9 Antonio M Garcia V Ferro Chemicals Inc
9 Antonio M Garcia V Ferro Chemicals Inc
9 Antonio M Garcia V Ferro Chemicals Inc
172505, FCI appealed to the CA as to the civil aspect of the case. The
October 01, 2014 notice of appeal filed was entitled "Notice of Appeal Ex Gratia
Abudantia Ad Cautelam (Of The Civil Aspect of the Case).
The Makati City Prosecutor's Office and FCI also filed a petition for
certiorari with this court, assailing the RTC’s decision and order
Antonio Garcia (Garcia), as seller, and Ferro Chemicals, Inc. (FCI) as
acquitting Garcia.
buyer, entered into a deed of absolute sale and purchase of shares of
stock. The deed was for the sale and purchase of shares of stock from
various corporations, including one class "A" share in Alabang Country
Club, Inc. and one proprietary membership in the Manila Polo Club, The petition for certiorari filed before this court sought to annul the
Inc.4 These shares of stock were in the name of Garcia.5 The decision of the trial court acquitting Garcia.
contract was allegedly entered into to prevent these shares of
stock from being sold at public auction to pay the outstanding People of the Philippines and FCI argued that the trial court "acted in
obligations of Garcia grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction”.
The verification/certification against forum shopping, signed by Ramon
A deed of right of repurchase over the same shares of stock subject of Garcia as president of FCI disclosed that the notice of appeal was filed
the deed of absolute sale and purchase of shares of stock was entered "with respect to the civil aspect of the case.
into between Garcia and FCI under which Garcia can redeem the
properties sold within 180 days from the signing of the agreement. The court dismissed the petition for certiorari filed, and entry of
judgment was made. On the other hand, the CA its decision
granted the appeal of FCI. The appellate court found that
Garcia failed to disclose the lien over the club shares.
Before the end of the 180-day period, Garcia exercised his right to
repurchase the properties.8 However, FCI did not agree to the
repurchase of the shares of stock. Thus, Garcia filed an action for
specific performance and annulment of transfer of shares. Garcia filed a motion for reconsideration and FCI filed a partial motion
for reconsideration of the decision of the CA. These motions were
The class "A" share and proprietary membership which were denied. Thus, Garcia filed this petition for review on certiorari,
included in the contracts entered into between Garcia and Ferro assailing the decision and resolution of the CA.
were sold at public auction. In its comment, FCI points out that Garcia raised factual issues not
proper in a Rule 45 petition and reiterates the findings of CA.
There are pertinent and important issues that the parties failed to raise
before the trial court, CA, and this court. Nonetheless, we resolve to
rule on these issues.
Sometime in September the information based on the complaint of FCI
was filed against Garcia before the RTC. He was charged with estafa
for allegedly misrepresenting to Ferro that the shares subject of the
contracts entered into were free from all liens and encumbrances when
in truth and in fact, accused well' knew that aforesaid share of MAIN ISSUE: Antonio Garcia claims that both he and Ferro Chemicals, Inc.
stock/proprietary share had already been garnished and subsequently acted in bad faith when they entered into the deed of absolute sale as a
sold at public auction. scheme to defraud Antonio Garcia’s creditors. Thus, they are in pari delicto and
Ferro Chemicals, Inc. should not be allowed to recover from Antonio Garcia.
RTC: Garcia was acquitted for insufficiency of evidence. From
the foregoing, it is very clear that private complainant was
aware of the status of the subject CLUB SHARES. Thus, the
element of false pretense, fraudulent act or fraudulent means
which constitute the very cause or the only motive which The issues are:chan
In a criminal case in which the offended party is the State, the The test for determining the existence of forum shopping is
whether the elements of litis pendentia are present, or whether a
interest of the private complainant or the offended party is limited
final judgment in one case amounts to res judicata in another.
to the civil liability arising there from. Thus, there is forum shopping when the following elements are
Hence, if a criminal case is dismissed by the trial court or if there (a) identity of parties, or at least such parties as represent the
is an acquittal, a reconsideration of the order of dismissal or same interests in both actions;
acquittal may be undertaken, whenever legally feasible, insofar as (b) identity of rights asserted and relief prayed for, the relief
the criminal aspect thereof is concerned and may be made only by being founded on the same facts; and
(c) the identity of the two preceding particulars, such that any
the public prosecutor; or in the case of an appeal, by the State
judgment rendered in the other action will, regardless of which
only, through the OSG. The private complainant or offended party is successful, amount to res judicata in the action under
party may not undertake such motion for reconsideration or consideration; said requisites are also constitutive of the requisites
appeal on the criminal aspect of the case. for auter action pendant or lis pendens.
However, the offended party or private complainant may file a There is no question that FCI committed forum shopping when it
motion for reconsideration of such dismissal or acquittal or appeal filed an appeal before the CA and a petition for certiorari before
this court assailing the same trial court decision. This is true even
therefrom but only insofar as the civil aspect thereof is concerned.
if FCI's notice of appeal to the CA was entitled "Notice of Appeal Ex
In so doing, the private complainant or offended party need Gratia Abudantia Ad Cautelam (Of The Civil Aspect of the
not secure the conformity of the public prosecutor. Case)."The "civil aspect of the case" referred to by FCI’s for
the recovery of civil liability ex delicto. However, it failed to criminal cases, the imposable penalty of the crime charged in the
make a reservation before the trial court to institute the information determines the court that has jurisdiction over the
civil action for the recovery of civil liability ex delicto or case.
institute a separate civil action prior to the filing of the
criminal case. The information charged Garcia with violation of Article 318 of the
RPC, which is punishable by arresto mayor, or imprisonment for a
There is identity of parties. Petitioner Garcia, and respondent FCI period of one (1) month and one (1) day to six (6) months.
are both parties in the appeal filed before the CA and the petition
for certiorari before this court. When the information was filed the law in force was Batas
Pambansa Big. 129 before it was amended by RA No. 7691. Under
There is identity of the rights asserted and reliefs prayed for in Section 32 of Batas Pambansa Big. 129, the MTC had jurisdiction
both actions. At a glance, it may appear that FCI asserted different over the case:chanRoblesv irt ual Lawlib rary
rights: The appeal before the CA is purely on the civil aspect of the
trial court's decision while the petition for certiorari before this SEC. 32. Jurisdiction of Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial
court is allegedly only on the criminal aspect of the case. However, Courts and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts in criminal cases.-
the civil liability asserted by FCI before the CA arose from the
criminal act. It is in the nature of civil liability ex delicto. FCI did 2. Exclusive original jurisdiction over all offenses punishable
not reserve the right to institute the civil action for the recovery of with imprisonment of not exceeding four years and two months, or
civil liability ex delicto or institute a separate civil action prior to a fine of not more than four thousand pesos, or both such fine and
the filing of the criminal case. Thus, it is an adjunct of the criminal imprisonment, regardless of other imposable accessory or other
aspect of the case. When the trial court's decision was penalties, including the civil liability arising from such offenses or
appealed as to its criminal aspect in the petition for predicated thereon, irrespective of kind, nature, value, or amount
certiorari before this court, the civil aspect thereof is thereof: Provided, however, That in offenses involving damage to
deemed included in the appeal. Thus, the relief prayed for property through criminal negligence they shall have exclusive
by FCI that is, recovery of civil liability ex delicto, is original jurisdiction where the imposable fine does not exceed
asserted in both actions before this court and the CA. twenty thousand pesos.
Litigants cannot avail themselves of two separate remedies for the The RTC did not have jurisdiction to hear and decide the case. This
same relief in the hope that in one forum, the relief prayed for will lack of jurisdiction resulted in voiding all of the trial court's
be granted. This is the evil sought to be averted by the doctrine of proceedings and the judgment rendered. Although the trial court's
non-forum shopping, and this is the problem that has happened in lack of jurisdiction was never raised as an issue in any part of the
this case. proceedings and even until it reached this court, we proceed with
resolving the matter.
MAIN: The civil liability arising from the offense or ex delicto is
based on the acts or omissions that constitute the criminal Jurisdiction is vested by law and cannot be conferred or waived by
offense; hence, its trial is inherently intertwined with the criminal the parties. Even on appeal and even if the reviewing parties did
action. For this reason, the civil liability ex delicto is impliedly not raise the issue of jurisdiction, the reviewing court is not
instituted with the criminal offense. If the action for the civil precluded from ruling that the lower court had no jurisdiction over
liability ex delicto is instituted prior to or subsequent to the the case. Having arrived at the conclusion that the RTC did not
filing of the criminal action, its proceedings are suspended have jurisdiction to try the case against the appellant, it is no
until the final outcome of the criminal action. The civil liability longer necessary to consider the other issues raised as the
based on delict is extinguished when the court hearing the criminal decision of the RTC is null and void. The trial court's lack of
action declares that ‘the act or omission from which the civil jurisdiction cannot be cured by the parties' silence on the
liability may arise did not exist’. matter. The failure of the parties to raise the matter of jurisdiction
also cannot be construed as a waiver of the parties. Jurisdiction is
conferred by law and cannot be waived by the parties.
Petitioners, however, maintain that the cause of action of While it is necessary that the credit of the plaintiff in the accion
respondent Philam against them for the rescission of the deeds of pauliana must be prior to the fraudulent alienation, the date of the
donation accrued as early as December 27, 1989, when petitioner judgment enforcing it is immaterial. Even if the judgment be
Khe Hong Cheng registered the subject conveyances with the subsequent to the alienation, it is merely declaratory with
Register of Deeds. Respondent Philam allegedly had constructive retroactive effect to the date when the credit was constituted." 10
knowledge of the execution of said deeds under Section 52 of
Presidential Decree No. 1529, quoted infra, as follows:chanrob1es These principles were reiterated by the Court when it explained
virtual 1aw library the requisites of an accion pauliana in greater detail, to
SECTION 52. Constructive knowledge upon registration. — Every
conveyance, mortgage, lease, lien, attachment, order, judgment, "The following successive measures must be taken by a creditor
instrument or entry affecting registered land shall, if registered, before he may bring an action for rescission of an allegedly
filed or entered in the Office of the Register of Deeds for the fraudulent sale: (1) exhaust the properties of the debtor through
province or city where the land to which it relates lies, be levying by attachment and execution upon all the property of the
constructive notice to all persons from the time of such debtor, except such as are exempt from execution; (2) exercise all
registering, filing, or entering.chanrob1es virtua1 1aw 1ibrary the rights and actions of the debtor, save those personal to him
(accion subrogatoria); and (3) seek rescission of the contracts
Petitioners argument that the Civil Code must yield to the executed by the debtor in fraud of their rights (accion pauliana).
Mortgage and Registration Laws is misplaced, for in no way does Without availing of the first and second remedies, i.e., exhausting
this imply that the specific provisions of the former may be all the properties of the debtor or subrogating themselves in
together ignored. To count the four year prescriptive period to Francisco Bareg’s transmissible rights and actions. petitioners
rescind an allegedly fraudulent contract from the date of simply undertook the third measure and filed an action for
registration of the conveyance with the Register of Deeds, as annulment of sale. This cannot be done." 11 (Emphasis ours)
alleged by the petitioners, would run counter to Article 1383 of the
Civil Code as well as settled jurisprudence. It would likewise In the same case, the Court also quoted the rationale of the CA
violate the third requisite to file an action for rescission of an when it upheld the dismissal of the accion pauliana on the basis of
allegedly fraudulent conveyance of property, i.e., the creditor has lack of cause of action:jgc:chanrobles.com.ph
no other legal remedy to satisfy his claim.
"In this case, plaintiff’s appellants had not even commenced an
action against defendants-appellees Bareng for the collection of against him, its action for rescission of the subject deeds clearly
the alleged indebtedness. Plaintiffs-appellants had not even tried had not yet prescribed.
to exhaust the property of defendants-appellees Bareng. Plaintiffs-
appellants, in seeking the rescission of the contracts of sale A final point. Petitioners now belatedly raise on appeal the defense
entered into between defendants-appellees, failed to show and of improper venue claiming that respondent Philam’s complaint is
prove that defendants-appellees Bareng had no other property, a real action and should have been filed with the RTC of Butuan
either at the time of the sale or at the time this action was filed, City since the property subject matter of the donations are located
out of which they could have collected this (sic) debts." (Emphasis therein. Suffice it to say that petitioners are already deemed to
ours) have waived their right to question the venue of the instant case.
Improper venue should be objected to as follows 1) in a motion to
Even if respondent Philam was aware, as of December 27, 1989, dismiss filed within the time but before the filing of the answer; 13
that petitioner Khe Hong Cheng had executed the deeds of or 2) in the answer as an affirmative defense over which, in the
donation in favor of his children, the complaint against Butuan discretion of the court, a preliminary hearing may be held as if a
Shipping Lines and/or petitioner Khe Hong Cheng was still pending motion to dismiss had been filed. 14 Having failed to either file a
before the trial court. Respondent Philam had no inkling, at the motion to dismiss on the ground of improper of venue or include
time, that the trial court’s judgment would be in its favor and the same as an affirmative defense in their answer, petitioners are
further, that such judgment would not be satisfied due to the deemed to have their right to object to improper venue.
deeds of donation executed by petitioner Khe Hong Cheng during
the pendency of the case. Had respondent Philam filed his
complaint on December 27, 1989, such complaint would have
been dismissed for being premature. Not only were all other legal
remedies for the enforcement of respondent Philam’s claims not
yet exhausted at the time the deeds of donation were executed
and registered. Respondent Philam would also not have been able
to prove then that petitioner Khe Hong Cheng had no more
property other than those covered by the subject deeds to satisfy
a favorable judgment by the trial court.chanrob1es virtua1 1aw