Green ECMA Brochure 2014
Green ECMA Brochure 2014
Green ECMA Brochure 2014
Emission ControlsAssociation
Manufacturers Association
After Treatment
light-off catalyst
NOx storage catalyst
Founder Members:
• BASF Catalysts (India) Pvt. Ltd.
• Corning India
• Emitec Emission Control Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.
• Johnson Matthey India Pvt. Ltd.
• NGK Insulators Ltd.
• Sud-Chemie India Pvt. Ltd.
• Umicore Autocat India Pvt. Ltd.
Associate Members:
• Alantum Europe GmbH
• Albonair India
• Cummins Emission Solutions
• Ecocat India Pvt. Ltd
• HJS Fahrzeugtechnik Gmbh & Co KG
• Ibiden India
• Mitsui Kinzoku Components India Pvt. Ltd.
• Nippon Steel & Sumikin Materials India Pvt. Ltd.
• Tenneco Automotive India
lobal Manufacturers of after-treatment systems in the field of Vehicular Pollution Control
came together to create a platform in India to share their emission control technologies with
the interest of public in large in line with the European and the American after-treatment
Manufacturers Association. Accordingly, the eight leading organizations in the field of Emission Control
Technology set out and established “Emission Controls Manufacturers Association (ECMA)”, a nonprofit
association. ECMA got an approval from the Registrar as a Non Profit Association and was registered on
13th November 2001 under Registrar of Societies Act XXI of 1860, at New Delhi. The Association started
its function from year 2002.
It represents world’s leading manufacturers of Emission Control equipment for Automotive and Non-Road
engines in India. Our member companies have been operating worldwide and have rich experience and
a proven track record in the development, testing and manufacturing of catalytic converters and catalyst
/ heat tubes for 2 – Wheelers / Cars / LCV’s / HCV’s manufacturers and Off-Road application like
Generators (Petrol / Diesel). ECMA Members parent organizations jointly investing “Billions of Dollars”
in R&D. Members’ technology is incorporated in the exhaust emission control system on all new cars
and light / heavy commercial vehicles, as well as various two wheelers like scooters, motorcycles and
mopeds in India.
ECMA’s Vision:
ECMA’s Mission:
• To work with the Industry, Government, Regulators, Oil Companies and Public at large to be
a credible source of knowledge on emission control.
• To strive to increase awareness of the need and to provide relevant technical solutions for
emission control.
• To achieve this through assimilation of technologies for emission control; providing and
disseminating knowledge; enabling legislation, implementation and test procedures.
We remain faithful to our pledge and partnership with the people, industry and government to solve some
of the most critical problems caused by on road and off road vehicular pollution. We are continuing our
forward march, maintaining high professional standards and a strong commitment towards a pollution
free world.
ECMA Journey so far….
1. Eight Leading Organizations in the field of Emission Control Technology set out to establish
“Emission Controls Manufacturers Association (ECMA)” a Non Profit Association.
2. The Association was registered on 13th November 2001 under Registrar of Societies Act XXI of
1860, at New Delhi.
3. ECMA’s 1st Office bearers at the time of formation were Mr. R. P. Mital (President) and Mr. R. S.
Mani (Vice President & Treasurer / Secretary)
4. ECMA’s Office established at Nehru Place, New Delhi from 27th March 2003.
5. Dr. V. Rajagopalan, then Chairman CPCB was the Chief Guest at ECMA’s Inaugural Function
held at New Delhi on 26th August 2004.
6. Launched “Worldwide Emission Standards 2004” in CD.
7. Regd. Office shifted to Nehru Place, New Delhi on 1st September 2004.
8. Organized 1st International Conference on “Asian Vehicle Emission Control Conference
2006” at Jaipur in association with AECC & MECA on 20th - 22nd September 2006.
9. Launched the Brand Emission Control Technology (ECT). The 2nd International Conference
“Emission Control Technology to Meet Year 2010 Norms and Beyond” ECT 2007 was
organized at New Delhi on 10th - 11th October 2007.
10. ECMA participated as Sponsor at “TECHNEX 2008” Conference organized by SIAM.
11. ECMA honoured to become a Member of the prestigious “Standing Committee on Emission
(SCOE)” on 29th December 2009.
12. “Emission Control Technologies to Improve Ambient Air Quality - Path Forward for India”
ECT 2009 International Conference was organized at New Delhi on 6th - 7th November 2009.
13. 1st Roundtable Conference on “Impact of PM Emissions and its Management” at New Delhi
on 7th September 2010.
14. ECMA sponsored Best M. Tech Project of ARAI Academy 2011 batch and the Best M. Tech.
Project was awarded Rs. 1.00 Lac during ECT 2011.
15. The 2nd Roundtable Conference on “After Treatment System / Design for BS - V Compliance”
at New Delhi on 6th September 2011.
16. “After treatment Technologies 2013 and Beyond” ECT 2011 International Conference was
organized at New Delhi on 9th - 10th November 2011.
17. “Learning Initiative Project” was launched for PhD and M. Tech. students in March 2012.
Three projects written by students were awarded at the 1st Off Road Conference.
18. 1st International Off Road Conference on “Pathways to Meet Future Emission Standards for
Off-Road Engines” was organized on 3rd - 4th September 2012 at New Delhi.
19. “ECMA Celebrates Successful 1st Decade” from 16th to 18th December 2012 at Goa.
20. ECMA represented at the “Expert Committee on Auto Fuel Vision & Policy 2025”
21. “Implementation & Challenges of Pan India Emission Norms” ECT 2013 the 5th International
Conference organized at New Delhi on 6th - 7th September 2013.
22. “ECMA organized “Free Pollution Under Control Check (PUC) Programs” at BPCL and HPCL
Petrol Pumps at New Delhi.
CMA Members had unanimously elected Mr. R. P.
Mittal (representing Delphi) as President and Mr. R. S.
Mani (representing Corning) as Vice President to run
ECMA. The registered office was initially opened at Greater
Kailash, Part – I, New Delhi. Mr. B. R. Gosain was appointed
as Executive Director to look after day to day activities of the
association. The Resolution in this regard was passed and
approved by the Association and submitted to the concerned
department. After submission of the documents, ECMA office
was established at Nehru Place, New Delhi in 2003. ECMA
hosted its first official Inaugural Function at New Delhi wherein
Dr. V. Rajagopalan, the then Chairman CPCB was the Chief
Guest and over hundred dignitaries were present.
ECMA honoured to become a Member of the India ECT 2009” was organized at New Delhi on
prestigious “Standing Committee on Emission 6th - 7th November 2009.
(SCOE)” under Ministry of Road Transport and
The first Roundtable Conference on “Impact of PM
Highways on 29th December 2009. ECMA made
Emissions and its Management” was organized
representations at SCOE on various issues. The
at New Delhi on 7th September 2010. Overwhelming
important issue of “Replacement of Catalytic
response of the conference triggered off to
Converters” was under deliberations with all
organize such roundtable conferences in future
stakeholders for quite some time.
covering specific emission related topics.
ECMA stated its position that PUC operator is
currently carrying out pollution control checks
of vehicles as per CMVR 115. Further the OBD
systems for Emission Control have already been
implemented to take care of the Replacement of
Catalytic converter. However SCOE has instructed
test agency to carry out the study on the feasibility
of Replacement of Catalytic Converters.
The success of ECMA’s first roundtable conference First time, ECMA had launched a Research project
encouraged us to host the second roundtable “Learning Initiative” for PhD and M. Tech.
conference on the theme of “After Treatment students in March 2012. ECMA’s Technical team
System / Design for BS – V Compliance” in had scrutinized the papers and three projects were
New Delhi on 6th September 2011. selected.
The “1st Off Road Conference” was specially
dedicated to the Off Road Vehicle Industry and
organized by ECMA on 3rd and 4th September 2012
at New Delhi. This was the first such conference in
India; and was for two days. The conference had
over 300 participants.
difficult to meet Particle Number and Particulate Academia, NGOs, Test Agencies, International
Standard in gm/km, with anything higher than 15 Experts and other stakeholders.
ppm Sulfur diesel.
The two days conference deliberated various
The 5th International Conference on “Implementa- issues related to Emission in India. We had
tion & Challenges of Pan India Emission Norms eight Technical Sessions, wherein 33 Technical
ECT 2013” was organized at New Delhi on 6 & 7
th th
Experts presented Papers and one Closing
September 2013. Panel discussion comprising Senior Legislative
Authorities, experts from Test Agencies,
Petroleum Industry and consulting Agencies.
Fourteen Organizations showcased their
Technologies / Products at the Exposition and
a Cultural program was also organized at ECT
Evolution of Indian Emission Regulations
The first Indian emission regulations were idle emission limits which became effective in 1989. These
idle emission regulations were soon replaced by mass emission limits for both gasoline (1991) and diesel
(1992) vehicles, which were gradually tightened during the 1990’s. Since the year 2000, India started
adopting European emission & fuel regulations for four-wheeled light-duty, heavy-duty vehicles. India
specific emission regulations still apply for 2/3 Wh. vehicles.
On October 6, 2003, the National Auto Fuel Policy had been announced, which envisaged a phased
program for introducing Bharat Stage II - IV Emission and Fuel regulations by 2010. The implementation
schedule of Emission Standards in India is summarized below.
2005.04 Nationwide
1. Autocatalysts: Three-Way Catalysts (TWC), Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (DOC), Selective Catalytic
Reduction (SCR), Lean De-NOx Catalysts also known as hydrocarbon-SCR.
Catalytic Converters
Inside Back Cover
The term covers the stainless steel box mounted in the exhaust system. Inside is the autocatalyst - a
ceramic or metallic
Catalytic substrate with an active coating incorporating chemical compounds (the wash coat) to
support a combination of catalytical materials or minerals selected for their effectiveness in the required
The term covers the stainless steel box mounted in the exhaust system. Inside is the
emissions reductions.
autocatalyst - a ceramic or metallic substrate with an active coating incorporating
chemical compounds (the wash coat) to support a combination of catalytical materials
It canoralso be ofselected
minerals homogeneous honeycomb
for their ceramics
effectiveness in which emissions
in the required only activereductions.
compounds are extruded
simultaneously. The autocatalyst is mounted in a can and is protected from vibration and shock by a
It can also be of homogeneous honeycomb ceramics in which only active compounds
are‘mat’. The catalytic
extruded converter
simultaneously. Thethen looks similar
autocatalyst to an exhaust
is mounted in a muffler.
can and is protected
from vibration and shock by a resilient 'mat'. The catalytic converter then looks similar
to an exhaust muffler. Emissions Control Technologies
Exhaust Gas
NOx NH3 O2
>85% NOx
N2 H2O
10 11
Emission Control
Technology Low Engine Technology
require a
Mr. B. R. Gosain
Executive Director
Emission Controls Manufacturers Association
205, Chandra Bhawan
For more information, please contact us:
67-68, Nehru Place
B. R.- Gosain
+91-11-4160 6513; Fax: +91-11-2643 7131
Emission Controls Manufacturers Association
205, Chandra Bhawan
67-68, Nehru Place
New Delhi - 110019 11
Tel: +91-11-4160 6513; Fax: +91-11-2643 7131