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Archangel Metatron Speaks

Archangel Metatron

On behalf of
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Channeled by
Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

© 2015 Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

ISBN 978-1-927762-11-0

All rights including the rights to translate or to

reproduce this book or parts thereof except for brief
quotations are reserved.

First Edition, 2015 – 100 Copies

Published by:
60 Walter Havill Drive, Unit 1208
Halifax, N.S., Canada B3N 0A9

Printed through:
Omkar Offset Printers
Bangalore, India

Cover design:
Maja Wizor

Archangel Metatron Speaks

Archangel Metatron

On behalf of
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Channeled by
Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.
Sai Channeled Book Company

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

Archangel Metatron Speaks

Dedicated at the Lotus Feet


Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

The Eternal Witness

The Merciful Guru


The Divine Mother


Father of All

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

Archangel Metatron Speaks


Archangel Metatron has been known to me for many

decades. I was in the 1990’s a member of a spiritual
university called, “The Melchezedek Synthesis Light
Academy” founded by members of the Great White
Brotherhood, and anchored on earth by Dr. Joshua
David Stone. I was part of this ascension-channeling
group for several years.

In 2012 Lord Sathya Sai Baba prompted me to take the

Litios Diamond Light Priestess training. Archangel
Metatron was a founding member, along with Lord
Sananda, Lord Melchezedek, Archangel Michael, and
many others.

During 2011 to 2014 I had received-channeled the

words of Lord Sathya Sai Baba contained in the 10 vol-
ume, “God Realization Series.” In the tenth volume
entitled, “Divine Healing,” Sathya Sai Baba had asked
Archangel Metatron to speak about Lightbody and as-
cension during several essays.

Later I realized that having Archangel Metatron speak

on behalf of Sathya Sai Baba was a lead-in to my chan-
neling-receiving a book from Archangel Metatron.

I received several messages from Spirit during 2014 re-

lated to this upcoming work with Archangel Metatron.
One message received during the Sunday night service
at the Spiritual Science Fellowship in Halifax, Canada,

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

was from a student minister who clairvoyantly saw

a large angel standing behind me. He clairaudiently
heard Him say that He would like to channel many
books with me over a period of three years. Several
months later at the same place in another spirit mes-
sage, a minister saw me writing books with designs
and drawings in them (sacred geometry).

I asked Lord Sathya Sai Baba my Satguru if I should do

this channeled book with Archangel Metatron. Baba
agreed and said that He had arranged with Archangel
Metatron that I could do this service in order to help
His devotees understand and progress on the path of

I feel very happy and honored to be a receiver-channel

with the very loving and radiant Archangel Metatron
and to share His Loving and helpful Words and En-
ergy on Lightbody-Merkaba, and ascension. I hope the
readers will also feel as I do.

Catherine Kapahi

April, 2015.

Archangel Metatron Speaks

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

Archangel Metatron Speaks

Sixty-three Essays

The Structure of the Merkaba

The Process of Ascension

Archangel Metatron

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

Archangel Metatron Speaks

Part I

Structure of the Merkaba

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

Archangel Metatron Speaks

I am Archangel Metatron the Radiant One. I come

to you today to convey to you essential wisdom and
knowledge for your ascension. Please pay careful at-
tention to what I am about to convey to you. It will
make your journey much easier and less arduous.

As Sai Baba has told you, there are many pitfalls and
delays on the path Divine. Why to waste time when
all help is available to you at this time of the Great As-
cension? I have been with you for a very long time. I
know you though you may not know Me. I am the one
who created your crystalline Lightbodies in oneness
with your Creator. I have known you on many levels
during many lives. I am your enduring friend who can
help you ascend in Lightbody, your crystalline Light-
body or Merkaba as it is called. You may ask how can
I do this? It is part of My work to create, maintain, and
repair all Merkabas. It is My assignment from God
given to Me a very long time back. I have been doing
this work-service for Him only and it gives Me great
joy to see human beings ascending to God.

Today I will tell you about your Lightbody, your

Merkaba. It was created by Me according to specific
instructions from God. All human Merkabas are cre-
ated exactly the same. There is a blueprint that is fol-
lowed to the minutest detail. ‘They are absolutely per-

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

fect at the time of creation. At the present time most

Merkabas are imperfect and in comas. Merkabas are
designed to spin and thus create an energy vortex
around the incarnation that is you. Most no longer
move, with the result that ascension is not possible for
souls. As I share with you this essential knowledge
about your Lightbody, you will come to know that all
help is available to you to have your Merkaba repaired
and made new, so the spiritual ascension process can
begin anew. All that is required is your willingness
to be open to learning about your Merkaba, and how
to have it renewed and spinning for your ascension in
the Light.

My Dear Ones, I will speak to you more about your

Lightbody. Did you know God ordained that all His
children have Lightbodies so they could travel any-
where in this infinite universe and not be lost? They
could always return to home base wherever that may
be. In a perfect Merkaba, one may go anywhere and
return immediately. However, when the Merkaba is
imperfect this may not be possible.

Archangel Metatron Speaks

Many Merkabas were damaged during the fall of At-

lantis where many of you were living at that time. The
misuse of energy caused huge explosions that dam-
aged many Merkabas. How? They caved in and were
broken with parts severed and lost. Since the time of
Atlantis most damaged Merkabas have never been re-
paired. You can imagine that this situation has been
responsible for the inability of most humans to ascend
to the Divine level. I will explain more about how this
works in another essay.

I wish to tell you that at this time of mass ascension,

you may have your Lightbodies repaired by asking
Myself, Archangel Metatron, or Light Lord Ashtar,
who along with Myself, command scores of Light tech-
nicians who are trained for just this task of repairing
Lightbodies. It would give them great joy to do this
for aspiring souls. As all have free will, each one must
ask/pray for this work of repairing the Lightbody to
be done for him as he cannot do it for himself. This
will speed up the ascension process exponentially for
the spiritual aspirant. Earth herself and many humans
are ascending rapidly at this time, as this is part of the
Divine Plan for Earth and its inhabitants. One cannot
ascend without Lightbody, so you can see how essen-
tial is your perfected Lightbody.

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

Today we will tell you more about your Lightbody, a

Divine endowment, a navigational system that allows
you as an individual Divine Atma to move about and
ascend. We are speaking to you so you will conscious-
ly become aware of your Merkaba and use it in the
manner in which it was designed to be used. As yet for
many of you, this is all strange and new information.
It is not much spoken about in the world’s religious
scriptures, though mention of Merkabas is definitely
there. As the priests and interpreters of their scriptures
were not aware of their own Merkabas, knowledge of
Merkaba and its great value in the ascension process
has been largely lost. Another reason has been to keep
the masses subservient to their religious leaders and
their interpretations of their scriptures. It has been like
the blind leading the blind in most cases.

The Merkaba has been referred to as a spinning wheel

of light; it is made of crystalline Light substance and it
should be spinning in order to be useful to its owner.
Now in most humans the light is dim or dimmer and
the Merkaba is not spinning. It is as in a coma. As a
result humans are stuck and unable to ascend, except
in rare occasions when one has spent much time in a
highly spiritual place and has done much meditation,
prayer and other spiritual practices. Then the Merka-
ba would have been surrounded and permeated with
high vibrational frequencies of Light that gradually
purified and repaired it.

Archangel Metatron Speaks

My dear ones, today the topic is your Merkaba. What

exactly is it? It is a crystalline structure made of the sub-
tlest Light substance. It has a cellular structure that can
be influenced and damaged. It can be overlaid by dark
influences such as black magic. It can be controlled to
some extent by negative extraterrestrial influences and
implants. It can be partially collapsed by shocks and
traumas such as the powerful energetic explosions at
the time of the fall of Atlantis, and during a traumatic
death such as live burning former ‘witches’ endured.
These witches were mainly psychically and spiritu-
ally developed women whom mainstream society and
religious hierarchy feared and misunderstood. There
are other types of shock and trauma that can impair a

However, this crystalline Light structure can be re-

stored to its original pristine brilliance and immacu-
late function by Myself, My angels and Commander
Ashtar and His Light technicians upon your request.
As humans have free will each and everyone must
ask for this reparation to be done. Unseen angels will
gather around you when you are meditating and sleep-
ing in order to remove extraneous energies that have
accumulated from having lived and moved about in
the universe for hundreds of thousands of years as a
soul with your Lightbody. The vertices that are broken
will be repaired; the light crystals containing sacred
geometry, navigational tools and knowledge will be

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

replaced where they are missing so you will be able to

ascend to higher levels of Lightbody, raise your ener-
gy vibration and move into different dimensions and
places in the galaxies in time.

Now most of you are stuck due to non-functional

Merkabas and you do not know what to do to make
rapid progress. So I am showing you how to proceed.
Call upon Me, Archangel Metatron for this grace and
it will be forthcoming.

Most Holy Beings, I greet you. I am Archangel Meta-

tron, your friend from eternity to eternity. I have come
to instruct you in the ways to heal and restore your Di-
vine nature and blueprint. It is My hope and wish that
you will be inspired to move ahead using this knowl-
edge to uplift yourselves.

So let us begin. Do you know that you are truly Divine

Beings, just like God? You have forgotten that which
you once knew. Yet this knowledge is embedded with-
in you; it is part of your Divine structure. I am able
to rekindle this knowledge within you, when you are
earnest in your seeking and ask truly. As I am one of
the Creators of Merkabas, crystalline Light structures,
I know everything about them. I work under God’s

Archangel Metatron Speaks

jurisdiction and this is My most important service to

the Divine. So do not be shy to ask for this grace for it
is My duty and pleasure to serve humankind and the
plan of ascension. I welcome your request and prayers
for the same.

My dear ones, today we will discuss a new aspect of

Lightbody. It is the vibrational pattern. Did you know
that the Merkaba is composed of two equal portions
called tetrahedrons, an upper and lower tetrahedron?
Tetrahedron is one of the sacred forms of geometry
used by God in His Creations. There is a centrifugal
relationship between these two tetrahedrons. The up-
per tetrahedron moves in a counter clockwise rotation
while the lower tetrahedron moves in the opposite di-
rection, that is, in a clockwise rotation. Why is this? In
order to provide a propulsion that would enable the
Merkaba to rise up out of the physical body at the com-
mand of the individual I Am Presence. This was the
way you were created in the beginning. You were able
to move about the universe by using the navigational
tools embedded in your Merkaba. Now most of you
cannot do this. Why? Your Merkabas are not moving,
not spinning. Due to shock, trauma and other reasons
experienced over many incarnations, your Merkabas
are missing essential parts as well as overladen by dif-

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

ferent types of debris that weigh them down. I and

others know how to repair the Lightbodies and clean
them upon your prayers and request for this to be done.
You work alongside us to remove conditionings. We
will speak more about this in the upcoming talks.

My dear ones, please say, “Hello,” to all your friends

on My behalf and tell them about the opportunities
that lie ahead for them. Tell them that Archangel
Metatron is here to help them ascend, bringing with
Him many crystal angels and comrades who are all the
time assisting human beings. Never feel or think that
you are alone. We are and have always been here for
you. But you must ask for our assistance as your free
will is most honoured.

It is your aspiration for the Light that attracts Us to-

ward you. Aspire greatly and you will receive more
help on your path to ascension in the Light. Other aspi-
rations and demands do not have this attracting power
that desire for ascension has. So put your all into this
aspiration to know and be God. That is all you need to
do. Then We will be by your side surrounding and fill-
ing you with as much higher vibrational Light as your
present system can absorb and use. We the Ascended
Masters and Archangels are all one though We have

Archangel Metatron Speaks

different names and functions. So do not fear that you

must leave your religion or Satguru when you call on
Us. No not at all. We would never ask you or expect
you to do this. As all are one, We all work together for
the Higher Good. So do not worry. As you accept un-
conditional love from your friends and relatives so too
We are here to assist you in your Spiritual evolution.

My dear ones, please allow Me to tell you a little story.

Once, long ago, there was a dragon in China whose
name was Octagon. He was beautiful and resplendent,
an exceedingly good soul. You may be wondering
what this has to do with Lightbody, but bear with Me
and you will see. Octagon had many offspring who
were dispersed throughout the earth, as they had the
ability to fly anywhere close to the speed of Light. You
see these were no ordinary dragons; they were divine
dragons. Yes, they really do exist. There are many of
them living in a dimension that is very close to your
dimension and they may be called upon to assist you.
How? Call upon the fifth dimensional dragons to in-
fuse you with courage and strength whenever you
feel weak, powerless and vulnerable. They will as-
sist and protect you. These are not the fire-breathing
dragons you see in Chinese mythology, the images of
which create fear in the minds of many. Though the

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

fifth dimensional dragons are powerful, they are very

benevolent toward humans who call on them sincerely
for their help.

Dear ones, today the topic is your Lightbody. As they

are all of the same design, replicas, it was not very dif-
ficult to construct and install them in humans. At the
time of your creation, I inserted your Merkaba into
your energy matrix so that all parts of you lined up
perfectly in a smoothly functioning unity. You knew
you were perfect and beautiful, a strong star in the
firmament. You are still that; you just need a little
cleaning, a polishing here and there. We can do this
together with the help of the multitude of angels and
spiritual masters who are available to serve. This is a
service we love to do. All that is needed for this pro-
cess to accelerate, is your aspiration for the Light and
your prayers for help in the ascension process.

Your Lightbody is still with you though hidden to

most. Why is it hidden? Your inner vision has not
yet developed enough. It takes focusing within and
going within, in what you call meditation, to cleanse
the mind of what is illusory, untrue. A most effective
type of meditation is to focus on a candle flame. Close
the eyes and bring the flame into all parts of the inner

Archangel Metatron Speaks

body, as well as outside around the physical body for

five minutes every day. Have the intention to purify
all parts of the physical body and etheric body that
is all around the physical body, and also the mental
and emotional bodies. Next sit with your conscious-
ness inside the physical body, resting there for some
time. By and by, as clearing takes place, you will see
the Lightbody inside and around the physical body,
and the seven chakras will become lined up as one uni-
fied heart chakra full of Light. This process is destined
to take place; it is necessary for your ascension to the
higher dimensions of Light, as well as the realization
that you are Light.


Yes it is true. You are made of Divine substance and

Divine Consciousness. It only needs your realization
to be made real for you. We of the Highest Radiance
of God, upon your request, will radiate to you our
energies again and again to transmute and transform
what is of a lower energy in you to a higher frequency.
Why? God in His Purest State is a very high frequency
of Light, and like merges with like. To know your-
self in ways other than your personal self, you must
raise the vibration of what constitutes, ‘You’, whereby
you transform yourself into a Lightful, more expan-
sive version of yourself. That is all. And many new

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

spiritual gifts accompany this ascension process such

as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, remote
viewing, mental telepathy, mediumship and more.


My dear ones, hearken to My words. I along with the

entire Hierarchy of Planet Earth and many others are
here for you, awaiting your call. If you do not call Us,
We cannot assist you. Many angels are sitting idle
waiting for the call of humanity to assist them in their
ascension process. Ask for Divine Light and healing in
order to receive the Light. Let the Light/God be your
goal, and the means of attaining will be given to you
as you pray for this.

Today I wish to share with you more knowledge about

ascension in the Light. Did you know that as you open
yourself in prayer and ask to be filled with Light, Light
is immediately sent to you? You may not notice at
first because your channel is blocked, but this Light
will open your channel. Not only that, strands of Light
substance will be added little by little in order to build
a strong Light connection between you and the Higher
Realms. By and by as you continue to aspire for this
Light to surround and fill you, the Light connection
becomes stronger and wider. After sometime, more
Light connects to your physical body and radiates out-

Archangel Metatron Speaks

ward. Your chakras are able to fill and radiate with

pure Light. A pillar of Light is formed from the Higher
Dimensions down through your seven main chakras
connecting all in a permanent pathway of Light. I tell
you this so you will know what to expect to happen
within, above, around and below you as you continue
to aspire for the Divine Union.


You see that which you are accustomed to seeing. So

you do not notice your Lightbody within and around
the physical body. But it is there though likely covered
and in disrepair. For you on the path of ascension, it is
your responsibility to ask for it to be repaired and then
you do everything in your power to purify yourself of
all conditioning and falseness. The goal of your life is
to purify and pray for redemption. Then the process
will accelerate on its own and surrender to the Divine
becomes possible.

Your Lightbody becomes the instrument for you to

raise your consciousness and energy to higher dimen-
sions and spheres. Now you have your existence, your
consciousness in the third dimension, where material
forms seem to be reality and dualities of all types pre-
vail. Many of you spend a lot of your waking state
in the fourth dimension, where you have much more

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

experience of everything connected in one matrix of

energy. As you move into fifth dimensional reality,
awareness of Oneness will be the prevailing experi-
ence. Peace, harmony, love, and acceptance will be
the cherished values in this dimension of awareness.
There is movement back and forth among the three
dimensions until one becomes firmly anchored in the
fifth dimension as one’s reality.


To you I may be just an airy fairy angel in the sky; but

let Me assure you I am much more than that. God has
entrusted me with the crystalline creations for planet
earth and more. The crystalline grids around planet
earth are under My purview. I have many helpers,
angels who work tirelessly to create and repair along
with Me. Many others are involved in this work as
well, in order to foster the plan of Divine Evolution
and maintenance.

You may wonder what happens to your Divine crys-

talline Merkaba at the time of transition or death of
the physical body. It goes with you to the dimension
or sphere where you end up spending time. It never
leaves you. It has your spiritual name on it for eter-
nity. Do not worry about this as it is taken care of by
your angels. Your job is to raise your vibration and

Archangel Metatron Speaks

thus allow your Merkaba to do its work of ascension.

This is what we, your brothers and sisters in the Light,
wish for you and will help you to do upon your re-
quest. Do not delay. Your life has been given to you
for just this. This is the time of spiritual fulfillment.
Take advantage of it.


My dear ones, did you know that you are floating in

space? Everything is floating in space, the infinite
space that is God. You have a form by which you are
identified and that shows you where you are. Other-
wise you are infinite space.

In this space are many dimensions having varying

energy vibrations. Now you are existing in the third
dimension and experience all that it entails. You may
experience in this dimension until you decide you
have had enough of it and wish to now experience a
different dimension. Many of you on earth are tired of
the third dimensional experiences and wish for some-
thing Lighter and more peaceful. The fourth dimen-
sion is available to you. It is of a Lighter, higher, finer
vibration than the third dimension. The third dimen-
sion will be still there but will have less impact on you
than it used to. It will fade into the background so to
speak. You are beginning to see that you have a choice

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

as to where to place your awareness. You begin to pull

away from the negative, heavy energies of war, con-
flict, and disharmony, and prefer the lighter energies
of harmony, love and sharing. This way of being is
closer to the Truth of the Christ you are. Already you
are on the right track. You need not look back. The
earth is transforming to higher dimensions and you
are part of that transformation.


So you see, it is you who must change your perception

of Truth to the Truth that is True always, and I am here
to help you. You may ask how can I help you. When
you call on Me, I send my radiant energy into you, and
this radiant energy full of key codes of Divine informa-
tion transforms you. I download more Divine infor-
mation that jumpstarts and accelerates your progress.
This is a very subtle process, not at all gross. The mind
can barely grasp it, but the heart knows and feels the
energy and notices the subtle changes that are going
on. As a result of My energy, much will be released
to make space for the new. Here I am referring to the
inner transformation which of course will also affect
your outer world. Your interpretation or awareness
of your outer world will change in accordance with
your inner world As you raise your consciousness in
your inner landscape, the outer will also correspond.

Archangel Metatron Speaks

Do not fear. This is what you have been wishing for

though you knew not the form or process it would
take. So We advise you to resign as your own teacher
and allow the Divine process to take over. Say, ‘Yes,’
to the process of your awakening to Truth and allow it
to happen. Be willing to be guided and to let go of the
false that appears to be binding you.


Today is a new day, a day for you to decide anew what

is important in your life. If you have not already done
so, make some space in your life for emptiness and
Being, which are the same. Be done with the goal of
more and more unless it is more and more of Divine
Essence – Being. This is what will give you the most
contentment, peace, and joy; not the external.

My Teachings are no different in essence than those

of Sai Baba, Lord Sananda or other Enlightened Be-
ings. My emphasis may be different at times due to
My expertise in certain areas. That is all. Being, Es-
sence is the same for all. In so many ways of speaking,
we try to drive it home to you that you are God and
not different from God. But alas, most of you refuse
to believe it and those who do make steady progress
to God-realization. Really what do you have to lose
in believing you are God and following through? You

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

have nothing to lose except your separateness, strug-

gle, strife, suffering, loneliness, etc. When you begin
the true spiritual path you may not know the goal, but
it is okay. Trust, believe, have faith and then you will
realize you are God. You have nothing of value to lose.
Truly seek and ask and it will be given. Have abun-
dance of patience and endurance as these are Divine
qualities of the One Who is infinite and eternal.


You are indeed pristine crystalline beings of Light.

This is what you truly are. All are this. If you could
but see the way I do, you would know this to be true.
As you ascend in Lightbody, you will have the aware-
ness that I have. What does it mean to ascend in Light-
body? I will tell you.

Ascension is also descension. As higher frequency en-

ergies enter you and raise your energy vibration and
transform the mental, emotional, physical and spiritu-
al bodies to a purer, higher vibration, your conscious-
ness/awareness becomes more refined. As a result
you come to know you are Lightbody and pure aware-
ness/ consciousness. This is a process that takes time.
Your intention for this to happen along with proper at-
titude and actions can accelerate this process. Prayer,
chanting of mantras, and being pure instruments of

Archangel Metatron Speaks

love and selfless service to humanity all help to move

your awareness toward God-realization.

Do not doubt. This process is certain to happen with

your willingness and intention. You are the Light as
God created you. We are removing illusion and dark-
ness so you may be aware of your shining, your mani-
festation. All have this; there is no superior and infe-
rior. Have no judgement. All are One.


Today as an after thought from the Mind of God, I

wish to tell you that this entire experiment in which
you find yourself was not ordained as such. Though it
is mainly illusion, it has gone further toward the nega-
tive side than ever before. Why? More players are in-
volved; that is, more souls are on earth than ever before.
There is more negative extraterrestrial involvement
and a heavier accumulation of karmic results that are
now being exhausted. Again, though the world scene
before you is illusion in that it is not the Truth that is
always true, it is making the ‘game’ appear to be more
gory, treacherous, and insurmountable than ever be-
fore. But it is a ‘game’ and many players will fall, mak-
ing way for the higher energies to prevail. The New
Age of Peace will prevail. All of you are doing your part
to bring more peace, love and harmony into the world.

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

As you affect many you come into contact with, this

process is exponentially accelerated. We heartily thank
you for your contribution to raise the consciousness and
thus usher in the New Golden Age.


Loving pranams to the Lotus Feet of you all dear

brothers and sisters in the Light. You are in and of the
Light. This is how you must see yourself and all oth-
ers to realize Truth. Indeed it can be difficult to see
the Light in many, but it is there; perhaps covered by
much that is dross. But even that dross is Divine en-
ergy that has not yet been redeemed or raised. Forgive
them for they know not what or why they have acted,
felt, spoken in unconscious ways. Show them a better
way through your example of loving kindness. In this
way you are demonstrating who you are and showing
them who they are; that is, Divine Beings. Love raises
your energy vibration, the energy of your entire being
gradually, and attracts more of the same to you. The
more love and devotion you have toward Self within
and around oneself and in others and everywhere, the
faster you transform and redeem your energy to high-
er levels. This is the ascension process in simple terms.
It happens as it is destined to happen as part of the
Divine Plan of Evolution. Not striving, rather more of
allowing and Being are needed.

Archangel Metatron Speaks


My dears, We are One. If you but knew your radiance

and capacity, you would not hesitate to embrace it and
thus enrich yourself. ‘Trailing clouds of glory,’ is true
for the human Self. In these small talks I am attempt-
ing to bring back to memory this Truth about your
Self and all others. You will come to remember and
embrace your true Self and be embraced. You have
already been embraced, supported and divinized by
the Divine. So it is a matter of uncovering and remem-
bering this. As your Merkaba of ascension is purified,
polished and made to spin, you will surely experience
Divinity in its fullness, step by step. I am encouraging
you, offering to remain with you and assist you. My
legions of crystal angels are at your beck and call to
come and repair, assist and comfort you. They retreat
when their work is done. We honour your free will
that is intrinsic to you as a facet of God. We are able to
greatly help in the Merkaba restoration and ascension
process. Please use Us. Is is Our delight and joy to be
of service to All That Is. You are the blessed offspring
of your Divine Father-Mother God.

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.


Today is the last session of these introductory essays. I

hope you have enjoyed and benefitted from My words
that reflect Who I am and that carry My Energy and
Consciousness. It is the same for all. You may tell the
level of an individual’s consciousness/energy by their
words, the manner in which they are spoken and the
content. You may also tell by the actions whether they
are in alignment with the spoken word. By this you
can tell the integrity and the character of an individual.
And look to see if one is consistent, or rather changing
from day to day, reflecting the multiciplity of the mind
rather than reflecting Oneness of Spirit. Watch your-
self as well; be vigilant, be aware. Use no judgment nor
condemnation, only awareness. And then make the
necessary changes and improvements in one’s own

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Archangel Metatron Speaks

Part Ii

The Process of Ascension

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

Archangel Metatron Speaks


Today we begin a new section of My talks to you, My

dear Selves. I wish to share with you more wisdom,
that you can know yourself in more detail. First of all
know that all is Divine. There is nothing outside of
Divinity. Due to free will given to human beings, there
may seem to be evil, but that is only apparent on one
level. In essence all is Divine. The ones who appear
to do evil are misusing Divine energy due to wrong
thinking about Self, world and God. One day those
ones will come to right thinking and realize Divinity.

People all over the world are suffering due to lack of

wisdom. The wisdom that would allow them to have
a new way of seeing that all is Divine Substance. That
those who do not have wisdom are misusing the free
will given to them to hurt and harm themselves and
others. Those with wisdom and insight see that there
are no ‘others’; all are One Divine Energy-Conscious-
ness. Hence the Divine Dictim, “All are One, be alike
to everyone.”

What to do about the perpetrators of violence against

others and the world? First of all you gain wisdom that
you are Divine Spirit that cannot be affected by any-
thing, that is eternally pure and untarnished. Then
the world will not affect you at all. You will live in
the Truth of Oneness and see that the so-called villains
and victims, oblivious to their Spirit Self, are playing
roles. They believe the roles are their true Self, but alas

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

they are mistaken. It is the identification with the low-

er self, the personal self, made up of the physical body
perceived to be ‘oneself’, identification with one’s con-
ditioning, beliefs, etc., that has led to one limiting his
Self to a role. This is why Lord Jesus had said, “Forgive
them for they know not what they do.” If they were
living as the Spirit they truly are, they would manifest
it through body-mind, and see that Spirit is Truth and
body-mind merely instruments of Spirit.

So in a ‘nutshell’, this is the ‘fall of humankind from

Spirit’, to lost in role playing. This has been followed by
reaping the karmic consequences and cycle of rebirth
due to ignorance of one’s True Self and its manifesta-
tion as the Christ on Earth.


The great one Sathya Sai Baba is having His Birthday

celebrated today, November 23, by His devotees world-
wide. They are remembering and honouring Him in
their celebrations. Sai Baba wishes all His devotees to
know He is accessible in the Heart to each of them in
an exclusive relationship heart to heart, Atma to Atma.
The celebration of His outer form having been on earth,
can lead to the inner relationship where all are truly
experienced to be One in Spirit.

Archangel Metatron Speaks

Having said this, I wish to elaborate on this theme.

Though I, Metatron, am seen by many to have a form,
this is not who I truly am. It is a form comprised of
Light substance of varying hues and colors comprising
a distinguishable form. Sai Baba is now moving about
in the physical domain in His Lightbody, speaking to
those who are able to hear Him, in order to continue
His mission of uplifting minds. This has never been
done before, that an Avatar after leaving behind the
physical body would allow Himself to be known to
many through His Lightbody. One reason He is doing
this is to show you that no one dies. Everyone is resur-
rected in one way or another. Sai Baba has taken a very
luminous Lightbody. Many have seen Him of late in
different parts of the world in different attire, some-
times red, white or orange. You see, We can change
one costume to another in an instant with the power
of Mind-Consciousness to suit the occasion. It is your
destiny to live and move about in Lightbody also. As
you raise your energy vibration and increase your
Light, this capacity will develop. It is natural and a
part of Divine design. You are Divine Beings like God.
You just need to realize it, grow into it and manifest it.
Time has been given for just this.

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.


Dear Ones, precious diamonds created in the likeness

of your Father, it is now time to reclaim your inheri-
tance which you have forgotten but has been in safe-
keeping with your Father. He is waiting for you to do
this. It is up to you to take steps in this direction and
all help will be given to you. I am speaking with you
here for just this purpose.

I know most of you reading My Words have made

a commitment to do this. Please call on Myself and
other Archangels and Ascended Masters for help, for
Light, and for guidance if it is your will to do so. We
are ushering in a New Age together wherein we help
one another.

Today I have a new topic to discuss. It is your willing-

ness to go through a major transformation when you do
not know the outcome. Even this willingness is based
on trust in the Divine process; trust in Divine Love,
and that everything happens for the best. It is seeing
the glass half full and not half empty. I, Metatron, am
here as an anchor for you if you need Me to be that for
you, as the transformation goes on for you. There will
be times when you feel lost, when there is uncertainty,
when you feel adrift in a sea with no boundaries. This
is all well and good. You are called on to Trust that the
process of transformation may entail-encompass expe-
riences that are new and uncertain as you move from
one dimension to another. Hold onto the Feet of your

Archangel Metatron Speaks

Master, call on We Archangels and Ascended Masters

and We will be with you in a flash.

So what is asked from you is a little willingness with

trust that nothing can go wrong, that help is always
with you upon your request, and that the outcome is
certain. Then you pursue your path to the best of your
ability knowing that you are never alone.


My dear friends, today we will continue discussion of

your Lightbody. Do you know that it is composed of
the finest crystalline Light? It is very beautiful like a
shining diamond studded by celestial lights. You are
known throughout the universe by your resonance,
your unique quality. Your Lightbody takes on your
uniqueness. Here we are speaking about a very subtle
resonance known to God, the Masters and Archan-

Your Lightbody is an absolute necessity for ascension

and movement throughout the universe. It is the ve-
hicle that carries, ‘You’. If it is static and over-laden by
debris, you now know you must ask for it to be cleaned
and polished.

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

You must dis-identify with all that is not Divine Pres-

ence, that is from the image and personal individual
ego you thought you were. This takes time and will go
faster if you have a guide, a Master you can trust who
will help you remove your subtle ego that you may not
see on your own. The initiates who have made the fast-
est spiritual progress have a Master as well as guides
with whom they are in contact in the inner realms. An
outer Master is also useful but one must move beyond
the outer to the inner to make real progress.

So what is the role of Lightbody in the ascension pro-

cess? What is ascension? First you come to know, to
see that you have a Lightbody. You see it within and
around yourself as sparkling, moving Light. You are
conscious of your Lightbody. By and by as you do
more spiritual practice like meditation, chanting man-
tras, Divine names and the like, more high frequency
Light is attracted into your entire energy matrix; that is
your emotional, mental, physical, etheric and spiritual
energy bodies and also your chakras. All these hold
light of varying vibrations which can change from mo-
ment to moment. Your spinning, purified Lightbody,
as it spins, raises your vibration and creates a pristine
Light field around you. In fully realized Masters, the
Lightbody could radiate for miles in all directions.
Your own Lightbody is a catalyst to attract more Light
to you, to maintain alignment and purity of your
chakras, to bring in more Light to radiate through your
chakras. You become grounded in Light and on earth.
As your vibration is raised, you live in a higher dimen-

Archangel Metatron Speaks

sion while on earth, in a raised physical body where all

is known and experienced as the Body of Christ.


My dear ones, let Me say again how dear you all are
to the Spiritual Hierarchy. Day by day you are joining
with us, becoming aware of us. There is no separation.
We are all interwoven aspects of the One God in one
great matrix of Life and Light. We are One with you
and we know it. Call on us for help. We are at your

Today, I will speak about a new topic. Did you ever con-
template your greatness? Most have not. They did not
hear about it from their scriptures or religions except
in some cases. People have dwelt on the practices, ritu-
als and observances to please a God they did not know
Who was outside of them. This does not normally lead
to God-realization. To good karmic results, yes. Due to
lack of true knowledge, humanity for the most part does
not know about karma nor how to get off the wheel of
karma, so the souls are returned again and again to face
the consequences of past actions and attempt to learn
again the lessons. Earth and its human inhabitants are
now experiencing a time when karma will be a thing of
the past. Humans will be off the wheel of karma. It is a
Divine decree or decision at this time for those willing

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

to live in and as Divine Light, to ask the Karmic Council

to absolve you from all karmic effects, subject to your
surrender to and abidance in Christ Consciousness. This
is a great dispensation for you as your ascension is now
assured without fail. There will be no more major road-
blocks. Of course it is up to you to remain fully on this
path doing your best and calling on Ascended Masters
and Archangels for protection, ascension guidance and


My Dears, this is Archangel Metatron, El Shadai the

Radiant One. I come to you from the Highest Heaven
where the Divine Presence is Primal and Pure. You also
can access this wonderful Energy and Presence as you
ascend to higher levels of higher, finer vibration. Subtle
is the keyword here. To become very subtle in your
awareness and your energy is part of the process. This
is why purity is so important. Purity in every aspect
of your life. As within so without. Here I am speaking
about your chakras and energy fields, thoughts and
words. They all reflect one another. If your words are
negative, there is negativity somewhere inside. If your
energy bodies are clear and vibrating at a high reso-
nance, your words will reflect this. Of course, this is
a continually fluctuating process until the energy be-
comes stabilized at a certain level, which also keeps on

Archangel Metatron Speaks

changing as one ascends. So watch your energy on all

levels, whether feeling, thinking or speaking. Bathe in
higher frequencies often by invoking them from Arch-
angels and Ascended Masters to cleanse and raise your

As you ascend your awareness will become very re-

fined. You will see, hear and feel energy, not with the
outer senses but with inner senses and Atma-Spirit.
Your attention will move away from gross outer forms
to inner awareness of energy and Consciousness. To
help with this transformation consume pure vegetar-
ian food, pure water and air. Detoxify your inner and
outer environment. This will help more than you may
realize to purify your energy on all levels.


My dear friends, though you may not realize it, you are
very dear to all of us who are working for the uplift of
planet earth. You are all making a unique and neces-
sary contribution though you may not think that you
are doing enough or that you matter, I am here to tell
you that you do matter. When you have placed your-
self on the side of Divine Light, goodness, purity and
love, We take greater notice of you and do our utmost
to help you move in the right direction. That is, when
you call on the Divine for assistance which most of you

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

do from time to time. Call more often and you will feel
the results. Ask for Light, love, healing and all Divine
qualities that you would like to have more of. When
you are weak, ask to be strengthened.

You very much matter to earth’s evolution of conscious-

ness. You are part of it. You are not alone in the battle
against darkness and down pulling energies. You can
align yourself with positive uplifting energies at any-
time you feel down. We are a thought, a call away.

You may feel you need to be loyal to one form of God,

one path, and must not transgress this form or path.
We are part of the One God in unison with you. There
is no disloyalty when you call on Archangels and As-
cended Masters to send you more Light and Love. We
all have our speciality, unique focus and gifts. We are
to share with all who would need assistance from time
to time. What kind of assistance? Removal of negative
energy, infusion of love, peace, and Light; cleansing
of chakras, energy bodies, and one’s living environ-
ment; removal of earthbound spirits, additional as-
cension activations, inquiry into one’s mission or next
step on the path, and so on. You see there are always
problems, down pulling energies, tests and so on. Ask
and you shall receive. Never feel that you are alone
with no one who understands. It is not so. Though
you may not see Us, we see you and respond to your

Archangel Metatron Speaks


My dear and holy friends, always find yourselves in

the company of the Divine. See not that which you
would deem to be un-divine. For it is but a mistake
that can be overlooked. Do you see? For what you con-
demn and find fault with in another, you condemn in
yourself and thus dwell in negativity and falsehood.
Though this may seem most difficult to do, practice
will bring about this new vision quickly.

I am not suggesting you keep company of criminals

and the unrefined. Just bypass your judgement in an
instant and seek the Divine, the Truth residing therein.
It is good for you, for others and the Divine Mind-Con-
sciousness that no more negativity is collected.

Please affirm and confirm your own Christ Self con-

stantly with affirmations. Act like the Christ that you
are; speak as Christ would speak. Ask to be guided in
this, to feel an inner pinch when your thoughts, words
and actions veer away from those reflective of Christ
Consciousness. And it will be given to you. You are
here on earth to raise its consciousness and your own.
So please be vigilant of all energy you are carrying and
broadcasting. You cannot help but broadcast your en-
ergy. It goes out from you and touches all you contact.
Give something of value to others. Your positive, hap-
py, joyful, peaceful and devoted feelings will go a long
way even though not a word is uttered. Do you see?
All is energy, moving and interacting continuously. So
put your best Self forward.

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

If you are having negative feelings and thoughts of

sadness, loneliness, sorrow, etc,. keep them to yourself.
Don’t spread them around to others through words
and actions. You are harming others when you do this.
For someone of your wisdom and Divine stature, this
is not appropriate or necessary. Seek help from the Di-
vine Source directly to transform your negativity or do
what you know to do to change this energy to a more
positive energy; such as Divine mantra, singing, listen-
ing to or reading a Divine Discourse, spending time in
nature, meditation, etc.


Dear ones, you may be wondering why I am sharing

with you in this way. It is to reassure you that you are
not alone and that you do not have to go it alone. Also
to share Divine thoughts with you, true thoughts that
you may hold onto and use for your uplift. Your path
can seem lonely as it goes against the manner in which
mainstream society lives and perceives. Know that ev-
eryone perceives differently. We see and understand
where you are coming from. We love and accept you
without judgment or condemnation. We are Divine
Love and Wisdom.

So if you are having a ‘low’ moment, a problem, hand

it over to us. We will show you the solution and seek

Archangel Metatron Speaks

to raise your energy up. Pray often. Keep in touch

with us as your close friends and confidants. All help
is available to you upon your request. Many angels are
available to help you.

I wish to remind you how important your thoughts

are. They are creative, imbued with the power of God
to create. Please Lightworkers, only create what is true,
good and beautiful like God creates. He does not create
what is ugly and divisive. This is the creation of ego, a
miscreation. So please watch your thoughts and words
that they are always in alignment with the purity and
Oneness of the Highest who is the embodiment of
Love, Goodness and Beauty.


Today the topic is your willingness. Yes, we have

touched on this before. It is so important that you let
down your guard, your protective guard and allow
higher frequencies of Light to enter you and transform
you. If you carry a lot of fear of the unknown, of ET’s,
or of darkness, this will be a handicap and serve as a
block. So some willingness to trust and allow angels
and Ascended Masters to help you to raise yourself is
needed to initiate this process, this relationship that is
heart to heart, of the nature of selfless love.

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

Humanity has been at a low level of awareness for such

a long time that it feels comfortable to remain there. If
you are fed up with your life, with the way it is, now is
the time to take a chance and step beyond your com-
fort zone. Just open to Us and welcome Us as your best
friends and well wishers. This is a time of great spiritual
acceleration and opportunity and We wish for you to
make the best of what is offered, to raise to Christ levels
in a few years. The other choice is to leave this planet
and perhaps never return, after death of your physical
body. We are offering you the chance and certainty for
eternal life if you but follow the Divine Plan. If you do
not raise your awareness and energy by a certain time
that is soon to come, you will, upon death, go to another
planet where evolution will be slower and life potential-
ly more disharmonious.

The Golden Age is fast approaching on planet Earth

and you have a choice to be part of it and reach high
levels of ascension in the Divine Light. We offer Our
help because We know We can help, because We love
to serve humanity and without Our help your progress
will be impaired. So give up fear and have some will-
ingness to open to heaven now. Ask for Light, Love and
Peace and it will be given. As you let go of fear, worry
and negative thoughts, you will feel Divinity pervad-
ing in and around you and you will be reborn again
and again at higher, Lighter levels of Divine Self.

Archangel Metatron Speaks


There is no need to worry any longer. Worry does not

serve you, anyone or anything. It is a waste of Divine
Energy and negative in nature. Best to put your Divine
Energy to positive use by praying and affirming, then
leaving to God. Why to worry? Just think about it. Do
you believe you are powerless? Do you believe God is
not omnipresent? Hand over your worry to God after
having done your best in the matter. The world you
see comes into manifestation and then dissolves and
leaves. This is the way it has always been and will al-
ways be. Why to go against this river of life, this com-
ing and going?

So do not worry. Have gratitude for what is work-

ing, good and beautiful, pray and affirm, and then be
at peace. Peace is your true nature. There is always
peace deep within if you search for it. The goal is to
allow that everlasting peace to permeate your mind
and emotions so you are always peaceful.

Worry has become a habit, a habit that does not produce

positive results. Your anxiety spreads to others around
you and may affect them adversely. You are here to
be a Light unto the world not a down pulling force.
So please be vigilant. Watch what is going on within
you and make adjustments whenever needed. A habit
can be broken and replaced by a new one. Some say a
new habit takes 21 days to cultivate and retain. I say it
may take much less time if you immediately catch your

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

mind and replace feelings and thoughts with positive,

truthful affirmations about your true nature as a Di-
vine Being, your positive thoughts, words and actions.
Have a journal you can refer to at a moment’s notice to
help you retrain your mental and emotional bodies if
you need to.

Worry is useless; it is ego based. You held onto worry

when you thought there was not enough for everyone,
when you mistakenly got attached to forms that were
bound to perish, when you felt weak and undeserv-
ing of God’s bounty. Affirm the Truth you now know,
feel it, taste it, see it and it will come to you. You are a
Creator like unto God who creates that which is True,
Good and Beautiful.


Today We wish to tell you that you are very dear to us

and we love to work with you. Though you may not be
aware of Us to any degree, We are aware of you. We
are delighted when you call on Us and use Us for your
uplift. Humanity today has forgotten that the heav-
enly spheres exist and can be accessed. Only in their
imagination do they think of heaven not knowing they
can now access many dimensions through training
and purification.

Archangel Metatron Speaks

This channel or receiver trusts that We are available and

that We pay heed to all serious calls for assistance. She
had not planned for this channeling. She was given a
number of messages from Us through other mediums,
that We wished to use her as a channel. She felt hon-
oured that We would seek her service and We are hon-
oured and delighted that she has agreed to serve Us. It
is a mutual agreement whereby everyone benefits. It is
our hope that more Lightworkers will be open to chan-
nel Us so others will receive the Truth they so desper-
ately need to hear. And you, the channel, benefit much
through having high frequency energies come through
and permeate you; and the plan of higher evolution for
all is fostered also. So you can see it is a win-win situa-
tion. It is our hope that many of you reading these talks
will have a willingness to open to channel so that our
words will be available when needed spontaneously to
help the person in front of you who needs our help,
guidance and direction.

A pure uncluttered mind, consciousness is a great as-

set to have as well as a willingness to be open to Arch-
angels and Ascended Masters to use you as an instru-
ment for uplift of humankind. And we thank you for
your trust and willingness if you so choose this path of
service while living in a human body on earth.

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.


Today the topic is your fidelity, your loyalty to your

path of ascension. If you were to give a percentage of
your time you give to ascension and spiritual practice,
what would it be? If it is not 80 – 100%, you will not
make fast progress. Chanting God’s name all day long
will help very much to keep you in remembrance. Re-
membrance of what? That you are God, you are Love,
Atma, Spirit, and you will think, speak and act as That.
The name of God has great transformational power.
That which you think about all day long, you can and
will become. So take up any name of God or simple
mantra you can mentally be with, such as, I Am That,
I Am Christ, Shivoham, Krishna, Rama, Sai Ram’ to
name a few. Then feel and act like your true Self.
I see that many of you wish to progress, but I see also
that you are continually distracted by the daily rou-
tine, forgetting your true Self. It is up to you to find
ways to come back to Presence. Even while the hands
and body are performing household chores or other
tasks at your job, your mind can be in Presence, while
the body does routine work. You can be in and out of
Presence when the mind is required for special tasks.
And even when using the mind-body, Presence is there
in and around everywhere. It is entirely possible and
advisable to spend every minute in Presence, chanting
God’s name. Without the name or mantra, the Presence
is easily forgotten, buried. You are Presence. Be loyal
to your Self at all times. Be the God you are.

Archangel Metatron Speaks


My dear ones, you are very precious embodiments

of Love and Light. Do you know this? You waver be-
tween knowing and not knowing, but this stage will
pass. Like Jesus, you will come to know without doubt,
that you are One with the totality, the Father-Mother
God. Don’t doubt but keep on going forward toward
this goal. It is there. It is the Truth. What you have been
living is like a daydream coupled with night dreams
also. Most dreams are spun out of the mind incorpo-
rating other’s dreams into your dreams also.

All are one. Be alike to each one in the sense that all are
embodiments and manifestations from the One God
You decide for yourself how you wish your perception
to be; you decide your world. You are the creator of
your world. Make it a positive or negative experience
or a mixture. It is up to you.

So begin with the ‘I’ you truly are and live from this ‘I’.
Then you will create a heaven on earth for your Self.
Well, what about the outside world you may ask? The
outside world is outside; names and forms and activi-
ties, etc. are outside, All are creating their own world.
Each soul has been born into a chosen country, family,
life situations, the life stream desired and agreed upon
for many reasons.

Begin with the ‘I’ you truly are, undisturbed peace,

equanimity, all inclusiveness of the nature of eternal

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

Spirit-Atma. Create your world from here and you will

then see that all is the play of Atma-Spirit. And you are
eternal Peace, Love, and Joy. You are free to create this
world for yourself. Who can stop you?


My dear ones, I am Metatron El Shaddhai, the Radi-

ant One who sits before the Throne of God. You may
ask if God really has a throne. Yes, God has many
thrones as He sits where He wishes to sit. In the High-
est Heaven there is a throne with His very Powerful
Presence where He is Almighty Light, Power and
Wisdom from where We take direction from time to

Now is a time of great turbulence and uncertainty on

planet earth. The outer world is a reflection of your
inner world – when more of you live in peace and one-
ness, the outer world will reflect this. Now many live
in fear, doubt and chaos. This will change as humans,
one by one, go inward in search of Truth, and as many
leave this planet. It is a slow transformation of hu-
man consciousness, but it is gaining momentum. In a
few years, you will see a greater change for the better.
Though some wars will be raging, and some natural
calamities will still be there, you will feel the change
as more peace and sharing.

Archangel Metatron Speaks

As more humans open to Divine radiance they will be

transformed. Divine energies will penetrate and trans-
form them at the cellular level. See yourself as an open
vessel receiving Divine energies. Radiate the overflow
to humanity. In this way you are doing a great service
to your fellow humans, plant, and animal kingdoms
as well.


My dear friends, I am here to warn you that the tur-

bulence will continue for sometime. I wish to tell you
to be centered at all times in your spiritual heart in
peace and equanimity. You need not buy into what
is happening in the world and other peoples’ lives.
You remain strong and centered in God Self. Yes, use
discrimination, and provide help if possible, but not
to your own detriment. That kind of Self sacrifice is
neither required nor useful. What is to be sacrificed
is your ego, the small limited personal Self that most
of you derive your sense of self from. Yes, share your
Light and Love where possible. Use discernment when
it comes to material things. No need to deprive your-
self to the extreme. You too have basic needs.

I must say that if you cling to God Self, your Christ

Self, remembering God at all times, there will be no
worry for you. God will take care of you. Rest in that

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

Higher Consciousness; radiate Love and Light to the

planet. Have no lower thoughts of fear and lack. You
do not live in this consciousness any longer. It helps to
be grateful for what you have been given on a daily ba-
sis. Keep only positive, uplifting thoughts within. Do
not listen to negativity and falsity. Almost everything
one hears outside today is of falsity, ego, lack, scarcity,
and fear. Be away from all of this. It is not your reality.
Do not support it or befriend it. It is simply not true
for you. In this way you maintain the highest Truth for
you that you are capable of in this moment. Higher
versions of yourself await you as you increase in Light-


My dear friends today is a new day. The past, yester-

day, if seen, is only a memory. Let it go entirely. Be
here in the eternal present moment in your own Divine
Presence, the One Presence shared by all. How liber-
ating; how intimate it is to be One with One. You can
choose to be engaged with the world of form or not.
You may simply rest in your Essence in peace. I hope
you now realize that you have this choice. You have it
because you have realized your Essence. So many have
not yet realized and they cannot in this moment, due
to mental emotional encumbrances and heavy condi-
tioning. Or many may have glimpses of their true Es-

Archangel Metatron Speaks

sence and realize it not. It is said that God helps those

who help themselves, that humankind must take some
steps to know Self. This is true. Turn the mind inward,
away from the world for some time every day, and pine
to know God Self. Every prayer is answered in some

God is your Self waiting for you, the apparently sepa-

rated Self, to turn inward and join in Oneness. Then
the true life begins for the seeker, the eternal life, the
life of abundance. Many types of abundance are there,
primarily those pertaining to the manifestation of
Spirit such as gifts, one’s mission and so on. The join-
ing with one’s Higher Self and Celestial Divine Beings
is a tremendously rewarding experience as gift upon
gift is given to propel you Godward, uplift you and in-
crease your aspiration for the Self. So do not delay any
longer. Begin the journey with the Divine in earnest,
not wasting a moment in forgetfulness. Be the Pres-
ence and manifest it, so that the world may be uplifted
to higher levels of Self-realization.


My dear friends, here we are together again as One

Life, One Breath of God, the Eternal. Today we will do
a comparison between your Self and a car. It will be a
useful comparison for you. It goes like this. Your physi-
cal body is like the outer frame of the car. The steering

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

wheel is like the higher aspect of your mind that makes

decisions and discerns. The gasoline can be compared
to the energy in your system. The battery power is like
the Divine Light, the Atma, that is the basis, without
which the car cannot move. We could carry this anal-
ogy further but for now I ask you to contemplate for a
moment on your ‘car’. What kind of car are you? What
color is your car? Is it moving? Where is it parked?
How old is the car, what style?

Are you in your car? If so, where are you sitting? Your
car can give you a lot of insight into your present life,
your path. Are the tires full of air or is one flat? Are
you speeding or at a standstill? Research the spiritual
or universal meaning of colors so you may relate ‘your’
car to your present predominate energy. You can see
whether you are stuck or moving ahead, holding on to
the past, living in the past. Are you in charge or allow-
ing others to take charge of your life; are you driving
or a passenger? Is ‘your’ car a new model, sparkling
clean or broken and dirty?

This exercise has been given for your enjoyment and

amusement as well as to provide an opportunity for
more in-depth analysis of some other energetic aspects,
so you many gain insight to see where improvements
and other adjustments may be made in your life.

Archangel Metatron Speaks


Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.


Today dear friends, we will begin a new section en-

titled, ‘What to expect from the Ascension Process’.

At the beginning of the ascension process one has al-

ready begun to be fed up with earth life as it is, feeling
there is something essential missing but not knowing
what it is. Yet one knows it has to do with the basic
Truth of the universe. So if one is not full of beliefs,
and there is an opening within Self to explore the un-
known, a true seeking and yearning to know the Truth
behind the mystery may emerge. One becomes and
remains a seeker for a very long time. A lot of knowl-
edge must be gained about true spiritual life which is
then applied over a long period of time.

Gradually true Consciousness from the heart begins to

emerge and in time takes over the entire being. The
physical, emotional, mental and vital bodies become
purified and aligned with the inner God Conscious-
ness and with one another. Peace and silence are expe-
rienced for long periods of time as one detaches from
the outer world. This is the primary time for building
of the Lightbody. We say ‘building’ but this needs ex-
planation. The Lightbody, as has already been said,
has been there from the beginning. Often it needs re-
pair and activation which will happen through intense
spiritual practice and request that it be done. Ascen-
sion has been taking place from the time a spiritual as-

Archangel Metatron Speaks

pirant begins a spiritual path in earnest, though often

at a slow rate. But later on ascension accelerates and
Lightbody vibrates at higher frequencies.


My dears, Catherine has taken a break, but now is back

with the daily channeling again. She had moved from
her city to Puttaparthi, India for a few months. and this
took some adjustment for her. I am very happy we are
to commence these talks again.

It is Sathya Sai Baba’s Plan that this information be

made available for His devotees and others who are in
the process of ascending from planet earth. The infor-
mation contained in this book from Myself, Archan-
gel Metatron, will be very helpful to serious disciples.
Sathya Sai Baba has asked Me to provide this knowl-
edge in an easy to understand manner, to assist His
dear disciples in the ascension process.

This and many more books will come forth in the next
few years to provide in-depth knowledge about ascen-

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.


My dear friends, what is ascension? It is moving aware-

ness into finer levels and also having finer awareness.
Just as when you look at a person you see the outer
characteristics, and then later you may be able to see
inside how the person is feeling, then as you develop
your awareness further, you can know about their
past, look into past incarnations, look into the DNA and
crystalline Lightbody. Awareness keeps on expanding
into more and more dimensions. During the ascension
process, many refined abilities develop, often called
gifts of the Spirit. They are all to be used for the greater
good, not in an ego sense for self aggrandizement.

Ascension is also much more than this. It is awareness

that you are a part of God and also the whole as well.
An awareness grows that shows you from within, that
you are all that God is. You can see, hear, and feel in
a similar way to which God does, though on a more
limited scale to begin with. Then gradually or by leaps,
your consciousness or awareness knows more and be-
comes more expansive.

It is the universe flowing into and through you, you

allowing this by getting out of the way, allowing the
sublimation of the small personal self.

Archangel Metatron Speaks


Today My dear friends, the topic is ascension. What

does it look like? Just as water can sit and stagnate, so
too can the energy in one’s body. Why? It is blocked;
there is no new flow in or out or the flow of energy is
minimal. When the ascension process begins in earnest,
there is flow of energy from above down, and from the
aspirant upward, due to the aspiration for more Light,
Love, Wisdom, Union and so on. When this aspiration
is constant over a period of time, the aspirant can see
and feel a new level of energy of Light in and around
one’s energy bodies-sheaths. One feels lighter, fresher,
and freer as each new level of Light is anchored into
the being. This is ascension. New awareness continues
to be uncovered or given from above by angels, As-
cended Masters and one’s Higher Self. One comes to
know one IS God in expansion and manifestation.

There is no stagnation of energy. One fully allows this

process to take place trusting in the Higher Power to
do what needs to be done. A lot of letting go of attach-
ment to and interest in worldly life takes place as it
falls away. One more and more rests in simple aware-
ness which continues to expand. One is being delivered
back to the original Divinely Created Self. It is usually
a slow process; so much patience, endurance and trust
are required. Prayer and meditation bring peace and
contentment as well as Divine Knowledge.

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.


My dear friends, today is a special day. Why? I am

offering you a special dispensation from My Heart.
Those of you who have been reading and imbibing My
Words, who now are in relationship with Me, can call
on Me for this Special Dispensation. What is it? It is an
activation, a Divine particle of Light that I will install
in you to activate the ascension process. It will serve to
raise your Light quotient and to activate Divine aspects
that have been lying dormant. You will notice the acti-
vation after you have accepted it. You will feel Lighter
and more radiant. Every few months afterwards, you
may ask for a new Divine Dispensation to further the
ascension process.

This is God’s gift to you. As you aspire to return home

to Oneness and to serve the greater good, God helps
you to do this. I, Metatron, am an instrument in His
Hands, as we all should be. You are the deserving child
of the Father. All of the Father’s Divine Gifts can be
shared with you, little by little as much as you can as-
similate. So walk in joy assured that all will be be-
stowed upon you at the right time.

Archangel Metatron Speaks


My Dear friends, today I wish to take the opportunity to

wish each of you a blessed Christmas. Christmas is not
just for Christians, the ones who accept Jesus Christ as
their Savior. No, not in Our minds. Christmas is also a
time when anyone can claim the Christ Consciousness
– the universal Consciousness to be the Consciousness
of all living beings, including plant, animal and miner-
al kingdoms. You see, the term ‘Christ’ Consciousness
has been there since the beginning of time when the
sons-daughters of God were created. You do not have
to be a member of the Christian religion to call your-
self ‘Christ’. ‘Christ’ is the risen one, the ascended one.
Not that that one has necessarily left the physical body
and moved to another dimension. No. The risen Christ
can exist here on earth in a physical body. There are
many ‘Christs’ on earth now having reached the state
of Consciousness that Jesus of Nazareth had reached
when He declared, ‘The Father and I are One’.

So this Christmas season rejoice that you also are

Christ in human form. Do not believe those who tell
you this thought is blasphemous. Those who would
say this are unaware that they too are Christ, however
much it may be hidden from them. You do not need to
announce this fact, just ‘Be’ it, manifest it, and enjoy it.

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.


Today we will discuss an aspect of ascension we have

touched on before. Now I will explain in more detail
for you who are very much into this process of ascen-

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba did not talk about ascen-
sion because He did not wish to confuse His devotees.
They are at so many varying levels of development and
awareness, many of them very simple people. Talk
by Sai Baba of ascension would have frustrated many
people who would not be able to truly understand.
It was enough for many devotees to understand and
practice the five great values He taught; namely: Truth,
Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-violence, as well
as selfless service, renunciation of ego and body con-
sciousness as the ‘I’, and surrender to God. All of this
was more than most devotees could truly understand
and practice in one lifetime.

However, We who govern and oversee the evolution of

planet earth and its inhabitants are very familiar with
the term ascension and ascension levels. They help to
determine where a human soul is presently residing;
that is, in which dimension of Consciousness that one
keeps ‘his’ consciousness most of the time, the quality
and scope of ‘his’ Lightbody and much more.

Let us begin with discussion of ascension level one. It

is also called the first initiation. It is a time in the life of

Archangel Metatron Speaks

a soul, a spark from the Divine Consciousness, that ‘he’

has consciously stepped onto the path of self control,
with ‘his’ mind placed on a higher ideal. Self control
of the physical appetites is what is required at this first
level. So one eats food in moderation, consumes alcohol
in moderation if at all, and controls the sexual appetite.
One has developed the inner strength and will to con-
trol these, and is aware of the consequences of being
obsessive and out of control in these areas, so chooses
of ‘his’ own free will to live in moderation. This is an
important step for a human being to think and behave
in this manner over a long period of time so that it be-
comes a habit from life to life to live with control of the
physical appetites.

The second ascension level is stepped into when a hu-

man being gains mastery over the emotional body.
The hierarchy of planet earth is not looking for 100%
mastery at the second level. As one progresses through
the levels of ascension, mastery of the physical and
emotional bodies will continue to be refined. Seventy
percent mastery is the minimum to be accomplished in
the first two ascension levels.

You may have noticed that on planet earth most human

beings do not have full control over their emotional
energy and the way it is manifested. There is still a
lot of hate, anger and jealousy in the form of negative
emotional reactions among humans. When this is 70%
eliminated, and the emotions are largely purified, the
soul may move into the third initiation. As you can

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

see, this movement is not a conscious movement for

most life streams. And it may take many lives before
emotions are purified of negativity, and infused with
loving kindness.


My dears, today We will continue the discussion of ini-

tiation levels and ascension so you will no longer be in
the dark about these important milestones in spiritual

The third initiation is an important event because it

is also the “soul merge”. Up to and including the time
spent in the third initiation, the soul has been a sepa-
rate entity in the awareness of the human being. The
mind, emotions and physical body have up to this time
supported the belief in a separate individual being,
separate from others and from God.

The ego self has believed itself to be in control. By the

completion of the third initiation ascension process, the
body-mind-ego complex has gradually become ‘soul’
infused. The mental, emotional and physical bodies
now act in the interest of the Divine Soul. The being is
more mentally polarized. This is beneficial to spiritual
progress because the soul infused mental and intellec-
tual bodies can now move the entire being ahead spir-

Archangel Metatron Speaks

itually. Still a lot of purification and deconditioning

needs to take place in order to move into Truth/Atma
and away from the illusion of untruth. The human be-
ing is now definitely on a spiritual path to know and
become Truth.


The fourth initiation process is also very important. It is

a time of renunciation of the ego-sense of ‘I and mine’,
as well as detachment from the worldly forms, wealth,
influence and so on. All is renounced, sacrificed on the
altar of Atma. This means that one realizes that ev-
erything has come from God, belongs to God and will
disappear into God. It does not mean that all has to be
given away and one must live in poverty. No, not at all.
This is an outdated way of thinking. Everything is of-
fered to the Divine for the use of the Divine, for the up-
lift of humanity, without ego-sense that, ‘I am doing’.

During this process of great renunciation, the soul

that has served the incarnating personality over many
lives, mystically burns up and Atma now presides over
the body/mind and sublimated personality. The being
is now in touch with Atma as its Truth, feels the power
of Atma behind and in the body and mind, and begins
to identify oneself as Atma in union with God.

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.


My dear friends, here we are together again. I wish to

share with you more about the ascension process that
you may know and understand the ways of human
evolution of Consciousness.

The fourth initiation is indeed a very important step

toward surrender of the ego self and mergence with
Atmic Truth. At the completion of the fourth initia-
tion, one can declare that, ‘My Father and I are One’.
One has experienced that ‘His’ consciousness is God
Consciousness though it not a steady experience.

Now the fifth initiation. It is a period of time where

mergence with Atma becomes more complete. The
physical, mental and emotional bodies quickly and
easily become more refined and aligned with Divine
Atma. All ego interests are being sublimated in favour
of aligning with Divine Will. One is very vigilant and
open to impulses from the Highest Divine Source.
One’s life is now one of detachment, sacrifice and re-
nunciation of small ego self in favour of Divine Mis-
sion and Purpose. The motto for the disciple is, ‘Love
all and serve all, Help ever and hurt never’.

More expansion of consciousness takes place in the

fifth initiation. The relationship between the Father-
Mother God, the Satguru and the disciple becomes
very close. Much Divine knowledge flows between

Archangel Metatron Speaks

God-Satguru and the disciple. The disciple is detached

from all worldly concerns. The Divine looks after all
worldly needs.

Now the sixth initiation. The term ‘Monad’ may be

completely new to most of you reading My Words. It
is enough for you to know that the Monad to which
you belong from the beginning when you were created
as a reflection or extension of God, comprises a fam-
ily of souls and soul extensions who have been with
you from the beginning. During the experience of
the sixth initiation, you become consciously aware of
many souls and soul extensions of your soul who are
present on earth and in other places in the universe.
You come to know that all twelve of the soul extensions
of your common soul that you share and have shared
over many lives, have all been evolving and perhaps
been moving through the initiations, and are all at a
certain level of realization of Self.

All twelve soul extensions in incarnation or between

incarnations are determining by their thoughts, words
and actions, when the common soul will ascend. It of-
ten happens that one soul extension will work very
hard in spiritual life and thus do the ascension work so
that all the soul extensions will be pulled along and as-
cend also. Actually, it is the one ‘soul’ that ascends, not
the soul extensions. The soul extensions are the body-
mind-emotional-personality extensions incarnated on
earth or living in other spheres between incarnations
on earth. So in the sixth initiation, a ‘Consciousness-

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

Monad-Atma’ becomes aware of these things. This

expansion of awareness, this knowledge, is given or
becomes apparent to the ‘Son of God’ in the sixth ini-

In the sixth initiation, the Consciousness of the disci-

ple expands more. All spiritual knowledge is available
from the Divine and more Divine Power is available
through the disciple for healing and teaching.

By the end of the sixth initiation, the disciple has the

awareness that she and the Lord are one, in Energy
and in Consciousness. The disciple knows without a
doubt that, ‘I am the Light Divine’. The physical body
of the disciple is at least 90% Light. Sixth degree ini-
tiates usually have a Divine mission on earth to help
raise the Consciousness of humanity to higher levels
through teaching, healing and serving.


It is My wish that you benefit from this knowledge in

your daily lives. How? To remember that your every
thought, word and action is either raising or lowering
your ascension level. By maintaining and raising the
vibration of these, you are moving along the path of
ascension. When you live in negative ego and even too
much positive ego, that you are the ‘doer’ and ‘enjoyer’,

Archangel Metatron Speaks

rather than dedicating all to the Divine and sacrific-

ing ego sense, your ascension progress is delayed. It
is by feeling and knowing that you are the Light Di-
vine, that this Light is flowing through and encircling
and protecting, that one gradually ascends to higher
frequencies of Light in all of one’s energy bodies. One
notices an increase in joy, bliss, equanimity, peace and
perfection in one’s life.

I tell you these things so you will know the signposts

to look for, indicating whether or not you are following
the best path. If one does not experience these Divine
qualities, then one must continue with spiritual prac-
tices until such time that one does experience these.
Often more surrender and renunciation of ego sense,
I and mine, body consciousness and attachment to
worldly forms, as well as more refinement of thoughts,
words and actions are required. This is a process and
time has been given for this, so do not despair, keep on
purifying, and deconditioning. Hopefully you have an
excellent spiritual teacher, a Satguru, or God-realized
teacher who is able to provide to you the expert guid-
ance and Light from within the spiritual heart. An
outer teacher in physical form is only helpful in the be-
ginning. The true Divine Teacher is within.

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.


My Dears, I am in your heart always. You may call on

Me, Archangel Metatron, for any guidance and I will
communicate with you from within your Conscious-
ness – your mind.

There are many here with Me who make the exact same
offer of assistance to you. You may call Us by name;
We serve the Divine plan for the spiritual evolution of
Planet Earth. We all serve according to our capacity to
serve. We work together in perfect harmony in service
to the All That Is. As We are Divinely guided there can
never be an error. We are perfection of thought, word
and action; pure instruments of the Divine.

So if you call on anyone of Us, the Archangels and As-

cended Masters, you will receive the Highest Truth you
are able to understand and absorb at the time. So fear
not; We are here to assist the evolution and ascension
of earth’s inhabitants and mother earth herself, and are
involved with many other works of service. We are de-
lighted when We see you growing into Light Beings,
full of Light, radiating like suns. We always feel one-
ness with you in your Light and are ready to serve and
assist you at all times. We live in eternal time, so there
are no time restrictions for Us. We are your brothers
and sisters in the Light forever.

Archangel Metatron Speaks


Today we will look into the process of the seventh ini-

tiation, the initiation that will take you to your final
destination in that you will know for certain that you
are the Light of God. After the seventh initiation, there
is no necessity to return to planet earth unless you so
choose. You have transcended duality and the illusions
of the third dimensional reality. There is no more test-
ing or trial for you here. You are free, pure and pristine
in God.

The seventh initiation process involves, of course, more

refinement of the emotional, mental and physical ener-
gy bodies. These bodies become more illumined and
aligned with the Higher frequencies of God. Though
one’s Consciousness embodies many levels, one main-
ly resides in fifth, sixth or seventh dimensional Con-
sciousness in the seventh initiation process. One is in
and as the Light constantly, in Divine freedom, joy and
peace. As one passes through each of ten sublevels of
the seventh initiation, the Light quotient of all the en-
ergy bodies increases to 97% Light or more. One has
access to all Divine knowledge and wisdom. One is in
total service to all that is, with discernment. Ego has
been largely sublimated and sacrificed on the altar of
Truth-Atma-Light. There is no attachment, no fear, no
negative qualities for the enlightened Consciousness
of a seventh degree initiate. When one is Light-Atma,
what is there to fear? The life stream is one of service
to the Divine Plan which flows from Source. There is

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

no worry, no ego, no hurry; only ease and natural flow.

The life stream on earth is involved in spontaneous
right action originating from the Source.

Most seventh degree initiates today remain on earth to

be of service to the Divine Plan. Some do ascend and
leave the earth’s physicality. This is a choice to remain
or leave. One can be of service in other dimensions as


My dear friends, there are many higher initiations one

can choose to participate in. They are known as cos-
mic initiations. Or one can decide to merge in the One-
ness of Atma and remain dormant in bliss, peace and
awareness. This state is known as pralaya. It happens
at the end of an ‘outbreath’ of God which comprises
the four Yugas or Ages. Then an ‘inbreath’ of God
metaphorically speaking takes place whereby most
souls will merge in Atma and take a much deserved
rest. Then another ‘outbreath’ of God will take place
whereby these rested life streams will again venture
out to explore and experience many dimensions and
far away places.

Archangel Metatron Speaks

It is now the time of the great pralaya, the ‘inbreath’. It

is also called ‘mass ascension’ on planet earth. Many
life streams, jivatmas, souls in the true sense of the
word, are passing through the seven initiations much
more quickly than was possible during the last four
yugas or ages. Here we are speaking about hundreds
of thousands of years.

Earth is presently transitioning through the Milky Way

Galaxy. High vibrational energies are being constant-
ly radiated to earth from Source. As a result, human
Consciousness life streams have a great opportunity
to purify and refine themselves and realize, ‘I am the
Light Divine,’ one with Source, and thus ascend and
merge with the one God.

I, Metatron, hope that you are one of those who will

be released from the wheel of karma, from the vicis-
situdes of duality and come to reside in Truth as Truth,
your original True Essence. These talks have the pur-
pose to speed you on your way through providing the
right understanding, inspiration and the Peace and
Love of God.

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.


Today We will touch briefly on the need for great vigi-

lance on the path of ascension. As you are aware there
is great variation in energy vibrations and energy lev-
els and the way in which they are manifested or used
according to free will and past conditioning of the
mental-emotional bodies. There are millions of beings
residing in many different lokas or worlds-dimensions.
These dimensions all inter-penetrate one another. I
am telling you this for a reason. When you open your
consciousness, other beings may try to come near to
you and influence you according to their agenda or
desire. This is why I ask you to be vigilant. Watch your
thoughts, words, actions and reactions. Feel the ener-
gies in and around your physical, mental, emotional
and spiritual bodies as much as you are able to do. Feel
the energy in your chakras and throughout your phys-
ical body.

If you sense a negative energy or energies, immedi-

ately visualize and call for white Light to pour in from
the Highest Source, protecting you, and transmuting,
transforming the lower energy into a higher, purer en-
ergy. You may visualize a flame of Light in the chakras,
and move the flame of Light to encircle your energy
bodies. You many also call on Myself and Archangel
Michael as well as any Ascended Masters by name to
help transmute or remove negative energies from your
surroundings and place protective energies around
you and your home.

Archangel Metatron Speaks

The best way to maintain a high spiritual vibration in

and around yourself is to do regular daily spiritual
practice, including prayer, mantra, invocations, sacred
music, meditation, living in Love and Peace, avoiding
lower vibrational places and so on.

You may command lower vibrational entities to leave

your energy field if you see or feel them and call on the
above-mentioned Divine helpers. Sometimes it hap-
pens that negative entities may appear in dreams and
try to take advantage. If you are alert to this in your
dreams, you can command them to leave and call upon
Archangel Michael and Sathya Sai Baba to come imme-
diately to carry away the evil-intended entity to a place
where it can do no harm.

So be vigilant to all types of energies in your energy

field and in your home and workplace to keep these
full of high Divine vibrations of Light, Love, Joy and
Peace. Offer everything to the Divine, both the Light-
ful and the lower.


Beloved Lightbeings, today We will discuss another as-

pect of Lightbody. All human beings have a Lightbody
to enable them to ascend to different dimensions of ex-
perience and also to raise the vibration of the present
embodiment. For example, you may at present be liv-

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

ing in a physical form on planet earth, having etheric,

mental, emotional and spiritual energy bodies, the
ones most people have. And in this example, you are
presently vibrating and having the consciousness of an
initiate in the fourth level of ascension, and also have
a mainly fourth dimensional consciousness. What
does this mean for you? Firstly, it means that you have
good awareness of Atmic Presence, and can access At-
mic Presence at will. You still have illusions and con-
ditionings in the mental, emotional and physical bod-
ies that prevent full realization that, ‘I Am Atma’, and
I am not mental, emotional, and physical aspects. So
these three energy bodies are not yet refined, pure and
in perfect alignment with Atma. Continuous spiritual
work is needed for this refinement, purification and re-

Having the consciousness of fourth dimension reality

means that you have transcended the ideas that the
third dimensional reality holds about form, duality
and space and time, as the ultimate Truth. A fourth
dimensional consciousness senses a unity that tran-
scends multiplicity and variety of forms, and duality
of opposites such as pleasure and pain, loss and gain,
birth and death. A fourth dimensional consciousness
has some awareness of an eternal life beyond the limi-
tations of space and time and causation, and that kar-
mic action and reaction through many incarnations is
related to the egoic sense of, “I am the mind-body-per-
sonality-doer- enjoyer as a separate individual entity.”
When one has the awareness-consciousness that one
is beyond all this as Atma, karma or action is no longer

Archangel Metatron Speaks

It is the Lightbody around and within the living be-

ing that acts as a vehicle to hold the raised vibration
acquired through spiritual practices performed over

Lightbody has a direct relationship with the level of

conscious awareness that a living being carries. Aware-
ness of what? We will discuss in the next meeting.


Awareness. The word encompasses so very much. The

level of spiritual initiation one has reached determines
the awareness and the reverse is also true. God is pri-
marily Awareness, and all beings who are embodi-
ments of varying levels of awareness are therefore Di-
vine Beings.

Evolution is evolution of Awareness-Consciousness, and

energy vibration follows this. Lightbody is the vehicle
that enables this evolution to take place. An example
is the butterfly. Before it is a butterfly, the worm-like
creature spends a period of time cocooned, in hiber-
nation. A leap in consciousness is being prepared for
during this time. From only being able to crawl upon
the earth, having this limited experience and aware-
ness, the same being will be able to fly around the skies
and travel great distances during migrations. The con-

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

sciousness of this being has taken a quantum leap and

its vibration has been raised also. This is an example of
part of the master plan of evolution of Consciousness.

Human beings are now experiencing quantum leaps

in Consciousness. A human Consciousness can move
from second initiation to fifth or seventh initiation in
one lifetime if the conditions and aspiration are there
for this to happen. And it is the Lightbody that carries
and maintains these increases and changes in aware-
ness and Light vibration. So perform the necessary
spiritual practices, and have the vigilance to raise, in-
crease and protect your energy, as well as the purity of
emotions, thoughts, words and actions which are also
aspects of your energy. Know and acknowledge that it
is all Divine, It came from the Divine and belongs to
the Divine.


My dear friends, Lightbeings, I come to you to share

knowledge that will help to set you free in God. For
millennia, you have felt yourself to be bound or limit-
ed in many ways; or you felt yourself to be freely deter-
mining your every choice, when the truth is that you
were roaming in third dimensional reality only, going
nowhere, living in a dream. Now the time has come
whereby you know there is more than this dream you

Archangel Metatron Speaks

have been living. You have tasted and felt Truth and
now you want more of it. That is what ascension is all
about. Moving into and becoming more of Truth-At-
ma. You could not become more of Truth if you were
not already Truth. The dream of the third dimensional
and other realities has had such a hold on your con-
sciousness, that you truly believed it was all there was.
It is okay, fine in fact. God wished to experience Him-
self in other ways through you, in these dream-like ex-

How better to experience than to lose oneself complete-

ly in the dream? Though God always knows what is
Truth and what is untruth. This is the reason humans
so much like movies and videos. They are still loving
the imaginary life, still intent on experiencing more
and more until a time comes when they are tired of it
and wish to return Home to rest in God, in Peace, Love
and Bliss. Though it is arduous to return to the state
in which one was created due to so much accumulated
baggage, it is the only way to experience true lasting
peace and contentment. ‘Be still and know that I am
God,” was uttered by Jesus the Christ, and is the expe-
rience of all God-realized Beings.

Are you ready to be ‘still’? It takes practice to be still

as the mind wavers, moves in many directions; feelings
and emotions come up, surge and cause discontent and
then go away. Many decisions, problems, difficulties and
so on come up in the mind. Do you wish to practice still-
ness and equanimity in the face of all this, accepting that
it is all part of the dream you wish to leave? That is, be

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

unaffected, maintaining inner Peace in every moment?

This is the arduous path back home to Stillness, Peace,
and eternal Life, oneness with the One Consciousness
that is the support of all manifested life forms.

You are on this path or you would not be reading these

words and enjoying their energy and content. We the
Archangels and Masters who know well the path of as-
cension, bless you that you succeed without undue de-
lay, distraction and delusion, as ascension in the Light
is now the path you have chosen above all else.


Now I wish to tell you that it is good if you feel that

your decisions are not your own anymore. I am speak-
ing about surrender to God and allowing God to work
through you.

If you have made this commitment to yourself and

God-Satguru, ascension and freedom will very much
accelerate for you. To surrender in this way to God,
you need to sincerely offer yourself – body, mind and
soul to God, that God should use ‘you’ as an instrument
and work through you. This is a huge step for most be-
cause there is fear and uncertainty such as, ‘How will I
know that it is God and not some other entity attempt-
ing to deceive, manipulate and use me for their selfish

Archangel Metatron Speaks

purposes?” And many sincere devotees have been de-

ceived and manipulated by dark forces over millennia.
They did not have and use proper discernment and
wisdom. They could not discern properly due to im-
pure or malfunctioning buddhi ( true intellect), so ad-
opted impure spiritual teachings and teachers-gurus,
and allowed themselves to be led astray.

It is difficult and rare to find a pure God-realized

teacher in physical form who can lead and guide a
spiritual aspirant all the way to God-realization and
mergence in God. There have been a handful of such
pure God-realized Masters willing to take on disciples,
remain with them and take them all the way to God
realization. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is one such
Satguru who is worthy of a sincere devotee’s trust. He
has the power, omnipresence and omniscience of God.
He is the embodiment of God. You can trust Him with
‘your’ life and surrender to Him. His capacities are un-
limited. There are and have been other Satgurus who
are also completely trustworthy, though more limited
in capacity to assist, serve and save devotees.

Of course Master Jesus and Lord Buddha continue to

assist their disciples from the Spirit world and can be
called upon at any time for assistance and counsel.

I tell you these things so you will not fear to surrender,

and to offer yourself to the Divine, to allow important
decisions related to your life stream to be made by the
Divine, to be protected by the Divine and to merge with
the Divine. One cannot merge with that which one has

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

not surrendered to, meaning realized a oneness or an

identity with. Surrender is intended for the purpose
of letting go of the ego sense that one is the doer or
enjoyer, and move on to identify with the One Con-
sciousness and Energy that does, sees, hears, feels, etc.,
all things. Surrender is letting go of the false sense of
separate, individual, ego-personality self, and feeling
absolutely safe to do this, calling on the Highest Power
and Presence of God to assist and make this happen
with complete trust and confidence.


My beloved friends, today we will discuss your cher-

ished ambitions and goals. Do you know what they
are? Are you clear about them? When you are clear and
committed to your ambitions and goals on the path of
ascension, you should not allow anything to interfere
with this, distract you and sap your energy. You need
to be one-pointed toward your goals. All of the time
you are using Divine energy for thinking, speaking
and acting. Is your use of Divine energy in alignment
with your spiritual goals of ascension?

Look and see where you may be thinking, speaking

and acting out of alignment, and correct this. Some ex-
amples of being out of alignment would be gossiping

Archangel Metatron Speaks

about others, watching and listening to negative and

useless programming on television and in movies. I
advise you not to listen to or watch this negativity. It
influences your energy vibration and attracts negative
elements and energies to you. We in the Higher Realm
do not do this. We center on Higher Divine Values and
Energies at all times.

It takes constant vigilance of your thoughts, words

and actions, your inner and outer environments, in the
workplace and at home to maintain the purity of your
chakras and energy bodies. There are always down-
pulling tendencies and energies in the third dimen-
sion, and from disembodied spirits, and the lower as-
tral realms. Learn the ways to avert these down-pulling
energies that wish to thwart your ascension and keep
you at a lower level of manifestation through thoughts,
words and actions. There are many extraterrestrial en-
ergies and entities of a low, negative energy vibration
around everywhere on planet earth. They congregate
in low energy places like night clubs, funeral parlors,
bars, even emergency rooms and operating theatres
in hospitals, in movie theatres, and are associated with
all negative news, video games, books on terror, vam-
pires, and anything low and negative. When you bring
your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy
bodies into contact with these, they can easily attach
to your energies and remain there, influencing you,
feeding off your energies without you even knowing
this. Much comes through your television screen, your
computer and phone. Everything is energy. Ascension
is about raising your energy to higher Divine levels

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

whereby you become aware of many frequencies of en-

ergy, and many entities with differing vibrations and

So become vigilant and aware, set your ascension goals,

don’t waste time and energy where it does not benefit
you or others.

In the next session I will show you how to protect your-

self from lower energies gaining a foothold or nega-
tively influencing your energy matrix and your envi-


Beloved spiritual aspirants, I am Metatron, the Radiant

One. My energy is extremely pure and radiant like that
of thousands of suns. Nothing can tarnish it. You may
ask, “How did I become so radiant?” Well, I worked at
it. I walked with God for a long time, offered myself
to be His instrument, took on more and more Divine
service work, and His Grace did the rest. During the
path of ascension and grace, I received much assistance
from many Divine Beings. I knew how to ask, to in-
voke, to pray, and all help flowed to Me.

The same is there, available for you as was for this Self,
bountiful, continuous assistance upon your request.

Archangel Metatron Speaks

What is required from your side? Aspiration to tran-

scend pain, sorrow, sadness, jealousy, hate, greed, lust,
and the like. What else is required from your side? You
truly wish for freedom, peace and surrender in God. You
desire God alone, and to be of service to the Highest.

To the degree that this is your commitment and aspira-

tion, to the degree that you give your time and energy
to this, help will be given to you to achieve this your
goal. Commitment to the path of Divine ascension is
not a whimsical endeavor, on today, off for a week. One
must try one’s level best, praying and asking what is to
be learned, what needs to be cleared and removed in
one’s energy and that it be removed.

You are to live in love, non judgement and acceptance

of others, meaning do not condemn. This does not
mean you keep the company of non seekers. Not neces-
sarily. Keep company of seekers of Truth who practice
the Higher Values of unconditional Love, kindness and
respect; who value Peace, Righteousness and Non vio-
lence. Living in this way will help to keep your energy
matrix pure, and help to raise your vibration to higher,
purer levels, and attract higher energies to yourself.

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.


As We bring these talks to a close I have yet a few more

things to share with you. Did you know how dear you
are to Us in the higher realms? You are very dear in-
deed. I, Metatron, was once on earth as you are. I know
how difficult earth life can be to navigate. As long as
I can remember I walked with God on earth and kept
His company and counsel. My name was Enoch during
one of My latter incarnations on earth. I longed to serve
God and be with Him in Heaven, so He made Me an
Archangel. Now I am in eternal service to God.

We delight in serving human souls in their ascension.

We were very grateful for the help from above during
our own ascension. And many of you are already help-
ing those who are below you in awareness and Divine
wisdom to rise up.

The path and process of ascension is a long one, and it

is bound to take place at one time or another. The path
you choose, your timing and details will be unique for
you. And that is the fun and glory of each path of as-

Archangel Metatron Speaks


You experience so many woes and troubles on earth

where you live. You must become immune to these, un-
affected. They are not yours personally, they are part
of the world situation. And you are not of the world,
you are Spirit. You can affect the world, raise it up to a
higher Consciousness, but you need not be affected by
it. Be in the world but not of it. You know that situa-
tions come and go. Sometimes your input is required;
that is, to speak or act. Do it without attachment to the
action or result. This attitude takes practice. However,
you must do it in order to be a free Spirit.

Humans must also understand that the earth life is

running according to many rules which are not trans-
gressed without consequences to the one who acts with
ego sense. The law of karma is one such rule. To tran-
scend the law of karma, be detached from the world,
give up reaction, and offer results to God. Where there
is no ego sense of doer and enjoyer, there is no per-
sonal and no karma. Where there is ego sense of per-
sonal doer and enjoyer of the fruits of actions, there is
rebirth. This is not a punishment, but rather a way to
move evolving souls along the path to spiritual awak-
ening and liberation. Otherwise souls would remain
stuck much longer and never ascend.

Walk with God as I did, and leave the world to its own
ways. Of course you will affect the world in a positive
uplifting way by your mere presence and radiation.
Follow your spiritual mission with God, to give coun-

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

sel and uplift when needed or asked for, and to heal in

the many ways available to you. Remember that your
body and mind are instruments, and you are Spirit.

It is not an easy path, but never be disheartened. There

is very much help available to you for the asking. Ask
sincerely and you will be given. Practice patience.
Change usually happens slowly in the ascension pro-
cess so that the new is fully integrated, and also so one
is not thrown off balance by sudden changes within
oneself. By its very nature the entire ascension process
takes many births. Though at this time there is great
acceleration as never before. You do your best as per
the Divine Master’s guidance to you, and leave the rest.
Very much of the ascension process takes place natu-
rally, beyond your knowing and control, as part of the
Divine Plan. We are always helping you as you invoke
ascension energy and Light, and seek to purify and de-
condition your energy bodies. We are your friends for
eternity. Call on Us, depend on Us, and We are there to
serve you.

Archangel Metatron Speaks


My dears you have come so far from your original

Home, but only in your imagination. You have seen
and experienced many things in the outer world and
believed in them, that they were true and real. You al-
lowed yourself to be affected mentally, emotionally,
physically and spiritually by the outside world and
your personal inner world. These two are intimately
connected, the outer and inner worlds. You interact
with the world through your conditioned ways. By
now you should be well aware of your conditioning
that causes you to react according to patterns within
your mental-emotional bodies. A Master does not re-
act; a Master is a witness and may or may not choose
to respond to worldly situations. A Master has control
over His inner instruments: the five senses of action,
five senses of knowledge, mind, intellect and ego. The
illumined, aware Consciousness of a Master is Truth,
the Truth that has set him free.

Ascension is of course coming back Home to this Truth,

a place that has always been there from where the
imaginary life of ego has sprung. Ascension is about
uncovering this Truth and living It as your Self. It is a
backward journey in the mind mainly of discernment
between what is Truth and what is untruth. It is not
a cold, unfeeling state of Being, though it can be and
seems to be to those onlookers who view your detach-
ment as coldness. It may be a stage that one is passing
through before Divine flow becomes stronger in the
aspirant. Sometimes detaching is the best one can do.

Catherine Kapahi, Ph.D.

This is perfectly okay. Do not feel guilty if you cannot

be loving all of the time.

Divine Love is different from worldly love. Those not

as yet on the spiritual path cannot understand Divine
Love, that it is so Pure, Untainted, and unattached. Di-
vine Love is the embodiment of Truth, Beauty and Aus-
piciousness. There is nothing of lust, selfishness, or ego
in it. It sees all as having arisen from the one Spirit, the
Truth. So do not worry about others’ opinions of you.
You are a flow of changing energy patterns, always in
flux, as is everyone. In this way practicing tolerance,
acceptance, benefit of the doubt, forgiveness, compas-
sion, and understanding go a long way to help main-
tain inner peace and balance. Ascension is a process of
working with these capacities, cultivating them more
and more in the being until one realizes oneself as the
purest Light of Truth. All others are seen to be in their
own process, moving toward this goal at their own rate
in their own way.

And so I bid adieu to you My dear friends on the path

of ascension. It is My sincere wish that you progress
without delay and call upon Us, the Archangels and
ascended Masters for all the assistance you may need.


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