The 10 Minute Pull PDF
The 10 Minute Pull PDF
The 10 Minute Pull PDF
By Mark Chang
Chapter 1: The Truth About Pulling
And the crazy part is that once you learn it, you’ll be able
to pull a girl from a club or bar within 10 minutes of
meeting her.
Bathroom bangs...
But before we get into the details, just a little bit about
And now I’m revealing all of the secrets that I learned from
my 3 years in Vegas going out 5-7 nights a week and
staying out until 6am in this program
And it took me 2 years of going out 5-7 nights a week,
usually staying out until 6am even at Drais After Hours
and strip clubs, and literally speaking with thousands of
girls, and pulling hundreds of times, to figure this out.
The first guy I taught this to, Mark, was 5’3”, insecure
about his height, HATED nightclubs, and had only had sex
with one girl in his entire life.
“It’s not what you say, it’s what you do” I reminded him.
“Remember, LEAD PHYSICALLY FIRST. And when I tell
you to, take her hand and go for the exit. It’s that simple.”
“Hey man, don’t worry about it,” I comforted him.
“Remember, LEAD PHYSICALLY FIRST. Trust me, when
I signal, take her hand and go for the exit.”
“Dude, just have a good time. Trust the process. And just
lead when I tell you to.”
He nodded again.
I signaled to Mark.
5 minutes later, they were leaving the club together...
So the next night, I went out with another guy, Carl, who
also wanted to learn the method.
Carl was a tall military dude from the South who was
usually pretty decent with women, but he was on a dry
Him and the girl headed back towards the club, she left
him with a brief kiss, and headed off
We went back into the club, and about an hour and a half
later, Carl was walking out with ANOTHER girl back to his
The next day, I had another guy, Bob, who was eager to
learn this method after hearing about Carl and Mark.
I watched from a distance.
Bob briskly strode over to her, walked her out the exit, into
his car, and back to his place.
3 for 3.
In the following week, word of the method spread like
I won’t disclose his identity to protect his privacy, but
chances are you’d recognize the name.
Or talking in general.
Wait, you’re a nightclub promoter, a coach for Real Social
Dynamics, and you didn’t like going to the club?
And if she knew the full extent of the savagery that I was
involved in, then it could be a bit unsettling for her.
But I also don’t want this knowledge to go to waste, so I
feel OBLIGATED to reveal this…
Until now.
Because when the girl sees how much of a fucking boss you
are, she won’t be able to wait until you take her home...
Or to the bathroom...
Or to your car...
I’ll leave it up to you.
Your cock.
Chapter 2: How To Pull Like A
They are meant for someone with good intentions, and not
to be used for manipulation.
For example, if you meet a girl who just got into town and
is exhausted from her plane ride over and maybe she’s
hungry, a bit cranky, and you meet her in the hotel lobby,
chances are that she’s not very aroused, and she wouldn’t
even want to talk to you for more than a few minutes. And
keep in mind that it’s not just you, it’s because she’s not in
the mood. That being said, there are ways to turn her on,
which we’ll talk about in later chapters.
But let’s say that same girl checks into her room, grabs a
quick bite to eat, goes down to the bar to have a couple of
drinks, and is starting to feel “in the mood,” then she’s .
She’s feeling more open to meeting some charming,
attractive dude and possibly going home with him.
So the more aroused she is, the more down she is to do
something with you, whether that’s dancing, getting a
drink, or hooking up.
So even if a guy was dancing with her, got her turned on,
but then the guy went home and she’s still at the club, then
she’ll still be more open than she usually is to doing things
with you.
If you’re at the club with some friends, you all get lit, and
your friends leave, you still might hang around because
you’re out anyway and you’re in a great mood.
But here’s the thing: having a high arousal level is not the
most important thing for pulling...
Here’s an example.
Let’s say you meet Susie at the nightclub. She’s all alone at
the bar waiting for her friends, and you start talking to her.
After a minute of talking, she gets a little more touchy, and
her eyes start to glow. You’re not sure if she’s just being
friendly and loose from the alcohol, or if she’s actually into
Now let’s say that instead of asking her to dance, you lean
in for a kiss.
If she doesn’t, then you know that she’s not turned on
enough to kiss you.
And here’s the third level. If you tried kissing her, and she
doesn’t make an excuse to leave, then her arousal level is
somewhere in the middle, and you’re still in a great
position. We’ll talk about that in more detail in later
But it's not always that simple. Even if a girl's arousal level
is above the action threshold, that doesn't mean that she's
automatically going to go home with you. This isn't like a
video game, where you just keep tapping "B" until your
green bar moves past the red line (although it's kinda
similar actually...)
Now if you're a girl and you were at the club with 3 of your
girl friends, and some random guy started talking to you
and you went home with him, your friends probably
wouldn't have the same response. It would be more along
the lines of…
escalation is any action that has the intention of moving
things forward towards sex.
So let’s say you're talking with Susie, and it's just platonic
and friendly at first. Then you take her hand, go to the
dancefloor, and she starts grinding on you, that's an
example of escalation.
But that doesn't mean we're going to ignore verbal and
physical altogether, because our goal isn't just to pull...
And what's the use of pulling if you're not even going to get
So remember this:
The goal isn't to have verbal sex, there's plenty of
late-night hotlines for that...
What you want is to have a hot, horny girl in your bed in
the shortest possible time.
Be the 1% and focus on getting out of the club and into the
bedroom (or someplace else depending on how
adventurous you are...we'll talk more about that later).
So you can let the other guys brag about getting numbers
and make-outs, while you can pull like a savage.
Chapter 3: Getting The Ball Rolling
Anytime, anywhere.
But before we start, always remember that opening is just
the first step in the process--it can get the ball rolling, but
what we do afterwards, the rest of the steps, is what gets
the ball in the hole.
At the beginning of the night, you might walk into the club
feeling a bit nervous. You just waited an hour in the
guestlist line, had to deal with the bouncer who looked like
he wanted to crush you like a toothpick, and even just
getting into the club felt like the journey to Mordor.
Now here you are in the club, telling yourself, "I need to
find some girls to talk to...I don't want to stand here and
look like a chode..." Meanwhile, your heart is racing
because everyone seems to be drinking, yelling,
dancing...all with loud EDM music blaring in the
You nod your head and tap your foot slightly off-beat,
trying to look cool and feel like you belong, but you get the
sense that everyone knows...
that I know a process for getting myself immediately into a
here I feel compelled to talk to hot girls.
state of arousal w
Have you ever felt that before?
By throwing yourself in the deep end at the beginning of
the night, it does two things.
1) There is no other person in the club, including the hot
girls at the VIP tables, that you'd be afraid to talk to,
2) You become fully outcome independent, meaning that
you're not thinking about pulling, you're just living in the
moment (or more like trying to just survive the situation…)
The more turned on or aroused a girl is, the more open she
is to doing things with you.
Now what happens next will change the way you look at
these interactions because I’m going to share with you a
body language secret that is the starting point for the 10
Minute Pull…
This one simple sign is how I’m able to tell guys when she’s
ready for the next step without even having to listen to
their conversation.
What is it?
Chapter 4: How To Get A Girl To Go
With You Anytime, Anywhere (Even
If She’s With Her Friends)
It’s simple.
First off, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like you. Most
likely, based on most of her body language signs, she’s
probably into you.
So she’s squared up with you, and you know that it’s time
to move.
Don’t hesitate on this. Strike when the iron is hot.
If she’s alone…
And let’s say you and your friend scored 2 front row tickets
to go to that event.
You and your friend are at your house, and you’re already
ready, but you’re waiting for your friend to get ready and
he’s running late.
So if her feet are already moving, then she’s more likely to
say “yes.”
But she’s standing still, then she’s more likely to say, “no.”
Good question.
“Let’s go dance.”
Also, here’s a BIG mistake guys make when she asks you a
Most guys stop walking.
Don’t do that.
But what if she does stop her feet and ask, “where are we
Now she stops dead in her tracks and says, “Oh, I can’t”
For a time constraint, let her know that you’ll just go for 5
minutes and you’ll be right back.
For a location constraint, you can let her know that you’re
just going to go right over here, it’s not too far.
“We’re just gonna go right over here, and we’ll just be 5
minutes. I’ll bring you right back, promise.”
She’s also worried for her social safety because if she loses
her friends or her friends worry about her, then they might
look down on her or get mad at her, especially if they find
out that she went off with some guy she just met.
Now if she still says, “look, I just don’t want to dance right
now. Let’s just stay here.”
The worst thing you can do is to be too attached and pushy
and force her to go anywhere or do anything with you.
Instead of using force, you can be playfully persistent. So
when she says “no,” Just keep it light, nonchalant,
maintain composure, let it go, and try again later.
They can pull just fine when a girl is alone, but when she’s
with her friends, it’s always the same objections…
Ok, so you’re at the club with your sister, and some
random guy walks up without introducing himself and
starts talking to her.
The whole time, he is ignoring you and it’s clear that he’s
making moves on your sister. Five minutes pass, and he
still hasn’t acknowledged you. Then all of the sudden, he
grabs her hand and walks off with her.
Here it is:
When moving from a group, the opinions of the friends
matter more than the girl’s opinion--they are the
Here’s an example…
“Let’s go dance.”
Wait, but I thought she didn’t want to dance?
When you talk to her friends and actually get them on your
side, she feels more compelled to go along with your
suggestion, even if she didn’t even want to dance in the
first place.
Now here’s the beauty of this situation…
If one girl gets separated from the rest, then the other 2 or
3 girls don’t feel alone because they have each other for
The biggest thing that the friends are looking for is to see if
you’re needy or if there’s “something off” about you.
Now let’s say they’re still hesitant, then what do you do?
A couple of reasons.
First of all, if you say this, then it shows that you’re not up
to anything. It shows enough empathy and consideration
to invite them along, and it also shows that you’re not up
to anything suspicious, you have nothing to hide.
In the event that they do tag along, it’s all good. Once you
get to the dancefloor, they might still keep an eye on you,
but they’ll often give you enough space to hang out with
your girl. And usually after a few minutes and seeing that
you’re just dancing together, they’ll give you some alone
This is typically a bachelorette party, a birthday party, or
some kind of celebration with a large group of people.
Now you have a great idea of what they’re there for, who
the group leader is, and the person closest to your girl,
who is the person you should eventually get on your side.
Honestly, it can be more straightforward than the small
group situation because in a small group, it’s quite obvious
when someone is missing, whereas in a large group, you
can separate from the group and everyone else might be
having too good of a time to notice.
You approach your girl and hit it off with her. Meanwhile,
during that conversation, you get a sense of what the
occasion is, who the group leader is, and who she’s closest
with. Then you meet her best friend.
Most likely, if you’re cool with her friend, she’ll say “yes,”
at which point you won’t have to deal with the rest of the
group, unless the group leader is overly protective and
comes over to confront you.
If that happens, then the best friend will defend you, and
you can also introduce yourself and put a location and
time constraint as you did before in the other scenario.
Usually, she will say “yes.” If not, then you can just leave it
for now and try again later.
Honestly, it’s because most guys are idiots when it comes
to this.
And once you see how this goes down, you’ll be shocked…
Now if you’re dealing with an orbiter (a dude who’s in love
with your girl and won’t leave you two alone), then you
just have to play the war of attrition. What typically
happens in that situation is he will hang around until the
very end of the night, you grab your girl’s number at some
point in the interaction, then you set up plans to meet up
with her once he’s gone to sleep.
“I don’t have the balls to do that.”
Because she sees that you’re cool, you’ve given her enough
attention, and she trusts you.
Believe me, when I first learned this, I was skeptical too.
I guarantee you that if you master the concepts from this
chapter, especially if you learn to make the move as soon
as you see her square up, you’ll be changing locations
within 5 minutes or less consistently...anytime, anywhere.
Chapter 5: How To Kiss A Girl
The kiss.
And if you don’t know how to dance, you need not worry!
What is it?
Basically, you move a few inches closer to her, and see how
she responds. If she backs away, then you can also back
away a couple of inches (pressure off). If she doesn’t back
away, then just stay where you are, and you can move in
closer after another few seconds. Whenever you sense she
feels uncomfortable or she backs away, then take a step
back yourself.
Along with pressure on, pressure off, you can also use the
Let me explain.
Now, you can talk into her ear again. When you pull back,
you can pull back less so that you’re only 5 inches from her
face now. If you hold that distance, and she doesn’t back
away, kiss her. If she backs away, then you can back away
yourself, and continually use this process to gauge when
she’s ready to kiss.
At this point, 80% of the time, you’ll have kissed. But for
the other 20%, no worries. Another way to escalate things
is to look down at her lips. This will increase the tension
and show more intention. You can also brush her hair
back behind her ear.
If she won’t kiss you on the lips, then you can kiss her
Now, even when you go in for a kiss and she doesn’t kiss
you, if she still chooses to stay with you, then she’s
accepting that now she’s in an intimate interaction and
you’re not just going to be some friendly platonic guy who
doesn’t have the nerve to make a move.
And think of it this way, if she is into you, then it’s much
faster to just go in for it immediately rather than to wait
Ok, so if you’ve read this far, then there most likely there
have been a few parts of this book that have surprised you,
but that have also blown your mind.
Are you ready for the mind-blowing part of the method?
This is where the guys who learn this method get results…
So here it is…
Believe me…
No seeding, no need to convince her with words…
Just walk.
I’ll talk about that in a second, but for now, trust me. Just
Chapter 6: The Art Of The Pull
And this will separate you from the rest of the chodes at
the club…
As soon as you kiss, take the quickest and most direct
route straight back to your bed (or your preferred place to
And let’s say you live far away, then it’s time to improvise.
Just be resourceful.
No fucking excuses.
Now when it comes to the pull itself, half the time she’ll go
with you without even bringing up where you’re going.
There was one time at Drais Nightswim when I walked up
to a cute girl in a bikini, started talking to her, and just
went straight for the pull after a few minutes of talking…
It’s amazing that most guys either wait for a couple hours
before even attempting to pull, or they have to deal with a
million objections when trying to leave with her.
Here’s the crazy truth of what I’ve found with fast pulling…
A girl will feel your confidence and allow you to take the
Do you ever wonder what a girl means when she says that
“you should be more confident?”
She’s telling you that instead of dawdling around with
debating whether she wants to leave with you or not, just
take initiative and lead from the start.
You’d probably say…
“Ok, I understand you want ice cream. We’ll get that after
school, ok?”
That’s the tonality you take. It’s not a big deal, we can take
care of it later, I have everything under control. For now,
we’re just going to leave for a few minutes and be right
So instead of saying…
There are 3 types of resistance that you’ll encounter when
trying to pull:
You can just say, “let’s just go outside,” keep walking, and
keep talking about what you were before she asked the
“Let’s just go outside for a bit and we’ll come right back.
So you were saying you’re from San Francisco?”
For #2, if she slows down and stops and seems hesitant,
then just stop, turn to her, answer her question, and then…
Keep walking!
Imagine for a second that you were in her shoes, you just
met this guy, he’s cute and you’re hitting it off, but
suddenly he just wants you to leave with him. You’re
probably thinking...
When you’re pulling and you run into that situation, you
can do several things:
1) Make a joke
2)Show her on Google maps where you’re headed
3)Set a timer for 30 minutes and say you’ll be right
back, you just want to show her x.
Aside from her physical safety, she might also be afraid of
being judged by her friends when they find out that she left
with some guy she just met.
And to give even more reassurance, you can tell her “do
you have your stamp? Perfect. Don’t wash it off because
we’re coming right back.”
Now by this point, most girls will leave with you. But if she
still is hesitant and won’t leave, you can say, “Do you think
your friends will worry? It looks like they’re having a
pretty good time.”
Now if she really wants to leave with you, but she’s mad at
her friends because they’re overly protective, then you can
create a conspiracy. Just ask her, “What’s up with your
If she agrees, then great. Just take her hand and leave.
But if she still says, “I can’t,” then just say “I understand,
how about we just go right outside and we’ll come right
Then just cancel the timer and put the phone back in your
And if at any point, she asks “why,” then just let her know,
“we don’t have to if you don’t want to, I just wanted to
spend more time with you in someplace more quiet.”
Then just give her a logical reason and say, “Ok? We’ll be
right back, no more than x minutes. Here, I’ll even set a
timer. And if you totally hate it, we’ll come right back.”
But remember, they must be delivered in the right way too,
otherwise she won’t believe you.
And if at any point, you feel that you’re being too pushy or
she’s feeling overly uncomfortable, just say, “Ok cool, no
problem. We can just hang out here then.” Then just go
back to dancing or where you were before and try again
If all else fails, here are a couple of last resorts if you aren’t
able to pull straight away:
Basically, just stick it out (no, not your dick…) and tag
along with her and her friends and keep hanging out until
you have an opportunity to hook up with her. Just be
persistent, hang in there, and 90% of the time there will be
an opportunity that comes up to make something happen.
The key thing is, you MUST make a move as soon as you
see each of the “tells.”
And when you wrap her hands around your neck and she
does the same, then go for the kiss immediately!
Bonus #1: What To Do Once You’re Back At The
Then what?
And each time you pull, you’ll get more comfortable with
Let’s say you’re back at your place with a beautiful girl, but
you don’t want to just jump on her right away. So how can
you escalate?
Use proximity.
Just because it’s “physical” escalation doesn’t mean you
always have to be touching her. If you want to create some
tension, then just stand or sit near her. If she backs away,
then you can back away slightly. But if she doesn’t back
away, then it’s on.
If you start to feel the sexual tension rise and you want to
kiss her, just stare at her lips and nod as she’s talking.
Now you’re showing intent, which means that you’re not
just going to friendzone yourself.
Not true.
So instead of being the one making all the moves, you can
take her hand and rest it on your lap, or wrap it around
your neck. It comes off as less predatory and more
affectionate. The most common move is the “hand on
dick” move, where, if you’re making out, you take her hand
and put it on your dick. She’ll usually start playing with it,
and you’re good to go from there.
Bonus #2: How To Guarantee Results With This
1) Volume
The problem for most guys is that they hit it off with a girl
and talk to her for 2 hours. Then, near the end of the
night, he’ll try to take her home, but she has to go with her
friends. Then your night is over and you go home
That’s the beauty of the 10 Minute Pull--because pulling
only takes 10 minutes, you’ll have multiple opportunities
throughout the night to pull.
In fact, I owe my 6 minute bathroom pull and my
threesome to this practice.
What is it?
Even just 10 minutes a day for a month will literally
skyrocket results.
And I was about to head to the taxi line, but for some
reason, I headed into the handicapped bathroom in the
hotel lobby instead.
Then I turned her around, bent her over, and entered her.
From meet to fuck, less than 6 minutes.
Once again, congratulations on learning the 10 Minute
Pull Method. I guarantee you that once you go out and
practice these principles, you’re going to be pulling in
record time, and all of your friends are going to wonder
what happened to you as you pull stunners left and right.