SCT7272 PL0115
SCT7272 PL0115
SCT7272 PL0115
Key Features:
The Satellite Communication Trainer 7272 provides an in-depth study of a basic satellite
communication system. It consists of an Uplink Transmitter, Satellite Link and Downlink Receiver,
which can be conveniently placed in the laboratory. The satellite can be placed at an elevated position
if required. The satellite transponder receives signals from an Uplink Transmitter and retransmits at
different frequencies to a Downlink Receiver. The Uplink and Downlink frequencies are selectable
and carry three signals – Video, Audio, Voice and Data simultaneously. Any broadband signal,
digital/analogue data or function generator waveforms can be communicated through the Satellite link.
Understanding the concepts of satellite communication
Establish a direct communication link between Uplink Transmitter and Down link Receiver using tone
To setup an active satellite link and demonstrate link fail operations
To establish an audio-video transmission through a Satellite link
Study base-band analogue signal (voice) in satellite link
Transmission and reception function generator waveforms through satellite link
Transmission tone through satellite link
Establish PC to PC communication using satellite Communication Link
Ordering Information
Model Number: SCT7272
Consists of: 2 x Audio-Video Cable 2pin
2x Patch Cord 8”
1x Microphone
3x Mains Cord
1x Pencil Cell
4x Dish Antenna
1x Operating Manual
1. Specification is subject to change without notice.
2. All dimensions are in mm unless otherwise stated
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