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MBRDI Case Study

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Innovation, efficiency, and comfort are the three signature virtues that

characterise every Mercedes-Benz automobile. The same principles
extend to how they operate their offices, and MBRDI's (Mercedes-
Benz Research & Development India) recently inaugurated state-of-
the-art facility in Bangalore is a shining example.
MBRDI saves up to 25% on HVAC & Lighting energy,
Firm on its mission to nurture excellence, MBRDI dedicated a whole
improves occupant experience and enhances operational floor of this facility to Learning & Development and aptly called it
efficiencies with 75F "Gurukul". Comprising of training rooms, meeting rooms, quiet
areas and even in-house banquet halls, Gurukul's design and build


prioritizes occupant needs and experience. MBRDI was seeking an
automation solution that would enhance their occupant's experience
further - a system that improves thermal (temperature and air
quality) and visual (lighting) comfort, provides tailored occupant
experiences and empowers the facilities team with visibility into
their energy consumption and HVAC & Lighting systems as well as
remote management capabilities. All this while making saving energy
and improving the facility's carbon footprint!

Location Bangalore, India
75F® Dynamic Airflow Balancing
75F® Solutions 75F® Dynamic Chilled Water Balancing
75F® Advanced Lighting Solution
Outside Air Optimization
Square Footage 38,000 sft
75F's vertically integrated solution provides unified HVAC
- Automation and control of HVAC units
Control & Automation + Lighting Control & Automation
(AHUs, VRFs, TFAs) and Lighting fixtures
+ iBMS + Energy Management + Remote Management Primary - Energy Savings, visibility & insights
capabilities at Mercedes Benz's new R&D Center - Remote Manageability & control
- Tailored occupant experience

See more client success stories at 75f.io/casestudies

THE 75F SOLUTION HVAC Automation and Control
75F installed its award-winning Dynamic Airflow Balancing System and Dynamic
MBRDI conducted a thorough assessment of 75F's solution, comparing it to
Chilled Water System, providing comprehensive integration between the high-
some of the most prominent players in the industry. 75F stood out from the
side & the low-side and ensuring greater comfort and more efficient operations.
pack as the only player that offers a vertically integrated solution (Hardware
Depending on the thermal, airflow and humidity requirements in each zone,
+ Software + UI + Data Analytics + Services) and for providing unified HVAC,
the system proactively controls the chilled water flow rate, ramps up/down the
IBMS & Lighting Control & Automation capabilities. MBRDI also found 75F to VFDs for fan motors, turns on/off the AHUs and modulates the Smart Dampers
be a better fit, both in terms of value and capabilities. Even finer details, such installed across the site. Thereby, 75F creates a continuous dialogue between
as 75F's aesthetically designed sensors that complement the facility's design multiple HVAC units in the facility and ensures they work together to reduce
and the intuitive graphic user interface that serves up insights and analytics energy usage and deliver even temperatures throughout.
to the FM team, contributed to 75F winning this project.
Additionally, 75F's system is also integrated with Mitsubishi VRFs at the site. 75F
75F built a highly customized solution for MBRDI working closely with Smart Nodes communicate with the VRF indoor unit & turn it on/off based on
MBRDI's Project Management Consultants, Architects, Electrical Consultants setpoint temperatures, occupant preferences and schedules.
and HVAC Design Consultants. Smart sensors were installed across the site,
to collect real-time inputs for temperature, humidity, VOCs, CO2, movement,
sound levels, LUX levels and even occupancy count for each zone. With
millions of data points processed daily, 75F applies machine learning to
predict daily challenges and proactively control HVAC and lighting systems for
optimum comfort and efficiency.

A live zone view from Facilisight. Each zone can individually controlled and monitored for thermal comfort,
lighting and indoor air quality parameters. 75F automates and controls the AHUs, VRF, TFAs, Chilled Water System, and schedule & dimming of lights,
creating a continuous dialogue between the systems and optimising efficiencies.

To learn more about our intelligent building solutions, visit www.75f.io

Indoor Air Quality Management running on tablets deployed in each training room. Occupants can now adjust
The 75F® Smart Stat™, installed in all the training rooms, has 7-onboard sensors the temperature and dim/brighten or switch on/off different lights at any
that collect real-time data about various parameters including VOCs and CO2 given moment using the app. If during a training, the first row of lights need
concentration. If the CO2 concentration approaches threshold limits, the 75F to be turned off, second row to be dimmed and third to remain bright, then
system automatically modulates the Treated Fresh Air Units (TFAs) to push in the occupants can do this themselves using the Occupant App. They can also
more fresh air. These TFAs are also auto-scheduled to run on an hourly basis schedule changes to the temperature and lighting. The facility is in effect “switch
to keep fresh air circulating in the facility. The system also provides the facility less” as the capability to control and monitor is provided through the App.
manager with insights on CO2 build up and relevant trends for pre-emptive
action. It also proactively sends alerts if the VOCs are higher in an area.
Energy Management
75F Facilisight provides the facility team with remote management capabilities
Lighting Automation & Control
along with visibility and insights into HVAC and Lighting energy consumption.
75F's system automates lighting in the facility based on real-time factors such as
From heatmaps and occupancy maps to trends, analysis and granular reporting
weather forecasts, occupancy, scheduling, user preferences, etc. 75F installed
- the facility team at MBRDI gets a single pane view of the entire facility. These
motion sensors across the facility so lights turn on/off automatically based on
insights and analytics are served up in an intuitive graphic user interface allowing
occupancy, saving energy and time. Daylight harvesting in areas which get direct
the facility team to monitor and proactively manage the facility, adding efficiency
sunlight offset the amount of energy needed to artificially light the space. The
and value for their occupants.
LED lights automatically dim or brighten as per the sunlight, making sure optimal
lux levels are maintained. Besides automatically monitoring, managing and controlling these systems
proactively, 75F also provides the FM power to control their buildings at a click
anytime, anywhere.

Occupants are provided with an Occupant App and Intelligent Temperature Mote™ (ITM) sensors in
each room for superior temperature and lighting control

Occupant Control & Feedback

One of the unique features of 75F’s solution at MBRDI is the 'Occupant App'
MBRDI facility team can remotely adjust and schedule temperatures and lights and the health of the system can be
monitored to ensure maximum efficiency

See more client success stories at 75f.io/casestudies

75F's innovative system has brought incredible efficiency to MBRDI. With complaints and is able to deploy those resources to other important tasks. They
75F system in place, the facility has been recording 25% savings on HVAC have also noticed a marked improvement in their operational efficiencies; as a
and lighting energy each month. Moreover, occupants enjoy a better work result of quick Installation, zero downtime and no on-site IT infrastructure and
environment and increased productivity thanks to comfortable temperatures, maintenance costs. Facilisight has provided the
improved air quality and better lighting. team with insight and control over the HVAC & lighting system in the facility.
They are now able to monitor and control energy usage in real-time remotely.
Occupants of the facility are empowered to tailor their zones for temperature
and lighting, allowing for precise comfort at all times. Features such as 75F's self-optimising, intuitive system echoes the same principles that MBRDI
scheduling, daylight harvesting and occupancy-based control have made the holds close: innovation, excellence and comfort. MBRDI set out with great plans
facility 'switch-free' and intuitive, resulting in better occupant experience. for their new state-of-the-art R&D centre and 75F took it to the next level with
its unified HVAC, lighting, iBMS, automation and energy management system.
The facilities team at MBRDI now spends lesser time responding to occupant

View of 'Energy Portfolio Manager' where MBRDI team can compare energy use in kilowatt-hours (kWh) for selected date ranges, energy used through the course of the day, and compare with movable 3D graph analysis.

To learn more about our intelligent building solutions, visit www.75f.io

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