RENK Double Marine Gear Units en

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The key takeaways are that RENK offers high quality, durable marine gear units with over 140 years of experience in manufacturing. Their precision production and quality control results in reliable performance for ships.

RENK offers features like a turning device, CPP pump drive, multiple-disc clutches, and optional holding brakes to optimize propeller speed and regulate power transmission. They also develop customized solutions for customer demands.

RENK gear units are well-suited for offshore applications as they offer reliability, versatility, and efficiency through features like hydraulically actuated multiple-disc clutches and the ability to engage/disengage drives during operation.

Double Marine Gearboxes

Type NDS(H)(Q)(L)
RENK Double Marine Gear Solutions

Gear units
for the highest demands

Picture courtesy of ALP Maritime Services

NDS(H)(Q)(L) RENK quality standards

N = Parallel shafts More than 140 years of experience are the basis for the production of Thanks to the high standards of our internal quality control, RENK offers
DS = Double marine gear unit highly developed and efficient gear units, which are used in thousands of customers consistent high quality in the development and design of all
H = Bull wheel, case-hardened ships all over the world today. Precisely fitting gear units are our specialty. gear unit components: from gearing technology and axial bearing to the
Q = Quill shaft design We develop customized solutions for our customers’ demands. multi­ple-disc clutch. Precision and diligence in every step of the production
L = Multiple-disc clutch RENK gear units extend the performance of double engine marine as well as elaborate fine tuning of the separate components comprising
propulsion by offering a number of additional features. Propeller speed is the overall system are the key to our quality. RENK is able to manufacture
optimized and power transmission to the main engine is regulated. durable gear units which prove their reliability and high ­standard
of performance for decades and over thousands of miles.

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RENK Double Marine Gear Solutions

Hydraulically actuated
RENK multiple-disc clutches
Main propulsion engines as well as auxiliary
drives, auxiliary outputs and inputs con­
nected to the gear unit can be engaged or
disenga­ged during operation by means of
RENK multiple-disc clutches.
These multiple-disc clutches have been
specifically develo­ped by RENK and have
proven their high reliability and longevity
throughout many years, even under extreme
service conditions.
The discs of the hydraulically actuated
clutches are made of steel and the outer
discs are additionally provided with a profiled
inter coating. The discs are forced lubricated
and cooled. Clutch engagement/disengage-
ment is hydraulic.
The lube oil and clutch oil circuits are
incorporated into the gear unit lubrication
and cooling system.
The two-stage engagement system, also
developed and optimized by RENK, ensures
soft engagement with lowest possible wear.
To avoid increased heating at high power or
speeds, the discs are forced-segregated after

Offshore Optional equipment

Heavy duty applications such as the offshore

market require reliable equipment and Turning device CPP pump drive Multiple-disc clutch(es) Optional holding brakes
flexibility during operation. Outstanding This enables the turning of Additional mechanical pump Can be installed at the main For propulsion systems it is
features allow for reliability, versatility and the propeller shaft on ships drive at the PTO-shaft for shaft and PTO/PTH/PTI shaft possible to lock the propeller
efficiency for the vessel. with electrical propulsion for mounting of oil pump to to offer variable drive for safer and easier
safe and comfortable supply oil to the propeller. systems. maintenance work.
maintenance work.

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RENK Double Marine Gear Solutions

Noise reduction
The noise and vibration characteristics
of the gear units are crucial quality features,
particularly on ferries and cruise vessels.
RENK has demonstrated for many years that
even the highest requirements can be
fulfilled by combining different measures.
This can be verified already during the shop
test run.

The noise and vibration characteristics are

measured by means of a back-to-back test
during which the gear units are tested at
full Ioad.

Pictures courtesy of Fjord Line

Back-to-back test
Our RENK plants are equipped with state-of-the-art testing and gearing by a hydraulic torsion unit. The closed system is driven by the The quality assurance activities performed throughout the entire
measuring instruments. Double marine gear units up to the largest output shaft or the PTO-shaft. Thus, extensive air and structure-borne production cycle up to the final assembly comply with the require-
sizes can be back-to-back tested under Ioad. noise measurements as well as pressure and temperature measure- ments set forth by DIN ISO 9001 as well as with specific rules of
ments can be carried out under Ioad to allow correlations with the the classification societies.
ln a back-to-back test configuration, two double marine gear units operational performance on board. This extensive test is frequently
of mirrorinverted design are connected to each other. With this requested by customers and is often the final step within the scope of
configuration RENK is able to apply high partial or full Ioad to the comprehensive in-house and external quality assurance steps.

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RENK Double Marine Gear Solutions

Propulsion system concepts

Propulsion systems for ships, such as Ro-Pax ferries, supply vessels, ice breakers, etc., are often equipped with 1 or 2 propellers and The quill shaft design
2 to 4 engines. The power of two engines each is transmitted to the propeller by a double marine gear unit. For ships equipped with
auxiliary drives “Power Take off”, several designs are available. Double marine gear units for very high
power ranges and equipped with multiple-
disc clutches are provided with quill input
shafts resulting in the following

Drive Systems • clear functional separation of the

gearing from the input shaft thanks to
the hollow shaft design,
• in case of resiliently mounted engines
coupling Elastic Elastic the gear teeth are not adversely
coupling coupling
affected by misalignments,
Main • the specific bearing arrangement
engine Elastic Main Elastic Main
LK 1 coupling engine ensures optimum distribution of the
coupling engine 1

CPP Widely varying quill shaft combinations

can be realized with RENK multiple-disc
clutches for tailor-made PTO/PTH and
bearing Main Thrust PI configurations.
engine bearing Main Thrust
engine bearing Main
LK 2 engine 2

coupling Elastic
coupling Elastic

Thrust bearing Sleeve bearing Multiple-disc clutch


Primary PTO Secondary PTO PPTO via M/E 1 and

SPTO via M/E 2
Generator operation is possible even if the Generator operation is possible while the
propeller is at standstill. This means that propeller is rotating. Main engine, propeller Combination of both PTO alternatives,
electricity can still be generated with the and generators operating at the same time. offering a primary drive PTO drive,
main propulsion engine when the ship is not secondary PTO drive with twin screw
sailing, e.g. in harbors, or additio­nal pumps applications. Combinations of PTOs and
or auxiliary drives etc. can be driven. screw operation allow for efficient power
generation on board. E.g. single screw can
be operated while using both PTOs to
generate power on board.

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RENK Double Marine Gear Solutions

Reliability through precision

The dimensioning and design always focus
on the highest safety and lowest noise and
vibrations. These objectives are achieved by
virtue of the optimum fine tuning of macro
and micro gearing geometry.

High-quality gear units require bearings
with particular properties. RENK cares very
much about the selection of safe and amply
dimensioned­bearings that secure high
performance and a long ser­vice life.
Thick-walled radial and axial bearings with
circular thrust pads provide a trouble-free
and durable operation.
The following aspects are of parti­cular
Picture courtesy of ALP Maritime Services
• Maintenance of the thrust bearing is
possible without draining the oil and
disassembling the gear unit housing.
• A stern and ahead pads of the thrust
bearings are of identical construction, RENK product support – competent, effective
and always there for you.
a fact that simplifies replacements to
a considerable extent.

Our customer service is the central contact point for RENK maintenance and repair service –
our whole service line-up, be it for general questions maximized capacity and service life for ship gear units
Casing about our products and services or maintenance and
Our state-of-the-art maintenance and repair equipment ensures
repair enquiries. A team of experienced engineers
The design of the casing and the foundation first class service:
and highly qualified personnel supports you in your
consi­derably influences the Ioad-carrying
choice of individual solutions and accompanies the • 3D gear teeth measurement
characteristics of the gearing and bearings
quick execution of the contract – from development • 3D coordinate measuring machine
as well as noise and vibrations. For this
to implementation of our gear unit in the propul­sion • Crack testing, surface testing and ultrasonic testing
reason, the casings are built torsionally stiff
system of your ship. – Even after delivery and • Endoscope for internal inspection
with strong internal ribs and are partly
professional implementation of the RENK gear unit
manufactured with double walls. As a
our team stays a competent partner for all your Upon completion of the analysis, you will receive a study report
standard, the thrust bearing is located on
concerns. containing prevention measures and repair recommendations for
the engine side. This arrange­ment provides
high stiffness at the foundation in the thrust all components of the gear unit. We are available 24/7, we answer
bearing area by linking the gear units all of your questions and even at short notice we are able to provide
foundation with the engine foundation for technical personnel to help you complete your tasks quickly and
optimum absorption of the propeller thrust straightforwardly. Our competent team is kept up to date by regular
forces. training and is able to answer any new questions that may arise.

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RENK Aktiengesellschaft

Rheine Plant
Rodder Damm 170
48432 Rheine, Germany
Phone: +49 5971 790-0
Fax: +49 5971 790-208

A company of the MAN Group

Edition: 09/2017

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