Astm D2434-68
Astm D2434-68
Astm D2434-68
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 2434 – 68 (2006)
lb) (for sands) to 1 kg (2.25 lb) (for soils with a large gravel 5.2 A sieve analysis (see Method D 422) shall be made on a
content), having an adjustable height of drop to 102 mm (4 in.) representative sample of the complete soil prior to the perme-
for sands and 203 mm (8 in.) for soils with large gravel ability test. Any particles larger than 19 mm (3⁄4 in.) shall be
contents. separated out by sieving (Method D 422). This oversize mate-
4.5 Vacuum Pump or Water-Faucet Aspirator, for evacuat- rial shall not be used for the permeability test, but the
ing and for saturating soil specimens under full vacuum (see percentage of the oversize material shall be recorded.
Fig. 2).
NOTE 2—In order to establish representative values of coefficients of
4.6 Manometer Tubes, with metric scales for measuring permeabilities for the range that may exist in the situation being
head of water. investigated, samples of the finer, average, and coarser soils should be
4.7 Balance, of 2-kg (4.4-lb) capacity, sensitive to 1 g obtained for testing.
(0.002 lb).
5.3 From the material from which the oversize has been
4.8 Scoop, with a capacity of about 100 g (0.25 lb) of soil.
removed (see 5.2), select by the method of quartering, a sample
4.9 Miscellaneous Apparatus—Thermometers, clock with
for testing equal to an amount approximately twice that
sweep second hand, 250-mL graduate, quart jar, mixing pan,
required for filling the permeameter chamber.
5. Sample 6. Preparation of Specimens
5.1 A representative sample of air-dried granular soil, con- 6.1 The size of permeameter to be used shall be as pre-
taining less than 10 % of the material passing the 75-µm (No. scribed in Table 1.
200) sieve and equal to an amount sufficient to satisfy the 6.2 Make the following initial measurements in centimetres
requirements prescribed in 5.2 and 5.3, shall be selected by the or square centimetres and record on the data sheet (Fig. 3); the
method of quartering. inside diameter, D, of the permeameter; the length, L, between
D 2434 – 68 (2006)
D 2434 – 68 (2006)
manometer outlets; the depth, H1, measured at four symmetri- practically no visible motion of surface particles adjacent to the
cally spaced points from the upper surface of the top plate of edges of the tamping foot.
the permeability cylinder to the top of the upper porous stone Compaction by Sliding Weight Tamper—Compact
or screen temporarily placed on the lower porous plate or each layer of soil thoroughly by tamping blows uniformly
screen. This automatically deducts the thickness of the upper distributed over the surface of the layer. Adjust the height of
porous plate or screen from the height measurements used to drop and give sufficient coverages to produce maximum
determine the volume of soil placed in the permeability density, depending on the coarseness and gravel content of the
cylinder. Use a duplicate top plate containing four large soil.
symmetrically spaced openings through which the necessary Compaction by Other Methods—Compaction may
measurements can be made to determine the average value for be accomplished by other approved methods, such as by
H 1. Calculate the cross-sectional area, A, of the specimen. vibratory packer equipment, where care is taken to obtain a
6.3 Take a small portion of the sample selected as pre- uniform specimen without segregation of particle sizes (see
scribed in 5.3 for water content determinations. Record the Test Methods D 4253 and D 4254).
weight of the remaining air-dried sample (see 5.3), W1, for unit 6.5.3 Relative Density Intermediate Between 0 and
weight determinations. 100 %—By trial in a separate container of the same diameter
6.4 Place the prepared soil by one of the following proce- as the permeability cylinder, adjust the compaction to obtain
dures in uniform thin layers approximately equal in thickness reproducible values of relative density. Compact the soil in the
after compaction to the maximum size of particle, but not less permeability cylinder by these procedures in thin layers to a
than approximately 15 mm (0.60 in.). height about 2.0 cm (0.80 in.) above the upper manometer
6.4.1 For soils having a maximum size of 9.5 mm (3⁄8 in.) or outlet.
less, place the appropriate size of funnel, as prescribed in 4.3, NOTE 3—In order to bracket, systematically and representatively, the
in the permeability device with the spout in contact with the relative density conditions that may govern in natural deposits or in
lower porous plate or screen, or previously formed layer, and compacted embankments, a series of permeability tests should be made to
fill the funnel with sufficient soil to form a layer, taking soil bracket the range of field relative densities.
from different areas of the sample in the pan. Lift the funnel by 6.6 Preparation of Specimen for Permeability Test:
15 mm (0.60 in.), or approximately the unconsolidated layer 6.6.1 Level the upper surface of the soil by placing the
thickness to be formed, and spread the soil with a slow spiral upper porous plate or screen in position and by rotating it
motion, working from the perimeter of the device toward the gently back and forth.
center, so that a uniform layer is formed. Remix the soil in the 6.6.2 Measure and record: the final height of specimen,
pan for each successive layer to reduce segregation caused by H1 − H2, by measuring the depth, H2, from the upper surface of
taking soil from the pan. the perforated top plate employed to measure H 1 to the top of
6.4.2 For soils with a maximum size greater than 9.5 mm the upper porous plate or screen at four symmetrically spaced
(3⁄8 in.), spread the soil from a scoop. Uniform spreading can be points after compressing the spring lightly to seat the porous
obtained by sliding a scoopful of soil in a nearly horizontal plate or screen during the measurements; the final weight of
position down along the inside surface of the device to the air-dried soil used in the test (W1 − W 2) by weighing the
bottom or to the formed layer, then tilting the scoop and remainder of soil, W 2, left in the pan. Compute and record the
drawing it toward the center with a single slow motion; this unit weights, void ratio, and relative density of the test
allows the soil to run smoothly from the scoop in a windrow specimen.
without segregation. Turn the permeability cylinder sufficiently 6.6.3 With its gasket in place, press down the top plate
for the next scoopful, thus progressing around the inside against the spring and attach it securely to the top of the
perimeter to form a uniform compacted layer of a thickness permeameter cylinder, making an air-tight seal. This satisfies
equal to the maximum particle size. the condition described in 3.1.1 of holding the initial density
6.5 Compact successive layers of soil to the desired relative without significant volume change during the test.
density by appropriate procedures, as follows, to a height of 6.6.4 Using a vacuum pump or suitable aspirator, evacuate
about 2 cm (0.8 in.) above the upper manometer outlet. the specimen under 50 cm (20 in.) Hg minimum for 15 min to
6.5.1 Minimum Density (0 % Relative Density)—Continue remove air adhering to soil particles and from the voids.
placing layers of soil in succession by one of the procedures Follow the evacuation by a slow saturation of the specimen
described in 6.4.1 or 6.4.2 until the device is filled to the proper from the bottom upward (Fig. 2) under full vacuum in order to
level. free any remaining air in the specimen. Continued saturation of
6.5.2 Maximum Density (100 % Relative Density): the specimen can be maintained more adequately by the use of
( 1) de-aired water, or (2) water maintained in an in-flow Compaction by Vibrating Tamper— Compact each
temperature sufficiently high to cause a decreasing temperature
layer of soil thoroughly with the vibrating tamper, distributing
gradient in the specimen during the test. Native water or water
the light tamping action uniformly over the surface of the layer
of low mineral content (Note 4) should be used for the test, but
in a regular pattern. The pressure of contact and the length of
in any case the fluid should be described on the report form
time of the vibrating action at each spot should not cause soil
(Fig. 3). This satisfies the condition described in 3.1.2 for
to escape from beneath the edges of the tamping foot, thus
saturation of soil voids.
tending to loosen the layer. Make a sufficient number of
coverages to produce maximum density, as evidenced by NOTE 4—Native water is the water occurring in the rock or soil in situ.
D 2434 – 68 (2006)
It should be used if possible, but it (as well as de-aired water) may be a 7.3 At the completion of the permeability test, drain the
refinement not ordinarily feasible for large-scale production testing. specimen and inspect it to establish whether it was essentially
6.6.5 After the specimen has been saturated and the per- homogeneous and isotropic in character. Any light and dark
meameter is full of water, close the bottom valve on the outlet alternating horizontal streaks or layers are evidence of segre-
tube (Fig. 2) and disconnect the vacuum. Care should be taken gation of fines.
to ensure that the permeability flow system and the manometer 8. Calculation
system are free of air and are working satisfactorily. Fill the
8.1 Calculate the coefficient of permeability, k, as follows:
inlet tube with water from the constant-head tank by slightly
opening the filter tank valve. Then connect the inlet tube to the k 5 QL/Ath
top of the permeameter, open the inlet valve slightly and open
the manometer outlet cocks slightly, to allow water to flow, k = coefficient of permeability,
thus freeing them of air. Connect the water manometer tubes to Q = quantity of water discharged,
the manometer outlets and fill with water to remove the air. L = distance between manometers,
Close the inlet valve and open the outlet valve to allow the A = cross-sectional area of specimen,
water in the manometer tubes to reach their stable water level t = total time of discharge,
under zero head. h = difference in head on manometers.
8.2 Correct the permeability to that for 20°C (68°F) by
7. Procedure multiplying k (see 8.1) by the ratio of the viscosity of water at
7.1 Open the inlet valve from the filter tank slightly for the test temperature to the viscosity of water at 20°C (68°F).
first run to conditions described in 3.1.3, delay measurements 9. Report
of quantity of flow and heat until a stable head condition
9.1 The report of permeability test shall include the follow-
without appreciable drift in water manometer levels is attained.
ing information:
Measure and record the time, t, head, h (the difference in level
9.1.1 Project, dates, sample number, location, depth, and
in the manometers), quantity of flow, Q, and water temperature,
any other pertinent information,
9.1.2 Grain size analysis, classification, maximum particle
7.2 Repeat test runs at heads increasing by 0.5 cm in order size, and percentage of any oversize material not used,
to establish accurately the region of laminar flow with velocity, 9.1.3 Dry unit weight, void ratio, relative density as placed,
v (where v = Q/At), directly proportional to hydraulic gradient, and maximum and minimum densities,
i (where i = h/L). When departures from the linear relation 9.1.4 A statement of any departures from these test condi-
become apparent, indicating the initiation of turbulent flow tions, so the results can be evaluated and used,
conditions, 1-cm intervals of head may be used to carry the test 9.1.5 Complete test data, as indicated in the laboratory form
run sufficiently along in the region of turbulent flow to define for test data (see Fig. 3), and
this region if it is significant for field conditions. 9.1.6 Test curves plotting velocity, Q/At, versus hydraulic
NOTE 5—Much lower values of hydraulic gradient, h/L, are required gradient, h/L, covering the ranges of soil identifications and of
than generally recognized, in order to ensure laminar flow conditions. The relative densities.
following values are suggested: loose compactness ratings, h/L from 0.2 to
0.3, and dense compactness ratings, h/L from 0.3 to 0.5, the lower values
10. Keywords
of h/L applying to coarser soils and the higher values to finer soils. 10.1 constant head; granular; permeability; soils
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