Itl 528 Week 1b

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Chassie Bettencourt

ITL 528

Assignment 1B: Extended 5-Day Learning Map Template

Summary of Unit:
What topics will be covered?
Students will learn the different types of cells. They will learn the differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes and how their
organelles contribute to the overall function of the cell.

What overall attitudes or sensitivities should students build towards these topics?
Students should have the attitude that cells equal life. They should be sensitive
to the fact that cells are fragile yet resilient. They need to understand that they
can die but also repair themselves.

What should students know before this unit?

Students should know beforehand that cells are the building blocks for life.

What should students know or be able to do by the end?

By the end of the lesson students should be able to identify the key differences between eukaryotes and prokaryotes. They should
also be able to identify all the organelles and know what functions they provide to the cells. Lastly, students must understand how
cells make up the functions of an organism.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Standard MS-LS1-2 from MS-LS1-2 from MS-LS1-2 from MS-LS1-2 from MS-LS1-2 from
Copy the entire state molecules to molecules to molecules to molecules to molecules to
standard being taught organisms: structures organisms: structures organisms: structures organisms: structures organisms: structures
in this unit. and cellular and cellular and cellular and cellular and cellular
processes. processes. processes. processes. processes.
Essential The essential The essential The essential question The essential question The essential question
question question for the day question for the day for the day is using a for the day is using a for the day is using a
Write a student will be what do you will be to how can we model what organelles model what organelles model what organelles
friendly question that know about cells and observe the are present in a cell are present in a cell are present in a cell
is adapted directly how are they differences between
from the standard. and how do their and how do their and how do their
important to life on plants and animal
functions effect the functions effect the functions effect the
Earth. (Pre- cells?
assessment) (Microscope Day) overall function of the overall function of the overall function of the
The essential cell? How do cells cell? How do cells cell? How do cells
question for the day effect the function of effect the function of effect the function of
will be to discuss and a body? a body? a body?
observe, what are the (Model building) (Model building) (Model building)
key similarities and
differences between
plant and animal
cells. (Notes)

Complete understanding Previously we have Students will collaborate Students will collaborate Students will collaborate
Relevance in your of this NGSS standard is a covered the pieces of the in groups to prove that in groups to prove that in groups to prove that
class requirement. It is also microscope and how to they not only know what they not only know what they not only know what
What is being
essential to understand use the microscope. organelles are present in organelles are present in organelles are present in
covered before and
after this content? cellular processes to Students must have the their cell, but how they their cell, but how they their cell, but how they
What specific skill understand the overall skills to be able to adjust function within the unit. function within the unit. function within the unit.
levels-- initiating, function of the bodies of the microscope to analyze They will work on their They will work on their They will work on their
developing, and both plants and animals. the differences between social skills while social skills while social skills while
mastery--do your Students will continue to onion cells and human mastering how a cell mastering how a cell mastering how a cell
students to have? see this in their high check cells. This works. Students will be works. Students will be works. Students will be
How will you develop school biology classes andassignment will help required to teach the class required to teach the class required to teach the class
them further? need to master the conceptimprove microscope skills about their cells improving about their cells improving about their cells improving
before moving on to and see what real life cells their ability to recall their ability to recall their ability to recall
higher level biology. look like. Students will information about their information about their information about their
also work on improving cell. cell. cell.
their observation and
recoding skills.
To continue on in more in The purpose of this The purpose of this The purpose of this The purpose of this
Purpose for depth lessons the require assignment is for students exercise is to improve exercise is to improve exercise is to improve
learning in your previous knowledge of to see real cells. Often their problem-solving their problem-solving their problem-solving
subject area cellular functions. To students think of book skills and challenge skills and challenge skills and challenge
move onto the cellular illustrations are what cells creativity all while creativity all while creativity all while
replication unit. look like. This assignment learning about how cells learning about how cells learning about how cells
shows them that cells work. They will learn the work. They will learn the work. They will learn the
come in a variety of positioning of organelles positioning of organelles positioning of organelles
shapes, sizes and colors. and how that effects the and how that effects the and how that effects the
function. function. function.
Students are expected to The expectations for this Expectations for students are Expectations for students are Expectations for students are
What are prevalent
know what cells do, the assignment is for students to to work in a cohesive group to work in a cohesive group to work in a cohesive group
expectations in your
differences between work together in adjusting the to execute a correct model of to execute a correct model of to execute a correct model of
content area for
prokaryotes and eukaryotes. microscopes so they can get a either an animal cell, plant either an animal cell, plant either an animal cell, plant
previous and
They also need to know the clear image of the cells. cell or a bacteria cell. At the cell or a bacteria cell. At the cell or a bacteria cell. At the
following grades?
differences between animal end of the project students end of the project students end of the project students
and plant cells. Students will will be expected to teach the will be expected to teach the will be expected to teach the
be graded on their project class about their cell and how class about their cell and how class about their cell and how
(model of a cell) and their it works. it works. it works.
explanations of its function
along with examples.
Discuss possible careers that Discuss possible careers that Discuss possible careers that Discuss possible careers that Discuss possible careers that
Real world involve cells. Introduce one involve cells. Introduce one involve cells. Introduce one involve cells. Introduce one involve cells. Introduce one
application of new career each day in the new career each day in the new career each day in the new career each day in the new career each day in the
content form of an exit ticket. form of an exit ticket. form of an exit ticket. form of an exit ticket. form of an exit ticket.
How might some of
these skills be applied -list possible schools, -list possible schools, -list possible schools, -list possible schools, -list possible schools,
in college or career requirements and salary. requirements and salary. requirements and salary. requirements and salary. requirements and salary.
settings outside of K-
12 classrooms? Day 1: Stem-cell research Day 2: Laboratory Tech Day 3: Cellular Biologist Day 4: Molecular biologist Day 5: Biology Teacher

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