Brochure Alsina Usa

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Alsina Mission
"To offer Solutions for Concrete Structures that help our customers improve efficiency and safety
in their projects, through a committed service and proximity in the global market by innovating and
investing in our workers as a key component of the business."

Alsina works under the quality standard ISO

9001:2015 certification. The scope covers the
activities of: sales, rental and maintenance of
formwork equipment, including the design,
the manufacture, the assembly and the
distribution of our systems.

Engineering AlsiTec
In Alsina we invest heavily in R&D in order We offer on site consultation and safety
to add value to the industry. The Alsina advice to help our customers work safely
engineering department has created more and improve productivity in each project.
than 100 patents and utility models.
The Alsina Technical Office combines
This has enabled the implementation its staff experience with advanced CAD
and industrialization process of "cast in systems and self-developed software to
place" concrete structures, in addition do this job.
to providing added value in security and
Bench mark in building Civil Engineering Hydraulic Projects
One of the key factors for the succesfull The Alsina Group is actively present in Civil Alsina is the leading company in supplying
international expansion of the company in recent Works and transportation projects. This formwork systems for the implementation of
years is the export of new building systems includes the construction of roads, bridges, hydraulic projects. Over 500 succesfully
based on proven experience for over 40 years in underpasses, overpasses, mine tunnels, etc., implemented projects in recent years validate
Spain. Mecanoconcept: a mechanized slab as well as Industrial Engineering (energy our ability for constructing these types of
formwork system that effectively enables saving processing plants, processing plants, etc.). projects: desalination, water treatment plants,
time in the construction process. Alsina is reservoirs, dams, etc. We also offer engineering
currently endeavoring to introduce the and calculation processes in order to streamline
Mecanoconcept system worldwide. formwork systems.

Alsina Comprehensive
Alsina strives to be one of the
most recognized companies in
its industry due to its
comprehensive service capacity.
This output should be yield as a
result of the quality of the Warehouse assorting Customer
and repairing meeting
company’s human team, the
range of solutions and services
that Alsina offers to its clients Project award
and its business management
focused on total quality.
Customized parts


Project study

reports Proposal

Alsina Products and services

Apopka Water Treatment Plant, United States

Alisply Walls
A recoverable formwork system for concrete walls, designed to be
crane-handled. Alisply Walls consist of a reinforced galvanized steel
frame lined with 9/16" thick phenolic plywood.

Manual Clamp
3 clamps 9'-10 1/8" in height

2 Tie Bars
2 tie bars 9'-10 1/8" in height

Metallic Frame
5 7/8"wide facilitates assembly and support

Alsina Products and services


• The Manual Clamp can be connected to any point along the • Due to tie locations in the Alisply forms, both sides of the
frame. It’s unique shape joins and lines up forms, and allows wall may be off-set as well if required by jobsite conditions.
off-setting panels in certain applications such as slopped Alisply ties are not allocated through the frame but through
walls. the plywood, allowing angle settings.
• Alisply is available in 10 different widths for each of 2 different • Alisply walers allow big form sets to be moved together.
heights. • 3 different brace sizes, 9’-10”, 6’-6” and 29’-6” to
• Alisply’s Lifting Bracket for crane operation is easy to place, accommodate any stack-up configuration.
and includes a safety lock. • Phenolic plywood face provides an excellent concrete

Alsina Products and services

Stewart Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant, United States

Alisply Circular
Formwork system for circular walls designed for crane handling.
Alisply Circular consists of a galvanized steel frame and phenolic
plywood formwork surface.

Alsina’s Alisply-C forms ship flat, for best Just a template and a common wrench Alsiply-C forms adjust to any radius (min.
accommodation of truck loads and on-site are required for radius adjustment. 8ft) by an easy operation which can be
storage. performed on site and as many times as
required by the project conditions.

Alsina Products and services

Alisply manual clamp for panel connection Built-in turnbuckles make changing radius Reinforced system with end tensors
makes Alisply straight walls and Alisply an easy and quick operation. ensures correct radius curving in the
Circular walls totally compatible. The panel.
transition from straight to circular or
viceversa does not require any additional

Alisply Circular makes it possible to build one-sided circular walls Compatible with Alisply Walls due to the same frame profile
by using brace frames. Wall height from 8 to 30 feet. and same connection clamp.

It offers the possibility of an class-B concrete finish thanks to the use of its phenolic Compatible with climbing systems for an
plywood formwork surface and the design of the panel and accessories. easy and fast execution of high circular
walls, without the need to disassemble
the walls.

Alsina Products and services

Koontz Lake Waste Water Treatment Plant, United States

Alisply-M Walls (Handset)

Recoverable formwork system for concrete walls, designed to be hand-
set (weight: 6 lbs per sq.ft). The diversity of sizes and accessories, the
surface of the phenolic plywood, its light weight and the fast clamping
mechanism make the system manageable, effective and quick to

Alsina Products and services


• It is a very lightweight system, ideal for projects that do not

include the use of a crane. Nevertheless, thanks to system
accessories, large screens can be mounted, using a crane
for lifting and positioning.
• The Alisply Manual system and its accessories are designed
for fast and easy assembly.
• Due to the large variety of modules and accessories, any
kind of wall can be erected.
• The Alisply Manual Clamp joins, aligns and strengthens the
panels in one single operation, without needing any tools.
• The Walkway Bracket is an essential element for the
operator's safety while pouring the concrete.
• The Alisply Manual System has a retractable corner with a
design that facilitates stripping operations.

Alsina Products and services

DeVos Children Hospital, United States

One-Sided Walls
Support structure for implementing one-sided walls.
The system consists of reinforced brace frames that
are coupled with two horizontal walers. The design of
its components ensures the safe transfer of the
concrete loads. This is provided by joining the steel
brace frames and the formwork panels to the slanted
anchorages on the ground.

Alsina Products and services

One-Sided Wall 9'-10 1/8" in height

• Allowed pressure of 1253.1 psf.
• Good weight / features ratio.
• Joining brace between easy positioning.
• Maximum height 10’-10” and 14’-1 1/4” / 17’-4 5/8” with filler.
• Movable together with the wall formwork.
• Rear base jack with height regulator.
• Compatible with Alisply Walkway bracket.

One-Sided Wall 19'-8 1/4" in height

• Admissible pressure up to 1253.1 psf (up to 22’-11 1/2”).

• Easy assembly between brace frames.
• Optimal design for its stacking on site.
• Movable together with the formwork system.
• It has several lifting points for the crane, depending on the
different loads.
• Front support for better positioning of the panel on the
• Adjustable rear base jack.
• Compatible with Alisply Walkway Bracket.

One-Sided Wall 29'-6 5/16" height

• Admissible pressure variable depending on the foundation

trench and the height of up to 1250 psf.
• Easy assembly between brace frames.
• Adjustable rear base jack.
• Adjustable front support: it allows the fitting of the formwork
to the ground, preventing the concrete grout from leaking.
• Several lifting points for the crane, depending on the different
• Optimal design for its stacking on site.

Alsina Products and services

Martil Dam in Tetouan, Morocco

Multiform Vertical Walls

A reusable heavy duty formwork system for straight walls with all sorts of
polygonal shapes and architectural concrete finishes.

Designed to adapt easily to complex and Easily assembly on site using common Multiform Vertical makes panel joints
irregular shapes, while maintaining its tools. Multiform connector reduces nearly invisible since plywood are butted,
capacity as reusable formwork. transportation and saves time and storage it offers a fair faced concrete finish.

Alsina Products and services

Residential complex in Spain

This is an individual protection system whereby Features of the system

installation procedures involving panels, guardrails,
gallows-type safety nets, formwork risers and • Inverted "L", allowing 360 degree rotation, providing full
freedom to work.
generally all formwork assembly activities that
entail the risk of falling from heights can be carried • It is inserted into a conical tube pre-installed on the
concrete structure (column / wall).
out in an entirely safe manner.
• Allows the worker to work safely covering an area of
1345.49 ft2, and moving within a radius of 21'-3 7/8"
around the column.
• Built-in SHOCK-ABSORBER device that reduces the
forces transmitted to the column / wall in case of an
accidental fall.
• Structure weighing 176.37 lb, made of high quality steel
(elastic limit 59,738 - 65,427 psi; breaking strength 86,762
- 108,097 psi).
• It is employed with a retractable device that locks
whenever abrupt acceleration is generated.
• It is designed to be moved by a crane.
• It includes accessories that enable adjustment to any
on-site situation that may arise, thus ensuring operator
safety at all times.
• This system is designed for column heights up to 26'-2
15/16" and it does not require external assembly workers.

• Standards and certificates: OSHA 1926.502, ANSI Z359.6,

CSA Z259.16, CE Certificate (DGUV-BG BAU), Applus,
UPV, DIN EN:795.

Alsina Products and services

Ruta del Sol road, Colombia

C-160 Climbing Platform

With the C-160 Climbing Platform system, it is possible to build shear-
walls and walls using climbing cycles with pouring heights
up to 13'-1 1/2" while ensuring total safety for workers. The assembly
of the climbing platform and its safety platform can be carried out on
the ground, before positioning it on the wall, or by placing the brackets
onto the anchorage rings and assembling the platform later.

The platform is 5'-3" wide and safe. Clean The C-160 Platform can implement formwork sets with lengths up to
space for moving and working freely 9'-10 1/8" and formwork heights up to 13'-1 1/2". Compatible with all Alsina's wall
without obstructions such as: beams, formwork systems.
platforms, etc.

Alsina Products and services

Waste Water Treatment Plant in Toledo, Spain

C-240 Climbing Platform

With the C-240 Climbing Platform system, it is possible to build shear-
walls and walls using climbing cycles with pouring heights up to
19'-8 1/4" while ensuring total safety for workers. It can be positioned
using M-24 tie bars or using Steel Cones.

Formwork operations are carried out The platform is specially designed to The C-240 Climbing System allows joint
using a rollback device that separates the provide safety and facilitate the work of movement without removing the formwork
formwork 2'-5 1/2" from the wall, allowing the operator, keeping the floor space system from the platform.
the joint movement of the platform and completely free of obstructions, such as:
the formwork without having to remove beams, platforms, etc.
the formwork.

Alsina Products and services

Lakepark Crescent Residential, United States

Interior Climbing System

A system designed for safe performance of: interior climbing systems
in hollow pier formwork, elevator shaft formwork moreover and all
types of hollow structures with multiple sections.

Reusable Box Solution

Interior Climbing Set with the Toggle Support Reusable Box

embedded in the concrete wall.

Cast-in Anchor Solution

Interior Climbing System with the Cast-in Cast-in Anchor

Anchor anchored in the wall.

Alsina Products and services

Hospital Extension in Barcelona, Spain

Triple-Hinged Corner
The Triple-hinged corner developed by Alsina is the current and cost-
effective way to form elevator and staircase cores and shafts. With this
part it is possible to form and strip shafts and move the complete set
easily and quickly to the next stage.

The Triple-Hinged Corner system is The Triple-Hinged Corner is manufactured Its simple design and efficiency optimizes
easy to use and simplifies forming and in heights of 3’-3 3/8” and 9’-10 1/8” and is budgets considerably in cases where the
stripping. Preassembled thread protected entirely compatible with the Alisply Walls hinged corner is used.
turnbuckles simplify the forming and System.
stripping process.

Alsina Products and services

Chicago South Project, United States

Alupilar is a handset and adjustable column system. One single panel
allows multiple size configurations in 2” increments. Each panels has a
wedge and pin mechanism built-in to connect, allowing no loose parts
during assembly and providing with a cost-effective performance.

• Light: 4 lbs/sq.ft. • Alupilar system includes the following accessories:

• Quick; easy assembly, built in parts. • Alsina aligners
• Plywood face and PVC Chamfer provide a great finish. • Alsina chamfer strip
• Three panel widths and three heights allow multiple

Alsina Products and services


• Panel made of aluminium.

• Weight of the Alupilar panel: 4 psf.
• Painted in white polyester.
• Maximum pressure allowance: 1,660 psf.
• Plywood formwork surface 1/2” thick.
• Inter-panel connecting elements integrated in the frame.

Alsina Chamfer Strip

Element used to chamfer the column
edges. Made with a plastic body and
rubber lips that seal the concrete grout
and improve column edge finishes.
Designed to adhere to the columns by a
special spring that eliminates the need
to nail it to the frame and the plywood

Alsina Products and services

Flex 14 Theater, United States

Alisply Multipurpose
Alisply Multipurpose is based on the Alisply Panel, but with the
following modifications: it uses reinforced cross beams with 15 holes
for adjustment and allows the system to solve multiple configurations
on site, such as columns or bulkheads.

Easy connection by common parts to The design of the steel frame makes Compatible with Alisply Walls to solve
adjust required column size. Alisply Multipurpose one of the most construction elements like bulkheads,
resistant column systems in the market. beginnings, corners and others on site.

Alsina Products and services

Finish Bulkheads

The phenolic plywood formwork surface provides multiple Designed for adjusting the formwork to exact dimensions.
advantages compared to metal surfaces: lower weight, higher Allows greater adaptability, with less parts in wall bulkheads,
concrete finish quality, an increase in its endurance and greater beginnings and overlaps.
resistance to the passing of time (it does not rust or dent).

The Alisply Multipurpose panel is designed from the basis of the

Alisply Wall panel with a steel frame painted with polyester paint,
properly reinforced in order to obtain adjustment on all four sides.

The development and design of its metal structure makes the

Alisply Multipurpose panel one of the most resistant panels on
the market, able to withstand pressures up to 2100 psf.

Alsina Products and services

Rollingwood, United States

The most versatile shoring system
Alsina Products and services

The metal joist is the element that is used most frequently, The system consists of two basic elements: Multiple notch
therefore it is lightweight and resistant. stringer and Joist.

The system's structural elements, the stringer and the Joists can Joists with inner wood allow nailing plywood when required.
be overlapped in both directions or butted instead (built-in secure

The Joist includes an inlaid wooden slat which allows the board to Mecanoconcept combines Alsina's broad experience in formwork
be attached and detached easily. Mecanoflex adapts to multiple systems for cast in place concrete with value added in safety,
grids and accomodates to project geometry and slab types, such productivity and cost-effectiveness.
as post-tensioned, pan-deck, drop-bears, etc.

Alsina Products and services

St. John's Plaza, United States

Ideal mix for high and thick slabs
Innovative slab formwork system that includes a mechanized aluminum
beam which increases productivity as compared to traditional systems.

Alsina Products and services

The Aluminum stringer is designed to

support and reposition the HT-20 wood
beams. It is available in different lengths
so that it can be adapted to any dimension.

The wood beam U-head allows the

stringers to overlap for best accomodation
to existing conditions.

Aluflex system may include safety

handrails in both directions. The same
guardrail bracket is compatible with
aluminium stringer and wood joist.

Alsina Products and services

Texas Children Hospital, United States

Multiform Table
Especially indicated for large projects and regular geometry.

Alsina’s multiform table includes a swivel The hydraulic trolley is designed to Alsina’s self-balanced C-hook allows table
post-shore head allowing a collapsed facilitate table stripping as well as rolling crane-lifts in a safe way.
lift and move when required by project to the next stage within the same level.

Alsina Products and services

Alsina’s Multiform Table is built with two
components, a steel waler and a wood

Alsina’s joist connector is unique and fast

to set up and provides a cost effective
initial assembly.

Different waler and joist lengths allow

multiple table sizes to accommodate all
project geometries.

Several support systems are compatible
with Alsina’s table. From steel post-shore to
aluminum post-shore or scaffold systems.
It allows multiple height configurations for
best results and maximum utilization.

Straight and curved
Comprehensive sales, wall solutions, both
logistics and technical crane-set and
service hand-set

Mecano Alsina:
Cost-effective and safe Climbing systems, safe
shoring solutions and reliable

Resistant and safe

post-shore, shoring and Civil works systems and
scaffolding systems solutions

Columns, pilasters and Safety accessories

shear wall solutions and systems
Code: 010USKZ

USA - Miami USA - Houston

Alsina Forms Co., Inc. Alsina Forms Co., Inc.
725 Southeast 9th Court, 14335 W. Hardy Rd.
Hialeah, Florida. 33010 Houston, TX 77060-4616
Tel.: (+1) 305 398-9860 Tel.: (+1) 281 741-4223
Fax: (+1) 305 398-9859 Fax: (+1) 281 741-4540 Alsina Formwork Engineering
E-mail: E-mail:
Web: Web:

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