Sample Audit Balanced Scorecard

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Key Objective Outcome Measures Activity Measures

•     Amount lost to fraud detected from financial compliance audits.

•     Amount lost to fraud detected by internal audit (IA) through data mining and data
Revenue lost to fraud.
•     Amount unaccounted for through revenue reconciliation and operating expenses.

Minimize Fraud Risks

•     Percentage of employees who receive ethics compliance training.

Total annual number of fraudulent occurrences. •     Number of calls to fraud hotline.
•     Number of fraudulent activities discovered.

•     Number of audit requests.

•     Percentage of audit recommendations implemented.
Percentage of audit customers who say they are "highly satisfied" •     Percentage of audit customers audited by the same auditor within the past three
with IA. years.
•     Percentage of new business initiatives in which IA is invited to participate during
planning sessions.

•     Percentage of auditors with certification.

Build the IA department as •     Percentage of auditors with non-audit business experience.
Percentage of audits performed by third-party providers.
an internal knowledge •     Percentage of staff auditors who "own" specific business unit audit duties
•     Percentage of audit customers who request outside expertise to conduct audits.

•     Internal audit turnover rate.

•     Average years of experience of new hires.
Percentage of IA budget resources devoted to orientation, work
•     Average tenure of each staff auditor.
paper reviews and training.
•     Average number of hours to complete an audit.
•     Number of audits performed per year per auditor.

•     Percentage of business units for which the company has a risk management
Minimize exposure to •     Percentage of business units with ongoing risk assessments.
Percentage of business units undergoing annual risk assessments.
unexpected risk. •     Percentage of managers trained to assess their own risk.
•     Percentage of business units with a pre-determined risk threshold to trigger

•     Lead time to fulfill audit requests.

•     Percentage of risk-based audits.
Audit Flexibility Percentage of total audits not scheduled in the annual audit plan.
•     Percentage of audits requested by business managers.
•     Percentage of unfulfilled audit requests.

•     Percentage of potential mergers or acquisitions in which IA contributes to due

diligence review.
Percentage of business partners and suppliers that IA assesses for •     Percentage of service providers that undergo IA risk assessments.
Minimize third-party risk. risk. •     Percentage of suppliers and business partners that undergo IA risk assessments.
•     Percentage of joint ventures in which the IA function is pre-determined.

Omotola Akinbolajo
(Nov.12, 2019)

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