Cudia VS Pma
Cudia VS Pma
Cudia VS Pma
Cadel 1CL Cudia was a member of Siklab Diwa Class of 2014 of the PMA. He was
supposed to be the salutatorian of his batch. Professor Juanita Berong (Prof. Berong) of the 5th
period class issued a Delinquency Report (DR) against Cadet 1CL Cudia because he was “late for
two (2) minutes in his Eng 412 class x x x.” In his Explanation of Report dated December 8, 2013,
Cadet 1CL Cudia reasoned out that: “I came directly from OR432 Class. We were dismissed a bit
late by our instructor Sir.” He was punished because of the result of his conversation with Dr.
Costales, who said that she never dismissed her class late.
WON Cudia was denied of due process of law?
NO. He was not denied due process since he was heard by the Honor Committee.
Cudia argued that he was not accorded a counsel, that it was not a judicial type of
proceeding. However, there was no violation of the due process based on those arguments. This
argument was already in Guzman v. National University where this court held that “disciplinary
sanctions requires observance of the procedural due process. And it bears stressing that due process
in disciplinary cases involving students does not entail proceedings and hearings similar to those
prescribed for actions and proceedings in court of justice. The proceedings in student discipline
cases may be summary; and cross examination is not, x x an essential part thereof.” It only requires
substantive evidence.
Hence, Cudia was wrong that it should have been judicial in character like cross examine
represented by a counsel was a pre-investigation conducted here prior to the filing of the charges
against him before the CRAB. (Cadet Review and Appeals Board). He was notified of the Honor
Code Report that he did something wrong. He was given opportunity to be heard to explain the
report against him; there were proceedings to evaluate the report and his explanation. The Supreme
Court upheld the decision of the Honor Committee and the Cadets Review and Appeals Board.
Cudia was forfeited of his privileged to graduate from the Philippine Military Academy.