Infection Control Terminal Cleaning Sop v012
Infection Control Terminal Cleaning Sop v012
Infection Control Terminal Cleaning Sop v012
In a healthcare setting
Revision History:
Version: Date: Summary of Changes: Responsible Officer:
Issue 1 November 2016 Frances Lafferty
Dissemination Arrangements:
Intended audience: Method: Date: Version:
Throughout NHS Announcement on Daily Digest / July 2018 v01.2
A&A Weekly News Bulletin
Linked Documentation:
Document Title: Document File Path:
Terminal Cleaning Out of http://athena/execmed/inconprev/JBTestLibrary/Ward_staff
Hours _remit_OOH_June_2013%5b1%5d.pdf
It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they consistently maintain a high standard
of infection control practice.
NB. This document is uncontrolled when printed. The contents of this document
are subject to change, any paper copy is only valid on the day of printing. To ensure
you have the most up to date version of this document, please use the link to access
the document directly from AthenA or contact the Author.
when a patient who was isolated for infection prevention and control reasons no
longer requires isolation and vacates the room
▪ The room/ward should not be used until a complete terminal clean has been carried
out in all areas. This includes the rooms, hard and soft furnishings and reusable
patient care equipment (including the patient call system). Cleaning of patient care
equipment is the responsibility of the clinical staff
▪ In the case of an outbreak being declared over the senior charge nurse or the nurse in
charge should discuss and agree the process for the terminal cleaning of the
ward/department with the IPCT and hotel services staff
Note: During an outbreak situation, there will be occasions when patient numbers get to a
level that some rooms will be empty. When this occurs, the ward area/room may be
stripped and left ready for cleaning once the outbreak is declared over.
▪ The patient care environment should be cleaned with a combined detergent and
chlorine releasing agent e.g. ActichlorTM Plus (check manufacturer’s guidelines).
Domestic Staff should adhere to guidance on terminal cleaning which can be found in
the ward/department DSR
▪ All patient associated equipment, e.g. blood pressure monitors, IV pumps, should be
cleaned with a combined detergent and chlorine releasing agent e.g. ActichlorTM Plus
(check manufacturer’s guidelines) Cleaning of patient care equipment is the
responsibility of the clinical staff
▪ Once the terminal clean has been assessed as complete, patients can be admitted to
that area right away
▪ Patient safety must always be the priority when a room/ward is reopened following a
terminal clean
1. Health Protection Scotland (HPS) (2015). HPS Norovirus Outbreak Guidance
2015-16 and 2016-2017: Preparedness, control measures & practical
considerations for optimal patient safety and service continuation in
2. Centre for Disease Control (CDC) (2007) The Healthcare Infection Control
Practices Advisory Committee. Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing
Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings
4. NHS Ayrshire and Arran Infection Prevention and Control Athena Site (Posters)
▪ Actichlor Plus Blood Spills
▪ Actichlor Plus General Environment