0396 0415
0396 0415
0396 0415
(Lecturer in Mathematics, Th~k61y.Ÿ Budapest XIV, Hungary)
Received Septr 28, 1963
~ke,~e0, etc.
30' b0 z "
= condition in free stream.
Ss = cortdition just behind the shock at the point (Rs, 0).
St = condition just behind the shock at the point (Rs, O).
O = stagnation point condition.
B. = condition on the surfacc of thc sphere at the point (RB, 0).
O = condition at any point (R, 0).
= condition at any point (R, O) along the axis (0 = 0).
THE problem of obtaining aerodynamic inf£ at hypersonic flight
speeds has eurrently received considerable interest in connection with the
development of intercontinental ballistic missiles, satellites, and space vehicles.
For flight Mach numbers greater than about 10, air can no longer be considered
as being a simple mixture of diatornic oxygen and nitrogen. At Mach
number 20, the air temperature behind a normal shock wave for a blunt
body can be as high as 6500 ~ K. during re-entry. At these hypersonic speeds
air is greatly decelerated and undergoes considerable change in composition.
Dissociation of oxygen and nitrogen occurs and possibly also thermal ion-
ization. The convective heat transfer will, a s a result, be altered from what
it was for the "perfect gas ". The decelerated gas becomes capable of radiat-
ing energy and the radiative heat transfer must generally be considered for
hypersonic vehicles, particularly, for long range ballistie rockets. It is not
only the aerodynamic heating problems that are affected, but at very high
temperature the gas (or air) becomes electrically conductive, and introduces
new problems in radio wave transmission and reception. In addition, a
conducting gas flow can be influenced by a magnetic field. The magnetie
field can alter skin friction, heat transfer, and total drag, etc.
It is well known that a blunt body in supersonic or hypersonic flight is
accompanied by a detached curved shock with a resultant mixed flow field
between the body and the shock. The practical importanee of blunt-nosed
bodies has led to many recent investigations of hypersonic flow with detached
curved shock, and these are both of inverse and direct type. The inverse
problem in the absence of dissociation or ionization is considered by Zlotnick
and Newman, ~ Garabedian and Lieberstein, 2 and van Dyke 3 and others.
The direct problem in the absence of dissociation or iorfization is
considered by Maslen and Moeckel,4 Liand Geiger, 5 and Le-s and Kubota 6
and others.
The constant density solution to the hypersonic inviscid flow p a s t a
sphere (at zero angle of incidence) in the absence of dissociation or ionization
has been consideredby Lighthillfl Li and Geiger, 5 Koon-Sang wan s and
Linnel. 9
The present author has considered the above problem in the presence
of dissociation or ionization under the following assumptions : (a) The shock
wave is in the shape of a sphere of radius Rs. (b) The density ratio K along
the shock is constant. (c) The flow behind the shock is of constant density.
(d) The dissociation or ionization of air occurs behind the shock. It is further
Hypersonic Flow Pasta Sphere 399
C o n s i d e r a hypersonic flow field over a sphere at zero angle of incidence.
The density p of the flow in the shock layer is assumed to be constant, and
is equal p~,/p = K, where the value of K depends on the free stream Mach
number, m,~ and the ratio of the specific heats, v~.
Making use of spherical polar co-ordinates, the radial (normal) component
of the velocity is given by
-- si¡ (1)
~bs0 = 890| 2 sint0. (3)
Ps___o= 1 . 2 7 M 2 c o s 2 0 (6)
hs9 w
h-~ - 1 + 0- 2 M**z cos 20 (8)
where yo* = 1.4 and K = 0" 1, for all Mo* in hypersonic ftow when dissociation
or ionization occurs. The values of v and m can be determined frorn tables
of thermodynamic properties of air. 1~ It is also assumed that in the
flow behind the shock, the conditions between the shock and the surface
approximate to the conditions just downstream of the shock. Henee m and
v may be considered to be constant between the shock and surface. In the
absence of dissociation or ionization v = yo* ----- 1.4, m = mo* = 28"97.
When mo*-----20, v = l . 1 7 . 1 2
The deflection at the point (Rs, O) on the shock is zero. The deflection
of the stream at the point (Rs, 0) in the presence of dissociation or ionizat…
is given by
9 cot O
tan a = I0 + cotZO " (9)
Hence the deflection depends upon O, for same Mo* and it increase$ due to
dissociation or ionization,
Hypersonic Flow Past a Sphere ~.01
@= _ ~ 0 i<.2 . . . . .
in the presente of dissociation or ionization.
U= W''2(130K
si"O[ --K)'(s (Rs s] (11)
('Rs 3
V = (12)
(4.2) Velocity, Pressure, Temperature, Velacity of Sound and Mach Number, etc.
-0") b,
m,~ TB8
--~ v,, aBoe2 -- [0.134 --0"7 sin20 • 0"277729] M~ ~
~ ---- -/,-a~ (20)
= A12sin20 + ~22_cos20
v [0'134 + 3"78 sin=0.)t3- 0.7 {~x~sin=0 + A22cos=0}
MaeS = sinZ0 x 0.277729 (22)
v [0.134 -- 0.7 sinO0 • 0.277729]
The deflection of the stream at any point (R, O) between the shock and the
surfaee is given by,
(~'~ - - 1) tanO
= ~t (24)
I + ~~ tan~O
Co C~
MoO VoO (with dis- (without dis-
sociation) soeiation)
20 1 94 1.04428 O. 9808
Cp0- 2
v**M2 [l. 34 M~ ~ -- l ]. (27)
The pressure coefficient o n the surface o f the sphere in the case of dissociation
of air is given below and comparison has been made with the results obtained
when air is not dissociated or ionized.
In both the cases the pressure coefficient Cp decreases z.s 0 increases when
M,, remains constant. Further due to dissociation of ionization ir inr
for same M| and O. Again it increases as M,, increases, others remaining
r but ir is rather insensitive to the variation of M,~.
Hypersonic Flow Past a Sphere 405
~4. i.j
, i
@ t5
(4.4) Vorticity
The vorticity on the body surface can influence both skin-friction and
heat transfer and shock radius of curvature is an essential parameter for
the calculation of the vorticity. The vorticity in the presence of dissociation
or ionization can be obtained from (4) and (13) and can be expressed as:
The vortieity is zero along the axis (0 = 0) including the stagnation point
and increases as 0 increases. It is independent of free-stream Mach number.
Comparing the present results with the results obtained in the case when no
dissociation or ionization is present, it can be easily verified that the vorticity
inereases due to dissociation or ionization. Moreover to distinguish between
these two cases, graphs havr been drawn showing the vorticity distribution..
1"7 1/'. 91
vaZ6aut dr
~tb d/~ociah~.
(r Wrt/dt,~-R~
(d) Vart,›162
! 9 o. ~o
f J
5 W /5 90
~och hunden, M..
FIG. 3. Vorticity distribution on a sphere and shock wave.
hIr poiot r graaieot.
li'..) J
analysis must account for these effects. In the present analysis only the
effect of dissociation or ionization is considered.
at J
r to
r---- I
Mar~ Numt~,M.
FIG. 5. Drag distribution on a sphere.
at, Drag coefficient, C~, at the surface of the sphere with dissociation (prescnt
bt, Drag coeflicient, Co, at the surface of the sphere obtained by Strand (without
c~, Drag coet¡ C~, at the surface of the sphr162without dissociation (preseat
dl, Drag coeflkient, Cz,, at the surface of the sphere by method of Sr162 arc taagent
fits (without dissociation).
In the present case, the velocity gradient at the stagnation point in the
presente of dissociation or ionization can be determined from (10).
( ~0/o-o
~uB'~ = W,o • 0 . 5 2 7 (32)
characteristic" would affeet-tho shape of the sonie line and the subsonie
flow field upstream. This suI~rsonic region may be referred as the " t r a n -
sonic zone ". Moreover, the presence of dissociation or ionization will
affect the sonie line, sonic points, etc.
(4.71) Sonic points or~ the shock and the surface of the sphere and the
pressure at the sonic point on the surface of the sphere. The sonic points
on the shock in the presence of dissoeiation or ionization are determined
from (23) and can be expressed as:
cos ~ 0s = I (33)
0.99 + v_ • 0" 127
Similarly, the so~ª points on the surface of the sphere is determined from
(22) and can be written as:
- - • 0.134
in~0B = v~, (34)
0.277729 1 + v~
iv x0.7
Similarly, the critical pressure PB aonic/Po is determined from (18) and (34).
The sonic points on the shock and the surface- of the sphere and PB ,o,to/P0
are given below:
In both the cases (with or without dissociation), the sonic points on the
shock and the surface and .p~ .oJPo are rather insensitive to the variation of
M,o. The sonic points more towards the axis due to dissociation of ionization.
But PB ~~,JPo increases due to dissociation or ionization.
(4.72) Angle between the sonic line and the surface of the sphere.--The
geometrical quantity which characterizes the behaviour of the sonic
line near the body is the angle it makes with the body. The main poirtt is
to ¡ out whether the angle is acute or obtuse, as this is important in deter-
mining whether the body shape has influence on the transonic zone.
10 1.4 ,1-17 ~ 27' ,1,22 ~ 26-7' ,1,30 ~ 3 6 . 5 ' ,1,32 ~ 10.25' 0.6239 0.5879
20 1-4 4-17 ~ 12-9' ~22 ~ 24' -1-30~ 17.7' ,1,32~ 4' 0.6311 0-5882
mines the angle which sonic line makes with the body is given by:
tan/3 = - bq~-~
-~~ son|e
( ~_qe'~ .o.~~
(q_~d~ ['(1 -- K ) ' W . sin O •
= k RB/,,.tc L K qBo (RB
R~/ - l ] . ~ (38)
(v** = 1 "4)
M. I I 20 20 .. 20 20 ..
O 9
0o 0o .. 15~ 15 ~ ..
a, s 1.1012 1"0551 --4.18 1.0627 1.0209 --3"9
aw g
78"703 42.474 --46.03 73.5723 39"629 --46.13
-- R I
0 0 zero 0.8474 1.7263 103.7
b Rx
0 0 zero 0.9467 1.9567 106.7
To illustrate the effects of dissociation or ionization o n the inviscid hyper-
sonic, flow of air past the sphere, rtumerical calculations have been made,
taking M~ = 20, 0 = 0 ~ and 15 ~ and the results are compared with the corrcs-
ponding results when dissociatiori or ionization is absent.
v~ = 1.4
M~ 20 20
K .. 0.1687 0.1 --40.7
case of density o f air and velocily o f sound, there is marked difference between
the results of the two cases in both the regions, although the differenee bet-
ween the pressure is less pronounced. Due to dissociation o r i o n i z a t i o n
Hypersonic Flow Past a Sphere 413
of air, while the pressure increases, the density, the temperature and the
velocity of sound decrease, M~ remaining same. While the velocity (q~~/W=)o
at the stagnation point in the presence of dissociation or ionization remains
the same as before, (qs/W~) decreases at the shock wave (0 = 0). Similarly,
in the region when 0 = 15o, due to dissociation or ionization, the'velocity
both at the surface of the body (qB/W~) and at the shock (qs/W=) decreases.
Due to dissociation or ionization, vorticity rapidly increases both at the shock
and the surface in the region, when 0 = 15o. The Mach number at the stag-
nation point is zero in both the cases. While due to dissociation, the Mach
number at the shock in the region, when 0 = 0 o, decreases, the Mach number
both at the shock and the surface of the sphere in the region, when 0 = 15o,
increases. Similarly, the pressure coefficient increases due to dissociation
in both the regions (0 = 0 ~ and 15~
at that point. While velocity is zero at the stagnation point, the stagnation
po nt velocity gradient does not vanish at it. Due to dissociation or ionization,
the pressure, 1he pressure and drag coef¡ vorticity, etc., increase, but
the velocity, the velocity of sound, the density, 1he shock detachment d/stance,
etc., decrease.
1. Zlotnick, M. and New- "Theoretical calculation of the flow on blunt-nosed axisymmetric
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5. Li, T. Y. and Geiger, R. E. "Stagnation point of a blunt body in hypersonic flow," Ibid.,
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6. Less, L. and Kubota, T . . . "lnviscid hypersonic flow over blunt-nosed slender bodies,'~
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7. Hayes, W. D. and Hypersonic Flow Theory, Academic Press, New York, 1959,
Probstein, R. F. rP. 158-238.
15. Hodget, A. J. .. "The drag coef¡ of very high velocity spheres," Journal
of the Aeronautical Sciences, Oct. 1957, 24 (10', 755-58.
16. Li, Ta "Arc-Tangent Fits for pressure and pressure drag coef¡
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Journalofthe Aero-Space Sciences, April 1960, 27, (4),