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The Missionary Challenge

Part I & II
The Reality of A Ministry

Pastor M. Paulose & Family

Missionary Challenge !

The Autobiography of
Pastor: M. Paulose

Translated by

C.J. George M.A.

# +9443321665

Malayalam 1V
1997, 2010, 2015, 2017

English I

Typed & Layout by: Prince Raju (KTM)


Printed at:

“The Love of Christ compels us”

This is the mission of this small text. As far as

the believers of this generation is concerned, the narration of
this text is immencely important. Here I have written only my
life experiences.

Thousands of brethren who heard me in seminars,

crusades and churches regarding my experiences, inspired me
to write them as a book. Many told me that those who read
this book will get the willingness and courage to suffer any
affliction for the sake of the Lord pleasantly and thereby
a revolution of evangelisation may take place. The Lord talked
clearly for two days directly to me, while I was upholdning
this subject before the Lord in prayer: “Paul, you write in a
book about your life experiences”. So, this book written
according to the Lord’s everlasting purpose, is submitting
before the Trinity God, for your sake.

I pray from the depth of my heart that let God may

strengthen you, by strengthening your inner man, to suffer for
Christ. I wish you that this book be a blessing for you.

I am greatly obliged to my dear wife Sarojam Paulose

who helped me to write this book. Here I am expressing my
gratitude to my honorouble brother L.Sam who read
the manuscript of my autobiography carefully and edited and
made fit for publishing. Also I am greatly thankful to the brothers
K.S.Samuel and GFA Samuel and the body of Christ who
helped to scribble this book.

Pastor M. Paulose
Bethel House
West of M.P.T.C. Shed

Tamil Nadu

The Autobiography namely, ‘The missionary Challenge’

is the literary manifestation of the heart beat of a valiant
warrior who being lead by the love of Christ, left the home
and the homeland and kith and kin and reached the place called
Rameshwaram, passing over various lands and landscapes and
flashed the flag of victory of the Gospel.The Gospel is the life
of this petty big man. The unexplainable experiences that were
to be faced within that battle field will make the readers’ eyes
wet. This fiftyone year old man who prepared his dear wife
and pet children to testify the cross for the sake of Christ,
eventhough looked foolish in the eye of the world in the present
generation, is a venturous man in the journey of faith.

I feel privileged to be able to edit and introduce this

booklet before the public. Each line of this book has inspired
me, and horripilated me as well. Also, it encouraged me for
self examination. An evangelist who distributes tracts in streets,
educational institutions, railway stations, refugee camps etc.,
day-to-day bearing cross. A fighter of Cross who would not
hesitate to be laughed at, neither to be ridiculed for the sake of
Gospel, a pilgrim of salvation who whould not go after worldly
wealth, instead expecting the pouring of the daily manna for
the day-to-day needs from God’s in exhaustible treasury; like
these any kind of special attributes would not be excess in the
case of Pastor Paulose.
This booklet of Autobiography is guideline and
study-note for gospel workers. When God calls a man, the
complete obedience is, leaving everything he loves and
stepdown to follow him. He is the one who reaps victory in
the field of Gospel. I pray that his wife, sister Sarojam
a heroine of faith, who stood with him suffering various
difficulties and troubles, poverty, starvation, mockery and
threatening to share the Gospel, and their beloved children,
may God bless them more and more.

The book of Autobiography of Pastor Paulose, no doubt,

would be an asset for the Malayali Readers. As hearing the
voice of the Lord, “whom shall I send, and who shall go for
us?” replied committing wholy “Here am I, send me”.

I introduce this grand book, ‘The Missionary Challenge’

before the public with blessing and prayer that this book may
inspire many youngsters to come out near to the beloved Lord
outside the camp and as hearing the voice of the Lord “Whom
shall I send, and who shall go for us?” say, “Here am I, send
me” with a whole commitment.

Assemblies of God
The Missionary Challenge
By the Grace of God, I was fortunated to be able to
receive the Lord as my personal saviour, and to commit the
life for the sake of the Gospel work in my very young age
itself. The lord was gracious to me that I could testify the
Lord not only in India but even in various countries of the
The Childhood and The Infantile Deceases
My native place is Vallarada, Ponnampi in the eastern
zone of Neyyattinkara Taluk in Trivandrum district which is in
the south most part of Kerala State. Out of five children born
in a christian family, three were deceased and died at the young
My elder brother and my self were only left. We were
also struck by illness. Many treatments were done, but of no
effect. At the critical moment of fighting between life and death
parents took shelter in a prayer home. We were relieved of

Pastor M. Paulose and Yesudas with parents

The Missionary Challenge
death by their prayer and by the great mercy of God we were
completely healed. My mother and grand mother devoted
themselves to the Living God, to live for Him, because of this
divine miracle. But sad to say, my father continued without
any change in his life.

Sathyadas, a servant of God, who was highly educated

and was an employee, came to our native place. He who left
the job, committing himself completely to the voice of God,
and was doing gospel work, visited us. My mother who have
seen the work of God directly and had devoted herself, filled
with the immeasurable love of God, arranged a meeting in our
house for the purpose of spiritual worship.

Severe Persecution to The Mother

Who Took Baptism:

But my father who holdfast the traditional religion didn’t

accept spiritual worship or the children of God. Threatening
he pushed out the servant of God and hit and broke the
petromax, the light and the drum. And that servant of God
started fasting for forty days firmly upholding his vision. In
this prayer my mother was healed of a severe decease,
baptized in the Holy Spirit, she took baptism of faith.

Knowing that the mother was baptized, the father

became very angry, and drawing her out from the house towads
the road and tortured her very cruely. Many parts of the body
were wounded and blood oozed from it. Nevertheless my
The Missionary Challenge
mother suffered all these and considered it as a blessing to be
able to suffer affliction for the sake of the name of the Lord.
She endured it all by the rejoicing in the Holy Spirit. My father
thrown us out of the house, ourselves and our mother and the
house was shut up and locked.

My mother who suffered severe persecution, abuse and

reproach due to the reason that she received the Lord as her
personal savior, said, gazing us, “Children, even if your father
forsake you in this world, the Father Jesus will never leave you
nor forsake you”. Like this together with mother only and
without the love of father, we had been pulling on many
sorrowful days of tears, but with happiness inwardly and even

Paulose, I Don’t Want Your Money:

The deep desire of my heart was to do the work of the

Lord. And my aim was to help the ministry of the Lord by the
money I get by driving a vehicle which I purchased myself.
So, in the year 1966, I joined a driving school in Trivandrum.
But my leg was not long enough to press at the brake or
accelerator. So, I studied driving keeping pillow at the back.
In the mean time my father was struck by a severe decease.
That terrible decease brought my father unto the edge of death.
We all feared whether our grief would be doubled. But by the
grace of God, at this juncture the Holy Spirit pulled my father
towards God. The father left the religious piety and longed to
call the servant of God to pray. The Lord gave miraculous
The Missionary Challenge
healing at the very time. The father who experienced and
grasped the love of God and His power committed himself
completely to the Lord. And he believed in the baptism of
Faith. Then, filled by the love of the Lord, he started testifying
the Lord in different places. We as a family together used to
conduct open air meetings. Like this my small family had been
filled with the heavenly happiness. And the Lord began to talk
to me. Once the Lord spoke to me through prophesy: “Paulose,
I want you, not your money”. Because of this voice of God,
I left my own desire of learning the driving.

To Be My disciple...?

The ardent desire to go to North India for the ministry of

the Lord began to ignite within me like a fire. But my father
had binded me with love. And I also became helpless being
not able to depart from my father. While I was getting
troubled like this, the Lord spoke to me through the Word of
God saying: “If anyone comes to me and doesn’t hate his
father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes,
and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple...” (Luke 14:26).
“He who loves his father or mother more than Me is not worthy
of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not
worthy of Me” (Matthew 10:37,39). Hence according to the
Word of God, I submitted myself to the will of God.

After that the desire of joining and working with the

organisation namely Operation Mobilization(O.M.) shoot up
within my inner spirit. As it was the will of God, the Lord
The Missionary Challenge
opened the door to me for it. But I felt as if the Words of my
father weakens the will of God in realtion to me. He said to me
like this: “Son, now I am very aged. You should be with me
until my death. You can go anywhere for the ministry of the
Lord after my death.” On this special circumstance the Lord
spoke to me quietly: “Paulose you can come and see your
father before his death, wherever you are”.

Journey Onward Departing The Father:

Then, immediately, all arrangements were made to go to

the gospel work. I started the journey. While I was entering in
the bus, my father also entered in the bus with his worn out
and soiled dress with the love that was not afford to depart the
son - “Wherever you go, I also will come with you”, the father
said firmly. That occassion was more painful to my heart than
to bear. Still I stood in the bus controlling myself with eyes of
tears overflowing. I tried my level best to persuade my father
go out of the bus, but could not. The conductor gave the
signal for the departure of the bus.The bus started moving.
When the conductor came near to me, I said, I only need one
ticket for me. The conductor shouted, what shall I do with
this man? “Only one ticket”, was my reply. Heard this, the
conductor angrily caught hold of my father’s hand and
seperated it forcefully from the hand bar of the bus and made
him get out of the bus. Being not able to have a glimpse of the
father who was very tired, lonely and desperate, looking with
eyes full of tears, I stood in the bus bending my head down.
The bus seperated us each other. The only thought which
The Missionary Challenge
governed myself who was leaving the home, homeland and
native place, was to leave everything for the sake of
the Gospel. Then only will able to be used for the sake of the
Lord. God do not permit us to love anybody, anything in this
world more than Himself.

Operation Mobilization

The things which are seen are temperory, but the things
which are not seen are eternal! (Ref: 2 Corinthians 4:18b). We
who have attained eternal life are also supposed to work for
its sake. That is why Paul, the apostle says, “If then you are
raised with Christ... set your mind on things above, not on
things on the earth” (Colossians 3:1,2). Praise the Lord, I came
to understand the fact that the Lord can reveal his work only
through those who commit themeslves like this.

In my life, the training which I obtained in O.M. is

beyond the words can explain. It was a turning point in my
life. Many experiences I gained in O.M. were sufficient enough
to follow Christ’s footsteps. George Verver, the servant of the
Lord who was the founder of O.M. was an ideal landmark that
helped me to come more close to the Lord; Like this Iyyan
Far, a man of God, also was. The Lord’s grace was upon me
to preach the Lord’s word in all Indian states except Assam
and Nagaland by means of practical training. Among these
states in Bihar and Karnataka I was privileged to suffer physical
persecution and there by glorify the Lord like forefathers of
the church history. Because of experiences of these kinds were
The Missionary Challenge
met with from the very beginning of the ministry, now I am
able to go ahead in Lord’s ministry without being exhausted in
any circumstances.

Pastor M. Paulose while in O.M.

The duration of my activities in O.M. was 1966 to 1972.
During this time myself and a brother namely A. Stephen were
arrested by police because of the reason that we preached
Gospel. While we were lead through the street, we walked
along with them joyfully singing the Hindi Chorus “ek khun ki
nadi jarihe Isu ki sulise” (a stream of blood is flowing through
the cross of Jesus). Heard of this the police said, ‘chup chap
karo’, means close your mouth. And we were able to share of
Jesus to those who gathered in the street to view this scene.
During the time we were shut up in the jail, the Lord gave us
the grace to share the Gospel to the Inspector, other
authorities and others along with them. And then we were

I spent a better part of my life in O.M. by means of

various experience such as these. I had taken a decision while

The Missionary Challenge
I returned home after completing the training: I would marry
a young lady from an orphanage, who has neither father nor
mother. She should be the one who is loving the Lord more
than me, and having neither wealth nor employment. While
I was praying for this matter, the Lord showed me a sister
having these qualities.

After that the Lord gave me again the chance to work

some more time in the ship Logos. And thus I was in Kuwait,
Doha and Dubai for the sake of the Lord’s ministry.

Gospel at The Risk of Blood

I desired to come back and work in the native place,

once the work in the ship of O.M. is finished. I thought it
would be beneficial for the ministry in the native place, if there
should have a projector, and was praying for it.

A friend told me a projector can be bought from Kuwait

if there would have money. The brother who knew my
situation again said to me, “the blood is highly costly in
Kuwait. You will get enough money to buy the projector if you
sell some blood.” As soon as I heard this counsel, did I go to
the hospital and met the doctor. But the doctor’s reply was,
“the blood is not in need of now”.

I returned very desperately. Again I went to the hospital

next day. By luck, it was another doctor at that place. He
tested my blood and found it is A+ group. And the reply was,
The Missionary Challenge
“no need of it since this blood group is there in the hospital
more than enough”. I became very sad and with a gloomy
face came back to the ship. While I was thinking whether there
is anyway to change the blood group, it would have done,
there came a doctor’s name in my memory, who was working
with me in the ship. I informed that doctor about this matter.
That doctor gave me a recommendation letter, because of my
desire taken into account. I again went to the hospital with that
recommendation letter. Read of this letter, the doctor was
compelled to take my blood. Laid on a bed, a needle was
pierced in the hand and the other end of it connected in to
a plastic bag. While a nurse came and observed after some
time, it was seen that the blood remained still and not flowing.
She told that inorder to flow blood from the heart the hand
should be pumped. So I started pumbing the hand. Again the
blood began to flow. Totally sixteen ounce blood was oozed
into the plastic bag. As the blood was flowing Satan
the enemy said to me like this: “Paulose, you will die in Kuwait
itself; you cannot go to the native place. Your marriage will not
be taken place. And you will not do the Gospel work
hereafter”. In this situation the Spirit of God said to me like
this: “If I die like this here, as a last word, I will utter, buy
a projector with the price of this blood and declare the life of
Jesus in the villages of India”. When I was saying this within
my heart, the Lord showed me a vision that many are
watching the film in a stretched screen. I stood up and went
to the shop. I bought a projector with the money of the cost
of the blood. Yes, the Lord fulfilled my desire. And then
continued there the ministry of Lord.
The Missionary Challenge

My Experiences in O.M.

Some of my experiences in O.M. are described below:

1.In my native place, after a special feast is over, it was

a special group of people marked as ‘low’, were only taking
the plantain leaves. But here after I finished my food, it was
a whiteman(European) who took my plantain leaf. In fact this
made me start thinking. Then the Bible verses from Mark 10:43-
45, came in to my memory. Whoever desires to become great
among you shall be your servant. And whoever of you desires
to be first shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did
not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life
a ransom for many.

2. Once we were in Banglore. We team members used to

prepare food for ourselves. Meat, will be supplied once in a
week. One day, when meat was availed, after preparing the
food, we went for ministry. And we came back with great
hunger and greed to eat food. But what is seen there was, the
plate washed and ket there after eating the food. It was my
leader who was not present there, ate my food. He was
a European brother. When he came to know that what he ate
was my food, he who was my leader called me alone and
brought me to a room and began to ask forgiveness to me
bowing down on the kneels before me. That gentle brother is
called Iyyan Far. I forgave him heartily.

The Missionary Challenge
From this the Lord taught me clearly a lesson from the
Word of God: “Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar,
and there remember that your brother has something against
you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way.
First be reconciled to your brother and then come and offer
your gift” (Matthew 5:23,24)

3. Once we were doing the Lord’s ministry in Bihar. We were

travelling in a vehicle that look like a lorry. The place of rest
for us at night was informed to us in advance. That was
a bungalow of a missionary. There were 8 members in our
team. But there were only 7 beds in that beautiful bungalow.
Those were spring sofa beds. As soon as the vehicle arrived
infornt of the Bungalow after the ministry is finished, I ran fast
and lay on the double spring coat, which I had noted previ-
ously and kept in my mind. There I lay as if sleeping. I very
well knew that there was no bed for one person. While I came
out after about one hour, the scene which I saw was of break-
ing myself our team leader sleeping on the cement floor in
terrible cold was that pathetic scene. Then I asked to myself,
“how much selfish am I?” That time the Lord said to me: “Let
each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also
for the interests of others” (Philippians 2:4). “Let no one seek
his own, but each one the other’s well being” (1Corinthians

The Missionary Challenge
My Wedding

I returned home after three months journey on the ship.

By this time God had arranged my wedding. According to the
will of God and according to my desire as well, the marriage
was solemnized. Now-a-days with regard to marriage many
are seeking for the secular things like education,
the employment, the economy and the beauty and then the will
of God. This is the reason why, at present many families are
undergoing relentless grief. Also now dowry is spreading like
an infectious decease in the christian realm. Many girls who
have divine calling and have acquired spiritual growth are
confined in the prison of dowry, and not able to be get
married. The spiritual realm has been deteriorated so much
that many are ready to marry nominal christians that are having
no divine calling and even non christians for the sake of money
and position. Even the servants of God are addicted to the
greed of money in the form of dowry. Money should not be
taken as the measuring tool for the marriage. That is sin. What
does the Word of God say? “Be ye not unequally yoked
together with unbelievers” (2Corinthians 6:14).

If you are a brother or sister who desires to work for the

Lord, to select a life partner who is having the grace of God
and is ready to suffer for Christ will be the will of God. Then
only there will be glory to the Lord through the family life and
can build a life having a good testimony and glory to God can
be kept up. By God’s grace we have a blessed family life

The Missionary Challenge
being lead by the Lord.

Many times I used to say like this: The biggest blessing

in life is to get a wife having the grace of God than to pick up
five lacs rupees along with an evil spirit.

After our marriage we both together started team work.

But after a little while God added some more brothers and
sisters to our team. We preached Gospel with the help of film
shows in beach areas, highrange areas and schools.

The training team in the beginning, now leaders

The money we recieved during the ministry had been spent
to meet the needs of our day to day life and the rest of the
money wholly we used to support the work of the Lord. We
continued our life confidentially and without letting
anybody else to know any of our needs. But we were lead
miraculously day by day lacking nothing because of serving
God who hears the prayer. My wife who was pregnant was
always engaged in the gospel ministry hundred percent even
until one week before the delivery of her first child. The Lord
The Missionary Challenge
gave her a comfortable deliverance in the home itself. But after
the delivery she lost her mental balance. The mother and child
were reached in a death stage.

Pastor M.Paulose along with wife Sarojam

and son Billy Graham

From the family of my wife she only have had the saving
experience. Since her brothers had very much loved her and
having no courage to see her pathetic condition, they brought
her in the hospital. But because of her condition was worse
they had to bring her into five hospitals one after the other.

But still there was no change in her condition. Lately she

was brought to the mental hospital in Trivandrum. She was
there under treatment for 58 days. They gave seven electric
shocks there. Still the result was of no hope. Again took
shelter in the home only. Then we, the ministers of the Lord
fasted and prayed. By way of prayer the power of the Lord
The Missionary Challenge
hovered over my life, under the condition while the doctor
cannot heal her.

God gave miraculous healing. She testified the healing

God given to her (after some times) in mental hospital, and
preached about the power of the Lord. For God it is possible
that which are impossible for man.

The First Experiences

in The Field of Gospel

It was a wonderful experience in that place. Ah! God is

how much good! Again we continued the ministry of the Lord
with renewed strength. In day time, film was exposed in schools
and in night time, gospel meeting were conducted and films
were exhibited in villages. God had given us a cycle in that
situation. The mikeset, projector, and battery etc were tied up
with the cycle and I alone went to the school and ministered
there on many days. In night time we were accustomed to go
along with family. In this context God gave us the second son
also. We again began the ministry as the child was only 58
days aged. Carrying both the children we used to go to many
places in Kerala and Tamil Nadu for the ministry. This
missionary journey carrying the children and the things were
very difficult in human point of view. But all these were done
pleasantly because of the love towards the Lord.

The memories of many days while we slept in bus-stands,

under trees and on the varandas of shops along with tiny
The Missionary Challenge
children stand before my eyes lively as it is of today’s event.
Our sole motto was to declare the love of the Lord from place
to place, to bring many thousands to the descipleship of
the Lord, inspite of taking any risk.

In these days, the brothers from the Bible school, and

Thankarajan, Thankan, Jesudas, Nelson, Maniyan who were
from my native place, and Bro.Paul Gopalakrishnan, Philip
Varghese, Paul Radhakrishnan, Paul Rajendran etchave also
worked together with us. There were also many committed
and godly people along with us. The ministry as a whole was
through the severe trials of faith. ‘Wherever you go, preach
the word of God consuming joyfully whatever you get’. This
word was our day to day experience.

In day time, after the open air meetings and film show
were conducted in beaches, as waking the sleeping children
and had gone to hotels there were times when nothing was
available there to eat. We will return desperately with children
hungerstricken. And we will sleep on the bed of sand, making
two or three pillows of sand and covering it with bedsheets.
The cry of children who were hugry were heart breaking. Again
the ministry will get start in the next morning. Reached
the hotel with greed of hungry, we will get bored as we see
the flies of the beach covering rice and dishes. But there is no
other alternative except to eat praying. Many times we,
myself, my wife and children and co-workers were afflicted
by “diarrhea’ a mortal disease. But to say in short, the Lord of
soul kept our life safe. My heart fills with thanks before God
The Missionary Challenge
as I see now spiritual churches and ministers in places where
we worked as orphans with sufferings. Our afflictions will not
go in vain.

People who sees the film Jesus

The Lord’s ministry is the happiness in afflictions. That
is the path of the cross. Therefore, let us go forward with
divie love facing the afflictions that come across in the way of
the ministry of the Lord with the Word of God. While we were
engaged in the ministry with such kind of afflictions, in
the seashore, Pr. K.P.Johannan the servant of the Lord, his
wife Gisilla Yohannan and their son Daniel joined with us to to
the Lord’s Ministry. They together as a family began to help
us and our ministry more and more in all the difficulties of that

After many times passed by like this, the Lord gave us

the privilage in our life to work together with Alleppey
Georgekutty, a servantof God who loved the Lord deeply and
served Him sincerely from Paippad near Thiruvalla. The life
of pastor Alleppey Georgekutty became an inspiration in our
life to fight faithfully in spiritual battle field. Apart from that, I
could study many spiritual truths, and initiate certain good
The Missionary Challenge
examples without counting even the life more valuable, out of
the ministry done together with pastor and his wife and our
co-workers. Either eating food or not, there should not have
any hindrance to the works of the Lord. This decision and
the similar service of the pastors horripilated me. Through this
experience, we as a family worked along with them. That is a
lesson for me even today.

Then we were blessed to work along with a man of God

pastor P.J.Mathew, the son of a monk from Anad near
Nedumangad. That servant of the Lord also was one who
considered affliction as a gift. A special voice was echoed in
my ear when I was ministering with him joyfully suffering the
hardships: “Go to the place Pozhiyoor to declare the Gospel”
was that voice. God’s counsel was to inform the message of
God’s hand of Judgment was going to fall upon the people of
that place, because of the sins due to disilling and drinking of
arrack. We went there and informed them this message. After
we returned the sea water entered the place and many house
were detroyed due to the non-stop heavy rain. And
the families of those who submitted to the Word of God were

Beaten at Kanyakumari

Once antigospel people planned to attack a brother called

Yesudas at Muttam beach areas in Kanyakumari district.
I reached there running. They turned towards me angrily and
punched on my chest and beaten me black and blue. All
The Missionary Challenge
the buttons on the shirt were detached. But to say, the Lord
saved our life from them. Commonly, many will run and will
make his escape when his co-brother gets beaten. Brothers
and sisters let us be willing to give up our life for comrades
like Jesus, and do not try to save our life by denying like Peter
did or say don’t know. Let us fill ourselves with divine love.
When persecution comes, how much comfortable and
blessing it is to suffer standing together bravely, hand in hand,
without running away discouraged.

After the ministry when I reached home and removed my

shirt for washing only, my wife realized something has

Next day a servant of God from the near by place where

myself and Yesudas were beaten came to my house. It was to
know my physical condtition, he had come. Because two
weeks before this incident, another servant of God was beaten
at the same place, and he died on the next day. So he came to
know I am, he said. By the time I was relieved of my tiredness
and was getting ready to go to the next ministry. This
wondered that servant of God. He returned praising God.

‘Ottar’ (a race belonging to Orissa) and ‘Kuravar’

Many days we were troubled having no vehicles to go

for the ministry. And we have had conducted the ministry and
going by bullock cart and Lorry. Each and every thing was
done with happiness. Many times we could only look upon on
The Missionary Challenge
helpless, when we see the buses not stopping, instead running
faster as we stretch out our hands towards the bus, seeing us
bearing bundles of books and mikeset and the kind of people
with us.

During the time of ministry, often there was lack of milk

to give to small babies who were craving for it because of
hunger. And then the cry was subdued by giving water filled
in the bottle of milk. The children have had fallen sick many
times because of the change of climatic condition and that of
the atmosphere, as we shift our ministry from one place to
another. Still we kept on going ahead experiencing deliverance
only by the power of prayer.

The name of my elder son is Billy Graham and that of the

second son is Israel. From the young age itself they used to
help the ministry by singing song and distributing Gospel tracts.
My wife will testify the blessings the Lord has done. Then
I will preach from the Word of God. And will pray for those
who newly received the Lord and we will pray for the sick,
specially seperating time. Like this we ministered in high range
areas for six months. These areas were very difficult and
unreached places of Gospel. We handed over them, those
who are saved, to the local churches of that particular area.

It was for the glory of the name of the Lord only, we

spent our health, money and time.

We who are travelling with children and things were

The Missionary Challenge
mocked by police calling us Ottar(Kuravar). But our unique
motto was only that the country should know this truth of
Gospel, even if our life is to be risked.

In many places meetings were arranged on top of the

hills and the cycle tied with loud speaker and projector were
pushed upward by the lep of my wife and children. Today
when we see beautiful worship centres in such places where
we ministered with our blood converting in to sweat, God
should be praised much more.

The children of God should suffer any trouble for the

sake of the Lord. The sufferings of this world is mean as we
remember the sufferings the Lord beared for our sake. “For
to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to
believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake” (Philippians
1:29). Remember that all the fore-fathers have had undergone
the severe trials of sufferings.

Like the Grain of Wheat

Falls in to The Ground and Dies.

They are model for us. Let us follow their ideal. In this
last period warriors are required for the sake of the Lord. The
Lord can fulfill His glorious ministry only by those who have
committed their life for the sake of the Lord either by life or by
death. The ministry can be carried out only by those who
consider everything as rubbish as Paul said. The reason for
not reaching the Gospel in numerous villages of India is that
The Missionary Challenge
there are no people who are ready to undertake the sufferings.

The Lord is seeking for those who are willing to go and

minister anywhere realising the will of God and counting not
their own life as valuable, while thousands are ruined and going
towards the hell. The Lord is performing wonderful things
through such dedicated people irrespective of their age.
The desire of seeing many, after receiving the Lord whole
heartedly and come foreward and asks to pray like babies and
go home rejoicing, after an oper meeting is over, has been
disappeared from the mind of many, now a days. In these
places there are thousands of people now who are saved and
worshipping the Lord in truth and spirit. As we hear and see
the fact that there are many among them who are labouring in
the Gospel field of the Lord, we think like this: “Since we had
committed ourselves to death each day, many have become
living witnesses today”.

“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat

falls in to the ground and dies, it remains alone, but if it dies, it
produces much grain’ (John 12:24).

Then we as a family were continually working in many

places like Kattappana, Peermedu, Erattayar, Adimali, Ponmudi,
Elappara. Our happiness was in fulfilling the tasks which
the Lord entrusted with us, without considering either chill or

Today many are not having satisfaction in their ministry.

The Missionary Challenge
The reason is they are labouring not according to the will of
God. Jonah travelled against the will of God. He received utter
failure in life.

The Lord raised many children of God and ministers

from the above places. From there the Lord taught me
a lesson: The Lord will bring forth many faithful servants of
the Lord through us, while we minister faithfully. Since Paul
laboured honestly, the servants of the Lord like Timothy, Titus
etc. were produced.

Apart from these, by the grace of the Lord, I could

minister the Lord in many places in Kerala like Thiruvalla,
Ranny, Mavelikkara, Kottayam, Kottarakkara, Alleppey, Quilon,
Thiruvananthapuram, Nedumangad, Kuttichal. Kattakkada,
Ottashekaramangalam etc and in some place in Tamil Nadu
also. We have had conducted the ministry in these places by
walking and by travelling in buses.

The Vision of Jesus

A big desire to see a spiritual revival to be happened in

India was raising in me. For this the Lord need those who
have committed and ready to do at any cost the ministry of
the Lord which I convinced. When I was praying for this
subject before God, the Lord said to me like this in 1979:

The Missionary Challenge

“Son I will appear to you and will speak to you”

I anxiously waited for that day. One day the place
Rameshwaram shown encircled was appeared to me directly
and the Lord spoke to me as He said to me before. At that
time a mega power beyond 1 lac volt electric power was flown
to me from the glorious Jesus. At That moment I was like a
deadman. Then onwards there was a big change in my life as
well as in my mnistry. Then according to the will of God I had
been in the presence of the Lord with fasting for forty days.
While I had a burden to go to North India for the ministry,
the divine voice and the vision that I receivd was that I must
go to Rameshwaram, an island in Tamil Nadu. The divine
message was, “I will develop the ministry, will raise many for
My ministry and many will be saved”. We had three children
as we hear the voice of God. And my wife was at the final
stage of pregnancy.

A Money Order

The elder son BillyGraham was studying in the second

standard and the second son Israel in first standard.
The daughter Susan was three years old. And the wife was
The Missionary Challenge
pregnant of 8 months. By this time the money we had had
been already spent for Gospel work and for printing tracts.
The Lord said to me like this: The servant of the Lord Joykkutty
Chacko will send 200 rupees which is required to go to
Rameshwaram. And it happened as it is. We had taken
the decision to go as soon as the money is received. But again
I told my wife it is better to go after her delivery. The reply of
my wife was of more strengthening my faith: “When Abraham
had gone, he took Sarah also. Like that take myself also with
you. Since the Lord said to go I am prepared to go even if
known that my delivery is on the next day. The Lord will look
after each and every matter of us.” It was in the month of
December 1980, I heard that divine voice. After a few days the
postman told us a money order is there for us. I didnt
wonder! I asked like this: “Is it Joykkutty Chacko from
Chottanikkara who sent this amount Rs.200?” Heard this
the postman surprised. He said “yes!” At this I rejoiced in
the Lord very much. How muh good our God is, Who not
only know our needs but also talk clearly giving us
the address of the person. Hallelujah! This money was sent to
us from the organisation Gospel for Asia. In the beginning
time of Gospel for Aisa, Dr. K.P.Yohannan was helping
the servants of the Lord by the salary of his wife. I was also
one among them. Dr. K.P. Yohannan and myself had been
ministering together in O.M. After a few years we went out for
the ministry of the Lord as family. This servant of the Lord
also started the ministry of the Lord as family.

While this servant of the Lord was in O.M., he was very

The Missionary Challenge
happy to help other servants of the Lord, ignoring his own
needs. The Lord have abundantly, thousands and thousands
of times multiplied them, honouring the service they had done
pleasantly at that time. We pray, let their life be ideal to many.

Because of the ministry of Dr. K.P. Yohannan, who can

be considered as a living martyre, thousands of people who
died in their sin are getting solace, as well as eternal life through
Jesus. When I write, this their comes in my memory
the services of Gisilla Yohannan the wife of Dr. K.P. Yohannan,
out of her unlimited love of God. She used to go for tract
distribution and ate the food available in villages and slept in
railwaystations and there by she declared about the Lord so
happily which are uncommon even with regard to ordinary
Indians. Let it be a challenge to sisters.

Their children - the elder son Daniel and daughter Sara,

are the ones who love the Lord so deeply and serve Him.
They pray for many. All these things made lot of changes in
my family life as well as in the field of my ministry.

The house we stayed in Kerala

The Missionary Challenge
To Rameshwaram

While we went to the school to get T.C. for children to

go to Rameshwaram, the teacher told, “Don’t lose the future
of children; there is only one week left for Christmas exam. It
is better to go after the exam.” Saying, “the Lord will look
after everything”, and came back to the house after getting
the certificate. Next day, while we have to start our journey
along with children and things like mike set, projector, vessels,
mat and pillow, we began to pray with the burdon that there is
nobody to send us praying at our departure. Suddenly
a servant of the Lord, a prophetess came and informed us of
the oracles of God and encouraged us in the Lord and sent us
with blessing.

Dear ones, while we are performing as the Lord says,

peradventure, friends and relatives may not help us. But our
life will be satisified if we please the Lord only, not them.
Perhaps the relatives may ignore us. The world will ridicule us
saying these men are foolish. But it is our dear Lord who
honour us and stay with us always, who have only called us
by name. Perhaps you who read this may be in this condition.
But be courageous, and do the will of the Lord only. If
the Lord is not with us, it is of no use even if all our dear ones
in the world are along with us. God want us to be with
the Lord more than we do the work of God. Only those who
stay with the Lord can hear the voice of the Lord and attain
anything from God. “And He went up on the mountain and
called to Him those He himself wanted, and they came to Him.
The Missionary Challenge
Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and
that He might send them out to preach and to have power to
heal sicknesses and to castout demons” (Mark 3:13-15).

We reached Nagarcoil by way of two buses from home.

From there we caught the bus to Rameshwaram starting at
8:30. But there was no alternative except to stand holding
children. After hours my wife who was pregnant and standing
holding the child got a chance to sit a bit of time. Like this we
travelled and reached at Mandapam (a theatre).
The construction of Pampan bridge we see today had not
been finished at that time. Only the train was entering into
the island. We who reached at the night time waited upto
the morning for the train. And we got the train at the morning
and reached at the place called Pampan which is the starting
point of Rameshwaram. There we searched houses to stay.

The Pampan Railwaystation where we get down

But atlast we got a shed where fish packing was done. That
shed was owned by an unmarried keralite. He kept our

The Missionary Challenge
luggage in the house of a friend, and we slept at night in the
fish shed where only two mats could be spread out. Out of
the 200 rupees we had, while we reached at Pampan, only 5
rupee was left. That money was also spent in the same day. In
the circumstances where we had no money, no place to stay,
not known proper language, and lost the education of
children, our mind was not troubled even a bit.

The reason for this was we raised our eyes towards the
hands of the merciful Lord who stretchout His grace
irrespective of problems, because of our obedience to the
Lord according to what He said.

Next day morning people came to collect fish. It was

their engagement upto 11 o’clock. That time we came out and
were praying under a tree.

The hut we stayed were fish was drying

The Missionary Challenge
After they have gone we will take little comfort from the
heat of the roasted sunny day. Many times children would
ask, “when will we return to the native place?” It was because
of the severe hunger this question was arised from them. They
had to be fed by force when they were in the native place. But
here the condition is crying out because of hunger. Under this
state of affairs we prayed to the Lord like this: “Lord, you
have brought us to this place for your ministry. But what kind
of ministry you desire from us?” Then we went to the nearby
villages along with the children, according to the counsel
the Lord gave us. We sang Tamil songs which we had studied
byheart, and preached about the love of Jesus in Tamil as far
as we knew, and distributed tracts and some copies of
the New Testament. Only few people accepted these. Some
people gave some offerings. By collecting such offerings we
will buy some rice and lemon pickle and will reach the fish
shed. Then gathering fire wood from the near by estates and
would prepare food and eat it. As we were continuing the
ministry like this so pleasantly, the owner of the shed told us
after two weeks, “it is better for you to look for another house”.
He said like this because of the fear that once my pregnant
wife is delivered, it is difficult to handle the fish transactions.

From The Fish Shed to The Inn

To get a house in Pampan only we searched and

wandered all over Pampan. Since none of the house was
availed we again reached Rameshwaram by train along with
children and things. There are many inns at Rameshwaram.
The Missionary Challenge
These inns were meant for those who are coming to
the temple, especially for foreigners to stay for only three days.
While we contacted the responsible people of one inn, they
said it will not be given to us. At this, I thought of Jesus for
whom also could not availed an inn to lay in. While I was
standing there worried and helpless, one man came and said,
there is a PRS inn, at a little distance away. Bus drivers and

The inn where we stayed

conductors will stay at one side of it and the passengers on
the other side. Heard this we became very happy. We ran and
reached there bearing the luggage. We got permission to stay
there only for three days. From the same day onwards in streets
we started to declare Jesus. In the mean time we were
searching for a rented house also. At that time also children
were asking, “Appa, when will we go to the native place?”
Then I would conole them giving the suitable answer. About
this time, it was time for my wife’s labour pain. Then we prayed
to the Lord to postpone the labour pain until we get a rented
house. And the Lord gave answer to prayer miraculously.
Suddenly the pain was halted. Then the labour pain came back
The Missionary Challenge
to my wife after we got a rented house after fifteen days.

We met the means of living from the offering we get

through from the sales of books, while we were living in
the inn. Many times when I see my wife and children who
were tired of poverty and hunger, I would remember
the promises God have given and will get encouraged. At this
time a servant of the Lord Philip Varghese of the native of
Mundakkayam was ministering along with us.

While we were pulling on day and night tightly like this,

there came a pleasant news like the sun rises in the east.
A money order reached at Pampan for us, was that news.
Since there was no 80paise the bus charge from Rameshwaram
Pampan rented a bicycle believeing the money will be received
by the time, and reached at Pampan by cycling 12 kilometeres
in the red hot sunny climate and received the money order
from the post office. As soon as the money is recieved found
out a hotel ate food stomacheful with fish curry, after a long
time it was a little bit relief. Then came back to Rameshwaram
by cycling, buying food for wife and children from the same
hotel only. They ate that food greedily and got satisfied.

The Missionary Challenge

Healing for A Communist Man

and a House for Us

While we were in this state of affairs, the manager of

the inn came and said, “you who are supposed to live for
three days are now living for 22 days. So you must vacate
from here tomorrow, he said. We agreed that. Another man
approached us and said: “We came to know that you are
searching for a rented house. There is a house vacant at
Lakshmanathirtha.” The owner of that house was
a communist leader. He was sick and was admitted in
the hospital at that time. Immediatley we went to the hospital
to see that man. He was so sick that he was not able to speak.
We prayed for that person and informed the matter. He said
by way of gesture to come next day. The name of that person
was Innasi Muthu.

Innasi Muthu

The Missionary Challenge
We came back and prayed again: “Lord we will do your
ministry pleasantly inRameshwaram only, whether you give us
the house or not. We said our decision to the Lord that we will
not go back to native place even if we have to stay in
the Railway station. Next day while we went to the hospital
again that person was got healed from the condition that he
was not able to speak. A joy that arised from the faith that
the Lord had delivered him was seen to be reflected on his

He said very gently like this: “You stay in our house on

rent”. His sister Angel and her husband Swayamrup was
staying in this house in the island of Rameshwaram.

Sis. Angel and her husband Swayamrup

They were leaving the house because of the death of one

of their relatives. We understood that the Lord had arranged
that house for us, from then onward. It is a delightful thing that
the family stayed there now became believers. The Lord does
everything well. We started living there with all our materials.
The Missionary Challenge
Then also we were undergoing several troubles each day.
The children for whom the admission was taken in the school,
were not sent to the school many times. The reason was we
afraid that they would fall down in the road hunger stricken
and there by would get tired. My wife who was conceived
was very unhealthy because of malnutritions. In this condition
the labour pain started in her.

The rented house God gave us

God Who Gave Normal Delivery

to Sarah at The Age of Ninety

Knowing the labour pain of my wife the nurse who came

running said: “This labour shall not occur in the house. Since
the body is weak the normal delivery can happen only if the
glucose is given”. But my wife told her like this: “The Lord
have miraculouly done my three deliveries in the house only.
Therefore I do not need glucose or any other medicine. Even
then the nurse confirmly said, “You must please go to

The Missionary Challenge
the hospital for sure”.

My wife again said, “If God can give normal delivery for
Sarah on her age of ninety, the Lord is mighty enough to give
me also a comfortable deliverance. Immediately my wife was
abundantly filled with the Holy Spirit and she spoke with
the other tongue and glorified God. At the same context itself
the God gave her comfortable deliverance. Praise the Lord!

Even though the fear of death spread an anxiety over

the surroundings, the Lord who gave answer to the prayer
was the one who gave solution to everything. This was a really
a miracle to the nurse and others. The nurse who became
witness to this divine power informed her husband of this
event. My wife’s delivery became a cause for her husband to
believe in the Lord and get baptised.

That which are impossible with men are possible with

God. God can redeem us in the situation where we are. Some
are going to the native place for their delivery leaving their
mission field. If God is the one who delivers us wherever we
are, why should we run here and there. We should be
prepared to work honestly in any circumstance wherever God
send us, whether it is life or death. The Lord gives timingly
the strength and grace required for that. God who gave
healing to my wife without the usage of any medicine, is mighty
enough to deliver you also. Therefore children of God, you
put your complete trust in God only. If so we are blessed
enough before God. Jeremiah 17:5-8: “Thus saith the Lord,
The Missionary Challenge
cursed be the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his
arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord. For he shall be
like the shrub in the desert, and shall not see when good
cometh; but shall inhabit in the parched places in the wilder-
ness, in a salt land which is not inhabited. Blessed is the man
who trust in the Lord and whose hope is the Lord. For he
shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its
roots by the river, and shall not fear when heat comes; but its
leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of draught,
nor will seize from yeilding fruit”. Your trust shall be in the
Lord and be the Lord only.

Severe Trials of Affliction

When myself and my wife and four children and ten

brothers and one sister were in trouble and not knowing how
to go ahead each day in the midst of the severe trials of
Gospel work, God who gave the required manna each day to
Israel and nourished them also nourished and cherished us

We are presenting briefly the afflictions we faced in our

life in relation to Gospel work, is because of the thought that it
will be benefiting to you also in your Gospelisation activities.

Many times we would give our infant baby the water which
is made cool after boiling and putting in milk bottle and there
by would console him of his crying. This is because we were
not afford to buy milk. The mother could not give breastfeed
The Missionary Challenge
to the baby because she had no enough milk since she didnt
get nutritious food, not even able to eat food one time
sufficiently. Even then by the grace of the Lord the team work
was going on without any hindrance. God who gave the lusture
of countenance to Daniel and his comrades gave strength and
grace to the brothers who are ministering with us. They will
buy rice or wheat when they return, according to the income
they get by selling books. By the time they reached
the children would have tired of hunger. We will add salt in
the atta they bring and will boil it kneaded as rolls. Eating little
of that, will sleep as half stomache filled. Many times when
I finished my fasting and come out, there will be nothing to

Once when there was nothing to eat continuously for

three days my prayer was let the children be given good sleep.
The Lord would give them good sleep, as I was not afford to
bear their crying out. How many times are there like this!

The Leaves Worms Eat

On another occassion due to the continuous starvation,

BillyGraham, my elder son, began to vomit bitter water in
yellow color. He could not drink boiled water. In this context
when I was going to pick some leaves, thinking that some
leaves of any of the trees may be collected and be boiled and
may give to him, leaves eaten by worms were only seen
everywhere. Taking advantage of this context this Satan began
to talk to me: “Paulose, all your four children would die of
The Missionary Challenge
starvation. You would have to burry them by your own hands”.
I said to the devil like this: “I am serving a God who can rise
my children alive again even if my children would have to die
for the sake of the name of the Lord”. Like this when
I rebuked the Devil by the word of faith, he departed from me.

When I was struggling to pull on this context the blood

was oozing from the stomache of my wife as trouble upon
trouble. At this time I felt as though the rough hands of
the death have been pressing my wife. A condition at which a
lemon could not be bought to make lime water, God is
Je-ho’vah-Ji’reh, the giving God worked in this circumstances
also. The Lord spoke to a Keralite brother who didn’t know
anything about us: “Help immediately My servant Paulose at
Rameshwaram” was that message. That brother started
immediatley, thinking that if money order is sent, it may be
delayed. He reached in my house at Rameshwaram. It was
sent through the servant of God Paul Gopalakrishnan.

I was very much burdened when that brother came to

the house. When I stood thinking that I am not afforded to
give a glass of water to that servant of God who was tired of
travelling, he gave a cover in my hand. There was Rs.1000/- in

My decision was, we will not inform anybody of

the condtion of afflictions we are suffering for the sake of
the Lord and will not write also to anybody. But my heavenly
father who know everything very well had been working for us
The Missionary Challenge
time to time. We are living trusting upon this God only from
that day and till now. I am satisfied in this experience.

Dear ones, God is helping not just like a man is helping.

When I was struggled being not able to buy a lemon, my God
blessed me according to the riches of His glory. How much
blessed it it to serve Him! How much good He is! Even if
none of the world knows us if the Lord knows us it is enough.
Friends, there is no need of running after money. The money
will come running after us. Psalms 23:6.

Standing sincerely and honestly, you please the Lord in

afflictions and gain a good testimony from the Lord like Job.
Even when Job was in the furnace of affliction, since he didn’t
evade his faith and trust from God, he could be elevated in
later times. Like this when we have to suffer afflictions, trials,
abandonments, misunderstandings, reproach, and ridicule for
the sake of the Lord, do not think if others would have there
to help me. God’s condition is to bear our cross by

We should be the one who pray and help others knowing

their afflictions. That which you desire others should do for
us, that we should do for others. We should not be like Peter
who slept without feeling and without gratitude. While their
dearest Lord broken of heart and poured out the drops of
blood like the drops of sweat. What we sow that we reap. We
shall commit our life for others like Jesus did. It will become a
turning point for the revolution of Gospel work.
The Missionary Challenge
By the grace of the Lord all the blessings the Lord have
given us used not solely for us, instead fo the glory of
the name of the Lord. God changed the ministry in many ways
and could develop as it is seen today.

The brothers came from Manakkala Bible College and

Sharon Bible College, Adoor, were engaged in ministry
together with us. It is not sure whether they had even heard
before of the afflictions we have experienced here. They were
individuals who gave preference to Gospelisation more than
secular conveniences. Therefore they suffered everything
patiently. There were many days when these brothers were
tired of hunger stricken, took refuge under a tamarind tree and
eating the tamarind fruit getting from there and subsided their
hunger drinking the water. The brothers who seeing
the afflictions did not have least desire to return to native place,
served the Lord drinking the cup of afflictions.

It is happy to know that the brothers who suffered like

this in those times are now getting the fruit of that in their
ministry as well as in life.

Giving of tracts to train passengers, distributing tracts in

buses, open air meetings house visitings, team works etc were
our mode of ministry works. These activities were carrying
out inside as well as outside of the island. At that time nobody
was there from that place to worship the Lord along with us.
After some time a brother came into the experience of
salvation as a first fruit. His name was Prabhakaran.
The Missionary Challenge
Afterwards his name was changed as Peter. Because of
the reason that he received the Lord and get baptised, the
brother Prabhakaran who had completed the teachers training
was expelled from the house by his relatives. He came to us
with his things and stayed along with us.

After a certain time the life of that brother was completely

changed. He began to undertake gospel work also slightly,
after some days. And many were saved and became
the members of the church.

That Which Is Sprouted in The Fire

Will It Fade Away in Sunshine?

Then our ministry spreaded out in each village of

Rameshwaram. Here there are about 42 villages. When
the songs were sung and the Word of God was preached
through loud speaker, the devilish powers were started to be
shuddered. Therefore the devil began to use some people as
his tools against us. The devil was working in this way in each
village. But we were preaching the Lord with great joy village
by village, ignoring all these obstacles. Some times we would
sleep in the night there only after the village meeting is over.
From there it is convenient to go to the next village. Not only
that, whether reached in house there is no means for food. If
take rest in villages the food also will be availed. Like this
the Lord helped to preach the Gospel in all these villages many
times. By God’s grace many are saved from all these villages
and are coming to worship the Lord. Praise the Lord!
The Missionary Challenge
Often while we are going to distribute the Gospel tracts
to Hindu friends who are coming by train from here the anti
gospel people would beat us terribly and have had shut up in
police station. And to those brothers who came out of the jail
the Lord gave the courage and stregth required to give
the Gospel tracts again in the same place.

On another occassion, a brother called Mohanan was

beaten, spat on the face and bruished pushing down on the
floor at the Railway station. But by the grace of God reaching
at the same place with some brothers preached the Gospel
again. In the same way tracts were used to give in their own
languages to the pilgrims in the tourist buses, who were
coming in Rameshwaram temple for the redemption of sin;
like that the tracts were given to those who are coming in van
and train as well. We have had to pay the cost for all these
ministries. The life experiences of great fore-fathers like Paul
has been ideal for us.

The Manuscript distribution of Bro.Israel

The Missionary Challenge
On some occassions, brothers were beaten and wounded
and tracts were destroyed by burning with fire. Among them
Br. Jesudas and Br. Raja were wounded as to be specially
mentioned. But nobody afraid at the least and everybody had
gone foreward. That which is sprouted in the fire, will it fade
away in the sunshine?

Brothers and sisters, commit your body, soul and spirit

alike to suffer any affliction for the sake of the Lord. As Paul
the apostle says in Romans 8:35-39: “Who shall seperate us
from the Love of Christ? Shall tribulation or distress or
persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword? As it is
written, for thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are
accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things
we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For
I am persuaded, that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor
principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come
nor height nor death nor any other creature shall be able to
seperate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our

All the brothers and sisters whom the Lord gives had
been trained for the ministry through this experience.

The Refugees from SriLanka

The Lord had been turning our attention for some social
services. While we saw thousands of brothers and sisters who
came from Cylon as refugees in 1964, we were broken hearted.
The Missionary Challenge
Isaiah 61:1-3 which was enlightened in this context:

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because

the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty
to the captives and opening of the prison to those who are
bound; to proclaim the acceptible year of the Lord, and
the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn,
to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for
ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garments of praise for
the spirit of heaviness, that they may be called trees of
righteousness, the planting of the Lord that He may be

Seeing people are coming with different kinds of

problems, I understood the grievance of the Spirit of the Lord
in me. The Lord gave me a burden to help these refugees in
any manner.

A boy standing in the queue to buy food

The Missionary Challenge
Thousands of people were coming to Cylon each day, who
were running with their life, due to the war between Tamilians
and Simhalans, and were orphans, feeble, without food, hav-
ing no dress to change, completely lost of peace, and de-
ceased. It was by the Lord’s grace that we could help them
who came running greedily for shelter, by giving them food to
eat and garments to dress, mat for laying and the other things

None of those who saw the scene of their arrival at

Rameshwaram would go without weeping. That much was
their pathetic condition. That scene cannot be explained by
means of words.

Many are come lost of everything: The wife lost of

husband, the husband lost of wife, infants without parents,
parents lost of children. Their sighs were heart breaking.

Some came as such they were hit of bullets. Like these

thousands were coming neither having least consolation. Hot
tea and food were given to all of them. They were crying.

Like this the Lord helped us through many servants of

God. Since they were helped in this way, from the governement
itself a door was opened for gospelisation.

After that the Lord opened a spiritual way again to help

in their spiritual as well as physical needs according to
the grace God given, entering in their camps with
The Missionary Challenge
the permission of the governement. Their required things like
clothes, mat, bucket, water pot etc. would be given in all camps.
Then will preach about the great love of Jesus, His care, and
forgiveness of sin. Then we would pray for their consolation
and specially for their healing. Not only that we would inspire
them by giving them spiritual books.

Paulose who eats food along with orphans

Due to this activities many received the Lord as their
personal savior and many among them committed themselves
for the ministry of the Lord. Through them the fire of the new
spiritual worships touched the people in many camps.
The Lord gave the grace to visit them again and nourish them
in the Word of God. Thousands who came to India as
leopards became as lambs. Some of them filled with spiritual
gifts and with spiritual burden went to Cylon again like lions to
preach the Gospel. Due to their ministerial works the Lord I
doing big things in Cylon. How much is the wisdom of God
invisible and inconceivable.

Since there was no money to buy the salt to eat boiled

rice, we ate it without salt as I felt it is not right to buy the salt
in credit. God who honour those who honour Him, while
The Missionary Challenge
doing such big things in our life who were working like this, it
will not be sufficient to say how much more thanks to Him.
God who never forsake those who wilfully come out for
the sake of the Lord is still in action, for which I am a witness.
The Lord will never degrade those who work honestly.

Now by His grace the Lord opened the doors for living
without starvation.

Pastor Poulose and family

It was at the time when my children were troubling to go

to school having no food, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu
Shri. M.G. Ramachandran decided to give freely one time food
and text books in all schools. That law was very helpful for
the study of our children.

While we were suffering from such kind of hardships,

we were helping the children of God who were undergoing
afflictions, with a part of the physical blessings the Lord gives
us. Those who gives will not lack. The Lord was uplifting us.

The Missionary Challenge
I am happy to inform you of the way also God blessed
us for the glory of the name of God. Now we think many
times that the afflictions of wrestling, ridicule, ignoring,
solitude, misunderstanding etc will never be changed.


Some people think that we will be blessed after the death

and went to the heaven. But let me tell you a truth: Our God is
the one who bless us and uplift in this world itself. According
to all afflictions we suffered. We lived in a rented house for
eight and a half years. Since the roof of the house was of tiles
thatched the heat was unbearable. Not only that while raining
the roof will leak and water will gather within the house here
and there. Here only we were staying as well as worshipping.
There was no bathroom or latrine shed in the house. In
the well - salt water! Because of all these suffered joyfully,
the Lord helped to build a house in the plot bought from
Gospel for Asia.

The rented house God gave us

The Missionary Challenge
While we started the construction of the house, there
arised a strong wind of objection from the non-christians. The
objection arised from the Governement side was that much
strong that we may have to leave the Gospel work at
Rameshwaram. But the Lord revealed His power and counsel
by sabotaging official authority who acted against the Law by
accepting bribe to please men. We got victory. I am thankful
for the hand of the Lord which supported us amidst all

Preparation to construct the building

When approached the authority for the permission to
build a prayer home in the own plot they did not allow it. Then
we thought to build the house and worship in it. And
the permit was recieved for it. And the work was totally given
to a person. First of all they started the work to make a shed
and the materials may be arranged in it. The three neighboring
villagers got provoked in this and complained in Police and
they persecuted us and threatened us. When all the villagers
began to object us the Governement took the stand against us
that we should not build the house also. The police officials
prohibited so that the work may not be continued. They asked
The Missionary Challenge
to stop the work. The workers got afraid and stopped the

The Police and The Court

After that the Police Inspector called us to police station

and said to us: “It is better, you please go somewhre else
since they are telling if you build the house there they will cut
off your head. We made use of that context and shared
the Gospel with those officials.

Then later when we started the work of the digging of

the well, the police officials reached in the van with rifles. They
arrested those who were digging the well. They were remanded
for one day full. Next day they were released. By the time
the situation was very serious.

The village officer came and said like this: ‘Here

the buildings should not be built. Not only that the shed which
is built must also be removed right now’. We said, ‘We
cannot remove, you remove’, and saying this we came out.
On this time the Lord gave me an idea.. Begin to stay in that
shed. Then we started staying n the shed. Seeing this the anger
and fear of the villagers were increased.

On this time the brothers from the Gospel for Asia,

Thiruvalla came to see us and prayed for us.

Apart from that Pastor Kesari and his wife and Pastor
The Missionary Challenge
Alexander also came here and have been fasting and praying
for the subject. Not only that lot of children of God who know
us and do not know us in India as well as in abroad were
fasting and praying.

After a certain time a notice came from the court of

Ramanath, and also an arrest warrant along with it. We, five,
were the accused and the petitioners were sixteen people. We
were prepared to be jailed for the sake of the Lord. By
the grace of the Lord the imprisonment was exempted. We
have had to go to the court twice a month or one and a half
years. Myself, my wife, philip Varghese, Vincent and Xavier
were the defendants.

Then myself and my children BillyGraham and Israel

continued the work of the well. Miraculously after some days,
the Lord gave us pure water without any salty taste in this
Island. We got more water than we needed. The villagers who
opposed us and who made hindrance for digging the well are
drawing and using the water from this well.

The tasty well water which was dug by Pastor Paulose and family

The Missionary Challenge
This police was with us for one month. After one month
the building work of the house started again with
the permission from the high court. The cause for this was
the fasting and prayer of thousands of the children of God.
There were many servants of God to suffer affliction along
with us in this context. They have been encouraging us. We
are grateful to them always.

Do not be discouraged while objections are arising from

every side in your life. The Lord, as the Almighty, is the one
who always gives us victory.

When the house was built we had arranged a part of it for

worship. The Lord gave source full of that part. The contrary
wind of objection began to calmdown. The calmness

The Lord revealed in the ministry the power of His

action. Many began to come to the worship. Then God helped
to build a spacious shed only for the worship.

During 1990-91 war broke out again in Ceylon, people

began to come to India for their life sake. We came to know
that many are coming down to Rameshwaram. We went to see
them at evening time. The scene we saw there was pathetic.
Lost of everything, shivering in the cold, with hunger and with
faded face, without any hope, and with a stranger look, they
were. This scene made me think deeply and painfully.
I returned home with the thought of which way they can be
The Missionary Challenge
helped. I shared with my wife and children the pathetic scene I
saw there and the burden of my heart. And everybody said in
one accord that we should help them even if we eat porridge
(kanji) only this month. We as a family went immediately to
the shop and brought bread and fruit with the money we had
with us and wanted to go to that place as soon as possible.
Everybody in the family was happy. These people who were
without food since many days were eating the food we gave,
very greedily. It was difficult to witness that condition. Like
this we did for two days. Each day thousands/two thousands
were spent. We began to pray. The Lord opened the way to
give these thousands of people food of better kinds through
government departments.

They were supplied food from 4 o’clock in the morning

till 1 o’clock and some time till evening.

All these food were arranged by our brothers and sisters

only. By the divine love they did everything well. This
continued for about three months.

We were sending the arriving people by bus or train from

there. That time we would give Gospel tracts to all of them.

Again we had accommodated them by the help of

the governement as we did before. When God opened
the way to distribute among them mats, clothes, buckets, pots,
and new testaments and Bibles by visiting camps. The clothes
were received abundantly from different churche in Kerala and
The Missionary Challenge
from intermission organisations.

At that time we would reach in camps with things loaded

in rented van. We would have distributed things in the camps
by familywise with the help of the authorities, after singing
songs, preaching about the love of God and praying for
the sick. The government officials also received the word of
God diligently in camps.

In all these camps many were saved believing in Jesus.

They are worshipping God in spirit and truth. Among them
there are many who came foreward for the ministry of the

The plot in which a shed is built and we are worshipping

Lord was donated by a servant of God.

We were praying for a vehicle for our team work since

last twenty years. As an answer to the prayer of long term, we
received a van from Gospel For Asia (GFA). Praise God!

There are two teams ministering from the church at

Rameshwaram. One team is lead by brothers. They are going
and ministering in each and every villages and cities of Tamil
Nadu. Through the ministry of these brothers and sisters
thousands of New Testament and lacs of tracts are
distributed. By way of this, many are heard about the Lord
and getting deliverance spiritually and physically.

The Missionary Challenge
Our Family

Now we have six children. The elder son BIllyGraham is

baptized and annointed by the Holy Spirit and studying in
Bible school after the SSLC is passed. Our second son Israel
is studying in Bible school after the SSLC is passed.
The daughter Susanna is baptized, anointed by the Holy Spirit
and studying in Bible school after the SSLC is passed.
The fourth daughter Mary Christinal is saved, baptized, spirit
filled and now studying in school. The fifth daughter Persis is
studying in second standard and the sixth daughter Sara is
studying in UKG. All these six children are committed for the
ministry of the Lord. By the grace of God, the Lord helped
them to stand firm in faith without using any medicine. I am
happy to do the ministry of the Lord as family.

Some years before the Lord gave a vision. That was to

give the Word of God in each of the schools in Tamil Nadu.

To The Schools

At this time we were distributing new testaments, Gospel

tracts etc to teachers and students in all the schools from
Kanyakumari as a fulfilllment of this vision of Gospel ministry.
By this I believe firmly that Tamil Nadu will be gospelised.
Due to this ministry we are getting thousands of letters from
schools. And we are sending to all of them books freely.

The Missionary Challenge

Tracts are distributed among school children

We are praising God while we are informed of through
letters that many non-christian children, children from nominal
christian families, and muslim children have recieved the Lord.

Once we were travelling as a team in van. In the middle

of the journey, two springs of van were broken. The whole
money in hand was spent for repairing that. Our destination
was far away. And the money for filling the diesel was
finished. But wonderful to say that the needle showing the
quantity of diesel didnt move until 160kms is covered. After
that the meter again moved. And we reached the destination
and checked the fuel tank. There was half tank diesel in it. Our
God is the one who bring us to the supposed destination and
will finish His task. How much comfortable it is.

Cruel Persecutions

The team work was going on continuously. Once we went

to Vembar, near Thuthukudi as a team. Myself, my elder son
BillyGraham, second son Israel, Bro.Mohanan, Bro.Xavier,
The Missionary Challenge
Stephen, Thomas and Jeeva Moksham etc. were among the
team members. Two each were sent to each school to give
books. The schools were close to eachother. When I returned
to van after giving books, what I heard was, some are beating
some of those who came with us. Immediately I ran and
reached that side. What I seen there was three or four strong
men together are beating my son Israel and Bro.Thomas. They
had given books with the permission of the school authority.
But anti-gospel people cruelly beaten them with the aim that
they should not do this anywhere anymore, and they should
be extinguished by that. A teacher who saw my son being
beaten fell unconcious. That teacher was soon brought to
hopital. She returned to concious after one hour. The first
question that teacher asked was whether the beating of that
boy is stopped. That much cruel it was! Too much blood was
oozing from the nose of Bro.Thomas. Myself who seeing it
reached there running, was also persecuted very cruelly. This
event was happened under a Neem tree. I wondered to hear
that the next day itself the leaves of that Neem tree were fallen
and it was crumbled by the root.

The dried neem tree

The Missionary Challenge
Somehow or other we came out from that shadow of
death. Again heard that those who were with us have been
beaten at the next school. Again I ran to that school. There
I saw the Bro.Stephen in a very pitiable condition. Two strong
men like giants were beating Him holding his hand strongly
and said like this: “You must agree that the Gospel tracts will
not be distributed henceforth. And must ask pardon for what
is given”. But Sptephen boldly said: ‘I will not ask pardon’.
They tried their level best to make him ask pardon. But that
brother stood firmly for the sake of the name of God. They
were beating another brother Mohanan also. There were more
than 25 people who dared to do this cruel action. Most of
them were intoxicated. They beaten me also who came
running and struck me at the lower abdomen. I fell down on
the ground unconcious. The urine was passing unknowingly.
For long time this problem was with me.

Those two brothers whom they had been beating were

shut up and locked in a room. Their plan was to remove their
skin and pull down in the sea. They searched for those who
are stripping the skin of lamb. They could not get anyone.
Again these brothers were brought out of the room. They were
trialed like Jesus was trialed. That time also they were
persecuting them.

Somebody gave me water and raised me who fell down

in the ground unconcious. The thought that whether I will be
transferred from this world frightened me. At that time
the Spirit of the Lord passed before me the promises He had
The Missionary Challenge
mentioned to me. I got encouraged again. It was like what
happened to Paul the Apostle at Lustra.

Since it was firmly decided in mind that it is better to

become martyre for the glory of the name of God than to ask
pardon for preaching about the Lord, nobody asked pardon.
Suddenly they all ran away leaving us. They were not seen
later. Surely we were confirmed that this was nothing else but
the work of God.

While we were about to set out for the ministry as a team

my wife was also ready to come with us but the Lord clearly
talked to her in the church meeting of that day: ‘Sarojam, you
don’t go with this team. you be in prayer only’.

She was fasting and praying for three days - Some

sisters were also with her. While they were continuing in prayer
the Spirit of God showed a vision to my wife and to a sister
Elizabeth at a time that the anti-gospel people are persecuting
us who are in the team. They all filled with the Holy Spirit
rebuked satanic powers with the other tongue. They rebuked
also that dark powers who inspired to exterminate us. It was
at that time that those who were beating us cruelly, suddenly
ran away leaving us. Therefore we were rescued without
occuring any mortality to our life. In fact at the same time the
pain due to the beetings and blow which afftected the body
was completely extinct from us. Praise the Lord!

Again we went to the next village and preched the Lord.

The Missionary Challenge
We returned home after two days. After reaching home body
pain was felt in many parts of the body. I laid physically weak
for some weeks. But the Lord gave deliverance without taking
any medicine. The urine was passing without control due to
the blow at the lower abdomen as it was mentioned before.
I have had reached at the edge of death. Because of the prayer
of many with tears, I was healed as if the Lord have raised me
again. And God made it to know that, “For to me to live is
Christ, and to die is gain” through the experience.

The Deed of God at Vembar

Let me say certain things happened at Vembar where we

were beaten:

1. The Neem tree which stood near the place where we were
beaten crumbled by the root.

2. Those who persecuted us were persecuted by others in that

same place in the same week.

3. After sometimes we baptized some people in the same sea

wherein planned to drown us.

4. There a very blessed church was formed.

5. There are two ministers arisen from that church. Through

them the Gospel is reaching at every part of Vembar.

The Missionary Challenge
John 12:24: “...except a corn of wheat fall into the ground
and die, it abideth alone; but if it dies, it bingeth forth much
fruit”. My children read the book ‘Living Martyres’ (Tamil)
after suffered affliction for the sake of Gospel at Vembar.
After that they said to me, “Appa, now we dont want to
continue the study at college. We want to beome warriors in
the ministry of the Lord, studying at Bible college. And God
honoured their desire. Now they are studying at Bible school.

Now ministering with the interest that all the villages in

Tamil Nadu should know Jesus. There are about
forty thousand villages in Tamil Nadu still to know Jesus. Most
of the villages in Tamil Nadu are filled with idols. So also in
houses they are worshipping some trees and stones as gods.
We are praying sincerely and working with all our strength for
wavering the fort of idols swinging in Tamil Nadu and to
exterminate the power of satan.

Since our team is ministering all around Tamil Nadu,

churches are establishing in villages opened for Gospel by
ministering continuously. We are appointing in new places those
brothers who have good experience ministering with us and
having testimony and spiritual burden. Again we are praying
for getting honest ministers.

The aim and prayer of our ministry is to have churches

worshipping in truth and spirit in all the villages of Tamil Nadu.

Brothers and sisters who have firm standing and

The Missionary Challenge
commitment are ministering together with us. Not only that,
I am praising God for brothers and sisters who are ready to
suffer any affliction pleasantly.

On November 7, 1992, the team including my second

son Israel and seven brothers on the way to minister in
the villages of Rameshwaram, the anti gospel people had beaten
them. In that my son Israel fell down unconcious. But from
there when they arrived at the next village those people said
you not only be beaten, but to be killed by crucification.
Israel replied that this is our ministry and this will be repeated
likewise. Lastly they threatened like this saying: “You see what
we are going to do next”. After eleven days of this threatening
words, they destroyed the worship hall where we were
worshipping, by setting fire. They had done all these by
preplanning. First they cut off the coir rope of the bucket of
the well and drowned it in the well. After that the valve tube of
the cycle was removed. Then the shed was set fired. That time
three brothers were sleeping in the hall. Since the angels of
God awaked them, their life was escaped wonderfully.
The other things that were in the hall also got fired and became

The Prayer Hall which was destoryed completely by setting fire

The Missionary Challenge
ashes. Eventhough there was drizzling rain, since it was
ignited with petrol, quickly the fire was glowing. But their plan
to set fire the training centre which was near by, was hindered
by heavy rain.

After that the brothers were staying at one side of the

training centre and rest of the part worshipping. Also praying
to build here building with foundation.

The governement didnt take any action even though this

event of setting fire the worship hall had shocked the locality.
The people who were not satisfied by setting fire threatened
that my head would be cut off.

But the Lord rotated the wheel in the opposite direction.

The person who tried to cut off my head was cut off and
killed by his opponents. If the Lord is in favor who can be
against us? They thought that we will go from Rameshwaram
if the building was destroyed by setting fire. But as the head of
the strong man who encouraged to set fire was cut off, even
the ordinary men began to say, this is surely the hand of the
judgement of the living God. That made great fear in people.
By that the big fence of fear of man which prohibited that the
people cannot be lead to the experience of salvation was
seperated from people. Perople came foreward to accept the
Gospel. There by the Lord switched on the beginning of a
revelution of Gospel.

On another time seven people who were anti-gospel came

The Missionary Challenge
with sword and stick, cruelly persecuted three brothers who
were sleeping at midnight. While they were afraid and raised
sound, putting clothes in the mouth and shut up the door and
hands and legs were tied to the pillars.

After that they were severely beaten and treaded. Infornt

of these brothers who were bound and helpless, they took
away most tof the things that were in the hall including
amplifier, box, guitar, battery charger and some other musical
instruments and the clothes of the brothers etc. One person
with the sword in his hand hold against it to cut off the head of
one of the brothers tied up. Immediately another person stood
with him prohibited him. He said, let us go after commanding
only hereafter do not preach the Gospel. In that dark night of
death in circumstances were nobody can work out, the angels
of God delivered wonderfully. That day the Lord supported
us so that the grief upon grief may not come to us. After that
next day again we began to preach the Lord. The Lord gave
us grace to mould the youths befitting to minister in any
circumstance giving the life for the sake of the Lord. Due to
this, irrespective of circumstances we are going and
ministering in all parts of Tamil Nadu.

Today the Lord is in need of young people who have the

decision of whether life or death, will stand for Christ only.
The youngsters are wanted for world evangelisation. Today
there are lot of people simply to suffer trouble for the sake of
salary, for the secular things forgetting themselves. But sad to
say, the youths committed to Jesus who suffered affliction for
The Missionary Challenge
us ridiculed, experienced the reproach and died, are rare now
a days. We are praying for brothers and sisters having
commitment. We are starting new field work by giving training
to such youths. We are conducting many seminars for
ministers and believers and crusades in districts were spiritual
dryness is felt for evangelisation in past times. Because of this
God is visiting hundreds of people.

We are conducting the ministry as church through books

and cassettes of songs. We are longing to work more for the
Lord. The reason for the growth of our ministry is we are
doing this with familywise co-operation as well as churchwise
and through co-workers. Even though we are as the soldiers
fighting in the battle field each day, Jesus the Mighty warrior
of battle is fighting in the front for us. We are
praying, ministering, helping and raising people for that

I desire you also who read this book to become a partner

of this ministry.

In the month of July 1995, a great calamity was blown

against our family. That is now glittering before my eyes as a
frightening event which cannot be forgotten in life.

When my elder son BillyGraham returned to Madras

after his study in USA Bible School is completed, we as
family went to receive him. When we were coming back with
him so happily - it was 10’o clock at night - the van we were

The Missionary Challenge
driving hit at a lorry which was parked in the road side without
any signal, in the same speed as we came. Our van was
broken completely. But to say, it is difficult to believe that the
Lord sending His angels protected us and kept us safe and
nothing happened except my younger daughter Sara was slightly
wounded by a glass peice hit at her head. Along with that the
things in the van also were safe.

From this, the lesson the Lord taught me is, if God called
and seperated an individual or a family with a special purpose,
nobody or any circumstance can hinder that decision, it is

We are requesting you to pray for us to get grace from

God to walk with the Lord each day. We will pray for your
christian life.

Note: Now nominal christian organisations show opposition

as the anti-christians opposed before at Rameshwaram. The
Pharaoh has bounded the children of Israel. We are waiting
for a great deliverance in Tamil Nadu by the might and power
of God in these days. A great fire of the Holy Spirit will burn
in Tamil Nadu. Not only that, we are waiting for it to start from
Rameshwaram. We will be burned to ashes in His fire. Then
the whole of India and the whole of the world, this fire will
burn. Amen!

The Missionary Challenge

Part II
Go Ahead Without Being Ashamed
The Firmament is the Border
We believers shall be adorned of the christ only. We shall
be seen beared of the Christ wherever we go. If we hear
the voice of the Holyspirit daily, He will bring across on our
path the individual He have predestined on our behalf to pour
out His love. The Holyspirit will go before us and will prepare
the hearts.

Recently I understood the interferance of this kind of the

Holyspirit, more and more. While I was sitting in a flight
during the time of a journey to abroad for the purpose of
the ministry. I looked around praying in my heart. I was sitting
in a luxuary chair in the middle row (middle class) with leaning
the head backward. That was a good opportunity to relax
comfortably. But God’s purpose was something else. There
was a decorated switch above my head. My eyes were staring
at that switch only. That was the switch meant for calling
attenders in the flight. An employee of the flight in her
announcement had informed about it just before: Do not
hesitate to switch on that switch above your head whenever
you have any need, and the attendant will reach by your side
and will do any help available for you, was that
announcement. Then I kept looking on that switch
The Missionary Challenge
I was inspired to switch on that switch. The Holy Spirit
gave me a thought: Switch on that switch and calling
an employee, share the gospel with that person. As soon as
this thought came into my mind, I started thinking what would
be the consequence if I do like that. That was the flight of
an Islamic country. Sharing the gospel in it will surely make
a problem as well as disputes. So be careful. My intelligence
proposed. But the Holy Spirit told me, don’t be afraid, go

At last thought to press on the switch and it was switched

on. Within a few seconds an attendant, an employee of
the flight came near my chair. I asked her, would you please
spend a few minutes for my sake as I have a very important
fact to talk with you. She agreed to it. I began to talk to her
regarding the love of Jesus Christ and His death by crucification.
As I proceed to talk she attendively heard it with her eyes wide
opened. No sooner did I complete my talk, she asked me,
would you please come and say to my superiors also this
subject which is this much important. She lead me safely to
that first section. According to the interest of that employee
her superiors gathered some more individuals and arranged to
hear this good news. They heard with interest. The Lord gave
me the grace to share the gospel once again in the middle of
these employees of the flight.

If we submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit and subject

to His spiritual inspiration, we would have good opportunities
greater than this.
The Missionary Challenge
The opportunity to share gospel in the flight did not
finish by that. Perhaps while you are travelling in buses, if the
conductor or driver or the passengers don’t like the Gospel,
they may stop the bus and cast you out of the bus. But with
regard to the flight it is not possible to push out you in
between. Therefore you can share the gospel with courage.
I decided don’t stop to share the gospel.

After I get down from the flight I got chance to share the
gospel as I was standing in the queue to register the passport.
This time I didn’t need to open the mouth. I had weared a
T-shirt a person had gifted to one of my friends.

It was written in the front side of it Jesus in big letters.

Below that it was written one by one: died for my sin, burried
and resurrected and saved me, turned me to His side from
the sin. Some people who stood behind me tried to read this,
moving from right to left and raising and inclining the head
they tried to read it properly. This movement occured in
the queue, turned the attention of the officer who registers
the passport towards me. He also tried to read it what it is.
I moved and stood little aside since it was difficult to read in
that position. So he read it fully. He took the passports of
those who were standing ahead of me and beating on the table
angrily, asked, ‘do you believe what is written on the T-shirt?’
“The Bible says like that” I said. He asked with anger, but
I answered with smiling. If we have the habit of answering
with smiling, most of the problems can be solved. When
husband and wife talk each other, if either one of the two
The Missionary Challenge
answers with the smiling any problem in the family can be
subdued without any quarell.

“Who gave you this”, he asked. I answered very gently,

“one of my friends”.

Wearing the T-shirt on which The word of warning on

the word of gospel is written the backside of the T-shirt

I noted the change of his facial expression. I doubted for

a moment whether I can come out of that queue safely. That
officer suddenly took my passport considering the big queue
that was standing behind me, sealed it, allowed me to go out
with half willingness. He was aware of the danger in Islamic
countries beacuse of bearing and exhibiting shirts such
provocative words. That official would have read, I believe
when turned back and walked after receiving the passport,
the question ‘Jesus is coming, do you have prepared?’, with
the heading ‘the warning’, written in big letters on the back
side of the shirt.

The Missionary Challenge
That day eventhough that shirt became the reason for
many questions and warnings, I have been wearing it still.
I wore that only for the sake of the meaningful and true words
which that shirt declares and because of the opportunity it
produced for the spreading of the gospel.

We believers, even if may have to face terrible

consequences each time, should not but to share the gospel to

God Only Is Our Savior

All Things That Are Evil He Alters for Good

Five years before, I saw visibly the power of

the protecting hands of our great God. Myself and my
daughter Mary were travelling by car to a place called Theni.
There in a seminar I had to preach. When Babu the driver was
driving the vehicle the thirteen year old Mahesh was sitting
near to him in the front seat. Mary was sleeping in the backseat
for long time.

While we were going on like this, a goods lorry came

across and hit on our car unexpectedly whithin no time. The
sound of that sudden hit trembled that area like a thunderbolt.
Our car shattered away from the road at a long distance. The
body of Babu shrinked and twisted in between the steering
was seen without clarity during the vehicle get upside down.
I thought my eyes are lost. Mahesh was thrown out and lay in
the road without movement. My left eye was covered and
The Missionary Challenge
I could see only by right eye. The bone of my jaw also was
broken by the stroke of that hit. I turned back and looked my
daughter Mary. She was in the backseat itself. By the grace of
the Lord our life was escaped from this great calamity. While
Babu, Mary and myself were escaped along with wounds,
Mahesh James was healed completely after one month

As soon as the accident was taken place, some people

reached running and took us out of the car which was broken.
Mahesh was also lifted up. We were happened to lie there by
the road side. God miraculously saved us from the accident
which was supposed to be finished by death. Once a motor
accident is happened, usually what is seen in India is people
will gather and as they are attempting for the rescue work,
some people will rob costly things from vehicles and people
who were under accident. I was observing with my single eye
which was only having the vision. People began to gather
around the place the accident occured, not for stealing but to
know what happened to us. As the time went on the crowd
also increased. Then I got an idea. Let me lie down like this
some more time. Let some more people gather. Then making
use of this opportunity, the gospel can be shared with them.
Is it possible to organise such a crowd in the main roadside, if
then desired once. So I thought not to lose this opportunity.
After some time the crowd again increased as I expected.

I slowly stood up and began to share the gospel as the

villagers gathered as I expected. Looking upon them, I said
The Missionary Challenge

The car in accident

confirmly Jesus Christ is all powerful and is mighty enough to
deliver from any severe calamity. How he saved us from this
great calamity, in the same way He will save you also, I
preached. They were listening each word very carefully. In
this wayGod wonderfully concluded that extra ordinary event.
Many committed their life to God in the middle of that road
itself. Among them three individuals were baptised later. The
place this accident occured was the village called Parthyvan
Uru between Madhura and Paramakudi. After that, thinking
that some acquaintanceships may be there in the buses going
from Ramanathapuram to Madhura or from Madhura to
Ramanathapuram, we tried to stop the buses but none of it
stopped there. But to say wonderful, a car which was going to
Madhura stopped near to us.

From it a doctor from Rameshwaram who is known to

me got down there and had done first aid to us. I know very
well that God sent him there and it is not by chance he came
there. Sarojam who came to know about the accident came
there with a vehicle to bring us to home. If I were dead she

The Missionary Challenge
could carry only my body. But I am alive, So I told
the ministry is important, and I hesitated to go back with
Sarojam. And we continued the journey. We returned only
after the ministry is completed.

That accident caused to prepare for us better

opportunities. We had taken with us some of the locals to find
out that place so that we can return to that place of accident
again for the ministry. On the way back they pointed out a big
problem they are facing there. Returned to that place, a borewell
was dug there as a token of gratitude for the love help they
had done at the time of calamity. Even the great calamity can
be caused to make for the glory of His name by the one only
and that is Jesus Christ. And glory for Him only.

Not only living water but natural water also

The Missionary Challenge
God who reveals Himself at right time

I have been convinced of God’s protection many times.

But I cannot forget a dangerous circumstance, in which God
was with me, in my young age, some time before my marriage.

Once I was going from Punjab to Delhi during the time

of my North Indian ministry. It was at midnight lastly when
I reached Delhi railway station. It was a black night in the rainy
season. Due to the non-stop rain the electric power was cut
off. The darkness covered everywhere like a black blanket.
After waiting sometime I called an autorickshaw to the place
where I have to go. As soon as I entered the auto, two people
from somewhere else entered from either side and sat on both
of my side. Another two fat men entered and sat on either side
of the auto driver. I felt something wrong as they entered like
this unexpectedly and in a busy way in the auto which I called.
The auto driver drived it very fast, talking to his helpers loudly.

Since I didn’t know their language, I could not

understand what they are talking hearing it by ears.
Nevertheless, The Holy Spirit had translated it into my heart
and made it comprehend within me. From them I understood
that their plan was to plunder me. One man looking at me said,
he has plenty of money with him. There was no least money
within my bag. But doubting that I have kept some costly
things and money in the bag they planned to rob it. I was
listening their conversation. And The Holy Spirit had been
convincing it to me. Their purpose was to plunder everything
The Missionary Challenge
after killing me, taking me to some corner where no human
beings are there.

I was thinking of my future and the marriage which has to

be solemnized.

‘Please stop the auto, I have to get down’, looking at the

auto driver I said loudly. The city was fully in darkness, being
there was no electricity he didn’t listen to my voice. He was
driving the auto speedily. I again shouted, “I have to get down”.
God did an unexplainable miracle. Suddenly the auto was halted
as though something happened. It was stopped without any
warning. At the same moment the vehicle was halted, the elec-
tricity came. The city was fully lightened. I arose and looked.
The auto is standing before the building where upon the board,
‘The Police Station, Delhi’, is hanged as it is exactly held up
and stopped. That auto driver who knows every curved routes,
streets and slums of that city, while going with me closed up in
the auto as if kidnapping me, with evil purpose, brought via
police station, even without his awareness and stopped before
the station. This is the wonder of wonders. This is nothing
else but the work of God. A police was standing before the
auto with a rifle in his hands. That auto driver made me land
there and made his escape from the questions of the police by
driving fast and went away. Then by the help of the police
caught another auto and went to the place where I had to go.

God protected me by His powerful and securing hands

without happening any loss, by breaking all the snares of the
The Missionary Challenge
auto driver and his deputees. There is no wonder God can’t
do. Hallelujah!

Supplicate to The God of Reaping

This book of testimony was first written in Tamil

language. By the time of the fourth edition of its English
transalation, we were convinced of one thing: the testimony of
miracles which God is doing in our life and the ministry has
been continuing without limit throughout the years since its
Tamil edition was released. Our God the Lord have been still
revealing His glorious grace, kindness and guidance etc., in
our life. Through these He is giving great vision to redeem the
lost ones.

The Place of Our Field Work

The Rameshwaram in Tamil Nadu is a famous place for

the faith of Hindu religion. Since many years I have seen lacs
and lacs of Hindus came here and tried to gain redemption
from their sins and attain forgiveness and peace by taking bath
of ablution in this sea. I have seen with my eyes drinking of the
urine of cow in the concept that it is holy water, thinking cow
as god in the name of ‘gomatha’.

While we see such blind faiths and customs and

observances, we understood how much great is God’s
purpose who brought us here in Rameshwaram from our native
land for the sake of gospel. Jesus Christ only is their sole way
The Missionary Challenge
of salvation. By God’s grace we desires to work continually
for their salvation. We are suffering hardships for the purpose
of changing them to eternity. Whenever opportunities are availed
we will minister as teams to save these people from the eternal
hell where fire is burning incessantly.

Hindus are performing numerous customs and rites in

India. One among them is taking of ‘kaavadi’(an ornamental
and arched pole of wood to carry offering to temple of a
god). This has broken my heart as glass pieces. Every year at
the time of feast, lacs and lacs of pious people all over the
land are performing vows and offerings for the redemption of
their sin.

One among them is the piercing and boring of the back.

That is, the person who vows this offering will pierce his back
with a sharp hook, and as the flesh is teared off and the blood
is oozing, a chariot of about 200kg weight is tied by a coir to
the other end of the hook and will drag as the celebration of
the city. This procession which goes around through the main
highways of the city will prolong about six to seven miles. He
will drag it like this as the blood is oozing drop by drop
throughout the roads.

Another offering is piercing of cheeks with lance. This

lance like a long spear will be pierced through the cheeks so
that it will project on both sides of the cheeks. And these
people will also come as procession. At last when this spear is
drawn out the blood will come out. Now another offering:
The Missionary Challenge
eight hooks will be hooked on the back and the other sides of
the hook will be connected to a long yoke raised as if in front
of the bullock-cart. They will lay hung in the atmosphere. This
is hang offering. They will lay hung like this atleast about four

They are governed by the evil spirit and by the power of

darkness pitiably. They think that they themselves and their
families will get redemption by this offering and vow. But all
these make the blood poured sympathetically.

Jesus has already paid the penalty for their sins. They are
the people who do not know there is no need of doing any
atonement anymore and hence are deserving sympathy. These
people among whom we minister last many years, there are
many among them who received the knowledge that Jesus is
the only real living God. Now still there are thousands who
being blinded there inner eye, tormenting their body thinking
they will get redemption by the observances of atonement
deeds, does like this which is deeply painful for us. Because if
there is no Jesus in their life, in addition to this, they would
have to suffer eternal pain of damnation. Here is unbearable
pain in the name of religious piety and in hell also unending
pain. See how much terrible is the deception of devil!

We are striving incessantly to turn the people towards the

marvelous light of God from the shade of darkness. This is
God’s ministry.

The Missionary Challenge

The Christmas Message Trip

This is a good opportunity to share about Jesus
As I had hinted earlier, christmas is a good context to
share about Jesus. We would go to different towns and cities
as a team and would explain the real meaning of christmas.
Here we memorise the first christmas while we were stoned at.
Even today that continues. Things are getting broken. We are
gathering each stones stoned at each year at christmas and
adds to the heap of stones which were gathered earlier, and
putting hands upon it praying as family for each individual
who had stoned, to be saved.

There is a true testimony that God saves, in the life of

those who had been saved by way of us also and God trained
for the ministry of God and have been sent in different places.
We would also like to say to you some testimonies about their
One among them is Pastor Thankaraj, a person who came
The Missionary Challenge
from Thiruvananthapuram and joined with us in the early times.
He was a man addicted to liquor and lived an immoral life.
Those who were around him were praying for Thankaraj.

The Holy Spirit made His hard heart soft. He was given
the privilage to know Jesus. He joined with our ministry As
soon as he was saved. The heart of them who hear his
testimony will be moved.

Within a few months after he was saved, he died. As the

preparation for his funeral was going on, the missionary and
his co-workers of that place were praying for him. At the same
time God gave him miraculously a new life and raised him.
While he was dead, God took His spirit to heaven and hell and
showed him the scenes there. After that his mind is filled with
the unmeasurable grief, and that he was burdened to save the
perishing souls from the eternal hell. See how much glorious
thing it is! God talked to Sarojam. He said to share the gospel
to the people of the hilly areas, travelling 800miles away from
there. They were the people who never heard about Jesus,
even once.

Thankaraj, selling everything he had, went looking for the

people God had shown him. He had the money with him
sufficient to exist for the next two years. After that we began
to support for his ministry. There were about two lacs people
in that place where he ministered. He decided to make all of
them get saved. He and his family were facing oppositions,
hostility, and threatening of life day by day. Thankaraj had

The Missionary Challenge
wife and three small children. One day Thankaraj invited the
leader of that place, and his son for the dinner. And they came
also. Then that leader said now he wanted to know more about
Jesus and asked them to reach their house in the following

Thankaraj and his wife went to his house in the following

week. They were invited to the inner room and as soon as they
entered the door was closed and put the bolt. That leader and
his son took the rifle unexpectadly, and aimed to shoot them.
And shouted, looking at Thankaraj and his wife, ‘do not talk
about Jesus in this place anymore’. Thankaraj and his wife
cried out raising their hands unto heaven, ‘do not kill us, and
the three small children we have will become orphans’, they
humbly requested. But this leader didn’t show sympathy. They
moved the triggers of the rifle to kill them. You think about this
condition for one second! How much fierce and cruel it is!
Suddenly God’s supreme power spread out in the whole of
the room. Thankaraj and his wife commanded by the Holy
Spirit - “These rifles don’t be worked out”. Immediately the
rifles went out of functioning and the shooting was blocked.
No sooner did this miracle is seen this leader fell down and
asked pardon with tears. Are you able to see this miracle in
your imagination? They confessed Jesus as God. Then and
there they were saved. Apart from that they kept opened their
house for running the church.

Spread out of this fact, many people came foreward

receiving God. Now more than two hundred believers are
The Missionary Challenge
worshipping God in that church. From there lot of young people
came to Rameshwaram for training in our traning institute at
Rameshwaram. I have gone to that place and have begun four
new churches there.

Another brother who came to us also was called for the

ministry at hilly places like this. We have been supporting him
also. He also is doing big ministry for the sake of God. The
people of that place had never heard of Jesus even once. He
and his wife lived in the huts of clay as one among that people.
The threatening were continuously coming to them from

One evening three young people came and said their

mother is sick and bed ridden, and they requested him to reach
there and pray for her. He and his wife went with them without
any doubt. On the way when they were passing by way of a
dam, these young people took him and threw him in it. Water
was rushing down and flowing with great force on the face of
the dam. The terrible power of that rushing water drew him
down to the deep depth of it. Again when he floated up, his
hand was mortally wounded. Nobody was there to help since
it was passed 10’o clock in the night. He swam with that
wounded hand.

By 2 o’clock in the morning, some how or other he

reached the shore. The owner of that land who saw him in the
morning brought him in the hospital. God healed him
completely within two weeks. He again approached that

The Missionary Challenge
people with joy. While everybody thought he was dead, he
returned alive and is sharing gospel. This turned lot of people
to the side of the Lord. Now also that church is growing day
by day with new believers.

A person to receive the Lord is not so easy in our

country and in Asia as a whole. Most often will have to pay
big cost for that. Even your own family members may cast
you out. You may have to lose your property and heritage.
The society in which you are included, may keep you seperated
alone. Like this you have been kept alone in order that you
may begin a new life as a whole.

Now read the experience of a fish merchant who came

into this faith. He wandered in life searching the real peace of
mind. While he heard the gospel first time, seeing the peace he
was searching for is there in it, he embraced it. This changed
his life totally. But his wife was not least interested in it.

While he was not there in the house, his wife tried to

commit suicide by drinking poison. But the neighbours brought
her to the hospital and she was recovered. Since that fish
merchant is not leaving his faith, she again tried to commit
suicide after a few months. This time she decided to die by
hanging herself. God talked to her husband who was out of
the house, and made him aware that his wife is under some
danger. He suddenly came to the house. When he came, saw
that she is hanging by a coir. There was only a slight distance
between death and herself. He immediately cut off the coir
The Missionary Challenge
and saved her life.

After some years she was deceased and again came close
to death. This time when we prayed, God descended and
protected her. This time she understood the unforsaking love
of God. Now she repented and leaving all her paths, became
the child of Jesus. Now she is very well and is ministering with
her husband. The experience of this fish merchant is a good
example that if a person receives Jesus Christ in this country
of India, the cost he has to pay is very high.

Since last many years how many experiences of this kind

we have come through. Another experience also we want to
share with you. An young lady whom we know became severly
sick. Since her condition was very worse she was under
treatment for more than four months and that too in the house
only. First she was admitted in the hospital, but doctors
abandoned her and was sent to the house. Some of our team
members brought her to our prayer gathering. And due to the
healing she received we got opportunity to enter into her
village. What is something special in this is, the previous day
only we were ignored in this village and rejected from there.

The Hindu faith was deep rooted in that village. After that
miraculous healing she in her own interest called and brought
us in the village. That villagers were anxiously waiting to know
what happened to her. Because they all thought that she will
die at any time. She invited us and brought us in her house and
told us, be seated. Without anybody telling anything she brought
The Missionary Challenge
all idols, pictures on which her piety was based on, and all
other related things and were broken down infront of us. To
those who gathered there, she said infront of our team
members, “none of these gave me comfort, joy or healing in
my life. Truly none of these are gods”. And she declared
Jesus only is the true living God.

The reason for this pungeancy is, we had already prayed

for her and had sowed the faith that Jesus will give the answer
and will give the life to her. There was no hope that she will
recover. Here is the lady, of whom everybody confirmed that
she will die, who is made stand again by Jesus as living
witness. Yes, still Jesus is the living God!

She is the living witness in that village. And as everybody

is watching sweeping all her idols broken into pieces, she thrown
into the Indian Ocean. The same event happened in Seerkazhi
also, where pastor is ministering. Then her family as a whole
were delivered from the idol worship. Not only that, her house
was opened for the sake of the church, so that others also
may be added to the kingdom of God. In those days many
brought their kith an kin who were possessed by evil spirits
and were stricken by illness and they were got delivered and

At the end of that week, there came hundred people in

the church. The church hall was a small building having 15
feet length and 10 feet breadth. So everybody was not able to
be accommodated. Many worshipped God under the trees
The Missionary Challenge
outside by sitting and standing. Later God gave them a good
worship hall. We sent a brother to minister there and to lead
them. God gave that brother vision. And He revealed to him
that there are many to be saved in that place, according to the
pre-destination of God and for that many churches are to be
established. Not only that, the Spirit of God gave him the
number that 500 people will be added to that church by the
end of 1995. And God added that much believers according
to His promise only. By this time through the minitry of that
place, four churches were established in the nearby villages.
God sent many young people to us from that church for
training, in order to fulfill His promise.

Pastor Mohan along with church members

Like this, while we were going to visit villages, we could
not guess what kind of response will be there. Some times it
will happen for the sake of blessing. On some occasions we
will have to run for the sake of life. Now I am saying of such
an event.

We had sent a team to share gospel among the ‘harijans’

The Missionary Challenge
(a hindu division) . As usual the anti-gospel people came against
the evangelists they began to run with their life. As they are
running and climbing up a topsy turvy mountain to come out
of that village, turned upside down and fell into a deep pit.
First a person bent down and fell. Then next person fell with
big amplifier in hands. This amplifier fell on the hand of the
first person and got wounded. But God protected them
miraculously, without being get into the hands of
the adversaries. Within a few days the wound was cured and
again they went to the field work.

On another occasion a team included of my son Billy

went to a village where the gospel was not heard so far. That
village was famous for attacks and assaults. When they were
exhibiting the film Jesus there, suddenly a bullock cart was
possessed of an evil spirit, the bullocks were frightened and
ran with the bullock cart and entered into the middle of the
crowd. The people were scattered and began to run. Some
small children were sleeping among them. The bullock cart
ran over them. And the hands, legs and neck were broken.
Seeing this the people (about 200 giants) got angry and
bringing swords attacked over the team to murder them. But
the Spirit of God poured power over Billy and was inspired to
command to freeze the hands raised. Billy did like that. Their
hands became as not able to move. Taking advantage of this
situation, they escaped with their things entering into the van.
God delivers the men who fears Him sending His angels.

Last year the training was given to about more that 1000
The Missionary Challenge
missionaries. And God gave grace to send them to share the
gospel in different unknown places of the country where the
gospel is not known. Here are the testimonies of some of

One of our friends, the time he received God, his

household ousted him and his wife from the house. He came
and joined with us and is ministering. We took
the responsibility of him until he is matured enough for the
proper ministry. It took four years for that. By this time two
more children were born to them. God talked, and showing
the most dry place of India, said to go there. That is a place
where nobody likes to go.

His wife was a wonderful maid servant of God. He

departed to the place which God shew, along with his wife
and children. There the house he got to stay was single room
of the size of 10x10 feet. So he and litle grown up children had
accustomed to lay under the tree. The cooking was also
outside only. It was done under the tree only collecting wooden
pieces and small twigs scattered here and there. God began to
do these glorious things. So forgetting their discomforts they
depended on God for the sake of gospel. God began to
interfere in his life in a grand way. The deceased were began to
be healed. Those who were in the grip of devil, were

While they were going on ministering circumstances got

more worse and due to the severe monetary problems, and

The Missionary Challenge
poverty, the children were withered without food. And cried
out to God for fulfilling the needs. The children had been
crying being not able to suffer hunger. Three days were passed
by drinking water only. On the fourth day the condition got
very worse. His wife was pregnant also fully at that time.
The delivery may take place at any time. They didn’t go to
anybody for help. Why because it is a thing that would have
brought blemish for the faithfulness and honour of God who
called them.

On the fourth day while got shrinked due to starvation,

the labour pain started for his wife. She was shrinked since
not having natural nourishment. His wife had not enough health
to give birth to a child. She died during the delivery.
The children became without means to survive. They began to
cry out, not being able to bear the shock of that unexpected
death. Oh, God, we have no food for four days! Now our
mother also died. Now what will we do? The heart of those
who heard the loud lamentation of their weeping, were broken
of heart. There was not a single paise with them to buy
something to eat to sustain their life.

Pr. Daniel Bro. Lazar

The Missionary Challenge
Lastly I happened to know their condition of such a kind.
Immediately myself and Sarojam arrived there. We could
understand their condition very well, since wel also had
suffered such afflictions of this kind in our ministries in
the beginning. We arranged the preparation for the funeral of
his wife with broken hearts. After that we served him and his
six children with words of consolation. All of their children
were below the age of fifteen years.

We took with us the children whom that mother

delivered, while we were returning to Rameshwaram. But the
new born baby died on the way. And we went back to the
village in the same van we were going and buried that baby
also near that mother and returned after that. Pastor Daniel
who have not tired in all these things is ministering till now. He
himself and his son Lazar are leading his church having about
fifty believers. After that we are continually giving them
monetary support.

When I see all these things, remembering crores of money

spent yearly for luxuary and feasts in this perishing world, my
heart is melting. I know the families of the missionaries who
dies in starvation for the sake of Christ and for the glory of
His gospel. Some of the thousands spent for ‘Deewali’
crackers which goes to ashes is enough to nourish such
families. The gospel we are bearing sometimes is paid itself
more than the cost we expect. The above mentioned is only
an example. Like this there are still hundreds of villagers. They
are labouring day and night to bring the gospel for the people

The Missionary Challenge
of villages where gospel is not yet reached. They are facing
poverty day by day. Still some of our co-workers are having
such experiences. Dear brothers and sisters, will you come
forward to pray for them and to support them by giving money?
For the sake of gospel they have put forward their neck!

In the beginning of the year 1995, one day, one of our

gospel team members, while returning home after 10’ o clock
in the night after the ministry is finished, seven anti-gospel
people who came by bicycle surrounded him.
Began to attack him severely. After getting all the beatings he
said with the laughing face, “brothers, Jesus loves you”.
The result was the beatings again. After that he could not put
even one step forward. Like that turned down and fell
unconcious. They took him and thrown into a waste barrel
where mirror pieces, thorns and other rubbish and wastes were
put, and went away.

He lay there only, opened mouth and began to pray. They

had gone thinking that he will die within a short time. In the
midnight God gave him strength and made him walk. Walking
he came to my house. We invited him into the house and
applying medicine in the wounds and helped him to take rest
lay on the bed. After one week he was healed completely and
gained natural health. Then began to preach in the same place,
taking the gospel of the love of Jesus.

It is our routine to gather our ministers at a certain

interval of time and send them encouraged. We have done like

The Missionary Challenge
that at the end of the year 1995. One of the ministerial couples
participated in it were the ministers of a church having only a
few believers. The church is not growing inspite of their
ministry from about two years. Still the number of believers
were only seventeen. There existed severe opposition for
gospel in that place. That was the reason. After that meeting,
received of great strength they went to the field with
a challenge.

There was a girl, near their village where they stayed,

without children after many years of her marriage. After that
she gave birth to a baby boy. Now he is four years old. Since
there was no other children they were very fond of him. But
suddenly he was stricken by sickness. In the hospital doctors,
inspite of trying their level best, could not save the child. That
child was died. Broken of heart while they bring the child in
the house, somebody told them, anyway you can take it to
that christians, and there is nothing to lose...

A group of people including parents and relatives, while

coming seeking that church, the prayer was going on in that
small church. They came into the church and informed the
pastor about their pain. As soon as the pastor saw that
sympethetic condition, he with a melting heartcontinued the
prayer of jesus. Like that calling the parents of the child inside
and sending others out, began to pray. God spoke to Grace,
the wife of the pastor, and promised, if you wrestle in prayer
continuously for half an hour, I will bring to life the child again.
She didn’t say to anybody what God said, but was praying

The Missionary Challenge
continuously pressing on the door.

As the time went on, everybody was watching the child

whether any change is happening. Grace was concentrated in
prayer. Like this after about 20 minutes passed, everybody
began to doubt that nothing will happen now. But Grace was
praying strongly believing the promise of God. Some how or
other let this child be awakened and saved, she was crying out
and praying. Even her husband ended of patience began to
look at the time of the watch. At the 29th minute, as pastor and
everybody were looking at, the child suddenly rised and started
to sit. Then they feeding the child took to home alive. After
that within one week the church grows as to 200 members.
Not only that, they established many churches also in the near
by villages around.

This is The Training

When I was leaving Kerala, I also brought out Billy and

Israel from the school, you may remember as I mentioned
before. I sent him in the school at Rameshwaram after some
years. English was very tough for Billy. He laboured very much
to become better in it. Teachers confirmed that he is a fool
only. But as soon as Billy was anointed by the Holy Spirit
everything changed totally. He became a new man as a whole.
God gave him wisdom to understand English and to gain
knowledge. Both of my sons were known of God in the
mother’s womb itself. They had the calling of God. Before

The Missionary Challenge
telling about that, let me say little about their spiritual study.
Both of them are studied in the Bible college. That institution
was run by an organisation Y.W.A.M.

When Billy was studying there he will go out after

10 o’clock in the night and will study byheart the English words
one by one sitting under the street light. The shivering due to
the dew and biting of mosquitos would be unbearable. In the
midst of that also by the help of the Holy Spirit worked hard
with a motto to improve the knowledge in English. Now he is
talking nicely pure English with literary touch as well as speaking
powerfully and translating. Like this he studied English and
got improved. Israel also practiced English like this only.

My dear brothers and sisters, you or your children do

not be reluctant to study new languages. Do not be afraid
especially to study English. Do not avoid local languages of
India. More languages means more doors. I know many turn
aback saying that I am not conversant in English. Also have
seen ministers who are stricken of inferiority complex. The
only remedy for all these is the Holy Spirit only. By the help of
the Holy Spirit you also would be of speaking and preaching
English fluently like Billy. Improve your English linguistic
knowledge. That will bestow upon you lot of possibilities. In
Malayalam there is scarcely different varities of Bible as it is in
English. The broadness in English also is less in Malayalam.
The writings of the worldwide christian ministers, who did big
things for the sake of Christ are not available in Malayalam in a
least percentage. The English is very necessary for your

The Missionary Challenge
spiritual growth. Not only that, in the powerful revival which is
about to be revealed in India, many Europeans who talk
English would be coming to India searching the country as
well as you. It is you who are going to minister for them. You
also will depart from here to shake countries. Therefore you
strengthen yourself joining with the Holy Spirit now itself. For
the Holy Spirit who is the leader of all languages, English is
very trivial. He will teach you. Humble yourself and study.. do
not lose heart.

Billy in YWAM along with his classmates, 1992

Billy searched the face of God with fasting to know the

will of God regarding his future. On the seventh day of that
fasting God gave him vision face to face. In that God gave
him the vision of the project of God for him to reach crores
and crores of people who were not reached yet. That project
was to declare gospel worldwide through the meetings on
emergency basis. God spoke to Billy and myself to establish
churches by training many and sending them in all places.

The Missionary Challenge
In 1992 our training centre was set fired and all things
were burned and became ashes and the shed was come to the
ground. This I mentioned earlier. We had no means to build it
again. So went to the forest and cut off branches of trees and
brought it and made shed and thatched it with the leaves of
coconut tree. It had no doors or windows, only bamboos and
clay. There were no pipes, electricity or fan inside. But by the
grace of God we started our task there.

There were about seventy five children in our believers’

families. Since we all had to sit on the sand only, some
children ate sand and became sick. Therefore believers were
hesitant to come to the church. Still we were not desperate.
And we laboured incessantly.

Billy in teenage
Since there were no doors and windows, while the wind
is blowing strongly, that will raise and spread the sands. Some
of our teachers were staying there. After the sleep in the night,
when they were wake up in the morning their bedsheet will be
covered with sand. When they were eating food also, it was

The Missionary Challenge
mixed with sand. Inspite of all these, our ministry was

At the end of 1995 our shed was attacked again. Our

four brothers were lay sleeping in it in the night time. The anti
gospel people entered inside so as to make trouble. They were
seven people. One brother was lieing near the door. They took
him along with the cot and brought out to the field. There they
twisted the cloth in to his mouth and thrashed him soundly
with wooden rolls. He was stoned at with big stones. Lastly
the cot was turned upside down upon him and they stood
upon it and jumped up and down. He could not nake sound
because the cloth was screwed in to hi mouth. He lay
unconcious as such. Leaving him half dead, they went in to
the shed looking for another brothers. Seeing other three
brothers sleeping inside, they trod them and bruised very
cruelly like this. Then they were tied to the nearby pillar and
beaten them till get wearied. Their legs were trodden and
bruised cruelly. As they trod, teeth of one of the brothers were
broken and the blood began to ooze.

Not finished with this, they threatened to kill those

brothers, taking a sword of about 3 feet long. Their aim was
to exterminate the christians completely. Since the brothers
were attacked cruelly, their body was wounded and bruised
here and there and the blood was dropping. They frightened
them by telling that they will be lied inside and the shed will be
set fired along with them. They prepared to set fire with
pouring petrol. Hanging them up they planned to set fire
The Missionary Challenge
beneath them. Since they wore masks our brothers could not
recognize them by any signs. One of them told that, don’t kill
them, but we would ran by plundering their things. After that
the shed was set fired.

Suddenly the rain fall began with thunder and breaking of

the sky. Hence the burning of the fire was put off. Since that
purpose was not fulfilled, they ran away plundering the things
remained. They took away clothes, offering box, speaker,
musical instruments etc., leaving nothing back. After some time
came back to concious as were in the field, and slowly rised
and untied their knot. For a moment think yourself are in that
poistion. What would you do if you face that experience? As
soon as I came to know about this event I ran to the spot to
help them. When I saw their condition, I wondered and
broken of my heart.

God was with us even when such a tempest was blown.

We have suffered the attack of the enemy many times in these
ministries; tired of starvation; sufered the monetary problems
at the bottom level. Devilish powers and sorcery opposed
terribly. But none of these achieved victory in our life or
hindered the ministry.

Once about one lac anti-gospel people gathered together

and discussed deception against the ministry. Another
purpose of their gathering was to block in any manner the
ministry we are doing. They were to face the threatening of
slaughter. We began to cry out before God, uplifting our eyes

The Missionary Challenge
towards Him. God protected us sending His angels. The
governement also sent special security guard and guarded us
standing around our properties. In those days God also did
miraculous acts. Many policemen who came for our
protection, got saved receiving Jesus.

The preliminery believers of the church at Rameshwaram

After some time we conducted a big evangelical crusade.

About five thousand people gathered in that crusade.
Hundreds of souls got saved. Newly repented people were
added to the church. They grew spiritually participating in
sunday worships. They received baptism also. It says in
1 Corinthians 12:26: “And if one member suffers, all the
members suffer with it; or if one member is honoured, all the
members rejoice with it”. Infront of the same people who stood
strongly to destroy all our properties and exterminate us
before two months, God proved His glory of salvation and
the power of His protecting hands once again.

Billy had to be seperated from their home as he was

The Missionary Challenge
doing his spiritual study in New York. As we came to know
that he is returning to native place after completing his study
and getting graduaton, there was no limit for our joy. We all
decided to go to the airport to receive him. Receiving him, we
were coming back in our van from Chennai with joy.

It was midnight. Suddenly and unexpectedly our van

collided with a goods lorry when reached at a place where
heavy darkness was spread all around. We were all sleeping
tired of much. I didn’t understand what happened. I could
only hear the sound of our family members who were wounded
and were crying out. Everybody wounded lightly. But Sara
had been wounded seriously. The left side of the van was
completely broken. The place this event took place was near
to a village. A certain idol of that place was their god. To make
accidents for the vehicles, passing through this place was its
job. The people of that village lived mainly upon plundering
things from them who are the victims of such accidents and
are struggling for their life.

Even though I was worried for a moment thinking the

condition of my family members, I believed, as I do always,
that He keeps everything in His control and no evil can happen
to us surpassing Him. Somehow, I rose up and looked around.
My younger daughter Sara only was wounded much. Nobody
else had serious wounds. This comforted us a little. Sara was
taken to the nearby hospital. Five stitches were to be done on
her fore-head. In that small hospital there was no enough
settings to do that. So they stitched without injecting the

The Missionary Challenge
anesthesia and sent away. Now you guess how much pain
would have pricked myself, Sarojam, and the wounded Sara
at that time. In the morning arranged a lorry for rent and reached
Rameshwaram travelling again for ten hours, sitting on its
loading pickup as if sitting in an open ground.

The van risked of accident

We conducted a second evangelical crusade in the month
of September 1995. In that also God performed glorious things.
More people joined the church. At that time the number of
people who gathers weekly for the worship in our church was
350. When we see these fruits we forget about the afflictions
we suffered for the sake of the calling God called us to
minister here. There was the festivity of joy. Nevertheless, the
money enough to build the church and the training centre was
remained not being received.

In order to fulfill the vision of God gave us, we have

been sending ministers to different places by giving training to
our gospel team in this training centre. Those boys and girls
of younger age are the ones who committed their life for the
The Missionary Challenge
gospel. Their training being finished and just before they were
graduated I would call and bring them near to the tombs where
foreign missionaries who came here martyred and burried. And
I will put forward a challenge before them by letting them to
make them an ideal who were sacrificed for the Indians who
were strangers to them and whose names they didn’t know.

When these saints came to India from Englad and

Germany there would have required six months for ships to
reach here at those times. Leaving everything they were
accustomed with, leaving family members - the strange culture
not known before and after, new languages, unknown climate,
the unsuitable land - surpassed all obstacles. Why?

Their zeal upon Jesus Christ, the sympathy they had on

perishing souls, were the reasons they happened to come here,
throwing out all the privileges at their own land. Whatever they
had, they brought everything in the coffin. They came with the
firm decision not to move from the land of India. Most of
them shed their blood in the lands of Asian continent. Lot of
them fell dead through martyrdom. Many were stoned at and
killed, others bitten by outbursting dogs and fluttered in the
street half dead.

We conveyed all such pictures of experiences to our

students. If such saints from some foreign lands can do this
much sacrificially loving our people, how much more shall we
do for our own country. Hearing this challenge the students
instead of getting burdened, melted and raising their hands

The Missionary Challenge
would commit whole of their life, shed tears forgetting all the
surroundings. And will render as to take their life even, if it is
necessary. Then we will give them degree certificates and will
send them to the field of ministry.

Now God is doing powerful job using our gospel

fighters. They are sharing the gospel for thousands and
visiting the ocean of people. In their meetings God, by doing
signs and wonders, have been shaking towns and villages. By
this time we have established churches, and the believers there
are the members of the respective churches nearby. We have
planned to send these gospel fighters’ troop in the coming
days worldwide in the places God appoints. God have been
saying, His second advent is approaching and there are lacs to
be visited within that time. So also there are hundreds of young
men and young ladies to whom the training is to be given and
sent. This is the vision of the study centre we build in our
ministry to visit those who were not visited yet.

Harvest Fields Ready


In the month of August 1998, myself and Sarojam went

to SriLanka in relation with the ministry. The purpose of our
journey was to visit our churches there and to redeem the
people to Christ by conducting gospel meetings and to
strengthen our ministers who are tired of wrestling in the field
of ministry.

The Missionary Challenge
The internal campaign of SriLanka was still
going onward. That big destructions and ruins of the war had
broken our heart. As we were ministering itslef the sound of
the exploding of the bombs heard nine times. They exploded
falling on the roads. Broken into pieces and spread around.
There was a fear of death at any time reflected in everybody’s
face. Nobody got sufficient food. Or even if got, the cost was
unaffordable. And in the middle of all these things, God
revealed Himself powerfully.

The seminar conducted in SriLanka

First of all a meeting was organised for the pastors who

were labouring in the midst of this war destructions. This was
one of the contexts which pained us not less. As the meeting
was going on suddenly an agitation began among pastors. They
each tried to expose their superiority. The disputes were
strengthened. Nobody was ready to give up superiority for
the Kingdom of God. The Almighty God interfered

The Missionary Challenge
wonderfully at this time. As the Holy Spirit began to involve
the change was seen slowly. They subdued to that voice,
kneeled down, repented and reconciled each other in
the middle of brothers.

At the end of it the Holy Spirit began to talk by means of

prophecy also. The preachers who heard those words God
encouraged and became valiant for the sake of Christ;
strengthened in unity and co-operation. After that we conducted
together a great meeting inclusive of about thousand men.
Eventhough gathering this much people in the middle of war is
little dangerous, great things were happened which glorifies
God. Many were delivered from illness. Lot of people wounded
and broken of heart were get comforted. They were all added
to the Kingdom of God.

The couple of Paulose and Sarojam

who are ministering among refugees

The Missionary Challenge

Gospel Wrestling Meetings

There will have severe oppostion to the gospel of true

God always in India, continuously. One cannot guess what
would be the consequences if go to a village to preach the
Word of God. Anything may happen. Either you may be
surrounded by a crowd who receiving the gospel tracts hears
the true gospel anxiously. Or you may be surrounded by the
crowd of anti-gospel people who will torment by beating,
stoned at, destroying your things and tearing of your dress.
The assailants who, expressing the oppositions and attack like
this were entangled in the laws of government against attacks.
Because of this thing meetings were conducted in lot of towns
untill recent time. Declaring the truth that the heaven is wide
opened to us by the blood of Jesus, thousands have been
redeemed to God, by grace.

But this one thing also get changed after the parliamen-
tary election in 1998. The party against christians won in that
election and began to rule. It has become great inspiration to
anti-gospel people. The thought whatever assailants being
released against christians, the governement would be silent,
encouraged them. This threatening made to pay still more cost
for our meetings. Along with the usual monetary expenses, the
condition of being attacked at any time also has been reached.
“But none of these things moved us, nor did we count our life
dear to us” (Acts 20:24).

The Missionary Challenge

We had to face much severe opposition. Eventhough there

was very great opposition in the meeting conducted in
Dindukkal, big reaping was also there. It was the camp of
anti-gospel people. In our team brother Issac was a strong
evangelist who had no eye-sight. In the meeting place, while
the information was passing on through the loud speaker
before the beginning of the meeting, the anti-gospel people
came and prohibited and after capturing the speaker from his
hands struck at his forehead and face. His head was also
injured. But some weeks after he was cured, God gave him
grace to preach the gospel reaching at the same place.

God did miracles in that meeting. Many sick people were

healed. At the time of calling in the end of the meetings each
day, a woman who was possessed of the evil spirit used to
make agitation and finally got healed, was a big testimony.

A servant of God who had ministered in that village came

to us after one month and told us about the result of
the meeting we had conducted there: He said, the woman who
was possessed of the evil spirit and got healed is now coming
to their fellowship regularly and is saved and got baptised.
Apart from this she is anointed by the Holy Spirit and is
continuing as a steady and faithful believer in the church. Praise

We have carried out a gospel meeting at the village called

Anaikkaraippatty near Madhurai. Earlier there was
The Missionary Challenge
the instruction of the Holy Spirit to conduct meetings in this
village where having the avarice of Hinduism and offering of
oblation for idols. In these meetings many non christians had
participated. We had good reception in this meetings. When
the call was given for prayer many came forward. Many got
healed. The ministers along with us prayed for the sick and
got tired because there was the rush of people. Then we
established a church there for those who have received the

The inhabitants of the villages around had participated in

such meetings. We discerned the need of people and their
thirst for the gospel. The people began to come in
bullock-carts and tractors. Ten thousand people arrived in a
special meeting. Majority of the poeple were knowing nothing
about Jesus. How much great is their thirst for the gospel!
When we invited them to come forward to receive Jesus, they
came forward as heap by heap. As seen in Matthew 9:36-38,
our eyes saw the realities.

“But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with

compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered
like sheep having no shepherd. Then he said to His disciples,
‘the harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.
Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers
into His harvest’. Seeing this scene the tears of gladness shed
in our eyes. This only is what I desire.

God was hovering powerfully on the island of

The Missionary Challenge
Rameshwaram. The result of praying for many years could be
seen through the powerful ministry. We strongly believed in
the Words and Vision of God gave us. We were working
without getting tired and losing heart. We arranged a gospel
meeting in our training centre. We were not given
the permission to conduct open air meeting. This was
happened to us due to some nominal christians and because
of the rule was in the hands of anti-gospel people.
Nevertheless we conducted the meeting. More than two
thousand people participated in the meeting. God revealed His
works. The Word of God was confirmed by signs and
miracles. A lame person was healed and began to walk. Many
received Jesus.

Once my wife Sarojam, together with some of our

ministers prayed for a person stricken by heart disease. Heard
of the prayer, God gave complete healing for him who was in
the fear of death thinking that this disease will never be healed.
Later that trouble was never happened. He and the whole of
his family get saved and baptised and became the members of
the church.

On another ocassion a woman of our neighbourhood

who suffered and lose heart by the cruel beating and mental
torture of her husband, decided to commit suicide thinking
that there is no meaning in living anymore. The devil lead her
to such a condition. Unexpectedly she reached near my wife
Sarojam with the decision to die hanging by herself. Sarojam
exhorted her about sin, redemption of sin, hell, heaven, the
The Missionary Challenge
love of God and about the doctrines. Lastly prayed for her.
And at that time, being enlightened in her heart, reconciled
with her husband and retraced from the thought of committing
suicide. At present they are leading a blessed and happy
family life in Christ.

My fourth daughter Mary was studying in

Plus-1 in the year 1997. Since there was three hours journey
from Rameshwaram, eventhough there was difficulty in the
beginning, later it became joyful.

Mary Paulose with her friends

By the grace of God, ten friends from other religions got

anointed and participated in the prayer at the place where she
studied. Fiftyone people were involved in the prayers of
morning and evening. Some teachers also attended in it. God
used them to make big revival in that school. Praise God!

Certain students who were the headache for teachers had

been visited by the Holy Spirit and became gentle and holy.

The Missionary Challenge
The teacher of Mary also was saved and came to
the footstool of God. God gave the privilage of baptising these
dear ones. There were challenges to block these ministries.
Nevertheless, she was leading many to Christ in the school in
the middle of these challenges. I could recognize in what
condition her heart was, for the sake of God.
Since 1998, God gave in my heart big burden for two
things in the ministry. One of these is orphanage. God gave
me grace to begin this ministry in the month of September,
2000. Now there are about fifty children here. We have taken
the responsibility of their whole life. We ourselves are
arranging wholly their food, dress, accommodation and the
complete education. They are studying in the King of
Metriculation School. This school which ourselves have started
is running now blessedly. First of all we are teaching them the
love of God. Large opportunities are preparing for them to
love God and experience Him. We commit ourselves for the
sake of these children. These children are the members of our
church at Rameshwaram and of our family.

“Glory of God” Orphanage Children

The Missionary Challenge

Testimonies At The Field Of Ministries - 1

Seeking for The Lost - To Far Off Places

God for The Aborigines

The thick forests of the mountain slope of the western

quarter which devide the South India (the remote areas still
not reachable) has become the living zone of the villagers.
Even now they are isolated, un-known of culture and continue
as Aborigines only. Seeing ahead the usual problems of their
place having no direction board or warning signals or precau-
tion and reaching with the gospel is really a different kind of
challenge only.

Once pastor Ravi heard of such aborigins whom

nobody visited, and of the problems they are facing. He
wondered at their life which was always surrounded by
danger. They are living in the middle of the dangerous
situation having the possibility of becoming prey to elephants,
bear and poisonous snakes, which are commonly seen

Billy Graham along with his wife Shalini decided to

minister along with Pastor Ravi. The team including Dany, the
son of Pastor Ravi, and three other evangelists departed to
that place in the van of the team bearing the gospel.
The livelihood of that people was hunting. They didnt know

The Missionary Challenge
that there is such forward modern world on the other side of
their place. Our brothers were not knowing the way to reach
there by surpassing mountains. They guessed that they can
reach there by ascending and descending mountains infront of
their eyes. This is how the experience of Billy regarding this

While we saw the sharp peaks of the mountain range, we

thought the journey of the day is impossible. Nevertheless we
started walking in the morning itself with prayer. It was evening
when we reached in the top of the mountain by passing bushes,
valleys, rocks and troubled paths.

As soon as the people of that place saw us, they were

afraid. We had brought for them sweet pastry and cloths.
After sometime they got acquainted with us. When we saw
their way of life myself and Shalini were pained in heart. The
presence of God filled mercy in us. They had made huts with
straw and firewood. Those small houses were not sufficient
for them. In the raining time they will remain under the trees
getting wet until the rain is stopped.

While we were there, because of some inconveniences,

my body became weak. We thought of staying there in the
midnight. But there was no place for us to stay. Not only that
we received the warning that bear would be passing in the
night through that place. Someone gave us small torch and
showed us the shortcut to come down. I was greatly tired of.
In most of the places I was beared by two people jointly. The
beloved ones who came with us to direct us in the right path
have seen the van in which we came first time. Climbing the
mountain we went to see them again after spending next day in
the valley of the mountain.

Now we went with the tools like generator,

projector, and food and clothing. And the leader of
the aborigines came to the valley of the mountain and
receiving us taken us there. The generator was brought on top
of the mountain by bearing on his head by himself.

They received us very pleasantly and with laughing face.

We shared the cloths and food and other things which we
brought, to them before telling the purpose of our coming.
When the generator was started to exhibit Jesus film for them,
the aborigines were got frightened and began to run. They
thought it was something to hurt them. Since there happened
nothing else, they again came close and saw the biography of
Jesus with amazement. After that we shared gospel with them.
They undertood how God delivered His only begotten son to
die for the atonement of sin and by which how the blessing
and eternal life is received in the earth as well as in heaven.

Confessing publically one hundred and forty three

people (143) received Jesus Christ as their personal savior.
The interest they expressed for the gospel and God broken
our heart. We were glad to see their faces which were glittered
by the joy of salvation. We were also happy believing and
knowing that surely there was a big rejoicing in heaven

because of this aborigines.

Bro.Billy and Sis.Shalini along with team members among the tribals

Pastor Ravi is coming here once in a week and visiting

them and praying for, trying very hard to establish a church.
We are thinking to build a society hall to conduct meetings for
them and to build and to raise up the standard of the houses
there. The houses there are only having the area equal to a
double cot. Pray, upholding Pastor Ravi and for the team
members who are ministering with him. Also pray that God
may protect them from the anti-gospel people and for the grace
of God to do that ministry with sound health and courage.

Better residential conveniences and things could be given

to them by the help of european missionaries till now. Some
rural churches have been growing. The group of believers who
went from the church at Rameshwaram have now constructed
the church buildings for them and have rendered its roofs
thatched. They are worshipping in it with great joy.

The Missionary Challenge

Grace Who Won The Whole of A Village

For The Sake of Christ

It was only few years that Sis.Grace, accepting Jesus

and began to grow in doctrines along with us. She was
uneducated and was a refugee came from SriLanka. She who
was the daughter of a sorcerer and lived as the wife of a priest
(poojari) was privileged to met with Christ. There was no
christians where they lived as family. But she had gained extra
ordinary faith and marvellous power through the Holy Spirit.
By the endeavour and ministry of this sister, forty two (42)
churches were established in villages. Many sick were healed
by her prayer. Some of the dead were also became alive.

Grace who won the whole of a village for the sake of Christ
Recently she told her experience as a testimony in the
seminar in Trissinappally. The chief of the village had
prohibited that nobody should go to the church where she

The Missionary Challenge
ministers in a village in her field of ministry. And threatened
that if go to that church anymore, would be beaten and killed.
Sis. Grace and the believers along with her, cried out and prayed.
Immediatly one day this man was bed ridden because of stricken
by Palsy. He could not rise or move. Done all the treatments
known, but of no use. Lastly called Grace and requested to
pray to God to remove hi s weakness. This sister went and
laying her hand on that chief and prayed. The same moment
the village chief got healed and arised. Now he and his wife
and some other persons in the village together are steadfastly
continuing the fellowship. When this matter became popular
in the nearby villages, they also began to receive Jesus. Then
by the grace of God churches are getting established. Like
this she witnessed gently in an ordinary way.

The Severe Opposition Which Produces Result

Arun Paul is born and brought up in a village in

the northern district of Tamil Nadu. An extreme Hindu family -
a circumstance filled with sorcery and witchcraft. In the year
1993, while Arun was a youth, an evangelist was preaching
about Jesus Christ in their village. Heard this gospel and known
of the love of God, he was horripilated. His heart was
committed to Jesus. Because of this there arose persecutions
from family as well as from the leadership of the village. In this
circumstance he was forced to step down from the house and
departed the native place.

The Missionary Challenge
Arun came seeking Rameshwaram. That was the place
of that evangelist above mentioned. The following five years,
he attained the discipleship and the study of
The Holy Scripture and the training under the leadership of
Pastor Moses Paulose. He studied from here all
the knowledge required for a village gospelisation. In the year
of 1999, Arun returned to his own village committing himself
to the calling and choosing of God. There began to minister
by preaching gospel and establishing churches. The whole of
that village opposed him strongly. Since many years the only
one believer he got was his brother. The locals set fired their
church hall they built two times. Again they had been
ministering and preaching with fasting and prayer, without least
tired of. Because of the hope in God who called and entrusted
with, he waited for the work of God calmly and silently.

In the year 2002, during the winter season he visited Issac

who was blind and has been doing the work of evangelisation
for many years. They both toghether were praying with
wrestling for three weeks to break the worldly power against
the ministry. The power and the challenge of the devil began
to be defeated. All on a sudden the conditions got changed.
Many received miraculous healing. The evil spirits ran out
roaring from lot of evil spirit possessed men. Some youths
among anti-gospel men in that village were touched by God.
They committed their life to live for Christ. Big changes were
occured in their life. By that they began to pray five or six
hours daily. Eventhough there was strong opposition they
stood steadily.

The Missionary Challenge
Now they feel fear about the opposing and persecution
which they had done to these brothers. Now they are wtinessing
that they have not heard and not seen such a powerful God
ever before. The church is improving and growing day by

In the year 2002, after winter season is passed, we went

to see Bro.Arun Paul. At that time God helped to baptize twelve
new believers. Now in this church there are forty disciples
who are ready to offer their life and soul to the Lord. The
mother of Arun, who opposed strongly also received
baptism. Now they have become useful to God. Eventhough
all these things happened, still there is strong opposition to the

In day time one cannot step down publically in to the

ghat to be baptized. The baptism service is conducting after
midnight in the dim light of torch. Nevertheless the light of
Christ has been tending them in their spiritual life. Eventhough
they received baptism in the midnight, the light of the Christ is
go on attracting them.

Some Events After Tsunami

Ananda Sthira who was the senior minister and prophet

in the town of Thrissinappally suddenly became weak at the
early morning 3:30 on December 26th in the year 2004. He
saw the face of the angel of death with a shock. That angel
said, he will destroy the island of Rameshwaram so soon.
The Missionary Challenge
Ananda Sthira the servant of God stood up immediately and
contacted in phone the servants of God around that place and
convinced them this matter and asked them to pray along with
him. Everybody prayed with crying out to save the island of
Rameshwaram. He himself had prophesied before six years
that a big training centre is going to be built in Rameshwaram.
He understood that this is the plan of Satan to undo this. They
unitedly prayed together in the early morning to break this
device against the vision God gave.

While it was 7:30 in the morning, in the eastern seashore

of India, the roaring of the sea and the thunder of the ocean
were arose. These huge waves spread out destruction in
SriLanka, in India and in some other countries and broke into
the shore. But God saved Rameshwaram from this great
destruction miraculously. The chief of this island said, we
have lost not even a chicken in this special circumstance. But
destruction and deaths were continuously happening twenty
miles away from here. While tsunami made destruction about
the distance of thousand miles on both sides of Rameshwaram,
God protected this island which was under more possibility
of being affected. Many villages were immersed under water.
The houses of lacs of people were ruined. Famine, poverty
and diseases were there. The crying out and the heap of dead
bodies were there everywhere. In one pit itself hundreds of
dead bodies were buried. It was like this in many places. It
was a big peril not heard of so far.

A top government officer, came to Billy and showing

The Missionary Challenge
him the complaints received from the antigospel people. and
from some other institutions, asked to stop the building work
of the training centre two days before this big calamity. He
went away talking very angrily and seizing many tools which
we were using for the building work. But after the calamity of
tsunami, this top authority came again and asked pardon
saying, that order of him was of without prudence and
happened by chance. He also said that the importance of this
ministry and the necessity of the building could not be
recognized. He returned giving the confirmation that they will
also help those who are troubled under the catastrophy of
tsunami. Since our God is the God who reign over everything,
praise be to God who reign over constitutions and rulers.

Next day Sarojam talked to that top officer and said to

him about his physical and mental problems, according to the
revelation God gave her, which made him wonder. He opened
his mind and agreed his mistakes due to this reason one more
year was given extended to construct the building.
The services to refugees started in the churches in
Rameshwaram. And aimed at to arrange food and
accommodation until they have a steady life. Due to this
reason, they recognized the love of Jesus and got saved and
became the children of God.

To those who were affected by the calamity of tsunami

in Tamil Nadu and SriLanka we began the ministry to reinstate
them after certain months of this event. We brought many helps
for their deliverance. Since there are pre experiences in such
The Missionary Challenge
services, there were no extra difficulties. Whoever joined with
us enthusisastically the ministry was strengthened together with
them and the gospel was also shared. After this calamity the
deligence for divine love of this people was much more. We
have had lot of experiences which cannot be scribbled and
finished completely.

Billy is pointing out a boat among hundreds of boats broken in the

seashore villages. The broken houses also can be seen there.
In whichever villages our ministers and team members
were persecuted and were driven away, in all those places they
came searching for us, not for food or need of life. They
came seeking for us for the truth of the Word of God and for
the peace of mind. All of their gods forsook them. But Jesus
received them by His unending love and consoled them. There
were answers to all of their questions filled with tears, in the
Word of God.

All the people lived in Rameshwaram were escaped from

The Missionary Challenge
this big calamity happened in the nearby seashore and
the following famine, loss and grief etc. But the relief did not
stand for long. In the month of March a pathetic famine came
down. And the starvation caught hold of the whole island.
Since there was no much field of cultivation in this island, they
could not gain victory over starvation. Apart from fishing, the
job here is only the nourishing work of tourists. Since this is a
picnic spot, here is the flow of devout men day and night. But
after the tsunami, the coming of pilgrims and tourists became
considerably less.

Since the dead bodies sank in the ocean had risen and
floated over the water, the government had given order
prohibiting fishing. The life of the ordinary people had been
greatly affeected because of the cost of diesel and petrol got
hiked as well as the incoming of these were lessened. The
Church recognized that six thousand families are under
starvation. Those who are coming seeking help for food and
other things could be helped through ministers, again for one
more month. Because of this, gospel could be shared to all of
them. Again by the grace of God, two thousand families could
be helped after two weeks.

The Missionary Challenge

Pastor Paulose sharing gospel for Mrs Sarojam, Pastor Israel, etc.
those who come seeking help are distributing BCM electric
tools in Tsunami affected zones

Bro. Billy, Mrs. Shalini, Pr. Paulose and Israel are distribut-
Bro.Joseph etc. are distributing ing suitcases in tsunami stricken area
food materials to poor people

Eastern seashore of India The woman trying alone to

the Rameshwaram where the conceal again the house
Tsunami is afflicted broken in Tsunami

The Missionary Challenge

An aged woman who makes hut Some boats carried off

by herself to be escaped by Tsunami kilometres
from natural calamity away from the shore

Wilson, our minister distributing The dead body of the woman

disaster relief help ensnared among the branches
of tree due to the tsunami waves

The afflicted people who stands in One of the many lorries which
the long queue for the help of our brought support for the tsunami
Body of Christ Tsunami Relief affected men

The Missionary Challenge

While Billy Graham preached about Bro. Billy and Vincent say com-
Jesus to Tsunami affected men, forting words to those who re-
those who receive raising hands ceived tsunami relief, by enquiring
about their grief

Tsunami surmounting team in The aged woman who received

Rameshwaram Church of God the help of tsunami relief, saying
thanks overflowing the eyes and

The Missionary Challenge

Testimonies At The Field Of Ministries - 2

Support for The Tormented Church

There is tormenting in the life of those who follow Christ.

Our brothers and sisters in Orissa have suffered physical and
mental persecutions which can’t be able to grasp in our thought
and mind.

In the year 2008 August 28th Swami Lakshmananda

Saraswathy, the excellent hindu ascetic was cruelly murdered
by Maoist extremists. Maoist took upon them the whole
responsibility of this murder. But hindu organizations are putting
the guilt of it upon christians only in all the manners. And
hindu extremists are trying to revenge christians without any
pity. It can be explained as nothing but due to the contempt of
converting many as christians in Orissa.

The statistical data regarding the loss and destruction due

to these events of attacks till October 2008 will make
giddiness of our head. The number of christians murdered are
ninety (90). Churches set fired are four hundred and fifty (450).
Broken houses - four thousand (4000). Lost of houses and
deprived of means of livelihood are seventy thousand (70,000).
A church pastor also was victimised to fierce cruelty. This
attack against christians in Orissa infact, is the attack against
the purity and honour of the life of the whole mankind. This is
a shocking truth the world should be aware of. Even

The Missionary Challenge
the animals of certain category have been given consideration
and protection. There are some laws and conditions for them.
We are not given even the consideration as is given to animals
in Orissa. Christians were to suffer persecution like reproach
and cruel tormentings. They were victimised to cruel
persecution irrespective of women or children. Many were
killed. A complete solution of the problem is not still arrived.
Houses and churches were destroyed. The refugees who lost
their family members and houses had to suffer reproach and
persecution. The human rights were completely denied. Still
many in different places are under frightening, not knowing
what will happen. The remaining people in families and churches
testifiy about the cruel tormenting exhibited infront of them.
Hearing the sorrowful stories revealed one after another, made
to feel the unending griefs and fear. There were no churches
and families without the loss and sorrows which can never be
rectified. Among these tribulations many lived with hope and
shared the gospel courageously. The team from here including
Pastor Israel Paulose have gone and seen the persecuted men
in Orissa and comforted them taking part in their sorrows.
Eventhough many had various complaints to say, the faith
untired of was seen in them. The anti-gospel people who tried
many times to frustrate their hope, could not win. Some of the
experiences seen in them are given below:

The Missionary Challenge

In the Mouth of Lion

The Journey of Pastor Israel to Orissa

A prayer was the beginning of all these things. In the year

2008 pastor Israel got a sketch of the series of persecutions
against christians in Orissa which came in news papers, maga-
zines and other medias. The burden of those who suffers
tormentation turned as the prayer for the sake of them. In
these days there was no any special project for their sake.

The burden regarding those who were tormented in Orissa

has been increasing day by day. At this time Israel who was
ministering in Nepal was contacted in telephone by his brother
Billy, in the evening. Until this phone call was received, he had
big burden of heart. But the phone call of his brother made
remedy for this. In this time Billy was in US in relation to the
ministry. Billy introduced about the state of affairs of Orissa
to the believers of Bismobeech New Life Community Church
in California. The members of that church desired to know the
real events accurately. They were not satisfied in
the information received through medias. Medias put the news
briefly in short sentences without exposing the whole picture
of persecutions. So Billy asked Israel to go to Orissa and
inform the real facts by way of seen it directly. He was
interested to go to Orissa. Nevertheless because of
the increasing threats and dangerous tormentations was going
on, praying to God, Pastor Israel who understood this
journey is the will of God, departed to Orissa, cancelling the
The Missionary Challenge
ticket he booked to return to Rameshwaram. After two days
travelling from Nepal, reached Andhra Pradesh the western
border of Orissa. From there, there was only the distance as
to reach by one bus.

He was not knowing the language of Orissa, eventhough

he had gone to Orissa and came back many times. For this
subject he had been praying strongly. By this time “Jack Jeevan”
the pastor of Andhra agreed to accompany him. Pastor Jack
Jeevan had gone to Orissa more than one time after this
extremist problems arose and hence had the experience. Like
this both of them together travelled and reached the village
“Padala Samaadhi” in Orissa. There they came to know that
there are sixty (60) christians reached in the village two days
before as refugees were lost of home and home land, due to
the persecutions happened in the place of “Kanthamaalil”.
The pastor of that place took with him Israel and Jack and
introduced to them the believers who lost everything. Pastor
Israel distributed them the Bibles free of cost. This was a
heart breaking experience. Pastor Paulose from Rameshwaram
asked what their requirement is at present. “Their need is nothing
else but the Bible only”, Pastor Israel said with tears. They
are not telling anything about their food, clothing etc. They
have only to say about the bibles they received in their hands.
When pastor Israel and his friends distributed the Bibles, holding
fast it to their chest they shed tears of gladness. They received
back the costly asset they had lost. Like this they became
happy. Even children also holding fast to their chest and
patting and fondling the Bibles they got, smiled with joy.

The Missionary Challenge
Pastor Israel could not understand the Oriya word they said
repeatedly. But the avarice and gladness moved and shocked

Before starting from there he was privileged to pray for

the dear ones of Orissa. Eventhough they lost all of their
assets, through the Bible they received, they felt the joy as if
they got more than several fold of the riches they lost. After
the prayer is over Pastor Israel said to them, “even in this
troubled circumstance, since you are giving importance for
the Word of God, without giving importance to other things,
God will bless you. He will never forsake you. God will
accomplish all your needs”.

The believers of The New Life Community Church from

U.S. have sent a support for the believers who were tormented,
through pastor Billy. But Israel didn’t tell this to anybody at
that time. But in the evening of that day, he bought all
the required things for the sixty christians who lost houses,
and distributed it among them and blessed them. Tarpolin,
sheets, mosquito wick, vegetables, 700kg rice etc. and many
more things were bought and brought it loaded in a big van.
When they got this big gift unexpectedly, they received it with
great gratitude.

After this sympathetic event they went to the next village.

In fact that was a challenge. There was nobody there to
receive them with a pleasant face. There was nobody staying
in that village. That place was turned as a desert. Houses were

The Missionary Challenge
broken. The remnants of the burned houses could be seen as
skeleton. While we watched a house burned and got ruined,
we noticed a torch some men were hiding there, trying to build
their life again. Pastor Israel and Pastor Jack visited those dear
ones in the family. They explained everything happened.

All on a sudden at the midday about five hundred (500)

anti-gospel people surrounded the village. They began to
torment each one by entering through different passages. At
first they pointed out the house of the pastor. They tried to
chop off and kill the pastor after dragging him out. But
wonderfully he escaped from their hands and ran to some
other place. After the pastor was escaped, they ran aiming at
church hall and began to destroy it. Using gas and firewood
and also by exploding bombs the church hall was ruined and
fell flat. After the church hall was set fired, they burned houses.
Everything burned down as if nothing was left. In this context
the certificates and other papers of a young man who studied
in the college, were burned up in the fire. All the house without
leaving a single one, fell flat in the ground. They neither left
any symbol denoting of Jesus Christ without ruining. They
beat and broke the signs and cross etc. While Israel was
standing there seeing that condition of ruined and scattered
everything, the mother of that young man whose whole
certificates were destroyed, burst into tears with crying out,
holding the hands of Pastor Israel. Why do they do all these
things? There is no meaning in it. Seeing all these things
broken and scattered, a question was arised in his heart. All
the wounded and killed were poorer of the poor. Their mind

The Missionary Challenge
without blemish stood still.

Seeing the actions and circumstances which produce

desperation, Pastor Israel toiled hard to stop the tears shed
down. In the middle of these events, saw another youth.
The thought of studying in a Bible college anywhere, and doing
the ministry was boiling in his heart. There was the interest of
gospel work in him that does not backslide, inspite of any big
persecution which was there. He stood before Israel as if
shining with the full splendour of sun, and throwing down all
the sorrowful scenes shattering into pieces. Once day for
the christians of Orissa also will have dawn. On that day-break,
youths like this will become the witness of the Lord, Pastor
Israel believes.

In a condition of highly burdened of heart, Pastor Israel

and Jack reached the next village travelling ten miles. Walking
through shortcuts and curved paths and overcoming many
obstacles they reached that village. That place was very
dangerous. The village near to it was of highly hindu
populated. There was chance of questioning, if Pastor Israel
or Pastor Jack or anybody from outside reached there. It will
become as if there would be no guarantee for their life.

A believer from that village, seeing Pastor Israel and

Pastor Jack, took with him suddenly from there to a remote
place. That village which had forty families is now lay as if a
cemetery, burned into ashes. Then both of them were lead to a
place where a church was situated. All the four sides of it was

The Missionary Challenge
laid broken and were fell flat. The remnant of a burnt bicycle
and the remnants of other things were lay there. Beneath of
these things, the skeleton of a believer who was boiled alive,
was received as a testimony.

After seeing this, that believer explained about that event.

After midnight anti-gospel people reached there to destroy
this village. Out of their severe anger, they locked up in
the house a family of believers having four members. After
that the opponents of gospel came into that house and said,
they are going to kill the head of the family by setting fire. Just
before that they shooted at the thigh of that father. That broke
the hands of the mother also. The second shooting was
towards the mother. Their daughter was isolated. Due to their
persecution her bones were broken. Their son only was
escaped in the family. While all of them were crying out,
the father was set fired putting petrol. That bone pieces seen
outside were of that father who died as martyr.

Pastor Israel with the bones of martyr who were burned alive

The Missionary Challenge
Pastor Israel and the accompanied servants of God took
that bone pieces in their hands and remembered him with tears
shedding down. In order to save themselves, they had to de-
part immediately after a few minutes. Again when they were
coming travelling via road, saw a refugee camp for those who
lost everything.

Since there was incessant rain and coolness the burning

fire could not be controlled. In the tarpolin huts which was
made temporarily instead of lost houses, people were closed
as group by group. When Pastor Israel saw them, he told
them that he had come from Tamil Nadu to see them and to
comfort them. Heard this the people began to weep aloud.
They said you only came to see us from Tamil Nadu. They
expressed their hearty love and gratitude to Pastor Israel and
to other servants of God who accompanied him. They said
about the experience of a refugee who came there and ran to a
nearby jungle to save his life and there he suffered without
food and water. They also said, now it is very much
dangerous to return to our village. Because the hindus will
compell them to become hindus.

In the second refugee camp, he met with the son of the

old man who died as martyr and whose bones were found out
in the village he visited previously. The eyes of that twenty
year old youth was of without sleeping and the face reddish
because of continuous cryout. Those events without being
effaced has been paining him as if of the present. He asked to
pray for him that the shock of his mind be blotted out. Pastor
The Missionary Challenge
Israel controlling himself prayed very powerfully.

While they came out of that refugee camp, Pastor Israel

and other servants of God wept aloud. Hours were spent
praying to God and crying out. The verses of prayer were
even unclear to be heard. Lay on the bed, Pastor Israel could
not sleep. The picture of the father burned up stood clearly in
the mind without being effaced. All these refugee camps
visited by these three servants of God are included in
the district of Gajapathy. Kandhamal the centre of martyrdom,
where many persecutions and destructions were happened,
had not been visited till then. Pastor Israel who was also afraid
of, thought of returning to the native place. But the Holy Spirit
compelled him to continue the journey in Orissa.

Before going to Kandhamal, they came to the village

Padhana Samadhi. There an information was received that a
person wanted to see Pastor Israel. When reached in his house
travelling alone, he asked and enquired the information
regarding the ministry by asking many questions repeatedly.
Because of these questions he felt some discomfort. The
thought came as some other trouble would happen. Suddenly
that man said, ‘I am a hindu’. After that he talked roaring with
great anger. Making Pastor Israel sit in the house, closed the
door and put the bolt. His unexpected talk and roaring
frightened the pastor. He understood the danger of
the situation he was experiencing. As for a question of enquiry
Pastor Israel was asked again: “Who are you? What do you
come for? Why do you go to Kandhamal? Don’t you know

The Missionary Challenge
what is happening to the pastors here?” Each and every ques-
tion he asked there was cruelty included in it. Then he shouted
the cry of murder against Pastor Israel. In that circumstance
also, Pastor Israel knew that a big unexplainable peace is ris-
ing in his heart. In the heart of Pastor Israel there was the
cryout “Jesus”. In the same moment that man said, “you go
whichever way you like... what for me... nothing in my hand...”
After the calling of Jesus, great peace was there in the heart.
At that time the wife of that hindu man requested the husband
to release kindly Pastor Israel without tormenting him. Hearing
her words, he who was little calm down, opened the door and
told Israel to go. His wife running after Israel, asked him very
humbly to run away to his escape from there very soon.

Pastor Israel walked very fastly from there and ran away
to his escape. Before reaching a hundred feet ahead he saw
that hindu man running after him to drive him out. Pastor Is-
rael ran here and there through the streets and paths of that
place. Still seeing that man following him, ran to save his life.
Perspiring and tired, he called his friends also to torment Pas-
tor Israel. Pastor Israel again ran faster and when he looked
back suddenly, that man was not seen. And he walked fast
and reached the place where other servants of God were sit-
ting. He felt unbelievable all that happened. Whoever is met
with, he felt as if somebody is coming to destroy him. Bowing
his head Pastor Israel walked to the place he started. Now
only he was convinced properly the difficulty of the Chris-
tians in Orissa. After being escaped with the difference of the
hair of the head, Pastor Israel and Pastor Jack travelled to

The Missionary Challenge
Kandhamal. That time a thought came into the mind of Pastor
Israel.. It is not appropriate to go to Kandhamal after recog-
nizing this much. That is like ensnared in the mouth of Lion.

While entered in Kandhamal, it was recognized that a

frightening atmosphere is there. That place was destructed and
scattered and the jungles were ruined. The cut off trees were
scattered in roads. This was not to let any christians go out
and by closing the roads they be destructed together, was the
sign of that project. When we went to see a servant of God in
his village who was ministering in those villages, he was seen
come out walking from the remnant of his house which was
burned up. All the houses in that village were destroyed. After
staying for one week in a near by jungle, this servant of God is
staying solely in his house in the midst of its remnants. When
asked how could he stood in faith after these cruel
persecutions, his reply to Pastor Israel was, “I lost everything,
there the Love of Jesus is filled in my heart in full measure.
That is what I wanted. The pungency for the ministry of the
Lord is multiplied now as it had been never before”. He also
added: “I believe my Jesus is good. I will never turn back”.

Pastor Israel and Pastor Jack after seeing that surround-

ings by walking around, decided to do renovation works. While
we went ot the villages after this persecution there were many
who had no one more pair of dress to change their worn out
dress. They wondered when Pastor Israel told them that he
would help them. They explained and said about the problems
and dangers if those who are coming from outside would in-
The Missionary Challenge
terfere in these matters. So Pastor Israel who came to help,
giving them money, arranged to buy things for themselves.

Before starting from Kandhamal they had to stay one

night at the nearby town. There reaching a hotel they tried to
take a room for rent. The owner of that hotel asked many
questions doubtfully. Pastor Jack said, Israel is his brother
and as they are travelling to another place by that way, they
came to stay there at night. In the next room of that room
where they stayed at that night, the hindu extremists were
preparing the planning of persecution to be done as the next
phase. Israel and Jack could hear their voice clearly. They
vacated the room early morning and departed from there. The
news of two hundred more houses were broken came out at
the noon of that day.

As Pastor Israel was travelling back to Tamil Nadu, he

came to know about these matters. Pastor Israel contemplated
over the hope of the people who lost everything, and over
their faith of God who can lead them ahead by renovation etc.
He praised the Lord saying our God only can give a hope in
this condition. But some were pulling on in broken houses,
afraid of not knowing what will happen next. Those who lost
everything were under trouble sympathetically, without having
money, food or clothing. The scene of that troubling faces
being not effaced from the heart, disturbed Pastor Israel. He
continued his journey with those painful memories. These
thoughts gave inspiration to pray more.

The Missionary Challenge

Like Lamp Shining In The Darkness

A Redemption For The Perishing Generation

Another big curse seen in India is the killing of girl

children. Social cruelty is there in various cultures in India. As
a result of the existing dowry system, there is the condition of
killing new born baby girls without mercy. Killing of the new
born babies by giving bath in hot water is usual in many places.
When girl children grow up and reaches at the age of
marriage, there is no money to conduct their marriage is the
problem here. This condition is still existing. There is
persecution in life of those who follow Jesus. Our brothers
and sisters in Orissa have suffered mental and physical
persecutions beyond we can understand in our thought and

In some places this female baby annihilation is being

carried out with the permission of people including
relatives. Here boys are 20% more. We are working very
carefully to stop this cruel system, under the auspices of our
“Body of Christ” ministry. We advised them about the Love
of Jesus and about the sin of baby annihilation. Anywhere
when girl children are born, before they are being killed, our
ministers will go there and take them with the oath of taking
full responsibility to protect them, and with prayer.

The Missionary Challenge

Pastor Paulose couple and Bro. Billy along with the children
and co-workers at the Baby Protection Centre

Recently, redemption centre for such children have been built

through our co-workers. At a time lot of children can be pro-
tected here. The conveniences of food, medicine, nursing care
etc., required for children are here. Our co-workers seeking
the places and families where baby annihilations take place,
and had been bringing each of the child.

About eight years before, an information was received

like that a lady is about to deliver in the neighbouring village,
and since the child is girl, waiting to kill the baby. Pastor Ravi
reached in that village which is many kilometres away,
cancelling all of his missions. When he searched for the baby
thinking to save her at any cost, everything was over there by
the time. That baby was pressed down before taking the last
breathe. Pastor Ravi and his wife Komalam returned with
sorrow, sobbing as if their own child is lost. After that also
trying with great pungency they saved four children from that

The Missionary Challenge

In the month of April 2007, heard the news of another

child like this, reached fast the same moment the baby is born.
Since they arrived in time, the members of that family decided
to give the child to christians. Arranging the sum of money
they asked and the money required for the preliminary
treatment, as the pastor came back to the house, with shock
came to know the sorrowful truth, that as the mind of that
baby’s father was changed the child was killed before they
reached. Seeing this, Pastor Ravi and friends were broken of
heart. They are labouring very hard to redeem these babies
who are ignorant of world, sin or love. At present eighteen
babies are here.

One of The Least of These...

God gave the inspiration to protect another group of

people as these baby girls are being protected. So we thought
of protecting mental patients. The pilgrims throughout India
desires to come to the holy temple in Rameshwaram at least
once in life. Such people who are coming like that, bring with
them the mental patients in their families and after giving
offering will usually go back leaving them in the island. They
are going back submitting them in the protection of
the temple. If done so, God will protect them and also think
that is the door of heaven. But later they are remembered no

The Missionary Challenge
These people who are wandering without a place to stay
are considered as heinous by locals in many circumstances.
They are living by the remnants of food thrown with plantain
leaf in the rubbish basket of municipality, after the hotel
customers ate their food. Desired to protect such souls since
long time.

Since long years we are preserving such men and began

to fulfill their needs. We began to do for them such as cutting
the hair, shaving the face, bathing, cutting the nails, feeding
them standard food and dressing with new dresses and give
them all other day to day needs.

The after effects of these activities were wonderful.

Whatever Jesus did, we also began to do the same diligently.
This generated joy and hope in their faces. They who were in
a state of extremely ignored, began to talk with us after this
experience. Many were from various states and of different
languages. Some men who were staying with us began to be
healed little by little and were attracted by the Love of God.
They received the ability to recognize others. These all hap-
pened because of God. Any ministry if more sacrificial, that
will become blessing for the church.

We called and brought a person called John Issac from a

street of Rameshwaram and were protecting him. We prayed
for him who was a mental patient and we serviced him. Then
he began to act with responsibility in his life; singing songs in
the church together with the team workers. He undertakes the

The Missionary Challenge
work providing water required for the builders of training cen-
tre. His testimony has become the testimony of Christ who
alters life.

In a state of rejected Cleaning the hair

by everybody

God in heart
Now one among us
Change in life

The Missionary Challenge
Many were in this condition apart from those whom we called
and brought from streets.

Why did I born Jesus wants you

You are not orphan anymore Billy who practically exhibit

(Come, new life is there!) the love of God

The Missionary Challenge

King of Kings English Medium School

‘King of Kings School’ is a school started just ten

years before in a temporarily roofed building. Now it is
powerfully growing very fast. Vincent from Carolina, U.S.,
some families of believers and some other ministers together
are planning the projects for the development of this school.
Now the construction of the 3rd floor of this school building
is finished. Four hundred students can study here very
conveniently. Here admission is giving to students upto 10th
standard. Comparing to other schools God is leading
wonderfully to a high level with regard to the percentage of
successful students. Taking into account the high standard of
the school, even the anti-gospel people are also taking the
admission for their children, here.

The students of the King of Kings school

The Missionary Challenge
As such things of flourishing matters are going on,
without forsaking the projects God prepared for us, fully
labouring to gain disciples for Christ using all circumstances
and at any cost.

God of Peace and Tamilian School

The Lord gave us grace to start a Tamil school with the

help of some brothers in California in the month of May, 2006.
The help of some ministers also was a great support to us.
The children of poor families in the villages of Rameshwaram
are receiving complete free education from here. This work
began with hundred and fifty children. Now three hundred
students are studying here. In the beginning of the year 2008,
God helped us to buy the land adjacent to the national
highway and to do the development work of the school there.

Children Of The Kingdom Of God

God of Peace and Tamilian School

There is no three months holidays in schools in our

country as it is in western countries. In Tamil Nadu there are
holidays only of six weeks. We decided to use this vacation
time properly. We started Vacation Bible School before twelve
years from right now (2010). This was go on growing
continuously. This work became very strong. In the VBS
conducted in the month of May, 2007, about three thousand
to three thousand and five hundred children came from

The Missionary Challenge
various villages of Rameshwaram and filled our campus.

Music, worship, skits, and powerful classes etc., were

conducting in all the seven days. The joy of this cannot be
measured. In the hearts of the children who took part in it, the
love of God was clearly sealed. The school bags were gifted
to them on which the Word of God in Tamil language was
printed at. The children carried those bags throughout all the
streets and schools of the villages of Rameshwaram for one
full year. That itself has become a testimony for Christ.

The children of VBS conducted in the Training Centre

Finding Out The Needful Persons

Since long time it was desired to give free treatment for

the poor people of India. I learned some lessons through my
experiences. I realised that there is hindrance for spiritual
matters if physical needs could not be accomplished. So helped
the needy. The accomplishment of deep spiritual requirements
is more grandeur. According to the pre-determination of God,

The Missionary Challenge
He sent some of the teams of this kind to conduct this

The Disciples Preparing For Evangelization

Now the construction of the building for the training centre

is almost getting completed. Hope in the Lord that its
construction will be completed very soon. As the times pass
by, modern requirements, modern settings are getting
necessary for the building. So also, modern equipments are

Dr. Robert Kimsan and his wife Sheela Kimsan together

treating a muslim sister
required for the missionaries and ministers who are going for
mission works from here. God want many who have
completed the training from here, to be sent strongly to spread
the gospel. As its beginning works are going on, God extends
very broadly our mission fields. The team misinistry is going
on in fifteen states. All of God’s planning we cannot recognize
The Missionary Challenge
in the beginning fully. But later it can be comprehended as we
begin to believe and obey. What is more important is
following God like this.

We were recording carefully the oracles we received

through a faithful prophet before ten years. Since we grasped
that prophecy also received it as it is. This prophecy also
agreed with the previous prophecies the Lord had said to me.

But there was least possibility existing to fulfill this

prophecy. By way of intelligence, in the basis of experiences
or our acquaintanceships, with regard to our economy or the
number of believers, there were no chances. There were only
a few believers and friends too were rare. The mind was tired
because of many experiences. Our body were subjected to
attack. Our buildings were set fired. We sat on ashes and dust.
All the prophecies God said have been fulfilling. Expect big
things from God! Execute big things for God!

The Missionary Challenge

Here Is A New Thing

King’s Protection On The Peak Of Mountain

It was habitual to go to evangelization each year with the

students of our training centre. These dear ones, who have
partaken in this training, had shared the Gospel in their own
village as well as in distant places as their mission and

There have lot of doors opened for such gospelization.

Aiming at a big place, one can be able to minister staying at a
hotel or some other way in that place. Or must be able to
engage in gospelization in native place. For those who cannot
go far away, or not having better circumstances, can minister
like this. Otherwise staying in own house, one can minister
within the limit able to go and come daily. If you have health
and enthusiasm you can share gospel among aborigines in
hilly places or can minister in Islands or the other side of the

In December 2007, calling a team we departed to

minister among aborigines, travelling through the forests and
climbed upon the mountains. Brother Billy had made
arrangements for this journey. Since it was the month of
December dew and chill were a challenge before us. There
was the possibility of raining at any time. We were continuing
our journey without thinking anything else. We had sent
another servant of God to the field of ministry beforehand to
The Missionary Challenge
do the arrangements there. He informed that, apart from the
gospel, the people of that place are in need of food, bedsheet

We started our journey at the morning 6:30 aiming at the

valley of mountain, taking with us the tent which is needful for
our ministry, vessels for cooking, generator, mike set, lights
etc., apart from the things to be distributed among aborigines.
This team having twelve members including brothers and
sisters reached at the valley of mountain right at 8 o’ clock in
the morning. Without any delay began to climb the mountain,
cutting and removing the twigs of trees which made hindrance.
They walked a distance of one mile through the small path
there. We felt very difficult. Bearing the things which we took
with us, we were going ahead passing pits and clefts of the
rock. Our driver Vinu brought the generator of very heavy
weight bearing on his head. We were walking knowing that
there is only in one place on the way having convenience for
cooking. We reached that place at 6:30 in the evening.

The sun was setting down. Many were tried because of

the wind, the darkness of dusk and the journey throughout the
day. But they were strengthened by supernatural divine power.
The wonderful specialities of the mountain top were not as
expected. Lot of people were singing with loud speaker with
the ear breaking sound.

The pastor had come and taken the survey for

the ministry one month before. But the condition had become

The Missionary Challenge
different now. That was the final day of the festival of
aborigines. In this festival the aborigines of hundred villages
will come together. It was a special night of festival in which
drinking liqour excessively and with dancing and laughing
boisterously, sacrifices to their god animals like sheep and
cattle etc. Feast and other things were there. Understanding
the situation there, they said, it is not good to share the gospel
at that night. Among these thousand people who gathered there
drinking liqour, and who cannot discern facts, what all are
these twelve people? So they decided to arrange the tents they
carried and to stay there at that night, and after distributing
next day the things taken with them and would return. The
team members who were tired, also agreed to it. The tents
were set up at an open place similar to a community hall of

Like this as everybody were preparing to lay down, some

of the anti-gospel people entered in the community hall and
began to stare at each of them with doubting. After a little time
a group of about two hundred men were called and brought

While brothers and sisters were sitting in the tent, they

asked why did they come there, looking and Bro. Billy and
other main people. Bro.Billy said, since here is the disturbance
of animals at night and being not able to go down at night we
required a place to stay at night. As heard these words, more
doubt and anger arised in them who gathered.

The Missionary Challenge
Without any warning the anti-gospel people caught hold
of Billy’s hand and dragged him. A priest who performs pooja,
who appeared there shouted loudly, since it is the last day of
the festival, Billy is going to be treated as the human sacrifice.
Billy saw the blood of the animals sacrificed in the previous
week lay on the rock. When heard these words the pictures of
wife, children, parents, co-workers etc. were clearly came to
his memory as in a film show. As Billy was dragged off
holding his hand, the Holy Spirit induced him to say

Without any delay Billy told them looking at them:

“Tomorrow morning we have to be in another place. So we
have to go immediately tonight”. Heard this there arised
a confusion in their thoughts. “Leave him, because he has to
go somewhere else”, some men said. The words of Billy helped
to save himself and the members of his team. Some others
insisted, “that is not possible”. “Didn’t you said he shall be
sacrificed; he must be sacrificed”, they compelled. They
shouted each other. Lastly some of them pointing out Billy
and team members, shouted, “Run from here and save
yourself immediately”.

Heard these words suddenly, without any delay, Billy and

team, taking their things began to run. They took twelve hours
to climb the mountain. Again they have to continue their
journey through that forest. Ignoring the present darkness,
suddenly climbed down with courage. The paths they were
travelling is the place were elephant, bear, wild pig, snakes etc

The Missionary Challenge
appear every time. There were possibilities of danger in their
journey ahead and behind. Some of the anti-gospel people
who talked against them were pursuing them. The tiredness of
the climbing of mountain was not subdued still. Nevertheless
a grace of was revealed in everybody and were able to reach
the valley very soon.

Since they could not see the footpath, brother Vinu

holding a lamp, started the generator and bore on his head. In
this light we walked fast and reached upto crossing of a river.
While we reached there, the anti-gospel people who pursued
us went back. Eventhough they returned, still had to over-
come the disturbances of wild animals. Overcoming the trials
with faith and prayer, they were going ahead. In the mean time
brother Vinu’s legs were slipped and the generator placed on
his head fell down through his hands. It troubled his hands.
Still inspite of all these troubles moved ahead bearing
the generator again by himself. Because of some reason, we
were getting light slightly only from the generator.

As we were travelling with great trouble, a brother among

us told everybody to stop. He showed them with shock a big
elephant standing there. Everybody recognized the elephant
standing in darkness as a shadow. They who were frightened
prayed to God. God heard their prayer and the elephant moved
away from there.

These team members who travelled till 2 o’clock in the

early morning saw a huge rock. They all together decided to

The Missionary Challenge
take little rest there. Everybody was physically very tired. Slept
there a little time, rised up in the morning. When they looked
100feet away from the spot they lay, saw the twigs of trees
were drawn and broken and heard the elephant’s boisterous
laughter. The place they took rest was the place were elephants
come regularly. After sleeping, since nobody wake up till
morning, which way the elephant went away was not known.

The shuddering as regards the events and the distresses

of the journey were much. Nevertheless they returned praising
God who saved in each of the circumstances. Again they
continued the journey. Since they travelled in the wrong path,
they reached at another place. The van they came was parking
at a distant place. So taking another vehicle for rent they reached
at the place where their vehicle was parked. While they were
coming in the rented open vehicle, there was heavy rain and
they all got wet very well. If it was raining while we were on the
mountain, the journey would have had tremendous problems.
Like this God protected them. Praise God!

Reached at the place where the vehicle of the team was

parking, Brother Billy praised God remembering His works.
Memorising of God who delivered them from the grip of
elephant as Daniel was escaped from the pit of Lion and of
God’s planning of deliverance from the hands of evil men, he
praised God and returned.

The Missionary Challenge

God Who Protected In The Journey

Like this another event happened among ladies also.

Listen what Sarojam Paulose says about this: Once myself
and 21 sisters together decided to go to the mountain where
aborigines live, from Anaikkaraippatty. We started in
the morning 11 o’clock. There was an elder with us to help us
and guide the way for us in the journey. During the journey we
began to cook food at a place. As soon as the cooking is
finished, there was heavy rain. We became wet and taking the
food we cooked, moved forward. We reached the place where
we were supposed to reach, and shared the gospel. In
the evening we returned. In the return journey, we reached a
place where huge mountain snakes and bear were there. Since
there was heavy raining dresses were all became wet. We
reached a place where there was a flat rock. The condition
was, we could not step down. The whole night we stayed
there. We sang and praised God. Woke up in the early
morning 5 o’clock and started the journey. Reached in the
valley of mountain. Then I could not walk a bit further. Two
sisters standing on both of my sides and supporting me made
me to walk. Since there was a sugarcane plantation in
the valley of mountain, an electric fence was fitted in order to
avoid the disturbances of elephants. A person who came there
in the evening had told us about this. Like that we were
escaped from that terrible danger. Praise to God who saved
us from terror by night!

The Missionary Challenge

The team of sisters who worked with Sarojam

in the beginning time ministries at Rameshwaram

Killed At Any Time
An Event In A Train

In the month of March, 2008, I was in a train journey to

go to Chennai. Then I got a chance to share gospel. I was
travelling in the night, to teach in a class in a Bible college.
Another brother along with me was in another bogie backside.

In the evening I gave tracts to three people before I sat

on my seat. After the train departed, I relaxed and slept nicely.
After a while the person to whom I gave the tract came to see
me. Talking very gently he showed interest to know more about
the Word of God. He called me towards outside to solve many
of his doubts in the tract. Since there was vacant seat near to

The Missionary Challenge
my seat where I was sitting, I called him near to my seat.
I understood in my spirit that there is something wrong. I felt
that the person who called me is not faithful.

When I looked into his eyes I could see violent anger in

it. I understood his purpose is not good. I realised in spirit
that he is trying to kill me. I could hear the voice of his
comrades outside. They had planned to throw me out of the
running train.

Since I didn’t go out when he called, he called and

brought his comrades after a while. They beated me strongly
on my cheek. At this time I was hearing the Word of God
using ear-phone. They, after removing it from my left ear, aimed
to strike with the fist. I took the ear-phone and put it again.
They were continually tormenting me. Heard of this voice, the
co-passengers woke up and reached fast. By that the problem
was solved.

After this event, with the prayer I tried to lay down with
the faith that God is with me. A few hours before reaching
Chennai, the train had halted a little while at a stop. When
I listened through the mirror one person was talking in the cell
phone from outside just near to my seat. He called me by
showing gestures from outside to talk with him. Eventhough
he called many times, I didnt go outside. When the train started
from there, he entered in the bogie where I was sitting. The
time was passed midnight. Passengers were in good sleep on
their beds. I again with prayer, was hearing the Word of God

The Missionary Challenge
putting the ear-phone.

When the train was passing through desolate places, the

group who tormented me came again along with the person
who called me to outside. All the lights in the train were put
off. But there were lamps having light slightly. They came near
to me and after taking my ear-phone, very cruelly hit me by
their fists of the hands. One person catching me tightly with
one hand, beat on the face and ear. “Will your Jesus save
you?” they asked. There was threatening in their words.

“You are going to be thrown out of this train”, one

person shouted with arrogance. I confirmed that they will kill
me within a short time. Then they were go on beating me. The
blood was oozing from my mouth and nose. I tried to put on
light with all my strength. When I put on light with great
trouble, they put it off. They hit on my chest with their knee.
Eventhough I tried very much to wake up those who lay near
to me, my efforts were failed.

Finally, I prayed and prepared to receive God. God

awaked me to pray for the enemies and bless them: “God
forgive them”, I prayed in English and Tamil. Somebody came
and suddenly put on light. At that time everybody understood
the matter. The person who put on light himself rebuked them
and saved me. This is the 14th time I am getting the beating
and striking like this.

After going the group who tormented me, I massaged

The Missionary Challenge
myself the swelling on my lower jaw due to the beatings. Then
more blood was oozed. When I straightened myself and looked
around, a lady was crying helplessly. She was viewing all the
persecutions from the very beginning. Whether she made any
response, she feared, herself also will be killed. Then I myself
prayed and get encouraged.

Pastor M.Paulose with wounds in an extra-ordinary train event

The person who came along with me was a newly saved

person. So thinking that if he was acknowledged of it, he will
go to take revenge on those who tormented, I decided not to
tell him. Heard of all those who were sitting in my bogie, he
understood that somebody tormented me. Suddenly my
calmness was disturbed. I didn’t say to him who all were tor-
menting me. When he watched my wounds he was greatly
troubled. When I reached Chennai, I went and took an X-ray
and scanning and the check up was done. Then I went first to
the Bible college who invited me for the ministry because of
the aim to complete the work of the Lord. Whatever obstacles
may come, the mission of gospel must not be hindered.

A message of challenge was given to the students of the

The Missionary Challenge
Bible college showing the wounds and the difficulties
happened to me. All the students with tears committed
themselves to accomplish the will of God suffering afflictions.

After finishing the ministry there, reached Kerala for

Ayurvedic treatment. As I was in Kerala, I remembered the
saints who suffered afflictions physically for the sake of the
Name of the Lord. When I came to know that, it is Indians
who suffered more physical persecutions for the sake of Christ,
I felt more happy. Ladies have also suffered much for the sake
of Gospel.

Pastor M. Paulose in treatment

Who Are These Arrayed In White Robes?

None of These Are New

Suffering afflictions for the sake of Christ and commiting

life for Him are usual things in Christian Ministry. At this end
time torture cannot be avoided. We should be prepared for
every thing, every time. We shall not be afraid of anybody. If
we suffer affliction together with Him, we would also reign
The Missionary Challenge
together with Him. The Christ and His apostles have revealed
us good example. If we suffer affliction now, one day we will
rejoice adjacent to the throne of Christ.

Pray for Us

God, by His grace have been blessing and

multiplying our ministry now. God is raising many branch
churches. Hundreds of people have been getting delivered
through those churches.

Also, here are a few more words about the works and
ministries in Ramehswaram. Pilgrims and tourists are coming
here in many seasons all through out the year. Thousands of
people putting Ayyappan Maala (chain in the name of the
god of Ayyappan) are coming here from various places of
India. Innumerable number of people are arriving here by buses,
van and car.

Our trainees are distributing among them tracts in

various languages each day. Strong objections are here.
Nevertheless they are ministering courageously denying their
life. The teams of brothers and sisters reaching each streets,
junctions, and villages of the island are conducting personal
evangelism, house visiting, open air meetings, evening
meetings etc. Not only that, the tract distribution is conducted
also in trains.

The Missionary Challenge
Because of this, various kinds of oppositions were to
face from men and devilish powers. Even then the big desire
of removing the darkness from the island and to shine the true
light has reigned us.

The brothers and sisters who had been saved and joined
in the church co-operated with us in such ministries. Due to
that God gave a good chance that their relatives and friends
were also come to the worship meetings. At present ten sisters
and ten brothers are completing their training, staying along
with us. Now we are praying and working to accomplish the
task of the Lord by taking and giving training to those who
have the burden of India, and sending them to the places where
there is no gospel ministries. According to the promise that
“the righteous will live by faith”, as per the vision God gives,
we have decided, trusting upon God, to conduct a Bible school,
receiving more students since January 1998.

The training for conducting crusades also is giving

together with the Bible study. Last year by God’s grace fifteen
crusades were conducted totally in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and
Pondicherry. Crusades, seminars, crash courses, church
establishing etc., have been conducting.

In each crusades, thousands of people are gathering. By

way of conducting crusades in fifteen places namely
Thuthukkudy, Thiruchy, Viruthu Nagar, Thirunelveli, Nagercoil,
Kulashekaram, Vellarada, Pondicherry, Salem, Mettupalayam,
Muthukulathoor, Vandiperiyar, Kamanadu, Dindigul,

The Missionary Challenge
Paramakkudi etc., many were healed. Many doors were opened
for the ministry. Apart from that hundreds of enquiry letters
are coming. We are sending them hundreds of booklets, New
Testaments and Bibles. The great God helped us to lead them
in Christ.

Through seminars, God helped us to revive many

evangelists who were tired and fed up. Those who decided to
do the ministry no more, even though said like that before the
face of affliction, in front of the voice of God that
the supreme vision of God is entrusted upon them and shall
go forward through many afflictions and “our light affliction,
which is but for a moment is working for us as far more
exceeding and eternal weight of Glory” (2 Corinthians 4:17),
they committed themselves again and are doing these
ministries. Lacs of tracts are bought and are distributing for
Ayyappa devotees. The ministry among children and
the hospital ministry are going on. Visiting and comforting the
orphans and the widows, and giving them help and

As a result of prayer God gave the vehicles required for

the ministry. The land is bought for worship. In 1997
the worship was conducting in shed. The Almighty God helped
to build an edifice having four rooms for the Bible school.
Now worship is conducting in it. On one side of it brothers
are staying. The shed in which the worship was conducted
before, fell down due to the rain in the month of November.
Hence we are praying to build the church hall.

The Missionary Challenge
We have been spending days in fasting and prayer to
have a revival in Rameshwaram. Going forward with diligent
prayer and work to have great change for the present
condition of the island. The unique aim in our life is to fulfill
the purpose of God who appointed us as a family in this
island. In Tamil Nadu, where full of idol worship is there,
people should become as the worshippers of Christ. That is
our sole desire.

We pray for you also who read about us, to have

the love of the Lord. fear of God, and the burden of the souls.
Let there be a missionary challenge in you because of reading
this book. The ministry began by faith still exists by faith. All
of our needs are receiving by prayer, from God. Now there is
no starvation. God nourishes and cherishes us as well as those
who are along with us. At present we have not have to walk
due to the reason that there is no vehicle. God is blessing in
everyway. God have given me, my wife and children and those
who are ministering with us, many gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Accordingly we are going ahead courageously in Lord. When
an individual or a family committing their life solely to the
Lord and ministering, afflictions may come first time. Many
kinds of difficulties may come. Terrible devilish opposition
may come. But if you suffer it willingly and go ahead with
forbearance, God will deliver you and raise you stretching out
His wonderful hands at the right time. For this, let our life
experience be an ideal testimony for you! May God bless you!

One day when we were coming back after conducting

The Missionary Challenge
prayer groups in the houses of the village, we could feel some
of the people there are dissatisfied. But we used to go as team
each week, for the deliverance of the village. Many received
us with joy. Only few were of rough approach. Out of that,
two people wilfully planned to do something. As usual, when
my wife Sarojam and son Billy Graham and along with them
some team members were coming to road after finishing the
prayer group, brought before them a bucket in which dung
and human wastes were mixed and the mixture made ready on
previous day, drew it and thrown it through the face. And it
fell on the face and body of everybody who came and spread
over. Not only that, it began to stink. Suddenly reached in the
bus stand and entered in the bus. Those who were sitting in-
side were very much troubled. They shouted loudly that these
men must be expelled from the bus. We got down from the
bus with prayer. Even though took bath suddenly, the foul
smell didn’t go away for some days. Nevertheless the thought
arised whether to go back or not to the same village. But it
came to pass as to go to the same village by God’s help. On
the way back, the woman who did like this, came right infront.
Sarojam asked her, ‘how are you?’ Heard this she passed by
very angrily. Each of the coming weeks we visited her house.
Many times she would not have come out. One day she came
out. She said, “I will bring coffee”. Sarojam replied, “Let us
pray”. As soon as said like this, that sister responded like this:
“If anybody come to pray in my house, that should you alone

From the same village many were become believers. Not

The Missionary Challenge
only that, God made to happen to arise about more than ten
ministers from there. The main thing is to stand without being
weared in the middle of any problem till the end.

By God’s grace, the training is giving to our children also

in the christian ministries just like giving training in every way
for the believers. My second son Israel who was studying
‘Youth with Mission’, reached in Rameshwaram with his
colleagues on vacation. They are daily going to villages, towns,
and streets giving tracts and sharing gospel.

Some anti-christians planned in advance, and when

Israel and friends distributed tracts in streets, came from
behind and caught Isralel and pushed him down to the road.
And they trod him on the whole of his body and rolled him on
the road. Still without turning back they continued their
ministry again.

Next day seeing them ministering at another place, the

head of the anti-christians said, “as for you it is not only
beating and striking, you will also be crucified as Jesus is
crucified”. On 9th day of that they set fired and burned our
training centre. When the fire was burning what the anti-christian
said to others was, ‘I will get peace if onlythe head of the
christian leader is cut off’. Then do you know what happened?
After twenty days he said this, some people together cut off
his head. As a memory that tomb still stands in the seashore.

The Missionary Challenge

Set fire and completely burnt Training Centre

In the burned shed there were three men sleeping. By grace
God delivered them from death. Everything was burned and
ruined. In this shed about three thousand men had been get-
ting trained at that time.

A great mystery could be understood from these events.

Any weapon coming against the Children of God would not
prevail. Some times - it should be understood - that may be
mortal even to their life.

As we were working as team by team, we were

ministering in the SriLankan refugee camp at the place
Dharmapuri. There it was a very hot season. Ministering in the
whole day get tired and slept. Stood up in the morning and
I was praying with the decision to go to the ministry, a big
cobra was moving to and fro spreading its hood infront of
me. Seeing this my driver took a stick and killed it beating.
God saved me from a great danger. After that we went out and
The Missionary Challenge
God helped us to minister village by village. God who said,
that He will deliver us from serpents and scorpions, delivers

On another occasion, assialants tried to set fire a nearby

shed. But a heavy rain came and put off it. They went away
disappointed, being not able to win in that effort. After some
times they brought some men prepared. They began to
torment some brothers who were sleeping in the shed, at
midnight. Their plan was to kill that brothers. There were sword
and rod in their hands. They beat and tormented those who
were inside. Some of them were tied to the pillar. Tried to kill
by hanging by tying the coir on the neck, and also to cut off
and kill. But one of them who came heard a voice: “Not to kill
them but only take away all their things”. When this was said
to others, everybody agreed. Then suddenly amplifier and other
tools kept in the church were taken away. The knots that were
tied on the hands of the brother were made loose one by one.
Everybody escaped. Not only that, from next day onwards
they began to share gospel as they were doing always. Next
day Paul the Apostle departed to the city and preached the
gospel. See Acts 14:19,20. It is written that, “being confident
of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you,
will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” Philippians 1:6.

The Missionary Challenge

The Missionary Challenge
The Death Statistics of Apostles
Apostle Where When How
Simon Peter Rome 54-68 Sentenced to be crucified.
(Cafa) in Italy Crucified upside down
according to his will.
Liked to die embracing
the feet of Jesus

Andrew Edisa 9 Crucified. Died af

Greece ter sharing gospel
to about 3,000
men lieing on the
cross itself for
two days

James the son Jerusalem 44 After completed

of Sebedee (Israel) the ministry of
gospel in Spain
beheaded by
King Horoda

John Ephesus 98 Thrown in Boiling

the son Turkey oil but not died
of Sebedee Patmos Received natural

Philip of Heropolis ? Crucified

Bethsaida in Syria
The Missionary Challenge
Bartholomew India, ? Crucified after
(Nathaniel) Rumania strip off skin

Thomas Chennai ? Poojaris (hindu

Didimos India priests) speared
And thrown into
the furnace

Levite Nadab 60 Cut off by axe

Matthew Ethiopia and killed
of Capernaum

James Jerusalem 66 Made to fell down

the son of (Israel) from the tower of
Alphaeus the temple of God

Thaddaeus Greece 72 Crucified


Simon Britania ? Made to pieces

The Canaanite Europe after crucification

Matthias Jerusalem ? Beheaded after was

who was selected (Israel) stoned at
instead of Judas

Paul Rome 66 Beheaded

The Apostle In Italy
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John the baptist beheaded, AD 33

Jesus Christ crucified outside Jerusalem

The Missionary Challenge

Stephen stoned at outside Jerusalem, AD 34

The Apostle James (the major) beheaded in Jerusalem, AD 45

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The Apostle Philip stoned at Hierapolis, Phrygia, AD 54

The Apostle James (the lesser) stoned and dubbed in death,

Jerusalem, AD 63

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Barnabas burned at Salamanca in Cyprus, AD 64

Mark the Evangelist dies on the way while being dragged

to the site of his burning, Alexandria, AD 64

The Missionary Challenge

The Apostle Paul beheaded in Rome on Nero’s orders, AD 69

The Apostle Peter being crucified upside down in Rome

on orders of Nero, AD 69

The Missionary Challenge

The Apostle Matthew crucified, stoned and decapitated, AD 70

The Apostle Andrew crucified at Patras in Achaia, around the year AD 70

The Missionary Challenge

The Apostle Bartholomew skinned alive and afterward

beheaded in Armenia, AD 70

Thomas, tortured by the natives in Calamina or Chennai, India,

thrown into an oven, and stuck through with spears, AD 70

The Missionary Challenge

Matthew the Evangelist pinned to the ground and beheaded

in Ethiopia, AD 70

Simon the Zealot crucified in Syria, AD 70

The Missionary Challenge

Luke the Evangelist hung from an Olive tree in Greece, AD 93

Antipas roasted alive in a “copper steer” AD 95

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The Apostle John being not dead inspite of put in boiling oil,
was exiled to Patmos, AD 98

Vitalus buried alive in Ravenna around the year AD 99

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Felicitas killed in Rome along with her seven sons, AD 104

Ignatius, a student under John, devoured by wild animals in Rome, AD 111

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Bishop Polycarp of Smyrna killed by fire and the sword, AD 168

Blandine half roasted on a grill and then thrown between wild bulls, AD 172

The Missionary Challenge
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ...

You have read our testimony, know! Preaching

the gospel is the commandment of Jesus. According to Luke
2:10, the angel of God said to them: “Do not be afraid, for
behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to
all people”, It is necessary to inform all people
regarding the gospel about Jesus. We lovingly invite you to
uphold us, in your prayer, we who are engaged in this
ministry in many ways, and to participate in it.

Our ministries are as follows: If it is God willing and if

having interest you can also partake in this ministry.

1. The ministry of prayer

2. The tract distribution
3. Gospel meetings and camps
4. The charitable works
5. Orphanages
6. TV Ministry
7. King of Kings Metriculation School
8. God of Peace to visit Tamil school
In the Ministry of Christ
M. Paulose

Note: Those who are interested to minister along with us, fill up the
form attached here with.

The Missionary Challenge
If you want to partake in the cost we are paying for
the gospel ministry and in the abandoning we are
experiencing, fill up this form and send to us. We give
affirmation that each of the rupee you are giving as donation
will be spent for the glory of the name of God.
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Our Address:
Pastor M. Paulose
Bethel House
West of M.P.T.C. Shed
Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu
09443321665, 09443301191, 09080996921


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