Missionary Challenge PDF
Missionary Challenge PDF
Missionary Challenge PDF
Part I & II
The Reality of A Ministry
The Autobiography of
Pastor: M. Paulose
Translated by
Malayalam 1V
1997, 2010, 2015, 2017
English I
Printed at:
Pastor M. Paulose
Bethel House
West of M.P.T.C. Shed
Tamil Nadu
Assemblies of God
The Missionary Challenge
By the Grace of God, I was fortunated to be able to
receive the Lord as my personal saviour, and to commit the
life for the sake of the Gospel work in my very young age
itself. The lord was gracious to me that I could testify the
Lord not only in India but even in various countries of the
The Childhood and The Infantile Deceases
My native place is Vallarada, Ponnampi in the eastern
zone of Neyyattinkara Taluk in Trivandrum district which is in
the south most part of Kerala State. Out of five children born
in a christian family, three were deceased and died at the young
My elder brother and my self were only left. We were
also struck by illness. Many treatments were done, but of no
effect. At the critical moment of fighting between life and death
parents took shelter in a prayer home. We were relieved of
The Missionary Challenge
death by their prayer and by the great mercy of God we were
completely healed. My mother and grand mother devoted
themselves to the Living God, to live for Him, because of this
divine miracle. But sad to say, my father continued without
any change in his life.
To Be My disciple...?
Operation Mobilization
The things which are seen are temperory, but the things
which are not seen are eternal! (Ref: 2 Corinthians 4:18b). We
who have attained eternal life are also supposed to work for
its sake. That is why Paul, the apostle says, “If then you are
raised with Christ... set your mind on things above, not on
things on the earth” (Colossians 3:1,2). Praise the Lord, I came
to understand the fact that the Lord can reveal his work only
through those who commit themeslves like this.
The Missionary Challenge
I returned home after completing the training: I would marry
a young lady from an orphanage, who has neither father nor
mother. She should be the one who is loving the Lord more
than me, and having neither wealth nor employment. While
I was praying for this matter, the Lord showed me a sister
having these qualities.
My Experiences in O.M.
The Missionary Challenge
From this the Lord taught me clearly a lesson from the
Word of God: “Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar,
and there remember that your brother has something against
you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way.
First be reconciled to your brother and then come and offer
your gift” (Matthew 5:23,24)
The Missionary Challenge
My Wedding
The Missionary Challenge
being lead by the Lord.
From the family of my wife she only have had the saving
experience. Since her brothers had very much loved her and
having no courage to see her pathetic condition, they brought
her in the hospital. But because of her condition was worse
they had to bring her into five hospitals one after the other.
In day time, after the open air meetings and film show
were conducted in beaches, as waking the sleeping children
and had gone to hotels there were times when nothing was
available there to eat. We will return desperately with children
hungerstricken. And we will sleep on the bed of sand, making
two or three pillows of sand and covering it with bedsheets.
The cry of children who were hugry were heart breaking. Again
the ministry will get start in the next morning. Reached
the hotel with greed of hungry, we will get bored as we see
the flies of the beach covering rice and dishes. But there is no
other alternative except to eat praying. Many times we,
myself, my wife and children and co-workers were afflicted
by “diarrhea’ a mortal disease. But to say in short, the Lord of
soul kept our life safe. My heart fills with thanks before God
The Missionary Challenge
as I see now spiritual churches and ministers in places where
we worked as orphans with sufferings. Our afflictions will not
go in vain.
Beaten at Kanyakumari
They are model for us. Let us follow their ideal. In this
last period warriors are required for the sake of the Lord. The
Lord can fulfill His glorious ministry only by those who have
committed their life for the sake of the Lord either by life or by
death. The ministry can be carried out only by those who
consider everything as rubbish as Paul said. The reason for
not reaching the Gospel in numerous villages of India is that
The Missionary Challenge
there are no people who are ready to undertake the sufferings.
The Missionary Challenge
A Money Order
The Missionary Challenge
To Rameshwaram
But atlast we got a shed where fish packing was done. That
shed was owned by an unmarried keralite. He kept our
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luggage in the house of a friend, and we slept at night in the
fish shed where only two mats could be spread out. Out of
the 200 rupees we had, while we reached at Pampan, only 5
rupee was left. That money was also spent in the same day. In
the circumstances where we had no money, no place to stay,
not known proper language, and lost the education of
children, our mind was not troubled even a bit.
The reason for this was we raised our eyes towards the
hands of the merciful Lord who stretchout His grace
irrespective of problems, because of our obedience to the
Lord according to what He said.
The Missionary Challenge
After they have gone we will take little comfort from the
heat of the roasted sunny day. Many times children would
ask, “when will we return to the native place?” It was because
of the severe hunger this question was arised from them. They
had to be fed by force when they were in the native place. But
here the condition is crying out because of hunger. Under this
state of affairs we prayed to the Lord like this: “Lord, you
have brought us to this place for your ministry. But what kind
of ministry you desire from us?” Then we went to the nearby
villages along with the children, according to the counsel
the Lord gave us. We sang Tamil songs which we had studied
byheart, and preached about the love of Jesus in Tamil as far
as we knew, and distributed tracts and some copies of
the New Testament. Only few people accepted these. Some
people gave some offerings. By collecting such offerings we
will buy some rice and lemon pickle and will reach the fish
shed. Then gathering fire wood from the near by estates and
would prepare food and eat it. As we were continuing the
ministry like this so pleasantly, the owner of the shed told us
after two weeks, “it is better for you to look for another house”.
He said like this because of the fear that once my pregnant
wife is delivered, it is difficult to handle the fish transactions.
The Missionary Challenge
Innasi Muthu
The Missionary Challenge
We came back and prayed again: “Lord we will do your
ministry pleasantly inRameshwaram only, whether you give us
the house or not. We said our decision to the Lord that we will
not go back to native place even if we have to stay in
the Railway station. Next day while we went to the hospital
again that person was got healed from the condition that he
was not able to speak. A joy that arised from the faith that
the Lord had delivered him was seen to be reflected on his
The Missionary Challenge
the hospital for sure”.
My wife again said, “If God can give normal delivery for
Sarah on her age of ninety, the Lord is mighty enough to give
me also a comfortable deliverance. Immediately my wife was
abundantly filled with the Holy Spirit and she spoke with
the other tongue and glorified God. At the same context itself
the God gave her comfortable deliverance. Praise the Lord!
Many times we would give our infant baby the water which
is made cool after boiling and putting in milk bottle and there
by would console him of his crying. This is because we were
not afford to buy milk. The mother could not give breastfeed
The Missionary Challenge
to the baby because she had no enough milk since she didnt
get nutritious food, not even able to eat food one time
sufficiently. Even then by the grace of the Lord the team work
was going on without any hindrance. God who gave the lusture
of countenance to Daniel and his comrades gave strength and
grace to the brothers who are ministering with us. They will
buy rice or wheat when they return, according to the income
they get by selling books. By the time they reached
the children would have tired of hunger. We will add salt in
the atta they bring and will boil it kneaded as rolls. Eating little
of that, will sleep as half stomache filled. Many times when
I finished my fasting and come out, there will be nothing to
The Missionary Challenge
On some occassions, brothers were beaten and wounded
and tracts were destroyed by burning with fire. Among them
Br. Jesudas and Br. Raja were wounded as to be specially
mentioned. But nobody afraid at the least and everybody had
gone foreward. That which is sprouted in the fire, will it fade
away in the sunshine?
All the brothers and sisters whom the Lord gives had
been trained for the ministry through this experience.
The Lord had been turning our attention for some social
services. While we saw thousands of brothers and sisters who
came from Cylon as refugees in 1964, we were broken hearted.
The Missionary Challenge
Isaiah 61:1-3 which was enlightened in this context:
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Thousands of people were coming to Cylon each day, who
were running with their life, due to the war between Tamilians
and Simhalans, and were orphans, feeble, without food, hav-
ing no dress to change, completely lost of peace, and de-
ceased. It was by the Lord’s grace that we could help them
who came running greedily for shelter, by giving them food to
eat and garments to dress, mat for laying and the other things
Now by His grace the Lord opened the doors for living
without starvation.
The Missionary Challenge
I am happy to inform you of the way also God blessed
us for the glory of the name of God. Now we think many
times that the afflictions of wrestling, ridicule, ignoring,
solitude, misunderstanding etc will never be changed.
The Missionary Challenge
While we started the construction of the house, there
arised a strong wind of objection from the non-christians. The
objection arised from the Governement side was that much
strong that we may have to leave the Gospel work at
Rameshwaram. But the Lord revealed His power and counsel
by sabotaging official authority who acted against the Law by
accepting bribe to please men. We got victory. I am thankful
for the hand of the Lord which supported us amidst all
Apart from that Pastor Kesari and his wife and Pastor
The Missionary Challenge
Alexander also came here and have been fasting and praying
for the subject. Not only that lot of children of God who know
us and do not know us in India as well as in abroad were
fasting and praying.
The tasty well water which was dug by Pastor Paulose and family
The Missionary Challenge
This police was with us for one month. After one month
the building work of the house started again with
the permission from the high court. The cause for this was
the fasting and prayer of thousands of the children of God.
There were many servants of God to suffer affliction along
with us in this context. They have been encouraging us. We
are grateful to them always.
The Missionary Challenge
Our Family
To The Schools
The Missionary Challenge
Cruel Persecutions
The Missionary Challenge
Somehow or other we came out from that shadow of
death. Again heard that those who were with us have been
beaten at the next school. Again I ran to that school. There
I saw the Bro.Stephen in a very pitiable condition. Two strong
men like giants were beating Him holding his hand strongly
and said like this: “You must agree that the Gospel tracts will
not be distributed henceforth. And must ask pardon for what
is given”. But Sptephen boldly said: ‘I will not ask pardon’.
They tried their level best to make him ask pardon. But that
brother stood firmly for the sake of the name of God. They
were beating another brother Mohanan also. There were more
than 25 people who dared to do this cruel action. Most of
them were intoxicated. They beaten me also who came
running and struck me at the lower abdomen. I fell down on
the ground unconcious. The urine was passing unknowingly.
For long time this problem was with me.
The Missionary Challenge
We returned home after two days. After reaching home body
pain was felt in many parts of the body. I laid physically weak
for some weeks. But the Lord gave deliverance without taking
any medicine. The urine was passing without control due to
the blow at the lower abdomen as it was mentioned before.
I have had reached at the edge of death. Because of the prayer
of many with tears, I was healed as if the Lord have raised me
again. And God made it to know that, “For to me to live is
Christ, and to die is gain” through the experience.
1. The Neem tree which stood near the place where we were
beaten crumbled by the root.
The Missionary Challenge
John 12:24: “...except a corn of wheat fall into the ground
and die, it abideth alone; but if it dies, it bingeth forth much
fruit”. My children read the book ‘Living Martyres’ (Tamil)
after suffered affliction for the sake of Gospel at Vembar.
After that they said to me, “Appa, now we dont want to
continue the study at college. We want to beome warriors in
the ministry of the Lord, studying at Bible college. And God
honoured their desire. Now they are studying at Bible school.
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commitment are ministering together with us. Not only that,
I am praising God for brothers and sisters who are ready to
suffer any affliction pleasantly.
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with sword and stick, cruelly persecuted three brothers who
were sleeping at midnight. While they were afraid and raised
sound, putting clothes in the mouth and shut up the door and
hands and legs were tied to the pillars.
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driving hit at a lorry which was parked in the road side without
any signal, in the same speed as we came. Our van was
broken completely. But to say, it is difficult to believe that the
Lord sending His angels protected us and kept us safe and
nothing happened except my younger daughter Sara was slightly
wounded by a glass peice hit at her head. Along with that the
things in the van also were safe.
From this, the lesson the Lord taught me is, if God called
and seperated an individual or a family with a special purpose,
nobody or any circumstance can hinder that decision, it is
The Missionary Challenge
Part II
Go Ahead Without Being Ashamed
The Firmament is the Border
We believers shall be adorned of the christ only. We shall
be seen beared of the Christ wherever we go. If we hear
the voice of the Holyspirit daily, He will bring across on our
path the individual He have predestined on our behalf to pour
out His love. The Holyspirit will go before us and will prepare
the hearts.
After I get down from the flight I got chance to share the
gospel as I was standing in the queue to register the passport.
This time I didn’t need to open the mouth. I had weared a
T-shirt a person had gifted to one of my friends.
The Missionary Challenge
That day eventhough that shirt became the reason for
many questions and warnings, I have been wearing it still.
I wore that only for the sake of the meaningful and true words
which that shirt declares and because of the opportunity it
produced for the spreading of the gospel.
The Missionary Challenge
could carry only my body. But I am alive, So I told
the ministry is important, and I hesitated to go back with
Sarojam. And we continued the journey. We returned only
after the ministry is completed.
The Missionary Challenge
God who reveals Himself at right time
Jesus has already paid the penalty for their sins. They are
the people who do not know there is no need of doing any
atonement anymore and hence are deserving sympathy. These
people among whom we minister last many years, there are
many among them who received the knowledge that Jesus is
the only real living God. Now still there are thousands who
being blinded there inner eye, tormenting their body thinking
they will get redemption by the observances of atonement
deeds, does like this which is deeply painful for us. Because if
there is no Jesus in their life, in addition to this, they would
have to suffer eternal pain of damnation. Here is unbearable
pain in the name of religious piety and in hell also unending
pain. See how much terrible is the deception of devil!
The Missionary Challenge
The Holy Spirit made His hard heart soft. He was given
the privilage to know Jesus. He joined with our ministry As
soon as he was saved. The heart of them who hear his
testimony will be moved.
The Missionary Challenge
wife and three small children. One day Thankaraj invited the
leader of that place, and his son for the dinner. And they came
also. Then that leader said now he wanted to know more about
Jesus and asked them to reach their house in the following
The Missionary Challenge
people with joy. While everybody thought he was dead, he
returned alive and is sharing gospel. This turned lot of people
to the side of the Lord. Now also that church is growing day
by day with new believers.
After some years she was deceased and again came close
to death. This time when we prayed, God descended and
protected her. This time she understood the unforsaking love
of God. Now she repented and leaving all her paths, became
the child of Jesus. Now she is very well and is ministering with
her husband. The experience of this fish merchant is a good
example that if a person receives Jesus Christ in this country
of India, the cost he has to pay is very high.
The Hindu faith was deep rooted in that village. After that
miraculous healing she in her own interest called and brought
us in the village. That villagers were anxiously waiting to know
what happened to her. Because they all thought that she will
die at any time. She invited us and brought us in her house and
told us, be seated. Without anybody telling anything she brought
The Missionary Challenge
all idols, pictures on which her piety was based on, and all
other related things and were broken down infront of us. To
those who gathered there, she said infront of our team
members, “none of these gave me comfort, joy or healing in
my life. Truly none of these are gods”. And she declared
Jesus only is the true living God.
The Missionary Challenge
(a hindu division) . As usual the anti-gospel people came against
the evangelists they began to run with their life. As they are
running and climbing up a topsy turvy mountain to come out
of that village, turned upside down and fell into a deep pit.
First a person bent down and fell. Then next person fell with
big amplifier in hands. This amplifier fell on the hand of the
first person and got wounded. But God protected them
miraculously, without being get into the hands of
the adversaries. Within a few days the wound was cured and
again they went to the field work.
Last year the training was given to about more that 1000
The Missionary Challenge
missionaries. And God gave grace to send them to share the
gospel in different unknown places of the country where the
gospel is not known. Here are the testimonies of some of
The Missionary Challenge
poverty, the children were withered without food. And cried
out to God for fulfilling the needs. The children had been
crying being not able to suffer hunger. Three days were passed
by drinking water only. On the fourth day the condition got
very worse. His wife was pregnant also fully at that time.
The delivery may take place at any time. They didn’t go to
anybody for help. Why because it is a thing that would have
brought blemish for the faithfulness and honour of God who
called them.
The Missionary Challenge
Lastly I happened to know their condition of such a kind.
Immediately myself and Sarojam arrived there. We could
understand their condition very well, since wel also had
suffered such afflictions of this kind in our ministries in
the beginning. We arranged the preparation for the funeral of
his wife with broken hearts. After that we served him and his
six children with words of consolation. All of their children
were below the age of fifteen years.
The Missionary Challenge
of villages where gospel is not yet reached. They are facing
poverty day by day. Still some of our co-workers are having
such experiences. Dear brothers and sisters, will you come
forward to pray for them and to support them by giving money?
For the sake of gospel they have put forward their neck!
The Missionary Challenge
that at the end of the year 1995. One of the ministerial couples
participated in it were the ministers of a church having only a
few believers. The church is not growing inspite of their
ministry from about two years. Still the number of believers
were only seventeen. There existed severe opposition for
gospel in that place. That was the reason. After that meeting,
received of great strength they went to the field with
a challenge.
The Missionary Challenge
continuously pressing on the door.
The Missionary Challenge
telling about that, let me say little about their spiritual study.
Both of them are studied in the Bible college. That institution
was run by an organisation Y.W.A.M.
The Missionary Challenge
spiritual growth. Not only that, in the powerful revival which is
about to be revealed in India, many Europeans who talk
English would be coming to India searching the country as
well as you. It is you who are going to minister for them. You
also will depart from here to shake countries. Therefore you
strengthen yourself joining with the Holy Spirit now itself. For
the Holy Spirit who is the leader of all languages, English is
very trivial. He will teach you. Humble yourself and study.. do
not lose heart.
The Missionary Challenge
In 1992 our training centre was set fired and all things
were burned and became ashes and the shed was come to the
ground. This I mentioned earlier. We had no means to build it
again. So went to the forest and cut off branches of trees and
brought it and made shed and thatched it with the leaves of
coconut tree. It had no doors or windows, only bamboos and
clay. There were no pipes, electricity or fan inside. But by the
grace of God we started our task there.
Billy in teenage
Since there were no doors and windows, while the wind
is blowing strongly, that will raise and spread the sands. Some
of our teachers were staying there. After the sleep in the night,
when they were wake up in the morning their bedsheet will be
covered with sand. When they were eating food also, it was
The Missionary Challenge
mixed with sand. Inspite of all these, our ministry was
The Missionary Challenge
towards Him. God protected us sending His angels. The
governement also sent special security guard and guarded us
standing around our properties. In those days God also did
miraculous acts. Many policemen who came for our
protection, got saved receiving Jesus.
The Missionary Challenge
anesthesia and sent away. Now you guess how much pain
would have pricked myself, Sarojam, and the wounded Sara
at that time. In the morning arranged a lorry for rent and reached
Rameshwaram travelling again for ten hours, sitting on its
loading pickup as if sitting in an open ground.
The Missionary Challenge
would commit whole of their life, shed tears forgetting all the
surroundings. And will render as to take their life even, if it is
necessary. Then we will give them degree certificates and will
send them to the field of ministry.
The Missionary Challenge
The internal campaign of SriLanka was still
going onward. That big destructions and ruins of the war had
broken our heart. As we were ministering itslef the sound of
the exploding of the bombs heard nine times. They exploded
falling on the roads. Broken into pieces and spread around.
There was a fear of death at any time reflected in everybody’s
face. Nobody got sufficient food. Or even if got, the cost was
unaffordable. And in the middle of all these things, God
revealed Himself powerfully.
The Missionary Challenge
wonderfully at this time. As the Holy Spirit began to involve
the change was seen slowly. They subdued to that voice,
kneeled down, repented and reconciled each other in
the middle of brothers.
The Missionary Challenge
But this one thing also get changed after the parliamen-
tary election in 1998. The party against christians won in that
election and began to rule. It has become great inspiration to
anti-gospel people. The thought whatever assailants being
released against christians, the governement would be silent,
encouraged them. This threatening made to pay still more cost
for our meetings. Along with the usual monetary expenses, the
condition of being attacked at any time also has been reached.
“But none of these things moved us, nor did we count our life
dear to us” (Acts 20:24).
The Missionary Challenge
The Missionary Challenge
Rameshwaram. The result of praying for many years could be
seen through the powerful ministry. We strongly believed in
the Words and Vision of God gave us. We were working
without getting tired and losing heart. We arranged a gospel
meeting in our training centre. We were not given
the permission to conduct open air meeting. This was
happened to us due to some nominal christians and because
of the rule was in the hands of anti-gospel people.
Nevertheless we conducted the meeting. More than two
thousand people participated in the meeting. God revealed His
works. The Word of God was confirmed by signs and
miracles. A lame person was healed and began to walk. Many
received Jesus.
The Missionary Challenge
The teacher of Mary also was saved and came to
the footstool of God. God gave the privilage of baptising these
dear ones. There were challenges to block these ministries.
Nevertheless, she was leading many to Christ in the school in
the middle of these challenges. I could recognize in what
condition her heart was, for the sake of God.
Since 1998, God gave in my heart big burden for two
things in the ministry. One of these is orphanage. God gave
me grace to begin this ministry in the month of September,
2000. Now there are about fifty children here. We have taken
the responsibility of their whole life. We ourselves are
arranging wholly their food, dress, accommodation and the
complete education. They are studying in the King of
Metriculation School. This school which ourselves have started
is running now blessedly. First of all we are teaching them the
love of God. Large opportunities are preparing for them to
love God and experience Him. We commit ourselves for the
sake of these children. These children are the members of our
church at Rameshwaram and of our family.
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The Missionary Challenge
that there is such forward modern world on the other side of
their place. Our brothers were not knowing the way to reach
there by surpassing mountains. They guessed that they can
reach there by ascending and descending mountains infront of
their eyes. This is how the experience of Billy regarding this
because of this aborigines.
Bro.Billy and Sis.Shalini along with team members among the tribals
The Missionary Challenge
Grace who won the whole of a village for the sake of Christ
Recently she told her experience as a testimony in the
seminar in Trissinappally. The chief of the village had
prohibited that nobody should go to the church where she
The Missionary Challenge
ministers in a village in her field of ministry. And threatened
that if go to that church anymore, would be beaten and killed.
Sis. Grace and the believers along with her, cried out and prayed.
Immediatly one day this man was bed ridden because of stricken
by Palsy. He could not rise or move. Done all the treatments
known, but of no use. Lastly called Grace and requested to
pray to God to remove hi s weakness. This sister went and
laying her hand on that chief and prayed. The same moment
the village chief got healed and arised. Now he and his wife
and some other persons in the village together are steadfastly
continuing the fellowship. When this matter became popular
in the nearby villages, they also began to receive Jesus. Then
by the grace of God churches are getting established. Like
this she witnessed gently in an ordinary way.
The Missionary Challenge
Arun came seeking Rameshwaram. That was the place
of that evangelist above mentioned. The following five years,
he attained the discipleship and the study of
The Holy Scripture and the training under the leadership of
Pastor Moses Paulose. He studied from here all
the knowledge required for a village gospelisation. In the year
of 1999, Arun returned to his own village committing himself
to the calling and choosing of God. There began to minister
by preaching gospel and establishing churches. The whole of
that village opposed him strongly. Since many years the only
one believer he got was his brother. The locals set fired their
church hall they built two times. Again they had been
ministering and preaching with fasting and prayer, without least
tired of. Because of the hope in God who called and entrusted
with, he waited for the work of God calmly and silently.
The Missionary Challenge
Now they feel fear about the opposing and persecution
which they had done to these brothers. Now they are wtinessing
that they have not heard and not seen such a powerful God
ever before. The church is improving and growing day by
The Missionary Challenge
this big calamity happened in the nearby seashore and
the following famine, loss and grief etc. But the relief did not
stand for long. In the month of March a pathetic famine came
down. And the starvation caught hold of the whole island.
Since there was no much field of cultivation in this island, they
could not gain victory over starvation. Apart from fishing, the
job here is only the nourishing work of tourists. Since this is a
picnic spot, here is the flow of devout men day and night. But
after the tsunami, the coming of pilgrims and tourists became
considerably less.
Since the dead bodies sank in the ocean had risen and
floated over the water, the government had given order
prohibiting fishing. The life of the ordinary people had been
greatly affeected because of the cost of diesel and petrol got
hiked as well as the incoming of these were lessened. The
Church recognized that six thousand families are under
starvation. Those who are coming seeking help for food and
other things could be helped through ministers, again for one
more month. Because of this, gospel could be shared to all of
them. Again by the grace of God, two thousand families could
be helped after two weeks.
The Missionary Challenge
Pastor Paulose sharing gospel for Mrs Sarojam, Pastor Israel, etc.
those who come seeking help are distributing BCM electric
tools in Tsunami affected zones
Bro. Billy, Mrs. Shalini, Pr. Paulose and Israel are distribut-
Bro.Joseph etc. are distributing ing suitcases in tsunami stricken area
food materials to poor people
The Missionary Challenge
The afflicted people who stands in One of the many lorries which
the long queue for the help of our brought support for the tsunami
Body of Christ Tsunami Relief affected men
The Missionary Challenge
While Billy Graham preached about Bro. Billy and Vincent say com-
Jesus to Tsunami affected men, forting words to those who re-
those who receive raising hands ceived tsunami relief, by enquiring
about their grief
The Missionary Challenge
The Missionary Challenge
the animals of certain category have been given consideration
and protection. There are some laws and conditions for them.
We are not given even the consideration as is given to animals
in Orissa. Christians were to suffer persecution like reproach
and cruel tormentings. They were victimised to cruel
persecution irrespective of women or children. Many were
killed. A complete solution of the problem is not still arrived.
Houses and churches were destroyed. The refugees who lost
their family members and houses had to suffer reproach and
persecution. The human rights were completely denied. Still
many in different places are under frightening, not knowing
what will happen. The remaining people in families and churches
testifiy about the cruel tormenting exhibited infront of them.
Hearing the sorrowful stories revealed one after another, made
to feel the unending griefs and fear. There were no churches
and families without the loss and sorrows which can never be
rectified. Among these tribulations many lived with hope and
shared the gospel courageously. The team from here including
Pastor Israel Paulose have gone and seen the persecuted men
in Orissa and comforted them taking part in their sorrows.
Eventhough many had various complaints to say, the faith
untired of was seen in them. The anti-gospel people who tried
many times to frustrate their hope, could not win. Some of the
experiences seen in them are given below:
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Pastor Israel could not understand the Oriya word they said
repeatedly. But the avarice and gladness moved and shocked
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broken. The remnants of the burned houses could be seen as
skeleton. While we watched a house burned and got ruined,
we noticed a torch some men were hiding there, trying to build
their life again. Pastor Israel and Pastor Jack visited those dear
ones in the family. They explained everything happened.
The Missionary Challenge
without blemish stood still.
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laid broken and were fell flat. The remnant of a burnt bicycle
and the remnants of other things were lay there. Beneath of
these things, the skeleton of a believer who was boiled alive,
was received as a testimony.
Pastor Israel with the bones of martyr who were burned alive
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Pastor Israel and the accompanied servants of God took
that bone pieces in their hands and remembered him with tears
shedding down. In order to save themselves, they had to de-
part immediately after a few minutes. Again when they were
coming travelling via road, saw a refugee camp for those who
lost everything.
The Missionary Challenge
what is happening to the pastors here?” Each and every ques-
tion he asked there was cruelty included in it. Then he shouted
the cry of murder against Pastor Israel. In that circumstance
also, Pastor Israel knew that a big unexplainable peace is ris-
ing in his heart. In the heart of Pastor Israel there was the
cryout “Jesus”. In the same moment that man said, “you go
whichever way you like... what for me... nothing in my hand...”
After the calling of Jesus, great peace was there in the heart.
At that time the wife of that hindu man requested the husband
to release kindly Pastor Israel without tormenting him. Hearing
her words, he who was little calm down, opened the door and
told Israel to go. His wife running after Israel, asked him very
humbly to run away to his escape from there very soon.
Pastor Israel walked very fastly from there and ran away
to his escape. Before reaching a hundred feet ahead he saw
that hindu man running after him to drive him out. Pastor Is-
rael ran here and there through the streets and paths of that
place. Still seeing that man following him, ran to save his life.
Perspiring and tired, he called his friends also to torment Pas-
tor Israel. Pastor Israel again ran faster and when he looked
back suddenly, that man was not seen. And he walked fast
and reached the place where other servants of God were sit-
ting. He felt unbelievable all that happened. Whoever is met
with, he felt as if somebody is coming to destroy him. Bowing
his head Pastor Israel walked to the place he started. Now
only he was convinced properly the difficulty of the Chris-
tians in Orissa. After being escaped with the difference of the
hair of the head, Pastor Israel and Pastor Jack travelled to
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Kandhamal. That time a thought came into the mind of Pastor
Israel.. It is not appropriate to go to Kandhamal after recog-
nizing this much. That is like ensnared in the mouth of Lion.
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Pastor Paulose couple and Bro. Billy along with the children
and co-workers at the Baby Protection Centre
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These people who are wandering without a place to stay
are considered as heinous by locals in many circumstances.
They are living by the remnants of food thrown with plantain
leaf in the rubbish basket of municipality, after the hotel
customers ate their food. Desired to protect such souls since
long time.
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work providing water required for the builders of training cen-
tre. His testimony has become the testimony of Christ who
alters life.
God in heart
Now one among us
Change in life
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Many were in this condition apart from those whom we called
and brought from streets.
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As such things of flourishing matters are going on,
without forsaking the projects God prepared for us, fully
labouring to gain disciples for Christ using all circumstances
and at any cost.
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various villages of Rameshwaram and filled our campus.
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He sent some of the teams of this kind to conduct this
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different now. That was the final day of the festival of
aborigines. In this festival the aborigines of hundred villages
will come together. It was a special night of festival in which
drinking liqour excessively and with dancing and laughing
boisterously, sacrifices to their god animals like sheep and
cattle etc. Feast and other things were there. Understanding
the situation there, they said, it is not good to share the gospel
at that night. Among these thousand people who gathered there
drinking liqour, and who cannot discern facts, what all are
these twelve people? So they decided to arrange the tents they
carried and to stay there at that night, and after distributing
next day the things taken with them and would return. The
team members who were tired, also agreed to it. The tents
were set up at an open place similar to a community hall of
The Missionary Challenge
Without any warning the anti-gospel people caught hold
of Billy’s hand and dragged him. A priest who performs pooja,
who appeared there shouted loudly, since it is the last day of
the festival, Billy is going to be treated as the human sacrifice.
Billy saw the blood of the animals sacrificed in the previous
week lay on the rock. When heard these words the pictures of
wife, children, parents, co-workers etc. were clearly came to
his memory as in a film show. As Billy was dragged off
holding his hand, the Holy Spirit induced him to say
The Missionary Challenge
appear every time. There were possibilities of danger in their
journey ahead and behind. Some of the anti-gospel people
who talked against them were pursuing them. The tiredness of
the climbing of mountain was not subdued still. Nevertheless
a grace of was revealed in everybody and were able to reach
the valley very soon.
The Missionary Challenge
take little rest there. Everybody was physically very tired. Slept
there a little time, rised up in the morning. When they looked
100feet away from the spot they lay, saw the twigs of trees
were drawn and broken and heard the elephant’s boisterous
laughter. The place they took rest was the place were elephants
come regularly. After sleeping, since nobody wake up till
morning, which way the elephant went away was not known.
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Killed At Any Time
An Event In A Train
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my seat where I was sitting, I called him near to my seat.
I understood in my spirit that there is something wrong. I felt
that the person who called me is not faithful.
After this event, with the prayer I tried to lay down with
the faith that God is with me. A few hours before reaching
Chennai, the train had halted a little while at a stop. When
I listened through the mirror one person was talking in the cell
phone from outside just near to my seat. He called me by
showing gestures from outside to talk with him. Eventhough
he called many times, I didnt go outside. When the train started
from there, he entered in the bogie where I was sitting. The
time was passed midnight. Passengers were in good sleep on
their beds. I again with prayer, was hearing the Word of God
The Missionary Challenge
putting the ear-phone.
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myself the swelling on my lower jaw due to the beatings. Then
more blood was oozed. When I straightened myself and looked
around, a lady was crying helplessly. She was viewing all the
persecutions from the very beginning. Whether she made any
response, she feared, herself also will be killed. Then I myself
prayed and get encouraged.
Pray for Us
Also, here are a few more words about the works and
ministries in Ramehswaram. Pilgrims and tourists are coming
here in many seasons all through out the year. Thousands of
people putting Ayyappan Maala (chain in the name of the
god of Ayyappan) are coming here from various places of
India. Innumerable number of people are arriving here by buses,
van and car.
The Missionary Challenge
Because of this, various kinds of oppositions were to
face from men and devilish powers. Even then the big desire
of removing the darkness from the island and to shine the true
light has reigned us.
The brothers and sisters who had been saved and joined
in the church co-operated with us in such ministries. Due to
that God gave a good chance that their relatives and friends
were also come to the worship meetings. At present ten sisters
and ten brothers are completing their training, staying along
with us. Now we are praying and working to accomplish the
task of the Lord by taking and giving training to those who
have the burden of India, and sending them to the places where
there is no gospel ministries. According to the promise that
“the righteous will live by faith”, as per the vision God gives,
we have decided, trusting upon God, to conduct a Bible school,
receiving more students since January 1998.
The Missionary Challenge
Paramakkudi etc., many were healed. Many doors were opened
for the ministry. Apart from that hundreds of enquiry letters
are coming. We are sending them hundreds of booklets, New
Testaments and Bibles. The great God helped us to lead them
in Christ.
The Missionary Challenge
We have been spending days in fasting and prayer to
have a revival in Rameshwaram. Going forward with diligent
prayer and work to have great change for the present
condition of the island. The unique aim in our life is to fulfill
the purpose of God who appointed us as a family in this
island. In Tamil Nadu, where full of idol worship is there,
people should become as the worshippers of Christ. That is
our sole desire.
The Missionary Challenge
prayer groups in the houses of the village, we could feel some
of the people there are dissatisfied. But we used to go as team
each week, for the deliverance of the village. Many received
us with joy. Only few were of rough approach. Out of that,
two people wilfully planned to do something. As usual, when
my wife Sarojam and son Billy Graham and along with them
some team members were coming to road after finishing the
prayer group, brought before them a bucket in which dung
and human wastes were mixed and the mixture made ready on
previous day, drew it and thrown it through the face. And it
fell on the face and body of everybody who came and spread
over. Not only that, it began to stink. Suddenly reached in the
bus stand and entered in the bus. Those who were sitting in-
side were very much troubled. They shouted loudly that these
men must be expelled from the bus. We got down from the
bus with prayer. Even though took bath suddenly, the foul
smell didn’t go away for some days. Nevertheless the thought
arised whether to go back or not to the same village. But it
came to pass as to go to the same village by God’s help. On
the way back, the woman who did like this, came right infront.
Sarojam asked her, ‘how are you?’ Heard this she passed by
very angrily. Each of the coming weeks we visited her house.
Many times she would not have come out. One day she came
out. She said, “I will bring coffee”. Sarojam replied, “Let us
pray”. As soon as said like this, that sister responded like this:
“If anybody come to pray in my house, that should you alone
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The Missionary Challenge
The Death Statistics of Apostles
Apostle Where When How
Simon Peter Rome 54-68 Sentenced to be crucified.
(Cafa) in Italy Crucified upside down
according to his will.
Liked to die embracing
the feet of Jesus
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The Apostle John being not dead inspite of put in boiling oil,
was exiled to Patmos, AD 98
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Blandine half roasted on a grill and then thrown between wild bulls, AD 172
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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ...
Note: Those who are interested to minister along with us, fill up the
form attached here with.
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If you want to partake in the cost we are paying for
the gospel ministry and in the abandoning we are
experiencing, fill up this form and send to us. We give
affirmation that each of the rupee you are giving as donation
will be spent for the glory of the name of God.
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Our Address:
Pastor M. Paulose
Bethel House
West of M.P.T.C. Shed
Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu
09443321665, 09443301191, 09080996921