Assima PILE Design Report Rev.1 - ARCADIS 11 - 05 - 2017 PDF

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Piled-Raft Foundation Design

Addendum Design Report
MAY 2017
VERSION CONTROL .......................................................................................................... II

1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 5


2.1 Allowable (Tolerable) Settlement & Angular Distortion Values .......................................................9
2.2 Cyclic Loading Considerations ...........................................................................................................9

3 GEOTECHNICAL INTERPRETATION .................................................................... 10

3.1 Additional Geotechnical Investigation and Idealised Ground Profile for Area 2 ........................ 10
3.2 Groundwater table ............................................................................................................................. 13
3.3 Seismicity ........................................................................................................................................... 13


LOAD TEST ...................................................................................................................... 14

4.1 Description of the Pile Load Test ..................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Evaluation of Additional Test ........................................................................................................... 19

5 DESIGN METHODOLOGY & ASSUMPTIONS ....................................................... 21

5.1 Geotechnical Design Parameters for Area 2................................................................................... 21
5.2 Pile Limiting Axial capacities for Area 2 ......................................................................................... 24

6.1 Structural Load Combinations ......................................................................................................... 29


7.1 Settlements......................................................................................................................................... 31
7.2 Pile Axial Loads ................................................................................................................................. 32
7.3 Global Safety Factor Analysis .......................................................................................................... 35
7.4 Structural Capacity Checks .............................................................................................................. 36

8 CRITICAL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS .................................................................. 44

9 CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................... 46

..................................................................................................................... 48
Plaxis 3D Output ............................................................................................................................................ 48
..................................................................................................................... 49
Structural Capacity Checks .......................................................................................................................... 49

..................................................................................................................... 50
Drawings ......................................................................................................................................................... 50

..................................................................................................................... 51
Additional Ground Investigation .................................................................................................................. 51

..................................................................................................................... 52
Relevant Correspondence ............................................................................................................................ 52

1 Introduction
ARCADIS has been appointed by Ahmadiah Contracting & Trading Co to design the piled
raft foundation of ASSIMA Tower and The Design Consultant / Engineer of the Project is PACE
Architecture Engineering + Planning Consultants.

Assima Tower is a 54 storey Tower, which is located in Sharq, Kuwait City.

An addendum to the previously submitted and approved Piled-Raft Foundation Design Report
Rev.1 dated 13/10/2016, was submitted on the 09/03/2017, considering the GI data and the
bi-directional pile load test, which were performed additionally in December 2016.

A meeting between all PACE, Ahmadiah and Arcadis took place on the 28/03/2017, during
which the submitted addendum was discussed. The present revision of the addendum,
incorporates the actions that were mutually agreed between PACE, Ahmadiah Contracting
and ARCADIS, during the aforementioned meeting, and is related to the need to assume that
Area 2 of reduced ground strength and deformation characteristics (as revealed by the
additional GI and the bi-directional pile load test) to cover the half of the Tower raft area.

As an introduction, the history of the Project is described below in more detail:

• The initial Piled Raft Design has been approved by the Engineer, as per TR No.
OT/ACT/TW/REPORTS-03 dated 15/11/2016;

• The aforesaid approval included the condition that for all 1.8m diameter piles, the concrete
cubic strength has to be 650kg/cm2. The initial location of Pile no. P76 has been shifted
to a new nearby location, due to the observed water ingress, while drilling, as a result of
the improper grouting of the drilled borehole BH-1. The need of having all the drilled
boreholes fully grouted (along their complete depth), had been strongly recommended by
Arcadis both in the Report and Drawings of the initial Design. Pile No. P76 was abandoned
and was replaced by a new pile, P76A, at 3.4m distance.

• The elevator pit, which was included in the previous design has been cancelled. This
resulted to the need to the design change of P39, leading to a new length of 18.0m.

• As per Drawing No. SK-ACT-ST-TW (included in Appendix C) received by Ahmadiah

Contracting & Trading Co on the 24/04/2017 and the information received from the
construction site, No. 99 piles had been casted.

• As per the information received by the site last November 2016, while drilling pile P1 (type
A pile, 1.8m diameter and 20m long, as per the initial design), certain ground instabilities
and water ingress were encountered at the depth of 17m approximately. These
observations resulted to the final abandonment of pile P1 and created also certain
concerns both for:

a. A possible local worsening in the quality of the encountered ground conditions (in
relation to the ones, as per the executed geotechnical investigations by KLC in
February 2016 and the pile O cell load test results, (executed by Stainstall Middle East
LLC) in July 2016and

b. The potential implications with the artesian aquifer, which had been found during the
geotechnical investigations by KLC in February 2016 at elevations varying between: -
38.15m KLD to -38.655m KLD.

• Pile P1 has been abandoned and replaced by pile P1A (1800mm diameter and 17m long).

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• Following the aforesaid difficulties / observations during the drilling of pile P1 and by
considering also that the remaining (to be constructed) piles are the ones carrying on the
maximum loads from the Tower structure, all pile construction activities were halted and
additional ground investigations in the area of concern were decided to be conducted.
This additional investigation comprised the drilling of 2 no. boreholes up to 22.5m depth
and the execution of 6 no. pressuremeter tests at depths of 11.3m, 16.3m and 21.3m (3
per borehole). All additional ground investigation borehole logs and pressuremeter test
results are included in Appendix D of the present Addendum Report. Furthermore, to the
previously described investigations, it was decided also to execute a pile bi-directional (O
cell) test, as per the requirements of the approved initial Piled-Raft Foundation Design.
The location of this pile test is shown in Drawing No. SK-ACT-ST-TW Rev.0 (included in
Appendix C of the present Addendum Report), and it is close to the area of concern. This
pile test was performed on a pile with the following geometrical characteristics: Length =
17.0m and Diameter = 1.80m.

• Based on the above, the submitted and approved Piled-Raft Foundation Design Report
Rev.1 dated 13/10/2016, was revised and an Addendum was submitted on 09/03/2017
where the results of additional ground investigation and of the additional pile test were
evaluated and considered, resulting in:

➢ Considering an area, Area 2, of reduced ground strength and deformation

characteristics towards the south side of the tower.

➢ Restricting the length of piles in Area 2 to 17m.

➢ Increasing the number of piles from No. 97 to No. 129,

• A meeting between all the involved parties took place on the 28/03/2017, on which the
submitted addendum was discussed. In this meeting, it was mutually agreed between
Ahmadiah Contracting, PACE and ARCADIS that Area 2 to cover approximately 50% of
the foundation footprint and the pile design to be revised accordingly.

The present revision of the Addendum Report includes:

1. The evaluation of the additional geotechnical investigation, carried out by STCI in

December 2016;

2. The evaluation of the (second) bi-directional pile load test results, which was
performed by Stainstall Middle East LLC in February 2017, in line with ARCADIS
specification issued in December 2016. The aforesaid evaluation in combination to
the numerical (with F.E.) back-analysis of the test led to the estimations of “Upper”
and “Lower” bound limiting single pile axial capacities, having diameter = 1.80m and
length = 17.0m;

3. The re-design of the remaining (not constructed) piles (as per Drawing No. SK-ACT-
ST-TW included in Appendix D), with the adoption of the conclusions of the evaluation
mentioned in previous points 1 and 2. It is pointed out that the re-design of the not
constructed piles has adopted the limitation of their length to 17.0m below the pile cut-
off level;

4. The results of the performed 3-dimensional finite element computations (with PLAXIS
3D) and the dimensioning of the piles reinforcement.

5. The main conclusions and points to be considered prior and during the construction
of the remaining piles.

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The main conclusion from the evaluation of the additional borehole data and the new bi-
directional pile load test results, is the existence of two areas: Area 1 and Area 2, across the
Tower footprint with different geotechnical characteristics (see Figure 1.1). Area 2 has been
identified in the south side, covering approximately 50% of the Tower footprint. Its extent has
been approximately estimated to include the additional boreholes NBH-1 and NBH-2 and the
location of the newly executed bi-directional pile load test and is characterised by lower
geotechnical characteristics than Area 1. It is pointed out that the geotechnical characteristics
of Area 1 are the ones, which were used in the already approved initial piled raft design and
are based on the evaluation of:

• The boreholes data from the geotechnical investigations executed until February 2016

• The bi-directional pile load test results, executed in July 2016.

Figure 1.1: Assima Tower Layout Presenting Executed Boreholes & Estimated Areas of
Ground Model (Extract from Drawing No. G00001-MU001738-0B included in Appendix

The geotechnical characteristics of Area 2 are presented in more detail in paragraph 5.1 of the
present Report.

It is noted that the previously proposed piled-raft solution for Assima Tower consisted of the
raft (to be designed by others) and 97 No. bored in-situ piles. However, the herein presented
re-design consists of the raft and a total of 135 No. bored in-situ piles.

The adopted concrete class for the piles covered by this Addendum Report is of 65MPa cubic
strength, as per the Engineer’s conditional approval of the initial piled raft design. The steel
reinforcement will be of minimum strength of 420MPa.

Based on the geometrical characteristics of the piles, there were previously three types of
piles. With the needed / implemented design changes, two additional types of piles are being
introduced. All types of piles, which have been considered both in the initial design and the
present re-design are summarised in Table 1.1. However, it must be noted that piles type A
and C piles are not relevant anymore.

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Pile Type No. of Piles Pile Diameter (mm) Pile Length (m)

A (cancelled) 1800 20

B 68 1500 18

C (cancelled) 1800 16

D 40 1800 17

E 27 1500 17

Table 1.1: Pile Types

Drawing No. G00003-MU001738-0E, included in Appendix C, presents the studied herein pile
layout. The following points summarise the main characteristics of the revised pile layout:

• All piles of the first three rows are 17m long;

• The first row of piles consists of piles of 1800mm diameter, spaced at an axial distance of
2000mm. A total of 30 No. Type D piles are included in this first row (P2 to P17 and P98 to

• The vertical distance between first and second rows is 3000mm;

• The second row of piles consists now in a total of 10 No. Type D piles (P1A, P19 to P22,
P33 to P34 and P112 to P114) and 10 No. Type E piles (P23 to P32), where Type D piles
are spaced at an axial distance of 3500mm and Type E piles are spaced at axial distance
of 3000mm;

• A third row of Type E piles is included at a vertical distance of 2500mm from the second
and fourth rows. This row includes a total of 17 No. Type E piles (P18, P115 to P130)
typically spaced at 3000mm axial distance;

• Due to the cancellation of the elevator pit, Pile P39, is a Type B pile.

• A total of 6 No. additional piles are included in the present design, compared with Rev.0 of
this Addendum Report issued on 09/03/2017: P130 (Type E pile) and P131 to P135 (Type
B piles).

The pile cut-off level would be 75mm above the underside of the raft and the piled-raft layout
is presented in drawing No. G00003-MU001738-0E in Appendix C.

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2 Main Design Consideration of the Piled Raft of Assima

2.1 Allowable (Tolerable) Settlement & Angular Distortion Values
The main design considerations stated in the approved design report dated 13/10/2016 of the
piled-raft of Assima Tower have not been modified.

Thus, the following serviceability criteria are adopted:

• Tolerable Total Settlement < 100mm

• Tolerable Angular Distortion < 1/750

Based on PACE Document MD-ACT-BMB-PO-HV-27 R0, (dated 08/04/2017), greater values

of angular distortion up to 1/635 were accepted, since “…The Tower rotation is in opposite
direction of the raft rotation.”

2.2 Cyclic Loading Considerations

The following criterion (Poulos, 2011) will be adopted for the whole foundation of Assima
Tower to cope with the effects of repetitive loading from the wind as follows:

𝑛𝑅𝑔𝑠 ≤ 𝑆𝑐∗

Where: R*gs is the Design geotechnical shaft capacity,

S*c is the Maximum amplitude of wind load,

n is a reduction factor.

The criterion attempts to avoid the full mobilisation of shaft friction along the piles, thus
reducing the risk that the loading will lead to a degradation of shaft capacity. The herein
suggested n value will be taken 0.75, while S*c is obtained from the structural loading
combinations which include only the cyclic component of load on each pile, for the various
wind loading cases.

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3 Geotechnical Interpretation
As mentioned in paragraph 1 of the present Report, two areas (namely Area 1 and Area 2)
with different geotechnical characteristics were identified across the complete Tower footprint
area (see Figure 1.1).

The approximate spatial determination of Area 2 was based on:

• The locations of the newly executed boreholes NBH-1, NBH-2, executed in December
• The locations of boreholes BH-1 & BH-2, executed in 2014;
• The locations of BH-3 and BH-4, executed in February 2016. It is mentioned that the
co-ordinates of boreholes BH-3 & BH-4 were provided by Ahmadiah Contracting &
Trading Co. in the email, dated 2nd March 2017 (see Appendix E of the present
Addendum Report);
• Area 2 has been increased so as to include the first 4 No. rows of piles (including
additional piles P 133 and P134) covering up to approximately 50% of the layout area.
Area 2 is now including the following piles: P1A to P48, P98 to P130 and P133 to P134

3.1 Additional Geotechnical Investigation and Idealised Ground

Profile for Area 2
Table 3.1 summarises the additional boreholes data which were drilled / installed during the
additional investigation campaign by STCI (December 2016).

Elevation of Top of Borehole Depth of Borehole

Borehole Easting Northing
(m KLD) (m)

NBH-1 -11.700 498641.57 3250657.85 22.50

NBH-2 -11.700 498669.10 3250631.70 22.50

Table 3.1: Summary of Drilled Boreholes (STCI – December 2016)

The subsurface formations consist essentially of sand with silt and silty sands (SM, SP-SM,
SM-ML), with density varying from medium dense to very dense. As per the data of the drilled
boreholes, partial cementation of the sandy formations has been observed to be predominant
at depths greater than 12m. The variation of the measured SPT values along depth and the
design SPT values are presented in Figure 3.1. The SPT design lines for Area 1 and Area 2
are also included in this figure for comparison purposes. The idealised ground profile for Area
2 (based on boreholes NBH-1 and NBH-2), which was considered in the present Addendum
Report is as per Table 3.3.

Top Elevation Bottom Elevation SPT

(m KLD) (m KLD) Design

Medium Dense to Dense Sand -11.70 -14.70 to -16.70 25

Very Dense Sand (Partially Cemented) -14.70 to -16.70 > -95.00 50

Table 3.3: Idealised Ground Profile of Area 2

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Standard Penetration Test

SPT values
0 10 20 30 40 50 60


Pile cut-off


Elevation (m KLD)







SPT Design Line Area 1 NBH-1 NBH-2 SPT Design Line Area 2

Figure 3.1: Variation of SPT with Depth for Area 2

From Figure 3.1, it can be concluded that for the first 2 m approximately below the pile cut-off
level, the sandy formations of Area 2 are characterised by lower degree of density than the
ones of Area 1, thus leading to lower shear strength and deformability characteristics.

The performed pressuremeter tests in boreholes NBH-1 & NBH-2 of Area 2 can provide an
estimate of the deformability characteristics of the very dense sandy formations (with low
degree of cementation) of this area.

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Figure 3.2 summarises all the calculated by STCI Em values, from the initial loading and the
1st loading – unloading cycles of all performed pressuremeter tests during the additional
geotechnical investigations of December 2016 (see Appendix D of the present Addendum
Figure 3.3 presents a typical curve from the executed pressuremeter loading – unloading test
results. The curve indicates:

1. The disturbance of the formation, along the initial loading cycle, due to the borehole
drilling operations, and
2. the “restoration” of the formation’s initial degree of density, prior to its disturbance from
the borehole drilling operations.

Figure 3.2: Variation of pressuremeter modulus (Initial & 1st Cycle) with Depth for Area 2

By considering previous points 1 and 2, the Em values, which are derived from the 1st loading
– unloading cycles of the pressuremeter tests are considered more representative of the in-
situ deformability characteristics of the very dense sandy formations of Area 2. Consequently,
the value of 160 MPa for the “Unloading – Reloading” Young’s modulus of the aforesaid
formation of Area 2 can be used as a cautious estimate. For the more detailed evaluation of
the aforesaid parameter, to be used in the Piled – Raft re-design, a more detailed justification
is presented in paragraph 5.1 of the present Report.

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Figure 3.3: Area 2- Typical pressuremeter test results of loading and unloading –
reloading cycles

3.2 Groundwater table

Table 3.4 presents the groundwater recordings in the additional boreholes. It must be noted
that these measures reflect also the effect of the dewatering system in place.

Elevation of Top of Borehole Depth to Water Water Table Elevation

(m KLD) Table (m) (m KLD)

NBH-1 -11.700 1.50 -13.20

NBH-2 -11.700 1.50 -13.20

Table 3.4: Water Table During Borehole Drilling (STCI – December 2016)

No changes have been made to the design groundwater table, and such as in previous
approved design dated 13/10/2017, the design groundwater table is considered to be at
elevation +2.0m KLD.

In the current design, all pile toes are kept at a minimum clear distance in the order of 7.0m
from the elevation of -38.15m KLD, where artesianism was observed during the investigation
campaign by KLC in February 2016.

3.3 Seismicity
According to the structural design criteria provided by PACE, the area is defined as Seismic
Zone 1, with a Seismic Zone Factor Z = 0.075 according to UBC 97.

Regarding the Soil Profile Type, this is defined as Sc according to UBC, “Very Dense Soil and
Soft Rock, with NSPT > 50.

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4 Description & Evaluation of the Additional Bi-

Directional Pile Load Test
4.1 Description of the Pile Load Test
One additional bi-directional pile static load test was performed on a 1800m diameter and 17m
long pile at the location shown in drawing No. G00003-MU001738-0E (included in Appendix
C). The testing platform was at an elevation of -11.7m KLD. The pile cut-off level is at -13.25m

The importance of the test is critical, considering that the evaluation of its results allows for the
establishment of an updated framework of assumptions to be used in the detailed piled-raft re-
design of Assima Tower. The imperative need of this test has been also dictated by the fact of
having encountered a ground model in Area 2, which differs than the one of Area 1, as already
explained in detail in previous paragraph 3.1 of the present Report.

The concrete class of the test pile was specified as having a minimum cubic strength of 65MPa
and validated adequately by a sufficient number of concrete compressive strength testing

The factual testing results, as well as their initial evaluation is presented in the report: “Bi-
Directional Static Load Test – Project: Proposed Assima Tower, Kuwait – Pile PTP 1 (1800
mm Ø), Rev. 0”, prepared by Strainstall Middle East LLC (SME) in February 2017.

A sketch of the test pile configuration is shown in Figure 4.1. The hydraulic jack assembly,
comprising of five 900-tonne capacity bi-directional hydraulic jacks, was installed at 13.08m
below the pile cut-off level, thus determining the upper part and the lower part of the tested
pile with lengths of 13.0m and 4.0m respectively.

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Figure 4.1: Additional Test Pile Configuration (extract from SME Report)

The test Specification, issued by ARCADIS in December 2016, included the following load –
unload – reloading cycles:

• 1st cycle. The pile to be loaded up to approximately 100% of the working load,
• 2nd cycle. The pile to be reloaded up to approximately 150% of the working load,
• 3rd cycle. The pile to be reloaded up to approximately 200% of the working load,
• 4th cycle. The pile to be reloaded up to approximately 230% of the working load.

However, the test has been terminated at the 2nd cycle, at 150% of the working load, due to
large movements reaching the capacity of the jacks.

The working load of the test was estimated based on the results of the approved piled raft
design as 35,000kN.

The load displacement curves (extract from the SME Report), are presented in Figure 4.2.

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Figure 4.3 (extract from the SME Report) shows the variation of the mobilised skin friction
along the pile length (between successive strain gauges) for all load cycles applied during the

The main conclusions that can be derived from Figure 4.3

1. Certain section of the upper part of the tested pile and more specifically between strain
gauges SG1 and SG2 reached its critical condition, in relation to the development of the
ultimate skin friction. Along the aforesaid section the pile skin friction did not exceed the
value of 150 kPa. This rather low value, if compared with the ones derived from the bi-
directional pile load test of July 2016, could be attributed to the existence of the sandy layer
of 2 m thickness approximately, below the pile cut-off level, which is characterised by “poor”
shear strength and deformability characteristics, as explained in paragraph 3.1 of the
present Report.
2. The situation described in previous point led to the development of a pile upward movement
equal to 10cm, which can be considered as an indication that the whole upper part of the
pile has reached its critical condition, thus leading to an estimation of the ultimate pile skin
friction equal to 350 kPa approximately. This value can be considered as a safe estimate
for the complete stromatography of the sandy formations of Area 2 along the complete pile
3. The lower part of the tested pile reacted by moving downwards 5cm. This displacement is
equal to 2.7% of the pile diameter (< 10% of the pile diameter), indicating that no critical
situation has been reached and the pile base resistance has been mobilised up to certain
but limited extent.
4. The given skin friction distributions between strain gauge SG5 to jack and strain gauges
SG5 to SG6 are affected by the mobilisation of the pile base resistance and cannot be
considered as representative of a developed solely skin friction mechanism.
5. Considering previous points 3 and 4, it can be concluded that for the lower part of the tested
pile, the mobilised pile bearing resistance reaches the value of 7.2 MPa, which is lower
than the value corresponding to the critical condition.

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Figure 4.2: Load – Displacement Curve in Additional PTP (extract from the SME Report)

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Figure 4.3: Mobilised Unit Shaft Friction in Additional PTP (extract from SME Report)

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4.2 Evaluation of Additional Test

4.2.1 Class A Prediction – Upper Part of Tested Pile
ARCADIS evaluated, in detail, the results for the upper part of the performed additional
bi-directional pile load test, by employing the “Class A” prediction method proposed by
Fleming, W. G. K. (1992). The evaluation aimed to conclude about the theoretical
“Lower” and “Upper” bound predictions of the limiting pile shaft capacity.

More specifically, Figures 4.4 and 4.5 present respectively the “Lower” and “Upper”
bound Class A predictions for the upper part of the tested pile, leading to the estimation
that the ultimate pile skin friction ranges between 330KPa – 400 KPa. It is reminded that
the evaluated ultimate skin friction from the newly executed bi-directional pile load test is
350 KPa. This provides certain degree of confidence that the herein predicted limiting
pile axial capacities, ranging between 22500KN to 27400KN are representative of the
upper part of the tested pile, having a diameter of 1.80m and length equal to 13.0m,
where only the skin friction mechanism is being developed without any end bearing

Assima Tower Compression (Lower Bound, τs = 330kPa), 1.8m diameter pile,

13m length
Load (kN)
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000

Settlement (mm)





Theoritical Prediction Pile Test

Figure 4.4: Upper part of the tested pile. Theoretical “Lower” bound Class A
Prediction versus the actual pile behaviour in compression

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 19


Assima Tower Compression (Upper Bound, τs = 400kPa), 1.8m diameter

pile, 13m length
Load (kN)
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000

Settlement (mm)





Theoritical Prediction Pile Test

Figure 4.5: Upper part of the tested pile. Theoretical “Upper” bound Class A
prediction versus the actual pile behaviour in compression

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5 Design Methodology & Assumptions

5.1 Geotechnical Design Parameters for Area 2
In an effort to assess the geomechanical behaviour and consequently estimate the
deformability and shear strength parameters of the sandy formations at the site of Assima
Tower, ARCADIS back–analysed the pile load test results with the use of PLAXIS 2D.
The back analysis presented hereafter refers to the additional pile load test performed in
February 2017 and will allow the definition of the geotechnical design parameters for
Area 2 ground model.

It is noted that for Area 1, the ground model remains as defined in the previous approved
Design Report (dated 13/10/2016) and the corresponding geotechnical parameters for
Area 1 are included in Table 5.1. It is reminded that these parameters were the ones
from the back analysis of the bi-directional pile load test, which was performed in July

Very Dense Sand

Parameter Dense Sand
(Partially Cemented)

Secant Stiffness, E50, (MPa) 60 100

Unloading – Reloading Stiffness, Eur, (MPa) 120 200

Effective Friction Angle, φ, (o) 42 45

Dilatancy Angle, ψ, (o) 12 15

Effective Cohesion, c, (kPa) 10 10

Shear Modulus at very small strains, G0, (MPa) 370 550

Shear strain at G = 0.722G0, γ0.7, (%) 0.03 0.03

Table 5.1: Lower Bound Ground Parameters of Area 1

By employing the PLAXIS axisymmetric finite element model of Figure 5.1 a number of
parametric analyses were performed. In all the analyses the adopted constitutive ground
model is the one described in paragraphs 2.4 and 3 of the approved Design Report dated
13/10/2016. For the simulation of the intrinsic ground stress history, the ground
overburden to the pile test platform level has been modelled with an equivalent surcharge
of 300kPa. The following construction sequence was also modelled:

1. Initial Phase
2. Simulation of the ground overburden to the pile test platform level (application of
3. Excavation to pile test platform level (removal of surcharge)
4. Pile construction
5. Pile loading at the same load increments as the performed pile test.

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Figure 5.1: Axisymmetric Finite Element Model

Following the various parametric numerical analyses, “lower” bound ground strength and
stiffness parameters have been back- analysed. Table 5.2 summarises the back-
analysed values for Area 2 ground model.

Medium Dense Very Dense Sand

to Dense Sand (Partially Cemented)

Secant Stiffness, E50, (MPa) 30 80

Unloading – Reloading Stiffness, Eur, (MPa) 60 1601

Effective Friction Angle, φ, (o) 32 45

Dilatancy Angle, ψ, (o) 0 15

Effective Cohesion, c, (kPa) 2 8

Shear Modulus at very small strains, G0, (MPa) 200 420

Shear strain at G = 0.722G0, γ0.7, (%) 0.025 0.03

Table 5.2: Lower Bound Ground Parameters for Area 2

The adoption of cohesion value of 8 kPa for the very dense sandy formation of Area 2 is
in general agreement with the main observation of light cementation that was reported in
both additional boreholes NBH-1 and NBH-2.

Specifically for the dilatancy angle value, which was back – analysed to exceed 10o, it is
mentioned that as per a number of publications (Bolton, M.D (1986), Budhu, M.(Soil

1 The back-analyzed value of 160 MPa for the unloading – reloading stiffness of the very dense
conditions is equal to the assessed value from the performed pressuremeter tests in the newly drilled
boreholes NBH-1 and NBH-2 (see paragraph 3.1 of the present Report).

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 22


Mechanics & Foundation) & Flac Program Manual), dilatancy angles for sands greater
than 10 degrees and up to the value of 15 degrees are not prohibitive values to be

The usage of the previously mentioned parameters in the axisymmetric finite element
model of Figure 5.1, resulted to the best estimate of the measured load – displacement
data for the upper part of the tested pile. Figure 5.2 shows a clear comparison between
the calculated pile load – settlement data, in relation to the actual recorded load –
displacement curve of the pile test.

By comparing the parameters included in Tables 5.1 and 5.2, it becomes obvious that
the sandy formations of Area 2 are less competent than the ones of Area 1. Parameters
of Areas 1 and 2 (as per Tables 5.1 and 5.2) have been adopted in the present Design,
as well as their spatial extent across of Tower footprint, which is shown in Figure 1.1 of
the present Report.

As it can be concluded from Figure 5.2, the axisymmetric finite element analysis:

• Predicted, quite satisfactory the load – displacement behaviour for the first two loading
cycles of the pile test, and
• Slightly underestimated (being on the “safe” side) the unrecovered pile displacement
after the unloading path of the fourth loading cycle.

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 23



Load (kN)















Displacement (mm)


Test Curve - Cell Top

-60.0 PTP

Plaxis Analysis - Upper

Part of Pile



Figure 5.2: Finite Element Prediction and Actual Pile Compression Test Load –
Displacement Behaviour of Upper Part of Pile (additional pile load test)

5.2 Pile Limiting Axial capacities for Area 2

Pile limiting axial capacities for Area 2 were assessed also on the basis of a number of
axisymmetric PLAXIS finite element analyses, by employing the back – analysed
geotechnical parameters of Table 5.1 of the present Addendum Report. The main aim of
these analyses were:

• To derive the pile – settlement responses of the foundation pile types D and E
used for redesigning the piled raft of Assima Tower
• To provide the single piles limiting axial capacities for pile types D and E of the
piled raft of Assima Tower, by applying the criterion of FHWA NHI-10-016 (May
2010), for establishing the “failure threshold” state (see Figure 4.8).

The analysis employed the Hardening Soil constitutive model with the adoption of the
“small strain stiffness” as it is described in paragraph 2.4 of the approved Design Report
dated 13/10/2016 and the ground properties of previous Table 5.1. For the simulation of
the intrinsic ground stress history, the ground overburden to the foundation level has

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 24


been modelled with an equivalent surcharge of 300kPa. The following construction

sequence was modelled:

1. Initial Phase
2. Simulation of the ground overburden to the foundation level (application of
3. Excavation to foundation level (removal of surcharge)
4. Raft construction
5. Application of loading at the crest of the pile in increments.

Figure 5.10: Axisymmetric Finite Element Model of Single Pile

The single pile load – settlement curves for the various pile geometries with the inclusion
of the application of the criterion by of FHWA NHI-10-016 (May 2010), for establishing
the “failure threshold” state are presented in Figure 5.11.

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 25



Applied Load (kN)






46000 59000

Settlement / Diameter (%)



Pile 17m Long & 1500mm Ø

(Area 2)

-10.0% Pile 17m Long & 1800mm Ø

(Area 2)


Figure 5.11: Normalised Pile Load – Settlement Curves – Axisymmetric PLAXIS


From the Figure 5.11 and for a nominal settlement of 4.0% of the pile diameter, the
following “threshold” pile axial capacities are estimated:

• Pile Type D (Diameter = 1800mm & Length = 17m) Pile load = 59000kN
• Pile Type E (Diameter = 1500mm & Length = 17m) Pile load = 46000kN

These loads correspond to the mobilisation of the pile skin friction the pile base
resistance for a pile settlement equal to 4% of the pile diameter. In addition, since these
loads have been derived on the basis of the back-analysis of the additional bi-directional
pile load test, they are considered representative of the encountered ground conditions
of Area 2. However, for the needs of the present Design and for taking into account the
possibility of any plastic softening at higher pile loads and the risks related to relatively
poor construction of the pile base, the following pile limiting axial capacities were adopted
for Area 2:

• Pile Type D (Diameter = 1800mm & Length = 17m)

Pile Axial limiting capacity = 55200kN

• Pile Type E (Diameter = 1500mm & Length = 17m)

Pile Axial limiting capacity = 41450kN

It is noted that for the already constructed piles of type B (Diameter = 1500mm & Length
= 18.0m) of Area 1, the axial limiting capacity which was provided in the initial Design
Report (approved by the Engineer) is still valid.

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 26


The limiting axial capacity of the contiguous piles (Φ1800mm / 2000mm), located in the
first row of the revised pile layout, is calculated with the consideration of an embedded
concrete block having length L = 60m, width W = 1.80m (piles diameter) and depth H =
17.0m (piles’ length) by considering the contribution of the friction along the side surface
of the block and bearing capacity along the block’s complete base surface.

By adopting limiting shaft friction = 330kPa and limiting bearing resistance = 8.5 MPa,
the total limiting axial capacity of the afore described block equals to 1590MN.

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 27


6 3-D PLAXIS Finite Element Model of Piled Raft for

Assima Tower
A 3-dimensional finite element analysis model for the piled-raft foundation design has
been performed. The PLAXIS 3D software, widely used in Geotechnical design, was
adopted to perform the analysis.

The non-linearity of the soil behaviour is modelled by means of a Hardening Soil (HS)
model which is implemented in PLAXIS 3D. The HS model not allows for the account of
“small strain stiffness” concept (HS Small Strain), important feature in the present
analysis. For more details on the adopted constitutive model, please refer to Sections
2.4 and 3 of the approved Design Report dated 13/10/2016 and 5.1 of the present
Addendum Report.

For the simulation of the intrinsic ground stress history, the ground overburden to the pile
test platform level has been modelled with an equivalent surcharge.

The following construction sequence was modelled:

1. Initial Phase;
2. Simulation of the ground overburden to the pile test platform level (application of
3. Excavation to pile test platform level (removal of surcharge);
4. Pile construction;
5. Raft construction;
6. Loading of piled-raft foundation according to the desired load combination.

The 3D finite element model, accounting for Area 1 and Area 2 ground models, for the
piled-raft is presented in Figure 6.1.

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 28


Figure 6.1: 3D Finite Element Model of Piled Raft

6.1 Structural Load Combinations

The load combinations provided by the ARCADIS Structural Engineering group are given
in Table 6.1 for both serviceability and ultimate limit states and have been considered for
the present design.

SLS – Serviceability limit state ULS – Ultimate limit state

1 1.0 DL + 1.0 LL 1.0 DL

2 1.0 DL+0.75 LL+0.75 W4 1.2 DL+1.6 LL

3 1.0 DL+0.75 LL+0.75 W11 1.2 DL+1.0 LL+1.6 W4

4 1.0 DL+0.75 LL+0.75 W12 1.2 DL+1.0 LL+1.6 W11

5 1.0 DL+0.75 LL+0.75 W15 1.2 DL+1.0 LL+1.6 W12

6 1.04 DL+1.0 LL+(1.0 Eqx+0.3 Eqy)/1.4 1.2 DL+1.0 LL+1.6 W15

7 1.04 DL+1.0 LL+(-1.0 Eqx-0.3 Eqy)/1.4 1.26 DL+1.0 LL+(1.0 Eqx+0.3 Eqy)

8 1.04 DL+1.0 LL+(-1.0 Eqx-0.3 Eqy)

DL = Dead Load; LL = Live Load; W = Wind Load; Eq = Earthquake Load

Table 6.1: Serviceability & Ultimate Load State Combinations

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 29


Furthermore, the following additional analyses have been included:

• Considering only wind loads: W4, W11, W12 and W15; These load cases are needed
to be examined separately for the assessment of the cyclic loading impact on to the
piles, as it was described in paragraph 2.2 of the present Addendum Report.

• ULS load combinations with water uplift pressure consideration, which is described in
Table 6.2 below. The water uplift pressure is considered with a load factor of 1.6.
Thus, for a design water table at + 2.0m KLD and by considering the raft underside at
elevation -13.325m KLD, the factored water uplift pressure is 250kPa.

Wind Load Cases Water Uplift Cases

1 1.0 W4 0.9 DL + 1.6 Water

2 1.0 W11 0.9 DL+1.6 W4 + 1.6 Water

3 1.0 W12 0.9 DL+1.6 W11+ 1.6 Water

4 1.0 W15 0.9 DL+1.6 W12+ 1.6 Water

5 0.9 DL+1.6 W15+ 1.6 Water

6 0.84 DL+(1.0 Eqx +0.3 Eqy) + 1.6 Water

7 0.84 DL+(-1.0 Eqx-0.3 Eqy) + 1.6 Water

DL = Dead Load; LL = Live Load; W = Wind Load; Eq = Earthquake Load

Table 6.2: Wind & Water Uplift Load Combinations State Combinations

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 30


7 Results of 3D Finite Element Analysis of Piled Raft

Selected outputs from PLAXIS 3D for each load combination are presented in Appendix
A. In the following sub-sections, the results are presented with more detail, namely:

• Maximum settlement and angular distortion on the raft – this analysis was done for
the SLS load combinations;
• Maximum actions of the piles for each SLS and ULS load combination and each type
of pile (A, B and C); Axial forces, Shear forces and Bending moments;
• Piles reinforcement dimensioning and correspondent structural capacity checks;
• Global Safety Factor analysis performed for the SLS load combinations.

7.1 Settlements
The maximum settlement and angular distortion on the raft are here presented in below
Table 7.1 and result from the SLS load combinations.

SLS Load Combinations Settlement (mm) Angular Distortion*

1) 1.0 DL + 1.0 LL 72 1:2843 to 1:1415

2) 1.0 DL+0.75 LL+0.75 W4 88 1:5576 to 1:806

3) 1.0 DL+0.75 LL+0.75 W11 93 1:3730 to 1:662

4) 1.0 DL+0.75 LL+0.75 W12 94 1:5236 to 1:635

5) 1.0 DL+0.75 LL+0.75 W15 91 1:3373 to 1:710

6) 1.04 DL+1.0 LL+(1.0 Eqx+0.3 Eqy)/1.4 61 1:7349 to 1:1308

7) 1.04 DL+1.0 LL+(-1.0 Eqx-0.3 Eqy)/1.4 80 1:3787 to 1:1220

Table 7.1: Maximum Settlement on Raft

Angular Distortion
SLS Load Section*
1-1’ 2-2’ 3-3’ 4-4’ 5-5’ 6-6’ 7-7’ 8-8’ 9-9’

1) 1.0 DL + 1.0 LL 1:1415 1:1797 1:2439 1:2843 1:2136 1:2134 1:2346 1:2277 1:1804

2) 1.0 DL+0.75
1:1122 1:1391 1:3249 1:5576 1:1043 1:942 1:869 1:806 1:815
LL+0.75 W4

3) 1.0 DL+0.75
1:1202 1:1535 1:3293 1:3730 1:729 1:698 1:680 1:662 1:689
LL+0.75 W11

4) 1.0 DL+0.75
1:1147 1:1402 1:3543 1:5236 1:745 1:696 1:662 1:635 1:658
LL+0.75 W12

5) 1.0 DL+0.75
1:1408 1:1724 1:3373 1:3200 1:710 1:723 1:751 1:771 1:788
LL+0.75 W15

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 31


Angular Distortion
SLS Load Section*
1-1’ 2-2’ 3-3’ 4-4’ 5-5’ 6-6’ 7-7’ 8-8’ 9-9’

6) 1.04 DL+1.0
LL+(1.0 Eqx+0.3 1:1368 1:1308 1:2871 1:1529 1:7349 1:4416 1:3243 1:2395 1:2031

7) 1.04 DL+1.0
LL+(-1.0 Eqx-0.3 1:1493 1:1550 1:2355 1:3787 1:1220 1:1405 1:1725 1:1994 1:1723

*A sketch with the location of each section may be found in Appendix C, drawing No. G00006-

Table 7.2: Maximum Angular Distortion on Raft

From the results of Table 7.1 and Table 7.2 and for all the analysed SLS combinations:

• The maximum settlement is estimated between 61mm to 94mm.

• The angular distortion values range between 1:635 to 1:5236.

Considering the above maximum estimated settlements, it is concluded that these are
below the corresponding allowable (tolerable) settlement defined in paragraph 2.1 of the
present Report. However, the estimated angular distortions of Table 7.2 are in general
agreement with the allowable (tolerable) value defined in paragraph 2.1 of the present
report, with the exception of 6-6’ to 9-9’ for a limited number of load combinations (e.g.
3, 4 and 5), where distortion values between 1:635 to 1:698 were estimated. It is pointed
out that the aforesaid values although smaller than the proposed limiting one of 1:750,
have been approved by PACE (PACE Document MD-ACT-BMB-PO-HV-27 R0,
08/04/2017), since “…The Tower rotation is in opposite direction of the raft rotation.”

7.2 Pile Axial Loads

The envelope for pile axial loads for all analysed load combinations are in Appendix A.
The maximum estimated axial forces on piles for all SLS cases and the corresponding
safety factors are presented in Tables 7.3.

Pile Type B Pile Type D Pile Type E

(Ø1500 / L=18m) (Ø1800 / L=17m) (Ø1500 / L=17m)

SLS Load Area 1 Area 2 Area 2 Area 2

Max Max Max Max
Safety Safety Safety Safety
Axial Axial Axial Axial
Factor Factor Factor Factor
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)

1) 1.0 DL + 1.0 LL 26,745 2.2 16,431 2.6 19,454 2.8 15,526 3.3

2) 1.0 DL+0.75
23,075 2.6 18,896 2.3 24,030 2.3 14,387 2.9
LL+0.75 W4

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 32


Pile Type B Pile Type D Pile Type E

(Ø1500 / L=18m) (Ø1800 / L=17m) (Ø1500 / L=17m)

SLS Load Area 1 Area 2 Area 2 Area 2

Max Max Max Max
Safety Safety Safety Safety
Axial Axial Axial Axial
Factor Factor Factor Factor
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)

3) 1.0 DL+0.75
21,604 2.7 19,428 2.2 24,844 2.2 14,569 2.8
LL+0.75 W11

4) 1.0 DL+0.75
21,342 2.8 19,685 2.2 25,339 2.2 14,616 2.8
LL+0.75 W12

5) 1.0 DL+0.75
21,145 2.8 17,298 2.5 22,578 2.4 13,575 3.1
LL+0.75 W15

6) 1.04 DL+1.0
LL+(1.0 Eqx+0.3 26,195 2.3 16,036 2.7 18,631 3.0 12,230 3.4

7) 1.04 DL+1.0 LL+

24,761 2.4 16,445 2.6 23,520 2.4 16,676 3.0
(-1.0 Eqx-0.3 Eqy)/1.4

Table 7.3: Maximum Pile Axial Forces & Safety Factors

Considering the envelope of the calculated pile axial forces, the obtained safety factors
are all above 2.0. Figure 7.1 presents in more detail that the achieved single pile safety
factors are: (i) > 3.0 for 82% of the piles, (ii) between 2.5 to 3.0 for 13% of the piles and
(iii) between 2.0 to 2.5 for 5% of the piles. Appendix A presents descriptively in a figure,
the achieved safety factors for the SLS envelope pile axial forces. It shall be noted that
these safety factors are related to a total of 105 No. piles, that is, excluding the first row
of 30 No. contiguous piles, for which the safety factor is calculated by considering them
as a pile wall, with reduced shaft area.

Figure 7.1: Histogram for Safety Factors – SLS Envelope of Piles Axial Forces

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 33


In what concerns the 30 No. contiguous piles placed in the first row of the pile layout, the
total maximum axial load applied on the ensemble is of 692.9MN. For a capacity of
1591MN as previously calculated in Section 5.2 of the present Addendum Report, the
safety factor is of 2.3.

The maximum axial loads for the ULS with maximum water uplift pressure, are
summarised in Table 7.4.

Maximum Axial Force (kN)

Pile Type D Pile Type E

ULS with Water Uplift Pile Type B (Ø1500 / L=18m)
(Ø1800 / L=17m) (Ø1500 / L=17m)

Area 1 Area 2 Area 2 Area 2

1) 0.9 DL +1.6 Water 19,880 12,905 15,039 9,636

2) 0.9 DL+1.6 W4+1.6 Water 16,458 20,210 25,259 13,081

3) 0.9 DL+1.6 W11+1.6 Water 17,086 21,495 26,824 13,272

4) 0.9 DL+1.6 W12+1.6 Water 16,980 22,130 27,884 13,384

5) 0.9 DL+1.6 W15+1.6 Water 13,706 17,030 22,082 11,577

6) 0.84 DL+(1.0 Eqx +0.3

21,099 13,214 16,273 10,021
Eqy) +1.6 Water

7) 0.84 DL+(-1.0 Eqx-0.3

16,182 12,010 19,099 10,015
Eqy) +1.6 Water

Table 7.4: Maximum Pile Axial Forces for ULS Water Uplift Combinations

The water uplift combinations are critical for checking the development of tension axial
load on the piles. As it can be seen in the graphs of Appendix A, no tension load is
developed in the piles.

In order to check the piles under cyclic loading, the maximum pile axial loads due to wind
loading are summarised in Table 7.5.

Maximum Axial Force (kN)

Pile Type D Pile Type E

Wind Loads Pile Type B (Ø1500 / L=18m)
(Ø1800 / L=17m) (Ø1500 / L=17m)

Area 1 Area 2 Area 2 Area 2

1) 1.0 W4 2,444 3,804 8,155 3,665

2) 1.0 W11 2,603 4,180 9,029 3,932

3) 1.0 W12 2,608 4,363 9,856 4,123

4) 1.0 W15 1,639 2,454 5,717 2,417

Table 7.5: Maximum Pile Axial Forces for Wind Load Combinations

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 34


It is noted that since the above axial loads correspond only to wind loads without being
combined any dead loads, the axial load could be in compression or tension.

In accordance to Paragraphs 2.2 and 4.2 of the present Addendum Report, for a
minimum shaft friction value of 400kPa for Area 1 and 330kPa for Area 2, by considering
a safety factor of 2 and a reduction factor due to wind loading of 0.75, the following design
shaft capacities, R*gs, are estimated:

• Type B (Area 1, Ø1500 / L=18m): nR*gs, = 0.75 x 16,965kN = 12,720 > 2,608kN
• Type B (Area 2, Ø1500 / L=18m): nR*gs, = 0.75 x 13,996kN = 10,497 > 4,363kN
• Type D (Area 2, Ø1800 / L=17m): nR*gs, = 0.75 x 15,862kN = 11,896 > 9,856kN
• Type E (Area 2, Ø1500 / L=17m): nR*gs, = 0.75 x 13,218kN = 9,914 > 4,123kN

Following the above, the piles’ axial capacity under axial cyclic conditions is greater than
the maximum acting forces due to wind loads.

7.3 Global Safety Factor Analysis

The global safety factors of the piled raft foundation have been calculated by PLAXIS
3D, by successively reducing the shear strength parameters (tanϕ and c) and tensile
strength until the failure of the structure is achieved. The output of this analysis is the
global factor of safety, which is defined as below:

𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
𝑆𝐹 =
𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑎𝑡 𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑢𝑟𝑒

This feature has been applied to all 7 SLS load combinations and the minimum global
factors of safety of 3.1 calculated are summarised in Table 7.6.

SLS Load Combination Minimum Safety Factor

1) 1.0 DL + 1.0 LL 2.4

2) 1.0 DL+0.75 LL+0.75 W4 2.4

3) 1.0 DL+0.75 LL+0.75 W11 2.4

4) 1.0 DL+0.75 LL+0.75 W12 2.4

5) 1.0 DL+0.75 LL+0.75 W15 2.4

6) 1.04 DL+1.0 LL+(1.0 Eqx+0.3 Eqy)/1.4 2.4

7) 1.04 DL+1.0 LL+(-1.0 Eqx-0.3 Eqy)/1.4 2.4

Table 7.6: Minimum Global Safety Factor for SLS Combinations

According to the results of the above table, the minimum calculated global safety factor
is 2.4 which is acceptable.

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 35


7.4 Structural Capacity Checks

7.4.1 Materials
The required minimum compressive characteristic 28 days for the pile concrete, would
be 65MPa for cubic samples and 52MPa for cylindrical samples.

Concrete mix for piles should minimize permeability and sulphate attack. Sulphate
resistant cement content should not be less than 400kg/m³. The concrete mix should be
designed so as the maximum temperature during concrete hardening must not exceed
72°C. Fly ash, microsilica and / or any other should be used to fulfil this requirement and
ensure impervious concrete for piles.

The reinforcing steel would be epoxy coated and shall be deformed high bond with
minimum yield strength of 420MPa.

The minimum cover to all pile reinforcement (including links) shall be 75mm.

7.4.2 Adequacy of Pile Section

The maximum serviceability axial load on the piles should not generate a concrete
compressive stress that exceeds 0.33f’c, where f’c is the specified compressive strength
of concrete.

For concrete with minimum strength on cylindrical samples of 52MPa, 0.33f’c = 17.2MPa.
Thus for:

• 1800Ø Piles, the maximum serviceability service load is 43,645kN > 26,745kN→ OK
• 1500Ø Piles, the maximum serviceability service load is 30,308kN > 25,339kN→ OK

7.4.3 Dimensioning of Piles Reinforcement

For the dimensioning of the flexural and shear reinforcement of the piles, the factored
internal action effects, axial forces, shear forces and bending moments were considered.
The aforementioned factored internal actions were estimated from the PLAXIS 3D finite
element analyses for the ultimate limit combinations.

The resulting factored axial loads and combined bending moments for all the load
combinations are presented in Figures 7.2 to 7.4 𝑴𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒃 = √𝑴𝟐𝑿𝑿 + 𝑀𝑌𝑌

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 36


Figure 7.2: Results of Axial and Combined Bending Moment for Ø 1800 Piles (top

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 37


Figure 7.3: Results of Axial and Combined Bending Moment for Ø 1800 Piles (lower
than 2m)

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 38


Figure 7.4: Results of Axial and Combined Bending Moment for Ø 1500 Piles (top

Figure 7.5: Results of Axial and Combined Bending Moment for Ø 1500 Piles (lower
than 2m)

From the above graphs the following most unfavourable pairs of axial loads and
combined bending moments were selected for the dimensioning of the flexural

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 39


Pile Pile Section Axial Load N (kN) Bending Moment

Diameter M (kNm)

36,259 9,740

35,783 7,136

0-2m 25,739 12,702

24,410 12,560

Ø1800 19,480 12,702

34,104 5,492

33,904 6,242
26,434 6,801

33,773 6,744

36,178 913

27,849 7,441
20,067 7,623

20,238 7,446
35,149 696

34,638 1,094
15,501 2,338

21,464 2,112

Table 7.7: Most Unfavourable Pairs of Axial Loads and Combined Bending

The required longitudinal reinforcement has been estimated with in-house excel
spreadsheet, according to the requirements of ACI 318 and is summarised below in Table

Pile Diameter Depth Longitudinal Reinforcement

0-2m 32Ø32 + 16Ø32

>2m 32Ø32

0-2m 24Ø32 + 16Ø32

>2m 24Ø32

Table 7.8: Longitudinal Reinforcement of Piles

Appendix B includes the output from the excel spreadsheets for the acting loads and the
capacity envelope.

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 40


The required shear reinforcement has been determined according to ACI-318 and is
summarised in Table 7.9.

Pile Diameter Depth Longitudinal Reinforcement

0-3.5m 2Ø16/100
>3.5m Ø12/100

0-3.5m 2Ø16/100
>3.5m Ø12/100

Table 7.9: Shear Reinforcement of Piles

Appendix B includes also the calculation spreadsheets for the piles’ shear reinforcement.
The variation of the resulting factorized shear forces (ULS load combinations), 𝑽𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒃 =
2 2
√𝑉𝑋𝑋 + 𝑉𝑌𝑌 with depth for all the load combinations and the provided shear resistance
are presented in Figures 7.6 and 7.7.

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 41


Figure 7.6: Resulting factored shear resistance vs. depth for 1800mm diameter

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 42


Figure 7.7: Resulting factored shear resistance vs. depth for 1500mm diameter

7.4.4 Reinforcement Development & Splicing Lengths

The minimum required development and splicing lengths have been determined
according to the requirements of ACI 318 (see Appendix B). The development length of
the epoxy coated reinforcement should be greater than 45Ø, while the splicing length
should be greater than 60Ø. The splice locations shall be staggered.

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 43


8 Critical Construction Details

Critical construction details are summarised below:

1. All discrepancies shall be referred to the Engineer for a decision before proceeding
with the work.

2. All materials and workmanship shall be in accordance with the relevant and current
specified standards and the by-laws and ordinances of the relevant building
authorities except where varied by the project specification and/or drawings.

3. Set out of the main grid lines shall be carried out by the contractor. The installation
of piles at positions as required by the engineer shall be accurate to 75mm
horizontally in any direction as measured at cut-off level. This tolerance shall ensure
that pile heads are cast to a level above the specified cut-off so that, after trimming,
a sound concrete connection with the pile can be made in accordance with the
specified strength and durability characteristics.

4. At the commencement of installation, the equipment governing the alignment of the

bored pile, shall be made vertical to a tolerance of within 1 to 100.

5. The Contractor shall submit a complete method statement for the installation of the
bored piling, including concrete material mixes, supporting fluid material, shop
drawings, mill certificates and step by step installation and monitoring procedure in
accordance with the piling specification.

6. The Contractor shall submit on a daily basis, an installation logs and location survey
for each pile cast.

7. All boreholes in the tower's footprint would need to be sealed by cement grout prior
to the drilling of the piles.

8. Upon completion of boring, the excavation shall be cleaned of all loosed, disturbed
and/or remoulded soil and sediment soil to expose a firm base of undisturbed
material, using a suitable and effective method to be approved by the engineer.

9. Temporary casing is required to maintain stability of a bore, in case of unstable soft

cohesive or non-cohesive materials. The bottom of the case shall be kept at a
minimum of 1 meter below the unstable strata.

10. Pre-production pile test program shall be conducted to check all the critical aspects
of pile construction and decide about the appropriate methodology.

11. The use of supporting drilling fluids shall be described by the Contractor in a method
statement to the approval of the engineer. The Contractor shall consider special
measures to ensure the appropriate properties of the fluid (e.g. viscosity, etc.) in
case that salts are present in the mix waters and in the ground.

12. During the pile construction, the following verification tests would need to be
performed as a minimum:

i. Calliper logging shall be performed on 15% of the piles,

ii. Integrity (cross-hole sonic logging) tests on 100% of the piles.

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 44


13. Any piling work rejected by the engineer shall be replaced or rectified by the
contractor to the approval of the engineer and this include reinstallation of piles and
the design and construction of a modified foundation and also constructing of
additional compensation piles.

14. Forcible corrections to concrete piles to overcome errors of position or alignment

shall not be made.

15. The Contractor shall be responsible for all additional load tests, material testing or
new piles as the result of any defective piles that have been installed.

16. Concrete shall be pumped in one continuous operation using a tremie pipe. Free fall
concrete shall not be used. Piling concrete shall be designed for a pump tremie
concrete mix. A detailed method statement for concreting shall be submitted to the
consultant for prior approval.

17. The contractor shall install the piles from the pile platform level. The piles are to be
concreted from pile toe level to the level shown in the typical pile detail. During the
concerting of the piles, concrete overflow up to the pile platform drilling level to be

18. Pile concreting shall be carried out without any prolonged delay after the excavation
of the pile and the placement of the reinforcement to ensure that the soil
characteristics are not significantly altered.

19. Plastic sleeves to bars above cut off level to be provided for easy removal.

20. Pile earthing connection detail, location of pile earthing connections and number of
connections to be provided by the MEP engineer.

21. The excavation profile, support measures and sequence for the elevator pit
construction would need to be defined by the contractor, as per the in-situ conditions.

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 45


9 Conclusions
1. Considering site observations during the drilling operations of pile P1 and in light of
the findings from the recently performed (December 2016) additional geotechnical
investigations (e.g. boreholes NBH-1 & NBH-2) and the bi-directional pile load test
results, which was conducted from 6th to 7th February 2017, the need to proceed with
the partial re-design of piled raft was concluded. The present Addendum Report
serves the scope of this re-design.

2. Revision 01, of the Addendum Report was submitted on 09/03/2017. A meeting

between all the involved parties took place on the 28/03/2017, on which the
submitted addendum was discussed. In this meeting, it was mutually agreed
between Ahmadiah Contracting, PACE and ARCADIS that Area 2 to cover
approximately 50% of the foundation footprint and the pile design to be revised

3. The proposed revised piled-raft solution consists of a raft and a total of 135 No.
reinforced concrete piles.

4. As per the “as-built” pile layout provided by Ahmadiah Contracting & Trading Co on
the 24/04/2017, 99 No. piles were constructed.

5. Drawing No. G00003-MU001738-0E included in Appendix C of the present

Addendum Report presents the studied herein pile layout. The following points
summarise the main characteristics of the revised pile layout:

• All piles of the first three rows are 17m long;

• The first row of piles consists of piles of 1800mm diameter, spaced at an axial
distance of 2000mm. A total of 30 No. Type D piles are included in this first row
(P2 to P17 and P98 to P111);

• The vertical distance between first and second rows is 3000mm;

• The second row of piles consists now in a total of 10 No. Type D piles (P1A, P19
to P22, P33 to P34 and P112 to P114) and 10 No. Type E piles (P23 to P32),
where Type D piles are spaced at an axial distance of 3500mm and Type E piles
are spaced at axial distance of 3000mm;

• A third row of Type E piles is included at a vertical distance of 2500mm from the
second and fourth rows. This row includes a total of 17 No. Type E piles (P18,
P115 to P130) typically spaced at 3000mm axial distance;

• Due to the cancellation of the elevator pit, Pile P39, is a Type B pile;

• A total of 6 No. additional piles are included in the present design, compared
with Rev.0 of this Addendum Report issued on 09/03/2017: P130 (Type E pile)
and P131 to P135 (Type B piles).

6. The cubic concrete strength considered in the present re-design is of 650kg/cm2 (as
per the Engineer’s conditional approval of the initial Design) and the steel
reinforcement with minimum steel strength of 420MPa.

7. The proposed piled raft foundation system of Assima is designed as such that all
calculated piles working loads (at the SLS conditions) to satisfy the Engineer’s
requirement for “single pile” safety factors greater equal than 2.0. For the derivation

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 46


of the safety factors the piles limiting axial capacities, which are presented in
paragraph 5.2 of the present Report were used.

8. The adopted in the present Design geotechnical design assumptions and limiting pile
axial capacities, were based on the evaluation of all the provided additional borehole
data and the assessment of the additional performed bi-directional pile load test,

• The dependency of the mobilised pile shaft and end bearing resistances from
the developed pile settlements, and
• The avoidance of any plastic softening at higher pile loads, as well as the risks
related to the piles bearing poor workmanship.

9. As per the results of the 3D Plaxis finite element analysis and considering all load
combinations provided by the Structural Engineering group of ARCADIS:

i. 97% and 64% of piles are loaded axially with loads < 25000KN in SLS and ULS
conditions respectively.
ii. No tension load is developed in the piles, even for the case were maximum water
uplift combinations were considered.
iii. The piles’ loads related to the cyclic wind loading were compared successfully
against the design shaft capacities, with a global factor of safety greater 2.0,
which is equivalent to a reduction factor n = 0.75, as per the criterion of
paragraph 2.2 of the present Report.
iv. The minimum global safety factor of the piled raft foundation has been estimated
as greater than 2.4.
v. Considering the envelope of pile axial forces, the obtained safety factors per
single pile are all above 2.0 and above 3.0 in 82% of the piles.
10. The proposed piles reinforcement satisfies all structural capacity checks and
dimensioning, as per the American Concrete Institute Standard.

Piled-Raft Foundation Design Page 47


Plaxis 3D Output

Piled-Raft Foundation Design

Settlement on raft – SLS load cases
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

[*10 -3 m]
















Sum phase displacements ΣPuz

Maximum value = -0.04417 m (Element 1019 at Node 60372)

Minimum value = -0.07204 m (Element 173 at Node 106299)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Settlements in Raft SLS LC1 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 45 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04724 m

Minimum value = -0.07133 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC1 - Section 1-1' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 45 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04706 m

Minimum value = -0.06587 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC1 - Section 2-2' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 45 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.04483 m

Minimum value = -0.06020 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC1 - Section 3-3' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 45 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.04671 m

Minimum value = -0.05852 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC1 - Section 4-4' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 45 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.05873 m

Minimum value = -0.07081 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC1 - Section 5-5' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 45 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.05995 m

Minimum value = -0.07191 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC1 - Section 6-6' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 45 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.05770 m

Minimum value = -0.06877 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC1 - Section 7-7' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 45 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.05248 m

Minimum value = -0.06378 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC1 - Section 8-8' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 45 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.04460 m

Minimum value = -0.05949 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC1 - Section 9-9' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 45 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

[*10 -3 m]





















Sum phase displacements ΣPuz

Maximum value = -0.04151 m (Element 2 at Node 129415)

Minimum value = -0.08793 m (Element 199 at Node 91816)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Settlements in Raft SLS LC2 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 60 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04516 m

Minimum value = -0.08640 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC2 - Section 1-1' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 60 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04468 m

Minimum value = -0.06812 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC2 - Section 2-2' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 60 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.04588 m

Minimum value = -0.05507 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC2 - Section 3-3' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 60 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.04444 m

Minimum value = -0.05000 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC2 - Section 4-4' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 60 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.05113 m

Minimum value = -0.07970 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC2 - Section 5-5' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 60 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.05415 m

Minimum value = -0.08604 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC2 - Section 6-6' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 60 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.05402 m

Minimum value = -0.08790 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC2 - Section 7-7' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 60 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.05064 m

Minimum value = -0.08681 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC2 - Section 8-8' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 60 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04596 m

Minimum value = -0.08379 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC2 - Section 9-9' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 60 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

[*10 -3 m]















Sum phase displacements ΣPuz

Maximum value = -0.04174 m (Element 1004 at Node 70508)

Minimum value = -0.09304 m (Element 197 at Node 91813)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Settlements in Raft SLS LC3 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 75 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.05405 m

Minimum value = -0.09111 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC3 - Section 1-1' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 75 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04542 m

Minimum value = -0.06733 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC3 - Section 2-2' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 75 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.04325 m

Minimum value = -0.05076 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC3 - Section 3-3' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 75 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.04452 m

Minimum value = -0.05473 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC3 - Section 4-4' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 75 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04566 m

Minimum value = -0.08656 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC3 - Section 5-5' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 75 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04896 m

Minimum value = -0.09201 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC3 - Section 6-6' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 75 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 50.0 times)

Maximum value = -0.04972 m

Minimum value = -0.09301 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC3 - Section 7-7' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 75 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04722 m

Minimum value = -0.09125 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC3 - Section 8-8' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 75 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04320 m

Minimum value = -0.08795 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC3 - Section 9-9' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 75 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

[*10 -3 m]















Sum phase displacements ΣPuz

Maximum value = -0.04097 m (Element 1004 at Node 70508)

Minimum value = -0.09416 m (Element 200 at Node 91817)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Settlements in Raft SLS LC4 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 31 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 50.0 times)

Maximum value = -0.05209 m

Minimum value = -0.09221 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC4 - Section 1-1' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 31 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04550 m

Minimum value = -0.06765 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC4 - Section 2-2' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 31 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.04258 m

Minimum value = -0.05100 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC4 - Section 3-3' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 31 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.04547 m

Minimum value = -0.05275 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC4 - Section 4-4' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 31 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04657 m

Minimum value = -0.08654 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC4 - Section 5-5' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 31 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 50.0 times)

Maximum value = -0.04947 m

Minimum value = -0.09263 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC4 - Section 6-6' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 31 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 50.0 times)

Maximum value = -0.04969 m

Minimum value = -0.09416 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC4 - Section 7-7' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 31 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 50.0 times)

Maximum value = -0.04676 m

Minimum value = -0.09267 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC4 - Section 8-8' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 31 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04248 m

Minimum value = -0.08935 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC4 - Section 9-9' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 31 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

[*10 -3 m]















Sum phase displacements ΣPuz

Maximum value = -0.03848 m (Element 1007 at Node 61819)

Minimum value = -0.09119 m (Element 173 at Node 106299)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Settlements in Raft SLS LC5 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 90 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.06418 m

Minimum value = -0.08924 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC5 - Section 1-1' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 90 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.05081 m

Minimum value = -0.06649 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC5 - Section 2-2' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 90 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.03974 m

Minimum value = -0.05075 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC5 - Section 3-3' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 90 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.04674 m

Minimum value = -0.06488 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC5 - Section 4-4' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 90 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04758 m

Minimum value = -0.08957 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC5 - Section 5-5' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 90 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04954 m

Minimum value = -0.09111 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC5 - Section 6-6' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 90 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04896 m

Minimum value = -0.08819 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC5 - Section 7-7' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 90 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04537 m

Minimum value = -0.08318 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC5 - Section 8-8' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 90 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.03950 m

Minimum value = -0.07859 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC5 - Section 9-9' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 90 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

[*10 -3 m]



















Sum phase displacements ΣPuz

Maximum value = -0.02661 m (Element 1 at Node 129825)

Minimum value = -0.06045 m (Element 197 at Node 91813)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Settlements in Raft SLS LC6 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 101 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.02743 m

Minimum value = -0.05999 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC6 - Section 1-1' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 101 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.03766 m

Minimum value = -0.05832 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC6 - Section 2-2' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 101 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.04307 m

Minimum value = -0.05478 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC6 - Section 3-3' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 101 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.02758 m

Minimum value = -0.05248 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC6 - Section 4-4' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 101 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.05170 m

Minimum value = -0.05485 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC6 - Section 5-5' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 101 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.05401 m

Minimum value = -0.05951 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC6 - Section 6-6' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 101 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.05280 m

Minimum value = -0.06041 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC6 - Section 7-7' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 101 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.04869 m

Minimum value = -0.05881 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC6 - Section 8-8' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 101 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.04283 m

Minimum value = -0.05606 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC6 - Section 9-9' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 101 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

[*10 -3 m]



















Sum phase displacements ΣPuz

Maximum value = -0.03859 m (Element 1016 at Node 61075)

Minimum value = -0.08012 m (Element 164 at Node 121514)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Settlements in Raft SLS LC7 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 115 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.05484 m

Minimum value = -0.07889 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC7 - Section 1-1' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 115 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.04258 m

Minimum value = -0.06543 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC7 - Section 2-2' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 115 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.03885 m

Minimum value = -0.05641 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC7 - Section 3-3' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 115 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.05482 m

Minimum value = -0.06390 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC7 - Section 4-4' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 115 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.05568 m

Minimum value = -0.08010 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC7 - Section 5-5' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 115 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.05618 m

Minimum value = -0.07756 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC7 - Section 6-6' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 115 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 100 times)

Maximum value = -0.05344 m

Minimum value = -0.07051 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC7 - Section 7-7' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 115 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.04786 m

Minimum value = -0.06247 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC7 - Section 8-8' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 115 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Sum phase displacements ΣPuz (scaled up 200 times)

Maximum value = -0.03905 m

Minimum value = -0.05694 m

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC7 - Section 9-9' 4/4/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 115 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Forces on Piles – SLS load cases
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = -242.7 kN (Element 2550 at Node 141998)

Minimum value = -26.54*10 3 kN (Element 226 at Node 137261)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC1 Axial Forces on Piles 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 45 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 7725 kN (Element 2671 at Node 142246)

Minimum value = -6155 kN (Element 2701 at Node 142307)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC1 Shear Force on Piles Q125/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 45 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 4623 kN (Element 774 at Node 138379)

Minimum value = -4753 kN (Element 2706 at Node 142317)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC1 Shear Force on Piles Q135/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 45 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 2.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 3071 kN m (Element 796 at Node 138424)

Minimum value = -2863 kN m (Element 2702 at Node 142309)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC1 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 45 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 5926 kN m (Element 2125 at Node 141136)

Minimum value = -8530 kN m (Element 3468 at Node 143865)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC1 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 45 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = -247.8 kN (Element 2550 at Node 141998)

Minimum value = -24.57*10 3 kN (Element 2703 at Node 142311)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC2 Axial Forces on Piles 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 60 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 8222 kN (Element 2671 at Node 142246)

Minimum value = -7268 kN (Element 2701 at Node 142307)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC2 Shear Force on Piles Q125/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 60 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 4512 kN (Element 697 at Node 138222)

Minimum value = -7138 kN (Element 2706 at Node 142317)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC2 Shear Force on Piles Q135/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 60 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 2.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 3921 kN m (Element 2705 at Node 142315)

Minimum value = -2422 kN m (Element 3500 at Node 143930)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC2 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 60 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 6953 kN m (Element 2344 at Node 141581)

Minimum value = -9144 kN m (Element 3468 at Node 143865)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC2 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 60 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = -263.9 kN (Element 2041 at Node 140963)

Minimum value = -25.63*10 3 kN (Element 3628 at Node 144190)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC3 Axial Forces on Piles 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 75 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 7873 kN (Element 2671 at Node 142246)

Minimum value = -7701 kN (Element 2701 at Node 142307)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC3 Shear Force on Piles Q125/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 75 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 4427 kN (Element 697 at Node 138222)

Minimum value = -7645 kN (Element 2706 at Node 142317)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC3 Shear Force on Piles Q135/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 75 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 1.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 4216 kN m (Element 2705 at Node 142315)

Minimum value = -2402 kN m (Element 3627 at Node 144188)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC3 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 75 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 7251 kN m (Element 2344 at Node 141581)

Minimum value = -9016 kN m (Element 3468 at Node 143865)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC3 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 75 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = -264.9 kN (Element 2041 at Node 140963)

Minimum value = -25.93*10 3 kN (Element 2703 at Node 142311)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC4 Axial Forces on Piles 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 31 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 8291 kN (Element 2671 at Node 142246)

Minimum value = -7634 kN (Element 2701 at Node 142307)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC4 Shear Force on Piles Q125/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 31 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 4267 kN (Element 774 at Node 138379)

Minimum value = -7805 kN (Element 2706 at Node 142317)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC4 Shear Force on Piles Q135/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 31 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 1.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 4342 kN m (Element 2705 at Node 142315)

Minimum value = -2454 kN m (Element 3627 at Node 144188)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC4 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 31 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 7159 kN m (Element 2344 at Node 141581)

Minimum value = -9456 kN m (Element 3468 at Node 143865)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC4 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 31 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = -281.6 kN (Element 2041 at Node 140963)

Minimum value = -28.35*10 3 kN (Element 3628 at Node 144189)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC5 Axial Forces on Piles 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 90 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 7748 kN (Element 2671 at Node 142246)

Minimum value = -7327 kN (Element 2701 at Node 142307)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC5 Shear Force on Piles Q125/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 90 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 4146 kN (Element 774 at Node 138379)

Minimum value = -6957 kN (Element 2706 at Node 142317)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC5 Shear Force on Piles Q135/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 90 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 1.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 4218 kN m (Element 3440 at Node 143807)

Minimum value = -2475 kN m (Element 2702 at Node 142309)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC5 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 90 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 6876 kN m (Element 2702 at Node 142309)

Minimum value = -9084 kN m (Element 3468 at Node 143865)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC5 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 90 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = -185.2 kN (Element 2550 at Node 141998)

Minimum value = -25.97*10 3 kN (Element 226 at Node 137261)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC6 Axial Force on Piles 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 101 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 7214 kN (Element 2671 at Node 142246)

Minimum value = -5757 kN (Element 2701 at Node 142307)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC6 Shear Force on Piles Q125/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 101 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 1.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 4540 kN (Element 774 at Node 138379)

Minimum value = -4547 kN (Element 2706 at Node 142317)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC6 Shear Force on Piles Q135/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 101 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 2.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 3004 kN m (Element 797 at Node 138426)

Minimum value = -3067 kN m (Element 3315 at Node 143554)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC6 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 101 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 5650 kN m (Element 2344 at Node 141580)

Minimum value = -7634 kN m (Element 3468 at Node 143865)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC6 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 101 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = -278.3 kN (Element 2277 at Node 141443)

Minimum value = -27.99*10 3 kN (Element 3628 at Node 144189)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC7 Axial Force on Piles 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 115 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 7404 kN (Element 2671 at Node 142246)

Minimum value = -6238 kN (Element 2701 at Node 142307)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC7 Shear Force on Piles Q125/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 115 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 1.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 4392 kN (Element 774 at Node 138379)

Minimum value = -4805 kN (Element 2706 at Node 142317)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC7 Shear Force on Piles Q135/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 115 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 1.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 3805 kN m (Element 3440 at Node 143807)

Minimum value = -3171 kN m (Element 2702 at Node 142309)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC7 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 115 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 5984 kN m (Element 2702 at Node 142309)

Minimum value = -8572 kN m (Element 3468 at Node 143865)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - SLS LC7 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_SL ... 115 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Envelope of forces in piles – SLS cases
Y (m)


14314 16445



22348 12150
21879 9291 13736
12878 18340
11379 13499
24201 20262
12209 13831


14934 22639
11240 14434 17308 15700
24949 11840
11253 14523 16649

23192 18054 14994
23621 11014 14033 17584 24008
23963 16431 19923 14571
11188 14536 18005 24028
22265 10296
18738 13994

10199 14438 16513 23788
19557 13985
24275 10975

X (m)
10870 14027 16920 23187
23230 17792 13711

22685 9989 13482 15651 23383

24373 14227 17828 13676

14158 15064 22997
23947 10274
15970 12499
Plaxis 3D Output - Envelope axial force on piles (kN) - SLS

16971 10096

13230 12987 20968

14711 11346
19685 12845 20894
16407 12736

17925 24731


% Piles



Axial Force (kN)


Safety Factor on piles - SLS

2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.8 2.4



2.9 3.9 4.0 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.7 5.2 4.6 3.1


3.2 3.6


3.4 4.3 3.8 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.6 3.5 3.8 3.9 4.5 4.6 3.3

Y (m)


3.0 4.3 3.8 3.4 3.1 3.3 3.0 3.1 3.0 3.3 3.3 3.7 4.0 3.6


% Piles

2.6 3.3 4.1 3.2 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.0 3.3 2.2

3.0 4.5 3.6 3.7 3.5 3.9 3.8 3.5 4.0 4.1 3.8 4.1 4.1 4.0 4.0 4.1 2.8

2.3 3.9 4.8 4.5 4.3 3.4 3.7 3.6 3.7 3.9 3.6 3.7 4.0 3.8 3.8 4.3 3.9 3.7 3.3 2.2 0% 0% 0%
<1.0 1.0-1.5 1.5-2.0 >2.0
Safety Factor

0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00
X (m)
Y (m)


6031 4679



9558 8712
9334 5064 4496
8531 3605
4983 5206
7817 3086
4967 3686


2916 3061
3884 4200 4410 3996
4797 2790
2383 2690 3551

3620 2723 1747
3355 1704 2162 3145 1427
3510 1997 2404 1254
1875 1281 3089 932
3910 1744
2385 1656

1967 1989 3062 1453
2678 1926
4756 2278

X (m)
2766 2606 3603 2261
5296 3254 2552

5337 2706 3032 3667 2678

4972 5170 3872 2935

3779 4240 3236
6058 3792
Plaxis 3D Output - Envelope moment on piles (kNm) - SLS

4819 3305
6984 4115

4876 4261 2970

4622 3011
4804 3751 2422
3690 2472

3387 2493

% Piles




Moment (kNm)

Forces on Piles – ULS load cases
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = -241.9 kN (Element 2317 at Node 141793)

Minimum value = -22.24*10 3 kN (Element 226 at Node 137531)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC1 Axial Force in Piles 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 26 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 6458 kN (Element 2478 at Node 142122)

Minimum value = -5221 kN (Element 2746 at Node 142667)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC1 Shear Force on Piles ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 26 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 1.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 4164 kN (Element 743 at Node 138586)

Minimum value = -3931 kN (Element 2751 at Node 142677)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC1 Shear Force on Piles ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 26 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 2.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 2822 kN m (Element 796 at Node 138694)

Minimum value = -2547 kN m (Element 2967 at Node 143116)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC1 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 26 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 5569 kN m (Element 2165 at Node 141486)

Minimum value = -7155 kN m (Element 3523 at Node 144245)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC1 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 26 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.200*10 times)

Maximum value = -344.5 kN (Element 2317 at Node 141793)

Minimum value = -34.81*10 3 kN (Element 225 at Node 137529)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC2 Axial Force on Piles 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 52 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 11.63*10 3 kN (Element 2478 at Node 142122)

Minimum value = -8445 kN (Element 2746 at Node 142667)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC2 Shear Force on Piles ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 52 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 6391 kN (Element 743 at Node 138586)

Minimum value = -6836 kN (Element 2751 at Node 142677)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC2 Shear Force on Piles ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 52 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 1.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 4421 kN m (Element 796 at Node 138694)

Minimum value = -3973 kN m (Element 2747 at Node 142668)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC2 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 52 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 9304 kN m (Element 2386 at Node 141935)

Minimum value = -11.98*10 3 kN m (Element 3523 at Node 144245)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC2 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 52 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.200*10 times)

Maximum value = -314.1 kN (Element 1605 at Node 140343)

Minimum value = -32.89*10 3 kN (Element 2748 at Node 142671)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC3 Axial Force on Piles 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 79 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 11.51*10 3 kN (Element 3458 at Node 144113)

Minimum value = -9475 kN (Element 2746 at Node 142667)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC3 Shear Force on Piles ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 79 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 7002 kN (Element 2749 at Node 142673)

Minimum value = -10.32*10 3 kN (Element 2751 at Node 142677)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC3 Shear Force on Piles ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 79 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 5706 kN m (Element 2750 at Node 142675)

Minimum value = -3524 kN m (Element 3684 at Node 144572)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC3 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 79 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 10.65*10 3 kN m (Element 2386 at Node 141935)

Minimum value = -11.82*10 3 kN m (Element 3523 at Node 144245)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC3 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 79 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.200*10 times)

Maximum value = -310.0 kN (Element 1605 at Node 140343)

Minimum value = -34.54*10 3 kN (Element 2748 at Node 142671)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC4 Axial Force on Piles 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 108 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 11.05*10 3 kN (Element 3458 at Node 144113)

Minimum value = -10.46*10 3 kN (Element 2746 at Node 142667)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC4 Shear Force on Piles ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 108 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 9432 kN (Element 1817 at Node 140777)

Minimum value = -11.20*10 3 kN (Element 2751 at Node 142677)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC4 Shear Force on Piles ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 108 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 6376 kN m (Element 2750 at Node 142675)

Minimum value = -3546 kN m (Element 3684 at Node 144572)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC4 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 108 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 11.39*10 3 kN m (Element 2386 at Node 141935)

Minimum value = -11.63*10 3 kN m (Element 3523 at Node 144245)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC4 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 108 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.200*10 times)

Maximum value = -311.6 kN (Element 1605 at Node 140343)

Minimum value = -35.62*10 3 kN (Element 2748 at Node 142671)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC5 Axial Force on Piles 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 136 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 12.06*10 3 kN (Element 3458 at Node 144113)

Minimum value = -10.39*10 3 kN (Element 2746 at Node 142667)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC5 Shear Force on Piles ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 136 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 10.18*10 3 kN (Element 1817 at Node 140777)

Minimum value = -11.54*10 3 kN (Element 2751 at Node 142677)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC5 Shear Force on Piles ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 136 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 6687 kN m (Element 2750 at Node 142675)

Minimum value = -3587 kN m (Element 3684 at Node 144572)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC5 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 136 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 11.29*10 3 kN m (Element 2386 at Node 141935)

Minimum value = -12.58*10 3 kN m (Element 3523 at Node 144245)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC5 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 136 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.200*10 times)

Maximum value = -349.2 kN (Element 1605 at Node 140343)

Minimum value = -35.49*10 3 kN (Element 3685 at Node 144573)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC6 Axial Force on Piles 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 165 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 10.22*10 3 kN (Element 2478 at Node 142122)

Minimum value = -9679 kN (Element 2746 at Node 142667)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC6 Shear Force on Piles ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 165 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 7781 kN (Element 1817 at Node 140777)

Minimum value = -10.13*10 3 kN (Element 2751 at Node 142677)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC6 Shear Force on Piles ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 165 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 6409 kN m (Element 3689 at Node 144582)

Minimum value = -2882 kN m (Element 3684 at Node 144572)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC6 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 165 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 10.02*10 3 kN m (Element 2386 at Node 141935)

Minimum value = -11.74*10 3 kN m (Element 3523 at Node 144245)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC6 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 165 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.200*10 times)

Maximum value = -333.6 kN (Element 2560 at Node 142287)

Minimum value = -36.06*10 3 kN (Element 225 at Node 137529)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC7 Axial Force on Piles 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 190 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 11.24*10 3 kN (Element 2478 at Node 142122)

Minimum value = -8460 kN (Element 988 at Node 139086)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC7 Shear Force on Piles ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 190 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 6780 kN (Element 743 at Node 138586)

Minimum value = -7047 kN (Element 2751 at Node 142677)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC7 Shear Force on Piles ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 190 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 4629 kN m (Element 796 at Node 138694)

Minimum value = -4650 kN m (Element 3361 at Node 143916)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC7 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 190 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 9615 kN m (Element 2386 at Node 141935)

Minimum value = -11.90*10 3 kN m (Element 3523 at Node 144245)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC7 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 190 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.200*10 times)

Maximum value = -347.0 kN (Element 2317 at Node 141793)

Minimum value = -33.72*10 3 kN (Element 3685 at Node 144573)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC8 Axial Force on Piles 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 214 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 12.03*10 3 kN (Element 2478 at Node 142122)

Minimum value = -9034 kN (Element 2746 at Node 142667)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC8 Shear Force on Piles ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 214 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 6587 kN (Element 2749 at Node 142673)

Minimum value = -8299 kN (Element 2751 at Node 142677)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC8 Shear Force on Piles ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 214 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 5149 kN m (Element 3689 at Node 144582)

Minimum value = -4586 kN m (Element 2747 at Node 142668)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC8 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 214 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 9591 kN m (Element 2386 at Node 141935)

Minimum value = -12.10*10 3 kN m (Element 3523 at Node 144245)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC8 Bending Moment on P ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 214 Hyder Consulting Middle East
Envelope of forces in piles – ULS cases
Y (m)


19061 22421



29286 15005
28188 11780 18439
16342 23344
14379 17143
30754 27463
14528 18417

21482 31392
13296 17570 21679 22103
31997 14220
13796 18143 22868

30640 23783 21731
31010 13975 17767 24916 31192
31452 22005 26753 21005
14462 20155 24585 31698
31812 14455
25554 20036

14433 20681 23773 31466
27099 20183
33787 15260

X (m)
15109 20920 23567 30791
32773 24216 19538

32728 13323 18569 21760 30107

32893 18637 23240 20052

18384 21050 30645
32555 12343
20469 18089
23648 12214

16052 18626 28207

Plaxis 3D Output - Envelope axial force on piles (kN) - ULS

19294 17843
29075 17133 28658
20715 19631

25693 32852


% Piles


Axial Force (kN)


Y (m)


19061 22421



29286 15005
28188 11780 18439
16342 23344
14379 17143
30754 27463
14528 18417

21482 31392
13296 17570 21679 22103
31997 14220
13796 18143 22868

30640 23783 21731
31010 13975 17767 24916 31192
31452 22005 26753 21005
14462 20155 24585 31698
31812 14455
25554 20036

14433 20681 23773 31466
27099 20183
33787 15260

X (m)
15109 20920 23567 30791
32773 24216 19538

32728 13323 18569 21760 30107

32893 18637 23240 20052

18384 21050 30645
32555 12343
20469 18089
23648 12214

16052 18626 28207

Plaxis 3D Output - Envelope axial force on piles (kN) - ULS

19294 17843
29075 17133 28658
20715 19631

25693 32852


% Piles


Axial Force (kN)


Forces on Piles – ULS with water uplift load cases
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = -215.9 kN (Element 2317 at Node 141793)

Minimum value = -19.87*10 3 kN (Element 226 at Node 137531)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC1 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 23 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 5485 kN (Element 2715 at Node 142604)

Minimum value = -4600 kN (Element 2746 at Node 142667)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC1 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 23 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 1.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 3688 kN (Element 743 at Node 138586)

Minimum value = -3242 kN (Element 2751 at Node 142677)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC1 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 23 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 2.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 2587 kN m (Element 3494 at Node 144185)

Minimum value = -2505 kN m (Element 2967 at Node 143116)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC1 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 23 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 4859 kN m (Element 2165 at Node 141486)

Minimum value = -6151 kN m (Element 3523 at Node 144245)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC1 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 23 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = -188.3 kN (Element 1605 at Node 140343)

Minimum value = -27.27*10 3 kN (Element 2748 at Node 142671)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC2 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 35 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 7055 kN (Element 3428 at Node 144052)

Minimum value = -6219 kN (Element 2746 at Node 142667)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC2 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 35 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 5128 kN (Element 1817 at Node 140777)

Minimum value = -6481 kN (Element 2751 at Node 142677)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC2 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 35 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 1.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 4381 kN m (Element 2750 at Node 142675)

Minimum value = -2480 kN m (Element 3583 at Node 144367)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC 2 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 35 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 6461 kN m (Element 2386 at Node 141935)

Minimum value = -6968 kN m (Element 3491 at Node 144180)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC2 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 35 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = -168.1 kN (Element 886 at Node 138876)

Minimum value = -28.73*10 3 kN (Element 2748 at Node 142671)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC3 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 51 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 7179 kN (Element 3458 at Node 144113)

Minimum value = -7276 kN (Element 2746 at Node 142667)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC3 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 51 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 7085 kN (Element 1817 at Node 140777)

Minimum value = -7105 kN (Element 2751 at Node 142677)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC3 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 51 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 1.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 5008 kN m (Element 2750 at Node 142675)

Minimum value = -1865 kN m (Element 3684 at Node 144572)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC3 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 51 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 7309 kN m (Element 2386 at Node 141935)

Minimum value = -7213 kN m (Element 3491 at Node 144180)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC3 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 51 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.200*10 times)

Maximum value = -182.4 kN (Element 886 at Node 138876)

Minimum value = -29.91*10 3 kN (Element 2748 at Node 142671)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC4 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 67 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 7898 kN (Element 3458 at Node 144113)

Minimum value = -7235 kN (Element 2746 at Node 142667)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC4 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 67 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 7797 kN (Element 1817 at Node 140777)

Minimum value = -7374 kN (Element 2751 at Node 142677)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC4 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 67 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 1.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 5337 kN m (Element 2750 at Node 142675)

Minimum value = -2046 kN m (Element 174 at Node 137425)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC4 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 67 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 7209 kN m (Element 2386 at Node 141935)

Minimum value = -7901 kN m (Element 3491 at Node 144180)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC4 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 67 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = -194.2 kN (Element 419 at Node 137923)

Minimum value = -28.77*10 3 kN (Element 3685 at Node 144573)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC5 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 81 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 6462 kN (Element 3458 at Node 144113)

Minimum value = -6675 kN (Element 2746 at Node 142667)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC5 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 81 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 5502 kN (Element 1817 at Node 140777)

Minimum value = -6041 kN (Element 2751 at Node 142677)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC5 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 81 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 2.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 4848 kN m (Element 3364 at Node 143921)

Minimum value = -1282 kN m (Element 224 at Node 137527)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC5 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 81 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 6601 kN m (Element 2747 at Node 142669)

Minimum value = -7361 kN m (Element 3523 at Node 144245)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC5 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 81 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = -170.5 kN (Element 2445 at Node 142053)

Minimum value = -21.09*10 3 kN (Element 226 at Node 137531)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC6 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 88 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 5016 kN (Element 1184 at Node 139486)

Minimum value = -4264 kN (Element 2746 at Node 142667)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC6 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 88 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 1.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 3868 kN (Element 743 at Node 138586)

Minimum value = -3228 kN (Element 3266 at Node 143723)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC6 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 88 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 2.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 2579 kN m (Element 796 at Node 138694)

Minimum value = -3227 kN m (Element 3298 at Node 143788)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC6 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 88 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 4710 kN m (Element 2386 at Node 141935)

Minimum value = -4903 kN m (Element 2716 at Node 142606)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC6 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 88 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = -214.7 kN (Element 2317 at Node 141793)

Minimum value = -24.50*10 3 kN (Element 3685 at Node 144574)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC7 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 96 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 1.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 4970 kN (Element 2478 at Node 142122)

Minimum value = -4131 kN (Element 2225 at Node 141608)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC7 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 96 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 2.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 2901 kN (Element 743 at Node 138586)

Minimum value = -2681 kN (Element 2876 at Node 142931)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC7 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 96 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 2.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 3336 kN m (Element 3494 at Node 144185)

Minimum value = -2734 kN m (Element 2908 at Node 142996)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC7 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 96 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 4287 kN m (Element 2165 at Node 141486)

Minimum value = -5747 kN m (Element 3523 at Node 144245)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - ULS LC7 with uplift 5/8/2017

Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_U ... 96 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Envelope of forces in piles – ULS with water uplift cases
Y (m)


11511 12010



22285 10517
22315 7286 9732
11996 13219
8558 10857
24341 15346
9876 10206


11468 17775
8624 11282 13714 12703
25351 9253
9682 11211 13554

24427 14457 11551
24463 9504 10836 14295 18953
25207 13214 16740 11206
10458 12000 14266 19191
25275 8640
15216 10666

8615 12538 13321 18700
16247 10800
27790 9260

X (m)
11123 13148 13405 18314
26838 14586 10254

27043 8353 11367 12173 17572

27264 14175 14034 10257

12051 11693 18139
27480 8941
13223 8956
Plaxis 3D Output - Envelope axial force on piles (kN) - SLS

18704 8973

11284 9766 16159

12714 8385
22130 10529 15920
15269 9243

17086 19934


% Piles




Axial Force (kN)


Y (m)


4085 3080



7894 6518
7976 3511 3046

6869 2337
3673 3712
7244 2057
4239 2693


2052 2202
3476 3342 3301 3262
6043 3249
3098 3082 2681

5404 2506 1222
5122 3119 3323 2501 1678
5177 3369 2856 1091
2437 3115 2601 1534
4661 2695
3050 1319

2759 3572 2578 1726
3545 1723
4853 2909

X (m)
2455 3684 2980 2182
4696 3663 2003

4928 3254 4033 2917 2283

5225 5026 3956 2153

4274 3295 2888
5621 4443
Plaxis 3D Output - Envelope moment on piles (kNm) - SLS

4343 2500
7760 4636

5092 3215 2890

4316 2525
5274 3059 2898
3658 2368

3200 3569

% Piles



Moment (kNm)

Forces on Piles – Wind load cases
Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 2384 kN (Element 221 at Node 137565)

Minimum value = -10.14*10 3 kN (Element 2742 at Node 142703)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Wind Loads Only LC1 Axial For ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 20 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 2.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 2072 kN (Element 3300 at Node 143836)

Minimum value = -1150 kN (Element 2740 at Node 142699)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Wind Loads Only LC1 Shear Fo ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 20 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 5.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 2138 kN (Element 3300 at Node 143836)

Minimum value = -649.6 kN (Element 2745 at Node 142709)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Wind Loads Only LC1 Shear Fo ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 20 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 5.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 1298 kN m (Element 2142 at Node 141483)

Minimum value = -399.5 kN m (Element 2535 at Node 142282)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Wind Loads Only LC1 Bending ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 20 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 5.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 1139 kN m (Element 2741 at Node 142701)

Minimum value = -1149 kN m (Element 3240 at Node 143714)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Wind Loads Only LC1 Bending ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 20 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 6367 kN (Element 221 at Node 137565)

Minimum value = -11.39*10 3 kN (Element 2742 at Node 142703)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Wind Loads Only LC2 Axial For ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 23 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 2.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 1946 kN (Element 3300 at Node 143836)

Minimum value = -1579 kN (Element 2740 at Node 142699)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Winds Loads Only LC2 Shear F ... 5/9/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 23 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 1.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 5639 kN (Element 3300 at Node 143836)

Minimum value = -926.5 kN (Element 792 at Node 138730)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Winds Loads Only LC2 Shear F ... 5/9/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 23 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 5.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 1733 kN m (Element 3034 at Node 143296)

Minimum value = -626.3 kN m (Element 817 at Node 138781)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Winds Loads Only LC2 Moment 5/9/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 23 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 5.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 1579 kN m (Element 2741 at Node 142701)

Minimum value = -995.6 kN m (Element 3205 at Node 143643)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Winds Loads Only LC2 Moment 5/9/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 23 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 5758 kN (Element 221 at Node 137565)

Minimum value = -12.51*10 3 kN (Element 2742 at Node 142703)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Wind Loads Only LC3 Axial For ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 26 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 2.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 2263 kN (Element 3300 at Node 143836)

Minimum value = -1494 kN (Element 2740 at Node 142699)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Winds Loads Only LC3 Shear F ... 5/9/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 26 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 2.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 4855 kN (Element 3300 at Node 143836)

Minimum value = -905.9 kN (Element 2745 at Node 142709)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Winds Loads Only LC3 Shear F ... 5/9/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 26 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 5.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 2008 kN m (Element 2142 at Node 141483)

Minimum value = -534.1 kN m (Element 817 at Node 138781)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Winds Loads Only LC3 Moment 5/9/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 26 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 5.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 1484 kN m (Element 2741 at Node 142701)

Minimum value = -1287 kN m (Element 3240 at Node 143714)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Winds Loads Only LC3 Moment 5/9/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 26 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Axial forces N (scaled up 0.500*10 times)

Maximum value = 5676 kN (Element 221 at Node 137565)

Minimum value = -7706 kN (Element 3173 at Node 143578)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Wind Loads Only LC4 Axial For ... 5/1/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 29 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 12 (scaled up 5.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 1097 kN (Element 3563 at Node 144370)

Minimum value = -1092 kN (Element 2740 at Node 142699)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Winds Loads Only LC4 Shear F ... 5/9/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 29 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Shear forces Q 13 (scaled up 1.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 6109 kN (Element 3300 at Node 143836)

Minimum value = -892.1 kN (Element 792 at Node 138730)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Winds Loads Only LC4 Shear F ... 5/9/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 29 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M2 (scaled up 5.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 1655 kN m (Element 3174 at Node 143579)

Minimum value = -577.0 kN m (Element 817 at Node 138781)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Winds Loads Only LC4 Moment 5/9/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 29 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Output Version 2015.1.20198.13937

Bending moments M3 (scaled up 5.00*10 times)

Maximum value = 1117 kN m (Element 2771 at Node 142762)

Minimum value = -960.1 kN m (Element 3533 at Node 144309)

Project description Date

Assima Tower Pile Raft - Winds Loads Only LC4 Moment 5/9/2017
Project filename Step User name

Assima Tower Pile Raft_W ... 29 Hyder Consulting Middle East

Envelope of forces in piles – Wind load cases
Y (m)


2078 1032



5509 2009
6011 1020 345
2180 -8
1012 742
6498 -26
1546 53


-28 -35
889 421 6 -20
6981 852
1572 349 -11

6918 -1 -34
6987 781 332 -14 -30
7775 122 5 -17
2128 624 -12 -43
8001 1029
95 -18

1119 931 -4 -34
201 -13
9784 1380

X (m)
2780 1124 44 -25
9591 393 -6

9926 1596 1407 172 -20

10367 3693 640 31

1774 376 -14
10890 2038
1019 221
Plaxis 3D Output - Envelope axial force on piles (kN) - SLS

5507 2309

1949 635 -6
1418 400
4363 962 17
2608 456

1896 47


% Piles




Axial Force (kN)


Y (m)


164 122



135 178
78 90 16
165 -609
63 65
212 -833
192 -78

-476 -1564
62 -522 -1097 -619
177 32
127 -317 -1102

229 -1304 -728
218 70 -123 -1407 -2266
181 -568 -1798 -651
199 -69 -1617 -2045
277 117
-1228 -510

97 104 -1504 -1688
-1235 -409
308 135

X (m)
185 165 -1351 -1558
244 -648 -204

271 144 178 -861 -1126

298 279 -217 -30

192 -573 -893
250 234
68 27
276 208

221 99 -684
94 43
Plaxis 3D Output - Envelope axial force (tension) on piles (kN) - SLS

171 99 -546
56 46

92 -877

% Piles



-3500 -2000

Axial Force (kN) (Note: tension is negative)

<-5000 -5000 to -3500 to -2000 to >-500


Structural Capacity Checks

Piled-Raft Foundation Design

Part of Project Moment & Axial Check of Piles to ACI-318, 2011 - Upper Part of Ø1800 Piles
Calculation by Date Checked by Date
Christos Biliris 4 April 2017 Ilias Michalis 4 April 2017

Diameter of Section 1800 mm Inputs

Reinforcement Cover 100 mm Calculation
Section Area, Ac 2.54 m2

Ultimate Strain of concrete, εcu 0.30%
Characteristic Concrete Cylinder Strength, fck 52.00 MPa
Effective Height of Compression Zone, β1 0.68
Strength Reduction Factor - compression controlled, φ 0.55

Characteristic Steel Strength 420 MPa
Reinforcement Stiffness, Es 200 GPa
Number of Bars (Odd Number & Up to 30 Bars) 48
Bar Diameter 32 mm Areinf / Aconc 1.52%
Steel Area, Ast 0.039 m2 38604 mm2
Strength Reduction Factor - tension controlled, φ 0.90
Maximum allowable compression force, φPn,max 55872 kN
Maximum allowable tension force, φPnt 14592 kN
Ultimate strain for steel, εt (%) 0.21%
Angle Between Bars 12.00
Distance Between Remote Reinforcements 1560 mm

Piles Ø1800 Top 2m, fcylinder = 52MPa & φCompression = 0.55



Axial Force [kN]




0.0 2000.0 4000.0 6000.0 8000.0 10000.0 12000.0 14000.0 16000.0 18000.0 20000.0


Bending Moment [kNm]

Section's Capacity (Major Axis) Results Section's Capacity Minor Axis

Part of Project Moment & Axial Check of Piles to ACI-318, 2011 - Lower Part of Ø1800 Piles
Calculation by Date Checked by Date
Christos Biliris 4 April 2017 Ilias Michalis 4 April 2017

Diameter of Section 1800 mm Inputs

Reinforcement Cover 100 mm Calculation
Section Area, Ac 2.54 m2

Ultimate Strain of concrete, εcu 0.30%
Characteristic Concrete Cylinder Strength, fck 52.00 MPa
Effective Height of Compression Zone, β1 0.68
Strength Reduction Factor - compression controlled, φ 0.55

Characteristic Steel Strength 420 MPa
Reinforcement Stiffness, Es 200 GPa
Number of Bars (Odd Number & Up to 30 Bars) 32
Bar Diameter 32 mm Areinf / Aconc 1.01%
Steel Area, Ast 0.026 m2 25736 mm2
Strength Reduction Factor - tension controlled, φ 0.90
Maximum allowable compression force, φPn,max 53745 kN
Maximum allowable tension force, φPnt 9728 kN
Ultimate strain for steel, εt (%) 0.21%
Angle Between Bars 12.00
Distance Between Remote Reinforcements 1567 mm

Piles Ø1800 > 2m, fcylinder = 52MPa & φCompression = 0.55


Axial Force [kN]




0.0 2000.0 4000.0 6000.0 8000.0 10000.0 12000.0 14000.0 16000.0 18000.0


Bending Moment [kNm]

Section's Capacity (Major Axis) Results Section's Capacity Minor Axis

Part of Project Shear Check of Upper Part of Ø1800 Piles to ACI-318, 2011
Calculation by Date Checked by Date
CB 4 April 2017 IM 4 April 2017

Pile Diameter, bw 1.80 m Inputs

Concrete compressive strength, f'c 52.0 MPa Calculation
√𝑓′𝑐 7.2 < 8.3 √𝑓′𝑐 < 8.3MPa §11.1.2 ACI 318 2011
Concrete cover 0.075 m
Axial force, NU 36.30 MN Nu is negative under tension
Area of Concrete section, Ag 2.54 m2
Modification factor for lightweight concrete, λ 1.0
Distance of extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement, d 1.62 m
Resistance of concrete section, Vc 5101 kN
Maximum allowed resistance of concrete section, Vcmax 9769 kN
Diameter of Shear Reinforcement 16 mm
Legs 4
Cross-sectional area of shear reinforcement, Asw 804 mm2
fy 420 MPa According to §11.4.2 ACI 318 2011, fy < 420MPa
Shape of shear reinforcement Helical
Spacing, s 0.100 m
Angle between inclined stirrups and longitudinal axis of the member, α o
Resistance of shear reinforcement, Vs 5637 kN
Maximum allowed resistance of shear reinforcement, Vsmax 9810 kN
Shear Strength Reduction Factor, φ 0.75
Allowable Shear Strength, Vn 8054 kN
Minimum Shear Reinforcement, Av,min 192 mm2
The provided shear reinforcement is GREATER than the minimum required shear reiforcement
Part of Project Shear Check of Lower Part of Ø1800 Piles to ACI-318, 2011
Calculation by Date Checked by Date
CB 4 April 2017 IM 4 April 2017

Pile Diameter, bw 1.80 m Inputs

Concrete compressive strength, f'c 52.0 MPa Calculation
√𝑓′𝑐 7.2 < 8.3 √𝑓′𝑐 < 8.3MPa §11.1.2 ACI 318 2011
Concrete cover 0.075 m
Axial force, NU 32.00 MN Nu is negative under tension
Area of Concrete section, Ag 2.54 m2
Modification factor for lightweight concrete, λ 1.0
Distance of extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement, d 1.62 m
Resistance of concrete section, Vc 4796 kN
Maximum allowed resistance of concrete section, Vcmax 9292 kN
Diameter of Shear Reinforcement 12 mm
Legs 2
Cross-sectional area of shear reinforcement, Asw 226 mm2
fy 420 MPa According to §11.4.2 ACI 318 2011, fy < 420MPa
Shape of shear reinforcement Helical
Spacing, s 0.100 m
Angle between inclined stirrups and longitudinal axis of the member, α o
Resistance of shear reinforcement, Vs 1585 kN
Maximum allowed resistance of shear reinforcement, Vsmax 9810 kN
Shear Strength Reduction Factor, φ 0.75
Allowable Shear Strength, Vn 4786 kN
Minimum Shear Reinforcement, Av,min 192 mm2
The provided shear reinforcement is GREATER than the minimum required shear reiforcement
Part of Project Shear Check of Lower Part (Base) of Ø1800 Piles to ACI-318, 2011
Calculation by Date Checked by Date
CB 4 April 2017 IM 4 April 2017

Pile Diameter, bw 1.80 m Inputs

Concrete compressive strength, f'c 52.0 MPa Calculation
√𝑓′𝑐 7.2 < 8.3 √𝑓′𝑐 < 8.3MPa §11.1.2 ACI 318 2011
Concrete cover 0.075 m
Axial force, NU 5.40 MN Nu is negative under tension
Area of Concrete section, Ag 2.54 m2
Modification factor for lightweight concrete, λ 1.0
Distance of extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement, d 1.62 m
Resistance of concrete section, Vc 2910 kN
Maximum allowed resistance of concrete section, Vcmax 5478 kN
Diameter of Shear Reinforcement 12 mm
Legs 2
Cross-sectional area of shear reinforcement, Asw 226 mm2
fy 420 MPa According to §11.4.2 ACI 318 2011, fy < 420MPa
Shape of shear reinforcement Helical
Spacing, s 0.100 m
Angle between inclined stirrups and longitudinal axis of the member, α o
Resistance of shear reinforcement, Vs 1585 kN
Maximum allowed resistance of shear reinforcement, Vsmax 9810 kN
Shear Strength Reduction Factor, φ 0.75
Allowable Shear Strength, Vn 3371 kN
Minimum Shear Reinforcement, Av,min 192 mm2
The provided shear reinforcement is GREATER than the minimum required shear reiforcement
Part of Project Moment & Axial Check of Piles to ACI-318, 2011 - Upper Part of Ø1500 Piles
Calculation by Date Checked by Date
Christos Biliris 4 April 2017 Ilias Michalis 4 April 2017

Diameter of Section 1500 mm Inputs

Reinforcement Cover 100 mm Calculation
Section Area, Ac 1.77 m2

Ultimate Strain of concrete, εcu 0.30%
Characteristic Concrete Cylinder Strength, fck 52.00 MPa
Effective Height of Compression Zone, β1 0.68
Strength Reduction Factor - compression controlled, φ 0.55

Characteristic Steel Strength 420 MPa According to §11.4.2 ACI 318 2011, fy
Reinforcement Stiffness, Es 200 GPa < 420MPa
Number of Bars (Odd Number & Up to 30 Bars) 40
Bar Diameter 32 mm Areinf / Aconc 1.82%
Steel Area, Ast 0.032 m2 32170 mm2
Strength Reduction Factor - tension controlled, φ 0.90
Maximum allowable compression force, φPn,max 39687 kN
Maximum allowable tension force, φPnt 12160 kN
Ultimate strain for steel, εt (%) 0.21%
Angle Between Bars 12.00
Distance Between Remote Reinforcements 1263 mm

Piles Ø1500 Top 2m, fcylinder = 52MPa & φCompression = 0.55


Axial Force [kN]




0.0 2000.0 4000.0 6000.0 8000.0 10000.0 12000.0


Bending Moment [kNm]
Section's Capacity (Major Axis) Results Section's Capacity Minor Axis
Part of Project Moment & Axial Check of Piles to ACI-318, 2011 - Lower Part of Ø1500 Piles
Calculation by Date Checked by Date
Christos Biliris 4 April 2017 Ilias Michalis 4 April 2017

Diameter of Section 1500 mm Inputs

Reinforcement Cover 100 mm Calculation
Section Area, Ac 1.77 m2

Ultimate Strain of concrete, εcu 0.30%
Characteristic Concrete Cylinder Strength, fck 52.00 MPa
Effective Height of Compression Zone, β1 0.68
Strength Reduction Factor - compression controlled, φ 0.55

Characteristic Steel Strength 420 MPa According to §11.4.2 ACI 318 2011, fy
Reinforcement Stiffness, Es 200 GPa < 420MPa
Number of Bars (Odd Number & Up to 30 Bars) 24
Bar Diameter 32 mm Areinf / Aconc 1.09%
Steel Area, Ast 0.019 m2 19302 mm2
Strength Reduction Factor - tension controlled, φ 0.90
Maximum allowable compression force, φPn,max 37559 kN
Maximum allowable tension force, φPnt 7296 kN
Ultimate strain for steel, εt (%) 0.21%
Angle Between Bars 15.00
Distance Between Remote Reinforcements 1268 mm

Piles Ø1500 > 2m, fcylinder = 52MPa & φCompression = 0.55



Axial Force [kN]






0.0 1000.0 2000.0 3000.0 4000.0 5000.0 6000.0 7000.0 8000.0 9000.0 10000.0

Bending Moment [kNm]
Results Section's Capacity (Major Axis) Section's Capacity (Minor Axis)
Part of Project Shear Check of Upper Part of Ø1500 Piles to ACI-318, 2011
Calculation by Date Checked by Date
CB 4 April 2017 IM 4 April 2017

Pile Diameter, bw 1.50 m Inputs

Concrete compressive strength, f'c 52.0 MPa Calculation
√𝑓′𝑐 7.2 < 8.3 √𝑓′𝑐 < 8.3MPa §11.1.2 ACI 318 2011
Concrete cover 0.075 m
Axial force, NU 36.20 MN Nu is negative under tension
Area of Concrete section, Ag 1.77 m2
Modification factor for lightweight concrete, λ 1.0
Distance of extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement, d 1.35 m
Resistance of concrete section, Vc 4322 kN
Maximum allowed resistance of concrete section, Vcmax 7886 kN
Diameter of Shear Reinforcement 16 mm
Legs 4
Cross-sectional area of shear reinforcement, Asw 804 mm2
fy 420 MPa According to §11.4.2 ACI 318 2011, fy < 420MPa
Shape of shear reinforcement Helical
Spacing, s 0.100 m
Angle between inclined stirrups and longitudinal axis of the member, α o
Resistance of shear reinforcement, Vs 4728 kN
Maximum allowed resistance of shear reinforcement, Vsmax 6812 kN
Shear Strength Reduction Factor, φ 0.75
Allowable Shear Strength, Vn 6787 kN
Minimum Shear Reinforcement, Av,min 160 mm2
The provided shear reinforcement is GREATER than the minimum required shear reiforcement
Part of Project Shear Check of Lower Part of Ø1500 Piles to ACI-318, 2011
Calculation by Date Checked by Date
CB 4 April 2017 IM 4 April 2017

Pile Diameter, bw 1.50 m Inputs

Concrete compressive strength, f'c 52.0 MPa Calculation
√𝑓′𝑐 7.2 < 8.3 √𝑓′𝑐 < 8.3MPa §11.1.2 ACI 318 2011
Concrete cover 0.075 m
Axial force, NU 32.40 MN Nu is negative under tension
Area of Concrete section, Ag 1.77 m2
Modification factor for lightweight concrete, λ 1.0
Distance of extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement, d 1.35 m
Resistance of concrete section, Vc 4053 kN
Maximum allowed resistance of concrete section, Vcmax 7523 kN
Diameter of Shear Reinforcement 12 mm
Legs 2
Cross-sectional area of shear reinforcement, Asw 226 mm2
fy 420 MPa According to §11.4.2 ACI 318 2011, fy < 420MPa
Shape of shear reinforcement Helical
Spacing, s 0.100 m
Angle between inclined stirrups and longitudinal axis of the member, α o
Resistance of shear reinforcement, Vs 1330 kN
Maximum allowed resistance of shear reinforcement, Vsmax 6812 kN
Shear Strength Reduction Factor, φ 0.75
Allowable Shear Strength, Vn 4037 kN
Minimum Shear Reinforcement, Av,min 160 mm2
The provided shear reinforcement is GREATER than the minimum required shear reiforcement
Part of Project Shear Check of Lower Part (Base) of Ø1500 Piles to ACI-318, 2011
Calculation by Date Checked by Date
CB 4 April 2017 IM 4 April 2017

Pile Diameter, bw 1.50 m Inputs

Concrete compressive strength, f'c 52.0 MPa Calculation
√𝑓′𝑐 7.2 < 8.3 √𝑓′𝑐 < 8.3MPa §11.1.2 ACI 318 2011
Concrete cover 0.075 m
Axial force, NU 11.00 MN Nu is negative under tension
Area of Concrete section, Ag 1.77 m2
Modification factor for lightweight concrete, λ 1.0
Distance of extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement, d 1.35 m
Resistance of concrete section, Vc 2535 kN
Maximum allowed resistance of concrete section, Vcmax 5013 kN
Diameter of Shear Reinforcement 12 mm
Legs 2
Cross-sectional area of shear reinforcement, Asw 226 mm2
fy 420 MPa According to §11.4.2 ACI 318 2011, fy < 420MPa
Shape of shear reinforcement Helical
Spacing, s 0.100 m
Angle between inclined stirrups and longitudinal axis of the member, α o
Resistance of shear reinforcement, Vs 1330 kN
Maximum allowed resistance of shear reinforcement, Vsmax 6812 kN
Shear Strength Reduction Factor, φ 0.75
Allowable Shear Strength, Vn 2898 kN
Minimum Shear Reinforcement, Av,min 160 mm2
The provided shear reinforcement is GREATER than the minimum required shear reiforcement
Part of Project Development & Splice Lengths to ACI-318, 2011
Calculation by Date Checked by Date
CB 2 April 2017 IM 2 April 2017

Nominal diameter of bar, db 32 mm Inputs

Center-to-center spacing of bars 160 mm Calculation
Cover of bars, cb 87 mm
According to §11.4.2 ACI 318 2011, fy < 420MPa, but
Specified yield strength of reinforcement, fy 500 MPa conservatively the strength of purchased reinforcement is
Are the bars epoxy-coated? YES
Factor used to modify development length based on reinforcement location, ψt 1.3 §12.2.4 ACI 318 2011
Factor used to modify development length based on reinforcement size, ψs 1.0 §12.2.4 ACI 318 2011
Factor used to modify development length based on reinforcement coating, ψe 1.5 §12.2.4 ACI 318 2011
ψt x ψe 1.7 < 1.7 ψ𝑡 × ψ𝑠 < 1.7 §12.2.4 ACI 318 2011
Smaller of: (a) the distance from center of a bar or wire to nearest concrete surface,
80 mm
and (b) one-half the center-to-center spacing of bars or wires being developed, cb
Modification factor for lightweight concrete, λ 1.0
Concrete compressive strength, f'c 52.0 MPa
√𝑓′𝑐 7.2 < 8.3 √𝑓′𝑐 < 8.3MPa §12.1.2 ACI 318 2011
Transverse reinforcement index, Ktr 0 Design Simplification §12.2.3 ACI 318 2011
cb + Ktr / db 2.5 < 2.5 (𝑐𝑏 +𝐾𝑡𝑟 )/𝑑𝑏 <2.5 §12.2.3 ACI 318 2011
Minimum Development length, lb 1372 mm 43 x db
Class of Splice B
Minimum Splice Length 1783 mm 56 x db §12.15.1 ACI 318 2011


Piled-Raft Foundation Design


-9.325 BH-2





CASTED PILES ∅1.50 , L=18.00 M No.=60.00 SALHIA

CASTED PILES ∅1.50 , L=17.00 M No.=4.00

CASTED PILES ∅1.80 , L=17.00 M No.=35.00

REMAINING PILES ∅1.50 , L=18.00 M No.=8.00

REMAINING PILES ∅1.50 , L=17.00 M No.=23.00

Ahmadiah Contracting & Trading Co. K.C.S.C.

REMAINING PILES ∅1.80 , L=17.00 M No.=5.00 Ahmadiah






Additional Ground Investigation

Piled-Raft Foundation Design


Relevant Correspondence

Piled-Raft Foundation Design

Ana Gaspar

From: ACT Assima <>

Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2017 2:47 PM
To: Ilias Michalis
Cc: Christos Biliris; EDRASIS; edrasis; edrasis; Edrasis; Edrasis; Ana Gaspar
Subject: Subsurface Investigation report – Coordinates of Boreholes

Our Ref : ACT/Assima/Arcadis/889 Date : March 02, 2017

M/s. ARCADIS Design & Consultancy,

Hyder Consulting Middle Ea\st Limited,

P.O.Box: 52750,


Attention : Mr. Ilias Michalis

Cc. : Mr. Christos Biliris / Mr. Matthew Cross / Mr. Tayo Roberts


Sub : Subsurface Investigation report – Coordinates of Boreholes

Dear Ilias,

We believe that the boreholes located in Kuwait Lebanese Company for soil testing sketch is correct to a
great extent. However the coordinates mentioned are definitely wrong.

We are enclosing herewith sketch Rev. 1 indicating the coordinates which we believe reflect the locations of
boreholes Nos. 3 and 4 as located on Kuwaiti Lebanese Company sketch.

Thanking you,

Best Regards,

Roger Dargham

Project Director

Ahmadiah Contracting. & Trading. Co.
PO Box-446, Safat-13005, Kuwait
Tel : +965 22458662 / 22458408 / 22458425

On 1 March 2017 at 16:30, Ilias Michalis <> wrote:


Any idea about the correct approximate co-ordinates of these boreholes as we discussed yesterday in your office,
after the meeting?

Wait for your response.

Best Regards,


From: ACT Assima []

Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2017 4:42 PM
To: Ilias Michalis <>
Cc: Matthew Cross <>; Christos Biliris <>; Tayo Roberts
<>; EDRASIS <>; edrasis <>;
edrasis <>; Edrasis <>; Edrasis
Subject: Subsurface Investigation Report - Asima Project

Our Ref : ACT/Assima/Arcadis/886 Date : March 01, 2017

M/s. ARCADIS Design & Consultancy,

Hyder Consulting Middle East Limited,

P.O.Box: 52750,


Attention : Mr. Ilias Michalis

Cc. : Mr. Christos Biliris / Mr. Matthew Cross / Mr. Tayo Roberts


Sub : Subsurface Investigation Report

Dear Sir,

Please find attached herewith the subsurface investigation report dated February 08, 2016 carried out by M/s.
Kuwaiti Lebanese Company.

The report covers :

 2 Nos. boreholes for VIP Car Park : BH # 1 & BH # 2

 2 Nos. boreholes for Tower : BH # 3 & BH # 4

Please note that the locations of boreholes No. 3 and No. 4 mentioned in M/s. KLC sketch are to be discarded.
The approximate locations as mentioned in the attached sketch is to be follow.

Thanking you,

Best Regards,

Roger Dargham

Project Director


Ahmadiah Contracting. & Trading. Co.


PO Box-446, Safat-13005, Kuwait

Tel : +965 22458662 / 22458408 / 22458425

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T: + 971 (0)4 319 3333

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