Orient-Catalogue For Glass Insulators
Orient-Catalogue For Glass Insulators
Orient-Catalogue For Glass Insulators
1626, No.9, Sanquan Road, Zhengzhou, Henan, 450000 P.R.China
Tel/Fax:+86 37186097078, sales direct: +86 13673997131
orient@powerinsulator.com http://www.powerinsulator.com
The glass insulators are used on high voltage and ultra-high voltage transmission and substation lines. It is
a new generation products. Compared with porcelain insulators, it has the advantage of good value heat
mechnical quality, anti-polution and arc-resistant properties characteristics, long lifespan, light weigh, and
no need to check zero voltage, easy maintenance, short production cycle Etc.
1626, No.9, Sanquan Road, Zhengzhou, Henan, 450000 P.R.China
Tel/Fax:+86 37186097078, sales direct: +86 13673997131
orient@powerinsulator.com http://www.powerinsulator.com
Type Fig Dia. Spacing Creepage Coupling Strength Min. Power frequency
No. D H Distance size KN Lighting Withstand
mm mm mm Impulse Volt. KV
Withstand Min. Min. Min.
Volt. KV wet dry puncture
one one Voltage
minute minute
U40B 1 175 110 190 11A 40 70 33 55 80
U70BS 2 255 127 320 16 70 100 40 70 130
U70B 2 255 140 320 16 70 100 40 70 130
U70BL 2 255 146 320 16 70 100 40 70 130
U80BL 2 255 146 320 16 80 100 40 70 130
U100BL 2 255 146 320 16 100 100 40 70 130
U100BS 2 255 127 320 16 100 100 40 70 130
U120BS 2 255 146 320 16 120 100 40 70 130
U160BS 3 280 146 400 20 160 105 45 75 130
U160BL 3 280 170 400 20 160 105 45 75 130
U210BS 3 280 170 400 20 210 105 45 75 130
U240BS 3 280 170 400 24 240 105 45 75 130
U300B 3 320 195 485 24 300 130 50 85 130
U400B 3 360 205 550 28 420 140 55 90 140
U530B 3 380 240 600 32 530 140 55 90 140
1626, No.9, Sanquan Road, Zhengzhou, Henan, 450000 P.R.China
Tel/Fax:+86 37186097078, sales direct: +86 13673997131
orient@powerinsulator.com http://www.powerinsulator.com
Type Fig Dia. Spacing Creepage Coupling Strength Min. Power frequency
No. D H Distance size KN Lighting Withstand
mm mm mm Impulse Volt. KV
Withstand Min. Min. Min.
Volt. KV wet dry puncture
one one Voltage
minute minute
U70BSP 4 320 146 450 16 70 110 50 85 130
U100BSP 4 320 146 450 16 100 110 50 85 130
U120BSP 4 320 146 450 16 120 110 50 85 130
U160BSP 4 320 155 450 20 160 110 50 85 130
U160BSP1 4 320 170 450 20 160 110 50 85 130
U210BSP 4 320 170 485 20 210 120 55 90 130
U240BSP 4 320 170 485 24 240 120 55 90 130
Type Fig Dia. Spacing Creepage Coupling Strength Min. Power frequency
No. D H Distance size KN Lighting Withstand
mm mm mm Impulse Volt. KV
Withstand Min. Min. Min.
Volt. KV wet dry puncture
one one Voltage
minute minute
U70BP 5 255 146 400 16 70 120 45 95 130
U70BP1 5 280 146 450 16 70 125 50 95 130
U70PLP 6 320 146 550 16 70 140 55 100 130
U100BP 5 280 146 450 16 100 125 50 100 130
U120BP 5 255 146 400 16 120 125 50 95 130
U120BP1 5 280 146 450 20 120 125 50 95 130
U160BP 5 280 170 450 20 160 125 50 95 130
U160BLP 6 320 170 550 20 160 140 55 100 130
U210BLP 6 320 170 550 20 210 140 55 100 130
U240BLP 6 320 170 550 24 240 140 55 100 130
U300BP 7 380 195 635 24 300 155 60 100 130
1626, No.9, Sanquan Road, Zhengzhou, Henan, 450000 P.R.China
Tel/Fax:+86 37186097078, sales direct: +86 13673997131
orient@powerinsulator.com http://www.powerinsulator.com
Fig 8
Type Fig Dia. Spacing Creepage Coupling Strength Min. Power frequency
No. D H Distance size KN Lighting Withstand
mm mm mm Impulse Volt. KV
Withstand Min. Min. Min.
Volt. KV wet dry puncture
one one Voltage
minute minute
U40C 8 175 140 185 11C 40 100 33 55 80
U70C 8 255 146 320 16C 70 100 40 70 130
U80C 8 255 146 320 16C 80 100 40 70 130