Strategic Partnership Agreement Template
Strategic Partnership Agreement Template
Strategic Partnership Agreement Template
Vision/Mission statement
“Careers Scotland is ambitious for the people of Scotland, supporting all individuals in developing and realising their career aspirations throughout their
We the undersigned declare our organisation’s commitment to the following Strategic Partnership
Careers Scotland Partner
1. Purpose
The aim of this document is to establish effective cooperation between ----------------- and Careers Scotland. The document is based on mutual understanding
of the values, roles and responsibilities of each organisation and provides a framework for developing genuine partnership. The agreement covers the period
2002-2005 and will have an annual operating plan and review mechanism.
2. Partnership Values
3. Strategic Aims and Responsibilities
Careers Scotland will, both directly and working with other agencies, assist
individuals to:
understand the changing labour market, understand their own career options
and routes and develop their personal career planning skills
recognise their own potential to become the innovators and entrepreneurs of
the future
acquire and upgrade the skills they need for their ongoing career change and
raise their career expectations and aspirations to match their potential
overcome barriers to the achievement of their potential
4. Context
(This should refer to national or local policies/strategies/initiatives, which relate to both organisations)
5. Related Performance Targets
(to be inserted where partners can contribute to each other’s targets)
By the end of 2004/5, 85% school leavers will understand the world of work,
their place in it, and have a positive approach thereto.
By March 2004, reduce numbers of young people for whom being NEET (not
in education, employment or training) is a negative experience by 25%
The following areas of mutual interest and potential collaboration have been identified and agreed:
7. Shared Actions
Priority 1:
Priority 2:
Priority 3:
Priority 4:
8. Planning and Reviewing Arrangements
i. Relationship Managers
The nominated lead person for each organisation and contact details are:
Joint planning between -------- and Careers Scotland will take place annually for the purpose of exchanging views and information about policy
issues and how these strategic matters can be addressed within the Partnership Agreement.
____________ will meet with __________, as necessary to discuss specific issues around their portfolios. In addition, either may request an ad
hoc meeting on a specific subject at any time.
Numbers and composition at meetings will be such as to contribute to meaningful discussion and debate on the issues outlined in the agenda
which will lead to agreed outcome
------------ and Careers Scotland will meet annually to review the agreed mutual priorities and report on the achievement of the performances
measures and targets.
In addition to meetings, consultation and dialogue will continue across a range of policy areas and planning mechanisms.
iii. Consultation
--------- and Careers Scotland will undertake to carry out any consultation process in accordance with the Executive's Good Practice Guidance on
Consultation, including;
Both parties will undertake to provide a considered, coordinated and timely response to issues on which they are consulted;
Both parties undertake to respect confidentiality where that is required or requested; And otherwise to conduct their dialogue openly;
A mechanism will be established to feed back findings from consultations.
9. Internal and External Communications
---------- and Careers Scotland will promote this document through their respective website to members, customers and staff of both organisations
and interested parties.
---------- and Careers Scotland will seek each others permission prior to publishing or releasing any material referring to the other partner.