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play ofadvanced DUN


dungeon odule D2
Shrine of The Kuo-Koa
bY gary gygax
This module contains background information, a large-scale referee’s map with a matching partial map for players, referee’s notes.
special exploration and encounter pieces, a large map detailing a temple complex area, encounter and map matrix keys, and an
additional section pertaining to a pair of unique new creatures for use with this module and the game as a whole. A complete setting
for play of ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS is containedherein. This module can beplayedalone, as the secondpart ofaseries
of three modules (with DESCENT INTO THE DEPTHS OF THE EARTH, D l , and VAULT OF THE DRO W. 03). or as the fourth part of a
continuing scenario (DUNGEON MODULES G1, G2, G3, D l . 02. 03. and 01. QUEEN OF THE DEMONWEB PITS).
If you have found this module and its companions exciting, stay tuned for more action from The Game Wizards!
Distributedto the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc. and in Canada by Random House of Canada. Ltd.

01978, TSR Games

TSR Games
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ISBN 0-935696-06-7 PRINTED IN USA

Advanced Dungeons 81Dragons walls are hewn straight in places, and there are cracks and gaps
here and there. The floor of the tunnel is occasionally littered with
Dungeon Module +D2 stone-fallen stalactites and bits of ceiling, and the walls show
natural collapsing of small sections. Many glowing lichens are
common here, and fire beetles are less so. The floor is damp, the
Shrine Of The kuo-toa
walls are wet, the air is chill.Absolute quiet prevails when the party
ceases their echoing progress, but if silence is maintained for a
Background: Having put down a rising of giants, it was time small twitterings, rustlings, and faint echoes from far distant
discovered that the motivating force behind their depredations can be heard-rats, bats, insects and othersubterraneanvermin,
was that of long-forgotten evil-the Dark Elves. Determined to but what else? A vague air movement can also be felt when the
seek out these creatures, a body of doughty adventurers explorers are still, a damp and musty-smelling current moving
mounted an expedition to learn the strength of the Drow and ever downward along the route the party must follow in pursuit of
bring retribution to them (DUNGEON MODULE DI, DESCENT INTO the Drow. A new series of adventures lies just ahead . . .
THE DEPTHS OF THE EARTH). Using a map which depicts hundreds,
of miles of passageways, the bold expedition delved into this Notes For The Dungeon Master Only
undergroundlabyrinth.Within a day‘s journeythey had to fightfirst
an outpost of the Dark Elves, then a pair of the dreaded “lllithids” Travel along the system of subterranean passages will be at a
of Drow speech-creatures called mind flayers, with a dozen slow rate because of the slippery and often slanting or terraced
wererat allies. Wending ever deeper into this weird underworld, floors. Footing is treacherous in places, and the tiers to clamber
the party overcame various and sundry obstacles only to enter a down are often nearty 3’from top to bottom.If mules accompany
great cavern filled with hostile creatures. By clever tactics and the party, these beasts will not slow movement, for they are sure
hard fighting a conglomerate force of sewants of the evil elves- footed and negotiate the worst places with relative ease. The
bugbears, trogs, and trolls, along with various and sundry other rubble and detritus, natural projections, protrusions, ledges, and
monsters-were overcome. Valuable additional information and stone “icicles” are more common and prove a real hazard in the
possibly useful items were also gained, and the expedition now secondary and tertiary tunnels. These lesser-traveled ways offer
presses on ever deeper, hot on the track of the Drow, bent on more places for lurking foes than do the primary arteries of the
bringing a reckoning to these hateful foes. underworld. ASSUME THE MAXIMUM RATE OF TRAVEL IS 1 MILE (1
Your map shows that there are three areas of certain danger MEMBER OF THE EXPEDITION, and this rate only if unnecessary
along the route the party must follow. The first to contend with is delays and careful map making are avoided. Reduce move-
what will undoubtedly prove to be an underground river; after ment by 1 mile for every hour of delay, and assume that careful
that, no one knows for certain. You must all exercise great care, mapping will slow the party to 6 miles per day maximum travel.
and utmost wisdom must be employed in all that is done if the
party is to remain strong enough to continue onwards and Ceiling height in primary tunnels varies from 20’ to 50’. In
downwards. Having to turn back would be dishonorable and secondary corridors of about 20 width, the roof overhead varies
possibly fatal . . . from 15’ to 40‘ distance. The narrow tertiary passages and secret
adits haveceilingvaultsoffrom8‘to25‘in theobvioustunnels,the
CAUTION: This module is designed for players with experience-both secret ways being from 5’ to 15’ high. Where natural enlarge-
game levels and actual kno wledge. This experience shouldbe coupled with ments occur, ceiling height will be at least 20, and it can be as far
a high degree of actual skill. If your group has successfully adventured in as 60 or 70’ in the large caves. In the partially-natural, partially-
the four previous modules (STEADING OF THE HILL GIANT CHIEF. cawed cavern where this module terminates, a low central spot
GLACIAL RIFT OF THE FROST GIANT JARL. HALL OF THE FIRE GIANT has been hewn to give a sunken shrine area. Elsewhere the floor
KING. DESCENT INTO THE DEPTHS OF THE EARTH) or merely done so to ceiling height is only 4 0 to 50’.
without undue difficulty in the last named (the first of this trilogy), they
should perform well here. If your group has not had the opportunity to
There are two encounter areas along the route. Hex W27. the river
adventure in these previous modules, you should caution them with
crossing, can be very easy to accomplish, or the rash party can
respect to the following: turn it into a deadly nightmare. A231,a minor tunnel nexus, is set
up to help the clever party, for the Deep Gnomes (a new type of
1. The party should have an average level of not less than 9th. figuring gnomes detailed at the end of this module) will be likely to lend
multi-classed characters as 2 or 3 levels higher than the level of their their numbers to the party. However, while neither area can be
strongest class. avoided, both can be moved through swiftly and at little cost, or
2. The expedition should number at least 6 and be balanced as to class, gain, to the adventurers.
with at least I magic-user and 1 cleric in a party of 6. When a random or preset encounter occurs, use the special
3. All members must be provided with magical items of offensive, encounter piece included speciallyforthepurpose-the sample
defensive and curative nature. passageway sections or the encounter pieces as appropriate.
Note that encountered monsters will act/react with intelligence
4. Inform your players that they can f e e l from the pressures and
and organization commensurate with their mentality and social
magnetic forces prevailing in this weird underworld that teleportation
development. This is especially applicable with respect to the
will most certainly not work, and short of use of a powerful wish. they
ancient race of KueToa People (also detailed fully in a separate
are committed to going and returning in the same manner-afoot and
section at the end of the module), who have a highlystructured
braving the dangers of random monster encounters as well as the evil
and complex society within their shrine area.
inhabitants of certain areas.
Camping for the night in a passageway (including a spur or
5. If they do not wish to take a few risks, their characters should stay
room off of same) will incur a random monster check according
”home” and become shopkeepers or farmers.
to the passage type, but only 1 such check for a “normal” sleep
Then wish them luck! period of 8 hours, unless the partysimplyflopsdown in the middle
As Dungeon Master, you should read all modules in this series before of the passage.
beginning this one, especially if you plan to have your players continue Finally, when the main passage nears the shrine chamber, the
adventuring in the third one (VAULT OF THE DROW). way will become quite well-lit for a subterranean tunnel, with
Stark This module begins in the primary passage which runs many growths of the phosphorescent lichen growing along walls
northwest, just beyond the “Caverns and Warrens of the and even ceilings to shed a dim but constant light.
Troglodytes” (DUNGEON MODULE DI), hex co-ordinate R20 on Separate encounter tables are given for random meetings with
the master map. The passageway is about 30’,wide-a sample monsters in passages and at the terminus of the module.
section is included in the encounter piece map page. The rough Familiarize yourself with all of these tables, and note the
composition of heretofore unknown parties of such creatures as tertiary Passage, 1 in 12 chance of encountering a monster
the Kuo-Too. 1. lurker above (50%)/2-5fire beetles (50%)
While manyfactsand details are given to you here, it is incumbent 2. 2-5 xorn (50%)/2-3subterranean lizards (50%)
upon you, as Dungeon Master,to bring them tovividlife and give 3. Drow patrol, mixed
this setting a personality. Have fun. 4. 1-2 umber hulks (50%)/312 shadows (50%)
5. 2-8 Deep Gnomes
6. rust monster (50%)/2-5fire beetles (50%)
7. 520 piercers (50%)/2-8huge spiders (50%)
8. green slime (50%)/2-3subterranean lizards (50%)
9. 11-30 giant ants
I O . Kuo-Toon pilgrims
11. vampire (50%)/2-5fire beetles (50%)
12. 2-8 Deep Gnomes
13. Drow merchants, small train
14. 5 2 0 piercers
15. slithering tracker (50%)/2-5fire beetles (50%)
16. lich (SO%)/Kuo-Toonwar party (50%)
17. 1-4 shambling mounds (50%)/2-8shriekers (50%)
18. Drow patrol, males
19. 11-30 giant ants (50%)/giantconstrictor snake (50%)
20. trapper
Drow patrol: There are three types of Drow patrols, male, female,
RANDOM MONSTER TABLES FOR PASSAGES and mixed. The composition of each type is:
Males: There will be 7-10 fighters of 2nd level (H.P.: 9 each; +I
Encounters occur as shown; check each hex (1 mile):
chain mail, +buckler,
I +I for 15 dexterity, for an overall AC of
Primary Passage, 1 in 10 chance of encountering a monster I ) with +dagger,
I +short
I sword, and hand crossbow (6”
1. Drow patrol, males maximum range) and 10 poisoned bolts (1-3 h.p. of
2. giant slug (50%)/purpleworm (50%) damage, save vs. poison at -4 or sleep for 3-12 turns). Each
3. Kuo-Toon clerics can use the equivalent of a dancing lights, darkness, and
4. 2-5 ghosts with 9-16 ghouls faerie fire spell (at 2nd level) once per day per spell.Theywill
5. rust monster (50%)/2-5fire beetles (50%) be led by a 4th levelfighter (H.P.: 18;+2 chain mail,+2 buckler,
6. Drow merchants, small train +2 for 16 dexterity, for an overall AC of -2) with +dagger,
I +I
7. Drow patrol, females short sword, atlatl and 3 poisoned javelins (9” range,
8. 1-2 giant spitting snakes (50%)/2-5fire beetles (50%) +1/+2/+3to hit at long, medium, and short range, 2-7 h.p.
9. Drow merchants, medium train damage plus poison as above). He is also able to use the
I O . gas spore (50%)/1-4trolls with 9-16 troglodytes spells noted above. The patrol will be commanded by a
11. 3-12 shadows (50%)/2-5fire beetles (50%) fighter/magic-user of 5th/5th level (H.P.:23; +2 chain mail, +2
12. gas spore (50%)/Kuo-Toanwar party (50%) buckler, +3 for dexterity of 17, for an overall AC of -3) with +2
13. 3-18 gargoyles (50%)/2-5fire beetles (50%) dagger and +2 shortsword. Hewill have the following spells in
14. Drow patrol, mixed addition to those noted above:
15. yellow mold (33-1/3%)/brownmold (351/3%)/green slime . First level: comprehend languages, detect magic‘,
(33-1/3%) magic missile (x2), sleep
16. 19-24 bugbears with 2530 slaves
17. Drow merchants, large train Second level: know alignment‘, levitate., mirror image,
18. Kuo-Toon pilgrims web
19. black pudding (33-1/3%)/ochrejelly (33-1/3%)/grayooze Third level: fireball
(33-1/3%) ‘innate power of Drow over 4th level
20. Drow patrol, mixed
Females: There will be 7-10 fighters of 3rd level (HP.: 15 each;
Secondary Passage, 1 in 12 chance of encountering a monster +I chain,+l shield, +2fordexterityof16,foranoverallACofO).
1. 5 8 shriekers They are armed as are males. Each can use theequivalent of
2. 2-5 giant spiders (6&2/3%)/Drow merchants, medium train clairvoyance, dancing lights, darkness, detect lie, dispel
(33-1/3%) magic, faerie fire, and suggestion spells (at 3rd level) once
3. Drow patrol, mixed per dayperspell.Theywillbeled bya5thlevelfighter(H.P.:25;
4. Drow merchants, small train +2 chain mail, +2 buckler, +2 for dexterity of 16, for an overall
5. lurker above (50%)/2-5fire beetles (50%) AC of -2) with +2 dagger,+2short sword, atlatl and 3 poisoned
6. 4-16 shadows (50%)/2-5subterranean lizards (50%) javelins. She can use the spell powers noted above plus
7. giant slug (50%)/Kuo-Toanwar party (50%) detect magic, know alignment, and levitate. The patrol
8. 2 subterranean lizards (huge, +4 h.p. per die) commander will be a female cleric of 7th level (H.P.: 35; +3
9. bulette (50%)/giantspitting snake (50%) chain mail, +3 buckler, +3 for dexterity of 17, for an overall AC
10. 5-20 piercers (50%)/2-5fire beetles (50%) of -5) with +3 mace. She will have the following cleric spells in
11, rust monster (50%)/2-5subterranean lizards (50%) addition to those powers noted forthe5th level commander:
12. Drow patrol, mixed First level: t a m e light wounds, cure ligM wounds
13. 2-5 ghosts with 9-16 ghouls (x2), fear
14. 13-18 bugbears with 19-24 slaves
15. purple worm (50%)/2-5fire beetles (50%) Second level: hold person (x2), silence 15’ radius
16. 2-5 ropers (50%)/giantconstrictor snake (50%) Third level: cause blindness, prayer
17. Kuo-Toon clerics
18. Drow patrol, males Fourth level: tongues
19. Kuo-Toon pilgrims Mixed: Mixed patrols will always contain 2 2nd level male
20. 1-4 shriekers with 1-4 violet fungi fighters and a 4th level fighter with the same statistics as
shown aboveforapatrolofmaleDrow.WiththeDrowwill bea Train Number of Slave Pack
number of lesser (by Drow standards) creatures to bear the Size Merchants Guards and level Bearers lizards
brunt of anyfighting.Thetype of creatures and number are as
follows: sm. 1-2 2 2nd, 1 4th. plus 58 1-2
4 bugbears
med. 34 6 2nd. 2 4th, plus 9-16 34
Die Creatures lg. 58 12 2nd, 3 4th. plus 17-24 69
1-3 11-16 bugbears (H.P.: 15 each) with ring mail 16 bugbears
jacks and large shields (AC 3) and each armed
with heavy morning stars (+2 on damage) and Slave bearers:will be a mixture of captives. The exact mixture
2 heavy spears. One will be a leader (H.P.: 24) can be determined as follows:
attacking as a 4 hit dice monster and adding +I
to damage from all weapon hits he scores. a Die Roll Race of Slave
4-5 2 trolls and 11-16 troglodytes (H.P.: 9 each) 1 bugbear
armed with a stone battle axe and 3 javelins 2 dwarf
each. One will be a leaderwith 3 hit dice (H.P.: 14) 3 elf
and carry a sword and 3 javelins. 4-5 gnoll
6 goblin
6 4 ghosts and 7-12 ghouls. 7 half-elf
89 half-orc
SECONDARY PASSAGE: 1&12 hobgoblin
Die Creatures 13-17 human
1819 orc
1 11-14 bugbears as above. 20 troglodyte
2-5 2 trolls and 11-16 troglodytes as above. Bearers are always leg chained in files of up to 6. Bugbear
6 4 ghasts and 7-10 ghouls. and troglodyte slaves are former servants who are enslaved
for disobedience, committing some error, etc.
TERTIARY PASSAGE: Pack lizards: These creatures are a breed of subterranean
lizard-slow, sturdy. strong, stupid, and not easily panicked.
Die Creatures
The statistics on these creatures are:
1-3 2 trolls and 7-10 troglodytes as above.
4-6 4 ghosts and 5 8 ghouls. MOVE: 9"
Drow merchants: Each Drow merchant is male and a NO. OF ATTACKS: 1
cleric/fighter of 4th/4th level (H.P.: 18; +3 chain mail, +3 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8
I dexterity of 15, for an overall AC of -3). Each is
buckler, +for SIZE: L (15' long, broad backed)
armed with a +2 mace. They have the following spells: These creatures seldom will attack anything unless harmed
First Level: cure light wounds (x2), detect magic first. Their loads are carried on special back harnesses.
Second level: hold person, speak with animals Goods Carried: In addition to the normal (relatively
worthless) goods (cloth, leathers, wood, foodstuffs, wine,
In addition, they have the usual Dark Elven spell-like abilities etc.) typicaliy found in a Drow merchants' train, there is a
of dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire once each per chance that somevaluable itemswill be carried. Thechance
day at 4th level of experience. is 30%for a small, 45%for a medium,and 75%foralarge train.
The size of the train determines the components. The guards If valuable items are indicated, roll on the following table,
will conform to the same level of fighter found in a patrol of once for a small train, twice for a medium train, thrice for a
male Drow. or mixed patrol with respect to buabears larae train:
Dice Roll Treasure Bugbear and slave groups are maintanancecrews going about
their duties of clearing paths and passages blocked by rockfalls
01-45 110300 silver ingots, 100 g.p. weight each or anything else.
46-75 31-50 gold ingots, 100 g.p. weight each
76-00 510 platinum ingots, 100 g.p. weight each Shadow groups are spies for the Drow, for they are the major
01-03 2-5 mithril bars, 100 g.p. weight each' creations of the Drow deity.
04-05 1-4 adamantite bars, 100 g.p. weight each" kuo-toan Clerics: A party of these priests will be going to or
06-09 1-100 base 50 g.p. value gems coming from the shrine. kua-toa are detailed fully at the end of
9094 5 12 potions the module. The party will consist of the following:
9590 1-4 scrolls
99 1 ring or rod/staff/wand 7-12 2nd level fighters armed with shield, dagger,
00 1 miscellaneous magic item and spear
'value in the underworld only is 2,500 g.p./bar 50 2nd level fighters armed with dagger and short
"value in the underworld onlyis 4000g.p./bar bow
2 4th level fighters armed with dagger and
Drow Treasure: Unless stated otherwise. each Drow will have harpoon
1-4 p.p. per level of experience. 2-8 p.p, per level i f 4 3rd level clerics, each with these spells:
multiclassed. Each Drow merchant will have an equal
First level: cure light wounds, ligM
number of gold pieces as well , and 1-4 100 g.p. basevalue
gems. Each Dark Elf above 4th level, as well as each Second level: hold person
merchant, will have either a black metal medallion on a fine 1 7th level cleric with the following spells:
metal chain (75%) or both a medallion and a special
broach (25%). These pins are always well hidden on the First level: bless, detect good, defect
person of the merchant. Dice for which particular broach magic
type is possessed, all merchants in a train having the same Second level: silence 15' radius, snake
kind: charm, speak with animals
Die roll Description \ Broach Third level: dispel magic, prayer
1 blue enameled prism Fourth level: protection from evil 10' radius
2 white enameled morel mushroom 50 slave bearers carrying supplies and fire beetle
3 bronze coiled whip abdomen lights.
4 silver crescent
5 tan enameled puffball mushroom Slave bearers will be a mixture of captives; the exact mixture is
6 iron hook, black found on the table below (d20):
7 russet enameled shelf fungi Die Roll Race of Slave Die Roll Race of Slave
0 brass chain links (3)
9 yellow enameled mushrooms (2) . 1
elf 9
0 half-orc
?O pewter bars (4)
3 gnoll 1014 human
I1 violet enameled urn
4-5 gnome (Deep Gnome) 1516 lizardman
12 pink enameled horsetail mushroom
6 goblin 17-10 orc
13 red enameled gem
7 half-elf 19-20 troglodyte
14 lilac enameled star of 5 points
15 green enameled lozenge Kuo-Toan Pilgrims: A poriy of these travelers will consist of the
16 white enameled bone following individuals:
Special Note Regarding Drow Cloaks, Armor, and Weapons: All 13-10 unarmed kuo-toans (males)
of these items have special properties, although none of them
1-6 unarmed kuo-toans (females)
radiate any magic. The items are made under the conditions
particular to the strange homeland of the Drow, for this place has 2-5 3rd level fighters armed with dagger and short
unknown radiations which impart special properties to these bow
cloaks, armor and weapons. When such items are exposed to 1 5th level fighter armed with dagger and har-
direct sunlight a rotting process sets in. The process is absolutely poon
irreversible, and within 2 weeks cloaks will fall to shreds, while
armor and weapons become pitted and unusable. If items are 1 monitor (see section on Kuo-loa People)
not exposed to sunlight, they will retain their magical properties leader
for 31-50 days before losing them, and if they are exposed to the 2 3rd level clericswith spells as noted for Kuo-Toon
radiation of the Drow homeland 30 or so days, they will remain clerics above
potent. Items not spoiled by sunlight will eventually lose their
11-14 slaves bearing the party's food. clothing, and
special properties if not exposed to the special radiation,but they
various worthless gear and shell offerings to or
will remain serviceable as normal cloaks, armor, shields, swords, tokens of "Sea Mother" (see above for slave
maces, etc. types, see hereafter for details of the goddess).
Drow sleep poison decays instantly in sunlight. Its power is lost (If pilgrims are traveling away from the shrine,
after about 60 days in any event, and the coating on the small half the number of slaves will be present as the
bolts and javelins must be periodically renewed with fresh balance will have been sacrificed.)
applications of the fungoid substance. The Dark Elves will often
have small barrels filled with several packets of this poison,each Kuo-ToanWar Pa*: These creatures will occasionally go forth to
sealed to insure the poisonous substance remains fresh for about capture slaves or raid a group that is hostile to their kind or has
1 year. given offense to Sea Mother. A war party will consist of
Troll and troglodyte groups are Drow servants, usualk checking 24 2nd level fighters armed with shield, dagger,
on something specific or going to report for service. and spear
Ghast and Ghoul groups are Drow connected. They report to the 8 2nd level fighten armed with dagger and short
female Drow nobles and serve the deity of the Drow. bow
8 3rd level fighters armed with dagger, net and immediately see any illusion or phantasm. They make all saving
spear throws at +4, except against poison, which is at +2.
4 5th level fighters armed with dagger and Treasure: Each Svirfneblin (Deep Gnome) will carry 4-20 base
harpoon value 10 g.p. gems.
2 8th level fighters armed with dagger and
1 10th level fighter armed with dagger and
2 monitors
4 3rd/3rd level fighter/assassins (“whips”) armed
with dagger, spear, and garrote
1 7th/7th level cleric/assassin armed with a
pincer staff (see section of Kuo-loa People at
end) and garrote and having the same spells
as a 7th level cleric with a party ofthat ilk,except
that as a Second Level spell he will have hold
person rather than speak with animals, and ENCOUNTER AREA W27
tongues rather than protection as his Fourth
Level spell. Use encounter piece IV for the crossing of the Svartjet River. The
12 slave bearers with miscellaneous gear and surface is very smooth here, as the channel is over 80’ deep. On
equipment (who can also be eaten if the need the far bank, in the cove shown, is mooredan 8’x 14’ barge with a
arises) sculling oar. This barge is operated by a Kuo-Toon of great size
Hit Dice: These creatures have the following hit points: and strength (18/00)-a rogue monitor (AC 0,90 hit points)-with
18 dexterity. Heisquitechaoticanda bitinsane.Heis 13thlevelfor
Number of Hit Points for purposes of attack and saving throws. He moves at normal
level Hit Dice Males Females monitorspeed (18”) andattacks4timesperround(2x4-10,2x2-
5 biting), always to kill. Thoopshib moy be unbalanced, but he is
2 2 12 10 vety sly. Normally. any creature acquainted with his service will
3 3 18 15 whistleor callforservice, payofeeof1p.p. (oritsequivalent),and
4 4 28 24 be ferried across. The solitary Kuo-Toan does not care who or
5 5 35 30 what he transports. If the barge is threatened or attacked, he will
6 6 42 36 leap into the Svartjet and summon his only companion, a giant
7 7 56 49 gar over 30 long with AC 2 and 65 hit points. It stays just upstream
8 8 64 56 from the crossing area, and if it is urged on bylhoopshib. it has a
9 9 72 - I5%/round chance of upsetting the barge. The gar will bite for
10 10 90 - 7-28 h.p. of damage 80% of the time anyone is in the water there,
I1 11 99 - 25% if walking on thewater, and only 10%if levitating orflying up to
12 12 120 - 20‘ above the water.
The noise of the riverwill mask normal sounds from the hearing of
Treasure: Each Kuo-loanwill have 1-6e.p., 9.p..and p.p. per level. the Kuo-Toan, but bright light in the cavern will certainly attract his
Those above 5th level will have 1 base value 100 g.p. pearl per attention. He will come forth and offer in the common speech of
level above the 5th. Those above 8th will have 1 pearl of 500 9.p. the underworld to take the party across for the proper fee each.
base value per level above the 8th in addition to the other pearls. Each time he repeats this offer (and it will not be understood by
the party without magical aid or an interpreter), he has a 10%
cumulative chance of going berserk and attacking. When
Deep Gnomes: These relatives of common gnomes are reclusive Thoopshib sculls the barge, it will take him only 6 rounds to travel
creatures of neutral (with good tendencies) alignment. Full directly across to moor the barge in the opposite bank cove. If
details are given in a separate section at the end of this module. others scull the craft, it will take twice that long, they will move
Those encountered will be: diagonally downstream, and there will be no possibility of
mooring the barge, so it will be carried off downstream by the
2-5 3rd level fighters (H.P.: 20each;AC2) armed with current after disembarkation. If he is somehow forced to take a
(non-magical) +I dagger, +I military pick, party across, Thoopshib will leap into the Svartjet in midstream,
7 +darts
I (1-4 h.p. damage, poison gas stuns/ taking the sculling oar with him, and seek his giant gar friend. The
slows, 40’ range) which they can loose at 2 per barge will be carried downstream at a rate of 9 miles per hour.
round There is 70%chance that the vessel will ground at hex B224,but
1-2 4th level fighters (H.P.:25 each; AC 1) armed as failing that it will continue at an averagespeedOf5 miles per hour
above but having in addition 3 acid-filled darts all the way to the Sunless Sea. Travel upriier in the barge is
(2-8 h.p. damage and destroy 3” diameter of impossible. It is not possible to walk along the riverside.
armor where hit occurred). One of the side coves serves Thoopshib as a home. He has a
large pile of dried seaweed to sleep on, various shell and stone
1 5th level fighter (H.P.:30, AC 0) armed as are 4th
containers and utensils, and odds and ends of worthless gear
level fighters, but with a +2 military pick.
about the place. He has found a natural pot in the floor, however,
and a stalagmite thrust into the mouth ofthis opening appears to
be quite natural. Beneath this stopper he has sequestered: 1,420
Note: Deep Gnomes are 20%magic resistant, plus an extra 5%per g.p., 691 P.P., 77 10 g.p. value gems, 2 extra-healingpotions, a
level over 3rd, i.e. 25%of4th,30%of5th,etc.Each isable to employ black metal medollionwith a spider relief on 1 side and the head
the following illusionist-like spells once each per day: blindness, of a female Drow on the other, a poisonous cloak, and a gold
blur, change self. Each radiates non-detectioncontinually.They sphere (a 9 hit dice fireball from a necklace of missiles).

Wandering Monsters:
Use encounter piece V wher.-this area is reached. Describe the
multitude of openings available to the party, and indicate that Encounter occurs 1 in 12, check each turn:
this area is faintly lit by the glowing lichens and phosphorescent Western Half Eastern Half
streaks of mineral in the walls of the passageway. Theywill notsee
any creatures or hear any noise, but there are 8 Deep Gnomes 1. Drow merchants, small train Kuo-Toon pilgrims
(as described previously under random encounters) watching 2. Kuo-Toon guards' 2. Kuo-Toon priests
them from hiding. If the party stops and searches the area-or 3. Drow merchants, large train 3. Kuo-Toan monitor
calls out in friendly terms-the Svitfnebli leader will show himself
and offer the peace sign, recognizingthe party as creaturesfrom 4. Kuc-Toon monitor 4. Kuo-Toon pilgrims
the upper world. He will converse in sign language, or speak 5. Drow merchants, medium train 5. Kuo-Toon guards'
normally if some magical means of communication/under-
standing is available. If the adventurers offer not fewer than 1 100 6. Kuc-Toon pilgrims 6. Kuo-Toon pilgrims
j,p. gem per Deep Gnome, and agree to going "halfies" on any 7. Kuo-Toon priests
others taken, the Svirfnebli will certainly agree to accompany the 8. Drow merchants, small train
party to the shrine cavern.
'guard parties are composed exactly as noted in 5. below
The Deep Gnomes hate the Kuo-Too People as much as they
despise the Drow, and this group has spied upon the shrine, for
they are prospecting in the area. As they have just taken the last A KUO-TOANPILGRIM APARTMENT: From 3-6 ofthe Kuo-Toowill
gems from a vein here, they are willing to get others from their be found in each such apartment. If 5 or 6 are indicated,
enemies. Naturally, the small fighters know the passages well, 1 is female. All are simple 2nd level creatures and unarmed.
and they have small secret passages which allow them to spy The sparsely furnished chamber will have mounds of sea-
upon the shrine from high on the walls or from above. weed on wooden sleeping pallets, a rough bench, a small
table and several stools. Walls are about 1%'thick, doors
The Deep Gnome leader is Trosli Garnetgetter, of a very respected are of (precioushere) wood with iron bindings. Each pilgrim
family. He has an ability normally possible only to Deep Gnomes will have 2-8 each e.p., and p.p.
of higher level: that is, he is able to call a creature from the
Elemental Plane of Earth once per day to serve or otherwise aid B BARRRACKS Each barracks chamber holds the number of
him, but this Trosli is loath to do, for he must pay the elemental troops shown in parentheses after the B. These are special
creature in fine gems. The creature answering the call is shrine guards with 12 hit points each, commanded by a
determined at random using the following table: "sergeant" of 4th level with 28 hit points. The arms used are:

Die Roll ResuR - 50% with shield, dagger, and spear

1 24 hit dice earth elemental - 50%with dagger, net, and spear
2- 7 16 hit dice eafth elemental - leaders have dagger and harpoon
8-12 12 hit dice earth elemental BF BARRACKS, FEMALE: These correspond to the barracks
noted above, butthesoldierstherein are temale Kuo-Toons.
13-16 8 hit dice earth elemental Each of these 2 areas houses 16 females of 2nd level
17-19 xorn (H.P.: IOeach) armed with daggerandshoft bow. Thereare
2 3rd level (H.P.: 15) "sergeants" in command at each bar-
20 summons fails racks, armed with shield, dagger, and spear.
Each of these Svitfnebli has a small tablet compounded of C COMMON ROOM: These are areas specdly set aside for
special minerals which restores 4 hit points of damage,while their pilgrims to meet, have meals, read, etc. There are a number
leader has a full dozen extra ofthesecuratves.Trosli Garnetgetter of tables, benches and stools in each such room-2-8 of
also has a pouch containing 6 large stones which shatter and each if a number is needed. There are words of praise to
release an obscuring gas (15' diameter cloud, I O ' high) when "Sea Mother" painted on the walls and religious tracts on
smashed by hurlingagainst a hard surface, as well as4yellowish tables. There will be from 1-8 pilgrims in a common room at
rocks which release poison gas in a similarcloudwhen smashed. any given time.
Each of these Deep Gnomes has double the number of gems M MONITOR POSITION: The Kuo-Toon at these positions is an
usual to their kind, i.e. 1040 base 10 g.p. gems. always alert monk-like fighter of 7th level (H.P.: 56) who
Remember that each of these characters radiates non-detection, guards the area and assures peace and tranquility for
and is able to use blind, blur, and change self (as illusionist worshippers at the shrine. (See 27. below and the special
spells of the same name) once per day. section o n the Kuo-Too People for more information.)

W Seeroom33.

I.E.NTRANCE TO THE LOW CAVITY: The p a w is met by a chilling

scene when first they step far enough northwest to view the
dimly lit space ahead. Greenish phosphorescence from
lichens, coupled with a grayish luminosity from slug-like
creatures as large as a man's fist which crawl everywhere
(walls, ceilings, floors) give the area an undersea appear-
ance, and a strange salt tang is in the air to enhance this
impression. Directly to the nofth the adventurers will see a
huge dark green creature, rather like a giant lobster-headed
woman, with one pincer raised and the right extended
ahead and open. This stone idol is detailed at 4. below. The
walls and pavement of this place are well-made, but very
worn. Obviously, this area is old. It feels alien and foreboding.
The shape of the stones and the illumination of the area are escort for 1 mile to such persons, but they must know the
wrong to any creatures from the upper world, particularly secret sign/counter-sign of worshippers of Sea Mother (fore-
warm-blooded ones. A glance left and right will reveal the and middle fingers raised in a 'V' as the claw of Sea Mother,
archway to the west and the 20' wide, 40' high opening the same sign from the left, with fingers pointingahead as the
leading east. counter), with the utterance of Sea Mother's true name
(Blibdoolpoolp, pronounced Blibbb - doool - pooolpp).
As the group proceeds further into the area, they will note the
stairs up to the west and the slits in the east wall of the Third Altar: This green stone is 3' x 3' x 6' long and holds two
entranceway. The bend of the eastern corridorwillbe noticed gold inlayed shells with insides of motherof pearl.Theshellon
if the area is observed. Looking ahead, the adventurers will the left holds salt water and live lobsters,the one on the right
see that the space to the north is a great sunken area, and if contains 24 base 100 g.p. gems and 16 pearls (base value
they proceed closer they will observe it is an arena or pool 500 g.p.).SupplicantsforaspecialfovorfromSeaMothertake
filled with translucent green waterand surrounded by6 tiers of a lobster to the pool at 15, and place it prayerfully there.Any
stone benches, the whole forming a square around a raised other use of an offering is sacrilege! A gem or pearl is offered
stone platform in the middle of the 25' deep depression up when the lobster is taken. Approach to the tiershould only
(actually 30' deep with 5' of water in it). Northeast and be made by means of the north ramp; if any other mode of
northwest will be seen stone block walls with one arched entry approach is observed, the Kuo-Toons will regard the action
on each side and many narrow ( I ' wide x 3' high) slits as defilement of the shrine and react accordingly. Le. a full-
piercing them at about 20' abovefloor level.The whole area is scale alarm and attack.
quiet, but there is a definite feeling that there are other
creatures about, hostile creatures, alien things. 4. IDOL OF BLIBDOOLPOOLP. SEA MOTHER: Upon the summit of
At this point any intelligent creatures observing the p a w will the ziggurat stands a malachite statue 20' tall. It appears to
ignore it. This is a place where traffic is not uncommon, and be a nude human female body, with articulated shell
those entering are permitted to approach the shrine and covering the shoulders, and a lobster head and claws in
make obeisance to Sea Mother, obtain the required place of the expected human head and arms. The right claw
"passes", and move on. (See 3. below.) The shrine com- is open and raised, the left is open and held out about 8'
munity is organized only with respect to its guards and above thefloorofthetier.Theidolwil1not moveorcometo life,
heirarchy. not its pilgrims or passersby. but it is possible to be gated to her on the Elementol Plane of
Water. Blibdoolpoolp's name is carved into the base of the
2. RAMP AND STAIRS: The ramp leads to a flight of broad steps statue in Kuo-Toon characters. If the extended left claw is
which give into the pool of water surrounding the idol. From grasped while the individual stands upon the altar, and her
this position it will be evident that the seots of the arena will name is pronounced correctly (Blibbb - doool - pooolpp).
hold about 2,000 creatures of approximatelyhuman size.The the creature is immediately transported to deep waters of the
depth of water in the pool cannot be determined due to its plane where Sea Mother holds court. (If the individualcannot
transluscent quality. The 20 tall idol atop the dais can be breathe water, he, she, or it is immediately in Blibdoolpoolp's
seen as stone.Although the risingtiers of the pyramidobstruct debt for having the goddess save the individual from
vision northward, it can be observed that there is some sort of drowning by magic spell.) The individualcoming before Sea
opening in the northern wall of the place. Mother must offer the goddess from 10,000 to 60,000 g.p,
When the p a w descends to the placewhere thewater meets value in pearls, or double that amount in gems, or risk the
the steps, they will have to measure with o pole of some sort, wrath of Blibdoolpoolp. She will grant a small favor to the
or actually enter the water, to find its depth. If the p a w stays individual making an offering, and then return the individual
on adirectrouteto3.,thestepsleadinguptothefirsttierofthe to the altar before her idol.Those without offerings are geas-
pyramid,they will be safe, but there are dozens and dozens of quested not to harm or cause to be harmed or aid in the
leeches elsewhere in the pool, and these will attack any harming of any worshippers of Sea Mother. They must further
worm-blooded creature at a rate of 1-4per 1 0 traveled.All are contribute 60,000 g.p. value in gems to the shrine (or bring in
small for their kind, having only 1 hit die, but they are very a number of Drow whose combined levels equals 1/1OOth of
hungry. Of course, the Kuo-Toons can pass amongst these the g.p. value for sacrifice-Blibdoolpoolp hates the Dark
creatures without being molested. Elves, but cannot oppose their patroness and other helpers
3. STEPS OFTHE ZIGGURAT Ifthegroupreachesthis pointtheywill directly!). The individuals are then returned to the altar, with
be able to see low altar stones with shells upon them. There the ability to speak Kuo-Toonand marked secretly so that all
are 2 su'ch containers on the first tieroftheziggurat,and other the Kuo-Too People will recognize one in the service of
pairs on each successively higher altar. Each tier of the Blibdoolpoolp.
pyramid is 12' high,and the steps are steep. These steps must Note: From the upper tier of the ziggurat the guards at 5. can
be ascended by all creatures passing through, so that be distinguished.
homage can be paid to the goddess, an offering paid, and 5. GUARD POST:There is a squad of soldiers here, 8 2nd level (12
passage continued elsewhere. Groups coming in from other hit points each), with a 3rd and 4th level (H.P.:18.28) fighter in
tunnels are held in waiting areas while appointed reprenta- charge. 5 face to the north, 5 to the south. They ore here to
tves perform the necessary obeisance. check and regain the tokens of homage to Sea Mother tom
First Altar: This block of white stone tinged with green those who pass through the shrine cavern. Those without
splotches is relatively small (2'x2'x4' long) and has 2 passes are netted, subdued, and taken to location 9. (D) for
ordinary-looking basin-sized sea shells atop it. On the left is incarceration and eventual sacrifice. If they are threatened,
one filled with 337 gold pieces; on the right is a shell filled with the soldiers here will alert location 6. ("Corporal of the guard,
fresh water and snail shells. (Pay 1 g.p. per person-excluding post number 5!").The 2nd level troops are evenly dividec
slaves and lowly servants, of course-and take a snail shell between those with shield, dagger, and spear and dagger,
pass for each, and present them to the guards as usual.) net, and spear. The "sergeants" have dagger and harpoon.
Second Altar: This stone block is blue and twice as large as 6. PALACE OF THE PRIEST-PRINCE:The entire north wall at this
the one below it. It holds 2 beautiful shells with silver chasing location is taken up by the palace of the Kuo-Toonspiritual
upon their edges and ridges. Upon the left the shell basin is and temporal ruler, the Priest-Prince Va-Guulgh. Upon the
filled with brackish water and crab claws; the one on theright steps of the palace are posted 8 2nd level soldiers (H.P.: 12
contains 71 p.p. and 18 gems of 10 g.p. value each. each; armed as 5. above) with 2 "sergeants" (H.P.: 18.28) of
Worshippers of the Kuo-Toon goddess go here and pay for a 3rd and 4th level exactly as 5. above. Also there is a 6th level
crab claw pass.The guards will accord friendly treatment and fighter (H.P.: 42; armed with dagger and harpoon) who is
official herald;this fighter also bears a shell horn upon which They will give warning of any intruder. Va-Guulgh wears only a
an alarm is blown if the area is under attack, and this alerts harness with a dagger. He has 90 hit points, being a 1Gth/l Mh
positions 5., 30., 32.. and the barracks 60' immediately level cleric/assassin with the following spells available:
southwest. Other positions can hear the alarm, but it must be Firstlevel: command, cure ligM wounds, detect
sounded a second time to alert all soldiers to come to the magic, protection from evil, protection
palace. If it is blown a third time, all Kuo-loansin the shrine from good
cavern will then come to battle with the enemy.
Second level: hold person,resistfire,silence 15' radius,
The ancient facade of the palace is cawed from living rock. spiritual hammer
Upon it are pillars, and columns, hewn so as to give the place
an imposing aura. Upon its walls are bas-relief figures of all Third Level: continual darkneJs,dispel magic, prayer
sorts of sea creatures and Kuc-Toons carved so as to present Fourth level: cause serious wounds, tongues
the appearance of coming towards the entrance of the
palace. Crab-likecreatures with Kuc-loan heads are cawed, Fifth level: plane shift, true seeing
into the stone near the doorway, thestonygazeoftheseweird
sentinels appearing to fall upon all who ascend the steps. If given the chance, Va-Guulgh will flee through the secret
7. THRONE ROOM OF VA-GUULGH: Immediately to the north of
door to the west if threatened by powerful antagonists.
the arched entrance to the throne room is a low dais with a Otherwise, he will attempt to seek safety in the bottom of the
shell throne upon it. The throne is a strange chain carved of pool, where various fish, shellfish, crabs, turtles. and other
white coral, set about with rare sea shells and sculptings in creatures will obey his commandsto obscure his movements
ornamental stone of octopi, crabs, eels, and fish.There are 32 and hinder the passage of any enemies. (There are several
base 100 g,p. pearls and 16 base 500 g.p. pearls set as eyes large clams which can hold a limbwitha strength of 18/01), If
for these sculptures, and there are 4 figures of crabs fashioned this fails, hewilleither go down to the underlying rooms orfight
from precious red coral (each of these is worth 6,000 g.p.) to the death.
which can be pried from the settings of the throne. Flanking
the throne are a pair of malachite statues 7'tall, each resting
on a pedestal 3' high-copies of the idol ofSea Mother in the
shrine area. They have no value and hide nothing. Each,
however, radiates a faint dweomer, as Blibdoolpoolp uses
them to view what happens in the chamber--50% chance
that she will do so on any given turn.
The floor of the palace is of polished serpentine, and the 6
pillars in the chamber are carved of white marble in the form
of water spouts. The whole place is alive with a shifting green
luminosity from the glowing green and gold ceiling over-
The throne room is guarded by 6 cleric/assassins of 6th/6th
level, one before each pillar. Each is armed with dagger,
harpoon, and garrote. They will attack any intruder in the Secret Room: This small area is known only to the ruler of the
most effectivemanner. Their spells are: place. The door has an iron bar, and Va-Guulghwill use it to
secure the door from any chasing him. He will then proceed
First level: cure ligM wounds, darkness, fear to equip himself with a pair of speed boots, a ring of
Second level: chant (3). defect charm (3). holdperson, protection '3 (which has 6 charges for saving throw
knowalignment(3),resistfire(2),silence purposes before it is totally drained and useless), and a
15' radius (1) trident of submission. There is also a pouch of 20 500 g.p.
base value pearls there, and he will attach this pouch to his
Third level: blindness, dispel magic harness. If the priest-prince conceives fhe situafion to be
hopeless, he will abandon the shrine entirely, making for the
Each possesses the above listed spells, except those spells Svartjet or Pitchy with all haste to alert the main communiiy of
followed by a number,which are possessed bythenumberof Kuo-TooPeople of the dire events at theshrine. Ifthesituation
cleric/assassins noted for those spells. can be recovered, he will attempt to raliy his troops and
The eastern archway leads to a private audience chamber
and council room. It has an upper balcony which extends lower Area: The stairs to the south lead westwards to a lower
along three sides of the place. There is a long stone table, a complex of rooms, each secured by a very thick wooden
throne chair, and 6 smaller stone chairs in the center. There is door with iron bindings. The 2 rooms to the south and east are
nothing of value, although the wall murals of undersea those of the priest-prince. He has various items of furnishing
scenes, inlaid in bits of colored stone, appear valuable to there, including a couch, 4 chairs, 2 large tables, a Small
those not able to determine the worth ofthe minerals used to table, 2 benches, and a large cabinet in which are several
form them. In other respects this place is much the same as special ceremonial robes embroideredwith shells and sewn
the throne room. with seed pearls (value3x1,000g.p.,1600g.p.,and2,750g.p.
respectively). In the far chamber is a chest with his personal
8. PRIVATE WING: The western wing of the palace is given over to arms, a shield, a spear, and a pincer staff. In a secret
the personal pool of Va-Guulgh, and it is here that he compartment within a shell ewer of no particular value are
entertains honored and important guests. All the area is of hidden 3 pairs of rose quartz lenses (these cusps are of useto
green stone-serpentine, malachite, and slate. The pillars in those who adventure inthe Drowvault area, MODULE D3) and
the center of the pool are a mixture of malachiteand azurite, two broach-like pins, one a pair of silver daggers inscribed
carved so that they go from green to blue in their upper parls. Everhaite, the other an adamantite miniature of a mace with
The waters of the pool are of transluscent green, and here it is Despana written in Drowic runes thereon. The 6 small rooms
likely that the priest-princewillbedesporting(unless an alarm (about I O ' x 15') are the cells of the personal attendants of
hasbeensounded). the ruler, the 6th/6th level cleric/assassins detailed above.
There are 2 4th level fighters, 1 to either side of the pool, who Amongst their personal effects and a pallet of seaweed will
guard the ruler. Each has 28 hit points, but neither is armed. be found 1-100 each of s.p., g.p.. and p.p. plus 2-12 gems of50
g.p. base value. The four rooms to the west and south are 11. TRAINING ROOMS: These chambers are for the training of
storage chambers for food. seaweed, and various worthless assassins.There are dummies and charts of Kuo-Toons, Deep
items. There are, however, 2 large casks of brandywhich have Gnomes, Drow, trogs, humans, etc. A few common weapons
no great value, but ifthey are sampled there is a 10%chance are strewn about, but there is absolutely nothing of realvalue
per individual drinking that too much will be imbibed, thus in either room.
causing the individual to become noisy and clumsy (-2 on 12. FIGHTING INSTRUCTION ROOMS: Hung about the walls of this
dexterity and all attacks). place are various daggers, spears, nets, shields and
9. PASSAGE TO THE SLAVES QUARTERS: The worn stones along this harpoons. It is here that the Kuo-Toon fighters practice to
tunnel indicate it has seen the passage of countless scores of hone the edge of their weapon skills. All of the weaponry is
feet. The Kuo-Toons keep their numerous slaves penned quite normal. Floor area is clear for fighting. In the eastern
below. The stairs lead down into a guard room where 4 2nd room 2 5th level fighters (H.P.: 35 each) practice with net and
level fighters (H.P.: 12 each) armed with dagger, net, and spear versus shield and spear. In the other room are 4
spear and a 4th level “sergeant” (H.P.: 28) armed with dagger troopers of 2nd level (H.P.: 12 each) trying net and spear
and harpoon, and carrying the keys to all of the doors in the versus the same and shield and spear versus the same.
slave area, are on duty. This area, like those above,is well lit by
underworld standards. All doors are of bronze and iron here. 1 3. LIBRARY: This chamber is the repositoryfor countless works on
To the east and west of the guard room are 2 general slave clericism, fighting, assassination, arms, combat, and tactics.
barracks rooms of 20’ x 70’ size. The western room holds 3 There are 1,786variousfolios,scrolls, books, and collections in
gnolls, 1 half-orc, 2 hobgoblins, 2 lizardmen, 9 orcs, and 8 Kuo-Toon and Drowic of no more than 10 - 100 g.p.value if
trogs. The eastern chamber contains 2 dwarves, 3 Deep sold to a book dealer of the upper world. There are many
Gnomes, and 21 humans (one ofwhom is a 7th level paladin shelves and pigeon-holes,racks and cabinets holding these
with 175, 141, 16W, 17D. 17C, and 15Ch - H.P.: 60).All slaves works and single sheet folders as well. 4 small wooden desks,
are fairly well acquainted with the normal parts of the shrine 4 chairs, a bench, and 2 long tables are in the room.There ore
cavern, especially the orcs and Deep Gnomes. Freed slaves 6 light globes suspended from the ceiling, each of which
will happily kill Kuo-Toons; whether or not they will help holds a phosphorescent liquid which gives a yellowish green
liberators directiy is a function of alignment and treatment as light. If the chain of the 5th is pulled,let loose, and then pulled
well as initial reaction. down strongly, a secret compartment in the north centralwall
The corridor north leads to a dozen small cells. In the first pair will open. Note that this small space cannot be detected by
are 2 bugbears each, the next pair is empty, there are 2 trolls magicol means other than true seeing, and it is lined with
in the next two, and again 2 empty cells, then a Drow sheets of bronze and lead inside so as to prevent magical
merchant of the puffball clan (with his clan pin hidden inside viewing or the radiation of magic from its contents. Inside this
his boot - an enameled ton broach shaped like a puffball nook are stored a map of the shrine area (which does not
mushroom, useful in the next module, VAULT OF THE DROW) show the secret doors and adits!) and a black iron box. The
chained to the wall, and in the last cell is a pair of ghosts. box is locked and cursed with a plane shift which will move
Empty cells usually contain filthy seaweed bedding and the first creature touching it to the Elemental Plane of fire
some scattered and gnawed bones. unless the word sloolbpah is pronounced.Inside the boxare
a Manual of Puissant Skill al Arms, a Manual of Gainful
The large room to thewest is a standard torture chamber,with Exercise, a Tome of Understanding, and o Grim Grimoire (a
the usual rack, iron boot,chains, irons, etc.The place atthe far nonesuch work which will cause the loss of 20,OOOexperience
(north) end of the line of cells is a disused storage chamber, points from any reader except a thief or assassin - o thief
with a few barrels and crates of provisions in the forepart, and gains or loses nothing, but an assassin will gain 1 level of
junk stuffed into the back. Behind this refuse is a concealed experience from reading and pondering its contents for 1
escape tunnel which leads north about 40’ to a 60’ deep month). As all of these works are scribed in Kuo-Toan,reading
sinkhole. The sinkhole gives onto a natural passageway them might be troublesome . . .
which eventually ends in a shaft upwards into the secondary
passage northwest (about a mile north of the shrine cavern).
10. MEDITATION ROOMS: These chambers are provided for the
use of pilgrims and regular inhabitants of the shrine area to
read various writings pertaining to Sea Mother and herworks.
There are 4 stone tables, 2 stone benches, and 8 bone stools
in each room. Besides short tracts, there are 27 scrolls and 18
books in each place, and these items are worth 1,000 g.p.
and 2,500 g.p. respectively if brought to the upper world and
sold to a book dealer or religious college. In both of these
rooms the patty will note a tract-like sheet which contains
writings in Elvish and in Kuc-Toan. The latter is a translation of
an account of an Elfwho escaped from the homeland of the
Dark Elves. The fragment says:
“and these degenerate filth continue to consort with all
manner of foul things and d((smear destroys several
words)) but this does not mean that they are particularly
watchful for trespassers. Any wearing the cloak of sickening
((another smear here)) can move freely about, and the
merchant clans and noble houses employ all sorts of
servants and slaves who roam through the black and
debauched City of ((smear)) -ng the broaches. Most of
these abominations worship the disgusting creature they
call “Mother of Lusts” and if I could only.. . ((the fragment
ends here))
The Kuc-Toons use this to emphasizethebadness ofthe Drow
who do not worship Sea Mother.

14. BREEDING POOL: This is where the Kuo-loanfemales laytheir I S). GUARDROOM: This chamber is furnished with 19 narrow
eggs, and the males then fertilize them with milt. The pool is pallets covered with dried seaweed and silk cloths. There are
about 42' deep in the center. There are presently 4 females a small table and 2 benches also. This is the quarters of the
and 11 males spawning. If they are disturbed, the females will female guards, and there are 4 in the place, with level, hit
not fight, but the 2nd level males will fight at double normal points, and arms exactly as those guards at 17. above.
level and damage (H.P.:24; 4-10 points of damage by biting).
20I. SERAGLIO: The 6 concubines of the priest-prince dwell here.
There is a jade idol of Sea Mother with pearl eyes (1,000 g.p. They are indolent and pampered,andtheywill notfight.Each
each) worth 19,000 g.p. at the exact center of the pool. It
has a couch, various personal effects, and the following
weighs 35 pounds. jewelry: 1 5,000 g.p. value, 1 2,000 g.p. value, and 3 600 g.p,
15. OFFERINGS POOL: Devotees of Blibdoolpoolp bring their live value. Also on the 3 tables about the place are I 1 gold
lobster offerings to this place and toss them into its bluish vessels worth 450 g.p. each and 14 silver ones valued at 75
green waters. (The diamond-shaped pool is ritually emptied g.p. each. The average weight of gold utensils is 15 pounds,
by servants of the priest-prince who gains the benefit of the that of silver dishes is the same. The walls are draped with
sacrifices as table fare.) There is a body of 10 soldiers here, 8 gauzy green hangings of no value, but they hide the stone
2nd level and 1 3rd and 1 4th level exactly the same as those behind.
at 5. There are in addition 4 archers (H.P.: 12 each), a pair at
21. COMMON POOL: This large body of water is 80' deep at the
the mouths of the corridor north and that west, armed with middle point. The west entry point is only 4' deep. It is filled
dagger, short bow, and quiver of 20 arrows. These soldiers are with various sorts of small fish and other water creatures. The
alert, watching the area and 14. as well.
Kuo-Toons come here to exercise and sometimes feed on
16. FINGERLING POOLS:The young of the Kuo-Toons are raised in these live fish as well. There will be 13 males and 3 females, all
these pools until they are about a year old and nearly 2'tall. of 2nd level and without weapons, swimming here. They will
(At this time their lungs are capable of breathingair, and they viciously attack any warm-blooded creature entering the
are brought out and taken to the main city for raising and waters of this black pool.
training.) There are 315 tiny, 161 small, 43 medium, and 9 22. OFFICERS QUARTERS These areas are furnished with the few
large fingerlings in these 20' deep pools4 female 2nd level stark items typical to Kuo-Toon existence - pallets for each
fighters (H.P.: 10 each) armed with dagger, net, and spear individual,a few stools, small wooden tables, and pegs in the
guard the place. walls ready to accept harness or weapons.
17. ROYAL SPAWNING POOL: Only the ruler of the shrine area and East Section: Here the 10th level captain (H.P.: 90) is
his concubines (see 28. below) may use this pool. It is 40'
quartered. He has shield, 2 daggers, spear, and a harpoonat
deep and its bottom is strewn with 311 large base 100 g.p, hand. His strength enables him to get +2 hit probability and
gems. 4 female fighters of 4th level (H.P.:24 each) are in pairs +4 damage with any weapon he uses. He has 40 base 100
guarding the two arched entrances to the place, and
g.p. pearls sewn inside one of the harnesses hanging from a
another pair is stationed at the north. Each is armed with peg. His pouch contains 20 each s.P., g.p., and p.p.
shield, dagger, and paralysis spear (a normalweapon with
a one-time-only substance coating its head). Creatures West Section: There are 2 8th level lieutenants (H.P.: 64 each)
failing to save versus poison are paralyzed until a neutralize quartered in this part of the area. Each is armed with dagger
poison spell is cast upon them. See also 19. and has spear, net, and harpoon at hand, with shield
hanging nearby. Each of these fighters has 10 each s.P., g.p,,
18. ROYAL FINGERLING POOL: There are 7 large fingerlings in the and p.p.. plus 5 base 100 g.p. pearls.
pool here, spawn of Va-Guulgh. swimming happily about in
23, SERGEANTS' QUARTERS: 12 of these minor fighting leaders
the greenish 20' depths of the water. Beside the pool are 2
dwell in this chamber. They are 1 6th level, 2 5th, 4 4th, and 5
platinum basins-I' deep by Ix'diameter-in which food is
3rd (H.P.: 42, 2x35, 4x28, 5x18). Each has dagger and
brought to these creatures. Thevalue ofeach basin in perfect
harpoon at hand, and shields, spears, and nets are hung on
condition is 5,800 9.p.. half that if damaged. Metal weight is
nearby wall pegs. Each fighter has 1 each s.P., 9.p.. and p.p,
10 pounds each. See also 19.
per level. There is a chest in the room which contains 120 s.P.,
200 g.p., and 78 p.p. There are 16 pallets, 2 benches, 4 stools
and a long table also.
fighters of 4th level here (H.P.:24 each). They are currently not
on duty. Each has dagger, spear, and shield nearby. There
are 24 pallets in the place, as the 8 guards of the royal area
are quartered here when off duty. Each guard has her own
stool, and there are 3 tables and 6 benches inthe room. Each
female carries 10 p.p. and 4 pearls of 100 g.p. base value on
her person. The on-duty troops' wealth is hidden in their
seaweed mattresses.
25. ARMORY This large chamber has racks full of the following:

150 shields 250 shield glue applications

200 spears 30 nets
100 daggers 60 empty quivers
40 harpoons 40 soldier harnesses
60 short bows 1 container of paralysis
1000 arrows poison (60 applications)

There are also some boxes with Drow weapons, but these are
all sa old and corroded as to be useless. There are 12
bucklers, 12 short swards, 14 daggers, and 6 hand crossbows
with 28 bolts. (If these items are used they will break
immediately upon any employment.)
26. STORAGE CHAMBER: This area is filled to overflowing with Chest # 5 This is an iron-bound wooden trunk which is not
bales, boxes, crates, barrels, trunks, hogsheads, and kegs - locked. Inside are 100 10 pound copper ingots.
stocked and piled all over, with only narrow paths between 20 of those at the bottom contain platinum (their
them. All of the contents are of small worth, being dried fish, weight will give them away, as they are 25 pounds
seaweed, cheap cloth, fish skins and scales, shells, bone each, although there is copper plating on the
meal, cawed bone items, and similar goods used in trade. outside. There is also a small coral coffer worth
27. MONITORS QUARTERS: There are a total of 12 monitors (see 1,000 g.p. containing 188 g.p. base value gems
the section on Kuo-Too People at the end of the module) in resting atop the ingots.
the shrine cavern. 6 are in various places elsewhere, 1 is just Chest 66: This locked bronze chest is trapped identically
outside the chamber, and 5 are within. These 5 spend their to chest #(moving
I seals the chamber with a 1 0
off-duty hours practicing hand-to-hand fighting. Each thick stone block). It holds I 2 pieces ofjewelryset
monitor is 7th level, has 56 hit points, moves 18”. is AC 1, and with gems (average value is 6,000 g.p. each), 20
can attack 4 or 6 times per melee round - 4 times if attacking pieces of ivoryjewelryworth500 g.p. each, a bone
to subdue, with hand attacks at doublevalue.Attack routine tube with a scroll of 3 cleric spells (lower water,
is hand/hand/bite, followed by opponent attack, and then a true seeing, restoration), and an icon of Blibdool-
second routine of hand/hand/bite (no biting if subduing poolp set with 10 100 g.p. base value gems and
attacks). Damage from blows by hand is 2-8 hit points, biting 100 base 100 g.p. base value gems. The icon will
doing 2-5 hit points. Typically only one or two opponents at a automatically transport any creature touching it
time will be fought, but a monitor can fight as many as 4 to stand before the goddess on the Elemental
different foes simultaneously. The chamber has only 12 Plane of water if they fail to make their saving throw
pallets in it, but the floor is covered with piles of dried seaweed versus magic. This must be made each time the
here and there. Under one such pile is a loose stone icon is put down and then touched again. Sea
concealing 60 base 50 g.p. gems. Each monitor carries a Mother will be angry at those looting her servant’s
pouch with 20 p.p. in it. treasure room . . .
28. SECRET PASSAGEWAY: This corridor leads to a very deep well Chest 67: This is a locked chest plated silver over iron. All of
(6’ to water, then 50 deep). The well shaft leads to a circular the seams and cracks of the chest are filled with
conduit of 6’ diameter. This pipe connects areas 14.. 17..and silver solder also. The container is worth 3,000 g.p.,
21. by secret entrances in each pool bottom. On the pool and inside is a jeweled medallion wodh 25,M)o g.p..
side these appear to be normal stone blocks, each about 2’ (15,ooO in gems alone). Also trapped inside is a
square. very powerful spectre (8 h.p. per die) which will
thereis also a hidden trapdoor, its iron ring concealed under attack anything which frees it from its hated
a small flagstone. The 2’ square block is about 6 inches thick imprisonment.
and very heavy. It opens to a small square shaft leadingdown 30. GUARD POST: Here 8 female soldiers (H.P.: 10 each) armed
by iron rungs 16‘to a 5‘wide passage to 29. Note the passage with dagger and short bow are on watch. They are com-
widens to I O ‘ offer 40‘ east. manded by 2 3rd keel fernak fighters (H.P.: 15 each) armed
with shield, dagger, and spear.
29. SECRET SUNKEN CHAMBER: The passage into the room and
the chamber itself are about 7’ from floor to ceiling. Only the 31. GUARD POST: There are 10 solders here, exactly conforming
priest-prince knows of this place. It is a secret passed from to those at position 5. (q.v.)
ruler-to-ruler. The wealth of the shrine is stored here, wealth 32. GUARD POST: In addition to 10 solders confomina to those at
from decade upon decade of contribution and sacrifice to location 5.. there are also 4 2nd level (H.P.: 10 &h) female
Sea Mother, as well as tax and trade monies.There are 7 large archers armed with dagger, short bow, and quiver of 20
chests in the room, each of about 3‘ height by 3%’ depth, by arrows each.
4%’length. Each of these chests is described below, forsome
are cleverly trapped. 33 QUARTERS OF THE “WHIPS’:As the monitors enforce the social
decorum of the shrine, the whips see that the religous-
Chest X1: This bronze chest has an ancient lock. It is filled political order is kept. These spartan quarters are for the 6
with 8,124 shells which are precious to Kuo-Toons 3rd/3rd level fighter/assassins (H.P.: 18 each) who are
but are otherwise valueless. MOVING THIS CHEST enforcers of the order. There are only 6 pallets and 1table with
FROM THE STONE IT RESTS ON TRIGGERS THE 2 benches in the place. The 3 apartments nearby(Ws) house
MECHANISM WHICH CAUSES A I O ’ THICK STONE 3 4th/4th level fighter/assassin whips (H.P.: 28 each). Each of
BLOCK TO SEAL OFF THE WHOLE ROOM. these enforcers uses shield and long sword after throwing
nets to entangle opponents. They also have garrotes in
Chest X2: This is a heavy wood and iron box with a great
harness pouches. They act in concert on any occassion
iron padlock on it. Inside are 48,912 g.p. demanding it. Each whip has 2 each s.P., g.p,. and p.p. per
Chest # 3 This is an iron chest with a secret catch lock. It each level, i.e. 6 or 8 of each coin. In addition, each has 1
holds 2,440 p.p., and a green silk altar cloth bose 100 g.p. gem per level hidden inside his harness. (See
wrapping 3 gold setvice pieces set with pearls also 34.)
total value is 60,000 g.p.,pearls only. 36,000 g.p.).
34 CHAMBER OF THE CHIEF WHIP: A dedicated fighter/assassin of
Chest # 4 This bronze and iron chest has two iron bars 7th/7th level (H.P.:56) is quartered here. He is QuolpOol, chief
attached by rings on the back side. When the lid whip and confidant of the priest-prince.Although his room is
is unlocked and lifted, the bars are depressed to as spartan as the others, QuolpOol has a small iron box
trigger a I O ’ wide by 20’ long trapdoor which hidden in the wall of the place, and inside it are 366 s.P., 291
swings down to drop all standing on it into a 70’ g.p.,and 98 p.p. Behindthe box, and concealed by rock dust,
deep pit. The last I O ’ of the pit are water filled, so is a small case made of rare shells. It contains a string of
only 1-8 h.p. of damagewill besustained,butany perfectly matched pearls (18,500 g.p. intact, 15,600 g.p.
creature in armor will drown in 2 rounds unless separated) and 12 base 100 g.p. gems. The chief whip wears
able to escape by climbing (as a thief), levitate, an invisibility ring (for dealing with non-Kuo-Toons) Drow
fly, etc. The chest holds 5,320 s.P., 2,100 e.p., 12 boots and +2 Drow short sword and +2 dagger. He also uses
water breathing potions, a helm of underwater the usual Kuo-Toon shield, and a garrote is tucked into his
vision, and gauntletsof swimming and climbing. narness. QuolpOol will rush to any disturbance in the place,

armed and ready.
35. LOCKED ROOM: This second room of QuolpOol's is closed
by a heavy iron door, and he caries the only key to it. Inside is
a noble Drow female, a 9th level fighter of the House of
Noquar, Derinnil. She is held in durancevile by the chiefwhip.
and is slated for formal torture soon, in order to find what
plans the Drow have againstthe Kuo-Too People,as well as to
learn the current state of affairs amongst the Dark Elves'
noble houses. The room is bare of furnishings, save a pile of
dried sea weed. Derinnil is chained to the wall with short
fetters. She will volunteer to aid and guide rescuers, but she
will, of course, betray them at first opportunity. Carefully
hidden in the lining of her left boot is her bronze broach
depicting the head of a nightmare, with a reverse inscription
in Drowic, Noquar. Once freed of chains she can useeach of
the following spells (at 9th level) once per day: dancing KUO-TOA
lights, darkness, faerie fire, clairaudience, detect lie,
suggestion, dispel magic, detect magic, levitate, know FREQUENCY: Vew rare
alignment. Derinnil has 16S, 161, 13W, 18D, 15C, and 17Ch. NO.APPEARING:'2-24 (40400)
She does not fear death, but she will certainly do her utmost ARMOR CLASS: 4
to avoid it if possible! She will not betray her house, nor will MOVE: 9"//18"
she compromise the safely of the Drow community, but HIT DICE: 2
anything else is fair game, so to speak. % IN LAIR: See below
TREASURE TYPE: Individuals L. M, N; Z in lair
If you are using this module as a part of the whole campaign, be DAMAGEIATTACK: By weapon type and/or 2-5
certain to keep a careful note of all that the party does. You can SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below
do this by writing on the margin of this booklet. Any opponents SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below
which escape attack by the padywill givewarning to their masters MAGIC RESISTANCE: See below
or fellows if possible-particularly Drow, Kuc-Toons, and their INTELLIGENCE: High and up
more intelligent servants. However, the chaotic nature of the Dark ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil (chaotic tendencies)
Elves precludes the chance of organized search for the party. so SIZE: M (higher levels to L)
at best the Drow will be aware of intruders and morewatchfuland PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil
suspicious. The Kuo-Toons are not numerous enough to mount a Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
major search effort.
If the party is moving on to the next module,cease play in this one The ancient Kuo-Too People once inhabited the shores and
as soon as they pass into one of the northern tunnels, and begin islands of the upper world. As the race of mankind and its
with the next package. associate species grew more and more numerous and powerful,
THIS ENDS THE SECOND SECTION OFTHE DESCENT INTOTHEDEPTHS, the men-fish were slowly driven to remote regions. Continual
SHRINE OF THE KUO-TOA warfare upon these evil, human-sacrificing creatures threatened
to totally exterminate the species, for a number of powerful
beings were aiding their sworn enemies, mankind. Some Kou-
Toons sought refuge in sea caverns and secret subterranean
waters, and while their fellows above were being slaughtered,
these few prospered and developed new characteristics to
match their lightless habitats. However,the seas contained other
fierce and evil creatures with designs of their own, and the deep
dwelling Kuo-Toonswereeventuallywiped out, leaving onlythose
in the underworld to carry on. These survivors were unknown to
men, and mankind eventually forgot the men-fish entirely. Even
the word goggler, a term used derisively for their ichthyoid foes,
lost its meaning. But the Kuc-Too People remaining in their
underworld places did not allow memory of the past to lapse,
REGARDING THE IARGE-SCALE HEX MAP OF THE UNDERWORLD and woe to the hapless human whofalls into theslimyclutchesof
You will note that the players' version of the map shows only a the Kuo-Toons!
relatively narrow section of the whole area-that pari which Now the Kuo-Too People are haters of sunlight and are almost
pertains to this module and the other two in the set. As Dungeon never encountered on the surface of the earth. This, and their
Master you might wish to develop other material regarding the inborn hatred of discipline, prevent the resurgence of these
encounter areas shown on your large-scalemap. You can then creatures, for they have become numerous once again and
allow your players to explore passages which are off their map, have gained new powers. However, they have also become
thus eventually completing their version; and, of course, having somewhat unstable, and insanity is not uncommon amongstthe
many adventures along the way. You can place other Drow species.
enclaves, locate the realm of the mind flayers. expand the The Kuo-Toons sometimes are encountered in small groups
underground sea and place the Kuo-Toon stronghold, etc. journeying in the upper world to kidnap humans for slaves and
sacrifice. Such parties are also found occasionally in the
SMALL SCALE ENCOUNTER PIECES AND PASSAGE MAPS dungeon labyrinths which connect to the extensive system of
The widest passage is a section of Primary Tunnel, the next widest underworld passages and caverns which honeycombs the crust
is a Secondary Route section, the smallest is a Tertiary Passage, of the earth. Only far below the surface will the intrepid explorer
regular or secret. These and the two encounter pieces can be find the natural caverns and spaces hewn from living rock over
joined with other like map sections from the other modules in this the ages in which the Kuo-Too People build their underground
set if desired. communities.
These creatures normally travel in well-armed bands. If more than I always strike at such individuals.
20 Kuo-Toons are encountered, it is 50% likely that they will be Kuo-loans spawn as do fish, and hatchlings are raised in pools
within 1-6 miles of their lair. For every 4 normal warriors in an until their amphibian qualities develop about 1 year after
encountered band there will be an additional fighter of 3rd or4th hatching.The now 2’ (or so) high young are then able to breathe
level. For every 8 normal fighters encountered there will be an air, and they are raised in gens according to their sex and fitness.
additional fighter of 5th or 6th level. For every 12 in the groupthere
will be a cleric/assassin of equal levels, either 4th/4th. 5th/5th. A list of typical slavetypes is given hereafter.
6th/6th, or 7th/7th (d4 +3 for level determination).If more than 20
normal (2nd level) fighters are in the group, it will be a war paw, The number of hit dice possessed by this hardy race is not
i.e. a full-scale raiding/fighting detachment. A war patty will indicative of their actual strength, as their breeding gives them
include: exactly the same number of hit points per die, varying by level:
1 10th level fighter as “captain” Number of Hit Points for
level Hii Dice Males Females
2 8th level fighters as “lieutenants”
4 3rd/3rd level fighter/assassin “whips” 2 2 12 10
1 monitor (see hereafter) 3 3 18 15
1 slave per 4 Kuo-Toons 4 4 28 24
The “whips” are fanatical devotees of the Sea Mother goddess of 5 5 35 30
the Kuo-Toons. They incite the troops to stand firm and fight 6 42 36
without quarter for the glory of their ruler and their deity.
7 7 56 49
If a Kuo-Toon lair is found, it will contain 4B400 2nd level males. In
addition, there will be higher level fighters in the same ratio as a 8 64 56
noted above for outside groups, war parties, and: 9 9 72 -
1 priest-king of 12th/l2th level, a cleric/assassin, if 350 or more 10 10 90 -
normal Kuo-Toons are indicated, or 11 11 99
1 priest-duke of 11th/l1th level if 275-349 normalKuo-Toonsare 12
12 120
indicated, or
1 priest-prince of 1Oth/lOth level if fewer than 275 normal Kuo- Typical arms carried by Kuo-Toon fighters are:
Toons are indicated, and dagger, spear, and shield.. .......................... .40%
8 “eyes” of the priest-king (or priest-duke, or priest-prince), dagger, spear, and weighted throwing net ............. 30%
8th/8th (or 7th/7th or 6th/6th) level cleric/assassins
dagger and harpoon’ ................................ 10%
1 “chief whip”, a 6th/6th fighter/assassin
dagger and short bow (half female population) ....... 20%
2 “whips” of 4th/4th or 5th/5th level
‘The harpoon is generally used only by higher levelfighters. It is a
1 monitor per 20 2nd level male Kuo-Toons wickedly barbed throwing weapon with a range of 30’. It inflicts
females equal to 20% of the male population 2-12 h.p. damage, exclusive of bonuses. Creatures struck must
young (non-combatant) equal to 20% of the total Kuo-Toons roll a saving throw of 13 or better (d20) to avoid being snagged
by the weapon. Creatures of man-size or less who are so
slaves equal to 50% of the total population of males caught will be jerked off their feet and stunned for 1-4 rounds.
The harpooning Kuo-Toon will haul in his victim and slay with a
In special religious areas therewill also be a numberof Kuo-Toon killing dagger thrust, for the weapon is fastened to the hurler by
clerics. For every 20 individuals in the community there will be a a stout cord.
3rd level cleric, for every40 there will be a 4th level cleric, for every The shield employed by these creatures is fashioned of special
80 there will be a 5th level cleric, all in addition to the other boiled leather, and just before battle it is treated with a special
individuals. These clerics will be headed by: glue which is very sticky. There is a 25% chance that any frontal
1 6th level cleric if the group is 160 or fewer, or attack upon a shield-bearing warrior will strike this glue and stick
7th level and 1 6th level if the group is between 161 and 240 fast until the wielder is able to pull it free (same chance as the
individual has of opening a dungeon door).
Kuo-Toons wear no clothing, only leather harnesses for their
1 8th level, 1 7th level, and 1 6th level if the group numbers weapons and a small amount of personal gear, as any other
between 241 and 320, or garments would hindertheir swimming.Their skin istough,scaled,
1 9th level, 2 7th level, and 3 6th level ifthe group is between 321 and very slimy. Coupled with their dexterity, it gives them a high
and 400, or natural armor class. Note that shields do not odd to armor class;
1 10th level, 2 8th level, and 4 6th level if the group numbers in they are used as weapons.
excess of 400. Hit probability for these creatures is the same as a human of the
same level, but males gain +I “to hit” and on damage as a
It is 50%probable that any Kuo-loan cleric above 6th levelwill be bonus due to their strength. This bonus applies only to weapons,
armed with a pincer staff. This is a 5’ long pole topped by a 3’ not to their natural biting attack mode (which causes 2-5 h.p.
long “claw”. It corresponds to a medieval man-catcher,and ifthe damage). When fighting with dagger only, these creatures are
user scores a hit, the claw end has closed upon the opponent, also able to bite at an opponent.
making it impossible for the trapped individual to get free. When 2 or more Kuo-Toon clerics or cleric/assassins operate
(Naturally, this weapon can be employed onlyversus creatures of together by joining hands, they can generate a stroke of
a girth about that of a small to large human, i.e. elf-gnollsized). It lightning. This bolt is very narrow, so that only the specific target
is 10%probable that both arms will be pinned by the claw, 40% victim will be affected unless some other creature gets into the 2’
probable that one arm will be (75% probability for left arm- wide path of the stroke due to mischance. The bolt of electricity
assuming the victim is right handed).Trapped opponentslose all causes 6 h.p. of damage per cleric or cleric/assassin to any
shield and dexterity protections, and nearby Kuo-Toons will creature struck-half that if the saving throw versus magic is
made. The chance of generating such a stroke of lightning is 10% ity to community, although they have special religious places in
cumulative per Kuo-Toon involved. Each round that priests are common. These places are usually used for inter-group trade,
acting in conjunction this possiblity must be checked. councils,and worship of Sea Mother, so they are open to all Kuo-
Special defenses of these creatures include their skin secretion Toons. These religious communities, as well as other Kuo-loan
which makes it 75%improbable to grapple, grasp, tie, or web a settlements, are open to the Drow and their servants, for the Dark
Kuo-Toon.Although their eyes are set on the sides of their heads, Elves provide useful goods and services as slave traders and
Kuo-Toons have excellent independent monocularvision,a very merchants. But the Drow are both feared and hated by the Kuo-
wide degree of field (180°). and they are able to detect Too People, so there are frequent kidnappings and minor
movement even though a creature is normally invisible due to skirmishes between the two peoples. The lllithids (mind floyers)
magic, astrally projected or ethereal. Thus. only complete are greatly hated by the Kuo-Toons and they and their allies are
motionlessness can avoid sight detection by a Kuo-loan. They attacked on sight.
see into the infra-red and ultra-violet spectrums. Also, vibrations
within IO' can be felt by these creatures,so they are surprised only Slaves obtained by the Kuo-loa are used for labor, food, and
on a 1 (d6). sacrifice. The composition of any slave group can be randomly
determined (d20) by using the following table:
The race of Kuo-loa People are totally immune to poison, and
they are not affected by paralysis. Spells which generally affect Die Roll Race of Slave Die Roll Race of Slave
only humanoid-type creatures (charm person, hold person,
sleep) have no effect on these creatures. Electrical attacks cause 1 dwarf 8 half-orc
only half, or no, damage.A magic missilewillcause only 1 h.p. of 2 elf' 9 hobgoblin
damage to a Kuo-Toon. and all forms of illusion are useless 3 gnoll" IS14 human
against them. However, Kuo-Toons hate bright light-such as
from a light spell-and fight at -1 on "to hit" dice rolls when 4-5 gnome (Deep Gnome) 1516 lizardman
exposed to such illumination.They suffer full damage from all fire 6 goblin 17-18 orc
based attacks, and saving throws against such attacks are at -2
on the dice. 7 half-elf 19-20 troglodyte
'25% chance for bugbear rather than elf if in community isolated hom Drow
Especially fit fingerlings, usually of noble spawning, are trainedfor
"50% chance for Drow rather than gnoll if in community isolated horn Drow
the priesthood-as clerics, cleric/assassins, or as special
celibate monks. The latter are monitors whose role it is to control The Kuo-Toons speak the strange subterranean trade language
the community members who becomeviolent or go insane. The common to most intelligent dwellers in the underworld, In
monitor is capable of attacking to subdue orto ki1l.A monitor has addition, they speak their own arcane tongue and can
56 hit points, attacks at 7th level, and has the following communicate with most fish by empathic means. Their religious
characteristics: speech is a corruption of the language used on the Elemental
- twice normal movement rate Plane of Water, and if a cleric is near it is 75%improbablethat any
creature from this plane will attack Kuo-toons, for the cleric will
- surprised only on a 1 in 10 speak and request that they be spared in the name of Sea Mother
- armor class 1 (Blibdoolpoolp).
- 6 attacks/round, 2 bare handed doing 2-8 h.p. of damage Description: A Kuo-Toonpresents a cold and horrid appearance.
(double if attacking to subdue), 2 attacks with teeth (unless A typical specimen looks much as if a human body, albeit a
subduing) doing 2-5 hit points of damage, a hands/bite paunchy one, had been covered with scales and topped with a
routine in the forepart of a round and the second in the last fish's head squarely atop the shoulders.The huge fish eyes of the
portion. head tend to swivel in different directions when observing an area
or creature. Hands and feet are very long, with three fingers and
Subdued creatures cannot be larger than man-sized or slightly opposing digit, partially webbed. Legs and arms are short for the
larger (up to about 8'ta11/500 pounds).Subduing attacks cause
body size. Coloration is pale gray, with undertones of tan or
only half actual damage, but when points scored equal thetotal yellow in males only, and thewhole skin has a sheen from its slime
for the creature it is rendered unconscious for 3-12 rounds. covering. Color darkens when the individual is angty, or pales
The Kuo-Too People do not generally co-operatefrom commun- when the creature is badly frightened.

through the narrow corridors favored by the Svirfnebli. For every
level above 3rd. a Svirfneblin's armor classwill improve by 1 place,
i.e. a 4th level is AC 1, a 5th level is AC 0, and a 6th level is AC -1,
These gnomes are typically armed with a non-magical + I
dagger and non-magical + I (horseman's pick for purposes
of damage assessment). Each individualalso carries a pouch of
special darts, 7-10 hand-hurledmissiles of about ?&size,with a 40
range, which inflict 1-3 hit points of damage. When one of these
darts strikes it is constructed so as to compact and break a small
glass bead containing a gas. Any creaturestruckonits front parts
FREQUENCY: Very rare must save versus poison, or this puff of gas has reached the
NO. APPEARING: 530 , creature's system; it will be stunnedon the next round and slowed
ARMOR CLASS: 2 for the4 roundsfollowingthat. DeepGnomes above 3rd level also
MOVE: 9" carry 5 6 darts which have an acidwhich eats a Whole in armor
HIT DICE: 3 +6 hit points ' protection in 1 round, or inflicts an additional 2-8 hit points of
% IN LAIR: 0 damage on non-protectedtargets (such as armorwith holes, i.e.
ring mail, chain mail, etc.).A Svirfneblin can hurl 2 darts in a single
melee round.
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon lype Deep Gnomes fight as humans of the same level, but when
SPECIAL AllACKS: See below hurling darts they add +2 to hit probability.
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 20% These small and fast-moving creatures are able to move very
INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional quietly despite their metal armor and arms. They are 60%likely to
ALIGNMENT Neutral (good tendencies) be unseen by any obsewer, even a Kuo-Toan,as Deep Gnomes
SIZE: S (about 3' tall) are able to "freeze" in place for long periods without any hint of
PSlONlC ABILIW. Nil movement. They are surprised only 1 in 12 due to their keen
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil hearing and smelling ab es. They are 90%likely to surprise most
Far beneath the sulface of the earth dwell the Svirfnebli,the Deep
Gnomes, a race related to the gnomes of the bright world. Small All Deep Gnomes are 20% magic resistant, gaining an extra
parties of these demi-humans roam here and there in the magic resistance of 5%for each level above the 3rd they attain.
undeworld mazes of small passageways, always in search of No illusion, phantasm, or hallucination is able to affect a
gem minerals. Their realm is in a region unknown, but thought to Svirfneblin's mind. Because ofthis, and their high wisdom, speed,
consist of a closely connected series of vast caverns in which and agility, they make all saving throws at +3. except poison,
thousands of these diminutive creatures labor for their king. Only which they make at a +2 on the dice.
males have ever been seen, and those only in very deep places The Svirfnebli communicate with each other by a form of racial
beneath the ground. empathy when outside their own domains. They have their own
All of the race are doughty fighters. For every 4 normal Svirfnebli language, a dialect of gnomish which a normal gnome is 60%
encountered, there will be an additional leader-typeof 4th level likely to understand. Most Deep Gnomes are also able to
(4 hit dice plus 7 hit points).If more than 20 normal Deep Gnomes converse in the underworld cant (the trade language), and
are encountered, there will be an additional 6th level fighter (6 hit speak and understand a fair amount of Kuo-loan and Drow
dice plus 9 hit points), a bunow warden,with 2 5th level assistants (tongues of their hated and feared enemies who, along with the
(5 hit dice plus 8 hit points). It is 25% probable that a 6th level Illithids, are the worst threat to any Deep Gnome gem gathering
Deep Gnome will hove illusionist abilities of 5th, 6th, or 7th level. expedition). All of these small creatures can converse with
speaking creatures from the Earth Elemental Plane, and it is 90%
Note that a Svirfneblin of 6th level is 50% likely to be able to unlikely that any such creature will harm a Svirfneblin, although
summon an earth elemental if the individualis not an illusionist as the Deep Gnome might have to pay a heavy bribe in precious
noted above. The type of earth elemental which can be metal and gems to so escape. Deep Gnomes have inhavision to
summoned is found on this table (420): 120' and can also see into the ultraviolet spectrum in a limited
manner (30'). They have normal gnomish powers with respect to
1 24 hit dice earth elemental determination of direction, distance beneath the surface, and
2-6 16 hit dice earth elemental detection of traps.
7-10 12 hit dice earth elemental When being pursued by enemies, the Svirfnebli will h/pically dash
to a secret escape passage tunneled to their size. Larger escape
11-15 8 hit dice earth elemental routes used by the Deep Gnomes will be filled with covered pit
16-10 xorn traps and rock deadfalls. A gnome leader is 75% likely to have 5
12 small rock-like containers, and these will be strewn in the path
19-20 summoning fails of pursuing foes ifno handy escape route is nearby.These clystals
are crushed when stepped upon by any creatureweighingmore
Elemental summoning can be attempted once per day. than 100 pounds. and each releases a cloud of poison gas of
Summoned elementals must be paid in fine gems by the about 15' diameter and I O ' height. Any creature passingthrough
summoner, a commodity the deep gnomes are loath to give up. such a gas cloud must save versus poison or lose consciousness
In addition to the abilities given above, all the Svirfnebli have the for 3-12 turns. The cloud dissipates in 2 rounds.
following magical powers of illusionist nature: blindness, blur, Deep Gnomes will usually aid any non-enemyfora fee, and they
change self. Each of these spell-like abilities can be used once will certainly help if these creatures are fighting Drow, Illithids, or
per day by any Deep Gnome. All of these creatures always Kuo-Toons, provided the situation is not hopeless with respect to
radiate a non-detection identical to the spell of the same name defeatingthe Svirfnebli's foes. They love gems and will take great
(q.v.1. risks for them!
The Deep Gnomes wear leathern jacks sewn with rings of mithril Description:A Svirfneblin is gnarled and very muscular.They tend
steel alloy over fine chain mail shirts. They do not carry shields to be bald. Skin color is medium brown to brownish gray, Eye
usually, as these devices would tend to hinder movement color is gray.

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