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(Lecturer in Mathematics, Th~k61y.Ÿ Budapest XIV, Hungary)
Received Septr 28, 1963


The effects of dissociation or ionization of air on the analytical solution

for hypersonic flow past a sphere are eonsidered here, under certain assump-
tions. It has been assumed that the shock wave is in the shape of a sphere,
that the density ratio across the shock is constant, that the flow behind the
shock is at constant density and that dissociation or ionization only occurs
behind the shock wave. Thus the effects of the compressibility of the air,
variation of density ratio along the shock, and the departure of the shock
shape from being circular are not taken into account. Here the velocity,
pressure, temperature, pressure coemcient and vorticity, etc., at any point
between the shock and the surface of the sphere in the presence of dissoci-
ation or ionization are obtained. In addition, shock detachment distance,
drag coefficient, stagnation point velocity gradient and sonic points on the
shock and the surface have also been obtained. The results have been
compared with the corresponding results obtained in the case when dissoci-
ation or ionization does not occar behind the shock.


RB = radius of the sphere.

Rs := radius of the shock sphere.
P = pressure.
p ---- density.
T ---- temperature.
R, 0 polar co-ordinates.
A = Rs - - RB.
U, 'O velocity componr
q cO = ratio of specific heats (Here it is taken as 1.4).

* Permanent Address.--Science College, Patna Univexsity, Patna 5 (Bihar), INDIA.

Hypersonic Flow Pasta Sphere 397

= effective ratio of specific heats just behind the shock in the

presence of dissociation or ionization.
m01) = molecular weight of air (28.97).
m = effective molecular weight of air just behind the shock in the
presence of dissociation or iortization.
MN = free stream Mach number.
a = velocity of sound.

K = density ratio P~ (across the shock).

W,, ----free stream velocity.
r = Vorticity.
= stream function.
A, B = constant of integration.
= deflection of the stream at any point (Rs, 0) on the shock.
h = specific enthalpy.
t3 = angle between the sonic line leaving the body and the direction
of the body surface downstream of the sonic point.
= angle between the stream line direction and the direction
of the sonic line leaving the shock.
= deflection of the stream at any point (R, 0) between the
shock and the body.
= intrinsic co-ordinates.

~ke,~e0, etc.
30' b0 z "

= condition in free stream.
Ss = cortdition just behind the shock at the point (Rs, 0).
St = condition just behind the shock at the point (Rs, O).
O = stagnation point condition.
B. = condition on the surfacc of thc sphere at the point (RB, 0).
O = condition at any point (R, 0).
= condition at any point (R, O) along the axis (0 = 0).

THE problem of obtaining aerodynamic inf£ at hypersonic flight
speeds has eurrently received considerable interest in connection with the
development of intercontinental ballistic missiles, satellites, and space vehicles.
For flight Mach numbers greater than about 10, air can no longer be considered
as being a simple mixture of diatornic oxygen and nitrogen. At Mach
number 20, the air temperature behind a normal shock wave for a blunt
body can be as high as 6500 ~ K. during re-entry. At these hypersonic speeds
air is greatly decelerated and undergoes considerable change in composition.
Dissociation of oxygen and nitrogen occurs and possibly also thermal ion-
ization. The convective heat transfer will, a s a result, be altered from what
it was for the "perfect gas ". The decelerated gas becomes capable of radiat-
ing energy and the radiative heat transfer must generally be considered for
hypersonic vehicles, particularly, for long range ballistie rockets. It is not
only the aerodynamic heating problems that are affected, but at very high
temperature the gas (or air) becomes electrically conductive, and introduces
new problems in radio wave transmission and reception. In addition, a
conducting gas flow can be influenced by a magnetic field. The magnetie
field can alter skin friction, heat transfer, and total drag, etc.
It is well known that a blunt body in supersonic or hypersonic flight is
accompanied by a detached curved shock with a resultant mixed flow field
between the body and the shock. The practical importanee of blunt-nosed
bodies has led to many recent investigations of hypersonic flow with detached
curved shock, and these are both of inverse and direct type. The inverse
problem in the absence of dissociation or ionization is considered by Zlotnick
and Newman, ~ Garabedian and Lieberstein, 2 and van Dyke 3 and others.
The direct problem in the absence of dissociation or iorfization is
considered by Maslen and Moeckel,4 Liand Geiger, 5 and Le-s and Kubota 6
and others.
The constant density solution to the hypersonic inviscid flow p a s t a
sphere (at zero angle of incidence) in the absence of dissociation or ionization
has been consideredby Lighthillfl Li and Geiger, 5 Koon-Sang wan s and
Linnel. 9
The present author has considered the above problem in the presence
of dissociation or ionization under the following assumptions : (a) The shock
wave is in the shape of a sphere of radius Rs. (b) The density ratio K along
the shock is constant. (c) The flow behind the shock is of constant density.
(d) The dissociation or ionization of air occurs behind the shock. It is further
Hypersonic Flow Pasta Sphere 399

assumed that the constant density assumption is not invalidated by dissoeiation

or ionization and all changes of state take place at thermodynamic equilibrium,
i.e., the relaxation times are assumed to be zero.
Equations are obtained giving velocity, pressure, temperature, velocity
of air, shock detachment distance, pressure and drag coefficient, vorticity,
st:,gnation point velocity gradient, sonic points, etc., and eomparison has
been made with the corresponding results when dissociation or ionization
does not occur. Further, graphs have been plotted showing pressure, drag,
vorticity and stagnation point velocity gradient distributions.

C o n s i d e r a hypersonic flow field over a sphere at zero angle of incidence.
The density p of the flow in the shock layer is assumed to be constant, and
is equal p~,/p = K, where the value of K depends on the free stream Mach
number, m,~ and the ratio of the specific heats, v~.
Making use of spherical polar co-ordinates, the radial (normal) component
of the velocity is given by

-- si¡ (1)

The tangential component of the velocity is expressed as

IfiR (2)
pu = R-si¡ "
The stream function immediately behind the shock equals that immediately
in front of it.

~bs0 = 890| 2 sint0. (3)

The vorticity is given by

W,~ (1 -- K)" R sin O. (4)
oJ0 = _ _ KRs ~
The stream funetion r satisfies the equation
sin 0 ( 1 ) _ (1 -- K ) ' p~W~ Rt sin'& (5)
~bRa + - R ) - si¡ " ~b~ 0 -- K~ R s ~
The boundary conditions are: u = v = 0, at the stagnation point, v = 0
on the sufface of the sphere; u = W| sin O, v = -- KW,~ cos 0 at the shock


The thermodynamic state of a gas behind a shock wavo is calculatod
from Rankirte Hugoniot equations of the conservation of mass, enr
and momentum across a shock wave. For weak shocks which do not causo
any dissociation of the gas, the state behind the shock can be calculated easily.
But in the case of strong shock which occurs in the case of hypersonic vehicles,
the gas behind the shock dissociates or ionizes and the calculation of the
state behind the shock becomes complicated. But the equations can be
solved by means of successive iterations.

Here, the equilibrium conditions behind the shock in the presenee of

dissociation or ionization are determined by means of correlatiorr equations
developed by Waiter and Choudhury. lo The equations can be expressed as:

Ps___o= 1 . 2 7 M 2 c o s 2 0 (6)

V**asaz m,, Ts#

- T a , . 2 = m T~ = 0 " 1 2 7 M ~ c ~ (7)

hs9 w
h-~ - 1 + 0- 2 M**z cos 20 (8)

where yo* = 1.4 and K = 0" 1, for all Mo* in hypersonic ftow when dissociation
or ionization occurs. The values of v and m can be determined frorn tables
of thermodynamic properties of air. 1~ It is also assumed that in the
flow behind the shock, the conditions between the shock and the surface
approximate to the conditions just downstream of the shock. Henee m and
v may be considered to be constant between the shock and surface. In the
absence of dissociation or ionization v = yo* ----- 1.4, m = mo* = 28"97.
When mo*-----20, v = l . 1 7 . 1 2

(3.1) Deflection of the Stream as it comes out of the Shock Wave

The deflection at the point (Rs, O) on the shock is zero. The deflection
of the stream at the point (Rs, 0) in the presence of dissociation or ionizat…
is given by

9 cot O
tan a = I0 + cotZO " (9)

Hence the deflection depends upon O, for same Mo* and it increase$ due to
dissociation or ionization,
Hypersonic Flow Past a Sphere ~.01

The solution of (5) at any point (R, O) can be expressed as,

@= _ ~ 0 i<.2 . . . . .

in the presente of dissociation or ionization.


U= W''2(130K
si"O[ --K)'(s (Rs s] (11)
('Rs 3
V = (12)

From (11) and (12),

UI ,0 2
m m ~ 1 (13)
(alWj, + (a2w|
which is ah ellipse.
12 (1 -- K) 2 tD\(R~f-+ 2 A -- B tU_,,{
30 K

3(1 - K) 2 "~'~z~'-}3-t- A + B .R_., (.~s_)3

'~z _ ---s-15 K """ "

(4.1) Shock Detachment Distante

The shock detachment distartce in the presence of dissociation or ioniza-
tion is obtained from (10), by putting ~b = 0 at the surface of the sphere.
The approximate solution is given by
A (K -- 2 K ~) -- 2-KS/2(l -- K) 1/2
R~ . . . . . (1 - 8-K + 8 K ~) -- 0.0714 (13)

as K = 0-1. Hence it is independertt of M~, and is displaced towards the

~urfaer of the sphere dur to dissociation or iortizaUon,

(4.2) Velocity, Pressure, Temperature, Velacity of Sound and Mach Number, etc.

The velocity, pressure, temperature, v e k ~ t y o f sotmd and Mar aumber,

etc., in the presente of dissociation or ionJzation o f air behind the shock ate
expressed as:
qe ~ = W| ~ [~12 sinO0 -l- ~t2:cos:0] (14)
qee2 = W| 2 sinO0 • 0.277729 05)
qse 2 = W~: [sin:0 + 0.01 cos20] 06)
Po - - [1"34 -{- 37"8 sinZO .,~s -- 7 {;~i* sjalo "+" ~ s cos*O}] M o s





-0") b,

Fxo. I . Shock dr162 distancr for a zphere.


,, = t,.+3 (,L)'-, (~)' + o.7,(~)t

P eo = [1-34 -- 7 sinJO • 0 . 2 7 7 7 2 9 ] M | s
Hypersonic Flow Pasta Sphere 403

m** T s v,, a s ~ _ [0" 134 + 3" 78 ha sin20 -- 0 . 7

~T-~-- ~a. ~-
• {,~z2 sinO0 + ~22 cos20}] M~ 2 (19)

m,~ TB8
--~ v,, aBoe2 -- [0.134 --0"7 sin20 • 0"277729] M~ ~
~ ---- -/,-a~ (20)

= A12sin20 + ~22_cos20
v [0'134 + 3"78 sin=0.)t3- 0.7 {~x~sin=0 + A22cos=0}

MaeS = sinZ0 x 0.277729 (22)
v [0.134 -- 0.7 sinO0 • 0.277729]

ras02 = sin20 + 0.01 cosZ0

v [0" 127 costO)

The deflection of the stream at any point (R, O) between the shock and the
surfaee is given by,

(~'~ - - 1) tanO
= ~t (24)
I + ~~ tan~O

The velocity, pressure, temperature, Mach number, etc., in the region

along the axis including the stagnation in the presence of dissociation or
ionization ase special tases of the results given above and can be obtained by
putting # = 0 in equations (14) to (23).

(4.3) Pressure Coefficient

The pressure coet¡ at any point (RB, 0) on the surface of the spher9
in the presente of dissoeiation or ionization is obtained from (18) and can
be expressed as:
Cpe = v ~ - ~ z [{1.34 -- 7 sinSO • 0.277729} M,~ t -- 1]. (25)

The dcrivativc of the pressure eo9162162 is zr at the stagnation point, i.e.,

(~_,1r o -_o. ~~~~



Ca, Cp, C,o Cp0

M~ voo 0 (with dis- (without dis- 0 (with dis- (without dis-
soeiation) sociation) sociation) sociation)

10 1"4 0~ 1"9000 1-8250 15~ 1"7139 1"6461

15 1"4 0~ 1.9079 1.8297 15~ 1.'7150 1"6493
20 1"4 0~ 1"9107 1"8313 15~ 1"7247 1"6516

c~ 1"4 0~ 1"9143 1"8334 15~ 1"7282 1"6539


Co C~
MoO VoO (with dis- (without dis-
sociation) soeiation)

10 1.4 1.02268 0.9788

15 1.4 1.03856 0.9800

20 1 94 1.04428 O. 9808

oo 1 "4 1 "05120 0"9882

Similarly, the pressure coefficient at the stagnation point is given by,

Cp0- 2
v**M2 [l. 34 M~ ~ -- l ]. (27)

The pressure coefficient o n the surface o f the sphere in the case of dissociation
of air is given below and comparison has been made with the results obtained
when air is not dissociated or ionized.

In both the cases the pressure coefficient Cp decreases z.s 0 increases when
M,, remains constant. Further due to dissociation of ionization ir inr
for same M| and O. Again it increases as M,, increases, others remaining
r but ir is rather insensitive to the variation of M,~.
Hypersonic Flow Past a Sphere 405


~4. i.j

, i
@ t5

FIo. 2. Pressure distribution on a sphere.

at, Pressure cozfficient, Cz at the stagnation point with dissoeiation.

bt, Pressure eoefficient, Cp at the stagnation point without dissociation.
ca, Pressure coefficient, Cp at the point (0 = 15o) with dissociation.
dt, Pressure coefficient, Cp at the point (0 --- 15o) without dissociation.

(4.4) Vorticity
The vorticity on the body surface can influence both skin-friction and
heat transfer and shock radius of curvature is an essential parameter for
the calculation of the vorticity. The vorticity in the presence of dissociation
or ionization can be obtained from (4) and (13) and can be expressed as:

W** (7.05637) R sin 0 (28)

to 0 -~ ~ RBs

W~ (7.05637) sin 0 (29)

~ = -- RB

W~, (7.5602) sin 0 (30)

tOsO = ~ RB

The vortieity is zero along the axis (0 = 0) including the stagnation point
and increases as 0 increases. It is independent of free-stream Mach number.
Comparing the present results with the results obtained in the case when no
dissociation or ionization is present, it can be easily verified that the vorticity
inereases due to dissociation or ionization. Moreover to distinguish between
these two cases, graphs havr been drawn showing the vorticity distribution..


1"7 1/'. 91
vaZ6aut dr

~tb d/~ociah~.
(r Wrt/dt,~-R~
(d) Vart,›162
! 9 o. ~o



f J
5 W /5 90
~och hunden, M..
FIG. 3. Vorticity distribution on a sphere and shock wave.

(4.5) Drag Coefficient

The ck'ag coefficient (neglecting the skin friction) in the presence of dissoci-
ation of ionization can )~e obtained from (25) and expressed as:
CI> = -~-~/vi
~ ~[~"~ ~ 4 - 7 • 0-2277729,~ , , ~ , 1] . (31 )

The drag coeiticient in the presence and absence of dissociation of ion-

ization is given below:
In both the cases, the drag coet¡ very slow'y increases as Mo, increases.
For same M,,, Cv increases due to dissociation or ionization. Graphs hay.
been plottr showing the drag distribution in both the tases.
Hypersonic Flow P a s t a Sphere 407

ac ~ i o n ~,,t ~.t~'~ 9,~d~ot,

hIr poiot r graaieot.
li'..) J


FIG. 4. Stagnation point velocitygradir on a sphr

(4.6) Stagnation Point Velocity Gradient

It is weU known that the heat transfer rate depends on the magnitude
of the velocity gradient along the body surface. Hence the velocity gradient
at the stagnation point is a quantity of considerable importance in the blunt
body heating problem and is particularly important for designers of the
inter-continental ballistic missiles and other hypersonic vehieles.
The proeess of aerodynamics heat transfer at hypersonic velocities is
eomplicated by dissociation or ionization of air due to high static temperature
encountered by the body when the air is decelerated by shock wave and by
viscous forces in the boundary layer or at stagnation point. As dissociation
or ionization (and their reverse process recombination) proceed at fmite
rates, thermochemical equilibrium is not necessarily achieved throughout
the fiow field, and such rates are therefore a neeessary ingredient of the flow
process. Moreover, diffusion of atoms or ions, which recombine with a
high specific energy release, may appreciably add to the heat transferred by
normal molecular conduction. In addition, the high stagnation temperaturr
aceompanying flight at extreme hypersonic Mach number renders the air
sufficiently ionized behind the bowshock so that it may be regarded as ah
electrically conducting fluid. Under these circumstances, the presenee
of a magnetic field will tend to modify both the outer inviscid flow and the
boundary layer. Since the magnetic body force always tends to retard the
fluid motion, the velocity gradient at the outer edge of the boundary layer
will be reduced, thus reducing the heat transfer rate. A complete heat transfer

analysis must account for these effects. In the present analysis only the
effect of dissociation or ionization is considered.

at J
r to


r---- I

Mar~ Numt~,M.
FIG. 5. Drag distribution on a sphere.
at, Drag coefficient, C~, at the surface of the sphere with dissociation (prescnt
bt, Drag coeflicient, Co, at the surface of the sphere obtained by Strand (without
c~, Drag coet¡ C~, at the surface of the sphr162without dissociation (preseat
dl, Drag coeflkient, Cz,, at the surface of the sphere by method of Sr162 arc taagent
fits (without dissociation).

In the present case, the velocity gradient at the stagnation point in the
presente of dissociation or ionization can be determined from (10).

( ~0/o-o
~uB'~ = W,o • 0 . 5 2 7 (32)

which is independent of Mach number M,~. Thus the velocity gradient at

the stagnation point is reduced by dissociation or ionization.

(4.7) Sonic Line, Limiting Characteristic and Transonic Region

The difficulty in solving the mathematical problem of determining the
detached shock and the flow behind the shock for a given body lies principally
in the fact that the flow around the body is a non-linear mixed supersonic-
subsonic flow, with unknown curved shock in front of it a s a free boundary.
However, in the present case it is known. But the location of the "limiting
characteristic" which generally intersects the sonic line at one point is unknown.
The disturbance in the region between the sonic line and the " limiting
Hypersonic Flow Pasta Sphere 409

characteristic" would affeet-tho shape of the sonie line and the subsonie
flow field upstream. This suI~rsonic region may be referred as the " t r a n -
sonic zone ". Moreover, the presence of dissociation or ionization will
affect the sonie line, sonic points, etc.

(4.71) Sonic points or~ the shock and the surface of the sphere and the
pressure at the sonic point on the surface of the sphere. The sonic points
on the shock in the presence of dissoeiation or ionization are determined
from (23) and can be expressed as:

cos ~ 0s = I (33)
0.99 + v_ • 0" 127

Similarly, the so~ª points on the surface of the sphere is determined from
(22) and can be written as:

- - • 0.134
in~0B = v~, (34)
0.277729 1 + v~
iv x0.7
Similarly, the critical pressure PB aonic/Po is determined from (18) and (34).

P_B_,0_~~~= 1 -34 -- 7 • 0"277729 sin~Oa ,o,Lo (35)

Po 1-34

The sonic points on the shock and the surface- of the sphere and PB ,o,to/P0
are given below:

In both the cases (with or without dissociation), the sonic points on the
shock and the surface and .p~ .oJPo are rather insensitive to the variation of
M,o. The sonic points more towards the axis due to dissociation of ionization.
But PB ~~,JPo increases due to dissociation or ionization.

(4.72) Angle between the sonic line and the surface of the sphere.--The
geometrical quantity which characterizes the behaviour of the sonic
line near the body is the angle it makes with the body. The main poirtt is
to ¡ out whether the angle is acute or obtuse, as this is important in deter-
mining whether the body shape has influence on the transonic zone.


P, soule Pis |oale

os os o. o, yo po
Mr162 Ira91 (with dis- (without dis- (with dis- (without dis- (with dis- (without dis-
sociation) sociation) sociation) soeiation) sociation) sociation)

10 1.4 ,1-17 ~ 27' ,1,22 ~ 26-7' ,1,30 ~ 3 6 . 5 ' ,1,32 ~ 10.25' 0.6239 0.5879

20 1-4 4-17 ~ 12-9' ~22 ~ 24' -1-30~ 17.7' ,1,32~ 4' 0.6311 0-5882

In the presence of dissociation or ionization, the expression which deter-

mines the angle which sonic line makes with the body is given by:

tan/3 = - bq~-~
-~~ son|e


~~/IB -- ~176-- kRB ] " (37)

From (4) and (37)

( ~_qe'~ .o.~~
(q_~d~ ['(1 -- K ) ' W . sin O •
= k RB/,,.tc L K qBo (RB
R~/ - l ] . ~ (38)

(1--KK)2 -- 8"1 \Rss)(RB~2

= 0'871048, (W**_qª sin 0)
= 1

Hence (~qo/~~l)~,o.ic is positive and (~qo/~C)B,o,tc is always positive. Thus

for a sphere in the presente of dissociation or ionization, the angle fl is obtuse
in air (v,, = 1.4) whereas in the two-dimensional case (a cylinder) it is aeute.
For a sphere in the absence of dissociation or ionization, 3 is obtuse in air
(v,, = 1-4) ir M.~ > 3.
Similarly, the angle between the sonic line and the free-stream al the
shock wave in the presence of dissociation or ionization is given by:
tan 0.o~i~[3(v~ + I ) K 2 + ( 5 - v~o)tan~O.,,,.]
tan 4, = (tan~0~0,1c _ K2) [(v~ + 1) K 2 + 2 tan"0,,,,lf (39)
Hypersonic Flow Pasta Sphere 411


(v** = 1 "4)

Without With Percentage Without With Percentage

dissociation dissociation difference dissociation dissociation difference

M. I I 20 20 .. 20 20 ..
O 9
0o 0o .. 15~ 15 ~ ..

K 0 9 0.1687 0.1 --40.7 0.1687 0. I --40.7

0 0 zero 0.1741 0.1364 -2i.6
0.1687 0.1 --40"7 0"3058 0"27625 --9"6
P, 513"764 536 4"3 463"464 483"912 4.2

1"1012 1"0551 --4.18 I "0627 1 "0209 --3 "9

Ps 466"528 508 8.89 436.1132 473.9702 8"6
a, s
a~ 2 86"672 44.816 --48.29 78.1864 40.4608 --48.25

a, s 1.1012 1"0551 --4.18 1.0627 1.0209 --3"9

aw g
78"703 42.474 --46.03 73.5723 39"629 --46.13

-- R I
0 0 zero 0.8474 1.7263 103.7

b Rx
0 0 zero 0.9467 1.9567 106.7

M, B 9 0 0 zero 0.3937 0.4290 8"9

O B 0.3830 0"3068 --19"8 0.7137 0.8779 23
C, 9 9 1.8313 1.9107 4-3 1"6516 1"7247 4"2

O g 0 0 zero 42 ~ 48.3' 54 ~ 32' 27"2


whcre K = 0.1, v~ = 1 -4 and 0~o,~ocan bo determined f r o m (33). C o m p a t -

ing results with dissociation with results without dissociation, the present
investigation shows that for the same M~, dissociation or ionization o f aiI
reduces the value o f 0~o~i~.

To illustrate the effects of dissociation or ionization o n the inviscid hyper-
sonic, flow of air past the sphere, rtumerical calculations have been made,
taking M~ = 20, 0 = 0 ~ and 15 ~ and the results are compared with the corrcs-
ponding results when dissociatiori or ionization is absent.

(5 1) Discussion o f the Results o f Tables I V and V

In the above tables, the results have been obtained for b o t h the conditions
(i.e., with er without dissociation or ionization of air) for M~ = 20 on the
st.if ce of the sphere and the shock wave, when 0 = 0 ~ a n d 15 o. In the

v~ = 1.4

Without With Percentage

dissociation dissociation difference

M~ 20 20
K .. 0.1687 0.1 --40.7

,2~ 0. 1185 0.0714 --39.7

R B " "

W~\~o)o=o ,. 0.6726 0,527 -21.6

P ,onl~ .. 95882 O"6311 7" 3

C~ .. 0"9808 1"04428 6"07
O,.... i,. .. +32 ~ 4' 30 ~ 17.7' --6.2
0.... t,, .. 4-22 ~ 24' 17~ 12"9' --22"7

case of density o f air and velocily o f sound, there is marked difference between
the results of the two cases in both the regions, although the differenee bet-
ween the pressure is less pronounced. Due to dissociation o r i o n i z a t i o n
Hypersonic Flow Past a Sphere 413

of air, while the pressure increases, the density, the temperature and the
velocity of sound decrease, M~ remaining same. While the velocity (q~~/W=)o
at the stagnation point in the presence of dissociation or ionization remains
the same as before, (qs/W~) decreases at the shock wave (0 = 0). Similarly,
in the region when 0 = 15o, due to dissociation or ionization, the'velocity
both at the surface of the body (qB/W~) and at the shock (qs/W=) decreases.
Due to dissociation or ionization, vorticity rapidly increases both at the shock
and the surface in the region, when 0 = 15o. The Mach number at the stag-
nation point is zero in both the cases. While due to dissociation, the Mach
number at the shock in the region, when 0 = 0 o, decreases, the Mach number
both at the shock and the surface of the sphere in the region, when 0 = 15o,
increases. Similarly, the pressure coefficient increases due to dissociation
in both the regions (0 = 0 ~ and 15~

From Table V, it can be seen that due to dissociation or ionization,

the shock wave is displaced towards the body, the velocity at the stagnation
point decreases, the drag co~fficient and p~ ~o,tc/Po increasc, and the sonic
points on the shock and the body are displaced towards the axis.


The iffterest in hypersonic flow around blunt bodies in the presence of

dissociation or ionization has been stimulated in the last few years by inter-
continental ballistic missile and satellite programmes. High speed Re-Entry
Missiles, especially those in the intercontinental class, re-enter the earth's
atmosphere at sucia tremendous speeds that the gas behind the shock may
become highly dissociated and ionized. Ionization renders the gas electrically
conducting and hence capable of being affected by electromagnetic fields.
One of the chief problems associated with the re-entry of an intercontinental
ballistic missile is that of convective heating. As the gas near the stagnation
region is conducting, the presence of magnetic field influences the skin friction,
heat transfer and total drag and the heat transfer rate depends upon the
stagnation point velocity gradient.

The present paper considers the effects of dissociat;on or ionization

of ah" on inviscid hypersonic flow p a s t a sphere, at zero angle of incidente,
with a detached curved shock. Expressions ha~,e been obtained giving velo-
city, pressure, temperature, Mac¡ number, snock detachment distance, vorticity
pressure and drag coeffic~ent sonic po ints and stagnation point velocity gradi-
ent, etc., in the presence of dissociation of ionization. While pressure co-
efficient is maximum at lhe stagnation point, the pressure gradient vanishes

at that point. While velocity is zero at the stagnation point, the stagnation
po nt velocity gradient does not vanish at it. Due to dissociation or ionization,
the pressure, 1he pressure and drag coef¡ vorticity, etc., increase, but
the velocity, the velocity of sound, the density, 1he shock detachment d/stance,
etc., decrease.
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