s3 Resto Commdent2
s3 Resto Commdent2
s3 Resto Commdent2
48. In MO preparation, there are how 51. What ADA Specification number is for
many point angles? casting investments for dental gold
a) 2 alloys?
b) 4 a. 1
c) 6 b. 2
d) 8 c. 3
Rationale: A point angle is a d. 4
junction of three walls forming a e. 5
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Rationale: The American Dental
Association (ADA) Specification
54. Which is true about hardness?
No. 2 for casting investments for
dental gold alloys encompasses a. Predicts the wear resistance of a
three types of investments. (Type material and its ability to abrade
I, II, III). The types are opposing dental structures
determined by whether the b. Based on its ability to accept
appliance to be fabricated is scratching
fixed or removable, and the c. Yield to indentation
method of obtaining the d. B & C only
expansion is required to e. All of the above
compensate for the contraction
Rationale: Hardness pertains to
of the molten gold alloy during
Choice A; Choice B and Choice C
is a negation of the
characteristics of hardness which
52. Geriatric population group considered are: Based on its ability to RESIST
as the young-old: scratching and RESISTANCE to
a. 55-64 years old indentation.
b. 65-74 years old
c. 75-84 years old
d. 85 years and above 55. What is added to render the surface of
e. None of the above impression hydrophilic?
a) Base
Rationale: Ages 65-74 are
considered to be young old. Old for b) Catalyst
75-84 years old and old-old for 85 c) Plasticizer
years and above. d) Surfactant
e) Reactors
53. Special problems that will have a high
dental impact on the geriatric patient
EXCEPT: Rationale: Surfactant allows the
a. lack of adaptive potential impression material to wet soft
b. poor plaque control
tissue better and tbe poured in
c. root caries
d. periodontal breakdown and levels stone more effectively.
of toothwear.
e. None of the above
f. All of the above 56. Enamel bonding in the placement of
resin restoratives:
Rationale: All will have a high dental
impact to geriatric patients. a. greatly reduces marginal leakage
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b. conserves tooth structure c. ability of the material to prevent
c. gives complete permanency to the postoperative discomfort
restoration d. effect of material in clinical
d. results in a smooth surface finish success of restoration
with composite e. all of the above
157. Affected dentin differs from infected 161. The position of the gingival margin of a
dentin in that it has: class II amalgam preparation is dictated
a) Been invaded by microorganisms primarily by:
b) Are precisely the same i. aesthetics
c) Not been invaded by microorganisms ii. the location of the gingival margin
d) A soft texture iii. the extent of carious lesion
e) None of the above iv. the thickness of the enamel
158. Streptococcus mutans is considered to be a 162. Which line angle below is rounded when
principal etiologic agent of caries because preparing a class II amalgam preparation
it produces organic acids and it: i. axiobuccal
a) Forms a gelatinous matrix ii. axiolingual
b) Derives energy from constituents iii. axiopulpal
c) Metabolizes substrate from saliva iv. none of the above
d) Lives symbiotically with Lactobacillus
163. During the preparation of a Class II cavity,
which of the following permanent teeth
159. Restorative pins for amalgam restoration pulp horns will be the most subject to
should be placed: accidental exposure?
i. As close to the DEJ as possible i. Distofacial of a maxillary first
ii. In multiple numbers for retention molar.
iii. In line with the long axis of the ii. Facial of a mandibular first
tooth premolar.
iv. Parallel to the external surface of iii. Distofacial of a mandibular first
the tooth molar.
iv. Lingual of a mandibular first
160. The mesial and distal walls of a class I
amalgam preparation should diverge
slightly 164. Which of the following is the most effective
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way to reduce injury to the pulp during a withstand masticatory stress and this is
restorative procedure? established by:
i. Prepare dentin with slow-speed a) Bulk of the restorative material
burs. b) Strength of the restorative materials
ii. Use anesthetics without c) Compressiveness
vasoconstrictors d) Compactness
iii. Minimize dehydration of the 173. Capping of cusp/s should be considered
dentinal surface. for an onlay restoration when:
iv. Keep the dentinal surface clean a) Occlusal outline is extended up to the
by frequent irrigation. cusp slopes more than ¼ the distance from
the primary grooves to the cusp tip
b) Occlusal outline is extended up to the
165. In Class II cavity preparation for amalgam, cusp slopes more than 2/3 the distance
the primary retention form is provided by: from the primary grooves to the cusp tip
i. occlusal convergence of facial and c) Occlusal outline is extended up to
lingual walls the cusp slopes more than ½ the distance
ii. dovetail design from the primary grooves to the cusp tip
iii. coving the internal line angles d) Occlusal outline is extended up to
iv. both A & B the cusp slopes more than 1/3 the distance
166. 1..Reasons for incorporating an enamel from the primary grooves to the cusp tip
cavosurface bevel in preparations for
bonded, direct, composite restorations: 174. Setting time of zinc phosphate cement
167. 1, provides more surface area for bonding may be increased by:
168. 2, allows for the more preferred end-on a. using a slab cooled to just above
etching of the enamel rods. the dew point
169. 3, increase retention b. using a lower ratio of liquid to
170. 4, reduce leakage powder
171. 5, provide greater potential for c. using a longer mixing time
strengthening the remaining tooth
d. adding the increments of a powder
A. 1,2,3,4 B. 2,3,4,5 C. 1,2,3,5
D. 1,2,4,5 E. 1,2,3,4,5 e. a,b,c
172. .Basic preparation designs most frequently f. a,c,d
used for tooth-colored restorations of Class g. b,c,d
II cavities: h. all of the above are correct
A. conventional cavity design C.
modified design 175. patient reports a serious allergic reaction
B. beveled conventional design D. to Oil of Cloves. Which of the following
both A & B E. both B & C cements should be avoided?
3.Resistance forms is the ability to b. Glass Ionomer
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c. Phosphoric acid d. Result in fracture after setting
d. Ethoxybenzoic acid e. None of the above
e. Zinc oxide eugenol 180. The greatest single factor in the strength
176. In selecting intermediate base the of a final amalgam restoration is:
following criteria should be considered: a. The residual mercury content
b. The lead content
a. ability of the material to protect the c. The silver content
pulp d. The copper content
b. ability of the material to eliminate
postoperative discomfort e. All of the above
c. ability of the material to prevent 181. Periodontal objectives prior to restorative
postoperative discomfort dentistry procedures are
d. effect of material in clinical success of a. Elimination of all diseased gingival
restoration attachments with the resultant crevicular
e. all of the above depth as close to zero as possible
b. Elimination of all diseased root
177. For amalgam restoration, the most structure utilizing resection techniques
frequent complaint of pain right after c. Elimination of all etiological factors
placement is associated with: responsible for periodontal disease
d. A and B
a. Cold e. A and C
b. Galvanism f. None of the above
c. Heat 182. In a Class II, MO inlay preparation the
d. Biting pressure gingival bevel should be placed at :
178. A gold inlay restoration has which of the a.) 40 – 60 degrees
following advantage? b.) 60 – 75 degrees
1 close adaption to cavity walls c.) 30 – 45 degrees
2. Indestructibility in oral fluids d.) 15 – 30 degrees
3. No volume change after placement 183. A cavosurface angle of prepared cavity is :
209. The outline form of the classical class V 213. Which of the following is the most effective
amalgam preparation is way to reduce injury to the pulp during a
a. square restorative procedure?
b. deformed trapezoid a. Prepare dentin with slow-speed burs.
c. triangle b. Use anesthetics without
d. rectangle vasoconstrictors
210. When is the matrix band removed from c. Minimize dehydration of the dentinal
the tooth
a. prior to the final carving of the d. Keep the dentinal surface clean by
restoration frequent irrigation.
b. as soon as the amalgam has been
condensed into the prep
SY. 2016-2017
214. In Class II cavity preparation for amalgam, a) Both statement and the reason are
the primary retention form is provided by: correct and related
a. occlusal convergence of facial and b) Both statement and the reason are
lingual walls correct but not related
b. dovetail design c) The statement is correct, but the
c. coving the internal line angles reason is not
d) The statement is not correct, but the
d. both A & B
reason is correct
e. both B & C
e) Neither the statement nor the reason
is correct
215. Used to prepare a retentive lock in the
220. Which of the following materials can be
axiolingual line angle to enhance retention used to cement a bridge and fill a cervical
form of the proximal box. lesion?
1. #33 ½ 2. #245 3. a) Glass ionomer
#169L 4. # ¼ b) ZOE
A. 1,2,3 B. 1,3,4 C. 1,4 D. c) Zinc polycarboxylate
3,4 E. 3 only. d) Zinc phosphate
216. nThe ideal amount of dentin required 221. When removing caries, which of the
between an amalgam restoration and the following layer of dentin are affected, but
pulp for insulation is: not infected, and therefore do not need to
a) 0.5 mm be removed?
b) 1.0 mm a) Turbid dentin
c) 1.5 mm b) Infected dentin
d) 2.0 mm c) Transparent dentin
217. Class V amalgam restorations rarely require d) Normal dentin
retention grooves, but if they are used, e) Subtransparent dentin
they are placed at the incisoaxial and 222. Which property of filled resins is primarily
gingivoaxial line angles. to blame for the failure of Class II
a) Both statements are true composite restorations?
b) Both statements are false a) Low flexural strength
c) The first statement is true, the second b) Low compressive strength
is false c) Low tensile strength
d) The first statement is false, the d) Low wear resistance
second is true 223. A gold onlay you placed last week fails.
218. What distinguishes a base from a cement, Which of the following reasons is most
and from a cavity liner? likely to responsible for the failure?
a) Final application thickness a) You “capped” the functioning cusp
b) Degree of pulpal protection b) You “shoed” the functioning cusp
c) Biocompatibility of material c) You “capped” the nonfunctioning cusp
d) Degree of hardness d) You “shoed” the nonfunctioning cusp
219. Zinc phosphate cement can cause 224. Rapid cooling(by immersion in water) of
irreversible pulpal damage because it dental casting from high temperature at
shrinks slightly on setting. which it has been shaped is referred to as:
a) Annealing
SY. 2016-2017
b) Tempering d) The statement is not correct, but the
c) Quenching reason is correct
d) NOTA e) Neither the statement nor the reason
225. High gold alloys used for cast restorations are correct
are: 230. The Young rubber dam is used more than
a) Greater than 20% gold or other noble the Woodbury version, because it provides
metals less soft tissue retraction.
b) Greater than 30% gold or other noble a) Both the statement and reason are
metals correct and related
c) Greater than 50% gold or other noble b) Both the statement and reason are
metals correct but not related
d) Greater than 75% gold or other noble c) The statement is correct, but the
metals reason is not
226. When attempting to remove a hard brittle d) The statement is not correct, but the
material, like amalgam, you would prefer a reason is correct
bur with a: e) Neither the statement nor the reason
a) Zero rake angle are correct
b) Positive rake angle 231. Generally, Glass ionomer cements contain:
c) Negative rake angle a) Zinc oxide and distilled water
227. Which of the following would NOT b) Fluoro alumino-silica powder
necessarily indicate the need for root canal and orthophosphoric acid
treatment or extraction of a carious tooth? c) Zinc oxide and polyacrylic acid
a) Lingering pain after 15 seconds d) Fluoro alumino-silica powder
b) Negative electric pulp test
and polyacrylic acid
c) Frank apical radiolucency
d) Percussion sensitivity
232. If a zinc phosphate cement base is used
228. The ideal amount of time from placing an
when restoring a tooth, when should the
indirect pulp cap until reopening the tooth
to remove the remaining decay is: varnish be applied?
a) 7-10 days a) Prior to placement of the base
b) 2-3 weeks b) After placement of the base
c) 1 month c) Makes no difference when the
d) 3-4 months varnish is applied
e) 1 year d) Varnish should not be used in
229. The most retentive style of pin is the self- conjunction with zinc
threading pins because they are cemented phosphate cement
into pinholes that are smaller than the pin
itself. 233. The thermal insulating capacity of a
a) Both the statement and reason are cement base is principally related to:
correct and related
I. Thickness of the base placed
b) Both the statement and reason are
II. Coefficient of thermal
not correct
expansion of the base
c) The statement is correct, but the
reason is not
SY. 2016-2017
III. Thermal conductivity of the set a) Dental caries is an infectious
base microbiological disease of the
IV. Powder/ liquid ratio of the teeth that results in localize
cement mix dissolution and destruction of
V. Density of the base placed the calcified tissues
b) The evidence for the role of
a) I, II, III bacteria in the genesis of dental
b) II, IV, V caries is overwhelming
c) I, III, V c) Mutans streptococci is the
d) I, III, IV principal etiological agent of
dental caries
234. The main function of cavity liners is to: d) Organisms which cause caries
a) Act as thermal insulators are called “cariostatic”
b) Provide a barrier against e) Lactic acid produced by
chemical irritation acidogenic bacteria is the main
c) Produce a structural form for cause of enamel decalcification
the cavity preparation
d) Resist forces applied during Topic: Composite
condensation of the restorative
material 238. Which property of filled resins is primarily
to blame for the failure of class II
235. Cavity varnishes used in conjunction with composite restorations?
amalgam restorations: a) Low flexural strength
a) Provide thermal insulation b) Low compressive strength
b) Act as antibacterial agent c) Low tensile strength
c) Promote healing of the pulp d) Low wear resistance
d) Reduce microleakage
239. What mixture of different size particles
allows advantages of higher filler levels and
Topic: Caries good finishing?
236. What is the outermost zone of carious a) Micro-filled resin based
dentin which still capable of composites
remineralization? b) Flowable resin based
a) Normal dentin composites
b) Sub-transparent dentin c) Packable resin based
c) Transparent dentin composites
d) Turbid dentin d) Hybrid resin based composites
e) Infected dentin
240. Which component of a dentin bonding
237. All of the following are true concerning system functions primarily to penetrate
dental caries except: through the remnant smear layer and into
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the intertubular dentin to form an 245. The minimal reduction of working cusps for
interpenetrating network around dentin protection from the forces of mastication
collagen? should be?
a) Etchant a) 2.5 to 3 mm for both amalgam
b) Primer and cast gold restorations
c) Adhesive b) 1.5 to 2.0 mm for both
d) None of the above amalgam and cast gold
c) 2 mm for amalgam and 1 mm
Topic: Gold for cast gold restorations
d) 2.5 to 3 mm for amalgam and
241. With respect to onlay preparations, 1.5 mm for cast gold
“Shoeing “ of a functional cusp is: restorations
a) Sometimes indicated
b) Always indicated
c) Never indicated 246. Finish of the enamel margin at the gingival
cavosurface on a cavity prepared for
amalgam is
242. Surrounding the wax pattern with a a) not indicated because of the poor
material which can accurately duplicate its tensile strength of amalgam
shape and anatomical feature is referred to b) accomplished by creating a steep
as: cavosurface bevel
a) Investing c) not required since no stress is placed
b) Burnout on the restoration in the region
d) accomplished by removing all
c) Casting
unsupported enamel rods or prisms
d) Pickling
243. Copper’s major effect on a gold casting 247. Posterior teeth that have been
alloy is: endodontically treated are better restored
a) Corrosion resistance by a cast gold onlay because
b) To increase the hardness a) gold is more aesthetic than amalgam
c) To offset the color b) gold renders the tooth more resistant
to recurrent caries
contributions of copper
c) maximum protection is afforded to
d) To elevate the melting range the tooth
d) gold is likely to disturb gutta percha
244. The process of annealing gold foil is more filled canals than amalgam
commonly referred to as:
a) pickling 248. Stainless steel pins are principally used in
conjunction with amalgam restorations to
b) tempering
enhance the
c) compacting a. retention b. strength c. resistance
d) degassing form d. all of the above
288. All of the following are true 292. In a Class III composite preparation,
concerning a class V amalgam retention should be placed:
preparation except: A. in the axial wall C. entirely in
a) The outline form is determined dentin
primarily by the located of the B. at the DEJ D. at the expense
free gingival margin of facial and lingual walls, but not
b) The mesial, distal, gingiva and the axial wall
incisal walls of the cavity
preparation diverge outward
c) The retention form is provided by 293. Reasons for incorporating an enamel
the gingival retension groove along cavosurface bevel in preparations for
the gingivoaxial line angle and an bonded, direct, composite restorations:
incisal retension groove along the
incisoaxial line angle
d) a cervical clamp is usually to retract 1, provides more surface area for
gingival tissue bonding
289. The main function of cavity liners is 2, allows for the more preferred end-on
to: etching of the enamel rods.
a) Act as thermal insulators
b) Provide a barrier against 3, increase retention
chemical irritation
c) Produce a structure form for the 4, reduce leakage
cavity preparation
d) Resist forces applied during 5, provide greater potential for
condensation of the restoration strengthening the remaining tooth
material structure
C. modified preparation
f) The areas of enamel that lose their f) All of the choices given should not be
transluscency are products of extensive present whenever a restoration is
subsurface porosity caused by made. It is important that there should
demineralization. It means there is be correct contour, absence of
stagnation of blood flow which in overhangs and proper contact with the
return results to necrosis or pulpal adjacent tooth.
death. g) Reference: Operative Dentistry:
g) Reference: Operative Dentistry: Modern Theory and Practice by
Modern Theory and Practice by Marzauk, A.L., p. 51
Marzauk, A.L., p 50
g) Acute, rapidly advancing caries with The pains are due to the stimulation of
very high levels of acid production pulp tissue by movement of fluid
overpowers dentinal defenses and through dentinal tubules that had been
results in infection. Small localized opened to the oral environment by
infections in the pulp produces cavitation.
inflammatory response involving
SY. 2016-2017
Reference: Operative Dentistry: Modern g) Reference: Operative Dentistry:
Theory and Practice by Marzauk, A.L., Modern Theory and Practice by
p. 52 Marzauk, A.L., p.75