MBA 2007 TANCET Previous Papers 1
MBA 2007 TANCET Previous Papers 1
MBA 2007 TANCET Previous Papers 1
MBA - 2007
MBA 2007 - EXAMINATION PAPER money can be made. The logical step
would be to approach the billionaire
PART I directly to ascertain if he did indeed write
Directions: the book, but the go between warns that if
This section comprises of two passages. this is done, Suraj will be turned down.
After each passage questions consisting of Should the publisher make a contract with
items relating to the preceding passage are the go-between?
given. Evaluate each item separately in The Company. Suraj, & Co., is one of the
terms of the respective passage and choose world‘s larges publishers. A great part of
your answer as per the following its sales revenue is derive from scientific
guidelines: textbooks and magazines. Its trade book
44. - If the item is a MAJOR OBJECTIVE in division, which publishes novels and
making the decision; that is, the outcome general non-fiction, is a recently organized
or result sought by the decision maker. branch of the eighty-year-old company.
45. - If the item is a MAJOR FACTOR in This division has been unprofitable
arriving at the decision; that is through most of its existence, although
consideration, explicity mentioned in the high hopes are held for it.
passage that is basic in determining the The Proposal Under Consideration. Pretam
decision. Suraj, who has been president for two
46. - If the item is a MINOR FACTOR in years, listens carefully to a proposal made
making the decision: a less important by Dhan Singh, head of the trade book
element bearing on or affecting a Major division, at an executive editorial meeting
Factor, rather than a Major Objective where major projects are approved or
directly. turned down. Singh states that Barath Sind,
47. - If the item is a MAJOR ASSUMPTION a Suraj author of four novels and three
made deliberately; that is a supposition or non-fiction books, has established contact
projection made by the decision maker with Jehangir Dass, a brilliant business
before considering the factors and tycoon. The eccentric Dass, has tentatively
alternatives. agreed to allow Suraj to publish his
48. - If the item is an UNIMPORTANT autobiography, provided that Sind does the
ISSUE in getting to the point; that is a actual writing, based on taped interviews
factor that is insignificant or not between the author and the business
immediately relevant to the situation. executive. Dass has shunned interviews
PASSAGE I and any public contact for almost two
The Problem Suraj & Co. a major decades. He has become a ―man of
publisher, is offered the autobiography of a mystery‖, although his fabulous business
fabulous and mysterious business tycoon, deals have been national news.
However, there is a question as to whether The Terms. Sind is to receive Rs. 1,00,000
or not the offer is genuine, and whether as an advance against royalties. Dass is to
this is the kind of book Suraj should receive Rs. 2,50,000 as an advance against
publish. If the autobiography is truly the royalties. The royalty will be 15% of the
billionaire‘s life story, a great deal of price of the book. Suraj also must share on
TANCET Previous Year Papers
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a fifty-fifty basis all subsidiary revenue, Opinions. Pretam Suraj considers the
such as would result from the publication matter carefully. On the negative side,
of excerpts in magazines, etc., with Sind there is some doubt as to whether the
and Dass. According to Sind, the manuscript is indeed Dass‘s. Moreover,
billionaire will only deal with him and no this is not the type of book that Suraj
one else. would ordinarily publish. It smacks a little
Possible Subsidiary Deals. Singh asserts of sensationalism which might reflect upon
that such a book would be a coup for the Conservative, solid image of Suraj &
Suraj. Singh has had informal contacts Co.
with National, a news magazine with a On the other hand, as Singh said,
very large circulation. Twinights, a major publication certainly would be a coup.
book club; and Vale, a very large Profits are almost guaranteed. Singh seems
paperback publisher. Representatives of to have taken adequate precautions
these firms have expressed strong interest concerning the validity of Sind‘s story.
in the Dass autobiography. Payments to Alternatives. Pretam Suraj thinks about
Suraj from these companies would be contacting Dass directly or through the
substantial and would probably pay for the tycoon‘s executives or friends. This he
printing of the book. Singh predicts that rejects because Dass might call off the deal
100,000 copies of the Suraj edition would and go to another publisher. He defers the
be sold, adding that this figure is probably decision until further proof of authenticity
low. An excellent profit could be realized. is forthcoming. Too much delay might
Is It Really Dass‗s Story? Singh is result in the book going to another
questioned on the authenticity of Sind‘s publisher.
tale in light of Dass‘s obvious distaste for Decision. He finally decides to publish
the public spotlight. Singh says he without reaching Dass directly, persuaded
considers Sind to be completely honest, an by the available documents and the
opinion he has formed over years of confidence inspired by Mr. Sind. Despite
acquaintance with the writer. But why, misgivings and the problems involved,
Singh is asked, cannot Suraj deal with Pretam Suraj approves the project.
Dass directly? He replies that Dass Questions:
apparently wishes to keep his contacts with 1. The company needs a ‗best-seller‘
the outside world to a bare minimum. 2. Sind might not be telling the truth.
According to Sind, the billionaire would 3. If Suraj circumvents Sind and contacts
scuttle the deal if Suraj attempted to meet Dass directly, the deal might be called off.
with him. 4. Delay might mean that Dass‘s
Proof of Authenticity. Singh produces a autobiography would be published by
handwritten agreement, signed ―Jehangir another company.
Dass‖ which authorizes Sind as his sole 5. The book might not be authentic.
agent. The note has been checked by a 6. Suraj‘s image might be damaged if it were
leading handwriting expert who, after to publish the autobiography.
checking samples of Dass‘s writing of 20 7. Publication of the book would be a coup
years ago, has declared it to be authentic. for Suraj
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8. Barath Sind is an established author. another producing moderately priced
9. Suraj is one of the world‘s largest paperbacks, and a third marketing
publishers. inexpensive comic-book-format romances.
10. The autobiography is not the kind of book The board intended to greatly expand
that Suraj usually publishes. whichever company it bought, and to use
PASSAGE II the new acquisition as a springboard from
Bells Company is a large publisher of which to lake over, during the next decade,
school textbooks. It has a 15 % share of a significant portion of the romance-novel
the Indian market, as well as a successful market.
operation exporting to other English- In considering which business to buy, the
speaking countries. Last year its net board focused on purchase price, prospects
earnings were Rs. 21 million. Until now for expansion, publisher-name recognition,
Bells has been able to maintain a competition, potential markets, already
satisfactory growth rate by adding texts on existing distribution capacity, management
new subjects to their line. At present, efficiency, and employee relations. The
however, all school subject areas seem to board members agreed-that a cordial and
be adequately represented in the Bells cooperative attitude on the part of the
catalogue, and the Bells Board of Directors present owners would be necessary In
has approved the purchase of a number of order to assure a smooth transition. While
smaller, but prosperous and established, printing costs would normally considered
businesses in an effort to preserve Bells‘ in comparing the three operations, Bells
current rate of profit increase and to lessen had decided to use its own printers to
its dependence on a single project. manufacture the romance novels;
Board member Manu Khalid proposed that accordingly, such costs were not taken into
one of Bells‘ new acquisitions be a account in evaluating the three companies.
company publishing romance novels. First considered was Golden Eagle
However, he urged that a well-established Productions, which sold leather-bound
company with significant readership editions of classic romances to bookstores
should be chosen, since Bells had no and, by mail, to individuals. Golden Eagle
familiarity with this new market. Khalid had a rather large following of well-heeled
argued that the sales of any such enterprise customers, faced no significant
could be increased if Bells‘ staff editors competition, and consistently ranked at the
and illustrators reworked already accepted top of the list in name-recognition surveys.
romance manuscripts, turning out Last year, Golden Eagle earned Rs. 4
artistically and stylistically polished million in profits before taxes on sales of
products. The board fully endorsed Rs. 21 million.
Khalid‘s program. While management efficiency was good,
Two weeks later, the board met to decide Golden Eagle‘s authors and leather crafts
which one of the three publishing firms people were dissatisfied with their pay and
suggested for purchase should be acquired. working conditions; it was common
Bells‘ researchers had studied one knowledge in the industry that Golden
company purveying expensive editions, Eagle had a ―morale problem.‖ In order to
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enter the romance-novel market on a really on Rs. 9 million in sales last year. Ranking
large scale, as planned. Bells would need high in name-recognition surveys,
to initiate a Rs. 5 million expansion effort Twilight produced small comic books with
right away, to be followed up in the future romantic themes. Management had
with additional outlays. Another negative evolved work routines that allowed each
point was that the board was afraid that artist‘s talents to be used optimally, and
marketing moderately priced and even production was streamlined for volume
inexpensive novels under the Golden output. Twilight‘s distribution system was
Eagle name, a necessary move given their respected throughout the field.
expansion program, would alienate present Competition did exist, in the form of
Golden Eagle customers without drawing Gentle Site & Co., but it was clear that
in sufficient new readers to replace them. Twilight enjoyed the upper hand. There
Purchase price of this firm would probably was ample room for expansion. The firm
be about Rs. 15 million. would probably sell for Rs. 10 million.
Larger than Golden Eagle was Enlightened The board voted to make tentative efforts
Living, the second company, a publisher of to all three of the companies, and to
medium-priced paperback romances. reconvene when responses were available
Because of a highly efficient sales program in order to reach a final decision.
both in India and overseas. Enlightened Questions:
Living had attained a net profit of Rs. 44 11. Maintaining Bell‘s present profit rate.
million last year, on sales of Rs. 108 12. Efficiency of the management of a
million. Management was expert at publishing company under consideration.
keeping production flowing and at 13. Bell‘s Rs. 21 million net earnings last year.
constantly‘ increasing distribution. If Bells 14. Current printing costs at a firm under
bought this firm, only Rs. 2 million would consideration.
be needed for expansion. A few of 15. Competition faced by a firm under
Enlightened Living's staff members were consideration.
so skilled that Bells could use them to 16. Continuing demand for romance novels
write school texts when they were not during the next ten years.
working on romance novels. 17. Acquisition of a romance-novel publishing
But Enlightened Living did have some company that can be expanded to suit
drawbacks. It faced a good deal of Bell‘s needs.
competition, and for some reason it always 18. Willingness of the ownership of each
scored low on name-recognition surveys. company considered to sell to Bells.
Although they spent rather lavishly on 19. Accuracy of the information presented to
advertising, management could not seem the board by the researchers.
to improve name-recognition. Finally, 20. Cooperative attitude of present owners of a
there was a labour-relations problem firm to be acquired.
involving the company's sales force. PART II
The last of the three companies under Directions:
consideration was small but successful. Each passage in this section is followed by
Twilight, had Rs. 6 million in net profits questions based on its contents. Read the
TANCET Previous Year Papers
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passages carefully and then answer the relations, and ending up permeating all its
questions given below them by choosing activities is the concept of participative
the best answer to each question. Answer management. Why? Because as business
the questions on the basis of what is stated becomes more scientific, more intellectual,
or implied in the passages. more complex, no one man can have the
PASSAGE I total knowledge required to make sound
The job of attracting the right young decisions arbitrarily. When things become
people into business will be facilitated if so highly complex, group management is
business will and the world at large the logical answer.
understand the real benefits of an It is in modern business education that this
education designed to prepare young type of leadership is taught and researched.
people for business and the fact that such This is of crucial importance to the well-
an education does breed a broad focused being of our nation, because if the leaders
person who can take up two walks of life if of our business democracy cannot meet the
need be. The continued success of our challenge of the collective economy which
business democracy requires no less. boasts it will bury us, we may indeed be
Education for business must avoid the buried - and not just economically.
purely intellectual for something with a Modern business education teaches how to
more pragmatic focus. And what is wrong lead without a sacrifice of freedom; how to
with an education that has a pragmatic exercise control and direction, while at the
focus? Plato — in his Republic — was far same time respective opinions of others
more pragmatic than we ever think of more qualified in highly specialized areas,
being. as well as respecting their essential dignity
But even if education for business should as humans; and how to learn to lead by
be unashamedly pragmatic, it cannot be an freeing the latent potentialities of gifted
end in itself. Any young person entering advisers - not by stifling them.
management, regardless of what degree he Perhaps it will be the business schools of
has earned, is going to continue his this nation which will remind higher
education throughout his life. Things are education not only democracy and strong
happening too fast today for anyone to feel leadership arc not contradictory terms, but
fully educated after four years, or six leadership can and must be taught. No
years, or ten years! What he will have to other part of our university system
do is to be retrained or retooled as the seemingly is paying much, in any attention
years go by. The kind of education needed to doing something about, rather than
is that which opens the young person‘s talking about, education for democratic
eyes to the need for a lifetime of study and leadership. To some faculties, leadership
gives him the foundation on which his itself is a jingoistic word barking back
continued study can be based. echoes of Teddy Roosevelt. Not so, to the
Rather than being narrowly vocational, faculties of modern business schools - and
modern business education in many ways not so to the masses of students who are
leads in the liberality of its approach. revolting against the lofty disengagement
Beginning with courses in human
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of many academics from the complex - 2) the college - trained business leader
and often unclean realities of our world. should continue his education throughout
Thus business will be serving the nation‘s life
interest as well as its own - if it recognizes 3) the role of the businessman in business
that the right kind of young people it needs education has not been clearly defined
for tomorrow‘s managers are the brighter 4) Plato disengaged himself from the
students who are purely intellectual, or realities life
purely pragmatic; if it offers them a career 5) business education is essential to
that will satisfy their values; and if it does success in t business world
what it can to encourage their 25. Which of the following describes business
development. education today?
Questions: I Interest in human relations
21. According to the author, the business II Realization of individual limitations
community can be best served by the III Concept of participative management
student who is 1) I only 2) II only
1) practical 3) I and II only 4) I and III only
2) intellectual 5) I, II and 111
3) a Liberal Arts major 26. It is obvious that
4) practical as well as intellectual 1) our business leaders are incapable of
5) jingoistic competing with the collective economy
22. The passage implies that system.
1) a business education is better than a 2) things are going along at an
Liberal Arts education. unwholesome rate of speed.
2) business schools are in the forefront in 3) business is growing less complex
the matter of liberalizing curricula 4) Teddy Roosevelt is favourably regarded
3) a Liberal Arts education is superior to a by the author
technical education 5) students prefer that their professors take
4) education is of little importance to the a active role in solving world problems
success of the business world 27. The author views the business schools of
5) business is not challenging to most this country as a prod to education to see
students to it that
23. According to the passage, the economic 1) the ability to lead must be part of the
health of our country depends mainly on curriculum
1) businessmen 2) business education is just as important
2) business school faculties as any other type of education
3) government supervision 3) professors get off their ―high horses‘‘
4) the general public and teach realistically
5) group management 4) a new emphasis is to be placed upon
24. According to the author innovation
1) business is an end in itself. 5) businessmen must not be disregarded is
what they to offer educators
28. The author indicates that
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1) business methods have drastically The governments of most high-income
changed in the last decade countries have in recent years undertaken
2) there has been too much government important aid programs both bilaterally
interference in business and multilaterally and have thus
3) the larger universities are far too demonstrated their interest in the
impersonal in their dealings with students development of low-income countries.
4) the importance of vocational education They have also worked within the General
is much over-rated Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
5) business success in the final analysis for greater freedom of trade and
spells success for the entire nation recognizing the special problems of low-
29. Businessmen, according to the passage, income countries have made special
must recognize that trading arrangements to meet their needs.
1) they must set an example for young But a faster expansion of trade with high-
people income countries is necessary if the low-
2) greater financial support of business income countries are to enjoy a
schools is necessary satisfactory rate of growth.
3) business schools must be autonomous to This statement is therefore concerned with
function properly the policies of high-income countries
4) a primary result of a business education toward their trade with low-income
should be the development of individuals countries. The recommendations are based
with a wide range the conviction that a better distribution of
5) government intervention in business world resources and a more rational
schools is inevitable utilization of labour are in the general
30. The most appropriate title for this passage interest. A liberal policy on the part of
is high-income countries with respect to their
1) Businessmen and Business Schools trade with low-income countries will not
2) Youth and Business only be helpful to the low-income
3) Business Schools countries but, when transitional
4) Bright Students and Business adjustments have taken place, it will be
5) The Relationship between Business beneficial to the high-income countries as
Education and Business well.
PASSAGE II It is necessary to recognize however that in
The economic condition of the low-income furthering the development of low-income
regions of the world is one of the great countries, the high-income countries can
problems of our time. Their progress is play only a supporting role. If
important to the high-income countries, development is to be successful the main
not only for humanitarian and political effort must necessarily be made by the
reasons but also because rapid economic people of the low-income countries. The
growth in the low-income countries could high-income countries are more over likely
make a substantial contribution to the to provide aid and facilitate trade more
expansion and prosperity of the world readily and extensively where the low-
economy as a whole. income countries are seen to be making
TANCET Previous Year Papers
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sound and determined efforts to help balance of payments with heavy food
themselves, and thus to be making imports. Diminishing surpluses in the
effective use of their aid and trade high-income countries underline the need
opportunities. for a faster growth of agricultural
It is then necessary that the low-income productivity in low-income countries.
countries take full account of the lessons Success in this should, moreover, lead to
that have been learnt from the experience greater trade in agricultural products
of recent years if they wish to achieve among the low-income countries
successful development and benefit from themselves as well as to increased exports
support from high-income countries. of softie agricultural products to the high-
Among the most important of these lessons income countries.
are the following: There can be no doubt about the urgency
Several damage has been done by of the world food problem. Adequate
inflation. A sound financial framework nourishment and a balanced diet are not
evokes higher domestic saving and only necessary for working adults but are
investment as well as more aid and crucial for the mental and physical
investment from abroad. Budgetary and development of growing children. Yet, in a
monetary discipline and a more efficient number of low-income countries where the
financial and fiscal system help greatly to diet is already insufficient the production
mobilize funds for investment and thereby of food has fallen behind the increase in
decisively influence the rate of growth. population. A continuation of this trend
Foreign aid should also be efficiently must lead to endemic famine. The situation
applied to this end. demands strenuous efforts in the low-
The energies of the people of low-income income countries to improve the
countries are more likely to be harnessed production, preservation and distribution
to the task of economic development of food so that these countries are better
where the policies of their government aim able to feed themselves.
to offer economic opportunity for all and Questions:
to reduce excessive social inequalities. 31. The economic conditions of the low-
Development plans have tended to income countries are important to high-
concentrate on industrial investment. The income countries because of
growth of industry depends however on I economic reasons
concomitant development in agriculture. A II political reasons
steady rise in productivity on the farms, III cultural reasons
wherein almost all low-income countries a 1) I only 2) III only
majority of the labour force works, is an 3) I and II only 4) II and III only
essential condition of rapid over-all 5) I, II and III
growth. Satisfactory development of 32. According to the passage, governments of
agriculture is also necessary to provide an most high-income countries have
adequate market for an expanding 1) not worked for free trade with low-
industrial sector and to feed the growing income countries
urban population without burdening the
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2) undertaken important and programs for 3) balance of payments
low-income countries 4) urban population
3) injected massive doses of capital into 5) monetary system
low-income countries 37. The passage states that participation of
4) provided training programs for low- high-income countries should be limited to
income country entrepreneurs 1) ten percent of their GNP
5) helped improve the educational systems 2) a supporting role
of low-income countries 3) regulations stipulated by GATT
33. The major subject with which the passage 4) what low-income countries can absorb
is concerned is 5) monetary aid only
1) trade policies of high-income countries 38. In order to better enlist the support of the
towards low-income countries population in economic development
2) foreign trade problems of low-income efforts, low-income countries should
countries 1) not accept more foreign aid than they
3) fiscal and monetary problems of low- can use
income countries 2) budget the capital wisely
4) trade arrangements under the GATT 3) reduce excessive social inequalities
organisation 4) concentrate on commercial development
5) general economic problems of low- 5) establish agricultural communes
income countries 39. Which of the following represents a major
34. If low-income countries expect aid from problem in the agricultural systems of low-
high-income countries, they must do all of income countries?
the following except I The increase in food production is less
1) spend the aid wisely than population growth
2) put their own houses in order first II Food distribution is inefficient
3) learn from the experience of developed III Food prices are too high
countries 1) I only 2) III only
4) curb inflation 3) I and II only 4) II and III only
5) de-emphasize agricultural development 5) I, II and III
in favour of industrial growth 40. If low income countries could develop
35. Which of the following is mentioned for economically at a faster rate, the result
its influence upon the rate of economic would be
growth? 1) less inflation
1) an efficient financial and fiscal system 2) lower deficits in their balance of trade
2) a trade surplus 3) liberal trade policies
3) a democratic government 4) better distribution of world resources
4) little reliance upon foreign aid 5) more equitable fiscal policies
5) a budgetary surplus PART III
36. Industrial growth depends upon a parallel 41. A conveyor belt moves grain at the rate of
growth of the 2 tons in 5 minutes and a second conveyer
1) labour force belt moves grain at the rate of 3 tons in 7
2) agricultural system minutes. How many minutes will it take to
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move 20 tons of grain using both conveyer voted were what percent of those people
belts? eligible to vote?
4 1) 4.2 2) 6.4
1) 12 2) 167
3 3) 6.8 4) 8
3) 18 28 4) 21
5) 68
5) 2429 47. It costs ‗g‘ paise a km for petrol and ‗m‘
42. If 15 men working independently and at paise per km for all other costs to run a
the same rate can manufacture 27 baskets car. How many rupees will it cost to run
in an hour, how many baskets would 45 the car for 100 km?
men working independently and at the 1) (g + m)/100 2) 100g + 100m
same rate manufacture in 40 minutes. 3) g + m 4) g + 0.1m
1) 27 2) 35 5) g
3) 40 4) 54 5) 81 48. A cab driver‘s income consists of his
43. A tank contains 10 litres of water. If a salary and tips. His salary is Rs.500 a
pump takes 15-x/10 minutes to pump one week. During one week his tips were 5/4
litre of water out of the tank, how many of his salary. What fraction of his income
minutes will take for the pump to empty for the week came from tips?
the tank? 1) 4/9 2) 1/2
1) x 2) 15-10x 3) 5/9 4) 5/8
3) 150-10x 4) 150-x 5) 5/4
5) 15-x 49. Given that x and y are real numbers, let
44. If the length of the rectangle is increased S(x, y) = x2 – y2. Then S(3, S(3, 4)) =
by 20% and the width is decreased by 20% 1) -40 2) -7
then the area 3) 40 4) 49
1) decreases by 20% 2) decreases by 4% 5) 56
3) remains the same 4) increases by 10% 50. It is 185 km from Villupuram to Chennai.
5) increases by 20% If a bus takes 2 hours to travel the first 85
45. A house costs Mr. Ram, C rupees in 1995. km, how long must the bus take to travel
Three years later he sold the house for the final 100 km in order to average 50 km
25% more than he paid for it. He has to an hour for the entire trip?
pay a tax of 50% of the gain. (The gain is 1) 60 min 2) 75 min
the selling price minus the cost). How 3) 94 min 4) 102 min
much tax must Mr. Ram pay? 5) 112 min
1 C 51. An automobile tire has two punctures. The
1) 24 C 2) 8
first puncture by itself would make the tire
1 C
3) 4 C 4) 2 flat in 9 min. The second puncture by itself
5) 0.6C would make the tire flat in 6 min. How
46. 8% of the people eligible to vote are long will it take for both punctures
between 18 and 21. In an election 85% of together to make the tire flat? (Assume the
those eligible to vote who were between air leaks at a constant rate.)
18 and 21 actually voted. In that election, 1) 35 min 2) 4 min
people between 18 and 21 who actually
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1 1 watched the news on television nor read a
3) 54 min 4) 72 min
5) 15 min
1) 0% 2) 5% 3) 10%
52. If ‗a‘ is less than ‗b‘, which of the
4) 15% 5) 20%
following numbers is greater than ‗a‘ and
56. A screwdriver and a hammer currently
less than ‘b‘?
have the same price. If the price of a
1) (a + b)/2 2) (ab)/2
2 2 screwdriver rises by 5% and the price of
3) b -a 4) ab
the hammer goes up by 3%, how much
5) b-a
more will it cost to buy 3 screwdrivers and
53. In the figure, OR and PR are radii of
3 hammers?
circles. The length of OP is 4. If OR=2,
1) 3% 2) 4% 3)5%
what is PR? PR is tangent to the circle
4) 8% 5) 24%
with center O.
57. If the radius of the circle is increased by
6%, then the area of the circle Is increased
1) 0.36% 2) 3.6% 3) 6%
4) 12.36% 5) 36%
58. A water tank has two drains. When only
drain I is open, the tank will empty itself in
4 hours. When both drain I and II are open,
1) 2 2) 5/2
the tank empties in 2½ hours. How long
3) 3 4) 2 3
does it take for the tank to empty if only
5) 3 2 drain II is open?
54. Consider the diagram shown below. Which 1
1) 12 hours 2) 2 hours 3) 4 hours
of the following statements is true?
1 2
4) 52 hours 5) 63 hours
59. A drawer contains 6 red socks and 4 blue
socks. What is the probability that if 2
socks are picked (without looking) from
the drawer, both of the socks will be red?
1) 2/15 2) 4/15 3) 1/3
4) 2/5 5) 3/5
1) KM < KL 2) KM < LM
60. The area of the isosceles triangle ABC is
3) KL + LM < KM 4) KL < LM
48. AD = DC and AE = EB. Let x be the
5) KL > LM
area of the rectangle DEFG. Then x equals
55. In a survey of the town of ‗X‘, it was
1) 6 2) 12 3) 18
found that 65% of the people surveyed
4) 24 5) 36
watched the news on television. 40% read
newspaper and 25% read newspaper and
watched the news on television. What
Each of the following problems has a
percent of the people surveyed neither
question and two statements which are
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labeled (1) and (2) in which certain data 64. How many of the numbers x and y are
are given. You have to decide whether the positive? Both x and y are less than 20.
data given in the statements are sufficient 1) x is less than 5 2) x + y = 24
for answering the question. Using the data 65. A sequence of numbers is given by the rule
given in the problem plus your knowledge an = an-1 +2. Is a10 an even integer?
of mathematics and every day facts, 1) a1 is even 2) a9 is 24
choose: 66. Which side of triangle ABC is the longest?
1) If you can get the answer from (1) y = 40°
ALONE but not from (2) alone.
2) If you can get the answer from (2)
ALONE but not from (1) alone.
3) If you can get the answer from BOTH
(1) and (2) TOGETHER, but not from (1)
alone or (2) alone,
4) If EITHER statement (1) ALONE or
statement (2) ALONE suffices.
5) If you CANNOT get the answer from 1) z > y 2) x = 40°
statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER, but 67. If x=k. is the expression x3 + ax2 + bx
need even more data. equal to zero?
Questions: 1) a = 0 2) -b = k2
61. How much is the average salary of the 30
assembly workers? The foreman is paid a
salary of Rs. 12,000.
1) The total salary paid to the assembly
workers and the foreman is Rs.3,12,000.
2) The foreman‘s salary is 120% of the
average salary of the assembly workers.
62. How far is it from town ‗A‘ to town ‗B‘?
Town ‗C‘ is 12 km east of town ‗A‘. 68.
The figure represents a square and a
1) Town ‗C‘ is south of town ‗B‘
semicircle. What is the combined area of
2) It is 9 km from town ‗B‘ to town ‗C‘
the above figure?
63. Is DE parallel to AB?
1) The radius of the semicircle is 7
2) A side of the square is 14
69. How many metre long is the edge of a
certain cubical box?
1) The number of cubic metre in its
volume is 9 times the number of metre in
its edge
1) The triangles DEC and ABC are similar 2) The number of square metre in its total
2) CE = EB surface area is 18 times the number of
metre in its edge
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MBA - 2007
70. Docs T = 24? 2) John is standing 0.6 m away from Lal
1) The average (average mean of A, B and 78. What is the radius of the circle with center
T is 8 O?
2) -A = B
71. Is the radius of circle O a whole number?
1) The circumference of circle O is 2n
2) The ratio of the circumference of circle
O to the area of circle O is 1/2
72. Is a2 integer?
1) a is a negative whole number 1) The area of the circle is 25π
2) 4a2 is an integer 2) The area of the circle is divided by the
73. What is the distance from point A to point diameter of the circle is equal to π times 2
C? of the radius of the circle
1) The distance from point A to point B is 79. There are 450 boxes to load on a truck. A
5" and B are working independently but at the
2) The distance from point B to point C is same time take 30 minutes to load the
4" truck-How long should it take for B
74. Are two triangles congruent? working by himself to load the truck?
1) They are both equilateral triangles 1) A loads twice as many boxes as B
2) They both have equal bases and equal 2) A would take 45 minutes by himself
height 80. Does a circle with diameter d have greater
75. A cylindrical tank has a radius of 10 m and area than a square of side s?
its height is 20 m. How many litres of a
1) d < 2 s 2) d < s
liquid can be stored in the tank?
1) A litre of the liquid occupies about 0.1
In each of the following sentences four
2) The diameter of the tank is 20 m
words or phrases have been underlined.
76. Do the rectangle ABCD and the square
Only one underlined part in each sentence
EFGH have the same area.
is not acceptable in standard English. Pick
up that part (1) or (2) or (3) or (4). If there
is no mistake mark (S).
81. This young pianist is a person with great
1 (1) (2)
1) AC = EG, AB = 2 EH promise and who should be encouraged.
2) The area of triangle ABC is not equal to (3) (4)
the area of triangle EFG No error.
77. John and Lal are standing together on a (5)
sunny day. John's shadow is 3.2 m long. 82. The risks to the workers in contracting a
Lal‘s shadow is 2.9 m long. How long is (1) (2)
Lal? work-related disease seems very great.
1) John is 1.9 m tall
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MBA - 2007
(3) (4) 89. The new labour contract, together with the
No error. (1)
(5) fringe benefit package and inflation cause,
83. It is not clear whether these are after-the- have
fact (1) (2)
(2) only a limited chance of being approved
interpretations or something felt by the by (3)
(3) management during the next collective
children at the time. No error. bargaining sessions. No error.
(4) (5) (4) (5)
84. My aunt, whom we admire almost too 90. Who‘s book was lying on the table when
much, (1) (1) (2) (3)
has given we boys ten rupees each to the fire drill occurred? No error.
spend (2) (3) (4) (5)
at the fair tomorrow. No error. 91. Whenever these three eminent scientists
(4) (5) (1)
85. In her note the teacher asked the principal spoke to each other an argument
to (1) (2) (2)
was bound to ensure. No error.
give some chalk from his supply room to (3) (4) (5)
whomever of us boys would go down to 92. Neither Ram nor Sam has the slightest idea
pick (3) (4) to (1)
it up. No error. whom this letter should be addressed to
(5) (2) (3)
86. When the final story has been written for because the original envelope has been
that (1) lost. No error.
final newspaper sometime in the future (4) (5)
you can (2) 93. After the battle was over, the solders
be sure that it‘s substance will be some (1) (2)
violent (3) will advance to the front lines. No error.
act that has occurred. No error. (3) (4) (5)
(4) (5) to the front lines. No error.
87. To join the club, a deposit must be made in 94. He is more clever than his sister. No error.
(1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
advance. No error. 95. This new model travels faster then last
(4) (5) (1) (2)
88. One of the salesmen‘s cases was lost, year‘s model, which it supercedes.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
because he had been careless No error.
(3) (5)
while checking out of the hotel. No error. 96. The set of texts required for this
(4) (5) assignment is to be found in the library, so
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MBA - 2007
(1) 99. Sameer is among the very few individuals
that everyone of the students is able to (1)
(2) (3) who critics regard as genuinely significant
refer to it at all times. No error. (3) (4)
(4) (5) in both the history of art and the history of
97. We strongly recommend that John is told (4)
(1) literature. No error.
about his physical condition as soon as (5)
possible in order to allow him to make the 100. Despite the revolutionary implications of
necessary (3) (4) Darwin‘s theories, which won
arrangements. No error. (1)
(5) practically universal acceptance among
98. Sanjay, the foreman of the production line. (2) (3)
(1) biologists and other scientists within a
told Mr. Dileep that he had inadvertently relatively short time, as compared with
(2) (3) other intellectual movements of similar
shipped out a defective batch. No error. importance. No error.
(4) (5) (4) (5)
1 2. 2 3. 4 4. 2 5. 3 6. 5 7. 2 8. 2 9. 2 10. 5
11. 1 12. 2 13. 3 14. 5 15. 2 16. 4 17. 1 18. 2 19. 2 20. 2
21. 2 22. 2 23. 1 24. 2 25. 4 26. 5 27. 1 28. 5 20. 1 30. 5
31. 4 32. 2 33. 5 34. 5 35. 1 36. 2 37. 2 38. 5 39. 3 40. 4
41. 5 42. 4 43. 4 44. 2 45. 2 46. 3 47. 3 48. 5 49. 1 50. 4
51. 1 52. 1 53. 4 54. 5 55. 5 56. 2 57. 4 58. 5 59. 3 60. •
61. 4 62. 3 63. 1 64. 2 65. 4 66. 2 67. 3 68. 4 69. 4 70. 3
71. 4 72. 1 73. 5 74. 3 75. 1 76. 4 77. 1 78. 1 79. 4 80. 5
81. 3 82. 4 83. 2 84. 2 85. 3 86. 1 37. 1 88. 5 89. 2 90. 1
91. 4 92. 3 93. 3 94. 2 95. 2 96. 2 97. 2 98. 4 99. 2 100. 2
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MBA - 2007
This is the major objective and that is why
MBA 2007 - DETAILED SOLUTIONS Bell is proposing to acquire new units.
60. (2)
49. (1) The working of the new unit along with
The company has to come out with a ‗best the existing company will depend on the
seller‘ to improve its image. efficiency of the management of
50. (2) publishing company under consideration.
This is a major factor - this is checked 61. (3)
from the samples of Dass‘s writing of 20 minor factor -not directly related to the
years ago. issue.
51. (4) 62. (5)
This is the assumption that Suraj has and considering the main issue this is an
that is why they were not contacting Dass unimportant factor since after take over
directly. Bell's policies will prevail.
52. (2) 63. (2)
Delay is to be avoided as otherwise other This will decide the competence of the
publishers would take up the work. new unit to be acquired.
53. (3) 64. (4)
This becomes a minor factor since Suraj An assumption that has prompted the
has taken steps for verification. company to go in for a new venture.
54. (5) 65. (1)
On the contrary if autobiography is This is major objective now.
published it will push up the image of the 66. (2)
company. Only if the willingness of the ownership is
55. (2) there can the deal be put through and
Yes. It-will improve the image of the hence major factor.
company. 67. (2)
56. (2) This is a major factor because the decision
This is a major factor because relying on depends on the information provided.
Sind being an established author only 68. (2)
Suraj is taking up the work. certainly major factor without which the
57. (2) deal cannot be achieved/completed.
This is a major factor that has helped the 41. (5)
company to take up the new assignment on Time taken by the first belt to move
a large scale. 5
1 ton = 2 min.
58. (5)
Time taken by the second belt to move
This becomes an unimportant one‘ as the 7
Suraj management has decided to go ahead 1 ton = 3 min.
with publication in order to push up the To move 1 ton work done by the first belt
image of the company. in 1 mm = 5
59. (1) To move 1 ton work done by the second
belt 3
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MBA - 2007
3 C.P = Rs. C
in 1 min = 7
25 C
∴ Work done by both belts in 1 min S.P = C + 100 C = C + 4
2 3 29 C
(to move 1 ton) = 5 + 7 = 35 ∴ Gain = 4
Time taken to move 1 ton by both belts = Tax = 50% of gain
27 50 C C
Time taken to move 20 tons by both = 100 × 4 = 8
35 700 4 C
belts = 29 × 20 = = 24 9 ∴ Tax = Rs. 8
42. (4) 46. (3)
1 person‘s 1 hour work = 15 Let the people eligible to vote be R
27 Then people eligible to vote between 18
∴ 45 person's 1 hour work = 45 × 15 8P
and 21 = 100
∴ 45 men‘s 40 minutes work = 45 × ×
15 In the election people who voted between
85 8P
600 18 and 21 = 100 × 100
= 54 buckets 85
100 100
Shortcut ∴ Required % = × 100
M1 T1 W2 = M2 T2 W1 = = 6.8%
15×60×W2 - 45×40×27 47. (3)
W2 = Total cost to run a car per km. = (g+m)
= 54 buckets paise Total cost to run 100 km. =
43. (4) 100(g+m) paise
Time Taken to empty the tank = (g+m) rupees
X 48. (5)
= 10 15 − 10 minutes = (150-x) minutes
Salary = Rs. 500
44. (2) 5
Let the length be ℓ and width be b Tips = 4 × 500 = 625
625 5
Then Area = ℓb Required fraction = 500 = 4
120 6
New length = 100 ℓ = 5 ℓ 49. (1)
New breadth = 100 b = 5 b
4 S(x, y) = x2-y2
6 4 24
S(3, 4) = 32-42
New Area = 5 ℓ × 5 b = 25 ℓb = 9-16= -7
24ℓb ℓb
decrease in Area = ℓb − = 25 ∴ S(3, S(3, 4)) = S(3, -7) = 32 -(-7)2
ℓb = 9 - 49 = -40
25 100
% decrease = × 100 = = 4% 50. (4)
ℓb 25
Shortcut Let time taken to travel 100 km be x hrs.
𝑥𝑦 .
∴ change = 𝑥 − 𝑦 − 100 Total distance
20×20 Average speed = Total
= 20 – 20 - = −4 time taken
100 85+100 185
⇒ 50 = = 2+x
∴ 4% decrease (since negative sign) in 2+x
185 185
Area. ⇒2+x= ⇒x= −2
50 50
45. (2) 185−100 85 17
⇒ = 50 = 10 hrs.
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MBA - 2007
17 if ∟A<∟B then CB<AC
= 10 × 60 minutes = 102 minutes
51. (1)
Work done by the first puncture in 1 min.
Work done by the second puncture in 1
1 Therefore,
min. = 6 ∟K = 25°; ∟M = 55°
Work done by both punctures in 1 min. ∴ ∟K < ∟M
1 1 32+3 5
=9+6= = 18 ∴ LM < KL
∴ Time taken for both punctures together 55. (5)
18 3
to make the tire flat = min. = 3 5 min.
52. (1)
Let a=8; b=10
then =9
b2 − a = 100-64 = 36
2 n(NUT) = n(N) + n(T)-n(N∩T)
b-a = 10-8 = 2 = 40+65-25=80%
ab 80 ∴ People neither watched the TV nor
= = 40
2 2 newspaper = 100-80 = 20%
ab = 80 ∴ a < <b 56. (2)
53. (4) Let the price of each screwdriver = Rs. x
Total price of 3 screwdriver+3 hammer =
New price of screwdriver = 100 x
New price of hammer = 100 x
∴ New total price of 3 screwdirver+3
Angle between the tangent and radius of a
circle is 90°. Given PR is a tangent and 105x ×3 103x ×3
= +
OR is a radius of the first circle ⇒ ∟ORP 100 100
= 90° ∴ Increase in price
105x ×3 103x ×3 208
⇒ ∆ORP is a right angled triangle. + − 6x = 3x −2 =
100 100 100
∴ OP2 = OR2+RP2 8
42 = 22+RP2 100
RP2 = 16-4=12 3x
∴ % increase = × 100 = 4%
RP = 12 = 2 3
57. (4)
54. (5)
Let the radius of the circle be r
In a triangle
Then Area = πr 2
106 53
New Radius = 100 r = 50 r
53 2 53 2
New Area = π r =π r2
50 50
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MBA - 2007
53 2 2 From (2) let the average salary of
Increase in Area = π r − πr 2
50 assembly workers be x. 120
53 2
= πr 2 −1 120
Then 100 x = 12000
50 2
2809 − 2500 309πr 2
= πr 2 = From the equation we can derive the salary
2500 2500
309 π r 2 of assembly workers.
% increase =
× 100 = = ∴ (2) alone is sufficient to get the
πr 2 25
∴ The correct choice is 4.
62. (3)
x2 6×6
% increase = 2x + 100 = 2 × 6 + 100 1) alone is notsufficient
36 9 309 2) alone is not sufficient.
= 12 + 100 = 12 + 25 = 25
= 12.36%
58. (5)
Work done by pipe 1 in 1 hr = 4
Work done by pipe II in 1 hr = x
1 From (1) and (2)
Work done by I and 11 in 1 hr = 1 =
1 2
5 =5
1 1 2
∴4+x =5
1 2 1 8−5 3
⇒x =5−4 = = 20
AB = 122 + 92
∴ Time taken by pipe II alone to empty the
20 2 ∴ Using (1) and (2) we can derive the
tank = = 6 3 hr. answer.
59. (3) ∴ Required choice is 3.
Required probability = 10 2 63. (1)
1×2 6×5 1
= 10 ×9 = 10×9 = 3
60. (*)
Given informations are not clear. In the
problem nothing is mentioned about F and From (1) ADEC and ABC are similar.
G. So we cannot derive the answer. ⇒ ∟A = ∟D; ∟B = ∟E
61. (4) ∴ AB is parallel to DE
From (1) Total salary of assembly workers 1) alone is sufficient
= 312000-12000 = 300000 Average salary 2) alone is not sufficient
of the assembly workers The correct choice is (1).
= 64. (2)
(1) alone is sufficient to get the answer. From (2) x+y = 24
∴ The numbers are (19, 5), (18, 6), (17, 7),
∴ So, we can derive the answer.
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MBA - 2007
∴ 2 alone is sufficient.
∴The correct choice is 2.
65. (4)
From (1) a1 is even
⇒ a2 = a1+ 2iseven
a3 = a2+2 is even 1
∴ Required area = 2 (π ×72) + 142
a4 = a3+2 is even
∴ a10 is also even. So (1) alone is sufficient.
∴ (1) alone is sufficient to derive the From (2) side of the square is 14 ⇒ DC =
answer. From (2) a9 = 24 14
∴ a10 = a9 + 2 = 24 + 2 = 26 ∴ OC = 7 i.e., radius = 7
∴ a10 is even Required area= 2 (π ×72) + 142
∴ Required choice is 4. ∴ (2) alone is sufficient.
66. (2) ∴ Required choice is 4.
(1) is not sufficient. 69. (4)
From (2) x = 40° Let the edge of the cube be x m.
∟C is greatest ⇒ AB is the longest. From (1)
Volume = 9 x edge
⇒ x3 = 9x
x2 = 9 ⇒ x = 3
∴ (1) alone is sufficient
From (2)
Surface area = 18x
∴ (2) alone is sufficient.
⇒ 6x2 = 18x
∴ Required choice is (2)
67. (3)
∴ (2) alone is sufficient.
(1) alone is not sufficient
∴ Required choice is 4.
(2) alone is not sufficient
70. (3)
From (1) and (2)
(1) alone is not sufficient
a = 0; -b = k2
(2) alone is not sufficient
Also x=k; (given)
From (1) and (2)
∴ x3+ax2+bx = k3+(0×k2)+(-k2×k) A+B+T A+ −A +T
= k3-k3=0 Average = =8= =8
3 3
∴ Both (1) and (2) are required. ⇒ T = 24
∴ Required choice is 3. ∴ Required choice is 3.
68. (4) 71. (4)
Let O be the centre of the semicircle (1) alone is sufficient.
∴ OC = OB = radius (2) alone is sufficient.
From (1) radius = 7 (i.e.) OC = 7 72. (1)
⇒ DC = 2×OC = 14 From (1) a is (-ve) whole number
then a2 = positive whole number
(1) alone is sufficient
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MBA - 2007
From (2) 4a2 is integer. 2 a 2
If a = 2 ∴ BC = 2a − 2
then 4a2 =16 = integer ∴ We can derive the length of the
1 rectangle.
if a = 2
1 Area of the rectangle = 2 .BC
4a2 = 4 × 4 =1 = integer
Area of the square = a2
From this we can get the required answer.
∴ (2) alone is not sufficient,
So (1) alone is sufficient
∴ Required choice is 1.
From (2) area of ∆ABC
73. (5)
# area of AEFG
(1) alone is not sufficient.
But area of rectangle = 2 × area of ∆ABC
(2) alone is not sufficient.
Area of square = 2 × area of ∆EFG
Since the directions (or) angle between AB
So area of rectangle ≠ area of the square
and BC is not given (1) and (2) are not
So (2) alone is sufficient to derive the
sufficient. We need more data.
∴ Required choice is 5.
∴ Correct choice is 4.
74. (3)
77. (1)
From (1) and (2) two triangles are
From (1) John is 1.9 m tall.
75. (1)
Volume = π×102×20
From (1) 1 litre = 0.1m3
No. of litres of liquid in the tank
volume of the tank π×10 2 ×20
= =
0.1 0.1 ∆ABC and ∆DEF are similar.
∴ (1) alone is sufficient to derive the AB BC
∴ ED = EF
1.9 3.2
∴ (2) alone is not sufficient = 2.9
∴ Required choice is 1. ED =
; Lai s height =
3.2 3.2
76. (4)
So (1) alone is sufficient to derive the
(2) alone is not sufficient
∴ Correct choice is 1.
78. (1)
1 From (1)
From (1) AC = EG. AB = 2 EH
Area πr2 = 25 π
Let the side of the square be a
⇒ r = 5 (1) alone is sufficient to derive the
Then diameter EG = 2a
Since EG = C πr 2 r
⇒ AC = 2a From (2) =π
2r 2
1 a πr πr
Also AB = 2 EH = 2 ⇒ 2r = 2r
TANCET Previous Year Papers
MBA - 2007
This is not sufficient to derive the radius of 97. (2) change ‗be told'
the circle. 98. (4) delete ‗out‘
⇒ Correct choice is 1. 99. (2) change ‗whom‘
79. (4) 100. (2) delete ‗practically‘
Let time taken by A be x and by B be y.
1 1 1
Then x + y = 30
From (1) To Follow Channel – Click Here
work of A:B = 2:1
∴ Time taken by A and B (i.e.) x:y = 1:2
x = k; y = 2k
1 1 1
For WhatsAPP Group – Click Here
∴ k + 2k = 30
So y value can be derived.
So (1) alone is sufficient. Telegram Channel – Click Here
From (2) x = 45
1 1 1
∴ 45 + y = 30
y value can be derived from the above
So (2) alone is sufficient.
∴ Correct choice is 4.
80. (5)
(1) and (2) are not sufficient to derive the
answer. Because they are not giving any
informations about π. So we need more
81. (3) delete ‗and‘
82. (4) correct as ‗seem‘
83. (2) correct as ‗factual‘
84. (2) correct as ‗given us‘
85. (3) correct as ‗whoever‘
86. (1) correct as ‗is‘
87. (1) change as ‗In order to‘
88. (5) No error.
89. (2) change ‗has‘
90. (1) change ‗Whose‘
91. (4) change ‗arise‘
92. (3) delete ‗to‘
93. (3) change ‗would advance‘
94. (2) change ‗cleverer‘
95. (2) change ‗than‘
96. (2) change ‗each and everyone‘