Smart Shaming

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The cause and effect of smart shaming to Grade 11 HUMSS students of St Joseph School


In a country that education is of great worth among its individuals, there appears to be a growing
trend of constructing negative comments and expressions to people who have high intelligence
or are vital thinkers—hence, the term “smart-shaming.” Expressions like “Ikaw na magaling!” or
“Edi wow!” are currently viewed as common responses to those who presumptively share a lot
of info than what’s required. With the continual increase within of Filipinos on social media, it's
been simple to share and circularize new info to the public. Often, though, individuals also are
fast to react and even criticize people who have new ideas to share. over the intention of making
fun, it's dissatisfactory however sensible conversations get halted by such responses; rather than
participating individuals in serious conversations, several social media users take sharing of
ideas as associate offense. it's as if Filipinos appreciate being just ignorant to things that are
difficult to understand. The National Statistics Office’s 2010 Census of Population and Housing
shows that 97.5 percent or 69.8 million of the 71.5 million Filipinos aged ten year old and above
are literate or can read and write. Considering the high rate of basic literacy within the country,
Filipinos mustn't accept the mere ability to just read and write. Filipinos usually say
“Nosebleed!” once somebody fluently speaks English, as if the language is incredibly new their
ears and isn't the second language of the country. However, this could not be the case
considering that the Philippines was named because the best country in business English
proficiency for the years 2012 and 2013 by the worldwide English Corporation, posting higher
results than that of the US and UK. Smart shaming is a manifestation of how we value the
pursuit of knowledge. With a fast access to immense information, particularly with the net,
everybody has no excuse to not explore and learn things that are foreign to oneself. a country’s
growth vastly depends on its individuals. Intelligent minds mean the continual growth and
development of nation.
Statement of the problem:

1. What do you feel when you are smart shaming?

2. Why are you smart shaming?
3. How do you overcome smart shaming?
4. When do you smart shame?
5. What are the cause and effect of smart shaming? (Academic performance and to yourself)
6. Have you experience smart shaming?
7. Have you ever smart shame someone?
8. Do teachers in charge help you to surpass smart shaming?
9. How do you avoid smart shame?
10. Where do you think smart shaming started?


- John Nyame Cecilia, Tomekyin was an anti-intellectualism, speaker and researcher and
smart shaming is observing proverbs to describe and clearly used to advise, rebuke, or
shame another person. To show some genuine love and portray women’s intelligent. This
means you need to enhance your mind and gives inheritance to be smart.
Scope and delimitation:

The scope of our experimental research is only for Grade 11 HUMSS senior high school student
of St Joseph School whom experiences smart-shaming in their classroom, to know their feelings,
thoughts and the effects of smart-shaming in their academic performances and even on
themselves as a person. The researchers will not only focus on the victims of smart-shaming, the
researchers will also find out the thoughts of other Grade 11 HUMSS senior high school student
before and after they smart-shame someone, to know what really is their motive and what
influence them to smart-shame.

This experimental research will be conducted inside Saint Joseph School Malasin Campus for a
day and will be observe by the two assigned researchers from the group. The researchers will
interview a teacher to know what their reaction or what are they going to do if smart shaming
happens in their class.

Benefits and benaciaries:

The benefits of this experimental research is to widen one's knowledge about anti-
intellectualism. In this research they will know the effects and insights of other people regarding
to the topic and to the victim of smart shaming itself. It will help someone to get an inspiration
on how they will overcome this kind of issue in our country which might help others to
understand the feelings and effects of smart shaming to someone. To the people who experiences
smart shaming such as in politics, public and community to open their minds and be an
inspiration to some other victims of anti-intellectualism. To students who is struggling to
overcome between their academic performances and them being a victim of smart shaming in
their school. This research will help and guide them to handle and surpass this issue to also be an
eye opener to someone. To the teachers who have witnessed smart shaming in their class. Their
reactions and what are the things they do when this happen to their students. This research will
also help them to shape and build their students to become a better person, to understand each
other and to not tolerate this kind of issue inside the school.

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