Method Statement For Testing

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Method Statement For Testing &

Commissioning of Smoke Extract Fans

 HVAC Method Statements
 Testing & Commissioning




The purpose of this procedure is to define the step by step method to implement the
correct practices for the precommissioning & commissioning of Smoke Extract Fans through
the guidelines contained herein so as to ensure that the job execution complies with the
project requirements and serves the intended function to satisfactory level.

Precommissioning Procedure for Smoke Extract Fans

1. Ensure that the extract fan installation is complete and mechanical completion is approved.
2. Ensure that no damage has occured between mechanical completion & precommissioning.
3. Repair all damages to the equipment finish paint.
4. Check the fan is installed as per the approved shop drawings and manufacturer’s
5. Check by hand that the fan is rotating freely.
6. Check duct connections s per approved shop drawing and respective method statement.
7. Check that the motor & the pulley are alighned & the belt tension is correct.
8. Check the connection of fan inlet & outlet are done with proper alignment.
9. Check the fire rated ductwork installation is complete & fire dampers are open.
10. Check for proper electrical power, control and earthing connections as per manufacturer’s
recommendations. Field wiring to be pre-tested for continuity and insulation resistance.
11. Check the internal & external surface of the fan is cleaned.
12. Check the fan impellers are statically & dynamically balanced.
13. Set earth leakage and overload relays as per motor nameplate rating.
14. Check the interface of fan with fire alarm & BMS system.
15. Check the identification & labelling of fan & ductwork.
Commissioning Procedure for Smoke Extract Fans

1. Ensure that all the precommissioning checks are carried out successfully.
2. Start the fan for a moment & check the direction of rotation of the fan / motor is correct.
3. Upon ensuring correct direction of rotation, start & run the fan for 5 minutes in normal
4. Check for any undue vibration or noise.
5. Induce a fire signal from a floor through the Fire alarm control panel & check the working
of the fan in Fire condition.
6. Check the Motorized fire damper in the subject floor from where the fire signal is induced
is open & all other fire dampers are closed.
7. Check the damper to the FAHU is closed & the normal extract air passage dampers in all
the floors are closed.
8. Measure air flow in the main smoke extract air duct and adjust, if required to set design
9. Check any control / safety devices for proper functionality.
10. Check & record the current & voltage on all phases.
11. Check & record the static head.
12. Record all readings in the final performance check list reference no.


 Precommissioning check sheet for Smoke Extract Fans

 Commissioning check sheet for Smoke Extract Fans
 Performance Test Record for Smoke Extract Fans
 Precommissioning & Commissioning plan for HVAC System
 Risk Assesment
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Car Park Ventilation System Design - Fan


For the purpose of estimating costs, the steps on the following pages may be bypassed. Allow 5N
of thrust per 100m2 of car park floor area to approximate the number of fans required.
Estimating fan quantities
The following steps are sufficient to create an initial impulse ventilation system design. A
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis is often required to prove and further refine the
design. Fans may need to be re-orientated, or in some cases, added or removed. An impulse
ventilation system can be tailored to suit virtually any car park. Before considering fan locations,
the system layout will need to be identified. Refer to the previous section for information relating
to system layouts and their suitability for particular car parks.
Step 1 - Assessing Car Park Geometry
First identify the supply and exhaust points in the car park. A system that complements the
natural air path and is able to circulate or move air effectively within the car park should be
chosen. Certain layout features may assist the effectiveness of a particular layout as shown
(a) ‘Natural air path’

Figure 6(a). Preferred natural air path

Figure 6(b). Natural air path to be avoided

 For ‘Linear Flow Systems’, supply and exhaust points should be spaced across the length
of a car park.
 ‘Circular Mixing Systems’ are more tolerant of closely placed supply and exhaust points,
but it is advisable to have a good amount of separation.
 Supply air points should include access ramps to outside.
 The impulse ventilation system layout should complement the natural air path from
supply to exhaust points.

(b) Ceiling features

To make the system more effective, position JetVent Fans in-line with supporting ceiling beams
as illustrated in Figure 7(a). If this is not possible, the system becomes less effective and more
fans may be needed.
Figure 7(a). Fan’s air movement parallel to beams
is most effective

Figure 7(b). Fan’s air movement perpendicular to

beams is less effective
(c) Vertical clearance
Sufficient vertical clearance ensures maximum flexibility in system design. JetVent Fans may be
recessed between ceiling beams to minimise the height of the system.

Figure 8(a). Sufficient clearance

Figure 8(b). Insufficient clearance
(d) Obstructions
If there is no option and the JetVent Fans must blow across ceiling beams, they have to be
positioned a sufficient distance away from the obstruction as illustrated in Figure 9(b). A
horizontal distance eight times (8x) the height of the obstruction is generally sufficient. Nozzles
on the JetVent units are specially designed and angled downwards for this purpose.

Figure 9(a). Obstruction too close

Figure 9(b). Obstruction out of the way

(e) Clashes with other services
Place mechanical service components, such as sprinklers, signs and pipework out of the
JetVent’s discharge pattern area. Examples of these clashes are shown below.
Figure 10(a). An example of how to avoid
clashes with pipe-work

Figure 10(b). Jet fan layout in relation

to sprinkler heads
Step 2 - Identify Fan Selection and Spacing
Table 5 shows the maximum and recommended spacings between JetVent Fans for different
levels of fan thrust. These spacing distances are guidelines for fans placed in series. When using
these spacings, air velocities in most of the ventilated areas should be greater than 1m/s. Analysis
will determine whether this is achieved in a particular car park design. In some ideal cases,
designs using the maximum distances have been effective.

Fan thrust depends on the operating speed of a particular fan unit and its thrust rating. See tables
one to four for the thrust ratings of various fan models at different speeds.
Recommended fan to
Operating Maximum fan to fan Approximate
fan thrust spacing distance coverage area
spacing distance
50N 45m 60m 100m2
28N 34m 45m 560m2
25N 30m 40m 500m2
19N 23m 30m 380m2
12N 12m 20m 250m2
Table 5. Fan spacing and coverage
Note that using fewer higher rated JetVent fans generally makes the system more cost effective
than using more lower rated fans. However, to effectively ventilate car parks with unusual or
irregularly shaped geometries, selecting more fans with smaller thrust ratings may be necessary.
Figure 11(a). Two 25N fans

Figure 11(b). One 50N fan

Step 3 - Design Example
For the purpose of estimating costs, the steps below may be bypassed. Allow 5N of thrust per
100m2 of car park floor area to approximate the number of fans required. Fans should be placed
in the laneways with the air blowing along them. This will ensure that the high air velocities
close to the outlet nozzle do not significantly disturb pedestrian traffic as velocities will be lower
at the lane edges. Also, ensure that the throw pattern of the selected fan is long enough to reach
the next impulse fan.
Figure 12 shows an example of how fans are sized and placed based on floor area. [Download
Figure 12. Fan sizing and placement example
Design parameters;

 Based on 5N per 100m2 floor area, minimum total fan thrust = car park floor area x
= 1920m2 x 5N/100m2
= 96N
 Minimum thrust criteria can be achieved with 4 x JISU-CPC-50N fans on low speed
(operating thrust 25N), total fan thrust= 25N x 4= 100N.
 Fans are spaced within the 30m spacing recommendation for 25N thrust.
 Final fan to wall spacing under 40m maximum spacing guide lines for 25N fan thrust.
This is because the exhaust point is an area of low pressure, making it likely to enhance
the fan throw distance.

Placement of CO sensors:
Because the guidelines for positioning CO sensors in AS/NZS1668.2:2012 is based on a ducted
system, we propose that the following guidelines be used as a starting point for their placement
in a jet fan system.

 No part of the enclosure shall be greater than 25 metres from a sampling point. (A 50
metre diameter circle around a CO sensor can show coverage areas).
 Additional detectors shall be installed in areas where people may congregate within the
car park and are not within separately ventilated areas.
 The most practical mounting position for a CO sensor within a car park is the support
 CO sensors will be more effective if placed in areas where CO levels are likely to be
high. Eg. Placing a CO sensor in front of a fresh air intake is not likely to be effective.

If jet fans are placed in each laneway of a car park and the recommended low speed jetfan
spacings are followed, the above guidelines can be achieved by using one CO sensor per jet fan
and providing additional CO sensors at congregation points. Therefore, for this car park we
would suggest installing 5 (4 + 1) CO sensors for good coverage.
Step 4 - Calculate Supply & Exhaust Rates
Section 4 of AS/NZS1668.2:2012 details requirements for ventilating car parks. In particular,
sup-sections 4.4.3 and of the standard outlines calculations of exhaust rates. In any of the
two cases below, the exhaust air flow rate for a car park is taken as the greatest of the following
Calculation of exhaust air flow rates
Car parks with less than or equal to 40
Car parks with more than 40 spaces
a) 2000 x F x T Litres/s (minimum air quantity
a) 2000 Litres/s
for one operating car)
b) 0.85 x P x (100 x n1+ n1 x d1 + n2 x d2 ) x E
b) 2.5 x A Litres/s
c) 2.5 x A Litres/s (minimum air quality based
c) 400 n1 x P Litres/s
on area of car park)
Supply air flows should range from 75% to 90% of the exhaust air quantity. This is based on the
pressurisation of the car park, which should be 12Pa maximum.
Reference information for the calculation of exhaust air flow rates in the table above:
A = the area of the zone or level, in square metres
d1 = the average driving distance, in metres, within the zone or level under consideration for the
exit of a car parked there (see Clause
d2 = the average driving distance, in metres, within the zone or level under consideration for the
exit of a car whose exit route passes through the zone or level under consideration, but excluding
any part of the exit route designated as queuing areas and ventilated in accordance with Clause
4.6 (see Clause
E = the staff exposure factor (E)
F = the staff usage factor (F)
n1 = the number of parking spaces in the zone of level under consideration (see Clause 4.3.2)
n2 = the number of parking spaces situated in other parts of the car park, having exit routes
passing through the zone or level under consideration
P = the parking usage factor (P)
T = the vehicle type factor (T)

If the car park has significant queuing areas for vehicles, refer to section 4.6 in AS1668.2:2012
AS/NZS1668.2 - 2012 Calculation Factors
Parking Usage Factor (P)
Use of car park usage
factor (P)
Residential 0.3
Commercial 0.5
Retail/food and drink services 0.7
Entertainment/sports centres 1.0
Vehicle Depots 2.4
Vehicle Type Factor (T)
Vehicle type
Use of car park Parking
factor (T)
No special vehicle
Diesel vehicles 2.4
LPG vehicles 1.0
CNG vehicles 1.0
Electric powered vehicles 0.1
Motorcycles 0.25
Staff Usage/Exposure Factor (E & F)
Parking procedure exposure Staff usage factor (F)
factor (E)
No special procedures (self-parking), any staff
in separate enclosure ventilated in accordance 1 1
with Clause 4.2.2
Self-parking stack parking, any staff in 1 + 0.1 x No. of car spaces
separate enclosure ventilated in accordance 1 without immediate access to
with Clause 4.2.2 driveway
No special procedures (self-parking), staff
1.8 2
located in car parking enclosure
2 + 0.25 x No. of car spaces
Self parking stack parking, staff located in car
1.8 without immediate access to
parking enclosure
Attendant parking no stack parking 1.8 2.5 x No. of attendants
Attendant parking stack parking 1.8 3.5 x No. of attendants
2 x No. of car engines
Mechanical stack parking 1.8
operating at any one time
 Australian Building Codes Board 2013, Building Code of Australia Class 2 to Class 9
Buildings Volume One, ABCB, Canberra.
 British Standards Institution 1999, Fans for general purposes. Methods of noise testing
(BS 848-2 – 1985), British Standards, London.
 British Standards Institution 1999, Fans for general purposes. Performance testing of jet
fans (BS 848-10 – 1999), British Standards, London.
 Federation of Environmental Trade Associations (FETA) 2007, CFD Modeling for Car
Park Ventilation Systems, Federation of Environmental Trade Associations, Berkshire.
 Standards Association of Australia 1999, Methods of test and rating requirements for
smoke-spill fans-(AS 4429 – 1999), Standards Australia, Sydney.
 Standards Association of Australia 1998, The use of ventilation and air-conditioning in
buildings Part 1: Fire and smoke control in multi-compartment buildings (AS 1668.1 –
1998), Standards Australia, Sydney.
 Standards Association of Australia 2012, The use of ventilation and air-conditioning in
buildings Part 2: Ventilation design for indoor air contaminant control (AS 1668.2 –
2012), Standards Australia, Sydney.

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