MBRDI Case Study
MBRDI Case Study
MBRDI Case Study
Innovation, efficiency, and comfort are the three signature virtues that
characterise every Mercedes-Benz automobile. The same principles
extend to how they operate their offices, and MBRDI's (Mercedes-
Benz Research & Development India) recently inaugurated state-of-
the-art facility in Bangalore is a shining example.
MBRDI saves up to 25% on HVAC & Lighting energy,
Firm on its mission to nurture excellence, MBRDI dedicated a whole
improves occupant experience and enhances operational floor of this facility to Learning & Development and aptly called it
efficiencies with 75F "Gurukul". Comprising of training rooms, meeting rooms, quiet
areas and even in-house banquet halls, Gurukul's design and build
Location Bangalore, India
75F® Dynamic Airflow Balancing
75F® Solutions 75F® Dynamic Chilled Water Balancing
75F® Advanced Lighting Solution
Outside Air Optimization
Square Footage 38,000 sft
75F's vertically integrated solution provides unified HVAC
- Automation and control of HVAC units
Control & Automation + Lighting Control & Automation
(AHUs, VRFs, TFAs) and Lighting fixtures
+ iBMS + Energy Management + Remote Management Primary - Energy Savings, visibility & insights
capabilities at Mercedes Benz's new R&D Center - Remote Manageability & control
- Tailored occupant experience
A live zone view from Facilisight. Each zone can individually controlled and monitored for thermal comfort,
lighting and indoor air quality parameters. 75F automates and controls the AHUs, VRF, TFAs, Chilled Water System, and schedule & dimming of lights,
creating a continuous dialogue between the systems and optimising efficiencies.
Occupants are provided with an Occupant App and Intelligent Temperature Mote™ (ITM) sensors in
each room for superior temperature and lighting control
View of 'Energy Portfolio Manager' where MBRDI team can compare energy use in kilowatt-hours (kWh) for selected date ranges, energy used through the course of the day, and compare with movable 3D graph analysis.