Tax Law 2019 Bar Examinations
Tax Law 2019 Bar Examinations
Tax Law 2019 Bar Examinations
1. This Questionnaire contains TEN (10) pages including this page. Check the
number of pages and their proper sequencing. You may write notes on this
2. This Questionnaire is divided into two (2) parts: Part I and Part II. Write your
answers to the questions in Part I (consisting of problem sets labelled A.1. to
A.10.) in Booklet I and the answers to the questions in Part II (consisting of
problem sets labelled B.11. to B.20.) in Booklet II. Answers written in the
wrong booklet shall not be given any credit.
3. Read each question carefully and note the points allocated for each question.
In your answers, follow the sequence and the numbering system used in the
Questionnaire. Answer each numbered question on a separate page; an answer
to a sub-question under the same number set may be written continuously on the
same page and succeeding pages until completed.
4. Your answers should demonstrate your ability to analyze the facts, apply the
pertinent laws and jurisprudence, and arrive at sound and logical conclusions.
Always support your answers with the pertinent laws, rules, and/or jurisprudence.
A mere "yes" or "no" answer without any corresponding explanation or discussion
may not be given full credit.
5. Marking of your booklets with your name or other identifying signs or symbols
extraneous to the subject matter of the questions may be considered as cheating,
and may disqualify you for the whole examinations.
Note: As stated in the Instructions, Part I covers problem sets labelled A.1. to
A.10. All answers to these questions should be written in Booklet I.
On October 5, 2016, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) sent KLM Corp. a
Final Assessment Notice (FAN), stating that after its audit pursuant to a Letter of
Authority duly issued therefor, KLM Corp. had deficiency value-added and
withholding taxes. Subsequently, a warrant of distraint and/or levy was issued
against KLM Corp. KLM Corp. opposed the actions of the BIR on the ground that
it was not accorded due process because it did not even receive a Preliminary
Assessment Notice (PAN) after the BIR' s investigation, which the BIR admitted.:
(b) Are the deficiency tax assessment and warrant of distraint and/or
levy issued against KLM Corp. valid? Explain. (3%)
(b) Is Mr. X correct in stating that the association dues are subject to
VAT? Explain. (3%)
Due to rising liquidity problems and pressure from its concerned suppliers, P
Corp. instituted a flash auction sale of its shares of stock. P Corp. was then able
to sell its treasury shares to Z, Inc., an unrelated corporation, for Pl,000,000.00,
which was only a little below the valuation of P Corp. 's shares based on its latest
audited financial statements. In connection therewith, P Corp. sought a Bureau of
Internal Revenue ruling to confirm that, notwithstanding the price difference
between the selling price of the shares and their book value, the said transaction
falls under one of the recognized exemptions to donor's tax under the Tax Code.
(a) Cite the instances under the Tax Code where gifts made are
exempt from donor's tax.(3%)
(b) Does the above transaction fall under any of the exemptions?
Explain. (2%)
A, a resident Filipino citizen, died in December 2018. A's only assets consist of a
house and lot in Alabang, where his heirs currently reside, as well as a house in
Los Angeles, California, USA. In computing A's taxable net estate, his heirs only
deducted: 1. ₱10,000,000.00 constituting the value of their house in Alabang as
their family home; and 2. ₱200,000.00 in funeral expenses because no other
expenses could be substantiated.
(c) In determining the gross estate of A, should the heirs include A's
house in Los Angeles, California, USA? Explain.(2%)
XYZ Air, a 100% foreign-owned airline company based and registered in
Netherlands, is engaged in the international airline business and is a member
signatory of the International Air Transport Association. Its commercial airplanes
neither operate within the Philippine territory nor are its service passengers
embarking from Philippine airports. Nevertheless, XYZ Air is able to sell its
airplane tickets in the Philippines through ABC Agency, its general agent in the
Philippines. As XYZ Air's ticket sales, sold through ABC Agency for the year 2013,
amounted to ₱5,000,000.00, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) assessed XYZ
Air deficiency income taxes on the ground that the income from the said sales
constituted income derived from sources within the Philippines.
In 2018, City X amended its Revenue Code to include a new provision imposing a
tax on every sale of merchandise by a wholesaler based on the total selling price
of the goods, inclusive of value-added taxes (VAT). ABC Corp., a wholesaler
operating within City X, challenged the new provision based on the following
contentions: 1. the new provision is a form of prohibited double taxation because
it essentially amounts to City X imposing VAT which was already being levied by
the national government; and 2. since the tax being imposed is akin to VAT, it is
beyond the power of City X to levy the same
Note: This marks the end of Part I. The forthcoming problem sets will fall under
Part II and the answers therefor should be written in Booklet II.
Note: As stated in the Instructions, Part II covers problem sets labelled B.11. to
B.20. All answers to these questions should be written in Booklet II.
On the other hand, Mr. J, a Japanese engineer employed by JKL-Japan, was sent
to Manila to work with JKL-Philippines as a technical consultant. Based on the
contract between the two (2) companies, Mr. J's annual compensation would still
be paid by JKL-Japan. However, he would be paid additional compensation by
JKL-Philippines for the months spent working as a consultant. For 2018, Mr. J
stayed in the Philippines for five (5) months.
(a) ls the BIR correct in basing its income tax assessment on Mr. F's
worldwide income? Explain. (3%)
(b) Is the BIR correct in basing its income tax assessment on Mr. J's
income within the Philippines at the schedular rate? Explain. (3%)
(a) Is the special stipend part of the taxable income of the employees
receiving the same? If so, what tax is applicable and what is the tax
rate? Explain. (3%)
(a) At the end of the year, is Mr. C personally required to file an annual
income tax return? Explain. (2.5%)
(a) Who are the withholding agents in the case of: 1. the 20% final
withholding tax; and 2. the 2% creditable withholding tax? Explain.
(a) When is the deadline for filing a judicial claim for refund for any
excess or erroneous taxes paid in the case of: 1. the 20% final
withholding tax; and 2. the 2% creditable withholding tax? (2.5%)
Thereafter, and without action from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR),
T Corp. filed a petition for review before the Court of Tax Appeals, alleging that
the assessment has prescribed. For its part, the CIR moved to dismiss the case,
pointing out that the assessment had already become final because the protest
was filed beyond the allowable period.
On May 10, 2011, the final withholding tax for certain income payments to W
Corp. was withheld and remitted to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), and the
corresponding return therefor was concomitantly filed on the same date. Upon
discovering that the amount withheld was excessive, W Corp. filed with the BIR a
claim for refund for erroneously withheld and collected final withholding income
tax on May 3, 2013. A week after, and without waiting for any decision from the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR), W Corp. filed a petition for review
before the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) to make sure that the petition was filed
within the two (2)-year period for claiming refunds.
In resisting the claim, the BIR contended that the claim must be dismissed by the
CT A on the ground of non-exhaustion of administrative remedies because it did
not give the CIR the opportunity to act on the claim of refund.
(b) Assuming that the claim for refund filed by W Corp. is for excess
and/or unutilized input VAT for the second quarter of 2011, and for
which the return was timely filed on July 25, 2011, would your answer
be the same? Explain. (2.5%)
ABC, Inc. owns a 950-square meter commercial lot in Quezon City. It received a
notice of assessment from the City Assessor, subjecting the property to real
property taxes (RPT). Believing that the assessment was erroneous, ABC, Inc.
filed a protest with the City Treasurer. However, for failure to pay the RPT, the City
Treasurer dismissed the protest.
(a) Was the City Treasurer correct in dismissing ABC, Inc.'s protest?
Explain. (2.5%)
(b) Assuming that ABC, Inc. decides to appeal the dismissal, where
should the appeal be filed? (2.5%)
Nothing follows