled “The Effect of Implementing Pressure Ulcer
Prevention Educational Protocol on Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitude and Practices” in your journal. Pressure ulcer
is one of the significant health problems that affect all age group and has negative impact on patient quality of
life. The impact of pressure ulcer effect the patient’s families, nurses and health care organization. The cost of
pressure ulcer treatment is higher than prevention. Many studies had conducted in Saudi Arabia to assessnurses’
knowledge, attitude and practice toward pressure ulcer prevention. This study assesses the effect of pressure
ulcer educational intervention on nurses’ knowledge, attitude and practice. The finding of current study has
important implication for developing an educational program about PU prevention based on nurse’s needs
which affect their performance.It is our pleasure to publish IN YOUR JOURNAL as pressure ulcer is one of the
quality indicators that affect the patient safety.
Zainab Mahmoud Awali. “The Effect of Implementing Pressure Ulcer Prevention Educational
Protocol on Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitude and Practices.” IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health
Science (IOSR-JNHS), vol. 7, no.06 , 2018, pp. 60-69.