of AeriSearch 6(2):21
216 Iss 234.808 fe 2884867 Onn
ope /ntng t0ai0n no
Adoption Pattern and Economic Impact of Potato
Variety Kufri Khyati in Uttar Pradesh
ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute, Shinla, Himachal Pradesh, India
Teen on T6301
Accepted on 25082018
Publehed onine 05092018
‘The present study was undertaken to determine the adoption intensity and economic impact of
short duration and high yielding potato variety Kufti Kyat, in Uta Pradesh, the highest potato
producing state of India. Ex post fact research design was used and data were collected fram 96
farmers ising a structured interview schedule, Analysis of data revealed that Kuti Paka (33.1%)
followed by KutriChipsona-1, Kufi Khyati and Kuri Bahar were the most popular varetiesin the
‘study area To find out the economic impact of Kuti Kyat its cost of cultivation, gross as well as
netreturn werecalelated and compared with KufiPukhrj Ise ound that costo cultivation of
K. Khyati was slightly higher than that of KufriPulehra, Llowever, due to more yield and higher
selling price, gross as well as the net return was higher for Kui Khyati than prevailing variety
Kuri Pukhra. The net return of Kufri Khyati was nearly 21 per cent higher than that of Kutt
Keywords: Adoption patter, KufeiKhyati,Eeonomicimpact,Profitbi
Potato is the most important vegetable crop of India. It holds |
[promise for food and nutritional security to ever-inereasing
Jhuman population due to its inherent elfciency in the
production of high dry matte, energy and edible protein per
tunit area and per unit time, Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) i
‘the most constimed food crop worldwide next #9 wheat and
rice (Visser eu, 2009} As per estimates, India produced a
record 486 million tonnes of potato during 2016-17. Utar
Pradesh (UP) is the highest potato producing state of the
country. The state produced almost 15.54 M¢ of potato, thus
contributing neatly 320 per cent of total potato production in
the country (DAC & FW, 2018). India would require 125 Mt of
ppotato from an area of 362 million ha with an average
productivity of 345 tha during the year 2050 (C1'8! Vision
2050), Increasing potato productivity from current 22 tha to
345 uha would be a huge challenge. Being the highest potato
producing state of India, UP will play avery important rolein
achieving the target of higher productivity of potato, Several
factors play thei role in inereasing rop yield which includes
soil condition, climate, fertilization, irrigation, use of quality
seed, adoption of new technologies etc. Use of good quality
seed is one of the most important pre-requisite for achieving
higher yield in potato which is a vegetatively propagated
crop. The final quality and quantity of potato yield are
{determined by the quality ofthe potato seed tuber used at the
time of planting (Stik 2rd Wiersema, 1999), Similarly, use of
improved variety is also very important for higher
productivity in potato,
Since its inception in 1949, ICAR-Central Potato Research
Institute (CPRD, Shimla developed and released 52 potato
varieties suitable for varied agro-ecologies of India. Varieties
‘with early or medium maturity, fast bulking, insensitive to
‘TEAR Rear Comper Eto Rag Pne, Bt dis
‘CAR-Agand hey Aplin Resch sine Lain, di
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photoperiod, slow rate of degeneration, high productivity,
{00d storabilty at ambient temperature and resistant to late
bight are suitable for cultivation in Uttar Pradesh. Early
maturing varieties of potato are preferred in many parts of UP.
Kufri Pukhraj developed and released by CPRI in 1998,
Shimla became very popular because of ts high yield and
short duration. Lateran, due to its poor storabilty, need fora
new short duration variety was felt among breeders. As a
result, Kutri Khyat, a high yielding, early maturing, white
tuber potato variety having maderate resistance to late blight
and suitable fr cultivation i plains of India was released by
(CPRI during 2008. The specific areas for its adaptation were
Rajasthan, Haryana, Panjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West
Bengal, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and Chattisgarh
(cumaret al 2014). Theimportant characteristics ofboth Kufti
‘Khyatiand Kufri aka) are compared in 1,
Itean be observed that Kufri Khyat has a better storability as
compared to Kuisi Pukhraj, Therefore, those farmers who
‘want to keep theit potatoes fora longer duration started to
‘grow Kuri Khyati in place of Kufei Pukhraj-Since its release,
kKufti Khyati is being popularized among, farmers throughs
front line demonstrations and other extension activities. As 2
result itisnow adopted by many farmers in different districts
‘of UP It's been eight years now since its release. A need was
felt to study the economic impact of this variety on farmers
income, Therefore, this study was conducted #9 assess the
adoption level of Kufi Khyati among farmers and sts
‘economicimpact on farmer's profitability
‘The current study was undertaken in Uttar Pradesh, which is
the largest potato producing state f India and also the best
representative of indian potato production scenario (sey
fal, 2005) Four districts namely Meerut, Hapur, Sambal, and
Bulandshahar were selected for farmer’ field survey duringUjournal of Agente, Val, No Adoption of Kult Khyat varity of potato ae
(Characteristics Kufsi Khyati Kafei Pokhraj
Year of release 208 1998
‘Tuber colour White-creamy Yellow
“Tuber shape ‘Ovoid with medium to deep eyes (void with shallow-medium eyes
Flesh colour Whit e creamy. Light yellow
Matus Early Early to medium
Storabilty Good Medium
Late blight resistance Field resistance to late blight Moderately resistance to late blight
Average yield potential 25-30 Va 40 tha
Adaptability North Indian Plains Nor th Indian Plains and plateaw region.
Special attributes
Early bulker, suitable for high cropping intensity
Early bulker, suitable for low input ecosystem
the year 2016-17. A total of 24 farmers were selected from each
district making the total sample size of %6 farmers. Purposive
sampling was dane to select those farmers who were growing
potato variety Kufri Khyati. Ex post facto research design was
‘used, Personal interview method was adopted for collecting
required information from respondents. Speciically designed
and prestested interview schedule was used for collecting
informationon diferent variables,
comparative study was conducted to find out the impact of
‘growing Kufri Khyati Those farmers who were growing
potato variety Kuri Khyati were compared to farmers who
cultivated Kulri Pukhraj on several economic parameters ike
f cultivation, gross retumy net return, benefit-cost
ratio ete. Component wise cost of cultivation for both Kuss
Khyatiand Kufri Pakhraj were estimated for comparison, The
extent of adoption of different varieties was worked out by
calculating ‘Intensity of adoption’ which was defined as the
‘proportionate area under Kufti Khyati at a given time and
expressed asa percentage. For this, the methodology adopted
by Pandey et al in their study of patterns of adoption of
‘improved rice varieties in South Asia was used (Parley el,
2012), For analysis of perceived reasons of adoption of Kuss
XKhyyatiand constraints in potato production, simple statistical
tools ike frequency and percentage were used,
the cost
Intensity of adoption of Kufri Khyati
‘The variety wise potato azea was estimated as proportionate
tothe total potato area and expressed as a percentagein is
Tecan be seen that in the selected study region, Kufri Pukhraj
was stil the most important potato variety covering nearly
‘one-third ofthe total potato area planted by farmers. The new
variety Kufri Khyati had an adoption intensity of 19.4 percent
‘This suggested that within a short time span of 8 years, this
varioty has picked up and got popular among farmers. Kufri
‘Bahar, the most popular variety of Uttar Pradesh and Kuli
CChipsona 1, processing quality variety of potato also had a
significant proportionate area at par with Kui Khyati (15. )
Kufei Chipsona-I having significantly high adoption intensity
(20%) may be understood from the fact that Merino Group has
2 potato processing factory in Hapur district near the study
area, Among other varieties having 887 per cent area,
processing varieties ike Kufti Chipsona-3, Kufri Chipsona-4,
and Kufti Frysona were more popular among farmers since
they were getting a higher price for processing varieties. This
result is in confirmation with the findings of a study
conducted by Rana et al on profitability analysis of Kuli
CChipsona-I variety in Uttar Pradesh (ans e200).
‘Kut Pukba}
sm kufrBohar
Se Kf Kyat
"Kut chipsona-
Fig, 1 Povonlage area under different potato varieties
Reasons for adoption of Kufri Khyati
Those farmers who adopted Kuri Khyati were asked about
the probable reasons for adoption as an open-ended question,
Te responses obtained are presented in able in terms of
frequency and percentage.
“Table 2: Reasons forthe adoption of Kufti Khyati over other
prevailing varieties naa
Perceived reasons for adoption Frequency Percentage”
Disease Resistance 7 25.00
Takes less time (60-70 days) in 2% 4.17
‘Good Size and shape 8 1687
Less cost of cultivation 5 10.422
High Yield 38 a7
Better keeping quality, 5 3125
Fetches good rates 18 3750
“Malliple responses
Majority of farmers (79.1%) were of the view that the yield
level of Kufri Khyati was higher than other prevailing
varieties. More than hall of respondents cited ‘les time in
‘maturing’ asthe major eason forthe adoption of Kufri Kyat
Other characteristics like ‘better keeping quality, ‘gooda3 Singh
market rate! and “disease resistance’ were also cited as the
percieved reasons for adoption of the variety.
Costof cultivation and Eeonomicimpact of Kufri Khyati
The component wise variable cast of cultivation was
“Table 3: Variable cost of potato cultivation for Kufti Khyat is av
a UNournal of AgriSearch, Vol, Noa]
estimated for Kulti Khyati and compared with other short
duration variety Kufei Pukhraj (ble 3). The difference
between the cost of cultivation of these two varieties was
expressed in percentage.
is Kui Pukhraj N-96
Cost Components (Rha)
‘Kufri Khyati (= 48)
Kufri Pukhraj (wa) __Difference* (3)
‘Cost of laboure “a7aBA 32 ‘868.06 72
Seed cost 5682.29 44625.00 1839
Fertilizers and manure 3521594 3591.11 220
Insecticides and pesticides 8533.07 4609.03, 45.99
Irrigation charges 1821.62 2061.11 135
“Total variable cost of cultivation 147737.20 73815430 69)
includes machine, family and hired labour,
“= Kufri Khyati over Kufri Pakaj
The results revealed that variable cost of cultivation of Kiri
Khhyati was 6.5 per cent higher than Kuri Pula} The higher
cost in case of Kufri Khyati was mostly due to high
‘expenditure on purchase of seed and other inputs like
insecticides and pesticides. Being a new variety, cost of seed
for Kuri Kinyati was considerably higher (18 4%) as compared
to Kutri Pukhra, There was not much difference among other
cost components. Therefore, the total cost of cultivation for
uri Khyati (Rs 147737.2 per ha) was lightly higher than that
of Kuri Paka} (Re 138158.30 per ha).
The economic parameters like Gross return, Net return
‘Benefit-Cost (BC) ratio and cost of production per quintal was
also estimated for both these varieties and the findings a
presented in Table
“Table d: Economic profitability analysis of potato variety Kuli Khyati visa vis Kufri Pukhra}
Particulars Kafei Khyati Kufri Pukheaj Difference* (%)
“Average yield (ha) 31 30.60 200
Average selling price (Rt) 95875 84250 1213
Gross return (Re/ha) 299360.10 257805.00 1388
Net return (Rss) 15162290 19650.70 21.09
Benefit Cost ratio at variable cos of cultivation 202 1.86 792
Variable cost of production (Rs) ns $5148 458
* = Kufri Khyati over Kur Puklraj
‘The variable cast of production per tonne of potato for Kul
Khyatiwasnearly 46 percent higher than Kufti Pukhaj while
the cost of cultivation was 65 percent higher for Kuri Khyat.
This difference in cost of cultivation and cost of production
‘was due to a slightly higher yield of Kufti Khyati (2%) over
Kiri Pukh. The gross rem per hectare from Kufri Khyati
‘was 13.88 per cent more than Kuti Pukduaj while net income
was 21.09 per cent higher. The higher return was due to
higher yield as well as higher price fetched by Kuti Kyat
the market as compated to Kuri Pukhraj. Thus, it ean be seen
that Kutri Khyati provides a significantly high return to
farmers as compared to Kur Paka, This result was further
confirmed by the fact that BC ratio of Kufri Khyati was 2.02
‘while for Kuri Pulkhajitwas 1.86, Thus, growing Kui Khyat
‘was more profitable to farmers than growing Kufri Paks
Constraints in potato cultivation and marketing
‘The constraints faced by potato growers in potato cultivation
in selected districts of UP were analyzed and presented
“Tuble 5. A majority of farmers (31.3%) reported ‘nadequate
availablity of quality potato seed’ as the major problem in
potato production, ‘Higher charges for cold storage! was a
Second. most important constraint of the study area as
reported by 27.1 per cent of farmers. Among marketing
constraints, price fluctuation of potato’ and Tack of marketing
infrastructure’ were reported as major problemsby farmers of
thestudy area
“Table 5: Constraints faced by farmers in potato cultivation
and marketing N-96
Constraints Frequency _ Percentage’
Higher charges for cold storage 26 2A
Shortage offertilizerson time 24, 0
Inadequate availabilty of
quality potato seed » 313
Lack of cold storage facilities v7 177
Fluctuation of price of potatoin. 18, 188
Higher incidence of diseases 0 208
Lack of marketing infrastructure 15 156Uoural of Agesearch, ValS,No3]
‘This study examined the extent of adoption and impact of
potato variety Kufri Khyati on farmer's profitability. It was
‘observed that Kufri Pukhaj is still the most popular potato
‘variety ofthe region while new variety Kufri Khyati also hada
considerable area under cultivation. It showed that since
release, Kuti Khyatiis becoming popular among farmers due
to its market value and good storabilty quality. To further
enhance the adoption intensity ofthis variety, more extension
‘activities like frontline demonstration, field day, awareness
programmes eteshould be organized, The results also showed
the higher profitability of Kuri Khyati over traditional early
variety Kulti Pukhraj, Since the adequate seed was not
available, efforts may be made by Govt. agencies in the area to
DAC & FW. 2078. Horculare Statistic Division, Monthly Report
Potato January 2018), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers
Welfare, Gove of india
‘Kamar Kang GS, Pandey SK and Gopal ).2009. Kafr Kyat: Anew
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Turnalefgriear (3p 211218
Adoption of Kutt Kyat vatity of potato as
provide the quality seed of Kuisl Khyati to farmers at an
affordable price. In order to negate the peoblem of price
fMuctuation of potato in the market, farmers may be advised to
store potato in cold storage during glut and later on sell them
at the appropriate time. These measures will definitely
‘enhance the socio-economic status of farmers in the study
‘Authors duly acknowledge the assistance provided by Sh
Dharminder Gupta, ICAR-CPRL, Shimla, and Sh. Ashok
Kumar, CPRIC, Modipuram in conducting farmer's field
survey and tabulation of data,
Rana RK, Pandey NK, Pandit A. and Pandey SK. 2009, Prosabiity|
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‘Kumar ¥,Luthra 5, Bhardwaj Vand Singh BP 2014 Indian Potato
‘Varieties and thee Salient Features, CPRITechnal Bulletin
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‘Shimla Himachal Prades, Ina. 64,
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‘DK Pandey NK PKharmruid and Rana RK2018, Adoption patter and economic impact of potato variety Kut Khyat in Uta Pradesh