Dead Stars LP
Dead Stars LP
Dead Stars LP
I. Objectives
1. Given a story, the students will be able to correctly identify and
present the elements of a short story using the appropriate graphic
2. Given the chance to look at the work of others, the students will be
able to ask and answer questions about the story.
3. Given a problem, the students will be able to provide or suggest
alternative solutions.
4. Given the chance to work in groups, the students will be able to
foster respect by listening to his/her group mates while he/she/they
is/are sharing ideas.
II. Subject Matter
Learning Materials:
copy of reading selection “Dead Stars” handouts
graphic organizer templates Problem-solution
III. Procedure
A. Motivation If students will not
Show a picture depicting a love triangle (see attached). be able to give the
Ask: “What do you think is happening in the picture?” expected answer,
(Expected answer: love triangle) ask the following
Call two or more students to share. questions to lead
them to the answer:
B. Presentation 1. What do you
Say: “The love triangle theme has been used in many literary texts think is the
in the past and is still being used at present (Cite some examples). relationship between
What other examples can you think of?” the three people in
the picture?
“The text we are going to discuss today is also about a love triangle 2. Why do you think
and it is entitled “Dead Stars”. I expect that you have already read are there 2 girls in
the story before coming to class so today we are going to have a the picture?
group activity.”
Give basic information about the author and the text before
breaking the class into groups.
C. Activity
Part I:
1. Divide the class in groups of 5 members each.
2. Each group member will have one of the following roles.
a. Facilitator – makes sure that the flow of discussion is smooth
and that all members get a chance to speak In cases where there
b. Timekeeper – reminds the group about time left and makes are more than 5
sure that all members get an equal opportunity to share members, two
c. Writer – records the responses of the group members can play
d. Interviewer – asks the group’s questions during part II of the the same role (e.g. 2
activity timekeepers, 2
e. Speaker – stands by the group’s output and answers other speakers, etc).
groups’ questions about their work
Note: Even though each has a specific role, members are still required to
join in the discussion.
3. Groups will work on the following tasks (see attached for the
groups’ task cards):
Group I – poster of the story Group V – chronological order of
Group II – characterization of Alfredo Group VI – order of events
according to narration
Group III – characterization of Esperanza Group VII – conflict and
Group IV – characterization of Julia Group VIII – symbolism and
D. Processing
1. Experience
a. Did you find the activity easy or difficult?
b. What made it easy/difficult?
c. Did you have any problems while working with your group
d. What other difficulties/problems did you encounter (if any)? Additional questions
e. How did you solve these difficulties/problems? can be asked during
the discussion.
2. Content (based on groups’ outputs)
a. What evidences from the text tell you that Alfredo is
b. What evidences from the text tell you that Esperanza is
c. What evidences from the text tell you that Julia is
d. What differences can you see in both versions of narration? This will be
e. Why do you think the author narrated the story differently presented to the
(i.e. not according to the chronological order)? students.
f. What is the conflict in the story and how was it resolved?
E. Abstraction
Dead Stars by Paz Marquez Benitez
Characters Alfredo, Esperanza, Julia
Point of View 3rd person omniscient
Rising Action
Falling Action
F. Application
IV. Evaluation
A. Teacher
1. Did I pay attention to the needs of the students?
2. Did I invite students to ask questions?
3. Was I able to answer adequately the questions of the students?
4. Do I need to reteach the lesson or provide more activities?
B. Student