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PHILTOP Law Enforcement Administration


1. What is the law or act that abolished the Integrated National Police and the Philippine Constabulary?
a. RA 6713 b. RA 8551
c. RA 6975 d. RA 7610

2. Which of the following is also known as line beat?

a. Route b. Post
c. Area d. Beat
e. Sector

3. The law which created the NAPOLCOM;

a. DILG Act of 1990 b. Police Reform and Reorganization Act
c. National Security Act of 1947 d. Police Act of 1966

4. The right to exercise, decide and command by virtue of rank and position refer to:
a. Right b. Duty
c. Command d. Authority

5. The principle of PNP Organizational Plan that simply means the vertical hierarchy of the organization defines an
unbroken chain of scale of units from top to bottom describing explicitly the flow of authority.
a. Scalar Principle b. Principle of Balance
c. Functional Principle d. None of the above

6. Which of these pertains to the product of prudence or wisdom in the management of human affairs?
a. Policy b. Rules
c. Procedure d. Regulations
e. Statute

7. It is the transnational flows of people, production, investment, information, ideas and authority. Which is referred to
a. Globalization b. Terrorism
c. Transnational d. Organized crime

8. The policy making body of any organization is.

a. Top management b. Administration
c. Executive board d. Executive officer

9. It means the specific type of behavior that is to be expected from individual who occupies a particular position with
attendant responsibility and authority.
a. Duty b. Rights
c. Role d. Power

10. Vault door should be at least ____ inch thick.

a. (3) three b. (5) five
c. (4) four d. (6) six

11. It is the oldest type of patrol

a. FOOT patrol b. HORSE patrol
c. BICYCLE patrol d. K9 patrol

12. It is the arrangement of people with common purpose and objective in a manner to enable the performance of
related tasks by individuals grouped for the purpose.
a. Management b. Administration
c. Organization d. All of these

13. Regarded as the father of organized military espionage.

a. Alexander the Great b. Hannibal
c. Frederick the Great d. Moses

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PHILTOP Law Enforcement Administration

14. He is acclaimed as the Father of Police Organization.

a. Henry Peel c. Donovan
b. Robert Peel d. August Vollmer

15. It has been considered as the most effective and efficient means of in guarding.
a. Patrol c. Investigation
b. Traffic d. vice control

16. The control of the superior should not be more than what he can effectively direct refer to;
a. Unity of Command b. Delegation of Authority
c. Span of control d. Chain of command

17. What is referred to as the functional unit within a division that is necessary for specialization?
a. Bureau b. Division
c. Section d. Unit

18. The object of surveillance is called the,

a. Stool pigeon b. Target
c. Rabbit d. Subject

19. It shall mean the orderly organized physical movement of elements or units of the PNP within the province,
city or municipality for purposes of employment.
a. Staffing b. Employ
c. Selection d. Deploy

20. Lowest rank for a commissioned PNP officer who is empowered to administer oaths.
a. Inspector b. Chief Inspector
c. Senior Inspector d. Superintendent

21. What law that dissolves the PC/INP and allow its officers and rank and file employees to transfer or join either the
AFP and PNP?
a. R.A. 8551 b. R.A. 6975
c. PD 1184 d. EO 1040

22. What does it mean by PLEB?

a. Police Law Enforcement Board b. Public Law Enforcement Board
c. People’s Law Enforcement Board d. None of these

23. The act of expelling a squatter by the legal process is called:

a. demolition b. eviction
c. squadron d. tear down

24. Maximum tenure of office for Police Regional Directors is;

a. three years b. six years
c. four years d. nine years

25. What law is also known as Professionalization Law of 1977?

a. PD 765 b. RA765
c. PD1184 d. PD 482

26. Among the following system of physical security, which is considered the most expensive?
a. Natural barriers b. Animal barriers
c. Human barriers d. Energy barriers

27. Their primary duty is to protect the emperor of Japan and its Family
. a. Imperial Police b. Imperial guard
c. Imperial security d. Imperial agency

28. The police patrol work in a 24-hour basis. This statement is:
a. true b. false

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c. maybe d. confusing

29. A spot report must be done and acted upon within ____ hours.
a. (12) twelve b. (36) thirty six
c. (24) twenty four d. (48) forty eight

30. It refers to a fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned for duty.
a. Post b. Beat
c. Route d. Line beat

31. Tenure of office for a NAPOLCOM commissioner shall be;

a. (3) three years b. (6) six years
c. (4) four years d. (7) seven years

32. Who is the most important officer in the police organization?

a. general b. . Traffic
c. Investigator d. The Chief of Police
e. Patrol

33. In planning a police staff study, the planner premises his______ from the findings of said studya.
a. Recommendation b. ideas
c. Brief d. conclusions

34. Perimeter barriers are the first line of______ defense of an industrial complex viewing it from the outside.
a. Martial b. security
c. Physical d. company

35. Who is the second command in the PNP?

a. Deputy Director General b. Deputy Chief of the PNP for Operations
c. Chief of the Directorial Staff of the PNP d. Deputy Chief of the PNP for Administration

36. Under republic act No. 6975 or the PNP Law, the______ has the power to choose the chief of police of his
municipal/police stations.
a. Board member b. mayor
c. Secretary d. company

37. The use of the squad wedge, squad diagonal or deployed line, would be most likely for:
a. Teachers` hunger strike b. combat maneuvers
c. Civil disturbance/disobedience d. disaster and relief operations

38. The principle of police organization, point out that each individual unit or situation shall be under the immediate
control of:
a. Only one superior b. several superior
c. The majority d. all of the above

39. Applicants to the PNP must have at least ____ natural teeth.
a. (20) twenty b. (23) twenty three
c. (21) twenty one d. (25) twenty five

40. Maximum acceptable height for a fence used as security barrier.

a. 5 feet b. 8 feet
c. 10 feet d. 12 feet

41. The R.A. 6975 took effect on-

a. December 13,1990 b. January 1, 1991
c. December 13, 1991 d. January 31, 1991

42. R.A. 6975 is known as the-

a. PNP Law b. DILG Act 1990
c. PNP Law of 1991 D. PNP Act of 1990

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43. What is the rank which composes the largest number of commissioned officers?
a. POI b. Superintendent
c. Inspector d. SPOI

44. It is the circumspect inspection of a place to determine its suitability for a particular operational purpose.
a. Inspection b. Surveillance
c. Survey d. Casing

45. According to the smallest, which one is listed on the top?

a. Bureau b. Unit
c. Division d. Section

46. Republic Act NO. 4864 is also known as ?

a. Professionalism Law of 1977 b. PC/INP law
c. Police act of 1966 d. The PNP reform act

47. It is the product resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of all available information
which concerns one or more aspects of criminal activity and which is immediately or potentially significant to police
a. Investigation b. Information
c. Data d. Intelligence

48. Which of the following refers to the long range planning?

a. intermediate b. medium
c. strategic d. short

49. The following are the primary line operation in police organization except:
a. patrol b. traffic
c. records d. investigation

50. Which is not a Directorate for comptrollership?

a.Budget Division b.Fiscal Division
c. Accounting Division d. Supply Management Division
e. None of these

51. The PNP shall be supported by administrative and operational units. The heads of these supporting unit shall
have the rank of
a. Senior Superintendent b. Chief Superintendent
c. Director d. Deputy Director General

52. Who is the second in command in the PNP?

a. Deputy Director General
b. Deputy Chief of the PNP for Operation
c. Deputy Chief of the PNP for Administration
d. Chief of the Directorial Staff of the PNP

53. What is the equivalent rank of the Chief of the Directorial Staff of the PNP in the Armed forces of the
a. Colonel b. Brigadier General
c. Major General d. Lieutenant General

54. What is the equivalent rank of constable second class (c2c) in the old Philippine Constabulary with the PNP
a. POI b. POII

55. Bill Obama was born on June 16, 2005. Assuming that the present provisions of RA 6975 and 8551 on age
minimum qualification will not be amended, when Mr. Obama could be qualified to apply as member of the PNP?
a. After June 16, 2026
b. On of after June 16, 2026

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c. On or after June 16, 2027

d. After June 16, 2023
e. On or after June 16, 2023

56. POI Bara Obama was promoted to POII on November 13, 2008. Assuming that he was promoted to POIII on time
and considering the mandatory time-in-grade, when can he be qualified to be promoted to SPOI?
a. On or after November 13, 2011
b. On or after November 13, 2010
c. On or after November 13, 2009
d. On or after November 13, 2012
e. On or after November 13, 2013

57. Which of the following is not one of the minimum requirements for PNP applicants?
a. None of these
b. Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude
c. Must be at least 1.62 meters in height for male and 1.57 meters for female
d. Must weigh not or more than five kilograms (5kgs) from the standard weight corresponding to his her
height, age, and sex.
e. For new applicant, he must be less than twenty-one (21) and not more than thirty (30) years of age.

58. What is the principle of police organization which requires that levels of authority shall be kept to minimum?
a. Lines of authority and Chain of Command
b. Unity of Command
c. Span of Control
d. Delegation of Authority
e. None of these

59. Structuring the police as a functional organization would contribute to the following disadvantages, except:
a. Coordination of efforts becomes complicated since the employees or personnel responsible for the
results may be subject to functional direction for several person,
b. Discipline is difficult to administer because of multi-headed leadership,
c. Existence of considerable conflict among the line administrator resulting in confusion among line
personnel, and
d. Line of authority and responsibility are fragmented into many functional channels making each
supervisor responsible for several superiors depending upon the function he happens to be
e. None of these

60. All, but one the advantages of a Line Type Police Organization.
a. None of these
b. The simplicity of the structure,
c. Promotion of division of work to specific police units with one officer in charge having complete
control which makes him responsible or accountable for the result,
d. Quick decision can be made because of the direct lines authority, and because these direct line,
each member in the chain of command knows to whom he is accountable and who is accountable
for him,
e. Responsibility for making decision is well defined

61. Which is not the appointing authority of the President?

a. Director General
b. Deputy Director General
c. Director
d. None of these
e. Chief Superintendent

62. POII Bato obtained his present rank on October 5, 2008. If POII Bato desires to be promoted to POIII, which of the
following is not a requirements that he also to fulfill?
a. 2 years time-in-grade
b. PLEB Clearance
c. Completion of appropriate training course
d. NAPOLCOM Eligibility Exam
e. None of these

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63. What is the equivalent in the AFP the rank of PNP Inspector General?
a. Major General b. Brigadier General
c. Colonel d. Lt. General
e. One Star General
64. All are National Offices in the PNP Organization, except-
a. 10 Staff Directorate b. Inspector General
c. Operational Unit d. Administrative Support Units
e. None of these

65. The NCRPO Deputy for Administration has the rank of-
a. Superintendent b. Senior Superintendent
c. Chief Superintendent d. Director e. Deputy Director General

66. If the total population of the country is 96 million approximately, how many police officers are needed to cope up
with the 1:500 police-to-population ratio?
a. 192,000 b. 186,000
c. 190,000 d. 172,000 e. 196,000

67. The Municipality of Grandia has a total 32 police officers. The number of police officers in that municipality is
based on 1:750 average police-to-population ratio. What is the approximate population of the municipality?
a. 20,000 b. 24,000
c. 26,000 d. 28,000 e. 30,000

68. The line and staff type of organization is so far the best model for police organizations. Of the following, which is
not one of its advantages?
a. None of these applies
b. Police staff or specialist can provide expert advice to line officers in special knowledge areas as
demonstrated by the opinions of legal advisers.
c. Line personnel and officers are not relived from task which they least prefer and\or least qualified to
do like training and scientific analysis of physical evidence
d. Special problems like police corruption are reduced or eliminated because of the greater expertise
they bring to bear on the issue and the greater the amount of time they do to devote to the problem
e. Channels of responsibility and authority are left intact because the specialist responsibility is to “think
and provide expertise” for the officers who responsible in “doing.”

69. Under the provision of R.A. 6975, who among the following is qualified for enlistment in the PNP?

A. A, who is under 21 years old

B. B, who is 1 year older than 30 years old
C. C, not a criminology student but earned more than 72 colleges units
D. D, a female applicant who is standing only 1 centimeter below “52”
E. E, None of these

70. During the establishment of the Philippine National Police, the Integrated National Police Officers became
automatic member of the PNP. Aside from them, the following are also the initial composition of the PNP, except-

A. Members of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology

B. Enlisted and commission officers of the PC NARCOM
C. Civilian Operatives of the PC Criminal Investigation Services (CSI)
D. Technical Services Personnel of the AFP assigned in the PC
E. Regular operatives of the abolished NAPOLCOM Inspection, Investigation and Intelligence Branch

71. PSSUPT John McCain desires to be promoted to Police Chief Superintendent for he has already fulfilled the
necessary training course and the eligibility examinations. However, he has not served yet the necessary time-in-
grade which is-

a. 5 b. 4
c. 3 d. 2 e. 1

72. In the preceding item, what is the training completed by PSSUPT MacCain for his CSUPT promotion?
a. Officers’ Advance Course b. General Staff Course

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c. Officers’ Senior Executive Course d. B and C

e. chief Superintendent Course

73. The R.A. 6975 took effect on-

a. December 13, 1990 b. December 31, 1991
c. January 13, 1991 d. January 1, 1991 e. January 31, 1991

74. R.A. 6975 is known as the-

a. PNP Law b. PNP Law of 1991
c. DILG act of 1990 d. PNP act of 1990
e. DILG act of 1991

75.. The following are some of the factors to determine the most qualified and most capable candidates to be
promoted, except-
a. None of these b. Performance
c. Educational Attainment d. Training e. Service Reputation

76. There are some Law Enforcement Functions performed by the other agencies which were absorbed by the
PNP upon its establishment. The members or personnel of these agencies performing such law enforcement-related
functions were given the option to join the PNP. They are the following, except-

a. Operatives of the NACAH

b. Philippine Air Force personnel assigned with the PAFSECOM
c. Those Philippine Coast Guard personnel who were performing police function
d. Members of the Inspection, Investigation and Intelligence Branch of the NAPOLCOM (IIIB)
e. None of these

77. The actual police strength by cities and municipalities shall depend on the, except-

a. Capability of a municipality or city

b. State of peace and order
c. Population and density
d. Actual demands of the service in the particular area
e. None of these

78. What is the rank which composes the largest number of commissioned officer?
a. POI
b. Inspector
c. Superintendent
e. Director General

79. All the following ranks are appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the chief of the PNP, with
the proper endorsement by the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission and subject to confirmation by the
commission on appointments, except-
a. Superintendent
b. Senior Superintendent
c. Director
d. Deputy Director General
e. None of these

80. Which of the following professionals is given the initial rank of senior inspector when qualified for the lateral
entry in the PNP?
a. Optometrists
b. Dentist
c. Nurses
d. Lawyer
e. Engineers

81. Which of the following statement concerning the promotion policy of the PNP is concerned?
a. None of these applies

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b. A member of the PNP shall not be eligible for promotion to a higher position or rank unless he has
successfully passed the corresponding promotional examination
c. A member inspiring for promotion should have satisfactorily completed an appropriate and
accredited course in the PNP or equivalent training institutions
d. No member of the PNP shall be eligible for promotion unless he has not been cleared by the
People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB) of complaints proffered against him, if any.
e. Special promotion shall be extended to any member of the PNP for acts of conspicuous courage
and gallantry at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty

82. What is the compulsory retirement for PNP non-officers?

a. 50 years old
b. 55 years old
c. 56 years old
d. 58 years old
e. 60 years old

83. POIII George Go was born on July 24, 1972. Assuming that he will still be alive until his compulsory
retirement, when he will be qualified to file for retirement?
a. 2026
b. 2027
c. 2028
d. 2029
e. 2030

84. In the preceding item, if POIII Go Entered in the PNP 1997, how many years of service will he serve until his
compulsory retirement?
a. 30
b. 31
c. 32
d. 33
e. 35

85. Mr. Manny Pacquiao, a namesake of the Filipino boxing hero, was born on 1973. He took 12 years to finish
B.S. in Criminology of poverty. If his application in the PNP will be denied, which would be the possible
causes of rejection?
a. He is passed the qualification
b. He did not pass the Criminology Board Examination. His only eligibility is the NAPOLCOM
c. His scholastic records shows that he is not fit for police work
d. A and B
e. All of these

86. The Directorate for Personnel and Records Management has the following division, except-
a. Personnel Plans and Policies
b. Recruitment and Places
c. Personnel Transaction Division
d. Benefits and Pension Administration Division
e. General Doctrine Development

87. Which is not under the Directorate for Intelligence?

a. Intelligence Operational Division
b. Counter-intelligence and Security Division
c. Foreign Liaison Division
d. Intelligence Research Division
e. Insurgency Division

88. Who conducts periodic announced, scheduled as well as unannounced, unscheduled or “spot” inspector of all
units, offices commands and stations to determine defects and irregularities, effect correction and
recommend to the Chief, PNP and all concerned, the appropriate measures and actions to the deficiencies
and irregularities noted?
a. Inspector General’s Office

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c. Internal Affairs Office

e. All of these

89. What does it mean by PLEB?

a. Police Law Enforcement Board
b. Public Law Enforcement Board
c. People’s Law Enforcement Board
d. Either B or C
e. None of these

90. Which is not a line function?

a. Scene of the Crime Operation
b. Traffic
c. Investigation
d. Patrol
e. None of these

91. The one having supervisory responsibilities, either temporarily or permanently, over officers of lower rank is
a. Ranking Officer
b. Superior Officer
c. Supervisory officer
d. Commissioned Officer
e. Commanding Officer

92. What is the fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned for duty, such as designated desk or office
or n intersection or crossing walk for traffic duty?
a. Route
b. Beat
c. Post
d. Sector
e. Area

93. Which of the following is also known as line beat?

a. Route
b. Beat
c. Post
d. Sector
e. Area

94. What is the area assigned for patrol purposes, whether foot or motorized?
a. Route
b. Beat
c. Post
d. Sector
e. Area

95. It refers to a section or territorial division of a large city each comprised of designated districts.
a. Route
b. Beat
c. Post
d. Sector
e. Area

96. What is referred to as the functional unit within a division that is necessary for specialization?
a. Bureau
b. Division
c. Section
d. Unit
e. None of these

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97. According to the smallest, which one is listed on the top?

a. Bureau
b. Division
c. Section
d. Unit
e. None of these

98. What is the basic police mission?

a. To protect life and properties
b. To enforce the law
c. To serve the community by enforcing law of the land
d. To preserve order by enforcing rules of conduct or laws
e. All of these

99. The French word police came from the Greek word politeia via the Latin word politia. The French use police
in reference to-
a. city or metropolis
b. civil employees
c. governance of a city or government
d. authorized people who actually enforce the law
e. All of these

100. Biblical account mentioned about temple guards and watchmen. The latter’s duty was to-
a. protect the king and other members of the royal family
b. protect the city and arrest the offenders
c. patrol around the city and report for offenders
d. patrol around the temple and detect law violators
e. All of these

101. Few years before the Lord Jesus Christ, Augustus formed the “Vigiles” of Rome, a group of over 2, 000 men,
armed with staves and short swords, whose duty was to-
a. All of these
b. Keep the peace and fight fires
c. Protect the king and the other member of the royal class
d. Protect the entire community
e. Guard the city from sunset to sunrise

102. During the Anglo-Saxon (Ancient England) Period (600-1066 AD), the following policing systems were
practiced, except-
a. Hue and Cry
b. Trial by ordeal
c. Frankpledge system
d. Tun policing
e. Shire-reeve system

103. What was the statute proclaimed by King Richard of England requiring the appointment of knights to keep the
king’s peace by standing as guards on bridge and gates while checking the people entering and leaving the
cities and towns?
a. Keepers of the gates
b. Star Chamber Court
c. Magna Carta
d. None of these
e. Justice of the peace

104. This law is introduced the system of WATCH AND WARD, a watch was stationed between sunset and
sunrise at each gate of a walled town. It revived the hue and cry.
a. Hue and Cry Law
b. Statute of 1925
c. Statute of Winchester
d. Legis Henrie
e. Nightwatchmen Law

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105. In Paris, the OFFICER DE PAIX was established in 1791. These peace officers were identified through a-
a. Blue Uniform
b. Warrant Card
c. Wide Leather Hats
d. High Leather Boots
e. All of these

106. Who were the first to establish uniformed police officers?

a. The English
b. The Americans
c. The French
d. The Romans
e. None of these

107. The first watchmen in America were called-

a. Nightwatch
b. Bellmen
c. Rattlewatch
d. Leathermen
e. Leatherheads

108. Which of the following cities in America adopted a full police uniform in 1856?
a. Boston
b. Philadelphia
c. New York
d. Pennsylvania
e. None of these
109. Which of the following was organized in 1712 for the purpose of carrying out the policies of the Spanish
government in the Philippines?
a. Guardia Civil
b. Guardrilleros
c. Carabineros de Seguridad Publico
d. Spanish Mounted Police
e. None of these
110. What is the minimum number of licensed private security guards under the employ of a private security
agency before a regular license shall be granted to such security agency?
a. 30
b. 200
c. 1,000
d. 60
e. 100
111. What type of license is issued after complying with licensing requirements by a person who wants to engage
in security management?
a. Regular License to Operate
b. Temporary License to Operate
c. Regular License to Exercise Profession
d. Temporary License to Exercise Profession
e. None of these
112. What is the process which is designed to remind employees of the company about their responsibilities,
review the guidelines and policies, introduction of new policies and regulations, and a moment of getting
employees feedback about the company policies that is being implemented?
a. Security Reminders
b. Profiling
c. Security Promotion
d. Refresher Conference
e. None of these
113. What is the validity of a license to operate?
a. 2 years
b. 4 years
c. 6 years
d. 1 year
e. 3 years

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114. What is the process of assigning information or material, one of the four security categories after
determination has been made that the information requires the security protection as provided?
a. Declassify
b. Regarding
c. Classify
d. Compartmentetion
e. None of these


1. One of the barriers used in the penal colony in Palawan is bodies of water in which they consider the barrier as.
a. Animal Barrier b. Human Barrier c. Natural Perimeter d. Natural Barrier

2, German shepherds usually trained and utilized to serve as guarding system

a. Animal Barrier b. Human Barrier c. Natural Perimeter d. Natural Barrie

3. It refers to a freestanding structure designed to restrict or prevent movement across a boundary.

a. Walls b. Perimeter c. Fence d. Barriers

4. What type of barriers is protective lighting?

a. Structural barriers b. Energy Barrier c. Electrical Barrier d. Natural Barrier

5. Drainage for the waste of one installation is an example of?

a. Gates and Door b. Clear zone c. Side-walk opening d. Utilities Opening

6. This should be erected where necessary in the management of unauthorized ingress to preclude accidental entry.
a. Top guard b. Tower Guard c. Signs and Notices d. All of these

7. These types of protective lighting usually used in the penal colony or in any correctional institutions to illuminate
walls and outside barriers of the correction to protect prisoners from escaped.
a. Controlled lighting b. Search lights c. Glare projection d. Standby lighting

8. Some people may use this type of lighting sources as it is least expensive in terms of energy consumed.
a. Mercury vapor Lamp b. Incandescent Lamp c. Metal Hallide d. Fluorescent

9. This type of lighting sources usually used in outdoor games particularly soccer and base ball because of its higher
luminous efficiency and better color rendition.
a. Mercury vapor Lamp b. Incandescent Lamp c. Metal Hallide d. Fluorescent

10. This system consists of ringing up a visual or audible alarm near the object to be protected.
a. Auxiliary alarm b. Local alarm c. Propriety alarm d. Central station system

11. A type of protective alarm system with a unit in the nearest police station so that in case of need, direct call is
a. Auxiliary alarm b. Local alarm c. Propriety alarm d. Central station system

12. It defined as a mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or electronic device designed to prevent entry into building, room,
container or hiding place?
a. Key b. Lock c. Alarm d. All of these

13. Other type of lock in which use of letters instead of using key?

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a. Padlock b. Combination lock c. Electrical lock d. Code operated lock

14. This type of keys which operates lock and has particular combination of cuts which match the arrangement of the
tumblers in the lock?
a. Master Key b. Grand Master Key c. Change key d. Sub-master key

15. What is the minimum capitalization of an applicant for license to operate?

a. Php 500,000 b. Php 100,000

c. Php 1,000,000 d.Php 5,000,000 e. Php 250,000

16. What is the act of emphasizing the importance and role of security in achieving the company goals and
objective by securing employee cooperation and support?
a. Security Promotion
b. Security Reminders
c. Refresher Conference
d. Initial Interview
e. None of these

17. It refers to the technique conducted to develop security awareness among employees of the company.
a. Security Education
b. Security Reminders
c. Security Promotion
d. Refresher Conference
e. None of these

18. What is the act of changing the assigned classification from classified or matter?
a. None of these
b. Upgrading
c. Reclassifying
d. Compartmentation
e. Declassify
19. What is the document issued by the Chief of the PNP or his duly authorized representative authorizing a
person to perform his duties as private security or training personnel?
a. Certificate of Profession
b. License of Exercise Security Profession
c. License to Operate
d. Duty Detail Operate
e. Any of these
20. Which one refers to any information that is some special way relates to the status or activities of the
possessor and over which the possessor asserts ownership?
a. Special Information
b. Trade Secret
c. Proprietary Information
d. Patent
e. Classified Information
21. What is the badge or coded pass issued to an employee which gives him authorization to enter at specific
areas in the establishment?
a. Badge of authority
b. Multilinear Pass System
c. Single Pass System
d. Pass Exchange System
e. Multiple Exchange System
22. Which of these refers to the security force maintained and operated by any private company or corporation
for its own security requirements only
a. Private Security Force
b. Private Security Agency
c. Company Guard Force
d. Government Security Unit
e. All of these

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23. What is the English term used to denote a lock picker?

a. Peter Pan
b. Picker
c. Peterman
d. All of these
e. Pick Locker
24. The major division of security which is considered as the most important aspect of security.
a. Personnel Security
b. Document Security
c. Physical Security
d. Information Security
e. Critical Security
25. It refers to the weakest link in the security chain of an organization.
a. documents
b. protective cabinets
c. perimeter barriers
d. personnel
e. All of these
26. What is the minimum number of license private security personnel under the employ of a company security
guard force before a regular license will be granted?
a. 200
b. 150
c. 30
d. 1000
e. None of these
27. The applicant for renewal of license to operate shall be filed at least how many days before the expiry date of
license to operate.
a. 30
b. 60
c. 120
d. 180
e. 365
28. Which among the following is not a factor to be considered in Background Investigation?
a. loyalty
b. reputation
c. integrity
d. moral
e. ethics
29. What is the basic function of the guard force?
a. All of these
b. Protect all the property within the limits of the facility
c. Ensure costumer relation
d. Meeting minimum criteria to assure effective function
e. Detect intruders
30. It refers to the potential damage or loss of an asset.
a. Probability
b. Vulnerability
c. Criticality
d. Risk
e. None of these
31. What is the planned and organized determination of facts concerning specific loss or damage of assets due
to threats, hazards or unsecured conditions?
a. Security Survey
b. Security Inspection
c. Security Hazard
d. Security Investigation
e. None of these
32. What is the most familiar type of outdoor security lighting designed to provide two specific results: glare
projection or controlled lighting?
a. Standby lighting
b. Emergency lighting
c. Continuous lighting

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d. Portable lighting
e. Floodlighting
33. What is the process of using devices in detecting sham during interview stage?
a. Undercover Investigation
b. Deception Detection Technique
c. Profiling
d. None of these
e. Positive Vetting
34. It refers to the compartmentation or decentralization of risk to limit the impact of the potential loss.
a. Risk Transfer
b. Risk Self-Assumption
c. Risk Spreading
d. Risk Avoidance
e. Risk Analysis
35. It refers to a mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or electronic device designed to prevent entry into a building,
room, container or hiding.
a. Key
b. Lock
c. Cabinet
d. Alarm
e. None of these
36. What is a valuable tool which gives departing employees an opportunity to list grievances?
a. Exit Interview
b. Security Promotion
c. Refresher conference
d. Profiling
e. None of these
37. The exclusive right to patent protection expires after-
a. 7 years
b. 17 years
c. 27 years
d. 37 years
e. 20 years
38. What is the type of protective alarm wherein the currency activation device are placed in the teller’s cash
drawer and connected to the alarm system using a wire connector?
a. Foot Rail Activator
b. Foot Button
c. Bill Traps knee or Thigh Button
d. None of these
39. It refers to the information concerning document, cryptographic devices, developed projects and materials
following the categories of Top Secret, Secret, Confidential and Restricted.
a. Classified Matter
b. Asset
c. Classified Information
d. Proprietary Information
e. Property
40. What is the process whereby the subject’s reaction in a future critical situation is predicted by observing his
behavior, or by interviewing him, or analyzing his responses to a questionnaire?
a. Positive Vetting
b. Undercover Investigation
c. Profiling
d. Exit Interview
e. Background Investigation
41. What is the type of security hazard which can be in the form rumor mongering, propaganda, undermining
morale, and injecting defeatist attitudes, and other emotional approaches?
a. Sabotage
b. Subversion
c. Espionage
d. Pilferage
e. All of these
42. It refers to a systematic process of identifying and implementing security countermeasures to achieve an
acceptable level of risk at an acceptable cost.

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a. Risk Analysis
b. Risk Management
c. Risk Assessment
d. Risk Reduction
e. A and \ or B
43. Which of the following has the least expensive in terms of energy consumed and has the advantage of
providing instant illumination when the switch is on?
a. Metal Halide
b. Mercury Vapor Lamp
c. Fluorescent
d. Incandescent
e. B and C
44. What is the type of inspection which is usually preceded by an announcement and the unit under inspection
prepares for events, including some extra housekeeping activities that would not otherwise happen at that
point in time?
a. Structured Inspection
b. Formal Inspection
c. Unstructured Inspection
d. Informal Inspection
e. Informed Inspection
45. How do you term the moving financial impact of the potential loss over to an insurance company?
a. Risk Transfer
b. Risk Spreading
c. Risk Reduction
d. Risk Self-Assumption
e. A and B
46. What is the kind of alarm which detects any sound caused by attempted force entry?
a. Vibration Detection Device
b. Electric Eye Device
c. Laser Beam Alarm
d. Audio Detection Device
e. Sound Detector
47. What is diary?
a. Personal Document
b. Public Document
c. Official document
d. Commercial Document
e. Private Document
48. What lighting system is used in times of power failure or other emergencies when other systems are
a. Standby lighting
b. Movable lighting
c. Floodlights
d. Emergency lighting
e. Reserve lighting
49. It refers to a type of inspection which is on-going and never ending activity.
a. Structured Inspection
b. Unstructured Inspection
c. Formal Inspection
d. Continuous Inspection
e. Series Inspection
50. As a police officer, he\she should live a decent and virtuous life to serve as an example to others. This
statement is part of the:
A. PNP code of Covenant
B. Police Officer’s Creed
C. Policeman’s Code
D. All of the above


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1. Which of the following is not a commissioned officer?

a. Inspector
b. Asst. Chief
c. Senior Superintendent
d. Chief Superintendent

2. The act of expelling a squatter by the legal process is called:

A. demolition
B. eviction
C. squadron
D. mutilation
E. saturation drive

3. The other term of the word “discretion” is:

A. decision maker
B. wise use of one’s judgment
C. common sense
D. all of these

4. The following are the powers of police officers, except to:

A. prevent the commission of the crime
B. arrest criminal offenders
C. to investigate the commission of the crime
D. to attain an acceptable degree of peace and order

5. The “Preservation of Physical Evidence” will be under the:

A. operational procedures
B. headquarter procedures
C. field operation
D. special operating procedures
E. none of these

6. The “Control of License” will be under the:

A. operational procedures
B. headquarter procedures
C. field operation
D. special operating procedure
E. none of these

7. The following are the primary line operation of operation in police organization, except:
A. patrol
B. traffic
C. records
D. none of the above

8. This private policeman employed by the businessmen to protect them.

A. patrol
B. business police
C. merchant police
D. none of these

9. The establishing the Police Organization under the DILG is:

A. RA. 5487
B. RA. 1174
C. RA. 8551
D. RA. 6975

10. The state under our present constitution, recognized the vital role of youth in nation building and shall
promote their:
A. physical well being
B. social well being

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C. intellectual well being

D. all of the above

11. The integration of police force through out the country is made in order to:
A. weed out undesirable elements in the service
B. to unify them in one command
C. apprehend more criminals
D. give more enforcement to police force in the town
E. all of the above

12. No police men shall be entitled to salary subsidy unless he is qualified as such: Qualified in this rule means:
A. possession of the minimum qualification
B. possession of the maximum qualification
C. position of minimum qualification
D. position of maximum qualification

13. On March 16, 1997, a patrol was suspended by the city mayor for being dishonest and corrupt. His action
was :
A. correct because the patrol man was appointed by the city mayor, and the power to
B. appoint carries with it he power to suspended or remove
C. wrong because the patrolman is a national employee
D. wrong because the power of suspension and removal is now vested in NAPOLCOM
E. none of the above

14. When individual come to question or criticize the PNP police and procedure, what should the police man do?
A. direct the complaint to his superior
B. discuss the matter with the complaint
C. kept silent when criticism is false
D. inform the public on regulation and policies
E. A and B

15. It is the constitutional responsibility of the state to establish, maintain and ensure adequately. This is true in
A. religious freedom
B. non sectarian education
C. social service
D. economic well being

16. Obligation impose by law and regulation on any member of the PNP for the proper use, care and
maintenance of supplies entrusted to his is:
A. proper responsibility
B. personal responsibility
C. proper accountability
D. command responsibility
17. In case a police man over hears unsavory or uncomplimentary remarks about the PNP or himself he should:
A. hold his counsel
B. discuss the issue w\ the group
C. reprimand or censure the group or individual concerned
D. none of the above
18. To ensure the systematic and effective utilization of all the members, the PNP force should focus in the prime
consideration in determining:
A. promotion
B. appointment
C. transfers
D. Assignment
E. None of the above
19. One category of the police activities which involves crime prevention and crime control is:
A. law enforcement
B. order maintenance
C. crime prevention
D. patrolling
20. The act of compelling the fulfillment of law on order or obedience thereto is:
A. duty

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B. obligation
C. regulation
D. enforcement
21. Police function is classified unit into three except:
A. operation
B. executive
C. administrative
D. service
E. none of these
22. Of the following, a trait or ability most essential to police officer is:
A. high standard personnel
B. very high intelligence
C. complete absence of physical fear
D. rashness
23. The individual primary responsible for the accomplishment of police mission and objectives in a given
department is the:
A. investigator
B. intelligence officer
C. first time supervisor
D. policeman on beat
24. Public safety, protection of life and properties; enforcement of laws; and maintenance of peace and order and
territorial limits of the Philippines is a provision of the:
A. Constitution
B. General power of the PNP members
C. General responsibilities of the PNP members
D. All of the above
25. In the conduct of inspection to a police department, the inspector shall be:
A. strict and detained in minor matters
B. complacent and friendly
C. rigid and fault finding
D. cooperative and suggest corrections
26. It refers simple to the members of the subordinate, regardless of rank, who directly report to one person. This
A. unity of command
B. chain of command
C. span of control
D. all of the above
27. “Spot promotion maybe extended to any member of the police force for acts of conspicuous courage and
gallantry at the risk of his life over and beyond of call of duty.” The provision is found in the:
A. Police act of 1966
B. Police manual
C. PD 765
D. PD 448
28. This embraces crime prevention and crime control role, including the customary police function, this refers to:
A. Law Enforcement
B. Primordial Responsibility
C. Police Function
D. Police Duties and Responsibility
29. The task of providing competent men to do the job and choosing the right men for the right job, it involves
good selection and processing reliability and well-trained personnel. This refers to:
A. staffing
B. tasks
C. repositioning
D. selection
30. This is issued by the police manager relating to some specific circumstances or situation, usually temporary
in nature and does not affect the entire department, this is:
A. special order
B. police mission
C. memorandum
D. special situation command
31. The International Crime Police Organization that cooperates with police agencies to apprehend international
criminals is called:

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A. Kobans
B. Interpol
C. International Police
D. World police
32. They are those department or division that had the normal authority to make decisions, they are called:
A. staff
B. line
C. Supervisors
D. Commissioners
33. The essence of both organization mission and values statement that gives the employees the attitude to
perform at their highest levels is called:
A. mission application
B. empowerment
C. enforcement
D. commitment
34. The regular hour during which business establishment within a past remains open and whether of their
employees normally closing hours should be_______.
A. unknown
B. confidential
C. treated secret
D. known
35. Act No. 175 provided the organization of insular constabulary which was approved on:
A. July 9, 1901
B. July 15, 1901
C. July 18, 1901
D. July 8, 1901
36. The police department was divided into two division, the metropolitan police composed of Americans and the
native police composed of Philippines had happened on:
A. July 3, 1901
B. July 31, 1901
C. June 31, 1901
D. June 3, 1901

37. What was the year when Henry Feilding became chief magistrate at Bon Street in London?
A. 1748
B. 1195
C. 1663
D. 1909
38. When was the year when Sir Robert Peel formed the Metropolitan Police?
A. 1892
B. 1829
C. 1982
D. 1993
39. The DILG Law R.A. 6975 was enacted on:
A. Jan. 4, 1990
B. Jan. 3, 1990
C. Jan. 2, 1990
D. Jan. 1, 1991
40. The year when the “INP” Integrated National Police was approved on:
A. Aug. 8, 1975
B. Aug. 10, 1975
C. Aug. 11, 1975
D. Aug. 10, 1975
41. The president who appointed Col. Lambereto T. Javaleva as his first Philippine chief of police for manila was:
A. Pres. Manuel A. Roxas
B. Pres. Corazon Aquino
C. Pres. Manuel L. Quezon
D. Pres. Elpidio Quirino
42. Which a police administration must rely as one of the most indispensable tools of management. It derived
from organized information available in the police records division which is concerned with nature, size and
distribution of the police problems of crime vice and traffic.
A. Strategic

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B. Departmental
C. Counter
D. Undercover
43. The act that provides the National Police Commission to conduct police examination is;
A. RA. 2260
B. RA. 4864
C. RA. 6040
D. RA. 6141
44. The maximum tenure of office of the Chief of the PNP or the Director General of the PNP is;
A. 4 years
B. 5 years
C. 6 years
D. 7 years
45. In the attrition system of the PNP, the maximum tenure of the PNP Regional Director is;
A. 4 years
B. 5 years
C. 6 years
D. 7 years
46. When does the court acquire jurisdiction over a case filed by the police agencies?
A. the moment the case is filed with the fiscal office
B. the moment that it is filed with the court
C. the moment that the trial or the case begins
D. the moment that the parties presents their evidence
47. In the conduct of custodial investigation, one of the rights provided for by law is the protection against self-
incrimination and right is found on the grounds of;
A. public police and morality
B. public police and humanity
C. humanity kindness
D. humanity and conscience
E. all of the above
48. What rule or doctrine in criminal jurisprudence requires mandatory pre-interrogation warnings concerning self-
incrimination and the right to counsel of the suspect?
A. Doctrine of the First Poisonous Tree
B. Doctrine on the presumption of innocent
C. Rule of Law
D. Miranda Doctrine
E. Due Process Law
49. Miranda Law is a law that is applied to every citizen. This is otherwise also known as;
A. RA. 6975
B. RA. 8551
C. RA. 7438
D. The Philippine 1987 Constitution
E. The Rules of court
50. What the Latin term for criminal intent?
A. Mens Rea
B. Inflagrante Deleto
C. Gamacta
D. Magna Culpa
E. Mala Vise
51. What activity requires the duty of a superior officer of any unit of the Philippine National Police and its unit
subordinates to establish rapport or good relationship with other law enforcement agencies of the
A. Police Executive Training
B. Coordination and cooperation
C. Business-like activity
D. Socialization
52. The division that shall accomplish the primary responsibility of safeguarding the community through
protection of persons and property, the suppression of criminal activities, the apprehension of criminals, the
enforcement of law and ordinances and regulations of conduct, and performing necessary services and
inspections is;
A. Traffic Division
B. Patrol Force

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C. Theft and Robbery Division

D. Juvenile Delinquency Control Division
53. A system of coordinate activities, group of people, authority and leadership and cooperation towards a goal is
A. Formal Organizations
B. Administration
C. Informal Organizations
D. All of the above
54. The structured group of trained personnel that deals with achieving police goals and objectives of an
organization is called:
A. Police Management
B. Organizational Structure
C. Police Organization
D. Police Administration
55. The study if the process and conditions of the Law Enforcement pillar that is also called “police in action”:
A. Police Management
B. Organizational Structure
C. Police Organization
D. Police Administration
56. The ability of police administration in winning support of departmental programs from people within the
department as well as the citizen is called:
A. Community relation
B. Police planning
C. Police leadership
D. Community policing
57. The performance of task that deals with commensurate authority to fulfill the responsibility is known as:
A. Policy formulation
B. Direction
C. Supervision
D. Executive
58. The extent to which an authority is concentrated or dispersed is called:
A. Unity of Direction
B. Scalar of Chain
C. Centralization
D. Unity of command
59. The principle of organization suggesting that communication should ordinarily go upward and downward
through establish channels in the hierarchy is;
A. Chain of command
B. Span of Control
C. Unity of Command
D. Delegation of Authority
60. The principle of organization that results from division of force into separate units to perform individual task is
A. Specialization
B. Organizational Structure
C. Chain of command
D. All of the above
61. The staff specialist or unit in line organization that provides service knowledge is known as:
A. Line and Staff Organization
B. Line Organization
C. Functional Organization
D. Structural Organization
62. A type of organizational structure in which quick decisions are made because of direct line authority and
discipline is easily administered is called:
A. Line and Staff Organization
B. Line Organization
C. Functional Organization
D. Functional and staff Organization
63. A personnel of the police department who has taken oath of office and posses the power the to arrest:
A. Arresting officer
B. Sworn Officer
C. Commanding officer

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D. Superior officer
64. The nature of task primarily performed according to organize force is called delegation of task according to:
A. Place of Work
B. Level of Authority
C. Time Frame
D. Function
65. The placement of subordinate into the position for which the capabilities best fit them is referred to as:
A. Staffing
B. Directing
C. Organizing
D. Planning
66. The structural changes to be made when need arises to provide a more effective medium of work that can be
performed and distributed is called:
A. Staffing
B. Organizing
C. Directing
D. Planning
67. The nature of service in which an employee shall receive order from only one superior is called:
A. Scalar Chain
B. Chain of Command
C. Unity of Command
D. Unity of Direction
68. The optional retirement for officers and new officers of the police service is:
A. 15 years
B. 30 years
C. 25 years
D. 20 years
69. The nature of complaint against any PNP member is called;
A. Individual Complaint
B. Citizen’s Complaint
C. Public Complaint
D. Administrative Complaint
70. The consequence of an act, which temporarily deprives an officer from the privilege of performing his duty, is
referred to as:
A. Dismissal
B. Resignation
C. Retirement
D. Suspension
71. The staff service of the NAPOLCOM who renders legal opinion arising from the administration of the PNP is
referred to as:
A. Personnel Administration Service
B. Legal Affairs Service
C. Planning and Research Service
D. None of the above
72. The method of separation from the police service after completing the required age for length of service is
A. Retirement
B. Demotion
C. Dismissal
73. The following are considered minor offences that maybe committed by the PNP member except:
A. Neglect of Duty
B. Habitual Drunkenness
C. Extortion
D. Gambling while on Duty
74. The term of service of the four regular and full-time Commissioners of the NAPOLCOM is:
A. 6 years
B. 4 years
C. 5 years
D. 9 years
75. The NAPOLCOM shall be composed of the offices of Chairperson, Commissioners, and the one-
A. Ex-officio Chairman

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B. Ex-officio member
C. Secretary
D. Ex-officio Chairperson
76. The agency of the government responsible for the administration of police entrance and promotional
examination is the:
A. Civil Service Commission
D. Qualifications Upgrading Program
77. Complaints against personnel of the Internal Affairs Office shall be brought to the:
C. Internal Affairs Service
D. Inspector Generals Office
78. The PNP shall be organized to ensure accountability and uprightness in the police exercise of discretion as
well as to achieve:
A. Reformation and rehabilitation
B. Organization and Administration
C. Efficiency and effectiveness
D. None of the above
79. The ex-officio chairman of the NAPOLCOM is the:
A. Chief of the PNP
B. Commissioner from the civilian sector
C. Secretary of the DILG
D. None of the above
80. The four regulars and fulltime Commissioners shall be appointed for a term of:
A. 4 years
B. 5 years
C. 6 years
D. 9 years
81. The reorganization of the PNP is made by the NAPOLCOM who shall conduct management and audit, and
prepare a proposed reorganization plan to be approved by:
A. DILG Secretary
C. Congress
D. President
82. The required age for the grant of waiver of age requirement for initial appointment in the PNP is:
A. not below 25 nor over 35 years of age
B. not below 20 nor over 35 years of age
C. less than 25 but not more than 32 years of age
D. more than 22 but less than 32 years of age
83. Anybody who will enter the PNP service without a baccalaureate degree shall be given a maximum period of:
A. 3 years to comply with the education qualification;
B. 4 years to comply with the education qualification;
C. 5 years to comply with the education qualification
D. 6 years to comply with the education qualification
84. Under RA 8551 any PNP personnel who has not been promoted for a continuous service shall be retired or
separated if the said period of non promotion gained within:
A. 20 yrs
B. 10 yrs
C. 18 months
D. None of these
85. The body within the PNP organization tasked to take charge on investigation of complaints filed against a
PNP member is the:
86. A PNP member may also be dismiss from service if he\she will go on absence without official leave for a
continuous period of:
A. 30 days or more
B. 90 days

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C. 60 days
D. 6 months
87. The power to direct or oversee the day to day functions of police investigation of crime, crime prevention
activities and traffic control in accordance with the rules and regulation promulgated by the Commission is;
A. Employment
B. Operational Supervision
C. Planning
D. All of these
88. Governors and mayors, upon having been elected and having qualified as such, are automatically deputized
as representatives of the:
D. None of the above
89. As a police officer, he\she should live a decent and virtuous life to serve as an example to others. This
statement is part of the:
A. PNP code of Covenant
B. Police Officer’s Creed
C. Policeman’s Code
D. All of the above
90. The rank of Senior Police Officer IV is equivalent to:
A. Master Sergeant in Military rank
B. Captain in the Military rank
C. Lieutenant in the Military rank
D. None of the above
91. The authority by which the PNP is to maintain peace and order in the country is:
A. Legislative mandate
B. Constitutional mandate
C. A general order
D. A popular demand by the citizenry
92. As provided by the Phil. Constitution of 1987, the PNP shall be:
A. Absorbed by the former PC and shall become a national police.
B. National in character and civilian in scope
C. National in scope and civilian in character
D. None of the above
93. The arranging of personnel and functions in a systematic matter to accommodate stated goals and objectives
in the most efficient manner possible is called
A. Organization
B. Construction
C. Planning
D. Directing
94. Who among the following represents the police department in its contact with the community and his
functions have far reaching consequences for the police agency, for the citizenry, and for the quality of justice
in contemporary society:
A. Intelligence men
B. Investigation
C. Individual patrol officer
D. Photographer
95. The reduction or the elimination of the desire and\ or opportunity to commit a crime is called:
A. Crime Control
B. Crime Fighting
C. Crime Prevention
D. Crime Reduction
96. The longevity pay of police officer is how many percent every after 5 years of service?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
E. 25
97. SPO2 Collins receives P8,500 base pay since he was promoted. After five years from promotion, what would
be his monthly base pay after adding his longevity pay?
A. P8,925

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B. P9,775
C. P10,200
D. P10,625
E. P9,350


1. Patrol officer is said to be the semblance of the patrol officer. Semblance means:
A. backbone
B. representation
C. most effective
D. most popular
2. This private policeman employed by the businessmen to protect them.
A. patrol
B. business police
C. merchant police
D. none of these
3. Act no. 175 is the law of:
B. Philippine Navy
C. Insular Constabulary
D. Police
4. Which of the following is the oldest type of patrol?
A. horse
B. canine
C. foot
D. police
5. Which of the following is the most expensive type of patrol?
A. helicopter
B. boat
C. canine
D. foot
6. The type of patrol picking up license number of fleeing automobile.
A. horse
B. foot
C. television
D. all of these
7. The first chief of automobile patrol on the Philippines is:
A. Isias Alma Jose
B. Antonio C. Torres
C. Lamberto Javalera
D. Lastimoso
8. The other name for “thief taker’ is:
A. wooden rattle
B. bow street runners
C. dirty rapist
D. none
9. The person who issued the proclamation of the keepers of peace is:
A. Sir Robert Peel
B. King Richard
C. King Charlie
D. King Kong
10. The name of the Japanese Police Force when they invaded our nation is:
A. Kempitae
B. Kimpitai
C. Kempetai
D. Kampipit
11. The first group who used the police dog is:
A. England

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B. Ifugaos
C. English
D. Egyptians
12. Shire means:
A. shine
B. ruler
C. counties
D. king
13. Reeve means:
A. Shire
B. Ruler
C. Counties
D. King
14. If you are a patrol officer, which of the following is the last action that you are going to do before leaving your
A. Take your coffee to the nearest canteen, anyway it is free.
B. Buy a pasalubong for your love ones.
C. Make a counter-clockwise tour of your beat.
D. All of the above
15. Which of the following is an initial factor affecting patrol performance?
A. higher pay
B. endorsement by higher authority
C. promotion opportunity
D. none of these
16. Which of the following is not an external factor affecting patrol performance?
A. higher pay
B. trust and confidence of the people
C. participation of the public
D. none of these
17. The factor influencing decision making at an operational level where the condition is “ if the citizens do not
report crimes to the police when service is needed” this will fall under:
A. external factor
B. community output
C. higher pay
D. support of the barangay officials
18. What factor does the “ pressure of the police supervisor belongs to”:
A. external
B. environmental
C. internal
D. facto-probandum
19. The police patrol work in a 24-hour basis. This statement is:
A. true
B. false
C. maybe
D. confusing
20. The foot patrolman can provide immediate traffic control when needed. This statement is:
A. true
B. false
C. maybe
D. none
21. The person who divided England into 55 district is:
A. William Howard Taft
B. William Norman
C. William Bonger
D. William Martines
22. There are many reasons why police organizations consider the patrol division as the backbone of every local
police organization, which of the following is not true statement about patrol?
A. Largest in number
B. The only division that it cannot be eliminated
C. They work under 24-hour basis
d. The most popular department

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23. This provides for the organizations objectives and provides the various action on which policies, procedures,
rules and regulation of the organization are based.
a. Mission
b. Goal
c. Doctrine
d. Vision

24. The principle of PNP Organizational Plan that simply means the vertical hierarchy of the organization defines an
unbroken chain of scale of units from top to bottom describing explicitly the flow of authority.
a. Scalar Principle
b. Principle of Balance
c. Functional Principle
d. None of the above

25. The subordinate should be under the control of only one superior refers to:
a. Span of Control
b. Unity of Command
c. Chain of Command
d. Span of Command

26. This plan is designed for the special divisions like traffic and patrol.
a. Operational plan
b. Contingency plan
c. Programmatic plan
d. Strategic plan
27. __________ link the gap where are to where we want to go.
a. Research
b. Doctrine
c. Plan
d. Objectives
28. The general statement of intention and typically with time horizon of a year or more.
a. Forecast
b. Objective
c. Plan
d. None of the above
29. It is the systematic gathering of knowledge.
a. Plan
b. Goal
c. Research
d. Forecast
30. The reporting of the progress of your plan or simply writing down your ideas.
a. Prioritizing
b. Documenting
c. Monitoring
d. None of the above
31. All are an example of systematic gathering of knowledge except:
a. Observation
b. Forecasting
c. Experimentation
d. None of the above

32. Planned and orderly approach and a plan of action, formulated and executed to achieve a certain goal or mission
of an organization.
a. Strategy
b. Vision
c. Program
d. Project

33. The most important plan for any organization, including police agency, are those specify a course of action.
a. Programmatic plan
b. Strategic plan

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c. Operational plan
d. Contingency plan

34. The control of the superior should not be more than what he can effectively direct refer to;
a. Unity of Command
b. Delegation of Authority
c. Span of control
d. Chain of command

35. The right to exercise, decide and command by virtue of rank and position refer to:
a. Right
b. Duty
c. Command
d. Authority
36. A form of Programmatic Plan that involves the introduction of a specific, single change in an organization over
limited period of time.
a. Program
b. Project
c. Strategic
d. Operation
37. It is designed to meet everyday, year round needs and to meet the unusual needs.
a. Operational Plan
b. Meeting the unusual needs
c. Regular operating Plans\
d. Strategic plans

38. Republic Act NO. 4864 is also known as ?

a. Professionalism Law of 1977
b. PC/INP law
c. Police act of 1966
d. The PNP reform act

39. This is referring to the general statement of intention and typically with time horizon of a year or more.
a. Forecast
b. Objective
c. Plan
d. None of the above

40. It is the major planning tool of and agency and indispensable portion of the process of planning.
a. Budget
b. Alternative
c. Evaluation
d. Selling

41. It is designed to meet everyday, year round needs and to meet the unusual needs.
a. Operational Plan
b. Meeting the unusual needs
c. Regular operating Plans
d. Strategic plans

42. All but one are the traditional police strategies.

a. clockwise
b. counter clockwise
c. Zigzag \
d. jump off

43. The administrator wants a budget wherein the basis of their design is the effectiveness and efficiency of the
operating units. What would be the appropriate type of budget that is the most applicable?
a. Performance Budget
b. Line Item Budget
c. Zero based Budget

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d. PPB

44. It is the form of Programmatic Plan that involves the introduction of a specific, single change in an organization
over limited period of time.
a. Program
b. Project
c. Strategic
d. Operation

45. It is the product of prudence or wisdom in the management of human affairs.

a. Policy
b. Procedure
c. Plan
d. Alternatives

46. It is the reduction or the elimination of the desire and/or opportunity to commit a felony.
a. Crime prevention
b. Crime Control
c. Crime Elimination
d. All are foregoing

47. It means the specific type of behavior that is to be expected from individual who occupies a particular position with
attendant responsibility and authority.
a. Duty
b. Rights
c. Role
d. Power

48.. The crime peak is between ?

a. 7 PM to 3 AM
b. 2AM to 5AM
c. 10 AM to 3 PM
d. 5PM to 12 AM

49. The most important plan for any organization, including police agency, are those specify a course of action.
a. Programmatic plan
b. Strategic plan
c. Operational plan
d. Contingency plan

50. It provides for the systematic for the systematic assessment of an activity or group of related activities. This is the
main purpose of?
a. Methodology
b. Budget
c. Evaluation
d. Alternatives

51. The subordinate should be under the control of only one superior refers to:
a. Span of Control
b. Unity of Command
c. Chain of Command
d. Span of Comman

52. Those incidents wherein the response time is preferably not more than five minutes. These are categorized as?
a. Second Priority
b. Third Priority
c. First Priority
d. Emergency

53. It is the oldest type of patrol

a. FOOT patrol

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b. HORSE patrol
c. BICYCLE patrol
d. K9 patrol
54. The vintage type of patrol
a. FOOT patrol
b. HORSE patrol
c. BICYCLE patrol
d. K9 patrol

55. It is defined as the wise use of one’s judgment.

a. Perception
b. Deception
c. Discretion
d. Intelligence

56. The right to exercise, decide and command by virtue of rank and position refer to:
a. Right
b. Duty
c. Command
d. Authority

57. What law is also known as Professionalization Law of 1977?

a. PD 765
b. RA765
c. PD1184
d. PD 482

58. The prime concern of local government is____________

a. Patrol
b. Community
c. Police
d. Police Patrol

59. A method of patrol wherein the implementation is based on officers discretion, crime analysis or from specific
complaint received from the community.
a. Aggressive Patrol
b. Aggressive order maintenance
c. Saturation Patrol
d. Directed Patrol

60. It is considered as the core of police department.

a. Community
b. Administration
c. Patrol
d. Management

61. It consists of arranging personnel and functions in a systematic manner designed to accommodate stated goals
and objectives in the most efficient manner possible.
a. Administration
b. Department
c. Organization
d. Management

62. What law that gives birth to NAPOLCOM?

a. RA 541
b. PD 541
c. PD451
d. RA 514

63. What law reorganized DILG?

a. RA 8551
b. PD 765

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c. RA 6975
d. PD 1184
64. The control of the superior should not be more than what he can effectively direct refer to;
a. Unity of Command
b. Delegation of Authority
c. Span of control
d. Chain of command

65. The purpose of this patrol is to maximize police visibility within a given area. This type of patrol is referring to?
a. Bicycle Patrol
b. Motorcycle Patrol
c. Automobile Patrol
d. K-9 Patrol

66. This type of patrol is effective during special events as means of crowd control.
a. Motorcycle
b. Horse
c. Automobile
d. Bicycle

67. The futuristic type of patrol is otherwise known as?

a. Cyber patrol
b. Aircraft Patrol
c. Watercraft patrol
d. Automobile patrol

68. This type of patrol is most effective especially in transnational crimes. Eg. Drug trafficking
a. Cyber patrol
b. Aircraft Patrol
c. K-9 patrol
d. Automobile patrol

69. The most difficult method of strategic patrol as it is the largest drainer of police resources.
a. Aggressive Patrol
b. Aggressive order maintenance
c. Saturation Patrol
d. Directed Patrol

70. It is often deployed to enhance routine patrol activity and assist for calls and service.
a. Bicycle Patrol
b. Motorcycle Patrol
c. Automobile Patrol
d. Foot Patrol

71. When was the first automobile patrol introduced by the Manila Police Department?
a. May 17, 1954
b. May 2, 1985
c. May 17, 1945
d. May 2, 1945

72. This plan is designed for the special divisions like traffic and patrol.
a. Operational plan
b. Contingency plan
c. Programmatic plan
d. Strategic plan

73. This is also known as “greatest show of force” method of patrol.

a. Aggressive Patrol
b. Aggressive order maintenance
c. Saturation Patrol
d. Directed Patrol
74. All of the following are factors of Discretion except;

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a. personal experience
b. common sense
c. sound of judgment
d. none of the above

75. This is the division of the total distribution of agencies where they will be assigned in equal area. This the main
purpose of?
a. Patrol Deployment
b. Beat Distribution
c. Patrol Force Size
d. Shifts and Beats

76. The particular area where most of the patrols are assigned is referred to:
a. Area
b. Post
c. Assignment
d. Beat

77. The following are the Specialized Units except;

c. Medical team
d. Patrol

75. Stakeouts, Field stops, Traffic stops and Sting operations are examples of ?
a. Aggressive Patrol
b. Standby Patrol
c. Saturation Patrol
d. Directed Patrol

76. The primary responsibility of motorcycle patrol is _____________.

a. Traffic laws
b. Crowd control
c. Surveillance
d. Fixed post

77. The plan must be carried out and must be accepted by persons concerned at the appropriate level of the plans
development. This is the one of the special procedure in planning and it is referring to?
a. Clarifying the Problems
b. Analyzing the Facts
c. Selling the Plan
d. Evaluating

78. It is the systematic gathering of knowledge.

a. Plan
b. Goal
c. Research
d. Forecast

79. What is the most expensive type of patrol?

a. Aircraft patrol
b. Watercraft patrol
c. Foot patrol
d. Automobile patrol

80. It is the number and nature of services that the patrol police is expected to provide. Ex. 190 police officers are
under the Patrol Department which is 80 percent of total force of the Police Department. This is a good example to
a. Police Population
b. Beat Distribution
c. Police Force Size

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d. Patrol Adjustment

81. What kind of evaluation that attempts to measure changes in the organizational social and political environment
that occurs because of the program?
a. Program
b. Impact
c. Process
d. Product

82. This provides for the organizations objectives and provides the various action on which policies, procedures, rules
and regulation of the organization are based.
a. Mission
b. Goal
c. Doctrine
d. Vision

83. What form of evaluation methods that focused on how evaluation is done, the steps and procedures involved in
designing and conducting an evaluation?
a. Impact
b. Process
c. Budget
d. Evaluation

84. All are an example of systematic gathering of knowledge except:

a. Observation
b. Forecasting
c. Experimentation
d. None of the above

85. The principle of PNP Organizational Plan that simply means the vertical hierarchy of the organization defines an
unbroken chain of scale of units from top to bottom describing explicitly the flow of authority.
a. Scalar Principle
b. Principle of Balance
c. Functional Principle
d. None of the above

86. __________ link the gap where are to where we want to go.
a. Research
b. Doctrine
c. Plan
d. Objectives

87. It is the reporting of the progress of your plan or simply writing down your ideas.
a. Prioritizing
b. Documenting
c. Monitoring
d. None of the above

88. Planned and orderly approach and a plan of action, formulated and executed to achieve a certain goal or mission
of an organization.
a. Strategy
b. Vision
c. Program
d. Project

89. What law that dissolves the PC/INP and allow its officers and rank and file employees to transfer or join either the
AFP and PNP?
a. R.A. 8551
b. R.A. 6975
c. PD 1184

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d. EO 1040


1. In the history of military intelligence and because of his greatest contribution to the field, he was named as
the father of organized military espionage.
a. Alexander the great
b. Moses
c. Genghis khan
d. Frederick the Great

2. He was the famous author of the book entitled “THE ART OF WAR” who once said “know thy self enemy and
know yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles” “if you know yourself and not the enemy, for
every victory, you are a fool who will meet defeat in every battle”.
a. Mao Tse Tung
b. Gautama Buddha
c. Sun Tzu
d. Confucius

3. An information plays a very significant rule in intelligence gathering, clandestine operation and infiltration
operation. They undergo series of stage before they are finally listed or posted. Listed below are the different
stages or phases. One of the following is not under the phases of informant activity being considered in police
intelligence and secret service operation.
a. Training Phase
b. Utilization Phase
c. Schooling Phase
d. Recruitment Phase
4. The phase of informant activity that includes execution of plans which are initiated after recruitment for the
disposal on an informant who is either no longer of value, or otherwise cannot continue in an informant status.
a. Training Phase
b. Utilization phase
c. Termination Phase
d. Recruitment Phase
5. The following is the order of the phases of the informant activity.
1) Utilization Phase 3) Training Phase
2) Recruitment phase 4) Termination Phase

a. 1234
b. 3214
c. 2341
d. 2314
6. This continues as a separate phase of informant activity until the recruited informant becomes productive in
individual becomes productive in a specific clandestine operation.
a. Termination phase
b. Recruitment Phase
c. Training Phase
d. Utilization Phase
7. An informant who initially intends to furnish only limited intelligence information will offer supply more if
properly handled.
a. True
b. Doubtfully True
c. False
d. Doubtfully false
8. Because of the highest level of security required to an agent handler. An intelligence operative should always
keep the following points in mind except :
a. Never use offensive terms
b. Treat informants fairly
c. Permit informant to take charge of the operation
d. Meet the informant on Neural Ground
9. John furnishes regularly an intelligence information to the operatives of the military intelligence group for a
fee. What is john’s classification in the intelligence world?

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a. Informer
b. Surveillant
c. Informants
d. Undercover
10. Spo2 Mendoza assigned as intelligence officer of one police officer of Quezon City is working on a
sensational case. What should be the first step Spo2 Mendoza should do?
a. Request for funding
b. Train his former informant
c. Recruit informant for the case
d. Assigned the case to his subordinate.
11. What is the interpretation of C-1 evaluation?
a. Information comes from an unreliable source and is improbably true.
b. Information comes from an unreliable source and is probably true.
c. Information comes from a fairly reliable source and is confirmed from other sources.
d. Information comes from a fairly reliable source and is doubtfully true.
12. When a secret agent procures information about a subject openly, he is performing collection method.
a. Routine
b. Active
c. Overt
d. Covert
13. After the military offensive operation conducted by a military against the ABU SAYAF group, their commander
release an information to the chief of the AFP as to the location camp of the group, their strengths and
capabilities. Under the evacuation rating. The origin of the source interpreted as:
a. T
b. V
c. X
d. Y
14. Pedro is government employee who voluntarily gives information to police as to the whereabouts of Mario, a
suspected killer in killing of the town Mayor of Abra. Pedro as an informant will be evaluated as:
a. Not reliable
b. Unreliable
c. Fairly reliable
d. Usually reliable
15. Roger is a confidential agent of ISAFP who regularly furnishes information of the activities of the New
Peoples operating in Makati City. The information given by Roger to the ISAFP will be evaluated as:
a. Possibly true
b. Probably true
c. Doubtfully true
d. Improbable
16. PO3 Juan Dela Cruz submitted an intelligence report evaluated as B-5. What is the interpretation of this
evaluated intelligence report?
a. Information is usually from a reliable source and is possible true.
b. Information is usually from a reliable source and is improbable.
c. Information is usually from a reliable source and is probably true.
d. Information is usually from a reliable source and is doubtfully true.
17. SPO4 Romeo Tan evaluated the information gathered as “completely reliable, source probably true”. What is
the information’s evaluation rating?
a. A 5
b. A 4
c. A 1
d. A2
18. Intelligence cycle is very important in processing of information. A sea of information is useless if they are not
processed and analyzed, what the order of intelligence cycle is.
1) Dissemination and use 3) collecting of information
2) Processing of information 4) planning of the collection effort
a. 4231
b. 3241
c. 3421
d. 4321
19. It is an intelligence operation process divided into four phases:
a. Intelligence cycle
b. Operational cycle

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c. Intelligence estimate
d. Intelligence collection
20. It is a product resulting from collecting information concerning an actual or potential situation and condition
relating to foreign activities and to foreign or enemy held areas:
a. Interrogation
b. Information
c. Intelligence
d. Investigation
21. The furnishing of intelligence data to other police unit or other government agencies so that they can use its
important is called:
a. Distribution
b. Furnishing
c. Channeling
d. Dissemination
22. AIEI stands for analyzing, integration, Evaluation and Interpretation. Its purpose is to determine that
information is:
a. True and reliable
b. True and accurate
c. Correct and worthwhile
d. All of the above
23. In the intelligence cycle security. This is the most important consideration the government is trying in the
protection of an informant or agent working on an intelligence mission:
a. Financial support
b. Confidentiality
c. Trustworthiness
d. Loyalty

24. A logical and orderly examination of the intelligence factors affecting the accomplishment of the mission:
a. Situation map
b. Intelligence summary
c. Intelligence files
d. Intelligence estimate
25. To plans efficient and to supervise the execution of the collection of information, an intelligence officer must
thoroughly understand the following, Except:
a. The mission of the command
b. The area of operation
c. The steps in planning and executing the collection effort.
d. The name of the informant and informer
26. Processing of information includes recording that makes information becomes intelligence. Among the
following is the best representation of recording.
a. Situation map
b. Letters
c. Codes
d. Sketch
27. The intelligence officer submits a regular report consistent within itself to his commander, in the parlance of
intelligence cycle, this means –
a. Reliability
b. Accuracy
c. Pertinence
d. Integration
28. Raw data or information are processed and analyzed to become an intelligence information and this will be
disseminate to the ends users, this refers to the activity of passing information to another.
a. Recording
b. Filing
c. Reporting
d. Processing
29. The best means of disseminating information use by an informant:
a. Message
b. OB
c. Journal
d. file

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30. All evaluated information of every description including those derived from observation, reports, rumors,
imagery, and other source from which intelligence is produced; any information gathered or received which is
of intelligence interest.
a. Intelligence information
b. Investigation
c. Information
d. Interrogation
31. The covert observation of an area, building or stationary object in order to gain information is called
a. Undercover works
b. Casing
c. Roping
d. Surveillance
32. In stationary surveillance, the following must be observed, EXCEPT:
a. Never meet the subject face to face
b. Avoid eye contact
c. Recognize fellow agent
d. If burnt out, drop subject
33. It is a circumspect inspection of place in order to determine its suitability for particular operational purposes.
a. Inspection
b. Surveillance
c. Survey
d. Casing
34. The term used for the object of surveillance is subject while the investigator conducting the surveillance is:
a. Rabbit
b. Surveillant
c. Decoy
d. Target
35. When the subject identifies or obtains knowledge that the investigator is conducting a surveillance on him, the
latter is:
a. Cut out
b. Sold out
c. Burn out
d. Get out
36. Which of the following statement is not true?
a. The common meaning of the word decoy is bait.
b. The common meaning of the word decoy is Induce.
c. The common meaning of the word decoy is trap.
d. The common meaning of the word decoy is trade.

37. Roger, a suspected drug dealer noticed that he is being followed by a group of person every time he is in
town doing illegal business with some of his partner. In surveillance, this is called:
a. Fixed surveillance
b. Moving surveillance
c. Tailgating
d. convoy
38. It is a kind of surveillance involving the use of scientific devices such as video camera, telescope, video
recorder and other is called:
a. Mustard plaster surveillance
b. Stakeout surveillance
c. Technical surveillance
d. Intermittent surveillance
39. The type of undercover operation wherein techniques are applies for longer time and is considered as the
most different investigative activity yet the most rewarding.
a. Casing
b. Penetration
c. Undercover operation
d. surveillance
40. What type of cover uses an actual or a true background?
a. Artificial cover
b. Multiple cover
c. Natural cover
d. Cover with cover

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41. The type of cover using biographical data adopted for a fictitious purpose.
a. Natural cover
b. Artificial cover
c. Cover with cover
d. Multiple cover
42. Cover operation is a sophisticated Activity, it needs a good intelligence operative to be successful in the
mission. One of the following is not a requirement of a cover.
a. It must provide freedom from movement
b. It must protect the operatives from compromise
c. It must be sufficiently flexible to meet changes in the situation
d. It must be technological updated
43. This happen when operatives operate by minimal Interference from outside elements like posting as a waiter
in a restaurant during a buy bust operation.
a. Undercover assigned
b. Cover assigned
c. Penetration agent
d. insider
44. Pedro is a thief who is eyeing at the handbag of Maria. PO1 Santos Reyes is standing a few meters from
Maria. The thief’s desire to steal is not diminished by the presence of the police officer but the _____ for
successful theft is there.
a. Ambition
b. Felling
c. Intention
d. Opportunity
45. Henry, a CIA agent sneaks into a building and steal information in the Iranian embassy, his operation was
compromised. If you the agent handler what will be your advice to Henry.
a. Do nothing
b. Move out immediately
c. Surrender
d. Contact their informants
46. In cover and undercover operation, intelligence can and should do nothing more than.
a. Promote better police citizen interaction
b. Enhance the probability of accuracy in report writing
c. Improve administrative efficiency particularly in recruitment and selection
d. Increase the number of arrest of criminal syndicate members
47. Intelligence service required rigid secrecy in its operation, in the debriefing, the intelligence agent is asked to
discuss which of the following.
a. His educational profile and school attended
b. His personal circumstances such as his age, religious affiliation, address, etc.
c. His political inclination and or party affiliation
d. His observations and experiences in the intelligence function.
48. Agent work for us as ______ works for them.
a. Counter agent
b. Spies
c. Defector- in- place
d. Double agents
49. The most important purpose of counter intelligence in the existence of a police office.
a. Defend the police office
b. Promote the police office
c. Give reports
d. Release reports
50. It is a type of counter-intelligence measure designed to ensure safeguarding of information.
a. Denial measure
b. Detection measure
c. Deception measure
d. Preventive measure
51. Pedro, an intelligence operative conducted survey or close examination of a suspected building believed to
be the hideout of outside elements. What is the intelligence activity of Pedro?
a. Counter intelligence
b. Surveillance
c. Survey
d. reconnaissance

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52. When intelligence operatives adopt personnel security investigation process in their police work, what
measure is this in counter intelligence?
a. Denial measure
b. Detection measure
c. Deception measure
d. Preventive measure
53. PO1 Jester Dela Cruz was able to conceal information which he gathered from his informants and informers,
his success in concealing the information is known in counter intelligence as:
a. Passive-defensive
b. Active-defensive
c. Active-passive defensive
d. Defensive-offensive
54. If camouflage is a method of hiding people or things by disguising them or covering them so as to look like
the surroundings then _____________ is the hiding or keeping things.
a. Hideout
b. Cover
c. Concealment
d. Safe house
55. Counter intelligence often requires a defensive action. One of the following is not a counter intelligence
a. Knowing the clandestine operations of the enemy
b. Application of counter-intelligence operation to avoid enemy activities
c. Containment of enemy activities.
d. Releasing intelligence information.
56. The common failures of counter-intelligence operation.
a. Recruitment
b. Many informers or informants
c. Leak information
d. To many intelligence operatives
57. An inquiry into the character, reputation, discretion as loyalty of a person in order to determine a person’s
suitability or access to classified matter prior to the granting of security.
a. Complete background investigation (CBI)
b. Partial background investigation (PBI)
c. Background investigation (BI)
d. Personnel security investigation (PSI)
58. A document information was supplied by the Regional Office of the National Bureau of Investigation in
response to an inquiry of a Police Intelligence Unit. The said document will be treated as a record coming
a. Local agency check
b. National agency check
c. International agency check
d. Local clearance check
59. X is an intelligence agent conducting personnel security investigation as to the assets and liabilities of Y, a
cabinet secretary of the President of the Philippines. X to be successfully in his inquiry against Y, he should
check the _______________ of Y.
a. Criminal records
b. Credit records
c. Foreign travel records
d. Employment records
60. The best document to check the identity of a criminal in the country.
a. Barangay clearance
b. Court clearance
c. Marriage certificate
d. NBI clearance
61. The weakest link in the intelligence operation because they are susceptible to temptations and corruptions.
a. Informers or informants
b. Police operatives
c. A and B
d. None of the above

62. This refers to the entire inspection of a place in order to determine the vulnerabilities and criticalities of the
place related to intelligence interest.

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a. Security survey
b. Casing
c. Surveillance
d. Reconnaissance

63. Security survey and investigation is generally conducted because of the following objectives except.
a. To evaluate the place
b. For future mission
c. For future plan
d. Releasing information

64. PO1 Jester Dela Cruz was assigned to conduct security survey of a proposed safe house of intelligence
operatives, he should recommend a place that is:
a. An Inhabited place
b. Away from the city
c. Near the city
d. Basement of a police office

65. The most important aspect of security survey and investigation related to the inspection of an entire facility of
an intelligence interest.
a. Analysis
b. Walk trough
c. Evaluation
d. Recommendation

66. A continues and systematic program designed to meet the security needs of an intelligence office or unit in a
police office.
a. Security indoctrination
b. Security reminders
c. Security consciousness
d. Security program

67. Security orientation is the initial briefings of intelligence operatives’ regarding their mission; whereas is selling
a. Security indoctrination
b. Security reminders
c. Security consciousness
d. Security promotion

68. An intelligence operatives or agents during his security survey was “burned out” this means:
a. The agent/ operatives was fired
b. The agent/ operatives was identified and known
c. The agent/ operatives was suspected a double agent
d. The agent/ operative was Ineffective

69. Which is the best source of information on criminal, criminal activities and even subversive group when
conducting security survey investigation?
a. Cooperative member of the community
b. The “tanods” of the barangay
c. Ex-convicts
d. News publishers

70. When investigating a place suspected of doing illegal activity, the operatives should always consider:
a. The name of the place
b. Location of the place
c. Who visits the place
d. The business operation of the place

71. The security phase of intelligence covering all the activities devoted to destroying the effectiveness of inimical
adverse intelligence activities and the protection of information against espionage, personnel against
subversion and installation against sabotage.
a. Police intelligence

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b. Combat intelligence
c. Counter intelligence
d. Military intelligence

72. The weakness which make it susceptible to any action which reduces its fighting potentials.
a. Capabilities
b. Anomalies
c. Vulnerability
d. Adaptation

73. Related to information and materials released by an any government office, the authorized disclosure of
which would cause exceptionally grave damage to the nation, politically, economically or military.
a. Restricted
b. Top secret
c. Confidential
d. Secret

74. Under the documents and information security guidelines. Who is authorized to classify top secret matter?
a. Chief of police
b. Secretary of DND
c. Regional director
d. Provincial director

75. It is a system in which individual letters of a message are represented.

a. Ciphers
b. Codes
c. Cryptogram
d. Cryptography

76. The requirement that the dissemination of classified matters be limited strictly to those persons who are
police officials.
a. Classified matters
b. Damage to security
c. Need to know
d. None of the above

77. The information and material whose unauthorized disclosure would endanger national security, cause serious
injury to the interest and prestige of nation.
a. Secret
b. Security
c. Confidential
d. Plan

78. The information and material that require special protection other than determined to be top secret.
a. Confidential
b. Intelligence
c. Records
d. Restricted

79. The burning or pulping of classified or unclassified documents by a custodian done in the presence or witness
who is cleared for the top secret.
a. Destruction
b. Destroy
c. Storage
d. None of the above

80. The original classification for assignment of top secret categories exclusively rest with the head of the
a. True
b. False
c. Either
d. Neither

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81. The changing of the classification of classified matter to category higher than that previously assigned to it.
a. Declassify
b. Classify
c. Upgrading
d. Regarding

82. Is an object which has been placed into orbit by human endeavor use to monitor activities in the earth.
a. Internet
b. Satellite
c. Computers
d. Sky towers

83. Alex is an intelligence operative working on a prostitution case. He frequents himself in different disco pubs.
What should be the best equipment he should use to monitor any prostitution activities?
a. Camera
b. Laptop
c. Video
d. Voice recorder

84. Police Inspector R Mustang, was assigned as a City Director of the Western Police District many of the
intelligence operations information of the police office leaked to out side elements. What should police
inspector R Mustang do to avoid future repetition of leak information in his area of responsibility?
a. Be very strict
b. Limits contacts to his policemen
c. Use technological equipment to monitor police activities in the police office
d. Use his informer

85. It is consider the best equipment in counter-intelligence operations as far as air and maritime surveillance is
a. Computer
b. CCTV – camera
c. Video recorder
d. Radar

86. Under R.A 4200 otherwise known as the anti-wire tapping law prohibits the following, except.
a. Tap any wire or cable
b. Knowingly posses any tape records
c. Shall permit other people to tap or cause to be done
d. Participate in the wire tapping act

87. The FBI was tapping the phone line of the suspected spy’’Is this hotel room bugged” wiretap, bug, tap or
a. Yes
b. No
c. Neither
d. Either

88. Wire tap is a concealed listening or recording device connected to a communications circuit, while ____ is an
electronic listening device, such as a hidden microphone or wiretap, used in surveillance.
a. Bugging
b. Eavesdropping
c. Listen in
d. Transmission

89. Pedro went close to the door of the office of the chief of police purposely to hear communication between the
chief and his visitor. Pedro is in the act of ____.
a. Bugging
b. Eavesdropping
c. Listen in
d. Transmission

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90. The controversial “hello Garci case “is a classic example of.
a. Wire tapping
b. Bugging
c. Eavesdropping
d. Listen in

91. Mr. James is an alien, who assisted Mr. Dela Cruz a Filipino Citizen in tapping the communications between
his general manager and client regarding an illegal business transaction, if Mr. James will be convicted of
violating R.A no 4200 what is his possible penalty?
a. 12 years
b. Life imprisonment
c. Disqualification from public office
d. Subject to deportation proceedings

92. One of the following is not a device or equipment used to secretly overhear intercept or records information
or spoken word.
a. Dictaphone
b. Dictograph
c. Walkie talky
d. Wire or table

93. Considered the best weapon system of terrorist because of its impact and damage to the populace.
a. Anthrax delivering
b. Bombing
c. Massacre of a group
d. Hostage taking

94. How are coded messages converted to intelligence language?

a. Encoding
b. Labeling
c. Processing
d. Decoding

95. It is known as the Anti-terrorism Law of the Country.

a. The human security act
b. The international law on terrorism
c. The anti – terror bill
d. None of the above

96. This distinguished from other acts of violence, civil disturbance and from war is:
a. Terrorist
b. Terrorism
c. Extremism
d. Terorista

97. Juan is a member of a high school fraternity terrorizing students creating fear among the whole students.
Does the act of “Juan” constitute terrorism?
a. True
b. Doubtfully true
c. False
d. Doubtfully false

98. One of the following acts is not including included in a crime of terrorism as punished under R.A 9372.
a. Murder
b. Rebellion or insurrection
c. Kidnapping
d. Bombing

99. X, with intent to kill Y who is inside the restaurant suddenly throws a hand grenade killing Y instantly and
killing and injuring at least more than ten people in the spot. Is the act of X constituting a crime of terrorism?
a. True
b. False

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c. Either
d. Neither

100. He is known as the father of organized military espionage.

a. Alexander the great
b. Mosses
c. Genghis khan
d. Frederick the great

101. In biblical beginnings, who was the great leader of the Israelites who utilized intelligence by sending spies to
land of Canaan?
a. Moses
b. David
c. Delilah
d. Rehab

102. The parcel of the holy bible that contains the biblical indication of the beginning of the Israeli intelligence is?
a. Numbers 13: 17
b. Numbers 17:13
c. Numbers 3:17
d. Numbers 17:3

103. The army general in first emperor of France, dubbed as little corporal for the fact that he was just a small
men, who emphasized the important of spy and achieved innermost victories in battles, earning him the title
“the ablest conqueror of men in the annals of history” was.
a. Frederick the great
b. Jane Jacques Roseau
c. Napoleon Bonaparte
d. Edmond Dantes

104. It is define as the evaluated and interpreted information concerning organized crime and other major police
a. Military intelligence
b. Police intelligence
c. Military information
d. Police investigation

105. It is an indispensible tool of management derived from organized information available in the police record
division about the nature, size and distribution of the police problems, crime, vice and traffic.
a. Strategic intelligence
b. Departmental intelligence
c. Counter intelligence
d. Under cover intelligence

106. Intelligence which is primarily long-range in nature with no immediate practical value.
a. Strategic intelligence
b. Departmental intelligence
c. Counter intelligence
d. Under cover intelligence

107. The type of intelligence activity that deals with the defending of the organization against its adversaries.
a. Counter intelligence
b. Military intelligence
c. Strategic intelligence
d. None of these

108. It is the evaluated and interpreted information concerning an actual or possible enemy or treats in the
operations, including wither entering, together with the conclusions drawn there from.
a. Line intelligence
b. Military intelligence
c. Strategic intelligence
d. Covert operation

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109. It is define as the product of resulting from the collecting information concerning an actual and potential and
condition relating to foreign activities and to foreign or enemy held areas.
a. Interrogation
b. Intelligence
c. Information
d. Investigation

110. The fundamental objective of intelligence is.

a. To procure military information
b. To avoid over lapping of governmental function
c. To make a factual report
d. To serve as a basis in ensuring a irrational and timely decision making
e. All of them

111. This is a principle in intelligence which is base on the idea that only the well guided succeeds. It entails that
there must be a unity between knowledge and action and that action or decision is planned by knowledge and
guided by it at every step.
a. Principles of objectivity
b. Principles of interdependence
c. Principles of continuity
d. Principles of usefulness

112. The intelligence principle which is states that intelligence is artificial subdivided into component elements to
ensure complete coverage, eliminate duplication and reduce the overall task to manageable sizes refers to.
a. Principles of interdependence
b. Principle of communication
c. Principles of selection
d. Principles security

113. The major consideration in intelligence which deals with foreign policies, alliances and techniques of
conducting foreign relation refers to.
a. Diplomatic intelligence
b. Geographical intelligence
c. Political intelligence
d. Economic intelligence

114. The intelligence which is of an immediate nature and necessary for more effective planning and operations
refers to.
a. Strategic intelligence
b. Line intelligence
c. National intelligence
d. Counter intelligence

115. Information or documents that are procured openly notwithstanding the awareness of the subject of the
purpose is part of.
a. Overt operation
b. Cover operation
c. Discreet operation
d. Clandestine operation

116. It is a critical appraisal of information as a basis for subsequent interpretation, which includes determining the
pertinence of information, the reliability of the source and through which the information was derived in its
a. Interpretation
b. Evaluation
c. Tasks
d. Operations

117. It is the proper, economical and most productive use of personnel, resources and equipment employed and /
or utilized in planning the collection of information, processing of information dissemination of intelligence.
a. Cardinal principles of intelligence

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b. Assets and liability intelligence

c. Economics intelligence
d. Income and expenditures intelligence

118. What type of cover is applied if using actual or true background?

a. Artificial
b. Multiple cover
c. Natural cover
d. Cover within a cover

119. The type of cover using biographical data adopted for the purpose.
a. Natural cover
b. Artificial
c. Cover within a cover
d. Multiple cover

120. A secondary cover which when used justifies your existence in the area.
a. Cover within a cover
b. Natural cover
c. Multiple cover
d. Artificial


1. What is the highest rank of UK police force?
a. Director General b. Commissioner General
c. Inspector General d. Commissioner

2. It is also known as the “Thought Police” in Japan.

a. Tokko b. Imperial Guard
c. Thunder Squad c. Koban

3. The lowest rank in Japan National Police

a. Police Officer b. Patrolman c. Both a and b
d. All of the above e. None of the above

4. The head of Indonesia Police department.

a. Police General b. Commissioner General
c. Inspector General d. Commissioner

5. It is in charge of research statistics and the investigation of nationally important and international cases in Japan.
a. Traffic Bureau c. Security Bureau
b. Regional Public Safety Bureau d. Criminal Investigation Bureau

6. What is the highest rank of Hong Kong Police Force?

a. Director General b. Commissioner General
c. Inspector General d. Commissioner

7. What is the official name of police force of Malaysia?

a. Royal Police Force b. Malaysia National Police
c. National Police Agency d. Royal Malaysia Police

8. These are substations near major transportation hubs and shopping areas and in residential districts.
a. C4 implementation b. Koban
c. Chuzaisho d. Tokko

9. The highest rank of National Police Agency (Japan)

a. Director General b. Commissioner General

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c. Inspector General d. Commissioner

10. The special unit that can be considered roughly equivalent to the FBI in U.S.
a. Special Higher Police b. Tokko
c. a and b d. all of the above

11. In Malaysia, they are trained to deal special operation including tactical warfare, marksmanship, sniping, bomb
disposal, direct action, sabotage, counter-terrorism, and intelligence gathering and paramedic training, along with
special missions who are normally handled by special force.
a. UNGERIN b. Thunder squad
c. PGK d. SWAT

14. The unique police implementation system in Malaysia that is made for foster closer ties with the community.
a. C4 b. Koban
c. Thunder Squad d. Chuzaisho

15. The elite paramilitary tactical unit of the Hong Kong Police Force
a. C4 b. The flying tigers
c. Thunder Squad d. Chuzaisho

16. Highest rank in Malaysia police force.

a. Inspector General b. Commissioner
c. Director General d. Commissioner General

17. Lowest rank in Malaysia police force

a. Police Rank 1 b. Police Constable
c. Constable d. Police Officer

18. What is the main police force of Taiwan?

a. National Police Agency b. Taiwan Police Force
c. Taiwan National Police d. Royal Taiwan Police

19. They are concerned with police personnel, education, welfare, training, and unit inspections in Japan Police Force.
a. Personnel Administration b. Police Administration Bureau
c. Police Records and Administration d. Bureau of Administration

20. They are responsible for the investigation of high profile crimes, forensics, and computer-related crimes in Taiwan.
a. Criminal Police agency b. Criminal Investigation Bureau
c. Field Police squads d. Special Police corps

21. The organization which is dedicated to protection of the Emperor of Japan and his family, palaces and other
imperial properties.
a. Tokko b. Special Imperial Police
c. Japanese Imperial Police d. Japanese Imperial Guard.

22. It is responsible for all matters relating to training within the Hong Kong Police except internal security, Auxiliary
and Marine Police training. Training provided by the Police College includes recruit and continuation training, crime
investigation training, police driver training and weapon tactics training. -
a. Hongkong Police College b. Hong Kong Police Training School
b. Hong Kong Police School d. Hong Kong School of Police

23. It provides basic training for entry level police officers assigned to patrol duty
a. Taiwan Police College b. Taiwan Police Training School
c. Taiwan Police School d. Taiwan School of Police

24. The lowest rank of Taiwan Police Force.

a. Police Rank 4 b. Police Rank 1
c. Constables d. Police Officer/ Patrolman

25. In Taiwan, they are responsible for counter-terrorism, counter-hijacking, high-profile hostage rescue, and
presidential protection.

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a. Wei an b. The Flying Tigers

c. The Thunder Squad d. UNGERIN

26. The researcher communicates with foreign researcher for his research. Which method is appropriate for that

a. Communication method
b. Safari method
c. Collaborative method
d. Collective method

27. The police and the crime problem of a single foreign country is discussed. What is referred to this?
a. Single-culture studies
b. Double-culture studies
c. One-culture studies
d. Two-culture studies

28. The police and crime problem of three or more countries is discussed. What is referred to this?
a. Single-culture studies
b. Double-culture studies
c. Comprehensive readings
d. Comprehensive text books

28. The examination of crime and its phenomenon under study are seen as having developed under unique…
a. Social structures
b. Economic structures
c. Political structures
d. All of these

29. Among the methods used by many researchers in comparing policing system, what is the most employed
a. Comparative research
b. Scientific research
c. Historical comparative research
d. Mechanical research

30. Every nation has its own law enforcement agency called the…
a. Police
b. Prosecution
c. Court
d. Correction

31. What symbolizes the presence of a civil body politics in everyday life?

a. Police
b. Prosecution
c. Court
d. Correction

32. What signify the capacity of the state to intervene and the concern of the state for the affairs of the citizenry?
a. Law enforcement
b. Prosecutor
c. Court
d. Community

33. It is the transnational flows of people, production, investment, information, ideas and authority. Which is referred
to this?

a. Globalization
b. Terrorism

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c. Transnational
d. Organized crime
a. Transmission
b. Globalization

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