Comp SC GE
Comp SC GE
Comp SC GE
Generic Electives: Computer Science Papers
Academic Council
Date: No:
Executive Council
Date: No:
Applicable for students registered with Regular Colleges, Non Collegiate Women’s
Education Board and School of Open Learning
List of Contents
1. Introduction to Generic Electives (Computer Science Department)………………...3
The objective of any programme at Higher Education Institute is to prepare their students for
the society at large. The University of Delhi envisions all its programmes in the best interest
of their students and in this endeavour it offers a new vision to all its Under-Graduate
courses. It imbibes a Learning Outcome-based Curriculum Framework (LOCF) for all its
Under Graduate programmes.
Each programme vividly elaborates its nature and promises the outcomes that are to be
accomplished by studying the courses. The programmes also state the attributes that it offers
to inculcate at the graduation level. The graduate attributes encompass values related to well-
being, emotional stability, critical thinking, social justice and also skills for employability. In
short, each programme prepares students for sustainability and life-long learning.
The new curriculum of Generic Electives (Computer Science) offers a flavour of computer
science and applications to students who do not have an opportunity to study these subject as
either major or minor subjects in their curriculum in University of Delhi.
The University of Delhi hopes the LOCF approach of the programme Generic Electives
(Computer Science) will help students in making an informed decision regarding the goals
that they wish to pursue in further education and life, at large.
1. Introduction to Generic Electives (Computer Science Department)
Generic elective of Computer Science and Applications are designed to impart flavour of
computer science and computer applications to the students who do not have an opportunity
to study these subject either major or minor subjects in their curriculum. The courses are
designed for students studying BA/BSc (Hons) programme, and those studying BA/BCom.
(Non-Hons) programme of University of Delhi.
BA/BCom (Non-Hons) programme students study generic electives in Semester V and VI.
The first number in the course code indicates the semester in which the course will be
offered. For example, course CSGE5XX is offered in Semester V for those studying BA/
BCom (Non-Hons) programme.
Course Objective
This course is designed as the first course that introduces computers and programming to
non-Computer Science students. The course focuses on the use of computer and
programming to solve problems of different domains. It also introduces the concept of object-
oriented programming.
Detailed Syllabus
Unit 1
Computer Fundamentals and Problem Solving: Basic Computer Organization: CPU,
memory, I/O Units. Problem solving using computer, notion of an algorithm.
Unit 2
Introduction to Python Programming: Python interpreter/shell, indentation; identifiers and
keywords; literals, numbers, and strings; operators (arithmetic operator, relational operator,
Boolean operator, assignment, operator, ternary operator and bitwise operator) and
Unit 3
Creating Python Programs: Input and output statements, defining functions, control
statements (conditional statements, loop control statements, break, continue and pass, exit
function.), default arguments, errors and exceptions.
Unit 4
Strings and Lists: String class, built-in functions for string, string traversal, string operators
and operations; Lists creation, traversal, slicing and splitting operations, passing list to a
Unit 5
Object Oriented Programming: Introduction to Classes, Objects and Methods, Standard
Libraries, File handling through libraries.
Unit 6
Built-in data structures: Tuples, sets, dictionary, stacks, and queues; searching and sorting.
1 Execution of expressions involving arithmetic, relational, logical, and bitwise
operators in the shell window of Python IDLE.
2. Write a Python function to produce the outputs such as:
(a) 1
b) 1
3. Write a Python program to illustrate the various functions of math module.
4. Write a Python program to produce a table of sins, cosines and tangents. Make a
variable x in range from 0 to 10 in steps of 0.2. For each value of x, print the
value of sin(x), cos(x) and tan(x).
5. Write a program that reads an integer value and prints “leap year” or “not a leap
6. Write a menu driven program to calculate the area of given building. Accept
suitable inputs and use suitable assertions.
7. Write a Python function that takes a number as an input from the user and
computes its factorial.
8. Write a Python function to generate the Fibonacci sequence till a given number
9. Write a function that takes a number as an input and finds its reverse and
computes the sum of its digits.
10. Write a function that takes two numbers as input parameters and returns their
least common multiple.
11. Write a function that takes a number as an input and determine whether it is
prime or not.
12. Write a function that finds the sum of the
a) first n odd terms
b) first n even terms
c) 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 7, 9, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13.. till n-th term
13. Write a Python function that takes a string as an input from the user and
determines whether it is palindrome or not.
14. Write a function that takes a sentence as input from the user and calculates the
frequency of each letter. Use a variable of dictionary type to maintain the count.
15. Write a Python function that prints a dictionary where the keys are numbers
between 1 and 5 and the values are cubes of the keys.
16. Consider a tuple t1=(1,2,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,10). Write a program to perform following
a. Print half the values of tuple in one line and the other half in the next line.
b. Print another tuple whose values are even numbers in the given tuple.
c. Concatenate a tuple t2=(11,13,15) witht1.
d. Return maximum and minimum value from this tuple.
17. Write a function called “check_duplicates” that takes a list and returns true if
there is any element that appears more than once. Also find the frequency of that
element. The original list should not be modified.
18. Write a program to implement a class for finding area and perimeter of a
rectangle. Write constructor, destructor, and functions for calculating area and
19. Write a menu driven program to perform the following functions on strings:
a. Find the length of string
b. Return maximum of three strings
c. Accept a string and replace every successive character with ‘#’ Example-
For Given string ‘Hello World’ returned string is ‘H#l#o W#r#d’.
d. Find number of words in the given string
20. Write a Python program to perform the following using list:
a. Check if all elements in list are numbers or not
b. If it is a numeric list, then count number of odd values in it
c. If list contains all Strings, then display largest String in the list
d. Display list in reverse form
e. Find a specified element in list
f. Remove the specified element
21. Usage of Python debugger tool-pydb and PythonTutor.
22. Implementation of Linear and binary search techniques
23. Implementation of selection sort, insertion sort, and bubble sort techniques
1. Guttag, J.V. (2016). Introduction to computation and programming using Python. 2nd
edition. MIT Press.
2. Taneja, S., Kumar, N. (2018). Python Programming- A modular Approach. Pearson
Education India.
Additional Resources
1. Kamthane, A. N., & Kamthane, A.A. (2017) Programming and Problem Solving with
Python, McGraw Hill Education.
2. Liang, Y. D. (2013). Introduction to Programming using Python. Pearson Education.
Week Topics
1-2 Computer Fundamentals and Problem Solving: Basic Computer
Organization: CPU, memory, I/O Units, Problem solving using
computer, notion of an algorithm
3 Python interpreter/shell, indentation; identifiers and keywords;
Creating Python Programs:Input and output statements, defining
functions, literals, numbers, and strings;
4 Operators: arithmetic operators, relational operators, boolean
operators, assignment operators, ternary operator and bitwise
operator and expressions
5 Control statements (conditional statements, loop control statements,
6 Break, continue and pass, exit function, default arguments
7 Errors and exceptions
8 Strings and Lists: String class, built-in functions for string, string
traversal, string operators and operations;
9 Lists creation, traversal, slicing and splitting operations, passing list
to a function
10 Object Oriented Programming: Introduction to Classes, Objects
and Methods,
11 Standard Libraries, File handling through libraries
12-13 Built-in data structures: Tuples, sets, dictionary, stacks, and queues
14-15 searching and sorting
Assessment Methods
Written tests, assignments, quizzes, presentations as announced by the instructor in the class.
Computer Hardware Organization, Problem solving for computer programming, Object
oriented programming, Python
Course Objectives
The course introduces the concepts of database management systems to students, focusing on
basics such as the importance and significance of a database, data model, schema creation
and normalization.
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Describe the features of database management systems.
2. Differentiate between database systems and file systems.
3. Model an application’s data requirements using conceptual modelling tools like ER
diagrams and design database schemas based on the conceptual model.
4. Write queries in relational algebra / SQL.
5. Normalize a given database schema.
Detailed Syllabus
Unit 1
Introduction: Introduction to database, relational data model, DBMS architecture, data
independence and data abstraction, DBA, database users, end users, front end tools
Unit 2
Data Modelling: Entity types, entity set, attribute and key, relationships, relation types, ER
diagrams, database design using ER diagrams
Unit 3
Relational Data Model: Relational model concepts, relational constraints, primary and
foreign key, candidate key, alternate, composite, super-key.
Unit 4
Data redundancy, Normalization: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF.
Unit 5
Structured Query Language: Introduction to SQL, concepts of Data Definition Language
(DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML), DDL queries like create a data base, drop a
database, create table, drop table, alter table, DML queries like inserting data in a table,
update in a table, delete data from a table, filter data.
Unit 6
Structured Query Language (continued..): Create relationships between database tables,
auto increment, check, Null values, aggregate functions - min, max, count, average, sum,
nested sub-queries, group by, having, exists, case, order by. Join operations - inner, left join,
right join, natural join and Cartesian product. Overview of forms and reports.
1. Create a database having two tables with the specified fields, to computerize a library
system of a Delhi University College.
LibraryBooks (Accession number, Title, Author, Department, PurchaseDate, Price)
IssuedBooks (Accession number, Borrower)
a) Identify primary and foreign keys. Create the tables and insert at least 5 records in
each table.
b) Delete the record of book titled “Database System Concepts”.
c) Change the Department of the book titled “Discrete Maths” to “CS”.
d) List all books that belong to “CS” department.
e) List all books that belong to “CS” department and are written by author “Navathe”.
f) List all computer (Department = “CS”) that have been issued.
g) List all books which have a price less than 500 or purchased between “01/01/1999”
and “01/01/2004”.
2. Create a database having three tables to store the details of students of Computer
Department in your college, as per the given schema.
Personal information about Student (College roll number, Name of student, Date of birth,
Address, Marks(rounded off to whole number) in percentage at 10 + 2, Phone number)
Paper Details (Paper code, Name of the Paper)
Student’s Academic and Attendance details (College roll number, Paper code,
Attendance, Marks in home examination).
a) Identify primary and foreign keys. Create the tables and insert at least 5 records in
each table.
b) Design a query that will return the records (from the second table) along with the
name of student from the first table, related to students who have more than 75%
attendance and more than 60% marks in paper 2.
c) List all students who live in “Delhi” and have marks greater than 60 in paper 1.
d) Find the total attendance and total marks obtained by each student.
e) List the name of student who has got the highest marks in paper 2.
3. Create the following tables and answer the queries given below:
a) Identify primary and foreign keys. Create the tables and insert at least 5 records in
each table.
b) List all the customers who have the bicycles manufactured by manufacturer
c) List the bicycles purchased by the customers who have been referred by customer
d) List the manufacturer of red colored bicycles.
e) List the models of the bicycles given for service.
4. Create the following tables, enter at least 5 records in each table and answer the queries
given below.
5. Create the following tables, enter at least 5 records in each table and answer the queries
given below.
1. Bayross, I. (2010) SQL, Pl/SQL the Programming Language of Oracle. 4th edition. BPB
2. Elmsasri, R., & Navathe, S.(2017). Fundamentals of Database Systems. 7th edition.
Pearson Education.
3. Silberschatz, A., Korth, H. F., & Sudarshan, S. (2011), Database System Concepts. 6th
edition. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Additional Resources
1. Date, C.J., Kanman, A. & Swamynathan, S. (2006). An Introduction to Database Systems.
8th edition. Pearson Education.
2. Ramakrishnan, R. Gehrke, J. (2014), Database Management Systems. 3rd edition. Tata
McGraw Hill Education.
3. MWidenius, M., Axmark, D., Cole, J., Lentz, A., & Dubois, P. (2002). MySQL Reference
Manual. O’Reilly Community Press.
Week Topics
1 Introduction: Introduction to database, relational data model,
2-3 DBMS architecture, data independence and data abstraction, DBA,
database users, end users, front end tools
4-5 Data Modeling: Entity types, entity set, attribute and key,
relationships, relation types, E-R diagrams, database design using
ER diagrams
6-7 Relational Data Model: Relational model concepts, relational
constraints, Primary and foreign key, candidate key, alternate,
composite, superkey
8 Data redundancy, Normalization: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF.
9 Introduction to SQL, concepts of Data Definition Language (DDL)
and Data Manipulation Language (DML),
10 DDL commands to create a data base, drop a database, create table,
drop table, alter table
11 DML commands to inserting data in a table, update in a table,
delete data from a table,
12 Create relationships between database tables, auto increment,
check, Null values,
13 SQL queries to filter data, Group by, having, exists, case, order by
14 SQL queries for aggregate functions - min, max, count, average,
sum, nested sub-queries, Join operations - inner, left join, right join,
natural join, Cartesian product.
15 Overview of Forms and Reports.
Assessment Methods
Written tests, assignments, quizzes, presentations as announced by the instructor in the class.
Databases, E-R diagrams, normalization, structured query language
Course Objective
This course covers the fundamental concepts of computer networks, standard models of
computer networks having layered architecture, data communication, network topologies,
web technologies and internet applications.
Course Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:
1. State the use of computer networks and different network topologies.
2. Distinguish between LAN, MAN, WAN, and between Intranet, Extranet and Internet.
3. Compare OSI and TCP/IP architectures
4. Enumerate different transmission media and describe the use of each of them.
5. Design web pages using HTML.
Detailed Syllabus
Unit 1
Computer Networks: Introduction to computer network, data communication, components
of data communication, data transmission mode, data communication measurement, LAN,
MAN, WAN, wireless LAN, internet, intranet, extranet.
Unit II
Network Models: Client/ server network and Peer-to-peer network, OSI, TCP/IP, layers and
Unit III
Transmission Media: Introduction, Guided Media: Twisted pair, Coaxial cable, Optical
fiber. Unguided media: Microwave, Radio frequency propagation, Satellite.
Unit IV
LAN Topologies: Ring, bus, star, mesh and tree topologies. Network Devices: NIC,
repeaters, hub, bridge, switch, gateway and router.
Unit V
Internet Terms: Web page, Home page, website, internet browsers, URL, Hypertext, ISP,
Web server, download and upload, online and offline. Internet Applications: www, telnet, ftp,
e-mail, social networks, search engines, Video Conferencing, e-Commerce, m-Commerce,
VOIP, blogs.
Unit VI
Introduction to Web Design: Introduction to hypertext mark-up language (html), Document
type definition, creating web pages, lists, hyperlinks, tables, web forms, inserting images,
frames, hosting options and domain name registration. Customized Features: Cascading style
sheet (CSS) for text formatting and other manipulations.
Networking exercises in a trial lab, where effects of different connectors, topologies in
practical could be demonstrated.
Before moving to JavaScript practicals, students must get an idea about fundamental
programing using Scratch ( Students should be encouraged to learn
Scratch on their own and work on assignments available online such as or
1. Create HTML document with following formatting – Bold, Italics, Underline, Colors,
Headings, Title, Font and Font Width, Background, Paragraph, Line Brakes,
Horizontal Line, Blinking text as well as marquee text.
2. Create HTML document with Ordered and Unordered lists, Inserting Images, Internal
and External linking
4. Create Form with Input Type, Select and Text Area in HTML.
5. Create an HTML containing Roll No., student’s name and Grades in a tabular form.
6. Create an HTML document (having two frames) which will appear as follows:
9. Create HTML documents (having multiple frames) in the following three formats:
Contents according to the Link clicked
Frame 1
Frame 2 Frame 3
10. Create a form using HTML which has the following types of controls:
I. Text Box
II. Option/radio buttons
III. Check boxes
IV. Reset and Submit buttons
1. Forouzan, B.A. (2017). Data Communication and Networking, McGraw-Hill Education.
2. Powell, T.A. (2010).HTML & CSS: The Complete Reference. 5th edition. Tata McGraw-
Additional Resources
1. Minnick, J. (2015). Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3. 8th edition. Cengage Learning.
2. Stallings, W. (2017), Data and Computer Communications. 10th edition. Pearson
Education India.
3. Tanenbaum, A.S. & Wethrall, D. J.(2012).Computer Networks, Pearson Education.
Week Topics
1-2 Introduction to computer network, data communication,
components of data communication, Data transmission mode, data
communication measurement, LAN, MAN, WAN, wireless LAN,
internet, intranet, extranet
3 Network Models: Client/ server network and Peer-to-peer network
4-5 OSI Model, TCP/IP, layers and functionalities.
6-7 Transmission Media: Guided Media: Twisted pair, Coaxial cable,
Optical fiber, Unguided media: Microwave, Radio frequency
propagation, Satellite
8 LAN Topologies: Ring, bus, star, mesh and tree topologies.
9 Network Devices: NIC, repeaters, hub, bridge, switch, gateway and
10 Internet Terms: Web page, Home page, website, internet browsers,
URL, Hypertext, ISP, Web server, download and upload, online
and offline
11 Introduction to Web Design: Introduction to hypertext markup
language (html) Document type definition, creating web pages,
12 Hyperlinks, tables, web forms
13 Inserting images, Frames, hosting options and domain name
14 Customized Features: Cascading style sheet (css) for text
formatting and other manipulations.
15 Cascading style sheet (css) and other manipulations
Assessment Methods
Written tests, assignments, quizzes, presentations as announced by the instructor in the class.
network topologies, data communication, OSI model, TCP/IP model, HTML, web design.
Course Objectives
This course introduces the students to the concepts of information security and different type
of attacks in the cyber space. The course also introduces countermeasures to mitigate attacks
and different existing cyber laws.
Detailed Syllabus
Unit 1
Definitions :Protection, Security, risk, threat, vulnerability, exploit, attack, confidentiality,
integrity, availability, non-repudiation, authentication , authorization, codes, plain text,
encryption, decryption, cipher text, key, ciphers, Symmetric and asymmetric
cryptography, Public key , private key ,Crypt analysis,, Cyber forensics. Substitution cipher
(Caesar), Transposition cipher (Rail-Fence),
Unit 2
Risk analysis, process, key principles of conventional computer security, security policies,
data protection, access control, internal vs external threat, security assurance,
passwords, access control, computer forensics and incident response.
Unit 3
CYBER ATTACKS (definitions and examples): Denial-of-service attacks, Man-in-the-
middle attack, Phishing, spoofing and spam attacks, Drive-by attack, Password attack, SQL
injection attack, Cross-site scripting attack, Eavesdropping attack, Birthday attack, Malware
attacks, Social Engineering attacks
Unit 4
Brief Introduction of handling the attacks described in UNIT 3. Firewalls, logging and
intrusion detection systems, e-mail security, security issues in operating systems, ethics of
hacking and cracking.
Unit 5
Definitions: Digital Signature and Electronic Signature, Digital Certificate
i. [Section 43] Penalty and compensation for damage to computer etc.
ii. [Section 65] Tampering with computer source documents
iii. [Section 66A] Punishment for sending offensive messages through communication
service etc.
iv. [Section 66B] Punishment for dishonestly receiving stolen computer resource or
communication device
v. [Section 66C] Punishment for identity theft
vi. [Section 66D] Punishment for cheating by impersonation by using computer resource
vii. [Section 66E] Punishment for violation of privacy
viii. [Section 66F] Punishment for cyber terrorism
ix. [Section 67] Punishment for publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic
x. [Section 67A] Punishment for publishing or transmitting of material
containing sexually explicit act, etc. in electronic form
xi. [Section 67B] Punishment for publishing or transmitting of material depicting
children in sexually explicit act, etc. in electronic form
xii. [Section 72] Breach of confidentiality and privacy
Unit 6
Brief introduction of IT infrastructure in India, National agencies handling IT.
1. Demonstrate the use of Network tools: ping, ipconfig, ifconfig, tracert, arp, netstat,
2. Use of Password cracking tools : John the Ripper, Ophcrack. Verify the strength of
passwords using these tools.
3. Perform encryption and decryption of Caesar cipher. Write a script for performing
these operations.
4. Perform encryption and decryption of a Rail fence cipher. Write a script for
performing these operations.
5. Use nmap/zenmap to analyse a remote machine.
6. Use Burp proxy to capture and modify the message.
7. Demonstrate sending of a protected word document.
8. Demonstrate sending of a digitally signed document.
9. Demonstrate sending of a protected worksheet.
10. Demonstrate use of steganography tools.
11. Demonstrate use of gpg utility for signing and encrypting purposes.
1. Merkow, M., & Breithaupt, J.(2005) Information Security Principles and Practices. 5th
edition. Prentice Hall.
2. Snyder, G.F. (2010). Network Security, Cengage Learning.
3. Whitman, M. E. & Mattord, H. J. (2017) Principles of Information Security. 6th
edition. Cengage Learning.
Additional Resources:
1. Basta, A., & Halton, W., (2010) Computer Security: Concepts, Issues and Implementation,
Cengage Learning India.
2. Anderson, R. (2008) Security engineering: A guide to building dependable Distributed
Systems. 2nd edition. John Wiley & Sons.
Web Resources:
Course Teaching Learning Process
● Use of ICT tools in conjunction with traditional class room teaching methods
● Interactive sessions
● Class discussions
Tentative weekly teaching plan is as follows:
Week Topics
1-2 Definitions : Protection , Security, risk, threat, vulnerability,
exploit, attack, confidentiality, integrity, availability, non-
repudiation, authentication, authorization, codes, plain text,
encryption, decryption, cipher text, key, ciphers, Symmetric and
asymmetric cryptography
3 Public key, private key,Crypt analysis, Cyber forensics.
Substitution cipher (Caeser), Transposition cipher (Rail-Fence)
4 Risk analysis, process, key principles of conventional computer
security, security policies
5-6 Data protection, access control, internal vs external threat, security
assurance, Passwords, access control, computer forensics and
incident response
7-8 Cyber attacks, types and examples)
9 Brief Introduction of handling the attacks described in UNIT 3.
10 Firewalls, logging and intrusion detection systems, e-mail security
11 Security issues in operating systems, ethics of hacking and
12-14 Digital Signature and Electronic Signature, Digital Certificate,
Penalty and compensation, Punishment for various attacks
15 Brief introduction of IT security infrastructure in India. National
agencies handling IT security.
Assessment Methods
Written tests, assignments, quizzes, presentations as announced by the instructor in the class.
Information security, cyber laws, risk analysis, attacks.
5. Generic Elective Courses: Computer Applications for Non Hons
Course Objectives
This course introduces the students to the basic concepts of computers. The aim is to bridge
the fundamental concepts of computers with the present level of knowledge of the students.
The course also aims to skill the students so that they can make use of information
technology effectively in all walks of life.
Detailed Syllabus
Unit 1
Introduction: Introduction to logical organization of computer, input and output devices,
keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner, OCR, OMR, monitor, Printer, Plotter.
Unit 2
Storage Devices: Primary memory, secondary memory, auxiliary memory.
Unit 3
User Interface: Operating system as user interface, system tools, control panel settings.
Unit 4
Database: Introduction to database, use of spreadsheet as database, use of functions and
database operations in spreadsheet.
Unit 5
Networks: Definition of network, classification of network, LAN, MAN, WAN, distinction
among networks.
Unit 6
Internet Applications: Internet as a global network, Internet utilities – email, online
banking, reservations etc.
Text Editor
1. Prepare a grocery list having four columns (Serial number, The name of the product,
quantity and price) for the month of April, 06.
• Font specifications for Title (Grocery List): 14-point Arial font in bold and italics.
• The headings of the columns should be in 12-point and bold.
• The rest of the document should be in 10-point Times New Roman.
• Leave a gap of 12-points after the title.
2. Create a telephone directory. • The heading should be 16-point Arial Font in bold
• The rest of the document should use 10-point font size
• Other headings should use 10-point Courier New Font.
• The footer should show the page number as well as the date last updated.
4. BPB Publications plans to release a new book designed as per your syllabus. Design the
first page of the book as per the given specifications.
• The title of the book should appear in bold using 20-point Arial font.
• The name of the author and his qualifications should be in the center of the page in
16-point Arial font.
• At the bottom of the document should be the name of the publisher and address in
16-point Times New Roman.
• The details of the offices of the publisher (only location) should appear in the footer.
5. Create the following one page documents.
a. Compose a note inviting friends to a get-together at your house, Including a list of
things to bring with them.
b. Design a certificate in landscape orientation with a border around the document.
c. Design a Garage Sale sign.
d. Make a sign outlining your rules for your bedroom at home, using a numbered list.
8.Create a table in the document with the given number of rows and columns and fill
different type of data in cells. Align text data as instructed, set the format of number data as
Spread sheet
State Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Qtr Total Rate Amount Total average
2. Given the following worksheet for storing salesman(alphanumeric) and sales for four
Salesman Sales(in INR)
No. Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Total Commission
4. A company XYZ Ltd. pays a monthly salary to its employees which consists of basic
salary, allowances & deductions. The details of allowances and deductions are as follows:
5. Create Payment Table for a fixed Principal amount, variable rate of interests and time in
the format below:
6. Use an array formula to calculate Simple Interest for given principal amounts given the
rate of Interest and time
Rate of Interest 8%
Time 5 Years
Principal Simple Interest Compound Interest
7. The following table gives year-wise sale figure of ten salesmen in INR.
Salesman 2000 2001 2002 ……….. 2009
S1 ....
9. Create an excel sheet for storing revenue earned(yearly) as given in the following sample:
10. Generate 25 random numbers between 0 & 100 and find their sum, average and count.
How many no. are in range 50-60?
1. Goel, A. (2010). Computer Fundamentals, Pearson Education.
Additional Resources:
1. Aksoy, P. & Nardis, L. De. (2006), Introduction to Information Technology, Cengage
2. Sinha, P. K. (2007), Fundamentals of Computers, BPB Publishers.
Week Topics
1-2 Introduction: Introduction to logical organization of computer,
input and output devices like keyboard, mouse, joystick, Scanner,
OCR, OMR, Monitor, Printer, Plotter, (with connections and
practical demo),
5 Storage Devices: Primary memory, secondary memory, Auxiliary
6-7 User Interface: Operating system as user interface
8 System tools, control panel settings
9 Introduction to database
10 Use of spreadsheet as database, use of functions
11 Database operations in spreadsheet.
12-13 Networks: Definition of network, classification of network, LAN,
MAN, WAN, Distinction among networks
14-15 Internet Applications: Internet as a global network, Internet utilities
– email, online banking, reservations etc
Assessment Methods
Written tests, assignments, quizzes, presentations as announced by the instructor in the class.
Course Objective
This paper aims to provide comprehensive review of concepts and techniques for designing
and developing attractive websites with multimedia components.
Detailed Syllabus:
Unit 1
Introduction: Definition of multimedia, Components, uses, applications
Unit 2
Multimedia Input/ Output Devices: Scanner, camera, microphone, speaker, monitors,
Unit 3
Multimedia Storage Devices: CD ROMs, DVDs, Blue ray disk
Unit 4
Multimedia tools: Sound editor, video editor, animator, authoring tools
Unit 5
Web Designing: Concept of website, website as a communication resource, Internet, intranet
and extranet, basic concepts related to website designing.
Unit 6
HTML: Introduction to hypertext markup language, document type definition, creating web
pages, graphical elements, lists, hyperlinks, tables, web forms, inserting images, inserting
audio, video and animation; frames, use of CSS.
Practical exercises based on concepts listed in theory using Presentation tools in office
automation tool/ GIMP/Blender / Audacity/ Animation Tools/ Image Editors/ Video Editors.
Implement the followings using Blender –
1. Create an animation using the tools panel and the properties panel to draw the following –
Line, pie , oval, circle, rectangle , square, pencil , brush , lasso tool
2. Create an animation using text tool to set the font , size , color etc.
3. Create an animation using Free transform tool that should use followings-
Move Objects
Skew Objects
Stretch Objects
Rotate Objects
Stretch Objects while maintaining proportion
Rotate Objects after relocating the center dot
5. Modify the document (changing background color etc. )using the following tools :
Eraser tool
Hand tool
Ink bottle tool
Zoom tool
Paint Bucket tool
Eyedropper tool
6. Create an animation for bus car race in which both starts from the same point and car wins
the race.
7. Create an animation in which text Hello gets converted into GoodBye (using motion/shape
8. Create an animation having five images having fade-in fade-out effect.
9. Create an scene to show the sunrise (using multiple layers and motion tweening)
10. Create an animation to show the ripple effect.
11. Create an animation (using Shape tweening and shape hints) for transforming one shape
into another.
12. Create an animation for bouncing ball (you may use motion guide layer).
Project :
Design a minimum 10 page interactive website using Joomla or WordPress
1. Ramalho, J. A. (2007) Learn Advanced HTML 4.0 with DHTML. BPB Publications.
2. Vaughan, T. (2014). Multimedia: Making It Work. 9th edition. McGraw Hill
Education (India).
Additional Resources
1. Minnick, J. (2015). Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3. 8th edition. Cengage
2. Stallings, W. (2017). Data and Computer Communications. 10th edition. Pearson
Education India.
3. Tanenbaum, A.S. & Wethrall, D. J. (2012). Computer Networks. Pearson Education.
Week Topics
1 Introduction: Definition of multimedia, Components, uses,
2 Multimedia Input/ Output Devices: Scanner, camera, Microphone,
Speaker, Monitors, Printers
3 Multimedia Storage Devices: CD ROMs, DVDs, Blue ray disk
4 Multimedia tools: Sound editor, video editor
5 Multimedia tools: Animator, Authoring tools
6-7 Web Designing: Concept of website, website as a communication
resource, Internet, intranet and extranet,
8 Basic concepts related to website designing.
9-11 HTML: Introduction to hypertext markup language (html)
Document type definition, creating web pages,
12 lists, Hyperlinks, graphical elements
13 Tables, web forms
14 Inserting images, Frames, hosting options and domain name
15 Cascading style sheet (css)
Assessment Methods
Written tests, assignments, quizzes, presentations as announced by the instructor in the class.
Multimedia, Website, HTML, CSS
Course Objective
Data Science also known as data driven science makes use of scientific methods, processes
and systems to extract knowledge or insights from data in various forms (structured or
unstructured). The study of these methods and processes is the main objective of the course.
Course Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. create effective solutions to data analysis challenges.
2. effectively organize and manage data science projects.
3. analyse problems and identify solutions.
4. communicate data science problems, methods, and findings effectively, visually, and
in writing.
Detailed Syllabus
Unit 1
Introduction: Introduction to Data Science, Data Science Basics, Need of Data Science, Life
Cycle of Data Science, Challenges of Data Science Technology, Data Science Components,
,Applications of Data Science, Data Science Job Roles, Tools for Data Science, Structured
Data, Unstructured Data.
Unit 2
R Programming Basics: Overview of R, R data types and objects, Operators, Precedence
and associativity, Decision Making, Loops, Functions, Scoping, File System, Reading and
writing Data
Unit 3
Data Structures In R programming: Strings, Vectors, Lists, Matrices, Arrays,
Factors, Data Frames.
Unit 4
Statistical Analysis: Mean, Harmonic Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Central
tendency, measures of dispersion, Data Distribution, Analysis of Variance & covariance,
Summary Function, Z score Function, Linear Regression analysis, Multiple Regression,
Logistic regression.
Unit 5
Data Visualization: Overview of Data Visualization, Pie Chart, Line Graphs, Bar Chart,
Histogram, Box plot, Scatter Plot, Function plot, Animating objects using R.
Unit 6
Case Study: Suitable Case Studies will be taken up. The list will be provided by the
department in consultation with the college teachers in the beginning of the semester.
Q2. Read a text file that contains sales of milk in litres for 15 days in three different shops (the
first 3 values are for shops 1,2 and 3 on Monday, etc.). Produce a statistical summary of
the sales for each day of the week and also for each shop.
Q3. Read the rainfall in cm of three different states S1, S2 and S3 from a CSV file. Write an R
script to plot an appropriate graph to compare them using different colours. Label the
graph, x-axis, y-axis and the legend.
Q4. Read a text file containing the monthly expenditure breakdown of an individual as
{Housing, Food, Clothing, entertainment, Others}.
Write an R script to:
a) represent monthly expenditure breakdown using a pie chart.
b) represent the percentage of each expenditure using pie chart. Also, add chart legend to
the graph.
Q5. Write an R script to do the following:
a) Simulate a sample of 100 random data points from a normal distribution with mean 100
and standard deviation 5, and store the result in a vector.
b) Plot a histogram and a boxplot of the vector you just created.
c) Calculate the summary of the sample generated.
d) Using the data above, test the hypothesis that the mean equals 100.
e) Test the hypothesis that mean equals 90.
Use data set of your choice from Open Data Portal ( for the following
Q6. Read the all rows from the CSV file, with header. Write an R script to:
a) create a subset of the data records that satisfy a condition.
b) find suitable descriptive statistics for each column.
c) draw boxplot for the numeric attributes and identify outliers, if any
d) find correlation for each pair of numeric attributes, and draw scatter plot matrix.
e) draw histograms, pie charts for categorical attributes.
f) draw the probability density curve for numeric attributes.
Projects and Case Studies to be done as decided by the department in the beginning of the
1. Wickham, H. R. & Grolemund, G. (2017). R for Data Science. 1st edition. O'Reilly Media.
Additional Resources
1. James,G., Written, D. , Hostie, T. & Tibshirani, R(2013). Introduction to Statistical
Learning. Springer.
2. Rahif, T. (2017). Data Visualization with R. Springer.
Web Resources
Week Topics
1-2 Introduction: Introduction to Data Science, Data Science Basics,
Need of Data Science, Life Cycle of Data Science, Challenges of
Data Science Technology, Data Science Components, Applications
of Data Science, Data Science Job Roles, Tools for Data Science,
Structured Data, Unstructured Data
3 Overview of R, R data types and objects, Operators, Precedence
and associativity
4 Decision Making, Loops
5 Functions, Scoping
6 File System, Reading and writing Data.
7-9 Strings, Vectors, Lists, Matrices, Arrays, Factors, Data Frames
10 Statistical Analysis: Mean, Harmonic Mean, Median, Mode,
Standard Deviation, Central tendency, measures of dispersion
11 Data Distribution, Analysis of Variance & co-variance, Linear
Regression analysis
12 Summary Function, Z score Function, Multiple Regression,
Logistic regression.
13-15 Data Visualization: Overview of Data Visualization, Pie Chart,
Line Graphs, Bar Chart, Histogram, Box plot, Scatter Plot,
Function plot, Animating objects using R.
Assessment Methods
Written tests, assignments, quizzes, presentations as announced by the instructor in the class.
Data Science, functions, visualizations,
Course Objective
Data Science also known as data driven science makes use of scientific methods, processes
and systems to extract knowledge or insights from structured and unstructured data. This
paper is designed to introduce the methods and processes of Data Science.
Course Learning Outcomes
After completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. analyse and solve data science problems in real world projects.
2. effectively organize and manage data sets for data science projects.
3. use Python packages to perform statistical analysis of given dataset.
4. display data in suitable visual form.
Detailed Syllabus
Unit 1
Introduction: Introduction to Data Science, Data Science Basics, Need of Data Science, Life
Cycle of Data Science, Challenges of Data Science Technology, Data Science Components,
Applications of Data Science, Data Science Job Roles, Tools for Data Science, Structured
Data, Unstructured Data.
Unit 2
Python Basics: Overview of Python, data types, Operators, Precedence of
operators, Decision Making, Loops, Functions, Scoping, Strings, Vectors, Lists, Matrices,
Arrays, Factors, File System, reading and writing data.
Unit 3
Data Structures in Python: Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, Introduction to Numpy, Arrays
Creating and arrays Indexing, Data Processing using Arrays, About Pandas library.
Unit 4
Statistical Analysis: Mean, Harmonic Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Central
tendency, measures of dispersion, data Distribution, Analysis of Variance & co-variance,
Linear Regression analysis.
Unit 5
Data Visualization: Overview of Data Visualization, Introduction to Matplot library, Line
Plot, Bar Chart, Histogram, Box Plot, Scatter Plot, Function plot, animating the objects.
1. Find measures of central tendencies for the given data.
2. Draw the box plot for the given data and analyse skewness.
3. For the given data, plot the PDF.
4. Make visual representations of data using libraray Matplotlib and apply basic
principles of data graphics to create rich analytic graphs for available datasets.
5. Randomly generate 30 numbers in the range of 1 to 40 and do the following
a) Generate box plot
b) Identify outliers, if any
c) Display 5 point summary of data distribution
Use data set of your choice from Open Data Portal ( for the following
6. Read the all rows from the CSV file, with header. Write an R script to:
a) create a subset of the data records that satisfy a condition.
b) find suitable descriptive statistics for each column.
c) draw boxplot for the numeric attributes and identify outliers, if any
d) find correlation for each pair of numeric attributes, and draw scatter plot
e) draw histograms, pie charts for categorical attributes.
f) draw the probability density curve for numeric attributes.
7. Read the CSV file, without headers and
a. Find the number of records which are noise free
b. Clean data after removing noise
c. Normalize quantative features in range of [0,1]
Projects and Case Studies to be done as decided by the department in the beginning of the
1. Mckinney, W. (2017) Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling With Pandas- Numpy
And Ipython, Oreilly Media.
2. Plas, J. V. (2019) Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python. 2nd edition.
3. VanderPlas, J. (2016).Python Data Science Handbook, O' Reilly Media, Inc.
Additional References
1. Downy, A. B. (2004).Think Python. O'reilly.
2. Iliinsky, N., & Steele, J. (2011).Designing Data Visualizations. O' Reilly Media,Inc.
3. Taneja, S., Kumar, N., (2018). Python Programming- A modular Approach. Pearson
Week Topics
1-2 Introduction: Introduction to Data Science, Data Science Basics,
Need of Data Science, Life Cycle of Data Science, Challenges of
Data Science Technology, Data Science Components, Applications
of Data Science, Data Science Job Roles, Tools for Data Science,
Structured Data, Unstructured Data
3 Overview of Python, data types, Operators, Precedence of operators
4 Decision Making, Loops,
5 Functions, Scoping,
6 Strings, Vectors
7 Lists, Matrices, Arrays
8 Factors, File System, reading and writing data.
9 Data Structures in Python: Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, Introduction
to Numpy
10 Arrays Creating and arrays Indexing, Data Processing using Arrays,
About Pandas library
11 Statistical Analysis: Mean, Harmonic Mean, Median, Mode,
Standard Deviation, Central tendency, measures of dispersion
12 Data Distribution, Analysis of Variance & co-variance, Linear
Regression analysis
13-15 Data Visualization: Overview of Data Visualization, Introduction to
Matplot library, Line Plot, Bar Chart ,Histogram, Box Plot, Scatter
Plot, Function plot, animating the objects
Assessment Methods
Written tests, assignments, quizzes, presentations as announced by the instructor in the class.
Data Science, functions, visualizations,
6. Note on Practical
1. The size of the practical group for practical papers is recommended to be 10-15
2. Each practical will carry 50 marks including 25 marks for continuous evaluation and
5 marks for the oral viva.
3. Colleges are advised and encouraged to conduct the practical using Free and Open
Source Software (FOSS).
4. At least two questions have to be compulsorily attempted in the final practical
5. Softcopy of all the practical must be maintained by each student for each practical
6. Practical given for the courses are only indicative, and by no means exhaustive.
Instructor may add more complex problems in laboratory depending on the ability of
the students.