U2L Huawei Ericsson

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Service-based UMTS-to-LTE PS Redirection - Huawei

Trigger Source
Low –activity : Conditions for a D2F or D2P state transition are
met when the UE enters the low-speed data transmission state.
Iu CS release: The RNC receives an IU RELEASE message from
the CS domain of the CN
Periodic triggering: A timer (10s) for the periodic service-based
UMTS-to-LTE PS redirection or handover expires.


1. There are no CS RABs among the UE's RABs

2. The UE supports both UMTS and LTE
3. The User is L2U redirection user (R16)
4. The User is LTE User(R17)

Reporting Mode: event 3C is reported.
Measured item: RSRP (-112dBm)

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Service-based UMTS-to-LTE PS Redirection & Handover – Ericsson
Trigger Source
Event Based: Redirection to LTE is controlled by the network and can be
initiated at several trigger points, which can be individually turned on and off
in each UTRAN cell. A redirection to LTE can be initiated from the active
states CELL_DCH, CELL_FACH or URA_PCH. Triggering event valid listed
as : Normal Release,Successful Relocation,Resource Optimization
Relocation, User inactivity,No remaining RAB,fastDormancy, fachToUra,
dchToFach, csFallbackCsRelease, csFallbackDchToFach
PS Handover: Handover to LTE. Based on the coverage quality of the
target cells is estimated by measuring the co-sited WCDMA cell using the
2d-RWR and 2f-RWR measurements


1. The feature is enabled.
2. The UE is LTE-capable.
3. No CS signalling connection exists. A PS session
can exist and can be pre-emptied.
4. The best cell has an LTE neighbor frequency in an
LTE frequency band supported by the UE.
5. The Utran Cell parameter releaseRedirect has the
value "EUTRA" or "UTRAN_EUTRA".
6. The applicable trigger point occurred and is enabled
in the best cell.
Handover : Event 2f-RWR Report

Page 2
Trial Result (Walktest) - Huawei
DT Test Methodology
1. UE playing long video(more than 30mins) in LTE coverage
2. UE moving into Lift where 3G coverage is acceptable while LTE coverage is weak , and the user redirection from LTE to 3G.
3. UE moving out of Lift where 3G and LTE coverage is good
4. UE redirects from 3G to LTE in expected time.
Test Case analysis
1. UE in 3G in DCH state at 20:24:51
2. UE still keep downloading and
periodic timer start.
3. UE start CompresmodeAction even
in High Usage activity at 20:25:04
4. UE redirected to LTE at 20.25:05
5. UE SetupRAB in LTE at 20:25:06


Test conclusion
1. UE can redirected from 3G to 4G in
Cell_DCH state.

2. UE redirected to 4G around 12.5s.

3. UE service impacts 1~2s during


Page 3
PS Handover from WCDMA to LTE – Ericsson

Test Configuration
1. Configure PS Handover from WCDMA
to LTE
2. Set 2f-RWR Threshold to -117 so all
Capable Ue will be eligible.
3. Activate Trace1 on RNC to capture IMSI
4. Send IMSI with the most PSHO to 4G
attempt to BO-PS Core
5. BO-PS Core will activate Trace

Page 4
Trial Result (Trace) – Ericsson
[2020-01-10 07:41:28.998];[2020-01-10 07:41:31.208]; [2020-01-10 07:41:51.582]; [2020-01-10 07:42:28.658]
ExceptionCode = 451; Received signal RANAP Relocation Preparation Failure;
FailureIndication; CN;RRCConNotRel;No effect on connection;callProc = UehIratHoFromUtranC;UeRef = 4192; IMSI = 510114583198011; cellId = 16802; cellFroId = 388; hsCellId = 16802; hsCellFroId = 388; spId = dc:p:46:3; rhRncModuleId = 134; RLs in DRNC= 0; Best RL in DRNC: No; S-RNTI = 684487;
causecode = 1; globalCnIdPs: cnId = 484, mcc = 510, mnc = 11;;IMEISV = 3535170776307401;sourceConnType = uehPacketEulHs; sGCP=0100000000000001000011000;targetConnType = uehPacketEulHs; tGCP=0100000000000001000011000;UE Cap = Rel8-
11110000000000000011100100110001110;UehIratHoFromUtranC.cpp;line = 2840;Previous state = WaitRelocationCommand;Current state = RelocationPreparation;noOfUeCtxtInConnectedState = 64;noOfUeCtxtInUra = 16;ActiveSetCellId = [16802,-1,-1,-1,-1];

ActiveSetCellFroId = [388,-1,-1,-1,-1];rcsAllRlLostTimerStatus = 0;rcsHsRlLostTimerStatus = 0;procedureTriggerReason = RRCULt27rb2;lastGrabRule = UehGenRabRuleC10D;Irat targeteCellId = 5;Irat targeteNodeBId = 480721;Irat targetTacId = 47104;Addition text = For PSHO To LTE,
Radio Network Cause:9;"

Friday January 10 2020
INBOUND>>>>> From sessmgr:82 n_ccpu_sm_log.c:1041 (Callid 18327173) 14:56:05:435 Eventid:87730(0)

===> Radio Access Network Application Part (RANAP) (161 bytes)

| 0... .... | Ext bit : 0
| .00. .... | Choice index : Initiating Message (0)
Procedure Code : id-Relocation Preparation (2)
IE : 3
Source RNC
Bit map :
| ..0. .... | Source RNC ID Ext IEs : Not present
PLMN Identity
Test conclusion
96 (0x60)
IE : 4 1. RAN Ericsson RNC already requested
Protocol IE ID : Target ID (62)
Macro ENB ID
| 0111 0101 | + 12 bits : 0x755d1
for WCDMA to LTE Handover
Selected TAI
| .... 0... | Ext bit : 0 2. Cisco Core – Replied with unknown
Bit map :
| .... .0.. | TAI IE EXTENTION : Not present
PLMN Identity
3. Cisco need test-bed to test new SW
Friday January 10 2020
<<<<OUTBOUND From sessmgr:82 n_ccpu_sm_log.c:1063 (Callid 18327173) 14:56:05:435 Eventid:87731(0)

===> Radio Access Network Application Part (RANAP) (13 bytes)

| 0... .... | Ext bit : 0
| .10. .... | Choice index :
Unsuccessful Outcome (2)
Procedure Code : id-Relocation Preparation (2)
| .000 .... | Choice index : 0
Radio Network
| .... 0010 | | 00.. .... | unknown-target-rnc (9) (0x09)

Page 5
Trial Result (DT) -- Connected Mode (Continuous Streaming)


Start in


Significant improvement after implementation U2L PS Redirection. More samples are now in LTE.

Page 6

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