Hhs Lower Body Lesson Plan Leg Day
Hhs Lower Body Lesson Plan Leg Day
Hhs Lower Body Lesson Plan Leg Day
We Will: Introduce students to their lower body workout for the day. We will go over proper form and
introduce students to the muscles that they will be using during the exercises.
I Will: give maximum effort in my first Lower body weight room workout. I will work out my Quadriceps,
hamstrings and my gastrocnemius among other muscles through a variety of band and low weight
dumbbell exercises.
Warm Up: The warm up will consist of one lap around the field followed by 3-5 Dynamic
Side Shuffle
Butt Kicks
Single Leg RDL
Hip Rotators
Quad Stretch
Walk and Tricep Stretch
Lunge and Twist
2(A) apply rules, procedures, and etiquette;
3 (B) analyze and evaluate personal fitness status in terms of cardiovascular endurance,
muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition;
Weight Room Essentials (Racks, free weights, benches, etc.)
Resistance Bands (RB)
White Board
Interval Timer
Exercises to be covered:
1- Airborne Heisman
2- RB Squats
3- seated calf raises
4- Stiff legged deadlift
5- Wall sits
o 1- Jump Squats
o 2- RB Squat TO Press
o 3- Bench Lunge
o 4- DB Single Leg RDL
o 5- Single Leg Calf Raises
November 13th, 2019
Grouping and Transition: Students will be grouped in their same groups discussed on Monday.
There will be 4-5 students in each group.
We will use the same transitional strategy discussed on Monday.
Following the warm up there will be two rounds of five different exercises (10 exercises-
20 sets in total).
Exercises will be labeled 1-5 on the whiteboard and the students will be notified which
number they are once they have been put in their groups.
Students will begin with the exercise that matches their number and will rotate to the next
exercise in numerical order following a 30 second interval and a 12 second rest period.
Once all students finish the first cycle of all 5 exercises, they will repeat the process by
completing all five exercises once again under the same timed interval.
Once they finish both cycles of the first round, they will begin the second round of
exercises with their group following the same transition routine.
Cool Down: Jog/power walk around field at own pace followed by a 30 second class plank.
Closing: Give Feedback and debrief with students on the days workout and preview the next
days exercises prior to leaving.
3rd period:
Jonah will do resistance band leg exercises such as squats by sitting down and up on a
chair with the resistance bands around his knees.
As well as calf raises with the band around his ankles