7 Lost Secrets Book of Spiritual Abundance
7 Lost Secrets Book of Spiritual Abundance
7 Lost Secrets Book of Spiritual Abundance
Table of Contents
Introduction: A Fool’s Journey ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Spiritual Abundance ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
How To Use This Book................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
The Secret Power of Change… ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Important Definitions… ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
The Tools of All Creation and Manifestation ........................................................................................................................................... 10
The Raw Materials: Quantum Silly Putty ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Part I: Snapshot: Balance, Counter-Balance ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Balance: 7 Axis of Life Matrix............................................................................................................................................................... 16
Example ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Counter-Balance: 7 Axis of Life Matrix ................................................................................................................................................ 18
Example ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Bigger Dreams – Bolder Visions ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
New Dreams and Desires ................................................................................................................................................................ 21
‘New Dreams and Desires’ Matrix Example .................................................................................................................................... 22
Part II: The Manifestation Bridge ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Creating a Manifestation Bridge .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Example ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Reverse Engineer the Manifestation Bridge Steps .............................................................................................................................. 25
‘Manifestation Milestone Matrix’ ................................................................................................................................................... 25
Vertical ‘Manifestation Milestone Matrix’ Example ....................................................................................................................... 27
Part III: Expanding Potential and Probability ........................................................................................................................................... 28
The Secret Power of Essence ............................................................................................................................................................... 28
The Magic Key ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
The Manifestation Layer ...................................................................................................................................................................... 30
The Most Powerful Lost Secret of All… ................................................................................................................................................ 32
Your Higher-Self, Soul and Spirit ..................................................................................................................................................... 32
The Final Step… ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Appendix - Manifestation Tools ............................................................................................................................................................... 35
7 Axis of Life Matrix ............................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Manifestation Bridge ........................................................................................................................................................................... 37
New Dreams and Desires Matrix ......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Manifestation Milestone Matrix.......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Vertical ‘Manifestation Milestone Matrix’ .......................................................................................................................................... 40
Vertical ‘Manifestation Milestone Matrix’ Plain.................................................................................................................................. 41
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Thus the majority of our world is unknowingly at the mercy of their own arrogance and innocence
when it comes to generating a reality that they truly desire. And though arrogance and innocence
exist on opposite ends of the spectrum, they both lack power and authority - two integral energies
required for consciously creating reality.
Yes, it may come as a bit of a surprise to you at first glance - until you think about it that is.
But the truth is, regardless of your age, gender, skin color, nationality, religion, political affiliation,
place of birth, how hard you work, how hard you don’t work, the amount of money you have, the
amount of money you don’t have or the amount of money your daddy or granddaddy gave to you
or left to you… everyone… every single person, has the same tools, raw materials and energy at
their disposal. No one has more or less than another.
Some hearing that statement will find themselves getting downright furious, because they
erroneously believe deep down inside, that they did have some upper hand, some ‘power-over’ or are
‘better-than’ another because of their race, age, skin color, religion etc.… or on the other-side of the
We have briefly explored the tools of creation and manifestation; those of desire, expectation and
imagination… so now let us look at the raw materials, this quantum silly putty, that every single
person uses to craft, carve and sculpt their reality out of?
Thoughts and feelings or… feelings and thoughts are what we use to break things apart and how we
put things back together. Every time you think or feel, you are rapidly creating and destroying ideas
Particularly… where you are within the 7 axis of life… which are:
When determining what you want instead (‘Future View’), again, be brutally honest with yourself.
Many people want stuff, but are not willing to actually receive it.
Willingness, among other things, means you are prepared to put in the effort – even if that effort is
small. This step is not about pie in the sky dreams or desires… It’s about changing the current
situation. So only list stuff you are actually willing to do. That being said… this is the time to step out
of your comfort zone, to expand your potentials and possibilities… to become more of who you are…
and less of who you are not.
A dream is not only the synergy of the three manifestation and creation tools working together
to create something greater than the sum of its parts… it’s also a perpetual recharging system.
The more you dream, the greater the synergy created… and the sharper, more focused, more
exacting… and thus, the more effective your tools of manifestation and creation become.
Dreams are integral to manifestation… but there is another more powerful type of dream as
A Vision is a Dream that is so vivid, that all five senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing) are
utilized to bring it to life, to give it form to give it dimension in your physical reality; width,
heighth and depth.
Fill out all four quadrants of the matrix with as much detail as possible…
1. New Dream or Desire – detail the ‘New Dream or Desire’ in this area.
2. What It Looks Like When Its Manifest – Knowing What You Want so clearly…
that you can taste, touch, smell, see and hear it. So clearly in fact, that you can
virtually reach out and touch it.
3. When New Dream or Desire Manifest – When will it manifest by. A meaningful
date is best. Your child’s upcoming Birthday, an Anniversary, a Holiday etc…
Using a meaningful date helps both your subconscious and conscious mind stay
aware of the goal and help you manifest it easier.
4. What It Will Feel Like When Manifest – Finally, add what it will feel like when
you have it. Try to express every emotion you can think of to define the feeling
you’ll have clearly too.
3) When New Dream or Desire Will Manifest 4) What It Will Feel Like When Manifest
Fully functional and live by Thanksgiving – Nov Pride, contentment, new hope, security
23, 2017
-- ? --
Physical Physical
I’m always stressed Create a calendar that I check Meditate daily for 15 minutes- no
off after my meditation. Leave matter what
it on my desk for at least 21
straight days so its always in
view (12 days so that the
pattern can become a habit)
I feel empty, like something is Look for recommendations on Explore my spiritual side more –
missing all the time Amazon, ask friends about the read books I would normally read.
best book they read on the
subject… then track them
down and start exploring.
I love my husband but things seem Spend 10 minutes a day, just Remember the love I have for him
out of sorts sitting in a quiet place
remembering all the fun we
have had together… and
dream up new things we can
do together that we are both
interested in.
Every ‘Manifestation Bridge’ will require a Manifestation Milestone Matrix. You can use the
templates provided, use them as inspiration to create your own or design your one from scratch. The
functionality is what’s important, not the design.
Each Manifestation Milestone Matrix will be dynamic in size… some items for example, will require 3
milestones (space to define the milestone), whereas others will require 20 or more.
We then create the actual Manifestation Milestone Matrix like the one shown below:
pounds this pounds this pounds this pounds this the next 4
Week 1… Did better than my milestone! Lost 4.2 pounds.
New Dream or Desire: A full time online business where I sell a course on raising lamas for their fur.
# Milestone Complete By
Outline “Lama Secrets” course Nov 1, 2017
Get a friend (Kim) to proofread and edit “Lama Secrets” course Nov 6, 2017
Record “Lama Secrets” audio & send to video guy (Gus @ videocreation inc.) Nov 7, 2017
Upload PDF version of “Lama Secrets” to amazon S3 cloud hosting Nov 8, 2017
Get video back from video guy and Upload it to Vimeo video hosting Nov 18, 2017
Final Website tweaks – Test Website functionality and ecommerce Nov 21, 2017
Set Up Facebook ads to sell “Lama Secrets” to others who indicate interest Nov 23, 2017
When New Dream or Desire Will Manifest: Fully functional and live by Thanksgiving – Nov 23, 2017
What currently holds your attention? What are you feeling? Because its those conscious thoughts,
feeling and emotions that determine the reality you generate, the stuff you manifest and life your
Listen and watch for the whispers, scan the horizons – life doesn’t hide anything from us, it simply
responds to the nature of our asking. Ask better questions of it and better answers you’ll get.
Act As If
We know that it is the function – the emotion – that brings the manifestation into form (logic).
So when we act as if (on an emotional level) we start the ball rolling and create the resonance field for
that thing to manifest into.
For example… let’s say you want a new house, but don’t really know how to make it happen.
Instead of staying stuck… start by acting as if… that is, treat your current house like you would treat a
new house, give your house and its surrounds the same care and love you would give to a new house.
Keep it clean, wash the windows… feel a pride of ownership, don’t let things get out of hand and so
Own It
What would a person who has this thing I want… say, what would they do, how would they think?
Everyone regardless of creed, color, race etc… has the same tools and raw materials at their disposal.
Those that manifest what you want… are thinking differently than you, they are talking about it in a
different way than you, they are acting different about it than you… and so on.
For example, when you talk to the super rich, they never make excuses… they always think solution
and get it figured out. They don’t let a little mental chatter stop them.
Why Do I Want To Win The Lottery? Why Don’t I Want To Win The Lottery?
• So I can be financially free • I’ll have a tax problem
• So I don’t have to work ‘for the man’ • Relatives will come out of the woodwork looking
• So I can do what I want, travel, start a new for a handout.
business and so on. • My poor friends will think I’m hoity-toity and
not want to hang out with me anymore.
Our time together here is done (for now) and I wish you the best with this training program and your path to
becoming a fuller more powerful you…
So please join us online (if you haven’t already) so that we can continue our magical adventure together…
Web: http://www.seth-jordan.com and http://www.7sacredjourneys.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/7sacredjourneys/ or https://www.facebook.com/seth.jordan.official
May the light illuminate you my friend, and all your dreams come true…
Seth Jordan
3) When New Dream or Desire Will Manifest 4) What It Will Feel Like When Manifest
3) When New Dream or Desire Will Manifest 4) What It Will Feel Like When Manifest
Future View: