FRAMECAD Structure Engineering Method
FRAMECAD Structure Engineering Method
FRAMECAD Structure Engineering Method
Engineering Method
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2.1 FRAMECAD Structure Capabilities .......................................................................................... 2
2.2 FRAMECAD Structure Engineering Application ...................................................................... 2
3.1 Gravity Loads .......................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Snow Loads............................................................................................................................. 4
3.3 Wind Loads ............................................................................................................................. 4
3.3.1 Wind Definitions ..................................................................................................................... 4
3.3.2 Wind Pressure Calculations .................................................................................................... 5
4.5.8 NASH AS 2010, AS 3623-1993, NASH NZ 2010 and AS/NZS 1170:2002 .............................. 27
4.5.9 SANS 517:2013 ..................................................................................................................... 27
4.5.10 GB 50009-2012 ..................................................................................................................... 27
4.5.11 EN 1990:2002-MEAN and EN 1990:2002-GUST ................................................................... 27
4.5.12 SNIP 2.01.07-85:2011 ........................................................................................................... 27
4.6 Top Plate Analysis................................................................................................................. 28
4.6.1 Load Combinations ............................................................................................................... 28
4.6.2 Top Plate Design Check ........................................................................................................ 29
4.7 Bracing analysis .................................................................................................................... 30
4.7.1 Wind Force ........................................................................................................................... 30
4.7.2 Earthquake Force ................................................................................................................. 33
4.7.3 Bracing Resistance ................................................................................................................ 39
4.7.4 Strength METHOD: Bracing Density ..................................................................................... 42
4.7.5 Rigid Diaphragm Method (For the IBC, NBCC, AND CSA loading codes) .............................. 45
5.1 Principles of Operations ....................................................................................................... 51
5.2 Options to take in account finished geometry and truss exposure ..................................... 51
5.2.1 Ceiling to top chord .............................................................................................................. 51
5.2.2 Suspended ceiling ................................................................................................................. 51
5.2.3 Shuttered conditions ............................................................................................................ 51
5.3 Design Loads for trusses ....................................................................................................... 51
5.3.1 Design Wind Loads ............................................................................................................... 52
5.3.2 Point Load............................................................................................................................. 58
5.4 Effective Length Factor ......................................................................................................... 58
5.4.1 In Line Truss.......................................................................................................................... 58
5.4.2 Back to Back Truss ................................................................................................................ 59
5.4.3 Truncated and User trusses.................................................................................................. 59
5.4.4 Serviceability Limits .............................................................................................................. 59
5.4.5 Truss Load Combinations ..................................................................................................... 60
5.4.6 Truss Capacities and Section Properties .............................................................................. 63
5.4.7 Truss Design Checks ............................................................................................................. 65
5.4.8 Girder Truss .......................................................................................................................... 70
6 Floor Engineering 71
6.1 Principles of Operations ....................................................................................................... 71
6.2 Design Loads for Joists ......................................................................................................... 71
6.2.1 Point Load............................................................................................................................. 71
6.3 Joist Design ........................................................................................................................... 71
6.3.1 Serviceability Limits .............................................................................................................. 72
6.3.2 Joist Load Combinations ....................................................................................................... 72
6.3.3 Joist Capacities and Section Properties ................................................................................ 74
C.1 LC section ............................................................................................................................. 88
C.1.1 Tension capacity .................................................................................................................. 88
C.1.2 Shear Capacity ..................................................................................................................... 88
C.1.3 Compression Capacity ......................................................................................................... 88
C.1.4 Bending Capacity ................................................................................................................. 89
C.2 OC section ............................................................................................................................ 90
C.2.1 Tension capacity .................................................................................................................. 90
C.2.2 Shear Capacity ..................................................................................................................... 90
C.2.3 Compression Capacity ......................................................................................................... 90
C.2.4 Bending Capacity ................................................................................................................. 90
This document applies to version 9.1 of the FRAMECAD Structure Software. The software’s engineering
modules implement detailed calculation for selected loading and material design standards, with load actions
and section properties and capacities calculated for each component in real time. This document gives a
basic outline of the calculations performed and methods used.
A list of sections that are covered by this software is provided in Appendix A.
- Wall layout tools
- Automated frame panel detailer for specified framing system
- Stud member engineering design for uniform roof, floor, and face wind loading
- Opening jamb stud and brace collector stud take down loads
- Top plate member engineering design for truss and floor joist loading
- Wall header beam engineering design for uniform roof and floor loading
- Wall bracing capacity calculator
- Wind and seismic lateral load calculator
- Roof layout generator and tools
- Automated truss frame detailer for specified framing system
- Truss engineering design for uniform loading
- Truss hold down load calculator
- Floor layout generator and tools
- Automated floor joist detailer for specified framing system
- Floor Joist engineering design for uniform loading
- Engineering for concentrated loads for floor beams
Building size Design codes typically limit non-specific design to light structures of two to three
levels (Up to 10m in height). For building exceeding these limits specific design
input by Engineering professionals is generally required; particularly regarding
bracing, loads paths, and concentrated loads.
Structural System Structural systems incorporating concentrated loads or structure, such as
beam/column frames and portal frames require specific Engineered design
Truss and Joist The software designs most items with distributed loads. Therefore, where spacing
spacing exceeds industry norms (1200mm for light trusses, 600mm for heavy trusses and
floor joists), the design assumptions may not be valid.
Snow loading The software designs for uniform snow load. For locations where the snow loads
are high, additional design may be required for areas where snow may build up.
Earthquake loading The software uses the code simplified design methods as applicable for low
seismic hazard (light to moderate events for lightweight buildings). In other
applications; high seismicity regions, mid-rise buildings, heavy buildings (where
material such as brick cladding or concrete floors used), specific design will be
Wall Bracing Wall design assumes that suitable floor and roof diaphragms are provided and
that the bracing placement and distribution meets code requirements. The validity
of these assumptions should be verified, particularly for buildings with large open
rooms and extensive or irregular wall openings.
Site Connections Site connections between each framing component are required to ensure
structural integrity. These connections need to be specified by the designer
Additionally, the following Limitations and Issues are highlighted for specific component design.
Wall Framing Engineering:
- Stud in wall panels are designed considering uniform loads (averaged over panel) unless wall type
set as ‘Load Bearing’
- Studs are designed assuming that studs on upper levels are aligned with those on lower levels, or
that a suitable load transfer system is provided where studs are not aligned.
- Stud Engineering does not take account of any lip, web, or flange notches
- Hold-down quantities and their locations are prescriptive only and not calculated.
- Brace overturning actions are not transferred to wall panels below unless rigid diaphragm design
option is selected.
- Headers are not designed for brace overturning actions
- Header Engineering does not take account of any web or flange notches
- Diaphragm action is not analysed or designed (Warnings issued for brace line spacing).
Trusses Engineering:
- Software does not make sure the quantity of screws actually fit at a joint.
- Girder trusses are being designed for the effective distributed load and not the actual point loads.
- Engineering does not take any account of web or flange notches except where explicitly specified in
this manual. Web & flange notches must not be detailed in structural members unless they are
reinforced in accordance with an Engineers specification
- Software only considers deflection check for the whole truss rather than individual chord panels
- For rafters, the net Pressure coefficient considered is the roof external pressure coefficient in all
Floor Engineering:
- Software does not make sure the quantity of screws actually fit at a joint
- Joists designed for uniform loads unless user sets member type to Joist Beam or Beam Bearer
- Software does not design Joists for any wall loads from above (whether at support for load bearing
transfer, or with span).
- Engineering does not take any account of web or flange notches except where explicitly specified in
this manual. Web & flange notches must not be detailed in structural members unless they are
reinforced in accordance with an Engineers specification
Panel Beam:
- Software does not perform any engineering analysis for panel beams
- The loads on panel beam are not carried by any structure
- Structural support for the panel beam needs to be specified
Building weight (dead) and imposed (live) user specified area loads are applied to the structural components.
Default values are set for each loading code. An additional allowance is made the self-weight of the framing
Gtruss Truss self-weight (kPa) Gtruss = 0.06 / truss spacing (m)
Gwall Wall self-weight (kPa) Gwall = 0.06 / truss spacing (m)
GJoist Joist self-weight (kPa) Gjoist = 0.06 / truss spacing (m)
Note: Most code will have adjustment factor to calculate snow roof pressure. Make sure your snow
adjustment factor takes those into consideration. CSA S136 2007 LSD, NBCC 2010, AND NBCC 2015
The reference wind speeds are one-hour average wind speeds corresponding to a return period of 50 years.
Wind Category Design wind speed Vu Wind Category Design wind speed Vu
N1 34 m/s C1 50 m/s EN 1990:2002-MEAN
The basic design wind speed Vb is the 10 minutes mean wind speed at 10m above ground level. EN 1990:2002-GUST
The basic design wind V speed is the gust wind speed (such as recommended in the NV65 for instance) CSA S136 2007 LSD, NBCC 2010, AND NBCC 2015 (CANADIAN CODE)
qu = ultimate wind pressure = 0.000613(Vu)2
Pw = Design Wind Pressure = Ce.Iw.Ct qu
Ce = Exposure Factor
Iw = Importance Factor
Ct = Topography Factor GB 50009-2012
Pw = Directional Design Wind Pressure = 0.0006(Vu)2Uz Bz
Uz = Exposure Factor
Bz = Wind Vibration Factor EN 1990:2002-MEAN
qb(Z) = Peak wind pressure = 0.000625 . ce(Z) . Vb2
ce(Z) = Exposure Factor EN 1990:2002-GUST
q = Dynamic pressure = 0.000625 . C . V2
C = Terrain Factor.
Stud Spacing, as well as the number of Jamb Studs and the optimized headers for each opening, are
determined through all the following design checks:
• Stud checks (results shown in the stud design report using the ‘PPD’
• Top Plate checks (results shown on details drawings)
• Header checks (results shown in the opening engineering report using the ‘LI’ command on
• Bracing Checks (results shown in the Lateral Bracing Calculation using the ‘PCB’ command)
The stud design report and the opening engineering report are automatically generated by the software.
G Dead Load
Q1 max(Q2, Q3 )
Q2 Roof live Load
Q3 Floor Live Load
Q4 Q2 + Q3
S Snow
Wu Wind up
Wd Wind down
Wh Wind Horizontal
P1 Applied point load
P2 Impact point load GB 50009-2012
Wh Wind load horizontal Wh = Ch Pw
Ch = Net Pressure Coefficient
Non-cyclonic External Wall Ch = 1.0
Non-cyclonic Internal Wall Ch = 0.50
Cyclonic* External Wall Ch = 1.35
Cyclonic* Internal Wall Ch = 0.85
Cpe+ = 0.2
Design checks are carried to the following design standards for the listed load combinations. Stud capacities
are calculated in accordance with the selected design standards (AISI S100-2007, AS/NZS 4600:2005 or
EN 1993-1-3:2006) using effective section properties calculated using the Standard method. IBC 2012 LRFD, IBC 2015 LRFD, AND IBC 2018 LRFD
LC1 1.2G + 1.6Q2 + 1.0Q3 Strength check
LC2 1.2G + 0.5Q2 (or S) + 1.6Q3 Strength check
LC3 1.2G + 1.0Q3 + 1.6S Strength check
LC4 1.2G + 1.6 P1 Strength check
LC5 1.2G + 0.5Q4 (or S) + 1.0Wh Strength check
LC6 0.9G + 1.0Wu + 1.0Wh Strength check
LC7 0.42Wh Serviceability check
LC8 P2 Serviceability check IBC 2012 ASD, IBC 2015 ASD, AND IBC 2018 ASD
LC1 1.0G + 1.0Q1 Strength check
LC2 1.0G + 0.75Q2 (or S) + 0.75Q3 Strength check
LC3 1.0G + 1.0S Strength check
LC4 1.0G + 1.0 P1 Strength check
LC5 1.0G + 0.75Q4 (or S) + 0.45Wh Strength check
LC6 1.0G + 0.6 Wh Strength check
LC7 0.42Wh Serviceability check
LC8 P2 Serviceability check GB 50009-2012
LC1 1.2G + 1.4Q4 Strength check
LC2 1.2G + 1.4Q3 + 1.0S Strength check
LC3 1.2G + 1.0Q3 + 1.4S Strength check
LC4 1.2G + 1.4 P1 Strength check
LC5 1.2G + 0.85Q3 + 1.4Wh + 1.0S Strength check
LC6 1.0G + 1.4Wu + 1.4Wh Strength check
LC7 0.6Wh Serviceability check
LC8 P2 Serviceability check SNIP 2.01.07-85:2011, IBC 2009 LRFD, IBC 2009 ASD, IBC 2012 LRFD, IBC 2012 ASD, IBC
2015 LRFD, IBC 2015 ASD AND CSA S136 2007 LSD
The buckling length are:
• Lx = Stud Height
• Ly = Nog Spacing
• Lt = Min (Lx, Ly) ABNT NBR 14762:2009, NASH AS 2010, AS 3623-1993, NASH NZ 2010, AS/NZS 1170:2002
SANS 517:2013
The buckling lengths are:
• Lx = 0.8 x Stud Height
• Ly = 0.8 x Nog Spacing
• Lt = Min (Lx, Ly) GB 50009-2012
The buckling lengths are:
• Lx = 0.8 x Stud Height
• Ly = Nog Spacing
• Lt = Min (Lx, Ly)
N Compression Load
M Bending Moment
Pn Compression Capacity of the stud. See Appendix B for calculation details.
Mnx Bending Capacity of the stud. See Appendix B for calculation details.
𝛼𝑥 Magnification factors 𝛼𝑥 = 1 - |N|/PEx
𝜋2 𝐸𝐼𝑥
PEx Elastic Buckling Strength PEx =
𝐿𝑥 2
N Compression Load
M Bending Moment
Nc Member Compression Capacity of the stud. See Appendix B for calculation details.
Mnc Member Bending Capacity of the stud. See Appendix B for calculation details. IBC 2012 LRFD, IBC 2015 LRFD, AND IBC 2018 LRFD
LC1 1.2G + 1.6Q1 Strength check
LC2 1.2G + 0.5Q3 + 1.6S Strength check
LC3 1.2G + 1.6Q3 + 0.5S Strength check
LC4 1.2G + 1.6 P1 Strength check
LC5 1.2G + 1.0Wd + 0.5Q2 Strength check
LC6 0.9G + 1.0Wu Strength check
LC7 G + Q1 Serviceability check
LC8 0.42 Wu Serviceability check
LC9 P1 Serviceability check
LC10 1.0Wh Face Strength check
LC11 0.42 Wu Face Serviceability check IBC 2012 ASD, IBC 2015 ASD, AND IBC 2018 ASD
LC1 1.0G + 1.0Q1 Strength check
LC2 1.0G + 1.0S Strength check
LC3 1.0G + 0.75Q3 + 0.75S Strength check
LC4 1.0G + 1.0 P1 Strength check
LC5 1.0G + 0.45Wd + 0.75Q2 Strength check
LC6 1.0G + 0.6 Wu Strength check
LC7 G + Q1 Serviceability check
LC8 0.42Wu Serviceability check
LC9 P1 Serviceability check
LC10 0.6Wh Face Strength check
LC11 0.42 Wu Face Serviceability check GB 50009-2012
LC1 1.2G + 1.4Q1 Strength check
LC2 1.35G + 1.0Q1 Strength check
LC3 1.2G + 1.4Q3 + 1.0S Strength check
LC4 1.2G + 1.0Q3 + 1.4S Strength check
LC5 1.2G + 1.4Q3 + 1.0S Strength check
LC6 1.2G + 1.4 P1 Strength check
LC7 G + Q1 Serviceability check
LC8 0.6 Wu Serviceability check
LC9 P1 Serviceability check
LC10 1.4Wh Face Strength check
LC11 0.6 Wu Face Serviceability check
• Webbed – No L plate
• 1 L plated Webbed Head – 1 Top L plate
• 2 L plated Webbed Head – 2 Top L plate
𝑁𝑝 Number of L Plate
𝑁𝑠 Number of screws on the bottom chord of the header.
= 2 When double screwed
MnxoLE Bending Section Capacity of Section Shape LE (Weak axis)
VnLE Shear Capacity Minor axis of Section Shape LE*
PnoOE Compression Section Capacity Minor axis of Section Shape OE (unlipped LE)*
PnLE Compression member capacity of section shape LE *
IxLE Second Moment of Inertia of Section Shape LE*
MnxoLN Bending Section Capacity of Section Shape LN (L Plate)
VnLN Shear Capacity Minor axis of Section Shape LN (L Plate)
IxLN Second Moment of Inertia of Section Shape LN (L Plate)
D Header Depth
ζ Flange Height
θ Web Angle with Horizontal
VConn Screw Connection Capacity
Agtop Gross section area of the top plate of the Header
Aghead Gross section area of the bottom plate of the Header
AeLN Effective section area of Section Shape LN (L Plate)
MnxoLC Bending Section Capacity of Section Shape LC (Major axis)*
VnLC Shear Capacity Minor axis of Section Shape LC (Major axis)*
IxLC Second Moment of Inertia of Section Shape LC (Major axis)*
*See Appendix B for calculation details.
𝑁𝑝 Number of L Plate
𝑁𝑠 Number of screws on the bottom chord of the header.
= 2 When double screwed
MnxoLE Bending Section Capacity of Section Shape LE (Weak axis)
VnLE Shear Capacity Minor axis of Section Shape LE*
PnoOE Compression Section Capacity Minor axis of Section Shape OE (unlipped LE)*
PnLE Compression member capacity of section shape LE *
IxLE Second Moment of Inertia of Section Shape LE*
MnxoLN Bending Section Capacity of Section Shape LN (L Plate)
VnLN Shear Capacity Minor axis of Section Shape LN (L Plate)
IxLN Second Moment of Inertia of Section Shape LN (L Plate)
D Header Depth
ζ Flange Height
θ Web Angle with Horizontal
VConn Screw Connection Capacity
Agtop Gross section area of the top plate of the Header
Aghead Gross section area of the bottom plate of the Header
AeLN Effective section area of Section Shape LN (L Plate)
MnxoLC Bending Section Capacity of Section Shape LC (Major axis)*
M Bending Moment
M header Bending capacity of the header
V Shear Load
V header Shear capacity of the header
If the checks fail, the software will automatically add a boxed member to strengthen the failing head and (or)
Head and sill check calculation details are available in the header report.
4.5.2 IBC 2012 LRFD, IBC 2015 LRFD, AND IBC 2018 LRFD
LC1 1.2G + 1.6Q2 + 0.5 Q3
LC2 1.2G + 0.5Q2 + 1.6Q3
LC3 1.2G + 0.5Q2 + 1.6S
LC4 1.2G + 0.5Q2 + 1.0Wd
LC5 0.9G + 1.0Wu
4.5.4 IBC 2012 ASD, IBC 2015 ASD, AND IBC 2018 ASD
LC1 1.0G + 1.0Q2 + 1.0Q3
LC2 1.0G + 0.75Q3 + 0.45S
LC3 1.0G + 1.0S
LC4 1.0G + 0.75Q2 + 0.45Wd
LC5 0.6G + 0.6Wu
4.5.10 GB 50009-2012
LC1 1.2G + 1.4Q2 + 1.0 Q3
LC2 1.2G + 1.0 max(S , Q2)+1.4Q3
LC3 1.2G + 1.0Q3 + 1.4S
LC4 1.2G + 1.0 max(S , Q2)+1.4Wd
LC5 1.0G + 1.4Wu
Additionally, the top plate is checked for specific point loads for trusses with spacing greater than 610 mm
(2’), and for Girder Trusses and Floor Beams in which case an additional stud check is performed to
calculate the number of studs required under those specific point loads. IBC 2012 LRFD, IBC 2015 LRFD, AND IBC 2018 LRFD
LC1 1.2G + 1.6Q2
LC2 1.2G + 0.5Q2 + 1.6S
LC3 1.2G + 1.6Q2 + 0.5S
LC4 1.2G + 1.6 P1
LC5 0.9G + 1.0Wu IBC 2012 ASD, IBC 2015 ASD, AND IBC 2018 ASD
LC1 1.0G + 1.0Q2
LC2 1.0G + 0.75Q2 + 0.45S
LC3 1.0G + 1.0S
LC4 1.0G + 1.0 P1
LC5 0.6G + 0.6Wu GB 50009-2012
LC1 1.2G + 1.4Q2
LC2 1.2G + 1.4S
LC3 1.2G + 1.0S + 1.4 Wd
LC4 1.2G + 1.4P (1.1kN)
LC5 1.0G + 1.4Wu
S Stud spacing
T Truss Spacing
𝑀nxLE Top Plate Bending section capacity. See Appendix B for calculation details
1.15S is used to account for partial moment continuity over stud
e Stud eccentricity
Gup Upward action from load combinations
Gdn Downward action from load combinations
AXwall , AYwall = Wall area for wind force bracing. Taken as half the total wall area (bracing
takes over half of the wind, Hold down takes over the other half)
AXroof , AYroof = Roof area for wind force bracing. Taken as half the projected roof area for a
conservative approach in order to use the following net pressure coefficient.
AXwall , AYwall = Wall area for wind force bracing. Taken as half the total wall area (bracing
takes over half of the wind, Hold down takes over the other half)
AXroof , AYroof = Roof area for wind force bracing. Taken as half the projected roof area for a
conservative approach in order to use the following net pressure coefficient.
AXwall , AYwall = Wall area for wind force bracing. Taken as half the total wall area (bracing
takes over half of the wind, Hold down takes over the other half)
AXroof , AYroof = Roof area for wind force bracing. Taken as half the projected roof area for a
conservative approach in order to use the following net pressure coefficient.
Cx = Net Pressure Coefficient along X direction
If Ax/Ay < 1.5 Cx = 1.2
If 1.5 ≤ Ax/Ay < 2 Cx = 1.1
If 2 ≤ Ax/Ay < 3 Cx = 1.0
If Ax/Ay < 4 Cx = 0.95
Else Cx = 0.9
AXwall , AYwall = Wall area for wind force bracing. Taken as half the total wall area (bracing
takes over half of the wind, Hold down takes over the other half)
AXroof , AYroof = Roof area for wind force bracing. Taken as half the projected roof area for a
conservative approach in order to use the following net pressure coefficient.
Pw = Wind Pressure (see section 3.3)
Ax = Total Area along X axis (including roof area and wall area when applicable)
Ay = Total Area along Y axis (including roof area and wall area when applicable)
Cx = Net Pressure Coefficient along X axis
If Ax/Ay ≤ 1.5 Cx = 1.2
If Ax/Ay ≤ 2 Cx = 1.1
If Ax/Ay ≤ 3 Cx = 1.0
If Ax/Ay ≥ 4 Cx = 0.95
Else Cx = 0.9
Earthquake code can be selected from the command BSET. The earthquake code available are IBC 2009,
AS 1170.4-2007, NZS 1170.5-2004 and EN 1998-1:2004.
0.66S1F1.I 0.66SsFs.I
Cs Seismic coefficient Cs = max[min( , )]
P.Ru Ru
S1 1s Spectral response
Ss 0.2s Spectral response
P Fundamental Period P = 0.055 Hbuilding0.75
Hbuilding Total building height
Ru Structural response
I Importance factor (depend on the Importance level)
If Level 1 I = 1.0
If Level 2 I = 1.0
If Level 3 I = 1.25
If Level 4 I = 1.5
Fs Site coefficient at short period (See table below)
Za.C.Sp Za
Cs = I.max[max(0.03 , ), + 0.02 ]
Kµ 20
Sp Structural performance factor
If µ < 2 Sp = 1.3 – 0.3 µ
else Sp = 0.7
T Fundamental Period T = 0.055 Hbuilding0.75
Hbuilding Total building height
µ Structural ductility factor (Structural response)
Za Seismic Hasard Coefficient
Kµ Inelastic spectrum scaling factor
If T < 0.7 Kµ = [max(T,0.4) (µ - 1)/0.7] + 1
Else Kµ = µ
I Importance factor (depend on the Importance level)
If Level 1 I = 1.0
If Level 2 I = 1.0
If Level 3 I = 1.3
If Level 4 I = 1.8
C Spectral shape factor (See table below)
Site Subsoil A B C D E
T < 0.5 1.89 1.89 2.36 3.0 3.0
T ≥ 0.5 1.6 1.6 2.0 3.0 3.0
T ≥ 0.6 1.4 1.4 1.74 2.84 3.0
T ≥ 0.7 1.24 1.24 1.55 2.53 3.0
T ≥ 0.8 1.12 1.12 1.41 2.29 3.0
T ≥ 0.9 1.03 1.03 1.29 2.09 3.0
T ≥ 1.0 0.95 0.95 1.19 2.93 3.0
T ≥ 1.5 0.7 0.7 0.88 1.43 2.21
T ≥ 2.0 0.53 0.53 0.66 1.07 1.66
T ≥ 2.5 0.42 0.42 0.53 0.86 1.33
T ≥ 3.0 0.35 0.35 0.44 0.71 1.11
T ≥ 3.5 0.26 0.26 0.32 0.52 0.81
T ≥ 4.5 0.16 0.16 0.2 0.32 0.49
I Importance factor
If Structure Type 1 I = 1.0
If Structure Type 2 I = 1.0
If Structure Type 3 I = 1.25
If Structure Type 4 I = 1.0
C Spectral shape factor (See table below)
Earthquake A B C D E
T ≤ 0.3 2.35 2.94 3.68 3.68 3.68
T ≤ 0.4 1.76 2.20 3.12 3.68 3.68
T ≤ 0.5 1.41 1.76 2.5 3.68 3.68
T ≤ 0.6 1.17 1.47 2.08 3.30 3.68
T ≤ 0.7 1.01 1.26 1.79 2.83 3.68
T ≤ 0.8 0.88 1.10 1.56 2.48 3.68
T ≤ 0.9 0.78 0.98 1.39 2.20 3.42
T ≤ 1.0 0.70 0.88 1.25 1.98 3.08
T ≤ 1.2 0.59 0.73 1.04 1.65 2.57
T ≤ 1.5 0.47 0.59 0.83 1.32 2.05
T ≤ 1.7 0.37 0.46 0.65 1.03 1.60
T ≤ 2.0 0.26 0.33 0.47 0.74 1.16
T ≤ 2.5 0.17 0.21 0.30 0.48 0.74
T ≤ 3.0 0.12 0.15 0.21 0.33 0.51
T ≤ 3.5 0.086 0.11 0.15 0.24 0.38
T ≤ 4.5 0.066 0.083 0.12 0.19 0.29 EN 1998-1:2004
∑𝑛𝑗=𝑖 𝑊𝑖𝐻𝑖
Vi Earthquake Shear Force (kN) at level i Vi = Vbase 𝑛
∑𝑗=𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑊𝑖𝐻𝑖
Sd Structural performance factor
If P ≤ Tb Sd = S.[0.66 +P((2.5/q)-0.66)/Tb)]
If P > Tb and P ≤ Tc Sd = S. (2.5/q)
If P > Tc and P ≤ 2 Sd = max(S. (2.5/q).Tc / P , 0.2)
If P > 2 Sd = max(S. (2.5/q).Tc.2 /P2 , 0.2)
P Fundamental Period P = 0.055 Hbuilding0.75
Hbuilding Total building height
a Seismic Hasard Coefficient
S, Tc, Tb Site coefficient (see table below)
q Seismic behavior coefficient (structural response factor)
S 1.0 1.2 1.15 1.35 1.4
Tb 0.15 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.15
Tc 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.5
User Inputs IBC 2009, IBC 2012, IBC 2015, AND IBC 2018
Cstrap = min(Tnstrap , Vconstrap). Cos( atan(H/L) )
Cov = Ø (CHD + 0.9G . L / 2) . L / H
Tnstrap = Tension capacity of the strap
Tnstrap = min[Øtu (Wstrap – 6.5mm) t Fu , Øty (Wstrap) t
Fy ]
Vconstrap= Strap Connection strength
Vconstrap= qty . Øc min[ (2.7 t Fu d) ,( 4.2(t3d)1/2 Fu) ]
H = Wall height
L = Horizontal projection of the strap brace length
CHD = Hold down capacity
G = Dead Load + Self Weight (kN / m)
Wstrap = Strap Brace width
qty = quantity of Screw at each end of the strap fix brace (specified on drawing)
d = Screw diameter
Ø = capacity reduction factor EN 1998-1:2004
Cstrap = min(Tnstrap , Vconstrap). Cos( atan(H/L) )
Cov = (CHD + 0.9G . L / 2) . L / H
Tnstrap = Tension capacity of the strap
Tnstrap = Wstrap t Fya
Fya increased average yield strength
Fya = min [ Fy + (Fu-Fy).7.n.t2/Ag , (fy+fu)/2 ]
n o
Number of 90 bends in the cross section
Vconstrap= Strap Connection strength
Vconstrap= Øc qty . min[ (2.7 t Fu d) ,( 4.2(t3d)1/2 Fu) ]
H = Wall height
L = Horizontal projection of the strap brace length
CHD = Hold down capacity
G = Dead Load + Self Weight (kN / m)
Wstrap = Strap Brace width
qty = quantity of Screw at each end of the strap fix brace (specified on drawing)
d = Screw diameter
Øc = capacity reduction factor Øc = 0.5
CKbrace = VconKbrace. Cos( atan(NS/min(SS,L) )
Cov = Ø (CHD + 0.9G . L ) . L / H IBC 2009, IBC 2012, IBC 2015, AND IBC 2018
For IBC LRFD Øc = 0.5
For IBC ASD Øc = 1/Ωty = 1/3
For CSA S136 2007 LSD Øc = 0.4
For ABNT NBR 14762:2009 Øc = 0.5
H = Wall height
Cbrace = Capacity per meter of the board (This value comes from the datafile).
CHD = Hold down capacity
G = Dead Load + Self Weight (kN / m)
L = Horizontal projection of the K brace length
Ø = capacity reduction factor Ø = 1.0
H = Wall height
Cbrace = Capacity per meter of the board (This value comes from the datafile).
CHD = Hold down capacity
Lx,y = Length of sheathed wall along the X or Y direction excluding opening width and
braced length.
Ø = capacity reduction factor Ø = 1.0
Roof pitch
Ceiling depth 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
4000 7100 6700 6400 6000 5400 4900 4400
5000 8800 8200 7600 7100 6100 5600 4800
6000 9000 9000 8800 8100 6700 6100 5200
7000 9000 9000 9000 9000 7200 6500 5500
8000 9000 9000 9000 9000 7600 6800 5700
9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 8000 7100 5900
10000 9000 9000 9000 9000 8400 7400 6000
11000 9000 9000 9000 9000 8700 7600 6200
12000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 7900 6400
13000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 8100 6500
14000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 8300 6600
15000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 8400 6800
16000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 8600 6900
Roof pitch
Ceiling depth 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
4000 4800 4500 4300 4000 3600 3300 2900
5000 5900 5500 5100 4800 4100 3800 3300
6000 7000 6400 5900 5500 4500 4100 3500
7000 8000 7300 6600 6100 4800 4400 3700
8000 9000 8100 7300 6500 5100 4600 3800
9000 9000 8900 8000 6800 5400 4800 3900
10000 9000 9000 8500 7100 5600 4900 4100
11000 9000 9000 9000 7500 5800 5100 4200
12000 9000 9000 9000 7800 6100 5300 4300
13000 9000 9000 9000 8000 6200 5400 4400
14000 9000 9000 9000 8300 6400 5600 4500
15000 9000 9000 9000 8500 6600 5700 4500
16000 9000 9000 9000 8800 6700 5800 4600 AS 3623-1993, NASH NZ 2010, AS/NZS 1170, ABNT NBR 14762:2009 SNIP 2.01.07-85:2011, EN
1990:2002-MEAN, EN 1990:2002-GUST, GB 5009-2012 and SANS 517:2013
S = Maximum Spacing of Bracing Walls. This value is defined in the data file.
Torque Check
𝑊 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑊 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑊 𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡 𝑊 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
≤1 and ≤1 and ≤1 and ≤1
𝑀𝑤 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑀𝑤 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑀𝑤 𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡 𝑀𝑤 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
𝑊𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑟 = Torque Demand at the rear of the building 𝑊𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑟 = 𝑊𝑋 (𝑌𝑊𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 − 𝑌𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑟 )
𝑊𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡 = Torque Demand at the front of the building 𝑊𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡 = 𝑊𝑋 (𝑌𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡 − 𝑌𝑊𝑖𝑛𝑑𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 )
𝑊𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡 = Torque Demand at the left of the building 𝑊𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡 = 𝑊𝑌 (𝑋𝑊𝑖𝑛𝑑𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 − 𝑋𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡 )
𝑊𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 = Torque Demand at the right of the building 𝑊𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 = 𝑊𝑌 (𝑋𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 − 𝑋𝑊𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 )
Each external wall in any storey shall have a total bracing capacity greater than 0.6 kN per meter of external
wall length.
𝑅𝑒 > 0.6 𝑘𝑁/𝑚
The Brace analysis Rigid diaphragm method can be select in the command BSET, “brace engineering”.
Bracing Bay Shear Wall actions, Drifts, and Chord Stud actions are calculated considering a rigid diaphragm.
Only Strap X bracing and Panel bracing (sheathing) are included in bracing evaluation.
Evaluation method follows guidance of the IBC Structural / Seismic Design manual part 2. Method is suitable
for low-rise light frame buildings. Building model storey eccentricity is calculated explicitly, plus 5% accidental
eccentricity for seismic actions. Bracing bay stiffness and drift ratios are calculated considering bracing bay
level only (not considering any deformation in lower levels) as per the IBC Manual.
Chord stud vertical actions from bracing bays are summed down the building and specific stud design carried
out for Load Bearing and Structural Wall Panels.
NOTE: Openings are not designed for loads brace chord studs (but software will still consider the bracing in
the lateral analysis) – therefore bracing should not be modelled over openings.
𝐹𝑤𝑗 Lateral wind shear Force resisted by the jth shear wall
𝐹𝑤𝑋𝑗 The wind shear force resisted by the jth shear wall along the X direction
𝐾𝑋𝑗 𝐿𝑋𝑗 𝐾𝑋𝑗 𝐿𝑋𝑗 .𝑎.𝑏𝑗
𝐹𝑤𝑋𝑗 = ∑𝑛
Wx + Wx
𝑖=1 𝐾𝑋𝑖 𝐿𝑋𝑖 𝐾𝑜𝑥
𝐹𝑤𝑌𝑗 The wind shear force resisted by the jth shear wall along the Y direction
𝐾𝑌𝑗𝐿𝑌𝑗 𝐾𝑌𝑗𝐿𝑌𝑗 .𝑎.𝑏𝑗
𝐹𝑤𝑌𝑗 = ∑𝑛
Wy + Wy
𝑖=1 𝐾𝑌𝑖 𝐿𝑌𝑖 𝐾𝑜𝑦
Kox Rotation Stiffness along X axis Kox = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝐾𝑋𝑖 𝐿𝑋𝑖 . 𝑏𝑗2
Koy Rotation Stiffness along Y axis Koy = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝐾𝑌𝑖 𝐿𝑌𝑖 . 𝑏𝑗2
a Distance from the centre of area and the centre of rigidity. Use the projection along Y for the
calculation of 𝐹𝑤𝑋𝑗 and the projection along X for the calculation of 𝐹𝑤𝑌𝑗
𝑏𝑗 Distance from the jth shear wall and the centre of rigidity. Use the projection along Y for the
calculation of 𝐹𝑤𝑋𝑗 and the projection along X for the calculation of 𝐹𝑤𝑌𝑗
𝐾𝑋𝑗 , 𝐾𝑌𝑗 The shear rigidity of the jth shear wall per unit of length along X & Y directions.
Two components
• Bracing stiffness: Calculated value for strap brace from material properties and geometry. Datafile
specified values for Panel brace – Standard values shown in the table below.
• Hold-down stiffness: Calculated value for 1.6 mm (1/16”) base end vertical deformation
Stiffness values have been evaluated at Service Strength levels (0.4 times nominal shear strength)
𝑅𝑛𝑗 Nominal Shear Strength of the shear wall j. Calculated value for strap brace to AISI standards.
Datafile specified values for Panel brace – Standard values shown in the table below.
Nominal shear strength and Stiffness
Metric notation Imperial notation Rn wind Stiffness
(kN/m) (kN/m/m)
11mm OSB- 150 / 300 7/16 OSB-6/12 13.3 625
11mm OSB-100/300 7/16 OSB-4/12 20.6 1080
12mm Ply-150/300 15/32 Ply-6/12 15.5 580
12.5mm Gyp-150/300 1/2 Gyp-6/12 3.85 250
12.5mm Gyp-150/300 1/2 Gyp-4/12 4.30 330
2.5mm Gyp-200/300 1/2 Gyp-8/12 3.40 170
1. The stiffness values have been calculated for a wall height of 2400mm (8’). Stiffness are scaled by ratio
(height/2400) for other wall heights
2. The notation 150/300 (respectively 6/12) refers to the screw spacing at panel Edge/Fields in mm
(respectively inch)
≤ 1 JGJ 227-2011(8.2.4-2)
Ø𝐸 𝑅𝑛𝑗
𝐹𝐸𝑗 Lateral earthquake shear Force resisted by the jth shear wall
𝐹𝐸𝑋𝑗 The wind earthquake force resisted by the jth shear wall along the X direction
𝐾𝑋𝑗 𝐿𝑋𝑗 𝐾𝑋𝑗 𝐿𝑋𝑗 .𝑎.𝑏𝑗 𝐾𝑋𝑗 𝐿𝑋𝑗 𝐾𝑋𝑗 𝐿𝑋𝑗 .𝑎.𝑏𝑗
𝐹𝐸𝑋𝑗 = 𝑉𝑖 . max (( ∑𝑛 + + 𝑀𝑡𝑎𝑋 ) , ( ∑𝑛 − − 𝑀𝑡𝑎𝑋 ))
𝑖=1 𝐾𝑋𝑖 𝐿𝑋𝑖 𝐾𝑜𝑥 𝑖=1 𝐾𝑋𝑖 𝐿𝑋𝑖 𝐾𝑜𝑥
𝐹𝑤𝑌𝑗 The wind shear force resisted by the jth shear wall along the Y direction
𝐾𝑌𝑗 𝐿𝑌𝑗 𝐾𝑌𝑗𝐿𝑌𝑗 .𝑎.𝑏𝑗 𝐾𝑌𝑗𝐿𝑌𝑗 𝐾𝑌𝑗 𝐿𝑌𝑗 .𝑎.𝑏𝑗
𝐹𝐸𝑌𝑗 = 𝑉𝑖 . max (( ∑𝑛 + + 𝑀𝑡𝑎𝑌 ) , ( ∑𝑛 + − 𝑀𝑡𝑎𝑌 ))
𝑖=1 𝐾𝑌𝑖 𝐿𝑌𝑖 𝐾𝑜𝑦 𝑖=1 𝐾𝑌𝑖 𝐿𝑌𝑖 𝐾𝑜𝑦
𝑀𝑡𝑎𝑋 , 𝑀𝑡𝑎𝑌 Accidental torsional moment caused by assumed displacement of the center of mass each
way by 5% of the building width.
𝐾𝑋𝑗 𝐿𝑋𝑗 .𝑏𝑗𝑊𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ𝑌
𝑀𝑡𝑎𝑋 = 0.05
𝐾𝑌𝑗𝐿𝑌𝑗 .𝑏𝑗 𝑊𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ𝑋
𝑀𝑡𝑎𝑌 = 0.05
Kox Rotation Stiffness along X axis Kox = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝐾𝑋𝑖 𝐿𝑋𝑖 . 𝑏𝑗2
Koy Rotation Stiffness along Y axis Koy = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝐾𝑌𝑖 𝐿𝑌𝑖 . 𝑏𝑗2
a Distance from the centre of mass and the centre of rigidity. Use the projection along Y for the
calculation of 𝐹𝐸𝑋𝑗 and the projection along X for the calculation of 𝐹𝐸𝑌𝑗
𝑏𝑗 Distance from the jth shear wall and the centre of rigidity. Use the projection along Y for the
calculation of 𝐹𝐸𝑋𝑗 and the projection along X for the calculation of 𝐹𝐸𝑌𝑗
𝐾𝑋𝑗 , 𝐾𝑌𝑗 The shear rigidity of the jth shear wall per unit of length along X & Y directions.
Two components
• Bracing stiffness: Calculated value for strap brace form material properties and geometry. Datafile
specified values for Panel brace – Standard values shown in the table below.
• Hold-down stiffness: Calculated value for 1.6 mm (1/16”) base end vertical deformation
Stiffness values have been evaluated at Service Strength levels (0.4 times nominal shear strength)
𝐿𝑋𝑗 Length of the jth shear wall along X direction
𝐿𝑌𝑗 Length of the jth shear wall along Y direction
1. The stiffness values have been multiplied by a wall height of 2400mm (8’). Stiffness are scaled by ratio
(height/2400) for other wall heights
2. The notation 150/300 (respectively 6/12) refers to the screw spacing at panel Edge/Fields in mm
(respectively inch)
Deflection ratio for wind along the Y direction
𝛥𝑦 𝑊𝑦
𝐻 𝐿𝑠 𝐾𝑦
≤ 1/40
Deflection ratio for earthquake along the X direction
𝛥𝑥 𝑉𝑖
= Cd.
𝐻 𝐿𝑠 𝐾𝑥
Deflection ratio for wind along the Y direction
𝛥𝑦 𝑉𝑖
𝐻 𝐿𝑠 𝐾𝑥
𝐿𝑠 Earthquake Load factor for deflection (= Earthquake design load combination factor)
For IBC LRFD Ls = 1.0
For IBC ASD Ls = 0.7
For CSA S136 2007 LSD Ls = 1.0
𝐹𝑤𝑗 Lateral wind shear Force resisted by the jth shear wall
𝐿𝑋𝑗 Length of the jth shear wall along X direction
𝐿𝑌𝑗 Length of the jth shear wall along Y direction
H Wall height
𝐹𝐸𝑗 Lateral earthquake shear Force resisted by the jth shear wall
𝐿𝑋𝑗 Length of the jth shear wall along X direction
𝐿𝑌𝑗 Length of the jth shear wall along Y direction
H Wall height
Ω𝑜 System Overstrength factor (to be input in command BSET)
Truss frames are analysed via a 2D plane frame analysis. The software takes the truss or rafter from the
detail drawing and reduces it to an Engineering model (single line drawing) using the centroid of each
member as the reference points. Apparent intersections are identified creating node points with connecting
lines. Each line is then subdivided into two or more members; this enables more accurate bending and
deflection calculations. Members are assigned gross sectional properties that are calculated for the selected
section. For each load case, the software calculates and applies the total combined forces imposed on each
node and element.
Member section capacities are calculated for the effective sectional properties. The effective sectional
properties vary with the length and constraint conditions of each member. The effective lengths of a member
are taken to be the distance between the truss connection joints (in-plane) and the specified spacing of
restraining members (roof and ceiling battens).
On the completion of the analysis, the overall truss is checked for serviceability deflections and each
member is checked for strength compliance with the code. The screwed, riveted or bolted joints are all
designed by the software based on the largest terminating load at that point. Whilst the software designs the
required fasteners at each joint, it does not do any checks to ensure that the quantity of fasteners will fit
within the allowed space.
To determine the wind pressure on the top chord, only consider the external pressure coefficient (Ce).
To determine the wind pressure on the bottom chord, only consider the internal pressure coefficient (Ci).
For eaves, specific wind pressure coefficients are used in order to take in account the wind pressure on the
underside of an eave. IBC 2009 LRFD, IBC 2009 ASD, IBC 2012 LRFD, IBC 2012 ASD, IBC 2015 LRFD, IBC 2015 ASD,
Wu Wind Upward Wu = Pw Cp-
Cp- Net Pressure Coefficient Upward Cp- = Ce + Ci CSA S136 2007 LSD, NBCC 2010, NBCC 2015, AND ABNT NBR 14762:2009.
Wu Wind Upward Wu = Pw Cp-
Cp- Net Pressure Coefficient Upward Cp- = Ce + Ci GB 50009-2012
Wu Wind Upward Wu = Pw Cp-
Cp- Net Pressure Coefficient Upward Cp- = Ce + Ci
Note that in the Engineering model, in case a node is connected to 4 members, the unreinforced chords and
rails of this connection will be made effectively non-structural. IBC 2012 LRFD, IBC 2015 LRFD, AND IBC 2018 LRFD
LC1 0.42Wu Serviceability check
LC2 1.0G Serviceability check
LC3 Max (1.0Q, 1.0S) Serviceability check
LC4 1.2G + 1.6Q Strength check
LC5 0.9G + 1.0Wu Strength check
LC6 0.9G + 1.0Ww Strength check
LC7 0.9G + 1.0Wl Strength check
LC8 1.2G + 1.0Ww + 0.5Max (Q,S) Strength check
LC9 1.2G + 1.0Wl + 0.5Max (Q,S) Strength check
LC10 1.2G + 0.5Ww + 1.6Max (Q,S) Strength check
LC11 1.2G + 0.5Ww + 1.6Max (Q,S) Strength check
LC12 1.2G + 1.6S (if S>0) Strength check
LC13 1.2G + 1.6 Pe Strength check IBC 2012 ASD, IBC 2015 ASD, AND IBC 2018 ASD
LC1 0.42Wu Serviceability check
LC2 1.0G Serviceability check
LC3 Max (1.0Q, 1.0S) Serviceability check
LC4 1.0G + 1.0Q Strength check
LC5 0.6G + 0.6Wu Strength check
LC6 0.6G + 0.6Ww Strength check
LC7 0.6G + 0.6Wl Strength check
LC8 1.0G + 0.45Ww + 0.75Max(Q,S) Strength check
LC9 1.0G + 0.45Wl + 0.75Max(Q,S) Strength check
LC10 1.0G + 1.0S (if S>0) Strength check
LC11 1.0G + 1.0 Pe Strength check AS 3623-1993
LC1 0.44Wu Serviceability check
LC2 1.0G Serviceability check
LC3 Max (1.0Q, 0.7S) Serviceability check
LC4 1.2G + 1.5Q Strength check
LC5 0.9G + 1.0Wu Strength check
LC6 1.2G + 1.0S (if S > 0) Strength check
LC7 1.2G + 1.5 Pe Strength check GB 50009-2012
LC1 0.6Wu Serviceability check
LC2 1.0G Serviceability check
LC3 Max (1.0Q, 1.0S) Serviceability check
• Section Bending Capacity (+ve) 0.8 x Lipped section capacity used typically
• Section Bending Capacity (+ve) Unlipped Section Capacity + 0.2 x Lipped section capacity used at
joints (allowance for moment redistribution) for section bending check for members longer than 1.4
times member depth and pin end members.
• Section Bending Capacity (+ve) Unlipped Section Capacity used at joints for section bending check
for top chord eave member longer than 1.4 times member depth.
At lip cut locations where the moment demand exceeds the design section capacity, a reinforcing plate is
detailed. The Design strength of the plated section is set at 1.0 x the Lipped section capacity
o LE, LF: model pin moment connection, nominal axial stiffness (1/1000 Ag), nominal section
compression strength (1/100 Ns)
o LCLE: Section compression strength = 0.5 x LCLE section compression capacity, Section
bending strength = 0.5 x LCLE section bending capacity
For Top and Bottom Chord of Back to Back trusses, the compression capacity calculation takes in account
the requirements of the American standard for compression members having one flange through-fastened to
sheathing (AISI S100-2007 D.6.1.3).
In case of close Battened (batten spacing < 410 mm), the minimum torsion axial buckling Strength Fez is in
accordance of AISI S100-2007 D6.1.3 and AS/NZS 4600:2005 3.4.7:
b Flange width
d Web depth
Øc capacity reduction factor
For AISI S100-07 LRFD Øc = 0.85
For AISI S100-07 LSD Øc = 0.80
For AISI S100-07 ASD Øc = 1/Ωv = 1/1.80
• At physical member ends: Section compression strength = 0.5 x built up-section compression
capacity to take consideration of difficulty in constructing a full-strength connection.
VM% Combined Shear and bending check ratio
Mf Moment of resistance of a cross-section consisting of the effective area of flanges
Mpl Plastic moment of resistance of the cross-section
VM% Combined Shear and bending check ratio
N% Compression check ratio
T% Tension check ratio
Ms% Section Bending check ratio
V% Shear check ratio
TM% Combined tension and bending check ratio
Mscomp% Bending check ratio for the maximum compressive stress =
Msten% Bending check ratio for the maximum tensile stress.
T% Tension check ratio
CM% Combined compression and bending check ratio
𝐿/𝑟 𝐿/𝑟
R = Eccentricity moment reduction factor = max[(-( )2 + – 0.22), 0.6]
173 88
(AISI S214-12 Eq D4.4-3)
r = Y axis Radius of gyration
L = Unbraced Length of the compression web member
𝛼𝑥 Magnification factors 𝛼𝑦 = 1 - |N|/PEx
PEx Elastic Buckling Strength
CM% Combined compression and bending check ratio IBC 2009 LRFD, IBC 2009 ASD, IBC 2012 LRFD, IBC 2012 ASD, IBC 2015 LRFD, IBC 2015 ASD, IBC
2018 LRFD, IBC 2018 ASD, CSA S136 2007 LSD, NBCC 2010, NBCC 2015, ABNT NBR 14762:2009,
NASH AS 2010, AS 3623-1993, NASH NZ 201, AS/NZS 1170:2002, SANS 517:2013 and GB 50009-
< 100%
Vjoint Joint capacity Vjoint = Ø Nscrew Pns
V Maximum joint load at the node
Nscrew = Number of screws per joint (Refer to CAD drawing)
Pns Nominal shear strength per screw limited by tilting and bearing
Pns = min(Pnsb , Pnst)
t = Material Thickness
d = Screw diameter
Fu = Tensile strength
Ø Capacity reduction factor for screw connections
For AISI S100-07 LRFD Øbx = 0.50
For AISI S100-07 LSD Øbx = 0.40
For AISI S100-07 ASD Øbx = 1/Ωbx = 1/3.0
For AS/NZS 4600 Øbx = 0.50
Vjoint Joint capacity Vjoint = Nscrew Fb,Rd
V Maximum joint load at the node
Nscrew = Number of screws per joint (Refer to CAD drawing)
Fb,Rd Nominal shear strength per screw
Fb,Rd = min(𝛼,2.1).Fy.d.t / 1.25 EN 1993-1-3: Table (8.2)
𝛼 = 3.2.(t/d)0.5 EN 1993-1-3: Table (8.2)
t = Material Thickness
d = Screw diameter
Fu = Tensile strength
Structure calculates the extra roof loaded area carried by the girder truss from the supported trusses, and
reports this as the Additional Supported Area. The load from the Additional Supported Area is applied as a
uniform load to the bottom chord of the girder truss.
Girder trusses generated using the layout command RS or TD will be assigned a Truss Spacing equal to half
the distance to the next truss (on the opposite side to the oncoming supported trusses). This takes account
of the portion of load that will be applied to the girder truss from attached battens. Loads for the Truss
Spacing will be applied to the girder chords as for a normal truss.
Structure will insert back to back studs in wall frames under each girder truss support location.
When a girder truss is sitting over an opening, the loads on the opening will consider the girder truss load
including the Additional Supported Area, and add it to the Uniform Distributed Load over the opening.
In case of the Additional Supported Area > 2.2 x Truss Span x Truss Spacing, the following warning
message will appear “Girder loading onto an opening… Engineering advice required…
6 Floor Engineering
Floor frames are analysed via a 2D plane frame analysis. The software takes the joist from the detail
drawing and reduces it to an Engineering model (single line drawing) using the centroid of each member as
the reference points. For Webbed Joists, apparent intersections are identified creating node points with
connecting lines. Each line is then subdivided into two or more members for the top chord; this enables
more accurate bending and deflection calculations. For Deep C joist, node points are automatically created
along the joist centred from the middle at a distance D = max (Span/8, 1.5XH) with H the height of the Deep
C joist, and the span the distance between supports. Additionally, node added at each side of a support at a
distance H.
Members are assigned gross sectional properties that are calculated for the selected section. For each load
case, the software calculates and applies the total combined forces imposed on each node and element.
Member section capacities are calculated are for the effective sectional properties. These effective sectional
properties vary with the length and constraint conditions of each member. The effective lengths of a member
are taken to be the distance between the joist connection joints (in-plane) and the specified spacing of
restraining members (ceiling battens).
On the completion of the analysis, the overall Joist is checked for serviceability deflections and each member
is checked for strength compliance with the code. The screwed, riveted or bolted joints are all designed by
the software based on the largest terminating load at that point. Whilst the software designs the required
fasteners at each joint, it does not do any checks to ensure that the quantity of fasteners will fit within the
allowed space.
Note that in the Engineering model, in case a node is connected to 4 members, those members will be made
effectively non-structural. IBC 2009 LRFD, IBC 2012 LRFD, IBC 2015 LRFD, AND IBC 2018 LRFD
LC1 1.0Q Serviceability check
LC2 1.0G + 1.0Q Serviceability check
LC3 1.2G + 1.6Q Strength check
LC4 1.2G + 1.6S + 0.5Q (if S>0) Strength check
LC5 1.0G + 1.6P Strength check
LC6 1.2G + 0.5Q + 1.0Drag (if Drag >0) Strength check
LC7 1.2G + 0.5Q - 1.0Drag (if Drag >0) Strength check IBC 2009 ASD, IBC 2012 ASD, IBC 2015 ASD, AND IBC 2018 ASD
LC1 1.0Q Serviceability check
LC2 1.0G + 1.0Q Serviceability check
LC3 1.0G + 1.0Q Strength check
LC4 1.0G + 1.0S + 0.75Q (if S>0) Strength check
LC5 1.0G + 1.0P Strength check
LC6 1.0G + 1.0Drag (if Drag >0) Strength check
LC7 1.0G - 1.0Drag (if Drag >0) Strength check
At lip cut locations where the moment demand exceeds the design section capacity, a reinforcing plate is
detailed. The Design strength of the plated section is set at 1.0 x the Lipped section capacity
VM% Combined Shear and bending check ratio
FRAMECAD Structure determines load from each on-coming joists and applies it as a point load at the
connection point location.
Floor Beams generated using the layout command JD will be assigned a Joist Spacing equal to half the
distance to the next joist (on the opposite side to the oncoming supported joists). This takes account of the
portion of load that will be applied to the floor beam from attached flooring. Loads for the Joist Spacing will
be applied to the beam chords as for a normal joist.
Structure will insert back to back studs in wall frames under each floor joist support location.
When a floor beam is sitting over an opening, the loads on the opening will consider the oncoming floor
beam loads, and add it to the Uniform Distributed Load over the opening.
In case of the Additional Supported Area > 2.2 x Truss Span x Truss Spacing, the following warning
message will appear “Girder loading onto an opening… Engineering advice required…
Aw Area of Web element Aw = h.t
Fv Nominal Shear stress C3.2.1-1
For h/t ≤ (5.34E / Fy)0.5 Fv = 0.60 Fy
For h/t ≤ 1.51 (5.34E / Fy)0.5 Fv = 0.60 (5.34EFy)0.5/(h/t)
For h/t > 1.51(5.34E / Fy)0.5 Fv = 4.827E / (h/t)2
h Depth of flat portion of web (see figure)
t Thickness of material
Fe Elastic buckling stress Fe = CbAgro1 (FeyFez) 0.5 / Sf
Sf full sectional modulus
Cb Bending Coefficient Cb = 1
Fex = ∏2E/ (Lx / rx) 2
Fey = ∏2E/(Ly / ry) 2
Fez = (GJ/Agro12) (1 + ∏2ECw/ (GJLx2))
Aw Area of Web element Aw = 2.h.t
Fv Nominal Shear stress See section B.1.2 for calculation details
h Depth of flat portion of web (see figure)
t Thickness of material
Øbxo = capacity reduction factor See section B.1.4 for calculation details
Øbx = capacity reduction factor See section B.1.4 for calculation details
FRAMECAD Structure is considering that back to back section (LD) and boxed sections (LB) are twice the
capacity of a single Section LC in tension, shear, compression and bending.
This is a more conservative approach than considering built up section capacities which would require the
two sections to be screwed together at close centers in accordance with the design standard.
Tension Section Capacity TnLD = TnLB = 2 TnLC
Shear Section Capacity VnLD = VnLB = 2 VnLC
Compression section capacity PnoLD = PnoLB = 2 PnoLC
Compression member capacity PnLD = PnLB = 2 PnLC
Bending section capacity MnxoLD = MnxoLB = 2 MnxoLC
Bending member capacity MnxLD = MnxLB = 2 MnxLC
Fn Critical stress
For λc ≤ 1.5 Fn = (0.658λc2)Fy
For λc > 1.5 Fn = (0.877/λc2)Fy
λc Slenderness factor λc = (Fy/Foc)0.5
Foc = (0.5 / β)[(Fox + Foz) – ((Fox + Foz)2 - 4βFoxFoz)0.5]
β = 1 – (xo / ro)2
Fox = ∏2E/(λx)2
Foy = ∏2E/(λy)2
Foz = (GJ/Agro12)(1 + ∏2EIw/(GJLx2))
λx = Lx / rx
λy = Ly / ry
xo = Distance from shear center to centroid
ro = Polar radius of gyration
rx,y = Radius of gyration
Lx,y = Buckling length
G = Shear Modulus
J = Saint-Venant torsion constant
Iw = Torsion Warping constant
Øc = capacity reduction factor Øc = 0.85
Zf Full unreduced section modulus for the extreme compression fiber
My Moment causing initial yield My = Zf Fy
λb slenderness ratio λb = (My / Mo )0.5
Mo Elastic buckling stress Mo = CbAgro1 (FoyFoz) 0.5
Sf full sectional modulus
Cb Bending Coefficient Cb = 1
Foy = ∏2E/(Ly / ry) 2
Foz = (GJ/Agro12) (1 + ∏2EIw/ (GJLx2))
Zf Full unreduced section modulus for the extreme compression fiber
My Moment causing initial yield My = Zf Fy
λb slenderness ratio λb = (My / Mo )0.5
Mo Elastic buckling stress
Mo = CsAgFox [j + Cs(j2 + ro2Foy/Foz) 0.5 ] / CTF
CTF End moment coefficient for lateral torsional buckling
Cs Lateral torsional buckling coefficient
FRAMECAD Structure is considering that back to back section (LD) and boxed sections (LB) are twice the
capacity of a single Section LC in tension, shear, compression and bending.
This is a more conservative approach than considering built up section capacities which would require the 2
sections to be screwed together at closed centres in accordance with the design standard.
Tension Section Capacity NtLD = NtLB = 2 NtLC
Shear Section Capacity VvLD = VvLB = 2 VvLC
Compression section capacity NsLD = NsLB = 2 NsLC
Compression member capacity NbLD = NbLB = 2 NbLC
Bending section capacity MsLD = MsLB = 2 MsLC
Bending member capacity MbLD = MbLB = 2 MbLC
hw Web element Height
tw Thickness of the web element
fbv Shear Strength
If λw≤0.83 fbv = 0.58Fy EN 1993-1-3:
If λw≥1.4 fbv = 0.67Fy/( λw)2 EN 1993-1-3:
Else fbv = 0.48Fy/ λw EN 1993-1-3:
λw Web Slenderness = (0.346hw / tw)(fyb / E)0.5 EN 1993-1-3:
bw depth of flange element
See section D.1.2 for calculation details
FRAMECAD Structure is considering that back to back section (LD) and boxed sections (LB) are twice the
capacity of a single Section LC in tension, shear, compression and bending.
This is a more conservative approach than considering built up section capacities which would require the 2
sections to be screwed together at closed centers in accordance with the design standard.
Tension Section Capacity NtLD = NtLB = 2 NtLC
Shear Section Capacity VvLD = VvLB = 2 VvLC
Compression section capacity NsLD = NsLB = 2 NsLC
Compression member capacity NbLD = χLD NsLD
EN 1993-1-1: Eq.(6.48)
Compression member capacity NbLB = χLB NsLB
EN 1993-1-1: Eq.(6.48)
Bending section capacity MsLD = MsLB = 2 MsLC
Compression member capacity MbLD = χLD MsLD
EN 1993-1-1: Eq.(6.55)
Compression member capacity MbLB = χLB MsLB
EN 1993-1-1: Eq.(6.55)
χLD: Buckling factor which is a function of the moment of Inertia of the built-up section LD
χLB: Buckling factor which is a function of the moment of Inertia of the built-up section LB