Arduino Programming Ver 1 PDF
Arduino Programming Ver 1 PDF
Arduino Programming Ver 1 PDF
Command Description
pinMode(n,INPUT) Set pin n to act as an input. One-time command at top of program.
pinMode(n,OUTPUT) Set pin n to act as an output
digitalWrite(n,HIGH) Set pin n to 5V
digitalWrite(n,LOW) Set pin n to 0V
delay(x) Pause program for x millisec, x = 0 to 65,535
tone(n,f,d) Play tone of frequency f Hz for d millisec on speaker attached to pin n
for() Loop. Example: for (i=0;i<3;i++){} Do the instructions enclosed by {} three times
if (expr) {} Conditional branch. If expr true, do instructions enclosed by {}
while (expr) {} While expr is true, repeat instructions in {} indefinitely
For more commands see the ME2011 “Arduino Microcontroller Guide” and the Language Reference section of the
arduino web site.
Instructions in the setup() function are executed once. Those in the loop() function are executed indefinitely.
1. Turn on LED connected to Pin 2 for 1 s. 4. Play 440 hz tone for one second on speaker
connected to pin 5. Delay is needed because
void setup() { the program does not wait for the tone()
pinMode(2,OUTPUT); command to finish but rather immediately goes
digitalWrite(2,HIGH); to the command following tone().
digitalWrite(2,LOW); void setup() {
} pinMode(5,OUTPUT);
void loop() tone(5,440,1000);
{} delay(1100);
2. Flash LED connected to Pin 2 at 1 Hz forever. void loop()
void setup() {
pinMode(2,OUTPUT); 5. LED is on Pin 2 and switch is on Pin 6. Turns
} on the LED for one sec when switch is pressed.
void loop() {
digitalWrite(2,HIGH); void setup() {
delay(500); pinMode(2,OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(2,LOW); pinMode(6,INPUT);
delay(500); while (digitalRead(6) == HIGH)
} ;
3. Turn on motor connected to Pin 4 for 1 s. delay(1000);
void setup() {
pinMode(4,OUTPUT); }
digitalWrite(4,HIGH); void loop()
delay(1000); {}
void loop()