How To Overcome
How To Overcome
How To Overcome
We all face different times of crisis, and we all have different reactions. For example Moses when he had
to speak to the rock struck, and this brought sad consequences for him (we see in Moses the anger in
the face of the crisis). In the persecution of Jezebel Elijah wanted to die (Elijah experienced depression in
the face of persecution), and Jonah faced the charge of going to preach to Nineveh fled to Tarsis. God
desires that in every situation of our lives we can depend on him and make the right decisions that will
allow us to see his glory. God helps us overcome difficulties and problems ...
(The Anointing of the Holy Spirit) the oil for the motor of any vehicle is essential, because this when
aging loses its viscosity, and can damage, decrease the performance or destroy the engine. That is why it
must be renewed periodically. When we talk about the oil (power) of the Holy Spirit, we must also
recognize the importance of renewal and know more about the topic ...
In the face of difficulties the human being reacts in different ways. Chapter 14 of Exodus tells of the
persecution of the Pharaoh and his army against the Hebrews, after he was defeated by the hand of God
to let them leave Agypt. When Israel looks back and sees the coming of Pharaoh, it has several attitudes
to this, because it also had the Red Sea in front, let's read Exodus 14:10-12 where we see that the
Israelites: (a) "They feared in great way" = fear (b) "cried to Jehovah" = Cry, prayer (c) "They said to
Moses: it was better to have died in Egypt" = desires to die. The truth is that this behavior, mixed with
fear, clamor and failure, has been ours on many occasions, when we face the pressure of the enemy, the
numerous obstacles and/or the uncertainty of the future, we see then that there is not much difference
between the behavior of them and ours. We invite you to read: "The fall of the Apostle Peter". .
The natural eyes saw the enemy come to destroy all the people of Israel. Moses invites the people to
"see the salvation that the Lord will do today." Only the eyes of the faith can see the invisible, only these
eyes can see the miracle before being manifested in the natural, with these eyes was that "Moses was
held as seeing the invisible." We must always keep in mind that when we walk the path that God has
plotted for our life, he is also walking with us to encourage, strengthen and witness the miracles along
the way. Maybe you see with the natural eyes that it's all over, that everything is coming down, but you
must look with the eyes of faith that see God above all problems, the eyes that see him victorious in
everything, are the eyes that see the Salvation of God (the Lord had rid them of Egypt) , and would also
now face the Red Sea).
Now let's see what a very impressive phrase: "Jehovah will Fight for you," Remember that Israel came
from being a slave, it was not war people, but God himself would fight for them. It is interesting that the
Bible, too, presents our God as the "Lord of hosts", imagine for a moment his immense power, so much
so, that according to APOC. 20:1-2, God sends "a single angel" with a chain in his hand and Satan is
bound for a thousand years and thrown into the abyss. This leads us to think: If a single angel is
powerful, the more his army, then imagine how great is the power of our general.
God gives us the anointing or power to serve in an effective way, for our God is supernatural and our
service must be too. The word anointing means: smearing, applying oil. Before Jesus began his ministry,
he was anointed, acts 10:38, and several things stand out here:
"How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy and empowered Spirit;" Who went on doing good,
and healing all the oppressed of the devil; "For God was with him."
(2) He was anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power,
The anointing equips us for ministry or service to God, we see it for example in: Bezaleel and Aholiab
anointed to build the tabernacle.
A) Lucas 4:18.
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to give good tidings to the poor;" has sent me
to heal the brokenhearted; Preach freedom to the captives, and seen the Blind; "To release the
Let us remember that the Holy Spirit works in three areas of the believer: with, in, on (with: together
with the believer; in: within the believer; and about: power to make). In this passage we observe some
objectives of the anointing:
3) to heal,
4) to release.
Then the power or anointing of the Holy Spirit is not given for a selfish or personal benefit, but for the
blessing of others. The anointing is to heal the sick, cast out demons, preach the gospel, Minister
miracles and above all glorify Christ.
It is interesting that in the previous passage (Luke 4:18), the poor, the brokenhearted, the captives, the
blind and the oppressed are referred to, and on two occasions the word freedom is quoted.
Now let's see Isaiah 10:27, Israel had anguish and fear of the Assyrians ("The burden will be removed
from your shoulder" and "the yoke Will rot"), but God says here that he will take away the oppression of
Assyria, and fear will flee ... the anointing brings freedom from vices, drugs, fears, addictions, curses, etc.
Faced with difficulties and obstacles, we must remember and confess the power and greatness of God,
we must look with the eyes of faith, God is our protector and provider, trust in him, just go along the
path he has plotted, he goes ahead. The Almighty God is the one who anoints us with his Holy Spirit, he
wants to redress you of his power, renew in you the anointing to serve him more effectively, to walk in a
supernatural service, he multiplies your forces like the Buffalo and you anoints with fresh oil. .