MA107 Tutorial-1
MA107 Tutorial-1
MA107 Tutorial-1
1. a) Show that the Wronskian of eax cos(bx) and eax sin(bx) (b 6= 0) is b2 e2ax .
b) Prove that the Wronskian of functions em1 x , em2 x , em3 x is equal to (m1 − m2 )(m2 − m3 )(m3 −
m1 )e(m1 +m2 +m3 )x .
c) Show that y1 (x) = sin x and y2 (x) = sin x−cos x are linearly independent solutions of y +y = 0.
d) Show that the Wronskian of function x2 , x2 log(x) is non-zero. can these functions be independent
solution of an ordinary differential equation; if so determine this equation.
e) Evaluate the Wronskian of the functions ex , xex . Hence conclude whether or not they are linearly
independent. If they are independent, set the differential equation having them as its independent
f) check whether ex , xex , sinh(x) are linearly independent or dependent.