Article 1811
Article 1811
Article 1811
(1) A partner, subject to the provisions of this Title and to any agreement
between the partners, has an equal right with his partners to possess
specific partnership property for partnership purposes; but he has no right
to possess such property for any other purpose without the consent of his
1. A partner has equal rights with his co-partners to POSSESS the property BUT
he may possess such property for other purposes PROVIDED the other
partners expressly or impliedly gives their CONSENT
2. He CANNOT ASSIGN his right to the property EXCEPT if all the other
partners assign their rights in the same property.
Partners, liability:
As a general rule, the liability of partners in a partnership
organization is unlimited in the sense that the partnership
creditors may run after them for any and all of their assets and
property in payment of the partnership debts. Should one of
the partners defray all liabilities of the partnership, he is
entitled to be reimbursed by the other partners for their
respective shares therein.
In the case, however, of limited partnerships, the law allows
the limitation of the liability of certain partners to the extent of
the amount contributed to the partnership.
Partnership, dissolution:
Philippine law allows the dissolution of partnership for any
reason, provided such dissolution does not amount to a breach
of contract or is prejudicial to third parties. The death of a
partner or the unauthorized transfer of ownership of his share
in the partnership [in case there is a limitation to this effect]
results in the dissolution thereof. In other words, any change
in the composition of the partnership, unless so allowed, will
result in the dissolution thereof. Consequently, the remaining
partners may form a new partnership with less or more