7 Lost Secrets Book of Spiritual Abundance

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7 Lost Secrets of Spiritual Abundance | Page 1 of 41

Table of Contents
Introduction: A Fool’s Journey ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Spiritual Abundance ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
How To Use This Book................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
The Secret Power of Change… ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Important Definitions… ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
The Tools of All Creation and Manifestation ........................................................................................................................................... 10
The Raw Materials: Quantum Silly Putty ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Part I: Snapshot: Balance, Counter-Balance ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Balance: 7 Axis of Life Matrix............................................................................................................................................................... 16
Example ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Counter-Balance: 7 Axis of Life Matrix ................................................................................................................................................ 18
Example ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Bigger Dreams – Bolder Visions ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
New Dreams and Desires ................................................................................................................................................................ 21
‘New Dreams and Desires’ Matrix Example .................................................................................................................................... 22
Part II: The Manifestation Bridge ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Creating a Manifestation Bridge .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Example ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Reverse Engineer the Manifestation Bridge Steps .............................................................................................................................. 25
‘Manifestation Milestone Matrix’ ................................................................................................................................................... 25
Vertical ‘Manifestation Milestone Matrix’ Example ....................................................................................................................... 27
Part III: Expanding Potential and Probability ........................................................................................................................................... 28
The Secret Power of Essence ............................................................................................................................................................... 28
The Magic Key ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
The Manifestation Layer ...................................................................................................................................................................... 30
The Most Powerful Lost Secret of All… ................................................................................................................................................ 32
Your Higher-Self, Soul and Spirit ..................................................................................................................................................... 32
The Final Step… ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Appendix - Manifestation Tools ............................................................................................................................................................... 35
7 Axis of Life Matrix ............................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Manifestation Bridge ........................................................................................................................................................................... 37
New Dreams and Desires Matrix ......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Manifestation Milestone Matrix.......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Vertical ‘Manifestation Milestone Matrix’ .......................................................................................................................................... 40
Vertical ‘Manifestation Milestone Matrix’ Plain.................................................................................................................................. 41

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7 Lost Secrets of Spiritual Abundance
3 Simple Steps To Get You Unstuck and Unlock the Power of
Abundance & Prosperity in the 4 Key Areas of Your Life

Copyright © MMXVII All Rights Reserved

This book is copyrighted 2019 © by Seth Jordan and Breakthrough Publishing. No part may be
copied or changed in any format, sold or used in any way other without express written
permission from Seth Jordan and Breakthrough Publishing.

The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy,
applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this book. The information
contained in this book is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply
ideas contained in this book, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.

The author and publisher disclaim any warranties (express or implied), merchantability, or
fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable
to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential
damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided “as
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The author and publisher do not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of
any sites listed or linked to in this book. All links are for information purposes only and
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For more information on this and other products, please visit:

www.seth-jordan.com or www.7sacredjourneys.com

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About the Author

Seth Jordan is a successful entrepreneur who

comes from a long line of mystics, secret orders
and spiritual clergy.

For as long as Seth can remember, he has existed

in a magical enchanted world, full of mystical
experiences, supernatural phenomena and
enlightened journeys.

His dream is to help awaken humanity and push

it forward by showing people how to connect
with their higher parts of self; Higher-Self, Soul,
Spirit, God, Goddess etc.

All by exposing ancient secrets and lost mystical

traditions to a new era of modern day magicians
(even if they themselves don't fully know who
they are right now.)

You can attend Seth’s latest free online masterclass… By visiting:


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Introduction: A Fool’s Journey
We are going to go on a little journey you and me… to a powerful place you have probably never
really seen before.
It’s a place, few ever discover, because few actually seek it out… yet everyone desperately
longs for it. That place of course is Spiritual Abundance.
Oh… no doubt you have experienced fragments of it, but certainly didn’t understand fully
how you got yourself there. Not consciously anyways.
But fear not my friend, for this secret will reveal itself again, soon enough.
For once discovered, once learned… once this matrix has been etched into
your mind, has become a part of you and encoded into the very fabric
of your being… you will never have to wonder, lost or confused…
searching and seeking for that magical path to spiritual abundance, success, security,
love, fulfillment, joy or adventure ever again.
Its secret is open to everyone; regardless of race, gender, sexual preference, age, marital
status, religion, creed, upbringing, place of birth or size of bank account.
To the uninitiated, it will always sound too good to be true at first glance – but once
enlightened, they too realize that it simply couldn’t have been any other way.
Those that aren’t ready… innocently or arrogantly, proclaim it can’t be real, as they scoff
smugly to themselves; blindly unaware that they are only laughing at their own closed-
mindedness and arrogance. Two of the very things ironically, that keeps’ them blinded
to its secret.
Those that stumble upon it… mesmerized by its beauty and elegance, wonder why them?
But those that live it… understand its true nature, know why it’s one of the greatest secrets to ever
hide in plain sight.
A skill, a philosophy, a paradigm and so much more… it awaits your discovery.
So without further ado… let’s begin the journey, you and I, free of pre-conceived notions, judgment or
limited belief… lets jump like a Fool*… into that which is not yet known… onto a new path… Arms out,
knees bent… leap!
* Fool: Courageous, open to all possibilities, limited by nothing. No baggage, not stopped by fear,
humble, optimistic and willing. Not to be confused by the fool (with a small f) meaning foolish,
reckless, closed-minded and thoughtless.

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Spiritual Abundance
‘Spirituality’ is your personal connection, your personal relationship with the creator energy, the
divine, with God, with Goddess, with the universe or whatever else you are comfortable labeling it as.
But more than that, Spirituality… encompasses all things in life… because the very relationship we
have with the divine, the universe, the creator energy etc… is the totality of who we are.
As a reflection and massively stepped down version of that creator energy, our journey is a part of
their journey… and visa-versa.
It’s an endless and infinite doubling back on itself...
As one consciousness expands who it/they/we are, the totality becomes more… and just like within
our human experience, the more we know, the more we want to know – until we feel we know
enough. But unlike us humans… the universe, the creator energy never stops.
The universe in its infinite wisdom and humility (seeing each situation as new regardless
of past successes or failures) continues seeking… becomes more… then seeks again…
Think of it like a hologram. Each piece of a true hologram contains the total image, but
the more of that hologram you have to work with, the better the resolution, the better,
more vibrant, more alive the picture becomes.
It is a big concept, and if you cannot totally get your head wrapped around it right
now, no worries… let it gel, let it work its way through your consciousness.
The most important part to understand at this point is that Spiritualty really
consists of all the stuff that life is made up of.
‘Abundance’ is wealth and the conscious creation of it, and its
trappings. It’s a wealth of finance, health, love etc… and It’s the
ripeness, the maturity to stretch beyond the limitations or walls of
that wealth too.
Our individual world is not made up of pockets of stuff that exist by
themselves, but rather exists holographically.
Perhaps easier to understand, is the term holistic: one part does not function without the other parts
– all parts are a piece of the whole. If one part is sick for example, then all parts are at least a little bit
sick too.
Thus “Spiritual Abundance” is the truer, holistic, holographical way to make life work really well!
Because when you can get one part to work well, it helps the other parts expand too!

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How To Use This Book
There are 3 steps standing between success and failure for every single human being.
Some have it figured out and are no longer stuck.
While others, still imprisoned, are lost within its containment field, not knowing where to turn or
what to believe.
Put bluntly… It’s one or more of these 3 steps or their sub-steps that makes you feel
wrong, empty and never good enough inside... preventing you from living a life full of
abundance and prosperity.
But today, we are going to change all of that for you…
And so… to do that clearly, I have divided this book into three sections or steps; ensuring
that each of the steps can be handled as straightforward and elegantly as possible.
Beyond the three steps, are the “7 Lost Spiritual Secrets” which contain the wisdom
required to help move you elegantly through the 3 steps and Finally Get Yourself Unstuck
and Unlock the Power of Abundance & Prosperity in Your Life!
Each step contains unique action steps, and so reading through all the stages is vital to
finally becoming unstuck, and living the full, rich life… overflowing with abundance and
prosperity that you deserve.
It’s important to also note that… The first few steps are pretty logical, so they might
irritate your ‘inner magician’… or, depending on your manifestation ‘go-to strategy’ they
may instead thrill your logical rational mind. Either way, please stick with it… as there is something for
both sides of you once you understand the big picture.
However, you’ll get the best results by combining this book with the upcoming masterclass, which
will dramatically deepen your understanding and help you see how you can begin creating amazing
results almost immediately.

You can attend Seth’s latest free online masterclass… By visiting:


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The Secret Power of Change…
Before we get into all the fun stuff, we first need to define several words so that we are on the
same page…
Because words like ‘magic’ and similar words of that nature… cause many people, often due to a
strange up-bringing, limited beliefs, blockages, restricted attitudes, hidden agendas and so on… to get
all freaked out and hung-up on words of this
But the thing is… learning, discovering or
uncovering new things only takes an open
mind… so you must drop any pretense,
arrogance, better-than or self-righteousness
over these words and any other trigger words of
that nature too… for your own growths’ sake.
Because without an open mind, that of not being
honest and open with yourself, or that of not
having a ‘willingness’ to accept the changes that
occur from learning, discovering or uncovering new
things, is a real show stopper.
And sadly, those with a closed mind, are more often
than not, destined for failure, self-sabotage or
worse… personal deterioration… before they can
even begin.
Change, growth and transformation are all choices
after all. If you won’t change, grow or transform, how
can you ever become anything different or more than
you currently are?
So please, be open and always be brutally honest with
yourself. Tactfully honest with others, as no one should
ever have to endure another’s self-righteousness.
Again, always be gentle and tactful with others… but
strong, compassionate and brutally honest with yourself.
We cannot hide from ourselves after all; despite the many
ways’ we may try.

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Important Definitions…
‘Spirituality’ is your personal connection, your personal relationship with the creator energy, the
divine, with God, with Goddess, with the universe or whatever else you are comfortable labeling it as.
‘Magic’ simply means creating reality in accordance to your will. You do it every-day… everyone
does… some just do it better than others do.
‘Prosperity’ is enjoying your success, abundance, good fortune. It’s pleasure that lifts to enjoyment.
‘Abundance’ is wealth and the conscious creation of it, and its trappings. It’s a wealth of finance,
health, love etc… and It’s the ripeness, the maturity to stretch beyond the limitations or walls of that
‘Soul’ is the lens to your Higher Self... it’s the lens to the divine, to God, to Goddess, to the universe…
and thus to our spirituality. Our Soul moves us patiently, meticulously along our life’s’ path.
‘Spirit’ is fast moving, a whirlwind of love, light & energy, and is always seeking Soul.
‘Higher-Self’ loves you more than anyone or anything else; it cares for you and wants you to succeed
on every level possible. It’s a living, breathing consciousness. If you let it, it can be your best, most
powerful, trust-worthy friend. It loves you like no other, and always, only has your best interest at

Lost Secret of Spiritual Abundance #1

“Successful People are Willing To Do, What Unsuccessful people are Not.”
Many people will read these words and dismiss them… continuing to play with dark energies,
take dark short-cuts, put in little focus or effort… then cry foul when things don’t happen like
they want.
There is a reason why the self-made rich are rich and the self-made poor are poor, the happy
are happy and the sad are sad… but it always just boils down to the willingness to do what
others will not.

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The Tools of All Creation and Manifestation
To create reality and to manifest ‘stuff’ into that reality, everyone, yes everyone, uses the exact same
tools to carve, craft and shape raw materials using energy… but few do it consciously… and even
fewer understand that they can or do… do it consciously.

Thus the majority of our world is unknowingly at the mercy of their own arrogance and innocence
when it comes to generating a reality that they truly desire. And though arrogance and innocence
exist on opposite ends of the spectrum, they both lack power and authority - two integral energies
required for consciously creating reality.
Yes, it may come as a bit of a surprise to you at first glance - until you think about it that is.
But the truth is, regardless of your age, gender, skin color, nationality, religion, political affiliation,
place of birth, how hard you work, how hard you don’t work, the amount of money you have, the
amount of money you don’t have or the amount of money your daddy or granddaddy gave to you
or left to you… everyone… every single person, has the same tools, raw materials and energy at
their disposal. No one has more or less than another.
Some hearing that statement will find themselves getting downright furious, because they
erroneously believe deep down inside, that they did have some upper hand, some ‘power-over’ or are
‘better-than’ another because of their race, age, skin color, religion etc.… or on the other-side of the

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coin are worse off than others for the exact same reasons. To be better-than or worse-than is simply
the flip side of the same coin.
Modern science however, leaves little room for doubt…
All human beings are made out of exactly the same stuff; the same types of atoms, particles and
molecules… we are all made out of the same type of DNA, we are all made out of the same star dust…
We all have the same bodily functions, the same internal organs and the same type of skin, even if the
pigmentation that colors it differs from person to person. There is no doubt that we are all made out
of the exact same stuff. We all have the same brain functions and abilities to act or not act. We all
have the power to choose, to do or not do, and to think for ourselves. So how could the raw
materials, tools and energy we have at our disposal be any different from person to person?
Nobody gets more or less tools, raw materials or energy than anyone else (regardless of what their
pride, egotism, bigotry or arrogance believes).
Some of course, have cleaner raw materials and/or have sharper tools… because they’ve learned how
to purify those raw material and/or sharpen their tools, and/or they’ve learned to master those tools
and the energy that drives them.
So now that we are clear on what’s equally available, and at the disposal of every single human being,
you have to ask yourself what exactly are these tools in the Metaphysician’s Tool Chest; the tools
used by every single human being for all manifestation and creation?
We have three tools that we use to shape, craft and carve reality: Desire, Expectation and
Desire is commitment. You must want it (desire it) so badly that you can feel it deep in your gut, deep
in your bones. You must feel the desire running through your veins, and in your entire body system.
When you desire, you commit to having it. Positive or negative, conscious of it or not… all things you
create come out of your desires.
When you don’t feel something that deeply, conscious or not, it’s not desire, and so you simply toss it
aside as just another thought, lofty idea or fleeting want.
The opposite of desire is desperation… and there is a fine line between the two. Desperation will not
help you manifest anything into your reality, it will instead create massive resistance toward that
Expectation is looking beyond the current view and seeing the thing that you desire within that new
view. It’s you holding a vision of what is to come… and again it could be positive or negative, but it’s
looking beyond the current view at the ‘thing’… regardless of your positive or negative intentions.

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With expectation you must always be brutally honest with yourself…. Or it will quickly lead you astray.
Desire is the workhorse of expectation, so if you are not feeling, not desiring it, deep within your gut,
you are not really expecting it either.
The opposite of expectation is sticking your head in the sand, and again there is a fine line between
the two.
Imagination is the ability to ‘Image’… to hold a picture in your mind… to produce or reproduce
symbols or things in your mind’ eye and in your reality... at will. But imagination is not limited to just
seeing. When you imagine, you sense it on multiple levels… but most importantly you feel it
Imagination is fueled by your will (the desire and intention of holding onto an ideal). Will however is
also one of life’s greatest bluff callers. You may want something for example, but have no intention of
having it. You want to want, but not to have.
We live in an illusion, a very real feeling illusion, but an illusion none-the-less. Your mind and body
cannot differentiate between what you imagine and what you create. Everything is just a frequency of
vibration. What you create physically, is just a denser frequency than what you are imagining,
expecting and desiring.

Lost Secret of Spiritual Abundance #2

“Nothing Changes Until You Do.”
One of life’s greatest secrets and one of the most powerful tools we as human beings have
at our disposal, is the power of change. Things stay as they are, until you change. Without
change we would simply exist in an endless void, as one continuous tone, with no waxing or
waning, no peeks or valleys – just a continuous stream of a single noise.
The world doesn’t change per say, we change individually and we change collectively… and
the world follows. So, for the world to become new, for you and me to become new, pain
free, all with elegance and ease… things must first change so completely inside us, that we
can never go back to the way things were...

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The Raw Materials: Quantum Silly Putty
Like I just mentioned…
Everyone, regardless of their age, gender, skin color, nationality, religion, political affiliation, place of
birth, how hard you work, how hard you don’t work, the amount of money you have, the amount of
money you don’t have or the amount of money your daddy or granddaddy gave to you or left to you…
everyone, every single person, has the same tools, raw materials and energy at their disposal. No one
has more and no one has less than anyone else does.

We have briefly explored the tools of creation and manifestation; those of desire, expectation and
imagination… so now let us look at the raw materials, this quantum silly putty, that every single
person uses to craft, carve and sculpt their reality out of?

• Thoughts and Feelings

• Beliefs and Attitudes
• Choices and Decisions

Thoughts and feelings or… feelings and thoughts are what we use to break things apart and how we
put things back together. Every time you think or feel, you are rapidly creating and destroying ideas

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and symbols. If there was no creation and destruction… you would simply end up with a static,
continuous tone flowing through your head at all time.
Belief is frozen thought. How do you know what you believe? You think, you bring up thoughts and
Attitude is the context. It taints, colors and sets the mood of something. You can have a good attitude
or a bad attitude, an optimistic attitude or a pessimistic one, you can have a loving attitude or a
hurtful attitude and so on…
Choice is focused intent. Focused intention. Choice is extremely powerful, as it supersedes itself; the
more choices you make, the more focused and powerful they become. Even if you make bad choices…
you get better results, get closer to your desires… than if you were making no choice at all.
Choice creates movement, dynamism (vitality, vigor, zippiness) and aliveness, when you are moving
you have momentum; you can change direction. When there is no movement, no momentum you are
stagnant, rotting, dying just like all things in nature. A stagnant pool of water for example. Whereas a
rushing river creates all kinds of energy and sustains and creates all types of life.
Decision is the commitment and action of the choice. When you Decide you set choice in motion.

Lost Secret of Spiritual Abundance #3

“Whatever Gets the Most Attention Lives the Longest and Grows the Strongest.”
What you focus on, what you give attention too is getting fed by that focus… it’s getting fed
by the energy your attention is giving it. Pay attention to what you are focusing on. It’s
literally what shapes and create the life you live.
For example… if you paying attention to your fears and allowing them to consume your
thoughts… you are in fact, causing them to grow stronger and to live longer. You are enabling
your fear to grow and thus giving it the power to scare you even more.

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Part I: Snapshot: Balance, Counter-Balance
The first step of Spiritual Abundance and unlocking the power of abundance & prosperity in your life…
is to first understand where you are – and to take an inventory (a snapshot) of where you are in life
right now.

Particularly… where you are within the 7 axis of life… which are:

• Physical – Where you currently are physically; your weight, muscle

mass, exercise routine etc.
• Financial – How much do you have in the bank, how much in
savings, investments and so on…?
• Professional – Where are you with your career, business
or project
• Emotional – How are you emotionally?
What’s your current state of being… fearful,
excited, depressed, happy etc. Emotion is
also about relationships, because all
relationships’ are based on emotion.
• Mental – How much are you growing, how
much are you learning new things,
expanding what you know. How many books
are you reading, how many seminars or
training programs are you engaged in etc.
• Social – How are you with community (in whatever
capacity that means to you)… locally, online, with friends
and family and so on…
• Spiritual – How is your connection and rapport with the
divine, the universe, God, Goddess etc. or whatever
else you want to label the creator energy? How is
your connection to your Higher-Self, Soul, Spirit,
Future-Self etc.?
It’s these 7 key axis of life that represents who and what we
are about and what we do (or do not do) daily.

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They give us a perfect snapshot of where we currently are in life. And cut through all the BS and lies
we try to tell ourselves. The 7 key axis is the ultimate bluff caller.
It’s hard to get where you are going, if you don’t first understand where you are… and so to be
effective, you must be completely truthful.
In this step, you have to own where you are right now… at this exact moment in time and space.
Don’t sugar coat it or lie to yourself. It’s vitally important to be brutally honest with yourself.
That being said… It is also a personal and private thing… so do not show this stage of information to
anyone. That way you can be blunt and brutally honest with yourself without fear of repercussions or
hurt feelings.

Balance: 7 Axis of Life Matrix

To determine these 7 axis for yourself, fill in the first column ‘My Current Situation’ of the ‘7 Axis of
Life Matrix’ now or just do the exercise on a blank piece of paper. A printable version is available in
the Appendix - Manifestation Tools section at the end of this book.
If you run out of room on the form, simply print another one out or grab a blank piece of paper and
use it.
It’s not about being pretty, but about getting it out of your head and onto physical paper as best you
can and in the most complete way possible.
Because when the snapshot of your life is front and center physically, it holds a special power over
you, one in which a digital version (on a computer or tablet) cannot.
To help inspire your brutal honesty, here is an example (on the next page) to get you started…

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My Current Situation Future View
15 pounds overweight
I don’t exercise regularly
I don’t each healthy – I eat too much sugar
I live paycheck to paycheck
I have $300 in savings
No Stocks or bonds
My 401K is almost empty
I don’t enjoy my current position
I’m miserable and bored most of the time
I’m always stressed
I feel empty, like something is missing all the time
I’m not having fun anymore
I love my husband but things seem out of sorts
I read a novel every now and then
I don’t really feel like I’m growing like many of
my friends
I feel mentally stagnant
I enjoy my friends, but only see them occasionally
I almost never help or interact with the
I spend more time mindlessly browsing Facebook
than I do interacting with people who have the
same interests as I
I feel almost no ‘real’ connection to the divine
I feel an empty longing for something more…
though I don’t know what that is?
I like meditating, but do it less & less these days

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Counter-Balance: 7 Axis of Life Matrix
Now that you have a solid, brutally honest snapshot of your current life, it’s time to determine what
you want instead – The counter balance.
The counter-balance is similar to a before and after picture.

My Current Situation (BEFORE) Future View (AFTER)

Physically… Physically…
15 pounds overweight Lose 15 pounds in the next 2 months
I don’t exercise regularly Begin walking 4 times a week
I don’t each healthy – I eat too much sugar One sugar treat a day – then 1 every 3 days

When determining what you want instead (‘Future View’), again, be brutally honest with yourself.
Many people want stuff, but are not willing to actually receive it.
Willingness, among other things, means you are prepared to put in the effort – even if that effort is
small. This step is not about pie in the sky dreams or desires… It’s about changing the current
situation. So only list stuff you are actually willing to do. That being said… this is the time to step out
of your comfort zone, to expand your potentials and possibilities… to become more of who you are…
and less of who you are not.

Lost Secret of Spiritual Abundance #4

“You Are More Of Who You Are Not, Than Who You Currently Are.”
Life fills us with all kinds of garbage, baggage, false beliefs, misleading ideas and even
downright lies. These false or imposed ideas are not yours, and were more often than not,
systematically planted there by society and the authorities in your life; parents, family,
priests, teachers, mentors, coaches etc.
They were not all planted with dark intentions, but they were planted or passed down all
the same, and most often than not, they were passed down automatically, by default,
without the conscious awareness of the one passing them down.
So the sooner you re-remember who you once were, reprogramming and replacing those
often automatic and default false beliefs and ideas, with your own expanded versions… the
more elegant, fulfilling and rewarding your life becomes.

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If the current situation does not get handled or changed it will continue to block and prevent the good
stuff from happening.
You can’t feel weak or out of sorts then honestly expect good stuff to happen.
You need to build momentum. You need to create a positive resonance (or vibe) and let things flow.
To determine what you want instead… again use
the ‘7 Axis of Life Matrix’ but fill in the second
column aka “Future View”, or just do the
exercise on a blank piece of paper.
A printable version is available in the Appendix -
Manifestation Tools section at the end of this
If you run out of room on the form, simply print
another one or grab a blank page and use it.
Like I mentioned in the first step… It’s not about
being pretty, but about getting it out of your
head and onto physical paper.
Because real paper holds a special power that a
digital (on a computer or tablet) version does
As a best practice, its best to set it to time if
possible – then work really hard to make that a
E.g., Don’t say “Lose 15 pounds” but rather…
“Lose 15 pounds in 4 weeks, by the 15 of Nov”
Here is an example of what to want “instead” to
help you out…

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My Current Situation Future View
Physically… Physically…
15 pounds overweight Lose 15 pounds in the next 2 months
I don’t exercise regularly Begin walking 4 times a week
I don’t each healthy – I eat too much sugar One sugar treat a day – then 1 every 3 days
Financially… Financially…
I live paycheck to paycheck Reduce my monthly expenses
I have $300 in savings Save 5% of my paycheck come hell or high water
No Stocks or bonds Start a part-time internet side business – spend
My 401K is almost empty 1 hour a night at minimum on it
Professionally… Professionally…
I don’t enjoy my current position Expand my skill set – so I can transfer to the
I’m miserable and bored most of the time marketing department
Attend seminars that help expand my skill set
Emotionally… Emotionally…
I’m always stressed Meditate daily for 15 minutes- no matter what
I feel empty, like something is missing all the time Explore my spiritual side more – read books I
I’m not having fun anymore would normally read.
I love my husband but things seem out of sorts Remember the love I have for him
Mentally… Mentally…
I read a novel every now and then Limit Netflix to 1 hour a day
I don’t really feel like I’m growing like many of Read more, take some online classes or training
my friends programs
I feel mentally stagnant
Socially… Socially…
I enjoy my friends, but only see them occasionally Book a lunch with the girls at least once a month
I almost never help or interact with the Interact with the community once per month
community Explore interesting Facebook groups… or other
I spend more time mindlessly browsing Facebook online communities
than I do interacting with people who have the Join a special interest group that meets once a
same interests as I week at the library
Spiritually… Spiritually…
I feel almost no ‘real’ connection to the divine Learn more about connecting to the divine
I feel an empty longing for something more… Build relationships with my Higher-Self and Soul
though I don’t know what that is? Commit to daily meditation – get up earlier if
I like meditating, but do it less & less these days needed

7 Lost Secrets of Spiritual Abundance | Page 20 of 41

Bigger Dreams – Bolder Visions
Now that you have “My Current Situation” of the 7 Axis of Life mapped out… and have
chosen what you want instead (“Future View”), it’s time start dreaming even bigger…
The “New Dreams and Desires” worksheet helps you determine your next steps, your
bigger future dreams, your bolder visions…

New Dreams and Desires

Day dreams, night dreams and especially future dreams… are the stuff that reality is made of…
A dream is the synergy between and because of all three manifestation tools; desire,
expectation and imagination.
But it’s more than that too…

A dream is not only the synergy of the three manifestation and creation tools working together
to create something greater than the sum of its parts… it’s also a perpetual recharging system.
The more you dream, the greater the synergy created… and the sharper, more focused, more
exacting… and thus, the more effective your tools of manifestation and creation become.
Dreams are integral to manifestation… but there is another more powerful type of dream as

A Vision is a Dream that is so vivid, that all five senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing) are
utilized to bring it to life, to give it form to give it dimension in your physical reality; width,
heighth and depth.

Fill out all four quadrants of the matrix with as much detail as possible…

1. New Dream or Desire – detail the ‘New Dream or Desire’ in this area.
2. What It Looks Like When Its Manifest – Knowing What You Want so clearly…
that you can taste, touch, smell, see and hear it. So clearly in fact, that you can
virtually reach out and touch it.
3. When New Dream or Desire Manifest – When will it manifest by. A meaningful
date is best. Your child’s upcoming Birthday, an Anniversary, a Holiday etc…
Using a meaningful date helps both your subconscious and conscious mind stay
aware of the goal and help you manifest it easier.
4. What It Will Feel Like When Manifest – Finally, add what it will feel like when
you have it. Try to express every emotion you can think of to define the feeling
you’ll have clearly too.

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‘New Dreams and Desires’ Matrix Example
You can find a blank version in the Appendix - Manifestation Tools section at the end of this book.
Alternatively, use a blank piece of paper, add the three headings, draw a line down the middle and
one under “What It Will Feel Like When Manifest” to get started right now.
Here is a simple example to inspire you…

1) New Dream or Desire 2) What It Looks Like When Its Manifest

A full time online business where I sell a course on I sell 150 courses a month @ $67 each for a
raising lamas for their fur. I also consult from monthly income of $10,050. Plus, I make $3000
time to time and speak at lama conventions. a month from Lama consulting.

This new business gives me the time and financial

stability to travel to lama conventions around the
world and spend time blogging and making social
media content to attract a bigger tribe of lama

3) When New Dream or Desire Will Manifest 4) What It Will Feel Like When Manifest
Fully functional and live by Thanksgiving – Nov Pride, contentment, new hope, security
23, 2017

Lost Secret of Spiritual Abundance #5

“Dreams Are the Fueling Fire oF All Manifestation.”
A dream is not only the synergy of the three manifestation and creation tools working
together to create something greater than the sum of its parts… it’s also a perpetual
recharging system.
The more you dream, the greater the synergy created… and the sharper, more focused,
more exacting… and thus, the more effective your tools of manifestation and creation
Life is complex and there will always be external forces at play, but winners do the work
required to make their dreams, desires wants and needs come true.

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Part II: The Manifestation Bridge
You have a ‘before’… a solid, brutally honest snapshot of your current life defined under the “My
Current Situation” column and an ‘after’… a what you want instead under the “Future View” column.
Great start! But now it’s time to determine how to get there and set it all spinning magically in
motion… and we do that with a clever little thing called a “Manifestation Bridge.”

Current Life View Manifestation Bridge Future View

-- ? --
Physical Physical

Your Filled in Information Your Filled in Information

Creating a Manifestation Bridge

A ‘Manifestation Bridge’ is the strategy, logic and-or action you will use to
bridge the present (and past)… with the future.
A few simple examples of a ‘Manifestation Bridge’ for creating more
money are things like…
• Getting a job
• Doing the work
• Hiring others to do the work
• Doing a manifestation meditation
• Allowing the magic of the universe to provide
• And so on…
Each ‘Manifestation Bridge’ will require its own set of tactics that will each
need to be executed on accordingly.
You can also use multiple ‘Manifestation Bridges’ for any desire you wish
to create and manifest into your reality…

7 Lost Secrets of Spiritual Abundance | Page 23 of 41

My Current Situation Manifestation Bridge Future View

I’m always stressed Create a calendar that I check Meditate daily for 15 minutes- no
off after my meditation. Leave matter what
it on my desk for at least 21
straight days so its always in
view (12 days so that the
pattern can become a habit)

I feel empty, like something is Look for recommendations on Explore my spiritual side more –
missing all the time Amazon, ask friends about the read books I would normally read.
best book they read on the
subject… then track them
down and start exploring.

I love my husband but things seem Spend 10 minutes a day, just Remember the love I have for him
out of sorts sitting in a quiet place
remembering all the fun we
have had together… and
dream up new things we can
do together that we are both
interested in.

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Reverse Engineer the Manifestation Bridge Steps
We live in a world of emotion and magical elegance, but our brain often desires a logical process to
‘hold on to’ to set things in motion and see them through.
So… to give our demanding brain what it wants… we reverse engineer the steps and create mile-
stones so it and you can see your progress clearly. Momentum after-all, is a key ingredient to
powerful manifestation.

Lost Secret of Spiritual Abundance #6

“The steps of getting to the destination… are the same components that make up that
The steps you take, the information you learn, the experience you gather on the
manifestation of your desire, are the same components that go into the creation of that
desire… the same components that make up the end manifestation or experience.
For example… if you struggle, work long grueling hours to build a new business… that same
business will require continuous struggle and long grueling hours to sustain its self.

‘Manifestation Milestone Matrix’

To reverse engineer the Manifestation Bridge steps’ we use another matrix - the manifestation
milestone matrix.

Current Manifestation Bridge: ________________________________ Future

Situation View
Milestone #1 Milestone #2 Milestone #3 Milestone #4


Every ‘Manifestation Bridge’ will require a Manifestation Milestone Matrix. You can use the
templates provided, use them as inspiration to create your own or design your one from scratch. The
functionality is what’s important, not the design.
Each Manifestation Milestone Matrix will be dynamic in size… some items for example, will require 3
milestones (space to define the milestone), whereas others will require 20 or more.

7 Lost Secrets of Spiritual Abundance | Page 25 of 41

The ‘notes’ section helps keep track of little things… like a log file or just to add quick notes like…
Walked for 1 ½ hours today or Week 1… Lost 4.2 pounds.
Here is an example Manifestation Milestone Matrix for one of the Physical balance / counter-balance
items… I’m using the ‘15 pounds overweight’ item as example:

My Current Situation Future View

Physically… Physically…
15 pounds overweight Lose 15 pounds in the next 4 weeks

We then create the actual Manifestation Milestone Matrix like the one shown below:

Current Manifestation Bridge: ________________________________ Future

Situation View
Milestone #1 Milestone #2 Milestone #3 Milestone #4
Physically… Physically…
15 pounds Lose 15
overweight Lose 3.75 Lose 3.75 Lose 3.75 Lose 3.75 pounds in

pounds this pounds this pounds this pounds this the next 4

week week week week weeks

Week 1… Did better than my milestone! Lost 4.2 pounds.

7 Lost Secrets of Spiritual Abundance | Page 26 of 41

Vertical ‘Manifestation Milestone Matrix’ Example
For items that are more complex, use a vertical ‘manifestation milestone matrix’… it has more
flexibility and expandability…

New Dream or Desire: A full time online business where I sell a course on raising lamas for their fur.

# Milestone Complete By
Outline “Lama Secrets” course Nov 1, 2017

Contact Web Designer, have them build “LamaSecrets.com” Nov 2, 2017


Write “Lama Secrets” course Nov 5, 2017


Get a friend (Kim) to proofread and edit “Lama Secrets” course Nov 6, 2017

Record “Lama Secrets” audio & send to video guy (Gus @ videocreation inc.) Nov 7, 2017

Upload PDF version of “Lama Secrets” to amazon S3 cloud hosting Nov 8, 2017

Send the PDF link to web designer Nov 8, 2017


Get video back from video guy and Upload it to Vimeo video hosting Nov 18, 2017

Send the video links to web designer Nov 18, 2017


Final Website tweaks – Test Website functionality and ecommerce Nov 21, 2017

Website complete and live Nov 23, 2017


Set Up Facebook ads to sell “Lama Secrets” to others who indicate interest Nov 23, 2017

When New Dream or Desire Will Manifest: Fully functional and live by Thanksgiving – Nov 23, 2017

7 Lost Secrets of Spiritual Abundance | Page 27 of 41

Part III: Expanding Potential and Probability
Below the 7 Axis of Life Matrix, New Dreams and Desires’ Matrix and The Manifestation
Bridge lies the essence - the pre-manifestation.
The essence is where all the potential and probability exists.
Its where the magic, the empowered choices and decisions, the beliefs and attitudes, the
thoughts and feeling, the resonance or vibration and so on… of your focused outcome;
dreams, visions wants, needs, desires sit’ waiting to manifest.
It’s the most important layer because it’s where we get to play with our quantum silly putty.
Whereas the logical layers are there, to appease our logical, linear brains… and for the
essence, the function to manifest into.
Let me explain…

The Secret Power of Essence

Form (the physical) follows function (the emotion).
Form comes into being because of the function, the essence. The 7 Axis of Life Matrix exists
to satisfy your brain and it’s logic. But the essence, the function… sets up the potential of that
which you want, but does not manifest it into existence.
That’s where your raw materials: your thoughts and feelings, choices and decision, beliefs
and attitudes come in.
And its where the tools: desire, imagination and expectation craft, carve and shape those raw
materials into what we want.
We like to think we are logically, rationally driven beings, but we are not. Instead we are
emotional, mental, spiritual and physical beings driven by thoughts, feelings and emotions.
It’s easy to understand that our brain’s logic needs to be calibrated – repeat a pattern for 21
consecutive days for example and it will create a habit – the brain is simply hard-coded to
respond that way.
But the emotional, mental and spiritual parts of us all have hard coded systems and patterns
etched into and onto them in the exact same way. The difference is they are a lot more
malleable. But regardless of how malleable they are… It’s these coded habits, systems and
patterns that color, tint and even determine the outcome, impact and success we will have
or not have when it comes to getting what we want.
Form (logic and reason) always follows function (the emotion). Function (emotion) creates
form (the logical).

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The Magic Key
The key, the magic key to it all, is being conscious of it. Conscious thought using the raw materials and
tools, manifests the emotion, the function into your reality.
But unconscious (in terms of not being conscious of) also manifests the emotions, the functions into
your reality… it just does it based on your random, twisted, inconsistent programming, without your
consent or conscious input… basically making you a victim of all the random information floating
around in your head.
But the ultimate power lies in your conscious mind… and can transmute, transform and transcend all
the unconscious programming if you take back the authority to do so.
Being conscious of your thoughts and feeling takes back the power that you are blindly and
automatically giving away.
And by taking back your power, you become empowered. You gain the authority to run the machine.
The trick however, is learning how to best work with the raw materials and tools… and become a
masterful artisan of them.
Conscious creation allows you do that… and thus it is the most powerful form of manifestation we
have at our disposal.
And the quickest way to do that, is to start by paying attention to your life.

Lost Secret of Spiritual Abundance #7

“Destiny Must Be Seized.”
Destiny is the destination you are moving toward… the person you are becoming, the life you
will one day live… and just as importantly, how you will one day live that life.
Destiny however, won’t just appear one day magically before you in a great puff of smoke…
no, to access destiny, to activate destiny you have to uncover it, then reach up and grab it by
the power of your will and by your choice.

What currently holds your attention? What are you feeling? Because its those conscious thoughts,
feeling and emotions that determine the reality you generate, the stuff you manifest and life your
Listen and watch for the whispers, scan the horizons – life doesn’t hide anything from us, it simply
responds to the nature of our asking. Ask better questions of it and better answers you’ll get.

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The Manifestation Layer
The Balance / Counter-Balance of the 7 Axis of Life Matrix and the New Dreams and Desires’ Matrix
is a great first step to help you get a handle on some of the questions you need to ask.
The Manifestation Bridge then closes the gaps in our logical, linear world and thus it’s the second,
and very much needed step.
Doing these first two steps will dramatically enhance your life if you take the time to do it.
But the third step, The Manifestation Layer, is the most important step of them all… because it’s
where all the magic happens, literally.
Now its beyond the scope of this book to get into all that is involved… as that would take a lifetime of
study… as I am sure you are aware.
But revisiting two earlier chapters “The Tools of All Creation and Manifestation” and “The
Metaphysician’s Raw Materials: Quantum Silly Putty” will help with the foundation.
Beyond that, integrate these magical tools into your life to Finally Get Unstuck and Unlock the Power
of Abundance & Prosperity in Your Life.

Act As If
We know that it is the function – the emotion – that brings the manifestation into form (logic).
So when we act as if (on an emotional level) we start the ball rolling and create the resonance field for
that thing to manifest into.
For example… let’s say you want a new house, but don’t really know how to make it happen.
Instead of staying stuck… start by acting as if… that is, treat your current house like you would treat a
new house, give your house and its surrounds the same care and love you would give to a new house.
Keep it clean, wash the windows… feel a pride of ownership, don’t let things get out of hand and so

Own It
What would a person who has this thing I want… say, what would they do, how would they think?
Everyone regardless of creed, color, race etc… has the same tools and raw materials at their disposal.
Those that manifest what you want… are thinking differently than you, they are talking about it in a
different way than you, they are acting different about it than you… and so on.
For example, when you talk to the super rich, they never make excuses… they always think solution
and get it figured out. They don’t let a little mental chatter stop them.

7 Lost Secrets of Spiritual Abundance | Page 30 of 41

Poor people however, would rather rant to themselves, their spouse, friends and often anyone else
who will listen, about just how unfair it is and how hard it is to make it happen… and thus they are
set-up for failure before they even begin.
Know Why You Want Something… and The Reason Why You Do Not
It’s just as important to know why you want something… as it is… to know why you don’t want it.
Again you need to be brutally honest with yourself here. Why do you want to win the lottery for

Why Do I Want To Win The Lottery? Why Don’t I Want To Win The Lottery?
• So I can be financially free • I’ll have a tax problem
• So I don’t have to work ‘for the man’ • Relatives will come out of the woodwork looking
• So I can do what I want, travel, start a new for a handout.
business and so on. • My poor friends will think I’m hoity-toity and
not want to hang out with me anymore.

What Do You Expect?

What do you honestly expect about this thing you want to manifest?
Do you believe that things will work out, that you will actually achieve it?
Expectation as you recall… is looking beyond the current view and seeing the thing that you desire
within that new view. It’s you holding a vision of what is to come… it could be positive or negative,
but it’s looking beyond the current view at the ‘thing’… regardless of your positive or negative

What Do Your Emotions Say About It?

Are you scared, jaded, skeptical? Are you hopeful, excited, confident?
Emotions and feelings should never be discounted. Express them responsibly, but express them all the
same… whether that is to a friend or to yourself in your head or in a journal.
But again listen to both the negative and positive emotions.
Why are you feeling those things… i.e. because in the past, I tried something similar and I failed. I felt
humiliated and thought my husband wouldn’t love me anymore… I never want to feel that again!
Express your emotions to decapitate their power over you, then let them go… to give the
manifestation more space to manifest into.

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The Most Powerful Lost Secret of All…
Many people believe that asking for help is weak.
But it takes great strength to ask for help in a truly honest manner. Asking for help
means you have to give up some of the credit for creating this or that… which
makes your ego bristle with disgust… but sharing the credit also means you have
powerful magical friends at your side.
To be truly successful and powerful you have to let help in. Not woe is me help, but
truly empowered help from the sacred parts of self who love you unconditionally…
and want to help.

Your Higher-Self, Soul and Spirit

Those sacred friends of course, our your Higher-Self, Soul and Spirit…
By getting in touch with, by connecting with, by befriending our Higher-Self and
Soul… we take back our power and are bestowed the enormity of power to
determine our own destiny, our own fate and our own fortune. It is no longer left
in anyone else’s hands.
Because when we develop a true living, breathing, loving relationships with these
sacred parts of self, we become more of who we truly are, and less of who we are
not, just by connecting with them.
Your Higher-Self and Soul play equally important roles in your life (if you let them
in) and should not be directly compared. They are both sacred parts of you but play
independent roles within your life.
Your Spirit is a bit different… it is intrinsically linked to your Soul, but in practical
working terms, you will spend most of your time with your Higher-Self and Soul… if
you want to live a truly abundant and prosperous life.
Your Higher-Self is your most sacred friend… but it will never force its love upon
you… and so it waits and loves you from afar, as best as it can, until you reach out
and open yourself up to its love and guidance.
It’s your Higher-Self that is the one you’ve been waiting for, hoping for, longing
for… your entire life… and not a fear mongering deity that uses manipulation and
threats of pain to control your love. Because with your Higher-Self at your side you
will never again be alone and will always be loved.
But… you have to develop a real relationship with them, just as you would a
physical friend… or they will stay at a distance.

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Your Soul is the lens to your Higher-Self... it’s the lens to God, Goddess, The universe
etc… and thus to all your Spirituality. Our Soul moves us patiently, meticulously
along our life’s’ path. But is more concerned with what we can learn and take-away
from a situation, than it does with the trappings - ‘the stuff’ - the toys we get or
create along the way.
“Absolutely have all the trappings and all the toys that you want…” your Soul says…
“Have the cars, the homes, the vacations, the gadgets… but grow and stretch, learn,
heal, become more of who you are along the way… make that your priority, not the
avarice of an unquenchable, insatiable yearning for more stuff for the sake of more
The Soul keeps you on track, on course… it nudges you when you go off course, it
lets you know when it’s time to take a different direction.
It’s the one who lets you know when it’s time to grow and stretch, when it’s time to
reach for more… it’s the one that called you to the 7 Lost Secrets Book.
The truth is… true Spiritualty has been lost to the average person. We were never
taught the right way to approach Spirituality, or better put, the right path and the
right combination of energies to facilitate a connection to our Spirituality and to our
Higher-Self, Soul and Spirit.
So in the next chapter I’ll let you in on a brand new resource that will help you
change all that…

7 Lost Secrets of Spiritual Abundance | Page 33 of 41

The Final Step…
Now that we understand that conscious creation is the key to it all… it adds a bit of pressure on you
individually… “am I good enough”, “am I smart enough”, “can I consciously do this all myself” and so on…
And the answer is… no… you do not have to do it all on your own!
In fact, you have several magical mystical sacred friends at your disposal, who can more than help you
navigate it all, and they can help you make it happen more elegantly and magically too. Because they only
have your best interest at heart…
That’s why I created a special free masterclass to not only compliment and exponentially expand this book…
but also to get you to the next level fast too… because there is a powerful way to not only connect with your
Higher-Self and Soul, but other magical friends too…

Astounding Discovery in “Sacred Journey” Meditation, Unlocks the Spiritual

Secrets of The Universe… allowing you to communicate Directly & Confidently
with your Higher-Self & Soul, and 5 other sacred parts of self.
So You Can Finally Receive the Bounty of that Richer, Fuller, Happier & More Abundant Life... You Deserve!
This webinar is absolutely free - all you need is a pen, a printed copy of the PDF workbook (available to
download after registering).
It’s not a quick one, I suggest setting aside 90 minutes to two hours because it’s an actual class and there is a
lot of powerful information to cover.

You can attend Seth’s latest free online masterclass here…

By visiting: https://7sacredjourneys.com/Spiritual-Secrets-MasterClass

Our time together here is done (for now) and I wish you the best with this training program and your path to
becoming a fuller more powerful you…
So please join us online (if you haven’t already) so that we can continue our magical adventure together…
Web: http://www.seth-jordan.com and http://www.7sacredjourneys.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/7sacredjourneys/ or https://www.facebook.com/seth.jordan.official
May the light illuminate you my friend, and all your dreams come true…
Seth Jordan

7 Lost Secrets of Spiritual Abundance | Page 34 of 41

Appendix - Manifestation Tools
All the Manifestation Tools are simple enough to sketch out on a blank piece of paper. But I include
them here too for your convenience.

Here is what’s include…

7 Axis of Life Manifestation New Dreams &

Matrix Bridge Desires Matrix

Manifestation Milestone Vertical ‘Manifestation Vertical ‘Manifestation

Matrix Milestone Matrix’ Milestone Matrix’ Plain

7 Lost Secrets of Spiritual Abundance | Page 35 of 41

7 Axis of Life Matrix
My Current Situation Future View







7 Lost Secrets of Spiritual Abundance | Page 36 of 41

Manifestation Bridge
My Current Situation Manifestation Bridge Future View

7 Lost Secrets of Spiritual Abundance | Page 37 of 41

New Dreams and Desires Matrix
1) New Dream or Desire 2) What It Looks Like When Its Manifest

3) When New Dream or Desire Will Manifest 4) What It Will Feel Like When Manifest

1) New Dream or Desire 2) What It Looks Like When Its Manifest

3) When New Dream or Desire Will Manifest 4) What It Will Feel Like When Manifest

7 Lost Secrets of Spiritual Abundance | Page 38 of 41

Manifestation Milestone Matrix
Current Manifestation Bridge: ________________________________ Future
Situation View
Milestone #1 Milestone #2 Milestone #3 Milestone #4


Current Manifestation Bridge: ________________________________ Future

Situation View
Milestone #1 Milestone #2 Milestone #3 Milestone #4


7 Lost Secrets of Spiritual Abundance | Page 39 of 41

Vertical ‘Manifestation Milestone Matrix’
New Dream or Desire:
# Milestone Complete By







When New Dream or Desire Will Manifest:

7 Lost Secrets of Spiritual Abundance | Page 40 of 41

Vertical ‘Manifestation Milestone Matrix’ Plain
My Current Situation:







Future View:

7 Lost Secrets of Spiritual Abundance | Page 41 of 41

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