ToonDimension - Formal Game Proposal

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Toon Dimension

Formal Game Proposal

Peter Bucher
Christian Schulz
Nicola Ranieri

February, 2009
Table of contents
1. Game Description.............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Idea.............................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Story...........................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Gameplay...................................................................................................................................2
1.4 Implementation..........................................................................................................................2
1.4.1 Design................................................................................................................................2
1.4.2 Classification......................................................................................................................3
1.5 Visual Aspect.............................................................................................................................3
2. Development Schedule.....................................................................................................................4
2.1 Team...........................................................................................................................................4
2.1.1 Peter Bucher.......................................................................................................................4
2.1.2 Christian Schulz.................................................................................................................4
2.1.3 Nicola Ranieri....................................................................................................................4
2.2 Tasks..........................................................................................................................................4
2.2.1 Functional Minimum..........................................................................................................4
2.2.2 Low Target.........................................................................................................................5
2.2.3 Desirable Target.................................................................................................................5
2.2.4 High Target.........................................................................................................................5
2.2.5 Extras.................................................................................................................................5
2.3 Schedule.....................................................................................................................................6
3. Assessment.......................................................................................................................................7
1. Game Description

1.1 Idea
Our goal is to create a game, in which
multiple players try in a cooperative
and or competitive way to accomplish
a certain task. Each one takes control
over a toon character and moves him
in jump'n'run style through a map,
collecting power-ups, defeating
enemies and solving puzzles.
Each map consists of stairs, elevators,
doors and interactive elements such as
switches. It also contains enemies,
which try to complicate the task of
each player.
To defeat them and other players, each
player has access to weapons as
simple bombs or small toon bombs
running towards the enemy.
There will be several power-ups, sometimes hidden in destructible
boxes, increasing a players abilities.
A level can consist of several dimensions, in which only one or the
other player can take influence on interactive elements or enemies.
This is used to create a cooperative puzzle mode in which the players
try to reach together a specific switch or door.
The genre of the game is a mix between third person shooter and
action adventure.

1.2 Story
The purely evil Dr. Morbo wants to take over the world. He
developed a machine that can split the the toon world into multiple dimensions. With this machine
he evokes ultimate chaos among the inhabitants. In this era of anarchy it'll be a effortless task to
enslave each and every living creature.
But evil Dr. Morbo once again underestimated the courage and power of our toon heroes, who will
come alive from the big pen every new episode. With the help of their friends at ACME laboratories
they set off to confound Dr. Morbo evil plans and reunite the toon world so everyone can live
happily ever after.

1.3 Gameplay
The aspect of the dimensions, allowing each player to do different things corresponding to the
dimension he is part of, will take a major role in the gameplay. It will require the players to play
cooperatively to progress in the game. This will be done with simple mechanics like sections where
only one player can defeat the enemies. But it will also incorporate more complicated situations
where puzzles have to be solved together. Starting out with easy button and key ones to more
advanced physics puzzles. For example where players have to find boxes and stack them up to
reach a higher platform or find weights to operate a seesaw. The design of such puzzles will be a
very difficult and iterative process and an integral part of the map design.

1.4 Implementation

1.4.1 Design
Each entity of the game can have a visual representation and a physical representation. It also has an
intelligence or logic which defines its behaviour. We therefore instantiate each entity as a controller
which contains this behaviour. Each controller can create and control its visual and physical
This design choice perfectly matches the XNA game class logic which separates the update and the
draw routine. It is also intuitive, since each entity can decide about its own actions, even when to
remove itself from the game.
Starting a game means, that a player selects a new map in the menu, the controller container is
cleared and a new map controller is created. The map controller creates all entities of the map and
adds them also to the controller container. Running the game means now just updating all
Since we have to fill a map with controller entities, we need a map editor. The input of the map
editor are meshes, textures, effects and controllers, the output is a map description file describing
the whole map and all controllers and their parameters. The map editor is not for modelling the
world, but for composing meshes and their properties as well as controllers and their parameters.

1.4.2 Classification
The map and each entity of the game is represented as a controller.
Nevertheless we classify the entities to have a better structure and an
easier understanding of the game.

Static Entity
This class contains all entities of a map, which do not change position or
form during the whole game. Their physical representation is created once
and keeps the same and can therefore be optimized. Static entities have an infinite mass. They do
collide with other entities but have no further logic. Because of their simplicity, they are directly
handled by the map controller. Examples of this class are walls, the floor and stairs. This enables the
map to be an arbitrary mesh.

Semi-static Entity
All map entities which can move along a given path and react to events are called semi-static. The
movement can be cyclic or caused by an event. Therefore they have to implement a certain logic
and have to be represented by an own controller. They do collide with other physical representation
but have an infinite mass and do not deviate from their given path. Examples for this class are
elevators, doors, portals and switches.

Dynamic Entity
Entities which are only moved by physics and external forces are called
dynamic. They have a certain mass and react on collisions. They can be
destructible and also change their physical and visual representation.
Examples are boxes and all kinds of bombs.

Character Entity
These are the intelligent entities of the world. They can move and
interact with the environment and try to complete a task. There are
player characters which are the avatars of the players and there are
non player characters which are the enemies. Characters have health
and can be damaged.

Abstract Entity
The last class describes entities without a physical
representation. They have a task and query themselves for
information to complete it. Examples for this class are spawn
points and power-ups.

1.5 Visual Aspect

The characters are toons and have to look as if they just
jumped out of a cartoon. An option would be to render them
using the cell shading technique.
The maps can either play in the toon world or they can be
more realistic, using bump maps and other realistic looking
shaders. Although there will be many explosions, the game should never look violent but funny and

2. Development Schedule

2.1 Team

2.1.1 Peter Bucher

Semester: 8
Related Courses: Software Engineering, Java Programming, Visual Computing, Introduction to
Computer Graphics, Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics and Vision,
Physikalisch-basierte Simulation in der Computer Graphik, Fraben im
Digitalen Publizieren

2.1.2 Christian Schulz

Semester: 12
Related Courses: Software Engineering, C# Programming, Programming Multimedia Systems,
Computer Graphics, Computer Animation, Digital Compositing
Related Work: C. Schulz, M. Schultz and H. Fricke 2008. A Real-Time Pedestrian Animation
System. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Pedestrian and
Evacuation Dynamics.

2.1.3 Nicola Ranieri

Semester: 8
Related Courses: Software Engineering, Konzepte Objekt-Orientierter Programmierung, Visual
Computing, Introduction to Computer Graphics, Advanced Topics in
Computer Graphics and Vision, Physikalisch-basierte Simulation in der
Computer Graphik, Fraben im Digitalen Publizieren
Related Work: Title: “Tai Chi Chuang using wearable Sensors”,
Supervisor: Dr. Dennis Majoe, Prof. Jürg Gutknecht

2.2 Tasks

2.2.1 Functional Minimum

The functional minimum should be the prototype of the
game. It should contain all elements required for a proof of
• Standard map with some simple static entities
• Simple dynamic entities like boxes and one bomb
type, without big visual effects
• One playable character, approximated by a simple
• Multiple dimensions
• Working physics for the maps and the entities
The map editor should be able to load and display meshes
and to assign to each mesh an effect, a material and

2.2.2 Low Target
The low target is a game which could be released, but without visual satisfaction and many entity

• A simple menu, with options and map selection

• One loadable map for multiple players
• An additional weapon
• Power-ups for life and ammunition
• Spawn point controllers for players, power-ups and boxes
• One character model loaded from dcc tool, several instances
by color variation
• Animated character for forward / backward and sidestep
• Sound for all events

One can add the existing spawn point controllers to the map using the map editor.

2.2.3 Desirable Target

The game should now look good and could be released as it is. It contains:

• Improved puzzle maps

• Controllers for switches, elevators and doors
• An explosion effect
• Background music
• A mechanical non-moving enemy
• Several character models
• Realistic character locomotion generation
• More character actions: Jumping, Shooting a Bomb...
• Basic AI for NPCs
• Intelligent bomb which follows characters
• Improved character rendering: Shadow Mapping, Levels of Detail

The map editor is extended so that the new controllers can be added.

2.2.4 High Target

High target is to have a visually ambitious game with a whole variety of different entities:

• A target tracking rocket and a doomsday bomb

• Keys (realized as power-ups) used to open certain doors
• More enemies which are more intelligent
• Characters have a better collision handling and corresponding animation
• More maps, especially puzzle maps
• Different shader techniques

2.2.5 Extras
As extras we plan those things which would be nice, but probably out of scope:
• AI for computer controlled players
• The game is playable over the network

2.3 Schedule
The term (x/y) stands for x hours expected, in y hours realized. Easter break is marked grey.

Date Course Items Peter Christian Nicola

24.02. - FGP (3/-) - FGP (-/8) - Design (-/4)
- Sketches(2/-) - Skeleton (-/4)
- Mockup Scene (5/-) - Physics (-/16)
- FGP (-/8)
03.03. Formal Game - Simple Map(10/-) - Character Controller
Proposal - Meshload (5/-) (20/-)
10.03. Mutual Project - Project Critiques (1/-) - Project Critiques (1/-) - Project Critiques (1/-)
Critiques - Simple Mapeditor - Dimensions (15/-)
(20/-) - Box Controller (4/-)
17.03. Game - Map-Modeling (5/-) - Character modeling - Bomb Controller (20/-)
Prototype, - Mapeditor (15/-) (12/-)
24.03. - Textures (5/-) - Animated character - Menu (20/-)
- Mapeditor (15/-) (12/-)
31.03. - Textures (5/-) - Animation clip - Multi Player (20/-)
- DM-Map (15/-) production (20/-)
07.04. Interim Report, - Sound Effects (10/-) - Realistic locomotion - Power-Ups (10/-)
Low Target - Props- generation (20/-) - Weapon (5/-)
Modelling(10/-) - Interim Report (5/-)
14.04. - Enemies (20/-) - Several character - Switch (4/-)
models (16/-) - Elevator (8/-)
- Door (8/-)
21.04. - Mapping (10/-) - Character actions - Puzzle controllers
- Decorate (10/-) (20/-) (20/-)
29.04. - Mapping (15/-) - Improved character - Effects (20/-)
- Music (5/-) rendering (10/-)
05.05. Alpha Release, - AR-Report (5/-) - Basic AI (10/-) - Mech. Enemy (10/-)
Desirable - Balancing (10/-) - Intelligent bomb (6/-) - AR-Report (5/-)
Target - Adjustments (5/-)
12.05. Playtesting - Playtesting (10/-) - Better AI (10/-) - Rocket (10/-)
- Model Cleanup (10/-) - Playtesting (10/-)
19.05. Debriefing - Shaders (10/-) - Better Character - Doomsday Bomb (10/-)
- Finishing (10/-) Collision handling - Shaders (10/-)
26.05. Presentation, - Presentation (15/-) - Presentation (15/-) - Presentation (20/-)
High Target - Finishing (5/-)
29.05. Conclusion, - Video (10/-) - Video (10/-) - Video (10/-)
09 Video - Conclusion (5/-) - Conclusion (5/-) - Conclusion (5/-)

3. Assessment
Our game introduces a unique twist to the jump'n'run genre and will enforce a team oriented
gameplay. As games are always more enjoyed when played together, the required cooperative parts
will be fun on and off the screen requiring the players to actively communicate with each other. The
jump'n'run parts are known to be fun and are proven to be successful, as long as the difficulty is
right. Puzzles are very popular on a wide range of platforms and are generally enjoyed, but
especially by a more mature audience. This allows the game to be played and enjoyed across age
The different gameplay aspects attract a wider range of players. Both people liking puzzles and
people which play shooters or action adventures should have fun with our game.
The introduced novel game twist combined with the funny atmosphere of a toon world should
delight people not only for few minutes. Especially if we care to implement an easy character

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