Cot - Le - DRRR - 12-04-2019

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GAD-based iC CEBU
Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: 12 Learning Area: DRRR Date: December 09 , 2019

Learning Area/s Integrated: Science, Math and MAPEH Quarter:__3__
Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)
Multidisciplinary  Interdisciplinary
Trans disciplinary
I. 21 Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

x Communication  Learning and Innovation  Problem Solving

 Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology  Life and Career
II. Focused Learning Competencies (LC) (Use Curriculum Guide (CG))
Apply precautionary and safety measures before, during and after an earthquake
III. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated
Equal opportunities of all learners in applying precautionary and safety measures before,
during and after an earthquake.
IV. Intended Learning Outcomes
Knowledge Identify what are the proper actions to do during an earthquake.

Skills Design a promotional material that tackles preparedness before,

during and after an earthquake.
Attitude Participate actively the group activity given.
Values Display the values of cooperation within the team.
DRRE Develop a family emergency preparedness plan to guide them on
what to do before, during, and after an earthquake.
V. Learning Content/s
Concept The learners develop a family emergency preparedness plan to
guide them on what to do before, during, and after an earthquake
Reference/s Curriculum guide and Learning Module in DRRR
Theme “ Earthquakes alone don’t injure or kill people. It is our practices
at home, in school, in the workplace or outside that could hurt or
injure us and others.”
IMs Video clips
VI. Learning Experiences (5 Es)
1. Engage Show a video clips on the earthquakes that happened in the
(7 min.) Philippines in the past.
1. What have you observed from the past earthquake that
happened in other parts of the Philippines?
2. Why are these events remembered?
3. How can we avoid this from happening?
4. What is your experience during an earthquake?

2.Explore Group Activity: Role Playing: Demonstrate What to do before,
(13 min.) during and after Earthquake
I.Group 1 what to do BEFORE an earthquake
II. Group 2, what to do DURING an earthquake
III. Group 3. What to do AFTER an earthquake

1. Explain After the role-playing, to emphasize important details, teacher

(10 min.) will discuss in the class the following:
1. What to do BEFORE an earthquake.
I. The key to effective disaster prevention is planning.
II. Prepare your homes, workplace or schools:
III. Familiarize yourself with the exit routes.
IV. Know where fire extinguishers, first aid kits, alarms and
communication facilities are located. Learn how to use them
2. What to do DURING an earthquake.
I. When you are INSIDE a structurally sound building or home…
STAY there! Do the “Duck, Cover and Hold on”
II. If you’re OUTSIDE.. move to an open area! A. Stay away from
trees, power lines, posts.
III. If you’re in a moving vehicle, STOP and get out! Do not attempt
to cross bridges, overpasses or flyovers which may have been
3. What to do AFTER an earthquake.
I. Be prepared for aftershocks. Once the shaking stops, take
the fastest and safest way out of the building.
IV. If you need to evacuate your residence, leave a message
stating where you are going and bring your emergency
supply kit V. Keep updated on disaster prevention
instructions form battery-operated radios.

4. Elaborate The class will be divided into 3 groups.
Each group will create a creative presentation on What to do
(10 min.) before, during and after Earthquake.
Group 1: Design a poster in a cartolina , showing at least one
important action on earthquake preparedness as discussed in

Group 2: Compose a song stating the important actions on

earthquake preparedness as discussed in class.

Group 3: Role playing of an actual earthquake the important
actions on earthquake preparedness as discussed in class.

5. Evaluate Written Test

(10 min.) 1. When the shaking starts, I should run immediately and leave
the room to get out of the building as fast as I could.
2. During an earthquake and I am outside, it is best to take shelter
under trees, power lines, posts and concrete structures.
3. If near the shore and a very strong earthquake is felt, one must
move quickly to higher ground even if there is no immediate
information of the possible source and location of the
4. During an earthquake, to make it faster to get out of the
building, use the elevator.
5. In the chemistry lab, breakable items, harmful chemicals and
flammable materials are be stored properly in the uppermost
secured shelves.
6. After a very strong earthquake, employees of an office located
on the 10th floor of the building should immediately evacuate by
going down the building and finding the designated open space
for temporary evacuation area.

Answer Key: 1. False 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. True

VII. Learning Enablement Ask the following questions:
1. “ Earthquakes alone don’t injure or kill people. It is our
practices at home, in school, in the workplace or outside that
could hurt or injure us and others.” Why is this so?

Sample Response: Because we did not prepare ourselves and our

surroundings. We have to be conscious of the various ways by
which we can prepare ourselves, our school and the community.

2. How can I help spread the right information about earthquake


Possible answers: Discuss at home. Discuss with friend. Help in

the organization of earthquake drills. Seriously participate in the
earthquake preparedness activities of the school
Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

Prepared by:

SAN FERNANDO National High School, San Fernando District 1


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